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< > BotCompany Repo | #7 // JavaX Language Level 7 (see #759)

JavaX source code (desktop) [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: x30.jar

Download Jar. Uses 1176K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (33952L/226K).


!include #759

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Travelled to 28 computer(s): aoiabmzegqzx, ayfdnjdhpjha, bhatertpkbcr, cbybwowwnfue, cfunsshuasjs, fonkrhpcolwg, gjtlkbvenryc, gwrvuhgaqvyk, imzmzdywqqli, irmadwmeruwu, ishqpsrjomds, jtubtzbbkimh, kltaiputbqfu, lpdgvwnxivlt, mowyntqkapby, mqqgnosmbjvj, nbgitpuheiab, onxytkatvevr, ppjhyzlbdabe, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, sawdedvomwva, snaazhdonpnp, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt, whxojlpjdney, wtqryiryparv

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Image recognition results

Recognizer Recognition Result Visualize Recalc
#308 96 [visualize]

Snippet ID: #7
Snippet name: JavaX Language Level 7 (see #759)
Eternal ID of this version: #7/4
Text MD5: d3cc568eb2556ca0c2255bc2cd2db465
Transpilation MD5: 2de66fb48953acd713cba460e464b344
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX source code (desktop)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2021-10-01 22:23:00
Source code size: 25 bytes / 3 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 3123 / 189531
Version history: 3 change(s)
Referenced in: #212 - Switch monitor to external
#636 - Resolve symbolic translator invocations
#671 - Reproducing 2 Coins
#676 - Boot-up code for JavaX/Android (stage 2, JavaX, LIVE)
#724 - Reproducing with boxes
#738 - IOIOI Solver (v16, most recent one)
#747 - OLD main translator (use !7 now)
#752 - JavaX Outdated "Conservative" Standard Translator (see #759/#7 for current)
#759 - "Leading Edge" JavaX Translator (Extension of #7)
#1000423 - Example: Update widget with text (Android)
#1000427 - Android Example: Widget animation test (seems quite fast)
#1000431 - Android: Take picture & upload (dev.)
#1000448 - Android: Open camera v2 (developing)
#1000452 - Load a web page and upload as NT snippet
#1000557 - Create one second of black ( - file broken?
#1000624 - Test unquote
#1000629 - quickSolve test (hotwiring solver #738)
#1000650 - Find insert statements in MySQL dump
#1000714 - Do not press "transpile"
#1000715 - Test hotwire with untranspiled program
#1000720 - Show Peppermint Linux Shutdown Dialog (shutdown, suspend etc.)
#1000758 - Quick command-line snippet search (finds runnable programs only)
#1000775 - Test CircularFifoBuffer
#1000825 - JavaX Starter - Runnables search, v3 (CURRENT)
#1000867 - Chat server
#1000922 - JLabel with HTML content (font size 20)
#1000936 - reportToChat test
#1000992 - Swing: Styled text (multiple colors, sizes in one text)
#1000996 - Diff two snippets
#1001095 - Desktop: Play MP3 file (polish music!)
#1001153 - Print JavaX + Java version
#1001155 - Compiler Bot with outdated caching (still used for building x*.jar)
#1001167 - JavaX Hello World
#1001197 - Native Ping! (should work everywhere)
#1001214 - Retrieve snippets.php (containing the latest changes)
#1001220 - Print JavaX's global flags
#1001244 - Digit Understander Bot
#1001288 - Show full screen image in Android (one-liner!)
#1001356 - Test unstructure with DynamicObject
#1001361 - Pre-spun VM (still not perfect)
#1001377 - ngyzceeonekiypsn - How many JavaX VMs do we have?
#1001405 - Java CPU Monitor Bot (+ System Load)
#1001524 - Test showColoredText (colored backgrounds, black text)
#1001638 - (JavaX) - packaged by #1001639
#1001639 - Update JavaX! [deploys into {userhome}/.javax]
#1001665 - Test readLocally/saveLocally with synchroList
#1001671 - List injections (in current VM)
#1001724 - List data directories (Swing)
#1001745 - Version Count Bot (has current total version count from server)
#1001747 - Snippet Title Bot
#1001772 - console-top - print list of running bots
#1001831 - Test magicIndexOfSubList without OurSubLists (OK but deprecated)
#1001869 - Defining examples elegantly (OK)
#1001920 - Test jsonDecode with numbers (OK)
#1001951 - Get disk space Bot, Uptime, Memory, VM Args, System Properties
#1002017 - Eleutheria Main, including Slack Bot (LIVE)
#1002018 - Slack Auto-Invite Bot (LIVE)
#1002036 - Huge English Dictionary Bot
#1002076 - Answer Through Web Bot
#1002157 - Cookie + IP-Based Double Visitor Counter Bot
#1002203 - Compiler Bot with dedicated .jar cache (LIVE at
#1002213 - Eleutheria Homepage (with template & talk to bot)
#1002225 - Simple Text Compressor (handles only repetitions of a single line)
#1002241 - Show Output Bot
#1002314 - List Of Adjectives Bot
#1002317 - Sub-Bot Dispatcher (LIVE)
#1002342 - List Of 1500 Nouns Bot
#1002424 - 759 Bot (for PHP, but not only); can also run ecj (Java compiler)
#1002496 - Simple Charts Bot (LIVE)
#1002511 - Scraping Google Image Search Bot (LIVE)
#1002590 - Web Auth Bot (LIVE)
#1002592 - Graphical CPU Meter (LIVE)
#1002614 - Slack RTM Bot
#1002619 - Visitors Chart (LIVE)
#1002658 - Android Slack Hello
#1002698 - Native Ping with getting IP and time (tested on Linux and Windows)
#1002710 - Starter for #1002017 (Eleutheria Main), old server
#1002719 - "Bottom-Up" NL Parser, faster explainMatch (LIVE EVERYWHERE)
#1002771 - Bots List Bot (Web)
#1002822 - HTTP Proxy (with partial close, OK)
#1002832 - Test rewriting using prolog engine (OK)
#1003038 - Test structure/unstructure with backrefs / check token count
#1003067 - Solve 2 Math Poems (works!)
#1003227 - JavaMail Test (send through gmail)
#1003253 - New Homepage (LIVE)
#1003292 - Test getChromeBookmarks
#1003300 - Print last sent mail on GMail and list folders [Spike]
#1003318 - Test structure/unstructure with litlist(0)
#1003373 - List my YouTube uploads (not working, needs Google APIs)
#1003436 - Test RSyntaxTextArea (seems to work)
#1003477 - Kevin Bot (Local Speech Generator on Desktop)
#1003662 - Add JavaX To Autostart (Linux)
#1003675 - Test GifSequenceWriter
#1003692 - Test registerFunctionKey
#1003701 - JavaFX in Swing JFrame!
#1003704 - Try Putting JavaFX Video in Swing JFrame And Resizing It Automatically
#1003779 - Music Player v3
#1003858 - JavaFX Video Player (controllable through bot)
#1003939 - Compile RSTAUI
#1003944 - Test searching for mails by sender (GMail)
#1003947 - Test cleanJavaXCache (interferes with core's cache cleaning)
#1003953 - Test searching for sent mails (GMail)
#1004006 - Compile all java files in current directory to "classes"
#1004124 - Test saying two English things in Android (test delay between utterances)
#1004235 - Java Coroutines Test! [WORKS]
#1004277 - Set Desktop Wallpaper To Eleutheria Logo [All OSes]
#1004311 - Graphical Diff [Swing Frame with two texts and diff]
#1004324 - Show today's visitors as big text
#1004344 - Test LZMA Decompression (The Strongest Compression Format!!)
#1004353 - Test EditorFrame
#1004429 - List contents of .jar snippet [Swing]
#1004435 - Direct Image Bot
#1004455 - Find what's on the system path
#1004469 - Simple Snippet Search
#1004472 - Snippet Search With Table [dev.]
#1004590 - Image Server [LIVE at]
#1004747 - Test lastNLines
#1004758 - William Bot [Voice]
#1004767 - Jack Bot
#1004801 - Test Sphinx4 Speech Recognizer With Synthesized Voice (William) [WORKS]
#1004816 - Hotwirable Stuff
#1004827 - Try showing text with hyperlinks [WORKS]
#1004834 - Test quickSSH2 with, auto-find password (~/JavaX-Secret/*/<x>@<server>.ssh.pass) [OK]
#1004907 - Test OpenIMAJ [CannyEdgeDetector, WORKS]
#1004951 - Test JavaParser [older version]
#1005012 - Mocha DOOM [older working version. this is step 2, run #1005013 instead]
#1005013 - Mocha DOOM Starter
#1005032 - Check my class loader & print the class directories/jars
#1005117 - Symmetric encryption/decryption test (OK)
#1005130 - Test aesEncryptString + aesDecryptString
#1005140 - GMail: Set user & password to use
#1005141 - GMail: Show last mails in inbox
#1005199 - Leo TalkBack German (Android), manual start
#1005265 - Show concepts of a program in tabs [works]
#1005314 - Destructuring Text Using Bottom-Up Parser [does something]
#1005316 - Test AndroidList
#1005320 - Smart Console
#1005388 - Run program in HotSpot Server VM
#1005408 - Test evalJava
#1005411 - PC Awareness
#1005445 - Quick JavaX Eval Test [skip transpilation+compilation, works]
#1005565 - 1-Pixel Window Mouse Tracking & Forwarding [works, just not for dragging]
#1005572 - Test dragging JFrame with Robot [bug on Linux not there anymore it seems]
#1005589 - Test structure/unstructure custom objects
#1005620 - Show Animated Arrow Pointing Somewhere On Screen
#1005621 - Translucent Window Test (from StackOverflow, seems to work on Linux, but makes a task bar entry)
#1005657 - Benchmark (+test) structure/unstructure with LONG doubly-linked list
#1005692 - Show last files written by all VMs
#1005737 - Repeatedly show ping time to (using http)
#1005820 - Test MouseMover [move mouse wildly to interrupt]
#1005878 - Learn to read v2 (using Distinguisher)
#1005938 - "Phone Server" - Serve local directory (HTTP, Android, weakly password-protected)
#1005974 - Test structure/unstructure with map
#1005989 - Try sorting table by click on header (doesn't work)
#1006008 - j-eval - evalJava on command line (LIVE as java -jar x30.jar eval ...)
#1006032 - Edit JavaX snippet in "Editor VM"
#1006034 - Editor VM
#1006099 - Show clipboard (live-updated)
#1006146 - Bit Analysis 2 [evaluate expressions, works]
#1006187 - Show & recognize v2 (as class)
#1006190 - Show & recognize on current screen
#1006191 - Find images for character MD5s
#1006194 - Test getLearnedCharacters2
#1006202 - Color Picker [pick up color from screen on mouse click]
#1006227 - Make window with sections (BevelBorder, WORKS) => see jSection
#1006229 - Test jSection
#1006232 - Record browser's URL box
#1006242 - Record browser's URL box with feedback [works]
#1006247 - Record browser's URL box with feedback v2 [using class]
#1006248 - Computer, watch me surf [WORKS]
#1006258 - Test cases for OCR encoding
#1006272 - Set Global JavaX Option: Smaller Heap
#1006298 - Dump Java Heap to heap.bin [works]
#1006299 - Where Did I Surf Today? [works, part of that other program]
#1006316 - JavaX Starter - Runnables search (dev.)
#1006334 - Find snippet source on screen, recognize, step 1
#1006341 - Find snippet source on screen, recognize, step 2 (dev.)
#1006346 - Auto-Add Closing Brackets Algorithm [Test tok_autoCloseBrackets, WORKS]
#1006359 - OCR Pouet [dev.]
#1006362 - Make simple image "histogram" (brightness by color)
#1006368 - Find dents in histogram
#1006370 - Find dents in row brightnesses
#1006376 - Find scroll bar << that was the plan, but seems to find TEXT instead
#1006377 - Wide, Black
#1006383 - Find Scroll Bar 2
#1006389 - Find Scroll Bar 3 - find positions too
#1006393 - Continuous Color Picker
#1006396 - Test ocr_explodedView1
#1006398 - Find Scroll Bar 4
#1006402 - Bench Java compilation (internal Eclipse compiler)
#1006406 - Test straight-to-memory compilation using Eclipse compiler
#1006408 - Computer! Can we...? [dev.]
#1006410 - Test getFlexMatchIC2
#1006413 - Find closest thing to XP close icon on screen
#1006425 - Windows XP: Make screenshot of active window
#1006431 - OCR: Vertical Contrast
#1006434 - Windows XP: Find Taskbar On the Left [dev.]
#1006437 - Text Editor
#1006438 - Auto-Saving Text Editor [WORKS]
#1006441 - WORKS: Replay Last Session From Auto-Saving Text Editor
#1006446 - Find (undecoded) ID of snippet in browser [works but is VERY picky]
#1006452 - "Explode" contents of active window [works but the "explosion" function is not so good]
#1006454 - Recognition Categories [dev.]
#1006458 - Search For ID Collision. Also: Demonstrate Java memory behavior
#1006463 - My AI Concepts [WORKS]
#1006464 - Concept Graphs [dev.]
#1006467 - Dynamic Buttons
#1006471 - Test renameProgram - last renamed 2017/01/09 15:23:02
#1006480 - Speak when new visitors arrive on server (Desktop/Android)
#1006486 - GC Bot (for Eleutheria)
#1006490 - Regularly grab screenshot from other PC
#1006495 - Recursive Splitting With Reconstruction
#1006499 - test [dev.]
#1006500 - Linux: Read /proc/stat [WORKS]
#1006501 - Linux: Try to get CPU info from /proc/stat [now moved to linux_cpuLoad]
#1006503 - Test tok_repeatWithSleep
#1006505 - Show CPU load under Linux [WORKS]
#1006507 - Speech Module (Android)
#1006508 - Speech Module (Desktop/Kevin)
#1006512 - Show CPU load under Linux times cores [WORKS]
#1006514 - Distinguish Images [dev.]
#1006515 - Computer Language [dev.]
#1006518 - English <-> Computer Language Tests [dev.]
#1006520 - Screen Lens
#1006527 - Screen Lens With Demo Analyzer
#1006531 - Screen Lens With Demo Analyzers
#1006533 - Get number of views of YouTube video [WORKS]
#1006536 - Print Sizes Of JavaX Directories
#1006537 - Zip JavaX-Data/* and JavaX-Secret/* to JavaX-Backup
#1006541 - Test SimpleCRUD
#1006545 - Get Plural From Spike [WORKS]
#1006547 - Test SimpleCRUD (reformatted as one-liner)
#1006550 - Screen Lens with funny b/w conversion
#1006554 - Show various thread counts from ThreadMXBean
#1006557 - Screen Lens with auto-segment
#1006558 - Screen Lens with standard b/w conversion & export
#1006563 - Test SimpleCRUD with integers and longs
#1006568 - lalala
#1006569 - Test Database!
#1006572 - Riddle 1 [solved]
#1006574 - Riddle 2 [works]
#1006577 - Test Image2B (2 bit image, WORKS)
#1006578 - General Terminal
#1006589 - Problem Manager - manages user's "problems"
#1006592 - Starting Firefox (Test 1)
#1006593 - Manage User's Screenshots
#1006599 - Test showFullScreenImageSurface
#1006604 - Gallery Don Enrico
#1006609 - Manage Recognition Tasks [dev.]
#1006612 - Screenshot Distinguisher [v1, working on function]
#1006621 - Test renameButton
#1006622 - Test renameButton with showing button first
#1006625 - A. I.
#1006629 - JCTerm (Swing SSH Client)
#1006637 - Java Wizard [dev.]
#1006639 - Java Wizard 2 [dev.]
#1006640 - Short Commands
#1006643 - Split screen at random line
#1006644 - Split screen at line user clicks on
#1006645 - Show zoomed area around split line
#1006655 - FileBro [works, but interface has little quirks]
#1006656 - A.I. Game
#1006663 - A.I. Game [headless]
#1006667 - A.I. Game [headless] [non-working draft copy made in video]
#1006668 - (GPU calculation, waiting to be ported!)
#1006674 - Second A. I. Game / Click On The Highest Number!
#1006685 - Local Image Viewer (optionally takes image path as argument)
#1006714 - Create an .mp4 spike
#1006716 - Make silent .mp4 (SequenceEncoderDemo JCodec 0.2.0) - WORKS!
#1006718 - Test reading .mp4 [invidual frames] from #1006716 - WORKS!
#1006720 - Extract audio from video to .wav using JCodec [dev.]
#1006722 - Transpiler Translator for #759
#1006725 - Add audio to video [dev.]
#1006728 - Display video frame by frame (old, uses the broken JCodec)
#1006729 - Test actual YouTube download with vget
#1006734 - Transcode mkv to .mp4 [.dev]
#1006735 - AI Assembler Intro
#1006739 - Run youtube-dl to get .m4a audio [WORKS on Linux & Windows]
#1006750 - Try calling chmod
#1006752 - Second A. I. Game Simplified
#1006753 - Second A. I. Game Simplified & Solved
#1006782 - Test circlePoints
#1006786 - Perimeter
#1006792 - Feel The Circle [Mouse Mover]
#1006798 - Find Possible Motion [prelude]
#1006808 - Local Precision Map Of Screen [WORKS]
#1006812 - Check Precision Of Random Screen Parts [WORKS]
#1006814 - Find Motion [dev.]
#1006820 - Find Motion In Test Screenshots [probably works, shows most of moved window]
#1006825 - Invert video (output to .mp4) [WORKS]
#1006826 - Re-encode video without changes to see how fast that is
#1006827 - Invert video (output to .mp4), use 2 threads [seems to work]
#1006832 - Eye Button [takes screenshots and saves typed lines]
#1006834 - Video to .jpegs [dev.]
