TinyBrain | Version history of: #1019563 - Live Eyebrow Finder [Dyn Module, OK with the right lighting & trained recognizers]

DateChange Previous value Previous MD5 Edited by
2018-11-12 19:48:50sn_title changedDownload
2018-11-12 19:48:30Text changedDownloade6d84b91234b72669dfeed17d2300671
2018-11-12 01:20:04Text changedDownloadd0c2cbec522652fd3cf818d9888090ef
2018-11-12 01:09:29Text changedDownloadaf2ee581a27b9c070354574c68dd52ab
2018-11-12 01:08:42sn_comment changedDownload
2018-11-12 01:08:42Text changedDownloadaf2bc9ac23b5b12de927b84ceeba7f5f

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