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Title ID Type Uploaded by Category Public Comments Actions
Line annotations expander #512Lua codestefan Yes 2
Snippet merger (side by side) #513Lua codestefan Yes 0
String format test (%100s) #514Lua code - System teststefan Yes 0
splitLines #515Lua codestefan Yes 0
splitLines test #516Lua code - System teststefan Yes 0
mergeTexts (side by side merger, include) #517Lua codestefan Yes 0
Automated annotations (testing) #518Lua codestefan Yes 0
Automated annotations (v2 / testing) #519Lua codestefan Yes 0
Backport keywords from new case to known case #520Lua codestefan Yes 0
asciiTable #521Lua codestefan Yes 0
tryCopyFromParents #522Lua codestefan Yes 0
Print compacted table header for snippet type identification purposes #523Lua codestefan Yes 0
Find snippet references in a text #524Lua code - System teststefan Yes 2
de.tinybrain.nt.nt01.ExecuteReplacement #525Java source codestefan Yes 0
Print reference tree for #2000027 #526Lua codestefan Yes 2
Find terminal contents in #1000233 #527Lua codestefan Yes 0
Return reference tree (generic) #528Lua codestefan Yes 0
Extraction task solver (on example task: #2000060) #529Lua code - Snippet producerstefan Yes 0
Find "Need bridge" snippets & present questionnaire #530Lua codestefan Yes 2
Process questionnaire #531Lua codestefan Yes 0
Make bridge map (getBridgeMap) #532Lua codestefan Yes 0
replaceSnippetIDs #533Lua codestefan Yes 0
Parse questionnaire #534Lua codestefan Yes 0
Parse questionnaire test #535Lua codestefan Yes 0
Return reference tree (without bridge stuff & invalidated) #536Lua codestefan Yes 0
printShortenedReferenceTree #537Lua codestefan Yes 2
Duplicator, attempt 2 #538Lua codestefan Yes 0
tableToLine #539Lua codestefan Yes 0
Reference tree, short and long #540Lua codestefan Yes 0
Lua Result of #538 #541Lua code - Snippet producerstefan Yes 0
An instance of script #2000301 on intention #2000296 #545Lua codestefan Yes 0
URL getter #546Lua code - Snippet-to-snippetstefan Yes 0
Extract number of total visitors #547Lua code - Snippet-to-snippetstefan Yes 3
Ideal database, v1 #548Lua codestefan Yes 2
Ideal database, v1 wrapped for calc #549Lua codestefan Yes 0
Ideal database, v1 #550Lua codestefan2 Yes 2
Android Battery Test (Lua) #551Lua codestefan Yes 2
Android SL4A Python Example #552Documentstefan Yes 2
Android Lua Dialog Test #553Lua codestefan Yes 3
Stefan's phone detect #554Lua codestefan Yes 1
Stefan's tablet detect #555Lua codestefan Yes 3
deliver.php #556Documentstefan Yes 0
create table web_delivered #557Documentstefan Yes 0
Sandboxing Test #558Lua code - System teststefan Yes 0
Sandboxing Test 2 #559Lua code - System teststefan Yes 0
Undefined variable test #560Lua code - System teststefan Yes 0
Sandboxing Timeout Test #561Lua codestefan Yes 2
javax, v1 #562Java source codestefan Yes 2
mainAdder in JavaX (expands shortened programs) #563JavaX source codestefan Yes 0
isCompilable (JavaX) #564JavaX source codestefan Yes 0

Total snippets in DB: 41375