#1006837 - A. I. Game 3.1 - Dark/Bright [SOLVED]
#1006841 - Test renderSourceCode_1
#1006846 - A. I. Game 3.2 / Find The Main Program [UNSOLVED]
#1006850 - Categorize auto segments from screenshot
#1006852 - Start key-mon [Linux, install with "sudo apt install key-mon" first]
#1006856 - !x! (long version)
#1006862 - !x! (golfed version)
#1006864 - New Auto Segment [phase 1, dev.]
#1006870 - New Algorithm [phase 1, dev.]
#1006872 - Test rgbVisualizeRectsZoomed [works]
#1006876 - Fix unstructure bug [dev.]
#1006877 - Test making screenshot using "scrot" (Linux, works for me on Peppermint Linux 7)
#1006878 - A. I. Game 3.3 / Close The Window [SOLVED]
#1006896 - Test jTiledBackground
#1006901 - A. I. Game 3.4 / Close The Window If Any [SOLVED]
#1006908 - A. I. Game 4 / Find The Dice [99.99% SOLVED]
#1006910 - Automation: Open & Close JavaX Window Alternatingly [WORKS, interrupt by mouse movement]
#1006916 - Alarm Program - play music at clock time [WORKS]
#1006918 - Triangle Painting Test On BufferedImage [works]
#1006922 - Tetragon Painting Test On BufferedImage [works]
#1006924 - Stick Painting Test On BufferedImage [dev.]
#1006932 - pre 5 A. I. Game / Reproduce Image
#1006945 - A. I. Game 5.1 / Letters [solved]
#1006959 - Java 7 Incremental Directory Listing [dev.]
#1006960 - A. I. Game 5.2 / Curved Letters [works]
#1006964 - Test JProgressBar - it's automatically animated, thanks Substance!
#1006974 - Follow the mouse cursor with a heart
#1006978 - Make Shape from image's alpha channel (for drawing transparent windows) [dev.]
#1006982 - GradientTranslucentWindowDemo [seems to work on Windows only]
#1006984 - Test AudioInputStream on .m4a [fails]
#1006986 - Test reading .m4a [dev.]
#1006989 - Test AudioInputStream on speech .mp3 [dev.]
#1006992 - Desktop: Test recording audio [seems to work]
#1006994 - Test Sphinx4 Speech Recognizer With Synthesized Voice (William) [faster, WORKS]
#1006995 - List Audio Devices [dev.]
#1006999 - Show Audio Devices As Radio Buttons [WORKS]
#1007001 - Monitor clipboard for runnable snippets [WORKS]
#1007014 - Show Input Audio Devices [probably works]
#1007018 - Show Input Audio Devices With Audio Level [dev.]
#1007023 - Show Individual Audio Lines [works]
#1007034 - Show Input Audio Lines [dev.]
#1007035 - Capture Audio By Button Press [dev.]
#1007039 - Capture Audio By Button Press & Recognize With CMU Sphinx [WORKS!]
#1007041 - Test speech recognition with .wav [WORKS if you have a token]
#1007044 - Test speech recognition with .mp3 [WORKS with token]
#1007047 - Your voice -> -> Kevin [WORKS with token]
#1007057 - Test sendToAll
#1007063 - Global ID Maker
#1007069 - Test renewing console frame
#1007073 - Test if "Phone Server" is running on gateway
#1007076 - Find out if a string is a suvktafwasswzaih (a JavaX standard function)
#1007080 - mdvynhfxpawlqlrt - Get the text of a snippet
#1007081 - hodvtunwdgcejsmm kbaglqplemtdhfyh - Change the return type of a method in a JavaX source [quick&dirty version]
#1007083 - Who Am I?
#1007090 - Test shortenClassName
#1007091 - Failing Program [for test purposes]
#1007093 - A. I. Game 3.5 / Find The Volume Icon [SOLVED]
#1007103 - A. I. Game 3.6 / Start The Audio Mixer In The Popup [solving]
#1007108 - Automation, Linux: Open Audio Mixer [dev.]
#1007111 - Back up X [dev.]
#1007113 - Test showTable with map containing images [WORKS!]
#1007114 - OCR Test Images [works]
#1007116 - Test fieldType on bool / Bool
#1007119 - Show source code of a JDK class [demo]
#1007125 - Try sending an image to "OCR Test Images"
#1007131 - A. I. Game 6.1 / Recognize 1 Letter [SOLVED]
#1007132 - A. I. Game 6.2 / Recognize 2 Letters [solved 95%]
#1007133 - Debug applaud()
#1007138 - A. I. Game 6.3 / Recognize 4 Letters [UNSOLVED]
#1007141 - Test Google Image Search v2
#1007146 - Automatic Image Machine
#1007155 - Automatic Image Machine With Average Color Analysis
#1007158 - Screen Lens with nanoAutoSegment [WORKS]
#1007159 - A. I. Game 3.1 - Dark/Bright [REFACTORED, WORKS]
#1007163 - Concepts To English Translator [WORKS]
#1007165 - Translations [WORKS]
#1007166 - Test showGraph [a VERY simple graph plotter with one pixel per number]
#1007167 - Test GraphStream (network visualizer) [WORKS]
#1007169 - Test GraphStream with sprites (labels) [dev.]
#1007170 - JGraphT Graphical Demo [OK]
#1007172 - HelloJGraphT [JGraphT Demo]
#1007174 - GraphMLDemo [JGraphT Demo]
#1007176 - Test mxGraph [WORKS, but code is too long]
#1007177 - Test JGraphX [i.e. mxGraph], WORKS
#1007178 - shootWindowGUI as hotwirable module
#1007181 - Add 2 Numbers
#1007182 - FAQ DB [WORKS]
#1007183 - Answer FAQs [dev.]
#1007185 - Test finding table searcher text field [WORKS]
#1007188 - Test printComponentTree
#1007194 - Show random IDs in the middle of the screen [WORKS]
#1007200 - showFullScreen & Substance Test
#1007203 - Try JTable with checkboxes for booleans [using fillTableWithData, WORKS]
#1007205 - Massage concepts.structure for export
#1007207 - Export AI concepts to server (old)
#1007208 - AI Concepts from tvejysmllsmz
#1007209 - Prepare to import AI concepts from server
#1007214 - AI Concepts from wtqryiryparv
#1007215 - Try making JTable a drag source [WORKS]
#1007216 - Try making JLabel a drag source [dev.]
#1007219 - Try preserving JTable column widths upon data change [should now be automatic]
#1007230 - Example Texts in Various Languages [WORKS]
#1007233 - Text Plus Task [dev.]
#1007236 - Truth Table [WORKS]
#1007241 - Critical Action Test - press "kill" twice to end before 30 second delay
#1007243 - Test TableLayout
#1007244 - Test TableLayout 2
#1007250 - Debug googleImageSearch
#1007253 - Test googleImageSearchFirst [WORKS]
#1007258 - Extract Smilies [WORKS]
#1007266 - Random Smiley Emotions [WORKS]
#1007274 - Test makeRoundedCorner [WORKS]
#1007277 - Test cutImageToCircle [WORKS]
#1007279 - Test cutImageToCircle with white border [WORKS]
#1007280 - Test Adapting ImageSurface To Window Size [WORKS]
#1007283 - Test ImageSurface with noMinimumSize in Scroll Pane [OK]
#1007286 - Test jcanvas [WORKS]
#1007289 - Show Central Circle [WORKS]
#1007294 - Show Two Circles [WORKS]
#1007296 - Show Two Circles & A Line [WORKS]
#1007298 - Draggable Circles [WORKS]
#1007304 - Draggable Circles [shortened]
#1007305 - Draggable Circles With Arrow
#1007306 - Test drawArrowHead
#1007308 - Test drawTextAlongLine
#1007310 - Draggable Circles With Text
#1007312 - Draggable Circles With More Text
#1007313 - Upload Image [hotwirable module]
#1007323 - Is Donald Good Or Bad? [WORKS]
#1007326 - Test tokenIndexWithoutIfclass [WORKS]
#1007329 - Test hstack
#1007332 - Test hstackWithSpacing
#1007335 - Dialog With Smiley 1 [WORKS]
#1007340 - Co-activate two windows [WORKS]
#1007348 - Text With Outline Test
#1007361 - Simple Firefox starting test
#1007363 - Donald Thumbnail
#1007365 - Make a "Hello World" PDF document using Apache PDFBox [WORKS]
#1007370 - Player VS Player [WORKS]
#1007375 - Try modifying Substance title pane (show heap status widget, OK)
#1007378 - Bugfix Test: r plus thread
#1007383 - Encyclopedia 0.1
#1007389 - Debug: Show userHome()
#1007392 - Test Integer Logic [dev.]
#1007393 - Integer Logic Solver
#1007394 - Simple Input Collector
#1007403 - Guesser & Improver [dev.]
#1007410 - Test loadUserLines
#1007419 - English To Concepts Translator v1 [WORKS]
#1007423 - Test trueStatements (dev.)
#1007429 - Test componentAtMouse + wordAtMouse
#1007437 - Test conceptsToEnglishInfoBox
#1007441 - AI Clipboard (with translation of concept language to english)
#1007445 - Test getFlexMatchIC2 with "* *"
#1007447 - "a man" (bug fixing)
#1007449 - AI Suite
#1007453 - Encyclopedia 0.2 [takes commands, dev.]
#1007454 - Drawing Commands Logic [dev.]
#1007457 - Test tokSplitAtComma
#1007461 - Test requote
#1007463 - Encyclopedia 0.3
#1007478 - Set originatingUniverse of all AI concepts [WORKS]
#1007483 - Clear all local AI data (!)
#1007485 - Shut down AI programs (in order to delete DB)
#1007486 - findBot bug fixing [DONE]
#1007489 - Monitor AI Concepts Change Count (on live DB only)
#1007494 - Run jhat
#1007497 - Monitor AI Concepts Changes (live DB + disk)
#1007504 - Logic [dev.]
#1007510 - Intelligence Machine [no longer live]
#1007514 - Trigger Standard AI Import
#1007515 - cleanMeUp Test
#1007516 - Upload All AI Concept Images
#1007523 - Fix imageMD5 of all AI concepts [dev.]
#1007527 - Test Bot Clean-Up
#1007528 - Add Relation Between Two Concepts [WORKS]
#1007546 - Circles And Lines Web Bot
#1007547 - Headless Rendering Test
#1007548 - Check Web Server Concurrency
#1007553 - Test headless infoBox [defaults to print]
#1007554 - Logic Agent 1: Mark questions [WORKS]
#1007558 - AI Concepts from jtubtzbbkimh
#1007560 - Print suggested images
#1007566 - Logic Agent 2: "Is X an integer"
#1007568 - Test match4
#1007569 - AI Concepts from jtubtzbbkimh
#1007570 - Truth Table from jtubtzbbkimh
#1007572 - Reload Bot [LIVE]
#1007576 - Test autoCleanUpTimer (module)
#1007581 - Print all concepts
#1007590 - Test transientConcepts
#1007597 - Test leven_limited [WORKS]
#1007598 - Test speed of leven_limited [demonstrates VM safepointing problem]
#1007599 - Test if endless loop in another thread breaks AWT [it doesn't]
#1007600 - Huge Levenshtein Test
#1007601 - VM Weakener
#1007602 - Logic Agent 3: Random answers to "How many" [WORKS]
#1007604 - A-vs-B Circles And Lines Web Bot
#1007608 - Array Bubble 1 [dev.]
#1007609 - Circles Editor [WORKS basically]
#1007615 - Test talkToThisVM [WORKS]
#1007623 - nodeToString test
#1007627 - Test fast-loading from databases
#1007637 - Conjectures DB
#1007646 - AJAX Test Bot [WORKS]
#1007647 - AI Jobs
#1007649 - Demo 1: Smart Editor [WORKS]
#1007674 - Demo 2: Fibonacci numbers [WORKS]
#1007676 - Demo 1: Smart Editor [shortening even more, dev.]
#1007685 - Optimize callF [OK]
#1007699 - Test aggressivelyCollectPossibleGlobalIDs [WORKS]
#1007706 - Test lispMatch [dev.]
#1007714 - Test lispCalculateDeep
#1007716 - Test lispParse
#1007735 - Fixed "VM Breaker"
#1007739 - Demo 2: Fibonacci numbers [hacked for speed, WORKS]
#1007747 - Test replacing AWT component
#1007751 - Quick Answer Bot [dev.]
#1007752 - Test MigLayout [layout doesn't resize]
#1007756 - Test JTextField with undo/redo (Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y, WORKS)
#1007760 - Local Image Viewer 2 (fits image in window by default)
#1007761 - Instant Chat - now really without delay
#1007765 - Demo 2: Fibonacci numbers [best version, WORKS]
#1007772 - Parser Visualizer [dev.]
#1007776 - Connect Markers [dev.]
#1007782 - Find latest drawing [web bot, dev.]
#1007787 - JavaX Animation [WORKS]
#1007789 - JavaX Animation + Text [WORKS]
#1007795 - Test webToCAL [OK]
#1007798 - Gunnar numbers [WORKS]
#1007799 - Ask questions [FUNNY]
#1007813 - Test loadSnippet
#1007814 - Magnus Carlsen's Breakfast [WORKS]
#1007828 - Run channels.list (buildingcoolstuff)
#1007829 - Celestia Slack Bot [LIVE] - can recognize greetings and say "hi!"
#1007830 - Optimize callF with string [OK]
#1007840 - Concept of the day Spike [WORKS]
#1007848 - Truth Only [experimental data structure, dev.]
#1007853 - Test loadFunctions_cached (OK)
#1007858 - English 2 Java [dev.]
#1007873 - Dialog With Smiley 2 [WORKS]
#1007881 - Testing new englishToConceptLanguage_xyz [dev.]
#1007884 - Compute stuff [dev.]
#1007892 - Test DNS Lookup
#1007897 - Analyze Dialog [dev.]
#1007900 - Palindrome Checker
#1007902 - Test loading comments
#1007905 - Test loading comments & applying bot
#1007906 - Test loading concepts & applying bot
#1007908 - Google Scraping Test
#1007914 - Test printStackTrace2 [OK]
#1007916 - Compiler Bot using CompilerBot [LIVE in JavaX Starter]
#1007917 - Test CompilationMXBean (see if HotSpot is compiling)
#1007921 - Test jMemoryView
#1007924 - Test querying Simple Wikipedia [WORKS]
#1007940 - Thought Bubble 1 prelude: Concept calling
#1007950 - Thought Bubble 1 prelude 2: Parsing test
#1007956 - Thought Bubble 1 prelude 3: Parsing test with precedence [WORKS]
#1007957 - Simple Include-Handling Translator (for !7, not used anymore)
#1007962 - Thought Bubble 1 prelude 4: Parsing test with brackets
#1007968 - Thought Bubble 1 prelude 4b: _multi
#1007970 - Thought Bubble 1 prelude 5: englishToLisp_multi
#1007978 - Thought Bubble 1 prelude 6: Bracket hygiene
#1007981 - Thought Bubble 1 prelude 6: Hygienic recurse
#1007987 - Thought Bubble 1 prelude 7: Adding minus and division [WORKS]
#1007989 - Test flexMatchIC2_left
#1008000 - Audio Voltmeter with singleColorPanel (works without Substance)
#1008004 - Test SubstanceLookAndFeel.COLORIZATION_FACTOR
#1008005 - Intelligence Machine [LIVE at] backup
#1008007 - Load all Simple Wikipedia titles
#1008009 - Try loading complete Simple Wikipedia [WORKS with -Xmx2g]
#1008015 - Simple Wikipedia Bot [WORKS, downloads 127 MB, 700 MB on disk, 1 GB in memory]
#1008033 - Run program with 1 GB of Java heap
#1008034 - Set Global JavaX Option: Even Smaller Heap (G1, 10-20% slack, string deduplication)
#1008035 - Test getting VM arguments through MXBean
#1008042 - Interactive Java [dev.]
#1008049 - my program
#1008050 - OneBitBot Test [OK, but we need more "bits"]
#1008053 - SelectBot Test [WORKS]
#1008059 - Celestia Slack Bot 2 [LIVE, multiple modules]
#1008063 - Test guess methods [dev.]
#1008068 - Test streamInSimpleWikipedia [AWT hang bug FIXED]
#1008070 - Test printing a lot
#1008071 - Break JTextArea
#1008073 - Print Bad [Aha!]
#1008074 - Analyze Bad Characters
#1008078 - Print Bad With Delay
#1008079 - Print Bad With maxConsoleChars
#1008082 - Compare Bot [dev.]
#1008084 - Test lispStatements_setGlobal [WORKS]
#1008086 - Compare Bot 2 [almost works]
#1008120 - Compare Bot 2 [test hygienic parsing]
#1008122 - Compare Bot 3 [shortened]
#1008123 - Use External Editor For Snippet Editing [dev.]
#1008139 - Demo 2 (deutsch): Fibonacci-Zahlen - translation of #1007765
#1008140 - Magnus Carlsens Frühstück [translation of #1007814]
#1008141 - Test getSnippetTitle with Umlauts [FIXED]
#1008152 - Load concepts from spike [OK]
#1008153 - Parse Sentences [dev.]
#1008158 - Thinking about texts 1 [WORKS]
#1008161 - "Thinking about texts 1" for Android [used to work...]
#1008166 - Site News
#1008168 - Test getting response text from 403 error [WORKS when cloudflare is enabled]
#1008170 - Developing from concrete examples [dev.]
