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Title ID Type Uploaded by Category Public Comments Actions
String split function (test) #138Lua code - System teststefan Yes 2
match (for +15) #139Lua codestefan Yes 0
tiny chess #141Lua code - Imagelizardbrain patternYes 0
Concurrent table modification #143Lua code - System teststefan Yes 0
Contents of Lua Sandbox #144Lua codestefan system utilitiesYes 4
Chess board (eltopo's version, shortened) #145Lua code - Imagestefan patternYes 0
What is a database? #149Documentstefan Yes 0
luaPrintVars #151Lua codestefan internal helpersYes 0
luaPrintVars, initial version #152Lua codestefan internal helpersYes 0
tstr.lua (lua-nucleo) #153Lua codestefan table serializersYes 0
test for #153 (tstr.lua) #154Lua code - System teststefan table serializersYes 0
language.lua (luanucleo) #155Lua codestefan Yes 0
string.lua (luanucleo) #156Lua codestefan Yes 0
table-utils.lua (luanucleo) #157Lua codestefan Yes 0
serpent.lua #158Lua codestefan table serializersYes 0
test for serpent.lua #159Lua code - System teststefan table serializersYes 2
match (for database 1) #160Lua codestefan Yes 2
assertEquals #162Lua codestefan Yes 0
Videos about A.I. #165Documentstefan Yes 2
Videos about TinyBrain #166Documentstefan Yes 0
Snippet types (current list) #167Documentstefan Yes 0
"return true" suggester #168Lua code - Suggesterstefan Yes 2
endsWith #169Lua codestefan general lua functionsYes 0
endsWith (test case) #171Lua code - Test casestefan general lua functionsYes 0
Editor 2 #172Lua code - GUIstefan editorsYes 2
newCleanEnv (test case) #173Lua code - System teststefan system testsYes 0
Nested sandboxes (test case) #174Lua code - System teststefan system testsYes 2
tableToString #175Lua codestefan general lua functionsYes 0
Java event codes (for GUIs) #176Documentstefan referenceYes 2
Test for step function #177Lua code - GUIstefan Yes 0
Font renderer as function (Commodore PET font, 16x16) #178Lua code - Imagestefan font renderingYes 0
base 64 encoder+decoder #179Lua codestefan general lua functionsYes 0
b/w image compressor #180Lua codestefan Yes 0
b/w image decompressor #181Lua codestefan Yes 0
Compressed PET font #182Lua code - Imagestefan Yes 0
Commodore PET Font (uncompressed) #183Lua code - Imagestefan fontsYes 0
GUI event dumper #184Lua code - GUIstefan gui testsYes 0
Editor 2.1 #185Lua code - GUIstefan editorsYes 0
Font renderer as function, optimized (Commodore PET font, 16x16) #186Lua codestefan font renderingYes 2
Editor with nicer text for TinyBrain home page #187Lua code - GUIstefan editors, show casedYes 0
Making the sandbox deterministic #188Documentstefan official documentsYes 0
go, want, get, grab #189Documentstefan official documentsYes 0
Test snippet inclusion with newCleanEnv #190Lua code - System teststefan system testsYes 0
Scrolling for editor #191Documentstefan Yes 0
Automatic scrolling for editor #192Lua codestefan editorsYes 0
Message line for editor #193Task descriptionstefan editorsYes 0
Pressemitteilung! #194Documentstefan public announcementsYes 2
Assert that system functions appear in outer sandbox (not inner) #195Lua code - System teststefan system testsYes 2
Deterministic hash codes test #196Lua code - System teststefan system testsYes 0
Print the time #197Lua code - System teststefan Yes 0

Total snippets in DB: 41375