TinyBrain | Version history of: #1033926 - zipFileToJSONFingerprint - list each file name with crc, size and date (giving a reasonable certainty that 2 files are identical)

DateChange Previous value Previous MD5 Edited by
2022-01-12 17:59:17Text changedDownload8a56118f2a9a4e1fba649def6b2d308e
2022-01-12 17:53:05Text changedDownloadcb5ce27bac2c8f9de3db61fc1032463e
2022-01-12 17:50:43Text changedDownload1aeb56c5a15b8dc19caeaf59cd4ebd06
2022-01-12 17:50:43sn_title changedDownload
2022-01-12 17:48:23Text changedDownload6835b02ab69d31660ee8c099a21fadcc
2022-01-12 17:47:29Text changedDownload66ecbb10dd15c09e6a96491164e19bb2

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