#1008171 - Incremental Thought Machine 1 [keeping a single value, OK]
#1008185 - Thought space handling [WORKS]
#1008197 - Thought space handling [shortened, WORKS]
#1008203 - Good & Bad Alert [WORKS]
#1008205 - Analyze method signatures Prelude 1 [WORKS]
#1008218 - Continuous Speech Recognition [App]
#1008219 - Get recognized text from phone on same subnet (#1008218)
#1008224 - dig (DNS lookup in Pure Java)
#1008228 - EMP-Blast (scan subnet for aware machines)
#1008230 - androidShowText as hotwirable module
#1008239 - Check size of CachedPainter (apparently a typical memory leak with HTML-styled JLabel)
#1008240 - Try to force memory leak with HTML-styled JLabel
#1008243 - Android GridLayout Test (OK, but places buttons to the left)
#1008244 - Android aButton Test
#1008245 - Android GridLayout Horizontal Center Test
#1008247 - Yes No Erase
#1008253 - Try to center a LinearLayout horizontally [ARGH]
#1008258 - Try to get console output from phone
#1008260 - Thinking Java VM [WORKS]
#1008267 - Test lispFormatXYZ
#1008271 - Negation Search [WORKS]
#1008272 - Perform operations on objects bot
#1008275 - Sleeping Threads Test Module
#1008280 - Test cleanUp on sleeping threads, including main thread [WORKS]
#1008288 - Download standard concepts for rules etc [dev.]
#1008300 - What is your product? [WORKS]
#1008303 - Test geoDistance_km [WORKS]
#1008307 - Test openStreetMap_json
#1008309 - CSS for chat popup
#1008310 - Chat Popup Test
#1008311 - Chat Popup Test v2
#1008312 - Chat Popup Test v3
#1008313 - What is your product? [shrinking]
#1008315 - Chat Popup Template
#1008318 - What is your product? [shortened]
#1008320 - Do you ship to...? [WORKS]
#1008326 - Test openStreetMap_localCountryName
#1008329 - Test openStreetMap_countryCode
#1008331 - Test ISO country codes
#1008336 - Test countryCodeToCommonName
#1008339 - Test parseQuality [OK]
#1008342 - Do you ship to...? [WORKS, v2, improved parsing]
#1008345 - Test dropPunctuationAtEnd
#1008346 - Slurp buildcoolstuffteam #bot
#1008350 - Add concept IDs to program [WORKS]
#1008353 - Get chat lines
#1008355 - Nootrobox Bot Transform
#1008356 - Nootrobox Bot Transform 2
#1008370 - Nootrobox Concepts Bot [dev.]
#1008372 - Test findDollarValue
#1008387 - Correct word spelling with levenAttract [WORKS]
#1008391 - Print common country names
#1008399 - Test cityToCountry [OK]
#1008402 - Parse [dev.]
#1008405 - Parse Online Novel To Paragraphs [WORKS]
#1008408 - Try segmenting text [dev.]
#1008410 - Scrape Dictionary [dev.]
#1008412 - Test Desktop.browse (start default browser), WORKS
#1008414 - Test embedding web server in desktop app
#1008419 - Try segmenting text, show form through webserver [works, but doesn't save user input]
#1008430 - Persistent text segmentation [dev.]
#1008438 - Collect sentences from novel (using #1008430 db)
#1008442 - Parse Dictionary [dev.]
#1008446 - Test getHtmlTagParameter with minus parameter names (auto-info="bla")
#1008456 - Macmillan Bot [Dictionary Bot]
#1008463 - Find pairs [dev.]
#1008465 - List Logic [OK]
#1008466 - Word Holder [OK]
#1008469 - Important Concepts First [dev.]
#1008470 - Show random english words in the middle of the screen [WORKS]
#1008475 - Load most common english words from Wikipedia [doesn't work anymore]
#1008480 - Load most common english words by category from a Wikipedia page listing them [WORKS]
#1008482 - Test safeLoading from Macmillan Bot [OK]
#1008487 - Stanford Parser Test [WORKS]
#1008489 - Yes No Bot [dev.]
#1008493 - stanfordParseEnglish Bot
#1008495 - stanfordParseGerman Bot
#1008497 - Test getInnerException on InvocationTargetException [OK]
#1008503 - Test myClasses & loadMyClasses
#1008504 - Test myClasses in hotwired module
#1008513 - Analysis Tree [WORKS]
#1008523 - Analysis Tree Persistence Test [WORKS]
#1008524 - Diff The Inq [OK]
#1008532 - Sentence Simplification DB [WORKS]
#1008533 - Stefan's Web Chat Bot [dev.]
#1008534 - Stefan's Thought Bot [dev.]
#1008536 - Read Web Bot's Chat Log [OK]
#1008539 - Unroll Sentences DB [WORKS]
#1008540 - Sentence Type Examples CRUD [OK]
#1008541 - Solve "Find subject" [dev.]
#1008547 - Leopold Bot (German-Austrian voice)
#1008549 - Gudrun Bot (female German voice)
#1008551 - Alex Bot (male German voice)
#1008553 - Do stuff with input [Dummy actions]
#1008555 - static quicknew syntax test
#1008556 - Test findFullFunctionDefs with new quicknew syntax (OK)
#1008562 - nohupJavax as module
#1008566 - Analyze input [dev.]
#1008567 - Group sentence parts v1
#1008569 - Apply bot-lang (expand contractions, spellfix, british to american) (WORKS except for multi-token replacements)
#1008579 - Find multi-word verbs in sentence [WORKS]
#1008582 - Arrow Blobs [OK]
#1008584 - GriddishLayout [dev.]
#1008586 - Words to concepts [dev.]
#1008588 - List concepts [dev.]
#1008591 - Swing without a layout manager [WORKS]
#1008593 - Scrollable Swing panel without a layout manager [WORKS]
#1008596 - Custom layout manager, scrollable [WORKS]
#1008599 - Test invokeEcj [WORKS]
#1008600 - Uncompilable Program [for test purposes]
#1008601 - Custom layout manager, adapt to window size [WORKS]
#1008603 - Custom layout manager, adapt to window size [shortened]
#1008605 - Custom layout manager, adapt to window size [shortened 2]
#1008607 - Sentences to subject [dev.]
#1008613 - Test "unswing {" [WORKS]
#1008615 - Test automatic field index for concepts [WORKS]
#1008626 - Test smallEmptyList vs normal ArrayList
#1008629 - Test javaDropAllComments [WORKS]
#1008638 - Test jmatch on subject action [OK]
#1008643 - Learn parsing sentences with JTree [dev.]
#1008646 - Show the default JTree [WORKS]
#1008647 - JTree with children made on demand [WORKS]
#1008653 - Learn parsing sentences 2 [dev.]
#1008669 - Find Subject: Learner 1 [OK]
#1008677 - Test HighlightCaret (keeps showing selection of JTextField when not in focus)
#1008678 - Test HighlightCaret (keeps showing selection of JTextField when not in focus) with Substance
#1008680 - Find Verb: Learner 1 [dev.]
#1008684 - Test currying [OK]
#1008690 - Try invoking ecj on first VM (port 5000)
#1008692 - Sentence analysis with map [WORKS]
#1008693 - Copy sentences DB [OK]
#1008696 - Find Subject (map version): Learner 1 [dev.]
#1008699 - Test textActionButton (button that knows which text component was previously focused) [WORKS]
#1008704 - Find Verb (map version): Learner 1 [dev.]
#1008705 - Hyperlink+explain standard functions etc. in JavaX source [LIVE web bot]
#1008707 - Test vmArguments + javaVmName + fullVMArguments
#1008710 - TinyBrain Server Bot [old]
#1008721 - Guess module: Split sentences
#1008723 - Guess module: Guess object
#1008728 - Test IP to country [old database]
#1008731 - Test live-wiring (extending main program's class loader at runtime) [WORKS!]
#1008733 - Test if live-wiring overwrites existing classes (it doesn't)
#1008735 - Test live-wiring auto-including original source [WORKS]
#1008736 - IP to country simplified
#1008740 - Simplify ipToCountry.csv
#1008746 - Test ipToCountry [WORKS]
#1008749 - Benchmark GZIPInputStream
#1008750 - IP & Country Web Bot
#1008751 - Chat Popup Template With Buttons, Center
#1008754 - Hotwire failing program (for test purposes)
#1008763 - Print list of country names from worldCitiesList
#1008768 - Extract pattern by case [dev.]
#1008774 - Image Viewer
#1008783 - "Single Word Parser" Spike 1 [abandoned]
#1008784 - "Single Word Parser" 2 [dev.]
#1008785 - Chat Popup Template With Buttons, bottom-right corner
#1008789 - Test Thread.holdsLock [WORKS]
#1008792 - Test cleaning up web module running a web server [WORKS, closes server port automatically]
#1008793 - Java 8 Lambda Test
#1008794 - Test invokeEcj with Java 8 source
#1008796 - Shuffle (graphical)
#1008800 - Test xtok_recurse + xtok_joinBrackets3 [WORKS]
#1008809 - Test brackets + &&
#1008817 - Test brackets + && + || + rule, bottom-up
#1008823 - Woody File Server [web bot]
#1008826 - Test loadLibrary from private file server in 'murica [WORKS]
#1008829 - Store 'murica password on machine for later use
#1008832 - List files in woody zip
#1008834 - List .ctx files + find rules in woody zip
#1008840 - Try parsing ctx rules
#1008852 - Load ctx rules
#1008853 - Ctx Patterns DB [dev.]
#1008854 - Load ctx rules + form
#1008858 - Test zipFileSnippetToLazyTextMap
#1008862 - Test zipFileSnippetToLazyTextMap_subfolder
#1008865 - Test zipFileSnippetToLazyTextMap_subfolder clean-up
#1008869 - Woody Dummy Bot
#1008913 - JTextArea auto-complete test
#1008914 - Test MRUCache
#1008933 - Test bracket hygiene of 20 last changed snippets
#1008937 - Text 2 Floating Letters [WORKS]
#1008944 - Render Floating Letters [dev.]
#1008962 - Debug 'identifier [OK]
#1008981 - Test == parsing bug [OK]
#1008986 - Detect Webcam [WORKS for me on Linux]
#1008988 - Webcam Motion Detection [probably works]
#1008989 - Take screenshot from all web cams & save [WORKS]
#1008993 - Test parsing var #= "bla" [OK]
#1008995 - Extract RAR [WORKS]
#1008996 - Take screenshot from all web cams & display [WORKS]
#1008998 - Stefan's Chat [LIVE]
#1009000 - Stefan's Chat Template (center)
#1009007 - Integrate Bot
#1009011 - Listen for webcam connection / disconnection [WORKS]
#1009013 - Put troll faces in webcam image [WORKS]
#1009018 - Test singleImageFromLastWebcam [WORKS]
#1009023 - Upload PNG webcam image to Stefan's Chat [WORKS, but PNG is too big]
#1009033 - Upload webcam image to Stefan's Chat [WORKS, uses JPG]
#1009034 - Test isJPEG [OK]
#1009046 - Test notoSansRegular
#1009051 - Linux: Start JavaX Super User VM v1 [prompts for password]
#1009053 - JavaX Super User VM - start using #1009062 on Linux
#1009058 - Test makeExecutable
#1009059 - Super User VM Starter Helper [used internally]
#1009062 - Linux: Start JavaX Super User VM v2 [prompts for password]
#1009063 - Linux: Run sudo apt-get update [WORKS, just could be more verbose]
#1009066 - backtick module
#1009071 - Delete youtube-dl (so it is updated on next use)
#1009084 - Swing: Send To Bot [dev.]
#1009091 - Test backtickToConsole [WORKS on Linux & Windows]
#1009107 - Read Firefox Bookmarks [abandoned, SqlJet can't read the db]
#1009110 - JavaX Live Webcam - Show live webcam image in frame [WORKS]
#1009113 - JavaX Live WebCam - Show live webcam image in frame v2
#1009116 - 100 Sleeping Threads (to see how much memory it uses)
#1009119 - 1000 Sleeping Threads (to see how much memory it uses)
#1009121 - 100 Sleeping Threads with -Xss256k
#1009123 - Print MemoryPoolMXBeans
#1009124 - Add JavaX To Start Menu (Linux, WORKS)
#1009126 - Test integralImage
#1009142 - Paint random Haar-like features (OK)
#1009146 - YouTube Audio Download Bot (just type URL)
#1009150 - A. I. Game 7.1 / Haar-Like Features [dev.]
#1009155 - Test dorkbox SystemTray
#1009159 - A. I. Game 7.1 v2 / Haar-Like Features, Fixed Size [dev.]
#1009169 - Test getTag [WORKS]
#1009170 - Test Alt (union type)
#1009174 - Test Either (union type)
#1009179 - Parse LibreOffice Draw content.xml for diagrams Spike 1 [WORKS]
#1009191 - Poll Stefan's Chat & allow posting on console [WORKS]
#1009194 - Stefan's Chat: First Bot [WORKS]
#1009195 - Stefan's Chat: First Bot v2
#1009198 - HTTP Server With WebSockets [WORKS]
#1009204 - Benchmark fastu_fromUtf8 vs fromUtf8 - yes it's faster
#1009208 - Ace Editor Test [syntax-enhanced editor for web pages, WORKS]
#1009210 - Block/Unblock IP Bot
#1009221 - WebSocket Client Test [WORKS with #1009198]
#1009223 - Chrome Speech Recognition Test [WORKS]
#1009224 - Chrome Spracherkennungstest [WORKS]
#1009225 - Listen-Kernbot [dev.]
#1009226 - Core List Bot [should work]
#1009228 - Core List Bot [formatted more compactly]
#1009232 - Jess Bot (English Voice)
#1009233 - CereProc Cloud Test [WORKS]
#1009241 - Try to play .ogg file with EasyOgg [WORKS]
#1009242 - ListenBot 1 [WORKS]
#1009248 - Test myJavaSource
#1009254 - JavaX Live WebCam - Show live OTHER webcam image in frame v2
#1009263 - Test tok_findMainFunctions + tok_findMainFunctionsNamed [WORKS]
#1009273 - Test switching Substance theme at runtime [WORKS]
#1009280 - Java DeadLock Detection Test :) [WORKS]
#1009283 - Echo! [WORKS]
#1009287 - Echo! [shortened]
#1009294 - Benchmark printDeadlocks() (with no deadlocks)
#1009296 - Benchmark printDeadlocks() with 1000 sleeping threads
#1009298 - Benchmark printDeadlocks() with 100 sleeping threads
#1009299 - Window Bot 1
#1009302 - Try to solve deadlock by interrupting threads [doesn't work]
#1009308 - Deadlock Detector Bot [LIVE]
#1009311 - Java DeadLock Detection Test with ReentrantLock [WORKS]
#1009312 - Java DeadLock Timeout Test with ReentrantLock [WORKS, but usually both threads fail]
#1009313 - Try to solve ReentrantLock deadlock by interrupting threads when using lock() [fails]
#1009314 - Try to solve ReentrantLock deadlock by interrupting threads when using lockInterruptibly() [WORKS]
#1009315 - Try to solve ReentrantLock deadlock by interrupting a random thread when using lockInterruptibly() [WORKS]
#1009316 - Benchmark Lock.lock() and lockInterruptibly() [I see 20,000,000+ lockings per second]
#1009323 - MultiBot with commands + bots list [WORKS]
#1009326 - Case Test
#1009327 - Hotwire program with cases (different data dirs)
#1009330 - Test evalWithTimeout [OK]
#1009335 - Simple MultiBot, first version [backup]
#1009356 - Java New DeadLock Test (should now be solved by JavaX core automatically!)
#1009360 - Test showSmiley() [WORKS]
#1009362 - Test tempShowEmotion()
#1009363 - Happy Bot [OK except for bug in tempShowEmotion]
#1009365 - Parse LibreOffice Draw content.xml for diagrams Spike 2 [dev.]
#1009368 - Test recording of URL openings [WORKS]
#1009376 - Test stefansChat_lastLine [OK]
#1009377 - Print Screen Size (in pixels)
#1009379 - Superbird [dev.]
#1009387 - Show a random image from image server v2
#1009400 - Test DefaultLister
#1009404 - Test SynchronizedList
#1009408 - Test Persistent Lister [OK]
#1009416 - PersistentLister TreeMap Test
#1009421 - PersistentLister TreeMap Bug Test [OK]
#1009423 - Measure size of string [OK]
#1009425 - Test Bracket Hygiene for Text Area
#1009430 - Test roundUpTo [OK]
#1009431 -
#1009433 - Measure size of HashMap [gives a good rough estimate]
#1009436 - Measure size of ArrayList [OK]
#1009440 - Benchmark (+test) structure/unstructure with MANY custom objects containing primitive values
#1009442 - Measure size of TreeMap [gives astonishingly good estimates]
#1009446 - Word Collector [dev.]
#1009456 - Word Collector with new MultiSetAndTopTen
#1009475 - Test RelBot [OK]
#1009478 - Source Code Marquee [Web]
#1009479 - Multiple RelBots [dev.]
#1009497 - Test ai_relateTwoTokens [OK]
#1009503 - Find actions in text [OK]
#1009511 - State Machine Preliminary [OK]
#1009512 - Diagrams From Text v1 [OK]
#1009522 - URLConnection Cookie Test
#1009530 - Benchmark Decompressing bzip2
#1009533 - Benchmark Decompressing gzip - yes it's a lot faster (than bzip)
#1009555 - Chrome Speech Recognition Page + WebSocket [WORKS]
#1009561 - Test blipWait
#1009566 - Test javaSound_playFile
#1009568 - Test javaSound_playFileAndWait
#1009577 - Hot Word Detection ["Computer!"] - requires PocketSphinx in path
#1009578 - Linux: Hot Word Detection ["Computer!"] + "Eve" Icon - using PocketSphinx + Python wrapper
#1009582 - Test psPidsAndCommands [OK]
#1009584 - Kill all instances of pocketsphinx
#1009589 - Test switcheroo [OK]
#1009593 - Andy Bot [Voice]
#1009595 - Voice Actions 1 [OK]
#1009602 - Start English Assistant
#1009608 - Starte deutschen Assistenten
#1009615 - killall by name on Windows [dev.]
#1009619 - Test os_killAll - kill processes by description
#1009621 - Test backtickToConsole tasklist
#1009622 - Test backtickToConsole wmic [fixing]
#1009623 - Test backtickToConsole wmic.exe
#1009624 - Test nohup wmic
#1009627 - List processes by size using OSHI [OK]
#1009632 - MaryTTS Test
#1009643 - MaryTTS German Bot (German voice)
#1009644 - MaryTTS English Bot (English voice)
#1009651 - Test JNAJack (alternative sound output for Linux using JACK)
#1009655 - Sine - plays a sine wave through JavaSound or JACK [Linux]
#1009665 - Tray Icon Test (print all mouse events)
#1009671 - Show thoughts in the middle of screen [OK]
#1009674 - Show thoughts in the middle of screen, design 2
#1009677 - Show thoughts in the middle of screen, design 3
#1009684 - Test getURLReturnCode
#1009686 - Do my own HTTP requests Spike [OK]
#1009695 - Open file system browser (tested on Windows & Linux)
#1009702 - Dictation Bot with Splitter [dev.]
#1009705 - Dictation Bot with Splitter 2 [dev.]
#1009718 - MaryTTS German Bot (German voice 2, doesn't work yet)
#1009725 - Test cleanKillProgram
#1009726 - Test cleanKillProgram on module
#1009737 - Try putting an image in JTextPane [WORKS]
#1009740 - Make Item Page [shows name and googled picture]
#1009748 - Item Pages [OK]
#1009749 - Show Concepts Bot - enter program ID to see the program's concepts
#1009756 - Test musicg [WORKS]
#1009758 - Audio Recorder [dev.]
#1009760 - Test musicg on some sounds
#1009769 - Swing: Record audio to .wav, CD quality mono [WORKS]
#1009777 - Live Audio Meter [JavaSound, Absolute Volume, OK]
#1009782 - Item Pages With Comments [OK]
#1009792 - Test allMainClasses (listing all "main" classes in VM) [OK]
#1009794 - Test type inference [OK]
#1009795 - Kilroy item page
#1009798 - Swing: Send message to bot [OK]
#1009803 - Test startInternetTrafficCountBot [now done in runner]
#1009811 - Test "Nimbus" Look&Feel [OK]
#1009812 - Put troll faces in webcam image [with threshold]
#1009816 - Continuous Recognition Module (just logs, German/English, with "bigOn" switch)
#1009818 - Test module for VM cleanup
#1009819 - Test if hotwired modules are cleaned on VM exit [OK with latest JavaX]
#1009821 - Soul for a bot
#1009829 - Parse contents of Java classes
#1009831 - "Every Day Bot" [dev.]
#1009839 - Today Bot [OK]
#1009848 - Test CALSpringLayout
#1009849 - Test CALSpringLayout 2
#1009856 - Test Auto-Layout Switch [OK]
#1009876 - Find out what to do today [OK]
#1009882 - Google Image Bot
#1009884 - Hot Word Detection using Continuous Recognition [kinda works]
#1009886 - Continuous Recognition Test [WORKS except for proper stop button, standalone]
#1009889 - Get Stats From YouTube Data API [needs key]
#1009890 - YouTube Live Subscriber Count [OK with key]
#1009896 - Get Channel Info From YouTube Data API [needs key]
#1009901 - Blurry Swing [OK]
#1009902 - Zoomed Swing [dev.]
#1009911 - General Web
#1009913 - Run Tesseract on Screenshot (assumes it's on PATH)
#1009916 - Swing: Diff two snippets
#1009918 - Local Snippets DB [OK, now with regular update every minute]
#1009937 - JInternalFrame in JDesktopPane
#1009939 - JInternalFrame in JPanel [OK, but not very useful]
#1009940 - lalala 3 [OK, just Esc doesn't always work]
#1009943 - lalala 4 [with Substance, has weird white border]
#1009944 - lalala 5 [OK]
#1009947 - lalala 6 [OK, different background]
#1009950 - lalala 7 [testing Nimbus L&F]
#1009954 - Test jTopCenter [OK]
#1009955 - Fancy Control Frame
#1009958 - Circles Editor v2 [OK]
#1009961 - Circles Editor v3 [OK]
#1009964 - Think about diagrams 1 [OK]
#1009975 - Think about diagrams 2 [merging two diagrams, OK]
#1009982 - Test scpUpload with, auto-find password (~/JavaX-Secret/*/<x>@<server>.ssh.pass) [OK]
#1009984 - Test scpUploadWithMkdirs with [OK!]
#1009985 - Upload all drawings to [Stefan only]
#1009992 - Test cal_structure [OK]
#1009993 - Test web_splitWords [OK]
#1010001 - Find drawing containing a circle called "you", do switcheroo (swap with "I") [OK]
#1010014 - Find drawing containing a circle called "you", do switcheroo (swap with "I"), fix "I are" to "I am" [OK]
#1010021 - Test webs_findNodeAndRelation [OK]
#1010024 - Make form demo [OK with diagrams available locally]
#1010027 - Local Snippet Server [dev.]
#1010029 - Benchmark loading small text file [gives .04 ms and .004 ms for me]
#1010034 - Snippet Server Switcher [use only if you know what you're doing]
#1010036 - Test formatGermanDateAndTime
#1010042 - Sentence to web [works with 3-word sentences]
#1010045 - Sentence to word chain [OK]
#1010048 - Typical operating systems [OK]
#1010053 - Downsample images [OK]
#1010058 - Test OpenIMAJ [CannyEdgeDetector, shortened, OK]
#1010060 - Test Felzenszwalb-Huttenlocher Segmenter [OK]
#1010062 - Test Felzenszwalb-Huttenlocher Segmenter on test screenshot part [OK]
#1010064 - Test Felzenszwalb-Huttenlocher Segmenter on live screenshot [OK]
#1010065 - Ping by HTTP
#1010082 - Stefan's Chat: InfoBox on new line
#1010083 - Backup of "Super-Edgy" JavaX Translator (Extension of #7)
#1010084 - Speeding up "Super-Edgy" JavaX Translator (Extension of #7)
#1010087 - Speeding up "Super-Edgy" JavaX Translator (Extension of #7) 2
#1010100 - Test vmKeep (module)
#1010101 - Test vmKeep [OK]
#1010105 - Think about project / Demo for Linas [OK]
#1010122 - AI's First JavaX Program - AI generates a mini-program from 3 diagrams [OK]
#1010146 - Play with Felzenszwalb-Huttenlocher Segmenter [OK]
#1010161 - Test md5OfTransparentImage [OK]
#1010165 - Local Image DB [OK]
#1010169 - Set margin of console buttons
#1010171 - Test Felzenszwalb-Huttenlocher Segmenter on live screenshot v2 [OK]
#1010185 - Test findThingsOnScreen_1 [WORKS if you have stuff in local image DB]
#1010192 - Screen Lens with fhSegment [OK]
#1010194 - Automatic operations [OK]
#1010203 - Find a random standard function [OK]
#1010209 - Test enumerateIntegers [OK]
#1010210 - Find an odd integer [OK]
#1010221 - Find an odd integer [shortened]
#1010224 - Find an odd prime [OK]
#1010230 - googleImageSearch as module
#1010234 - Test web_clusters [OK]
#1010237 - Computer Understands Today's Project [OK]
#1010266 - Computer Understands Today's Project [Backup]
#1010268 - Object of interest [OK]
#1010280 - Test JButton with text and image [OK]
#1010292 - Test AutoComboBox [improving]
#1010298 - If - Then [OK]
#1010315 - Speech Training [just listens]
#1010321 - Test allPermutations [OK]
#1010323 - Test full match (match all permutations of a web with another web) [OK]
#1010343 - Test allPermutations(10)
#1010345 - Test allPermutations_arrays(10)
#1010347 - Test allPermutations_iterator [OK]
#1010350 - Select JavaX snippet to edit [OK]
#1010357 - Test adding a JMenuItem to JMenuBar directly [OK]
#1010360 - Test adding a JMenuItem to JMenuBar directly [shortened, OK]
#1010365 - If - Then with 3 nodes [OK]
#1010368 - /proc/cpuinfo [Linux]
#1010369 - Display current MHz [Linux]
#1010371 - Display current CPU speed (MHz) as big text [Linux]
#1010372 - JavaX Source To Web [OK]
#1010387 - Utilize All Cores
#1010388 - Chess Network [dev.]
#1010389 - CPU Monitor + Utilize All Cores
#1010393 - Parse Phrases List [OK]
#1010396 - User input to diagram v1 [OK]
#1010399 - Load Irregular Verbs
#1010401 - Extend verbs list
#1010406 - Bigger-Than-RAM DB v1 [OK]
#1010409 - User input to diagram v2 [dev.]
#1010420 - Test quickSolveToFunction [OK]
#1010423 - Test quickSolveToFunction with sentence type DB
#1010424 - quickSolve Form [OK]
#1010430 - Work on sentenceTypeExamples using standard functions [OK]
#1010443 - Created Code
#1010444 - Diagram About Snippet [dev.]
#1010466 - Test allSubsetsOfLength [OK]
#1010474 - Diagram Server
#1010477 - Test uploadFileToDiagramServer [OK]
#1010481 - Test diagramServer_IDsAndMD5s & loading a diagram [OK]
#1010484 - Diagrams Downloader
#1010485 - Upload whole Circles Editor DB to diagrams server [OK]
#1010487 - Say Hello/Goodbye on lid opened/closed [Linux, OK]
#1010492 - Test loading all downloaded diagrams [OK]
#1010501 - Browse Downloaded Diagrams [dev.]
#1010504 - Dump Threads Web Bot + Watch Dog Status
#1010505 - allMainClasses Web Bot
#1010511 - Node index from downloaded webs
#1010516 - Encyclopedia 1
#1010546 - Test JNativeHook (global key & mouse listeners) [WORKS, tested on Linux & Windows]
#1010549 - Test onGlobalKeyPress + onGlobalKeyRelease
#1010552 - Open phone server [on PC]
#1010556 - Test reading emails [OK]
#1010564 - Test sharing library with hotwired module v1 [doesn't work, main classes conflict]
#1010567 - Test sharing library with hotwired module v2 [OK!]
#1010570 - Start JavaX Starter
#1010573 - If starts with
#1010593 - Match & Copy Labels [dev.]
#1010604 - Symbol test (symbols are strings comparable with ==) [OK]
#1010607 - Symbol test (symbols are strings comparable with ==) [v2, OK]
#1010610 - Test FastWeb [dev.]
#1010612 - Test objectID - give each object a VM-unique long ID [OK]
#1010617 - Test mounting objects
#1010623 - Test allWeakMaps [OK]
#1010628 - Web Analysis v0 - show some random webs [OK]
#1010640 - Web Analysis v1 [dev.]
#1010647 - Restart Circle Editor [test restartProgram, OK]
#1010648 - Test hideCredentials with multiple lines [OK]
#1010652 - Detect if program is transpiled [OK]
#1010655 - Detect if program is server-compiled [OK]
#1010662 - Detect if program is transpiled & get Java MD5 [OK]
#1010663 - Auto-Restart Program On Server Change [OK]
#1010671 - Fancy Control Frame v2 [dev.]
#1010678 - Test localSoftwareMadeWebs [OK]
#1010693 - Central Bot for autoRestart - LIVE
#1010695 - Test autoRestart [OK]
#1010696 - Take screenshots continuously [speed test]
#1010705 - Teach things on screen [don't use, doesn't use new comments system, also collects every 10]
#1010713 - Print things on screen [OK]
#1010714 - Auto-segment current screen, allow comments [OK]
#1010733 - Download all data snippets from SourceForge (OK)
#1010735 - JavaX Live WebCam - Show live webcam image in frame v3 [with bot & live-saving]
#1010737 - What did I learn today bot
#1010745 - Smart Bot (LIVE)
#1010753 - Smart Thought Bot v2
#1010757 - Test stefansChat_readHistory [OK]
#1010759 - Screenshot Quick Select [new image server, uses JPG]
#1010760 - Make 332 color model image histogram [dev.]
#1010768 - EagleDNS for [the real one, #1010768, but currently using domain provider's DNS]
#1010769 - Home Server (port 6688)
#1010770 - Global Hotkey (Escape)
#1010777 - A penny earned... (math problem solver) by degreespwnu
#1010779 - Parse GAC-36K file => gac36k()
#1010782 - Print random gac36k questions
#1010790 - Check question mark [dev.]
#1010792 - Test ai1lol_onNewUAIP
#1010793 - Post to Chat on new UAIP
#1010797 - Pattern Matching [OK]
#1010799 - Test expiringHelperMap [OK]
#1010808 - Start other program (with default VM args)
#1010813 - Print allWebs
#1010818 - Test stefansChat_readArchive_fullMsgs
#1010825 - Post Google Image To Stefan's Chat
#1010827 - Pattern Matching, Shortened [OK]
#1010828 - Pattern Matching, Shortened 2 [OK]
#1010845 - Command-Line JavaX REPL
#1010850 - Test ai_thingsIKnowAbout [works, but maybe not so useful]
#1010855 - Test matching with dollar vars [OK]
#1010861 - Instantiate web with dollar vars [OK]
#1010870 - Test decision trees [OK]
#1010883 - Decide by word at index v2 [OK]
#1010888 - Relative Styles for Chat
#1010891 - Decide by word at index v3 [OK]
#1010893 - Browse pages of IMDB [needs local DB]
#1010895 - Test imageFromInt
#1010901 - Auto-segment current screen, show 332 histogram
#1010902 - Test stefansChat_readHistory_fullMsgs [OK]
#1010903 - Reason about chat, preliminary experiment [OK]
#1010908 - Last 2 chat lines as web [OK]
#1010909 - Test SecureRandom [OK]
#1010910 - Bench SecureRandom vs normal random - ~2 microseconds vs ~200 nanoseconds [OK]
#1010916 - Last chat lines as web, with IPs and categories [OK]
#1010925 - Test bigDB [OK] - BigDB is a DB greater than RAM
#1010928 - Test ai_dropLeadingAdditions [OK]
#1010935 - Test postPage [OK]
#1010936 - Test uploaD
#1010939 - Test XY-Search [OK now]
#1010947 - Test oshi_systemMemory [WORKS on Windows+Linux, possibly on Mac OS too]
#1010950 - 3-rd person form of verbs [OK]
#1010954 - Test ImmutableSortedList [OK]
#1010958 - Last chat lines as web, for reasoning [OK]
#1010963 - Chat Theory Module
#1010968 - "Peephole" Chat Analysis v1 [OK]
#1010980 - "Peephole" Chat Analysis v2, make webs [OK]
#1011000 - Test splitAtThirdPersonVerb [OK]
#1011002 - Measure RAM size of cachedNodeIndex [OK]
#1011004 - How many... [dev.]
#1011015 - Parse GAC-36K sentences structure [dev.]
#1011018 - Train GAC-36K parser [OK]
#1011029 - Test selectRandom_fast [OK]
#1011037 - Get relation [OK]
#1011043 - Test getSingularFromWordHippo
#1011075 - Test ai_tripelize [OK]
#1011085 - Train Tripelizer [OK]
#1011095 - Test caseInsensitiveSet [OK]
#1011109 - Print all adverbs (they're machine-generated, so...)
#1011110 - Random GAC-36K in fancy frame [OK]
#1011118 - Auto GAC 1
#1011131 - Test tripelizeGAC36k
#1011152 - Test html_linkURLs [OK]
#1011154 - Auto GAC with speech
#1011156 - Auto GAC 2 [OK, with confirming parses]
#1011187 - Test downloadWebsFileNamed
#1011192 - Test downloadedWebs
#1011194 - Test loading library
#1011197 - Test ai_simplifyNP
#1011203 - Test firstJavaToken
#1011210 - Test ai_tok_combinePhrases [OK]
#1011218 - Hotwired module for class sharing test
#1011219 - Test sharing classes with hotwired module - works thanks to AllPublic :)
#1011220 - Hotwired module for class sharing test 2
#1011221 - Test sharing classes with hotwired module 2 [OK!]
#1011222 - Test warming up Java compiler
#1011229 - Test javaParseCompilationUnit [OK]
#1011235 - For parsing only
#1011236 - Scrape Google Spike [OK]
#1011237 - Change translator on top of snippet
#1011239 - Test allPublic bug with enum [OK]
#1011243 - Bench Java Parser [OK]
#1011244 - Bench javaParser_makeAllPublic [OK]
#1011245 - Bench javaParser_makeAllPublic steps [OK]
#1011250 - Test Circles And Lines HTML Bot
#1011253 - Start other program (headless)
#1011254 - Get all chat lines
#1011258 - Thin a program's backups (-> thinAProgramsBackups)
#1011264 - Set Global JavaX Option: Even Smaller Heap (G1, 10-20% slack, string deduplication) + Server VM
#1011268 - Test tryToAcquirePort5000
#1011271 - Thin all programs' backups [OK, invoke with "doit"]
#1011272 - Test ArrayBinaryTree [hm]
#1011274 - Array-Based Binary Tree [OK!]
#1011276 - Array-Based Tree Map [OK!]
#1011278 - Test ArrayTreeMap [OK]
#1011280 - Show web server requests as big text v1 (old)
#1011283 - Show web server requests as big text [# currently serving + total requests]
#1011285 - Test if finally block is executed when thread is interrupted (it is!)
#1011289 - Add "Headless" to Global JavaX Options
#1011291 - Scrape Online Thesaurus [dev.]
#1011298 - Start other program (Client VM)
#1011323 - Console: List VMs / Injections
#1011324 - Console: List VMs with Sizes
#1011327 - Test linux_fileInRamDisk
#1011333 - Macmillan Bot [Dictionary Bot] v2
#1011340 - Test html_addTargetBlank [OK]
#1011346 - Test WebThoughtSpace [OK]
#1011352 - Test Reasoning In WebThoughtSpace [dev.]
#1011361 - Test unstructuring web [OK]
#1011364 - Chat Single Theory Module
#1011368 - Replace String with CharSequence [not that easy]
#1011373 - Test myFirewallIP (what's my external IP address?)
#1011376 - Search Smart Bot's Public URL
#1011380 - ThreadLocal Alternative [OK]
#1011385 - Print most important word
#1011387 - Make Symlinks in ~/JavaX-Data [dev.]
#1011401 - Test ai_greetingRule1
#1011419 - Test ai_invalidatedWebs [OK]
#1011446 - Test curly brackets parsing [OK]
#1011449 - JS Notification Test [OK, but not in Opera?]
#1011452 - Turn hugeEnglishDictionary into webs
#1011470 - Test VirtualNodeIndex [OK]
#1011477 - Test utf8 byte array comparator [seems to work]
#1011482 - Test UTF8 byte array comparator on huge dictionary [OK]
#1011484 - Benchmark hugeEnglishDictionary().contains() - less than 4µs :)
#1011515 - Test smallestList [OK]
#1011516 - Test sun.misc.Unsafe (for the first time!)
#1011521 - CompressedOOPSChecker Spike
#1011528 - Test htmlencode of weird Unicode [OK]
#1011534 - Test youtubeVideoInfo [OK]
#1011539 - Test memoryUsedAfterLastGC (will upgrade JavaX if necessary) [OK]
#1011547 - Test ai_idle_matchPatterns
#1011556 - Test ai_subst_web
#1011571 - Bench getting all node texts (includes loading all the webs)
#1011588 - Start new VM and follow its output
#1011613 - Test earlierPartsOfLogFile (OK)
#1011614 - Test scanLog
#1011642 - Test toAcronym
#1011691 - Test WeakHashMap2 (OK)
#1011693 - Test internPerProgram (OK)
#1011697 - Bench exporting all webs to another module - it's faster than loading them from file
#1011701 - Benchmark now()
#1011702 - Benchmark nowUnlessLoading()
#1011703 - Benchmark dynamicObjectIsLoading()
#1011704 - Benchmark isTrue(BetterThreadLocal)
#1011705 - Benchmark isTrue(ThreadLocal)
#1011706 - Benchmark isTrue(ThreadLocal) with hit
#1011708 - Benchmark setOpt (74 ns)
#1011711 - Benchmark _SetField (28 ns)
#1011712 - Benchmark setOpt with _SetField (26 ns)
#1011717 - "Poor Man's Profiling" Demo (not very poor at all!)
#1011719 - Test NotifyingBlockingThreadPoolExecutor (OK!)
#1011723 - Test websMadeByProgram_parallel
#1011726 - Test websMadeByProgram_parallel_buggy
#1011727 - Benchmark String.intern() vs internPerProgram vs fastIntern (VM-wide intern) vs intern (synonym of fastIntern)
#1011736 - Test ai_spec_moveToMiddle
#1011747 - Find phone server in subnet (& open browser!) (OK)
#1011753 - Test tok_combineCurlyBrackets_keep (OK!)
#1011767 - Test writing & reading triple file [probably OK]
#1011778 - Tripelize Smart Bot's DB (works, but needs too much memory)
#1011791 - Test tok_typesOfParams (OK)
#1011797 - Test AI GC
#1011810 - Test ai_spec_allWords on long term
#1011817 - Test ai_extendKnownVerbs
#1011819 - Scan for globalIDs in softwareMadeWebs
#1011822 - Check triples
#1011823 - Speculation as module (Example)
#1011825 - Put all webs in concept DB
#1011831 - Put all webs in concept DB v2
#1011837 - Test logFileWithEarlierParts (OK)
#1011853 - Test scpLS [OK]
#1011856 - Test isProperFileName
#1011870 - Serve right pointing triangle
#1011873 - Download whole program directory (no subdirs) by SCP (OK)
#1011877 - Test html_chatPostLink (OK)
#1011880 - Test transpiling for server (OK, needs upload function)
#1011885 - Download Smart Bot's files from server (TODO: update for notebook server)
#1011898 - Upload Smart Bot's files to a server (OK)
#1011901 - H2 Console (Database)
#1011903 - Connect to internal H2 Database (OK)
#1011904 - H2 Server (Database)
#1011905 - Connect to H2 server, insert stuff (OK)
#1011906 - Test tellSmartBotURLToChat
#1011907 - Test if Field objects are reused (they're not)
#1011908 - Test module for fast field access
#1011909 - Test getOpt memory leak with multiple modules (FIXED!)
#1011915 - Check if all webs are there after tripelization
#1011922 - Stefan's Assistant 2
#1011937 - Smart Bot HTTP Proxy (OK) - should now be safe from endless loops
#1011948 - Run assumeSmartBotURL
#1011950 - Shortened Lanterna Demo to 1 Line
#1011953 - Improving Lanterna Demo [OK]
#1011955 - Jexer Test (another Text Mode UI) [OK]
#1011956 - Jexer Window Test (Swing only, window close problem fixed - freezes on exit out of OS Shell?)
#1011957 - Jexer Dual Mode Test (text mode/AWT)
#1011959 - Test standaloneWebAuth [OK]
#1011975 - Smart Bot's Chat [LIVE]
#1011979 - Upload webcam image to Smart Bot's Chat [WORKS, uses JPG]
#1011981 - Smart Bot's Chat Test Bot
#1011985 - Scrape [OK]
#1012001 - Java Gnome Test (OK, requires libjava-gnome-java)
#1012024 - Test reTok_multi (OK)
#1012046 - Subspace Experiment [OK]
#1012052 - Utilize pre-spun VM test
#1012053 - JavaX Hello World with print time
#1012057 - Switch on pre-spun VMs
#1012061 - Switch off pre-spun VMs
#1012064 - Speculate in SubSpace [OK!]
#1012069 - Test ai_solveQuestionInSubSpace
#1012086 - Test setOpt on class
#1012088 - Generate some test cases
#1012109 - Measure size of fairLock (ReentrantLock) - 48 bytes in CompressedOOPS 64 Bit VM
#1012122 - Test isProperlyQuoted2 (OK)
#1012125 - Test cancelledThreads (OK)
#1012126 - Test cancelledLiveThreads (OK)
#1012131 - Analyze logged subspace [dev.]
#1012134 - Test getting current function's name from stack trace (OK)
#1012139 - Test ai_parseRule (OK)
#1012148 - Test ai_texts_dollarAny_two (OK!)
#1012152 - Test ai_spec_applyRule (OK)
#1012155 - Solve question and analyze (dev.)
#1012161 - SymSpell Spike (super-fast spelling correction algorithm) [OK]
#1012165 - Test tok_isSingleTypeArg (OK)
#1012166 - Bench concurrency-safely iterating TreeMap [OK, 1 second vs 130 ms]
#1012168 - Test makeMultiMapsInnerMapSynchronized (OK)
#1012169 - Bench concurrency-safely iterating TreeMap faster [OK, just slightly slower than direct iteration]
#1012172 - Bench concurrency-safely iterating TreeMap faster with interference [OK]
#1012180 - Test SynchronizedArrayList (OK)
#1012211 - Test loadSnippet_simpleCache (OK)
#1012215 - Test Triple Parser
#1012227 - Print Smart Bot's main class's constant pool using BCEL (OK)
#1012234 - Test classToBCEL (OK)
#1012236 - Stefan's Chat - pre parsing display
#1012239 - Test SimpleIntList (OK)
#1012251 - Show diffs between all versions of a snippet (OK)
#1012253 - Find version of snippet X closest to current snippet Y (OK)
#1012259 - Test websMadeByProgram
#1012260 - Search for missing webs in websMadeByProgram
#1012264 - Test object layout of Web + WebNode + WebRelation
#1012269 - Test GlobalID (OK)
#1012333 - Test ai_tripleRefToWebNode (OK)
#1012341 - Show a line with context in program's transpilation (for bug fixing)
#1012356 - Test CompactHashSet
#1012358 - Test CompactHashSet with Web
#1012360 - printObjectLayout(TripleWeb, TripleWebWithSource)
#1012376 - Test TripleIndex
#1012378 - Phase 1 Of Tripelization
#1012393 - Parse AI Test Questions
#1012396 - ai_tripelize as module
#1012407 - Process Logic Test Cases
#1012411 - Test jsonEncode (OK)
#1012417 - Test ai_spec_answerPattern (OK)
#1012438 - Load & parse triples.gz from GitHub (a once-only 9 MB download)
#1012474 - Check if triples can be recreated by running speculation function again (dev.)
#1012495 - Test tok_parseFunctionCall (OK)
#1012502 - Read triples.gz from GitHub
#1012503 - Array logic engine [dev.]
#1012532 - Random musing [dev.]
#1012537 - Parse a standard function [dev.]
#1012538 - Grouping experiment [dev.]
#1012563 - Find related nouns [dev.]
#1012583 - Reified Calculation v1 [OK]
#1012585 - Reified Calculation v2 [OK]
#1012630 - Alternative Smart Bot Base [OK]
#1012637 - Smart Bot 2.0
#1012645 - Benchmark ai_parseTriple
#1012651 - Test GlobalThoughtSpace with ai_texts (OK)
#1012664 - Test Thought Blocking v1 (OK)
#1012668 - Test smart lazy list possible problem (repeated triples) [OK]
#1012677 - Test Thought Blocking v2 (OK, and super-fast)
#1012687 - Test case-insensitive symbols (FIXED)
#1012690 - Test GlobalThoughtSpace with ai_texts & fast symbols (OK)
#1012699 - Watch Dog for Eleu (only run on server) [OLD]
#1012703 - Keep reference to ended threads Spike (OK, seems to cause no harm)
#1012704 - Sleeping program (program that just sleeps)
#1012711 - Test case-insensitive symbols (FIXED!)
#1012714 - Test WeakHasherMap (OK)
#1012716 - Test Thought Blocking v3 (with symbols, OK)
#1012722 - Test WeakCompactHashSet (so far, it works)
#1012724 - Parsing in thought space v1 [OK with Smart Bot DB]
#1012732 - Parsing in thought space v2 [OK]
#1012746 - Parsing in thought space v4 [OK]
#1012747 - Playing with patterns [OK]
#1012755 - Playing with patterns v2 [OK]
#1012757 - Test getting full chat history (OK, probably, seems to exclude "spam" messages)
#1012759 - Test stefansChat_readArchive_rawMaps
#1012766 - Test openQuestion
#1012771 - Test singleEllipsisMatchIC
#1012786 - Debug concepts bug [dev.]
#1012811 - Forget & Recreate v1 [recreate all "possibly related to:", OK, doesn't store anything yet]
#1012832 - Chess Board Web Bot
#1012842 - GMail: List all addresses sent to
#1012847 - Search for word in latest mails
#1012858 - Find Bot Triples (User-Bot Interactions)
#1012869 - ai_markCandidateBotTriples
#1012870 - Smart Bot Load as big text
#1012872 - Muse [dev.]
#1012913 - Test demo rule (OK)
#1012922 - Save screenshot test
#1012935 - Test pattern rule (OK)
#1012940 - ai_makeDemoProgramForFunction - actually uploads
#1012942 - Test functionsToComments [OK]
#1012947 - Test compareIgnoreCase_keepSeparate (OK)
#1012959 - Test AutoComboBox2 [OK, but down key should not accept right away]
#1012961 - Test AutoComboBox3 with suggestions from Smart Bot [OK]
#1012964 - Big Smart Bot Auto-Complete Box
#1012992 - Test unquote_accurate (OK)
#1012998 - Echo all recognized speech using Andy voice [OK]
#1013002 - Smart Bot Experiment Evaluator
#1013005 - Clean JavaX Disk Cache
#1013008 - Test noUnixTricks (OK)
#1013022 - Dummy Test Web Module for Smart Bot
#1013027 - Test longer-running SSH session (print load) [OK]
#1013031 - Matrix Module [Smart Bot Dyn]
#1013040 - 10 Second Profile Web Bot
#1013042 - Print load [OK]
#1013043 - Test RSyntaxTextArea with Substance (seems to work)
#1013046 - Test findField2 (OK)
#1013049 - Test RSTAUI (RSyntaxTextArea + dialogs) - new version (OK)
#1013050 - Test RSTAUI (RSyntaxTextArea + dialogs) without Substance (OK)
#1013051 - KeyEvent Test
#1013052 - Test RSyntaxTextArea with Substance (fixed num pad arrows)
#1013079 - Test CustomCompactHashSet (OK, but should test more elements)
#1013103 - TightVNC Viewer - works great (even with SSH)
#1013106 - Test tok_splitAtSpacedDashes (OK)
#1013109 - Test indexOfSearchingFromMiddleIC (OK)
#1013113 - How long is the list [OK]
#1013125 - Test Object2IntRBTreeMap (OK)
#1013126 - Test case-insensitive Object2IntRBTreeMap (OK)
#1013136 - Test compact time stamps [OK, max 50 ms difference]
#1013141 - Matrix Parsing Module [Smart Bot Dyn, dev.]
#1013152 - Test doEvery_daemon & _registeredTimers (new inspectable timers!) [OK]
#1013196 - Test matchBigX (OK)
#1013198 - Get list of chemistry terms from Wikipedia - see chemistryTermsFromWikipedia
#1013204 - Put chemistry terms in Smart Bot DB
#1013211 - Test tok_doubleFor_v2 (OK)
#1013216 - Test isMain
#1013219 - Smart Bot Web Count as big text
#1013230 - Test ai_operands (OK)
#1013231 - Test ai_patternSwitch
#1013234 - Test ai_patternSwitch_upperCaseVars
#1013241 - Type-checking problem (OK)
#1013242 - Type-checking problem v2 (OK, problem doesn't exist!)
#1013245 - Face detection without webcam window
#1013252 - Face detection FKE Detector
#1013253 - Run TinyYOLO on stock image
#1013257 - Waifu v1 [Detect person in front of webcam & play sounds when coming/going]
#1013279 - Boyer Moore Spike (fast string search)
#1013281 - Test BoyerMooreStringSearch (OK)
#1013283 - Test case-insensitive comparison vs toLower()
#1013284 - Test case-insensitive comparison vs toLowerOfToUpper()
#1013286 - Test case-insensitive comparison vs toUpper()
#1013288 - Test compareIgnoreCase_lower (OK)
#1013293 - Test scoredSearch2 (OK)
#1013298 - Test indexOfIgnoreCase_manual (OK)
#1013304 - Test CompactHashMap (OK)
#1013309 - Test ai_compactLiveDB (phase 1)
#1013312 - Run ai_compactLiveDB (with phase 2)
#1013322 - Alternative Smart Bot Handling Both Chats [OK]
#1013324 - Independent Smart Bot Handling Both Chats [OK]
#1013336 - Bad Translucent Window Test using com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities.setWindowOpaque [doesn't work]
#1013337 - Show Red Circle In Center Of Screen (OK)
#1013339 - Blinking Red Text Spike v2 (also suboptimal)
#1013346 - Blinking Red Text Spike v1 (suboptimal)
#1013348 - Blinking Red Text Spike v3 [OK]
#1013350 - Test blinkingRedText (blink 3 times, OK)
#1013351 - Test serveHttps with BotCompany certificate
#1013356 - Live Web Count [Dyn]
#1013358 - Test subBot_getHeaders + find out current port
#1013360 - Smart Bot GUI
#1013377 - Test ReconnectingWebSocket [Dyn, OK]
#1013386 - Test CompactPairKeyHashMap (OK)
#1013392 - Test GarbageCollectorMXBean (show total GC count & time)
#1013393 - Test GarbageCollectorMXBean 2 (show last GC info, OK)
#1013395 - Test GarbageCollectorMXBean 3 (GC notifications, OK)
#1013397 - Test GraphPanel [OK]
#1013400 - Collect GC Pause Times
#1013403 - Print core timers & next scheduled GC
#1013408 - Test collectGCPauses + gcPauses (OK)
#1013439 - Opposites [Dyn, dev.]
#1013462 - Test notStartingWithIC compilation (OK)
#1013477 - Test detectListInsertion (OK)
#1013479 - Smart Bot GUI v2
#1013482 - Test loading from (OK, we're disabling certificate check)
#1013483 - Test https (OK)
#1013489 - JavaX Live WebCam - Show live webcam image in frame v4 [with cam selection]
#1013493 - Listen to Smart Bot's Chat
#1013529 - Make table from standard function [Dyn]
#1013546 - Test eqicOptSlash (OK)
#1013555 - Test ai_parse_trivialCheck (OK)
#1013558 - Test ai_parse_trivialCheckQuestion (OK)
#1013565 - Test ai_parse_toList (OK)
#1013567 - Test ai_parse_toList1 (OK)
#1013574 - Test ai_smartParse1
#1013579 - Test JRuby (OK)
#1013581 - Memory Pool Sizes Web Bot
#1013591 - Test it_observePrefix
#1013601 - Test it_observePrefix & it_observeSuffix (OK)
#1013603 - Test splitIterator (OK!)
#1013606 - Test it_observeN
#1013620 - Test collectionMutex (OK)
#1013639 - Test setGCFrequency (OK)
#1013646 - OLD EagleDNS for v1 [ only, works / requires root]
#1013688 - Test GraphViz (Pure Java version, OK!)
#1013689 - Merge jars on command line into out.jar
#1013696 - Test GraphViz 2 (Records, OK)
#1013701 - Test SWTTextDetector [OK, but bad results]
#1013705 - Multi-threaded Mandelbrot (outputs a PBM file on console)
#1013708 - Tika Bot (extracts text from URLs, GUI)
#1013710 - Complete Script Lines Bot (OK)
#1013718 - Complete Script Phrases Bot (OK)
#1013722 - Print Phrases From Script
#1013724 - Test YouTube comment downloader (needs Python 2)
#1013728 - Test Program
#1013729 - Hello Robot
#1013732 - Test WatchService (watching directories for changes)
#1013733 - Test tok_unCurlyBracket (space bug, OK)
#1013736 - Calendar UI (original)
#1013738 - Integrate "Processing" (OK)
#1013741 - Integrate "Processing" (shortened, OK)
#1013742 - Heart Beat [tested on Windows & Linux]
#1013744 - Heart Beat, 2x Bigger [OK on Windows & Linux]
#1013748 - My program
#1013753 - Do you speak English?
#1013757 - Show webs of #1013753 as list (OK)
#1013772 - Do you speak English? v2
#1013777 - Electron Slack Bot [dev.]
#1013783 - Web Worker Test
#1013789 - Test Sarxos Sikuli OCR (missing dependencies on Linux/64 and Windows)
#1013792 - Can I check your web cams?
#1013795 - Auto-Restarting Web Worker Test
#1013796 - Parallel Web Worker Test
#1013797 - Web Worker-Less Calc Test
#1013799 - Convert WAV to MP3 using JAVE/ffmpeg Spike [OK]
#1013802 - Convert all .wav in a directory to .mp3 (128k)
#1013806 - Serve at port 4444
#1013808 - Google Sign-In Test [WORKS]
#1013809 - Colors list from Wikipedia
#1013810 - Google Sign-In With Server Verify [OK]
#1013812 - List all jars in a directory by file [OK]
#1013826 - Stefan's OS Download Page [Formerly: Google Sign-In & Bot Hello] [LIVE at]
#1013840 - Ja Oder Nein Bot [OK, mit Upload]
#1013853 - Test outputSinceLastInput (OK)
#1013871 - Katze v1 [OK]
#1013872 - Scrape
#1013876 - Katze Oder Nichtkatze Bot [dev.]
#1013882 - Beleidung oder nicht Bot
#1013888 - Test Twitter API [using Twitter4J, OK with password files]
#1013894 - Test Twitter API [compacted, OK with password files]
#1013895 - Test Tweeting Through API [OK]
#1013896 - Eleutheria Main for + Stefan's OS (LIVE)
#1013897 - Google Login Thought Bot [dev.]
#1013898 - Google Login Bot [dev.]
#1013899 - Template Google Bot
#1013906 - Extract worker code from HTML (Doesn't work because of < in <script>)
#1013913 - Process program uploads from Smart Bot's chat
#1013923 - ante! Graph [LIVE]
#1013927 - mech[anics]
#1013931 - Print graphics devices (screens) & resolutions [WORKS]
#1013936 - Katze/Computer [Invisible VM w/speech recognition module]
#1013938 - Katze Denkmodul
#1013951 - Play MP3 from - doesn't work because of redirects?
#1013961 - Test runInMCVarWithAutoRestart
#1013965 - Test OpenWeatherMap Forecast
#1014001 - Mandelbrot Coordinates
#1014012 - Continuous Recognition Bot Spike
#1014021 - Test mechList
#1014022 - Sätze aus Begriffen bauen
#1014025 - Print Umlaut
#1014029 - Sätze aus Begriffen bauen v2
#1014036 - Serve Snippets ({id})
#1014038 - Serve Images
#1014068 - Combine Mech Lists ("steigerung")
#1014072 - Test making a snippet
#1014075 - Watch Dog for New Eleu + Smart Bot (only run on server) [LIVE]
#1014076 - Single Word Speech Test (Gudrun)
#1014079 - Concat MP3s using JAVE/ffmpeg Spike [dev.]
#1014083 - Test ai_mechList_placeholdersToRandomEntry
#1014088 - Test autoCalculateList (OK)
#1014095 - Test botAppendToMechList
#1014096 - Fixed With Label Spike [OK]
#1014098 - Fullscreen text with word wrap & background, centered [OK]
#1014102 - Big centered text in frame [OK, but no scroll bar]
#1014104 - Big centered text in frame with scroll bars [OK except if frame is too big]
#1014108 - Big centered text in frame with scroll bars v2 [OK]
#1014110 - VisualKatze [OK, run with #1013936]
#1014120 - Test lastLineOfFile with empty file (OK)
#1014125 - VisualKatze 2 [Association Machine, OK, run with #1013936]
#1014131 - VisualKatze 3 [Association Machine, Forward+Backward, OK, run with #1013936]
#1014135 - VisualKatze 5
#1014140 - Test CISet [OK]
#1014142 - Randall Homepage
#1014155 - Test ByteCountingLineReader (OK)
#1014158 - Test speed of loadUtf8LineFromFile (OK, got 10 ms)
#1014159 - ByteCountingLineReader SSCCE for StackOverflow
#1014160 - Test indexSimpleWikipedia (OK)
#1014163 - Test indexedSimpleWikipedia (OK)
#1014168 - Test indexedSimpleWikipedia_fast (OK)
#1014169 - Test indexedSimpleWikipedia_get (OK)
#1014173 - Show sentences from random Simple Wikipedia entry (OK)
#1014177 - Collect all sentences from 1000 Simple Wikipedia pages
#1014193 - Test wikipediaDeformat function against examples from mech list (OK)
#1014196 - Auto-calculate all lists
#1014198 - Translate English to German word-by-word
#1014200 - Translate English to German using word tree
#1014203 - Test parseDoubleArrowTreeCI (OK)
#1014206 - Leute die ich kenne
#1014212 - Test mechMapCI caching (OK)
#1014215 - ihn/sie (OK)
#1014220 - Relativsätze raus [OK]
#1014223 - Test listToWordTree (OK)
#1014226 - Frage nach Liste
#1014227 - Single Word Speech Test (William)
#1014228 - Jess Single Words
#1014230 - Guess language of list (German/English)
#1014236 - Test parsing of <= map (OK)
#1014242 - List => Language | Guessing table
#1014247 - Test botAppendToMechList_uniqCI (OK)
#1014266 - Artificial Horizon+Compass (Processing, WORKS)
#1014267 - Processing: Simple Gauge (OK)
#1014268 - Processing: "Marshall Servo Position" Gauge with background image (OK)
#1014272 - Optimized "Marshall Servo Position" Gauge with background image v2 (paint only on change, OK)
#1014277 - Show old server system load (OK)
#1014278 - Show old+new server system load (OK)
#1014280 - Test pMain2 [dev.]
#1014291 - Show system load of all 3 servers (OK)
#1014295 - Show disk status of all 3 servers (OK)
#1014305 - Test ngrams_iterator (OK)
#1014307 - Test ngramsHistogram (OK)
#1014314 - Show combined disk status of all 3 servers (OK)
#1014320 - Score guessing functions
#1014329 - Test callAndMake_extended (OK)
#1014334 - Test mech_guessLanguage
#1014343 - Show possible German words not in list yet
#1014354 - Test simpleEmptyLines (OK)
#1014358 - Analyze, show operations
#1014362 - Test Trie [OK, but class is too wasteful]
#1014378 - Make theories for similar lines
#1014385 - Verify theories (OK)
#1014388 - Extend theories with more examples (OK)
#1014390 - Merge AI-found examples into original lists (OK)
#1014400 - Test allContainAllCharsIC (OK)
#1014408 - Test charactersAppearingExactlyOnceInEachString (OK)
#1014412 - Upload standard function names to mech list
#1014413 - Test Standard unix commands with 'which'
#1014414 - Mech lists: Upper/lowercase test (OK)
#1014418 - Things that should be => Questions (OK)
#1014444 - Things that should be: Answer questions
#1014454 - Answer through code fragments (OK)
#1014457 - Upload standard class names to mech list
#1014460 - Upload list of all snippet IDs (needs Local Snippets DB, #1009918)
#1014465 - Test antitrim (OK)
#1014468 - Check things that should be identical
#1014473 - Find mech list references in JavaX program (OK)
#1014482 - Test restartWith128MBHeap with program args (OK)
#1014504 - Test William with JavaSound (seems to work)
#1014509 - Test decoding MP3 with JavaMP3 (seems to work, but doesn't check the actual samples)
#1014513 - Space Shooter (OK on Linux, doesn't work on Windows)
#1014531 - Find missing keys in lists
#1014536 - Find "expansion sequences" in Katze log (OK)
#1014540 - Replace a word in JavaX source (includes camel case parsing, OK)
#1014551 - Test mL_anInstanceOf
#1014582 - Find user-spelled corrected mishearings in Katze log (e.g. hiya => h i g h e r, OK)
#1014586 - Show suggested list edits & allow to confirm
#1014597 - Convert .svg to .png (quick hack)
#1014605 - Speak & Hear (dev.)
#1014607 - Set Global JavaX Option: Max Heap 256 MB
#1014621 - Test transpiling standard function (OK)
#1014623 - Two List Attractor [OK]
#1014630 - Upload output of "wmctrl -lG" (Linux window list) to mech list
#1014632 - Show RAM usage as gauge
#1014636 - Test DynamicVStack with scrolling (OK)
#1014639 - Test DynamicVStack with buttons (OK)
#1014645 - Suggester (OK)
#1014649 - Suggester Module 1
#1014654 - Suggester Module 2 (LIVE)
#1014656 - [old]
#1014658 - Find possible double hearings (user-corrected mishearings) in Katze log
#1014664 - Benchmark Decompressing gzip buffer sizes
#1014667 - Web Socket Bot Test (OK)
#1014671 - Counting Test Through WebSocket (OK)
#1014675 - Counting Test Through WebSocket (shortened, OK)
#1014677 - Eleu Live Log Using WebSockets (OK)
#1014682 - Mech Changes Live Log (OK)
#1014686 - WebSocket Client Test 2 (OK, but no auto-reconnect)
#1014690 - GMail Send Form (layout needs improvement)
#1014700 - Test getting size of label before displaying (OK)
#1014703 - VisualKatze 4 [Association Machine, Forward+Backward, ignoring stuff, OK, run with #1013936]
#1014716 - Play with div positions
#1014720 - GMail Send Form, better layout (OK)
#1014736 - GMail Send Form, with data retention (OK)
#1014737 - Test autoGetDataFromForm (OK)
#1014743 - Test setFormData (OK)
#1014749 - Test temp null; [OK]
#1014753 - Snippet Title Reasoning v1 [OK]
#1014772 - Snippet Title Reasoning v2 [OK, shortened]
#1014774 - Some More Reasoning [OK]
#1014780 - Snippet Editor v1 [too slow, shouldn't use]
#1014799 - Try to make a JavaX tokenizer for RSTA [dev.]
#1014803 - Show loading apple
#1014806 - Download all images from image server [OK]
#1014821 - ASCII Table 1 (OK)
#1014824 - Test SnippetSelectForm (OK)
#1014836 - Test putting windows outside of screen
#1014841 - Test putting windows outside of screen & fixing them (OK)
#1014843 - Continuous recording using arecord [Linux, OK]
#1014848 - Serve javax.apk
#1014850 - Leo TalkBack English (Android), manual start
#1014851 - Store 'murica password on machine for later use [Android version]
#1014852 - Test readLine on Android
#1014853 - Leo TalkBack English (Android), continuous recognition
#1014854 - Android Cat (Assistant, OLD)
#1014856 - Investigate/modify options menu [Android]
#1014857 - Try getting current content view [Android]
#1014863 - Android: Try to hide title bar [OK!!]
#1014866 - Cat Ear Long Poll Bot
#1014870 - Test androidUI in androidUI (OK)
#1014873 - Boot-up code for JavaX/Android (stage 2, JavaX, before logging changes)
#1014880 - Cat Loading Screen Design Spike [Android, OK]
#1014888 - Test aShowStartScreen (OK)
#1014889 - Test androidShowClickableImageAndPrintLog (OK)
#1014891 - Test androidShowClickableImageAndPrintLog, debug 1
#1014892 - Test androidShowClickableImageAndPrintLog, debug 2 (works)
#1014895 - Test loading from image server
#1014901 - JavaX Live WebCam - Show live webcam image in frame v5 [try to minimize CPU when iconified - program works, but doesn't make a difference to vanilla WebcamPanel]
#1014921 - serveLongPoll
#1014925 - Cat Thought Bot (phone to phone)
#1014933 - Test extracting <title> (OK)
#1014939 - A. I. Game 8 / Colored Boxes [OK]
#1014965 - A. I. Game 8.2 / Colored Quads [OK]
#1014979 - A. I. Game 8.3 / Colored Polys [OK]
#1014980 - A. I. Game 8.4 / Circles [OK]
#1014991 - A. I. Game 8.5 / Circles Near Center [OK]
#1014997 - A. I. Game 8.6 / Single Color [OK, if rather simple :)]
#1015005 - A. I. Game 8.7 / Rounded Boxes [OK]
#1015010 - Add border to Instagram logo
#1015011 - A. I. Game 8.7 / Rounded Boxes Near Center [OK]
#1015013 - A. I. Game 8.8 / Lines with colors [OK]
#1015031 - Image buttons for AI concepts [Swing]
#1015041 - Test showNiceButtons (OK)
#1015043 - Put white background behind transparent image (OK)
#1015046 - Headless Racer AI to find lines in image - see #1015013 [OK]
#1015049 - Test line angle (OK)
#1015054 - Test drawRotatedImageOnImage (OK)
#1015059 - Magic Wand Finder Demo [OK]
#1015068 - Android: Take picture (seems to work!)
#1015071 - Cat Starter (Swing)
#1015080 - Reproduce Web Socket Null Byte Bug
#1015081 - Eleu Live Log [Swing], dropping the weird WebSocket \0 bytes [OK]
#1015085 - Data Programs
#1015096 - Test showTextHighlightingLine (OK)
#1015101 - Test loadFunctions disk cache (OK!)
#1015110 - Gather facts from things on screen [OK]
#1015114 - Test onGlobalMousePress + onGlobalMouseRelease (OK!)
#1015121 - Screen Scanner [continuously runs, OK]
#1015126 - Mouse ToolTip & Log [OK]
#1015139 - Show all definitions for things on screen
#1015142 - Mouse ToolTip & Log & Key Log [OK]
#1015144 - Migrate files
#1015152 - Show last utterances as nice buttons
#1015163 - Show last changed snippets as nice buttons
#1015175 - Handle unknown button clicks
#1015187 - Migrate symbol comments from #1010705
#1015198 - Test thingsOnScreenDefinitions (OK)
#1015202 - Run keepOnlyCommentedScreenClips
#1015209 - Make list of JNativeHook key codes (OK, -> jNativeHook_keyCodes)
#1015214 - Assign "Teach/OK" hotkey (OK)
#1015233 - Verify horizontalAutoSplits
#1015235 - Check BWImage <-> BufferedImage (Now OK)
#1015241 - Correlate things in Katze log
#1015242 - Search for matching patterns in all snippet texts
#1015245 - Bench loading all snippets
#1015255 - Keep all snippets tokenized v1 with many strings
#1015256 - Keep all snippets tokenized [smart version with string sharing]
#1015259 - Keep all snippets tokenized [v3 with preloading]
#1015263 - Keep all snippets tokenized [v3 with different calculation; can be run inside preloaded #1015259]
#1015266 - Recognize text on current screen - old
#1015275 - Recognize text on current screen (with scores)
#1015276 - Recognize test screen shots v1 [OK]
#1015309 - Recognize test screen shots v2 [dev.]
#1015315 - Watch desktop directory for new files
#1015321 - JPEGify all new .pngs on desktop [WORKS]
#1015333 - Latest programs
#1015337 - Display snippet source on hover action
#1015342 - Test jextractSerializedObject (find structure string in free text, OK)
#1015353 - Test filterIterator (OK)
#1015357 - Make (OCR training data) & upload
#1015364 - All desktop PNG files as vertical buttons (OK)
#1015376 - Test return value of weakhashset.add
#1015380 - Put transpiled source through Java parser & show error line [OK]
#1015408 - General File Server (authed upload, anonymous download)
#1015409 - Download & unpack
#1015416 - Recognize test screen shots v2 with proper teaching [OK]
#1015422 - Movie Review Cat!
#1015432 - Test BWImage.toRGB (OK)
#1015437 - Investigate full search map
#1015456 - Recognize text on current screen v2 [shortened, OK]
#1015457 - Recognize text on inverted screen [sometimes OK for Peppermint Terminal, but needs more contrast]
#1015462 - Test ocr_minScoreAdjust (OK)
#1015464 - Find blue things on screen using grid [dev. 1]
#1015466 - Find blue terminal $ on screen using grid [dev. 2]
#1015468 - Movie Review Cat [shortened]
#1015479 - Test unixTerminalDollarFinder4
#1015481 - Find blue terminal $ on screen using simple scan
#1015485 - Find blue terminal $ on screen using simple scan [dev. 2]
#1015487 - Try contrast op on blue terminal $
#1015491 - Find blue terminal $ on screen using simple scan [dev. 3]
#1015492 - Auto-segment screen with g=2
#1015493 - Find blue terminal $ on screen using grid [dev. 3]
#1015495 - Find terminal (OK)
#1015497 - Find terminal, select h & v grid (OK)
#1015503 - Find terminal, recognize & teach
#1015505 - Find terminal, show inverted
#1015514 - Test ocr_terminalContents
#1015515 - React to last line typed in terminal
#1015519 - Move terminal around by dragging the title [OK]
#1015530 - Test infoBox_centeredText
#1015531 - Show running bots as nice buttons
#1015537 - Find scrollbar 5
#1015549 - Snippet Editor v2 [OK]
#1015550 - Test standardFunctionNames
#1015560 - Snippet/File Editor v3 [OK]
#1015564 - Snippet/File Editor v4 [CURRENT]
#1015567 - Make synonym of function Spike [OK, see makeSFSynonym]
#1015578 - Show Suggestion Spike
#1015588 - Test showSuggestion - show two suggestions, the second replacing the first (OK)
#1015589 - Test suggestion in frame that doesn't grab focus (OK)
#1015591 - Test suggestion in frame that doesn't grab focus - without alwaysOnTop
#1015597 - Show "add standard function" suggestion on every user utterance
#1015599 - Show text with arrows Spike [OK]
#1015615 - Test linux_showShutdownDialog [OK on Peppermint Linux]
#1015616 - Suspend Peppermint Linux [OK]
#1015621 - Time Jump Detector (notices wake-ups from suspend/hibernate mode)
#1015627 - Show "run first program" suggestion
#1015629 - Suggestion Master - receives and displays suggestions [OK]
#1015631 - Test optimizedJavaEval [OK]
#1015650 - Show last suggestion again when user says "again"
#1015656 - Test machineTime [OK - couldn't get my system to even produce the problem]
#1015659 - Suggestion Master v1 [single suggestion]
#1015660 - Show 3 suggestions at once Spike [OK]
#1015669 - Assign "Type" hotkey (OK)
#1015670 - Cat: Open type window on "type" hotkey
#1015674 - HTTPS loading test from
#1015677 - Test unwrapTrivialExceptionWraps (OK)
#1015684 - Mech Changes Log For Programs (dev., LIVE)
#1015686 - Mech Changes Listen Client [OK]
#1015697 - Test unauthorized mech list append
#1015703 - PrintUserThreadsWithStackTraces
#1015709 - Thread Hibernation Spike v1 [dev.]
#1015711 - Thread Hibernation Spike v2 [dev.]
#1015714 - Deferred Computation Spike
#1015719 - Test JARVIS API (Java Speech Toolkit) - doesn't work with Google anymore...
#1015722 - Test Google Speech API [doesn't work yet]
#1015723 - Google Cloud Speech, simplified version [OK!]
#1015725 - Rename Snippet Form [OK]
#1015726 - Infer variable types in snippet [handles some cases]
#1015729 - Test jmenu_autoMnemonic (OK)
#1015733 - Test humanizeFormLabel (OK)
#1015738 - The Intelligent Program v1 [OK, renders safe standard functions]
#1015745 - Print names of bot-edited lists from local mech archive
#1015747 - Check standard function for safety Spike [OK]
#1015756 - Check standard function for safety [OK]
#1015765 - JMapViewer Demo [WORKS]
#1015783 - The Intelligent Program v2 [OK, but layout weird]
#1015794 - Cubes Frame [dev.]
#1015795 - Cubes Frame [v2, OK, no function yet]
#1015798 - Cubes Frame [v3]
#1015800 - this$0/this$1 test (find embedding object, OK)
#1015803 - Cubes Frame [v4, with module persistence, OK]
#1015808 - Stefan's OS v1 [OK]
#1015809 - Dyn Module Test (show image)
#1015810 - Dyn Module: Java Parser
#1015814 - Test printComponentTree with JInternalFrame
#1015823 - JSON Parser (Dyn Module)
#1015824 - #Modules With Update Function [Dyn Module]
#1015833 - Google (Dyn Module, v1, old)
#1015840 - Test serializing synchronizedMap (OK for hashmap, but needs to handle cimaps etc. too)
#1015843 - Test serializing synchronizedTreeMap (OK)
#1015846 - Show source code of a JDK class v2 [try to find automatically, OK]
#1015856 - Test FileBasedStringMap (OK)
#1015865 - Test jDesktopPaneWithSkyPicture (OK)
#1015866 - Google (Dyn Module, v1, works, but googles prematurely and never corrects it)
#1015869 - ShowStandardClass [DynModule]
#1015871 - Stefan's OS v2 [OK, with new dyn modules]
#1015876 - Test selectFromList (OK)
#1015886 - Parse googleLog()
#1015891 - Google Search (Dyn Module v2, OK)
#1015898 - NumMainClasses [Dyn Module]
#1015902 - Try JInternalFrame with larger title font (OK)
#1015907 - Last Run Programs [DynModule]
#1015912 - Get information about current process through oshi [OK]
#1015915 - OS Size In Memory [Dyn Module]
#1015916 - Directory Info [Dyn Module]
#1015922 - Images In Directory [Dyn Module]
#1015923 - NIO WatchService Self-Test
#1015930 - ShowJDKClass [DynModule]
#1015933 - Test JDK WatchService [seems OK on Linux & Windows]
#1015941 - PC Awareness [Dyn Module, old]
#1015948 - Test yesNoComboBox (OK)
#1015951 - SCP Module v1 (doesn't do that much)
#1015953 - Test pcall [OK, we made some changes]
#1015954 - Test InheritableThreadLocal (OK)
#1015965 - Print process size after JavaX start using OSHI
#1015967 - Try caching OSHI results (OK - i.e., you can't cache the process object)
#1015970 - User's Primary E-Mail Address [Dyn Module, OK]
#1015975 - Test structure/unstructure with synchroList() [OK]
#1015978 - System Cache Vars [Dyn Module]
#1015983 - Central Restart Bot Log [Dyn Module]
#1015988 - Test function parsing bug
#1015990 - Show Tesseract Animation (OK)
#1015995 - Font Demo [Dyn Module, OK]
#1015998 - Stefan's OS Loading Animation
#1016005 - Stefan's OS v5
#1016013 - Word Type [Dyn Module]
#1016020 - Test mech list caching
#1016022 - Bug
#1016025 - Word And Me [Dyn Module]
#1016026 - Snippets DB [Dyn Module, warning: loads whole snippet DB in memory]
#1016033 - Test imageToTiles (OK)
#1016034 - Image Info [Dyn Module]
#1016035 - Image Preview
#1016037 - Show Component Tree Of Other Module
#1016045 - Test jDynamicTree (infinite tree loaded on demand, OK)
#1016046 - YouTube Chrome Window [dev.]
#1016049 - JavaFX bug fixing
#1016051 - Maven Collect [dev.]
#1016053 - VLCJ Player (old, but works on Linux & Windows if VLC is installed)
#1016054 - YouTube Video Download Bot (just type URL)
#1016058 - Make Stefan's OS Starter ["Stefans-OS.jar", OK]
#1016060 - Stefan's OS Starter
#1016066 - Latest GMails [Dyn Module]
#1016067 - Welcome Screen [Dyn Module]
#1016073 - Mech Lists With Text [Dyn Module]
#1016081 - Welcome Screen v2 [dev.]
#1016082 - Stefan's Countdown
#1016083 - Java Calculator [Dyn Module]
#1016087 - Notebook Lid
#1016089 - Test showFullScreen_jwindow - BAD idea (neither Escape not Alt+F4 work :)
#1016092 - Move content from normal frame to fullscreen frame... and back Spike [OK]
#1016095 - FullScreen Module [Put Stefan's OS in fullscreen]
#1016101 - Find all module IDs & static module classes used in OS & upload to mech list [OK]
#1016107 - Module Library [Dyn Module]
#1016112 - General Keyword List [Dyn Module]
#1016118 - Code Editor [edits snippets and files]
#1016120 - Test javaxSyntaxTextArea in JInternalFrame
#1016121 - Minimal javaxSyntaxTextArea Test [Dyn Module]
#1016122 - Text Area [Text is persistent in session & has its own log file]
#1016123 - Task Bar [Dyn Module]
#1016129 - Watch Field Of Module [Dyn Module]
#1016130 - Show Print Log Of Module [Dyn Module]
#1016132 - Module List Old Style
#1016136 - Battery Status [Dyn Module]
#1016138 - Show Standard Function [DynModule]
#1016142 - Test ai1_reduceMultiHave (OK)
#1016145 - Test ai1_howMany
#1016146 - Profiler [Dyn Module]
#1016150 - Start External JavaX Program [Dyn Module]
#1016151 - Java Heap Percentage [Dyn Module]
#1016153 - Java Heap, Raw Value [Dyn Module]
#1016155 - Test JxBrowser in JInternalFrame [OK with license jar]
#1016159 - Unloadable Module
#1016160 - Test JxBrowser in JInternalFrame with tabs [OK]
#1016164 - Test JxBrowser in JInternalFrame with tabs [shortened, OK]
#1016166 - Java Chrome [Dyn Module, uses JxBrowser which needs a license]
#1016169 - Reboot Peppermint Linux [OK]
#1016170 - Clock
#1016172 - Test timeToNextLocalMinute (OK)
#1016174 - Reboot Stefan's OS [Dyn Module]
#1016175 - JCTerm (SSH Client as Dyn Module, dev.)
#1016176 - Test JxBrowser Frame [Heavyweight Rendering, OK]
#1016181 - Correct type of DynModule snippets
#1016183 - Visitors on Home Page [Dyn Module]
#1016185 - Ghost Modules (Deleted but still in memory)
#1016189 - System Print Log [Dyn Module, old version]
#1016192 - BitPower - older Java BitTorrent Client [STARTS]
#1016194 - Thumbs [Dyn Module]
#1016196 - Reversed Thumbs [Dyn Module]
#1016197 - Test selectSnippetID [OK]
#1016198 - Snippet Search [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1016199 - Snippet Search
#1016202 - Test snippetTypeName (OK)
#1016206 - List App Contexts [chasing memory leaks, Dyn Module]
#1016210 - Reproduce Sticky Libraries Bug [OK]
#1016211 - Sticky Libraries Fix Spike [OK!!]
#1016218 - Sticky Libraries Fix Spike [shortened, OK]
#1016223 - Test making BrowserContext twice
#1016229 - Ghost Modules (Deleted but still in memory) - Fancy design [dev.]
#1016230 - Background Image Test [Dyn Module]
#1016232 - List With Background Test (OK only without Substance, background scrolls with list)
#1016234 - List With Background Test attempt 2 (WORKS without Substance)
#1016235 - Swap Count [Dyn Module]
#1016241 - Universal Search [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1016247 - Actions [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1016249 - Launch4J [oops, doesn't work yet :)]
#1016252 - Test md5OfFile (OK)
#1016254 - Test fixNewLines (OK)
#1016257 - Test oshi Disk Stores (OK)
#1016259 - Test oshi Disk Stores Read Bytes Sanity
#1016261 - Fix PropertyChangeListener leaks [Dyn Module]
#1016265 - Snippet Info [DynModule]
#1016273 - Play with AccessControlContext
#1016277 - Check AccessControlContext & hotwiring
#1016282 - Show Computer ID [Dyn Module]
#1016287 - Access Context Switch Test
#1016288 - Try changing inheritedAccessControlContext of Thread
#1016291 - Provoke TitledBorder Memory Leak Spike
#1016293 - Provoke TitledBorder Memory Leak Spike 2
#1016295 - Look for defunct AccessControlContext parts in all threads
#1016301 - JOptionPane memory leak test
#1016304 - YouTube Video Downloader [Dyn Module, OK]
#1016311 - Videos In Directory [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1016318 - Test containsUnsafePlatformCmdLineChar (OK)
#1016320 - VLCJ Player v2 (WORKS on Linux & Windows if VLC is installed)
#1016323 - Blog Bot [DOMAIN BOT]
#1016326 - VLCJ Player (external frame, Dyn Module, dev.)
#1016327 - Module Making JInternalFrame Test
#1016330 - Take screenshot of module (screen-shoot a module)
#1016342 - runShutdownHooksWithDefunctACC [Dyn Module]
#1016343 - updateFramesCache [Dyn Module]
#1016347 - Test Liquid Look&Feel (doesn't work)
#1016348 - Dummy Answers [Dyn Module]
#1016351 - JTattoo Demo (almost OK)
#1016352 - WebLAF Demo (Look&Feel, WORKS)
#1016357 - General Definitions [Dyn Module, old]
#1016373 - Fix animation GIF (done, don't run anymore)
#1016380 - Test match_brackets (OK)
#1016383 - Test ai1_iWant (OK)
#1016386 - Whole OS Screenshot
#1016395 - Emergency Restart on too much memory use
#1016398 - Memory Pool Sizes [Dyn Module]
#1016404 - All Loaded Libraries
#1016406 - All Loaded Libraries v2
#1016408 - Test platformParseArgs (OK)
#1016410 - OS Size In Memory Without OSHI [Dyn Module]
#1016411 - Test various OSHI functions causing possible leak - LEAKS!
#1016414 - OSHI updateDiskStats memory leak demo
#1016415 - JavaX Hello World using standard functions from x30 (outdated method, use x30_util instead)
#1016416 - 10 Second Profiler [Dyn Module]
#1016425 - Hotwire JavaX Hello World that uses standard functions from x30 (OK)
#1016427 - Upload Image To Image Server [hotwirable module]
#1016431 - General Definitions [Dyn Module, shortened, old]
#1016432 - Simple Snippet Search [Dyn Module]
#1016434 - NumClasses [Dyn Module]
#1016438 - Loaded Classes By Name [Dyn Module]
#1016442 - System Version
#1016448 - Input Reverser
#1016451 - Input Reverser v2 (OK, with input choice)
#1016453 - OS Instances Connector [Web Bot, Web Sockets]
#1016455 - Connect To Server [Web Socket version, Dyn Module]
#1016457 - Files In Directory [Dyn Module]
#1016461 - Katze [Dyn Module]
#1016463 - shutdown -h now
#1016466 - General Definitions v3 [OK]
#1016474 - GMail Send Form [Type New GMail, Dyn Module, OK]
#1016475 - Fullscreen menu bar test (OK)
#1016477 - Fullscreen menu bar test with JTattoo (OK)
#1016478 - Stefan's OS v6
#1016488 - URL Checker [Dyn Module]
#1016490 - List methods of active module
#1016508 - Recently Deleted Modules [old, todo: adapt to new logs]
#1016512 - Heap Dumper
#1016517 - List All Classes In Stefan's OS Heap Dump [OK]
#1016518 - Stefan's OS memory leak finder [OK]
#1016519 - Fake finding references to defunct class loaders in Stefan's OS heap dump [OK]
#1016535 - Run OS in subdirectory - for advanced people with multiple brains
#1016548 - OS Instances Long Poll Bot [LIVE, but we're using the socket version]
#1016551 - Connect To Server [Long Poll Version, Dyn Module]
#1016556 - Latest Changed Snippets [Dyn Module]
#1016565 - Test interrupting loadPageWithTimeout (OK, but server doesn't notice if in long poll)
#1016571 - OS Instances Connector [Async Socket, Web Bot, dev.]
#1016572 - OS Instances Connector [NIO Socket, Web Bot, LIVE]
#1016576 - Connect To Server [socket version, Dyn Module]
#1016578 - All Online Computers [Show Connected Computers]
#1016582 - Global Utils (stuff in here gets moved to x30_pkg.x30_util.*)
#1016583 - JavaX Hello World using x30_util [OK]
#1016589 - All Buttons [Dyn Module]
#1016598 - Free System Memory [Dyn Module]
#1016600 - Test googleImageSearchFirstFullImageURL (OK)
#1016606 - LinkedTokenList Spike [OK]
#1016607 - Show Background Image [Dyn Module]
#1016614 - Voice Output + AI Answer Mode [Dyn Module]
#1016625 - Test GMail Server-Side Search [WORKS]
#1016628 - Test getMessages() on GMail folder
#1016629 - Test GMail Server-Side Search v2
#1016630 - Latest GMails v2 [Dyn Module]
#1016632 - Latest GMails v3 [Dyn Module]
#1016634 - Sent GMails [Dyn Module]
#1016638 - Text line at mouse position [Dyn Module]
#1016639 - Show Error Line [Dyn Module]
#1016643 - Thread Count [Dyn Module]
#1016644 - Runnable Threads Count
#1016646 - Total Size Of Print Buffers
#1016652 - Java CPU % [Dyn Module]
#1016654 - Test whether I can hear myself [Dyn Module]
#1016660 - Lock Matrix [shows which modules are currently locked]
#1016673 - Live WebCam [Dyn Module]
#1016674 - Module List [Dyn Module]
#1016678 - Sine Signal Test [OK]
#1016679 - WAV Decoding Spike
#1016683 - Play Mono Loop From WAV Spike (OK)
#1016684 - Play Stereo Loop From WAV Spike (OK)
#1016688 - Play Stereo Loop From WAV Spike (shortened, OK)
#1016690 - Mix 2 Loops (OK)
#1016692 - Mix 2 Loops with switching second loop (OK)
#1016693 - Many Sleeping Threads
#1016695 - Sleeping Threads Dump [Dyn Module]
#1016697 - GC Notification [Dyn Module]
#1016699 - Audio Output [Dyn Module]
#1016700 - Demo Audio Loop [Dyn Module]
#1016702 - Loaded Module Search [Dyn Module]
#1016703 - Reproduce WebLAF Bug
#1016715 - Test transpilationDateOnServer (OK)
#1016718 - Sock Puppet [Dyn Module]
#1016722 - JMenuItem bindToComponent Test (OK)
#1016723 - JMenuItem bindToComponent Test with JTattoo (not OK, called only once)
#1016724 - Live Value JMenuItemTest with JTattoo
#1016725 - Show RAM usage as gauge (Processing 2 version, OK)
#1016726 - Show RAM usage as gauge in JFrame (Processing 2, OK)
#1016729 - RAM usage gauge [Dyn Module, still has some repaint problems]
#1016732 - Backtick - run system command [Dyn Module]
#1016748 - Thread Memory Allocated Bytes [Dyn Module]
#1016752 - Check JDK Path [Is JDK available for nohup? - Dyn Module]
#1016755 - Java Eval [Evaluate Java Code, Dyn Module]
#1016760 - Full Speech Log [Dyn Module]
#1016785 - Smart Answer Machine 1 [Dyn Module]
#1016787 - Correlate Speak & Hear Log [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1016789 - Correlate Speak & Hear Log Spike
#1016799 - Dialog Tree v1 [Dyn Module]
#1016805 - Provoke DeadLock (& have OS solve it) [Dyn Module]
#1016808 - Stefan's Assistant [Dyn Module]
#1016809 - Diff Two Snippets [Dyn Module]
#1016814 - Number of microphones [Dyn Module, Linux]
#1016819 - Ctrl+Tab Spike [dev.]
#1016822 - Ctrl+Tab Spike 2 [dev.]
#1016823 - Ctrl+Tab Spike with JTattoo [dev.]
#1016824 - Test ComponentSwitcher (Ctrl+Tab), OK
#1016826 - Test jDynamicTree with updates (OK)
#1016842 - Switcheroo [Dyn Module]
#1016843 - Dialog Tree v2 with search [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1016846 - Collect I/O Examples [Dyn Module, OK]
#1016849 - Recently Deleted Modules Of Type [OK, but doesn't update automatically]
#1016856 - Develop From Examples v1 [Dyn Module, tries standard functions, OK]
#1016860 - Free Disk Space [on home partition, Dyn Module]
#1016871 - Local Snippets DB v2 [with text on disk, OK]
#1016872 - Snippets DB v2 [Dyn Module]
#1016876 - Test XChart (OK)
#1016877 - XChart Test [Dyn Module, OK]
#1016878 - XChart RealTime Test [Dyn Module]
#1016891 - Find references to defunct class loaders in Stefan's OS heap dump v2 [dev.]
#1016897 - Search In Full Speech Log [Dyn Module]
#1016901 - Search In Standard Functions List [Dyn Module]
#1016902 - Clipboard Contents [Dyn Module]
#1016909 - Recognize Text On Image [Dyn Module]
#1016916 - Recognize Firefox "Confirm close" dialog [works more or less]
#1016917 - Test File Locking (OK on Windows and Linux)
#1016932 - Server Module Search [Dyn Module]
#1016937 - Test File Locking & appending to file (OK on Linux & Windows)
#1016940 - Voice Output v1 [Just the voice output dialog, Dyn Module]
#1016949 - Test installInternalFrameSwitcher_v2
#1016950 - Test installInternalFrameSwitcher
#1016956 - Produce Standard Answers
#1016967 - Remember Words Seen In Any Swing Component, Multi Set Version
#1016970 - Remember Words Seen In Any Swing Component
#1016982 - Proposed Voice Output
#1017001 - Noun / Not a Noun (old)
#1017003 - Radio Buttons Test
#1017016 - Test definitions_dropInvalidatedFromPairs (OK)
#1017020 - Patterns Step 1 [OK]
#1017032 - Patterns Step 2 [OK]
#1017038 - Test tok_genEqualsAndHashCode
#1017041 - Patterns Step 2, shortened [OK]
#1017042 - Patterns Step 3 [dev.]
#1017046 - Grouping Prefix Test (OK)
#1017048 - Grouping Prefix Test With Thought Space (OK)
#1017050 - Multiple Thought Spaces Spike (dev.)
#1017053 - Ambiguous Grouping Spike [dev.]
#1017054 - Inspecting objects
#1017057 - Experiment with code fragments [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1017059 - Test Endless Loop In Evaluated Code
#1017065 - Transpiler [Helper Dyn Module]
#1017081 - Object List [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1017087 - Measure size of non-Latin string [OK]
#1017100 - Measure size of non-Latin string [shortened]
#1017101 - Test BeanShell (OK)
#1017119 - OS Chat [Public Chat among Stefan's OS users]
#1017127 - Execute Signed Instructions From Other Computer (Make Me Remote Controlled)
#1017138 - Audio Input [Dyn Module]
#1017157 - Notice Loud Noise [Dyn Module]
#1017158 - Blip On Noise [Dyn Module]
#1017159 - Listen On Noise [using Google speech recognizer]
#1017160 - Grouper [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1017185 - Develop From Examples v2 [with plan, OK]
#1017190 - Develop From Examples v3 [with function composition, OK]
#1017191 - DynPrintLogWithInput
#1017192 - Match Input With Pattern v1 [Dyn Module, OK]
#1017199 - Match Input With Pattern v2 [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1017205 - Match Input With Pattern v3 [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1017207 - Match Input With Pattern v3 shortened
#1017210 - Words To Categories [OK]
#1017212 - Word To Function [dev.]
#1017220 - Quick & Safe Standard Function As Big Text [Dyn Module]
#1017235 - Text In Focused Component
#1017246 - Assert firstLineFromFile closing file (OK)
#1017252 - Local Mech Lists [Dyn Module]
#1017263 - Void Test
#1017269 - 3 words in pattern, 5 in sentence Spike [OK]
#1017276 - Test allSpreads (OK)
#1017280 - Parse with spreads & word categories [Spike, dev.]
#1017286 - Match Input With Pattern v4 (with stages, dev.)
#1017288 - Test ai_spreadCertainIndices (OK)
#1017290 - Match Input With Pattern v5 (works with "is your father your mother")
#1017297 - Match Input With Pattern v6 (with ParseResult1, OK)
#1017311 - English Parser v7 (OK)
#1017319 - Test setting VM options at runtime (no workee)
#1017320 - Test enabling assembly print at runtime (no workee)
#1017321 - Print all VM options from HotSpot bean
#1017322 - Redirect System.out & System.err to log file (and keep printing normally, OK)
#1017329 - Teach The English Parser [dev.]
#1017331 - Full Speech Log As Table [Dyn Module]
#1017332 - Test structure/unstructure with transient _persistenceInfo (OK, moved to function)
#1017333 - Test structure/unstructure with non-transient _persistenceInfo (OK, moved to test_structure_nonTransientPersistenceInfo)
#1017339 - Categories For Each Word [Dyn Module, OK]
#1017341 - Add plural to nouns list
#1017342 - Intelligent Words v1 [OK]
#1017348 - Intelligent Words v2 [OK]
#1017353 - Test AI_BottomUpParser1 (OK)
#1017355 - English Bottom-Up Parser v1
#1017364 - Test ai_language across threads (OK)
#1017365 - German Bottom-Up Parser v1
#1017367 - Test ai_buParser1_reconstructGrouping (seems to work)
#1017371 - Test AI_BottomUpParser1 with excluding definitions (OK)
#1017372 - Thread Memory Allocation Rates [Dyn Module]
#1017374 - Monitor Network Access [Dyn Module]
#1017376 - English Parser w/simplification [OK]
#1017379 - Test tok_typeAA (OK)
#1017392 - English Parse Tree [OK!]
#1017393 - DynSCPWithInput
#1017395 - English Parse Tree With Weights [OK]
#1017405 - Test ai_buParser_parseWeightedProductions
#1017410 - Test English Simplifier
#1017415 - Test English Simplifier w/plausibility function (OK)
#1017421 - Scan 2 parse trees in parallel Spike [OK]
#1017425 - Test ai_matchParseTrees
#1017430 - Test ai_matchParseTrees_v2 (OK)
#1017435 - English Culled Parse Tree (OK)
#1017437 - Test combineZigZag (OK)
#1017439 - Test combineZigZag_sameLength
#1017443 - Test javaTokNPunctuation (OK)
#1017444 - Try MBrola "us1" voice with FreeTTS [dev.]
#1017445 - Try MBrola "us1/us2/us3" voices with FreeTTS v2 [OK if mbrola + voices are in ~/dev/mbrola]
#1017450 - Test guessing category for unknown word v1 [OK]
#1017452 - Test allCombinations (OK)
#1017457 - Test guessing category for unknown word v2 [OK]
#1017461 - Test Facebook API [dev.]
#1017462 - Telegram Bot Spike 1 (answers any direct message with "Hello <name>!", OK with token)
#1017463 - Telegram Bot Spike 2 (telling user I'm typing, OK)
#1017464 - Telegram Bot Spike 3 (get info about channel, OK)
#1017465 - Telegram Bot Spike 4 (send msg to channel, OK)
#1017466 - Telegram Bot Spike 5 (new library, OK)
#1017467 - Telegram Bot Spike 6 (reacting to channel posts, OK)
#1017471 - English Bottom-Up Parser v2 (with guessing, dev.)
#1017472 - English Parse Tree v2 w/guessing unknown words [OK]
#1017476 - Group english phrases [dev.]
#1017480 - Test grouping hygiene [OK, but not that useful maybe]
#1017482 - Test Bottom-Up Parser with n-token hygiene [forget it]
#1017484 - Test Bottom-Up Parser pregrouped [OK]
#1017485 - Test ai_standardPhrasesGroupingTree (OK)
#1017489 - Print most likely types of unknown word by best parse [OK]
#1017499 - Ask for word types [OK]
#1017505 - Telegram Bot asking for word types (older)
#1017506 - Make Server OS Remote-Controlled from tvejysmllsmz
#1017513 - Just-Logging Telegram Bot
#1017517 - Telegram Bot + speech recognition (Logs & Posts From Log)
#1017521 - Test skipDate_flex
#1017522 - Scan Telegram Bot log
#1017527 - Intelligent Token Objects [OK]
#1017531 - Monologs [dev.]
#1017532 - Flexible Computation Tree v1 [OK]
#1017536 - Flexible Computation Tree v1, shortened [OK]
#1017538 - Computation Tree On Lists [dev.]
#1017545 - Parse Logic Rule Spike [OK]
#1017546 - Telegram Bot [Dyn Module]
#1017551 - Multi-Line Java Eval [Evaluate Java Code]
#1017566 - Test tok_parseIfStatement (OK except for the tricky case)
#1017568 - Telegram Think Bot [Dyn Module, OK]
#1017576 - Test javaEvalOrInterpret (interpret nested function calls)
#1017581 - Test NLLogicChecker_v1 (OK)
#1017583 - Telegram Think Bot v2 [Dyn Module, fading out]
#1017584 - Telegram Facts Bot v1 [Dyn Module, OK, but doesn't handle any variables]
#1017588 - Test NLLogicChecker_v2 with vars (OK)
#1017593 - Telegram Facts Bot v2 [Dyn Module, with dollar vars, OK]
#1017594 - Add Global IDs To Rules [OK]
#1017599 - Computation tree for parsing with OpNode results [dev.]
#1017603 - Test me buddy Spike [OK]
#1017606 - Parse all logic rules
#1017608 - Test Q2 [Dyn Module]
#1017614 - Test botAppendToMechList_combining (OK)
#1017616 - Read Telegram Mech Log Spike [OK]
#1017620 - Live-Listen to Telegram Bot Log (OK)
#1017623 - Follow-up/No follow-up [Tag Telegram Messages, OK]
#1017626 - New Facts [Dyn Module]
#1017661 - Bot Initiative Spike [dev.]
#1017662 - Test shuffledIterator (OK)
#1017663 - shuffledIterator, Java version
#1017667 - Telegram Initiative Bot [Dyn Module, not used anymore]
#1017671 - Test VM-wide UniqueString (OK)
#1017678 - Pregrouped Parsing Spike [OK!]
#1017686 - English Parse Tree v3 with curly phrases [OK]
#1017690 - Scammer => Driver [Logic Spike, OK]
#1017701 - Telegram Facts Bot v3 [Dyn Module, with underscore dollar vars, OK]
#1017702 - Bake Bot For Testing & Load It [OK]
#1017703 - Baked Bot Main Program (assembled into #1017706)
#1017706 - Baked Bot (auto-generated, don't edit, see #1017703)
#1017712 - Make
#1017718 - Test loading mech lists from zip file (OK)
#1017723 - Swing Freeze Bug with certain characters
#1017727 - Derive Facts [OK!]
#1017736 - WebCam Image Saver [saves an image every 10 seconds]
#1017737 - Parse Tree Matching Spike [dev.]
#1017739 - Live Parse Spike [OK]
#1017740 - Entity Extraction Spike 1 [dev.]
#1017745 - Find all sections named "Log" or "System Log" and clear them all (doesn't really work)
#1017749 - Clear print logs of Telegram components (OK)
#1017750 - Swing Latency [Dyn Module]
#1017752 - Telegram Facts Bot v4 [Dyn Module, with entities, old]
#1017766 - Test Baked Bot With VirtualMechLists [OK]
#1017769 - Test Baked Bot, shortened (OK)
#1017770 - Rule Testing [usually OK]
#1017773 - Eval with dollar vars Spike [OK, -> evalWithDollarVars]
#1017780 - Standard Function/Class Name Auto-Complete [operates on focused component]
#1017783 - Bench match3() - now does 4M+ matches per second with big enough cache
#1017799 - Test nlLogic_parseRule (OK)
#1017803 - Console Bot [using server mech lists, uploads as "unauthorized", should work]
#1017805 - Baked Bot Backup 1
#1017807 - Telegram Facts Bot v5 [Dyn Module, with battling rules, old]
#1017830 - Test NLStringMatcher_dollarVars_underscores (OK)
#1017843 - Katze w/new Brain [Dyn Module]
#1017844 - JPEGify all Screenshot_*.png on desktop [WORKS]
#1017846 - Test matchDollarVarsIC_underscores (OK)
#1017851 - Scan fired rules in Telegram log (OK)
#1017853 - Show user's follow-up message after every rule fired [OK]
#1017856 - System Load [Dyn Module]
#1017865 - Collect feedback & possible feedback for fired rules in mech list (OK)
#1017870 - Test a single rule [OK]
#1017872 - Test NLStringMatcher_dollarVars_underscores_dollarDollar with curly phrases (dev.)
#1017885 - "Enter" Rule [dev.]
#1017894 - Step in multiple threads Spike [OK]
#1017900 - Calculation Bot v1 [Dyn Module, thinks about a topic, dev.]
#1017910 - Parse with simpler rules [OK]
#1017927 - OS Font Size [Dyn Module, don't use]
#1017930 - Partial rule evaluation Spike 1 [OK]
#1017933 - Test parsing function with options (NL Logic, OK)
#1017940 - Run whole Telegram log through English parser
#1017942 - Test suppressing exception print for cancelThread (OK)
#1017957 - Test findUsingWordTree
#1017959 - Rule Info Web Bot [LIVE]
#1017972 - Test parsing fired rule (OK)
#1017977 - Test mod formulas
#1017989 - Test profileThisThreadToConsole (OK)
#1017992 - Static Pages Bot
#1018036 - Zip all JavaX Include snippets (from local snippets DB) [Dyn Module]
#1018039 - Telegram Facts Bot v6 [all in one, LIVE]
#1018041 - BotChat with new bot
#1018042 - New Console Bot
#1018074 - Test ruleFails (OK)
#1018077 - Test generating question after rule fail (OK)
#1018091 - UTF8 fixing test for Apache Pika [dev.]
#1018092 - Swing Latency Watchdog [Dyn Module]
#1018096 - Broken Drop Leading Appellations Spike [prefixSubSet don't work like that]
#1018098 - Drop Leading Appellations Spike 2 [OK]
#1018101 - Drop Trailing Appellations Spike [dev.]
#1018108 - Drop Trailing Appellations Spike 2 [OK]
#1018121 - Test repeatedInputModificationsIterator (drop leading & trailing appellations efficiently)
#1018137 - Test FactsBot
#1018149 - Test input[flexMatch] (OK)
#1018150 - Test speech recognition with German .mp3 [OK]
#1018152 - Test Bot v1 [Dyn Module, shows firable rules for an input]
#1018174 - Text Multi-Analysis [dev.]
#1018176 - Get size of syncMRUCache (OK, -> maxSizeOfMRUCache)
#1018194 - Interpret Program 1 [OK]
#1018195 - Gather word category facts for text [dev.]
#1018198 - Group simple noun phrases using BU parser [OK]
#1018201 - Test ai_groupUsingProductions
#1018216 - Log Size of Multi-Line Java Eval [Dyn Module]
#1018220 - Facts from input [OK]
#1018221 - Facts from input v2 [OK]
#1018237 - Split source into classes & rest [OK]
#1018239 - Penrose Tiling (OK)
#1018240 - Recognize Text On Full Screen [Dyn Module]
#1018252 - Test MechListDependentCache (through ctxMacros, OK)
#1018253 - Audio Input + Output [dev., Dyn Module, TODO: sync-start]
#1018254 - Test Bot v2 [Dyn Module, with rules selection, OK]
#1018272 - Test Bot v3 [Dyn Module]
#1018274 - Two-Stage Input Processing Spike [OK]
#1018283 - Two-Stage Input Processing Spike, shortened [OK]
#1018284 - Cookie Test [Web Bot]
#1018285 - Process Rules BB Spike [OK]
#1018294 - Process Rules BB Spike [shortened, OK]
#1018302 - Logic Tester [with direct input of rules & facts, Dyn Module]
#1018308 - Snippet Transpiler Web Bot [LIVE]
#1018314 - Test nlLogic_iterate_withOnFail
#1018323 - Test Bot v4 [with failed rules, Dyn Module]
#1018328 - AI Play Area [Dyn Module]
#1018348 - Test Bot v5 [steppable, Dyn Module]
#1018355 - Test Bot v6 [rewriting input, Dyn Module]
#1018377 - Test tok_marchPatternThroughInput (OK)
#1018381 - Baked Bot, new version (auto-generated, don't edit, see #1017703)
#1018382 - Telegram Facts Bot v7 [new engine, dev.]
#1018396 - Last 3 Lines From Hello Computer Group [Dyn Module]
#1018401 - Task Bar v1 [horizontal only, Dyn Module]
#1018410 - Task Bar v2 [Dyn Module]
#1018411 - Random Cat Smilies
#1018412 - Demo Cat [Dyn Module]
#1018422 - Standard Function Quick Search
#1018430 - CPU Temperature [Dyn Module]
#1018442 - New Woody Web Interface [dev.]
#1018445 - Test isJavaTokHygienic (OK)
#1018452 - Test regexp exception [OK]
#1018461 - YouTube Audio Downloader [Dyn Module, OK]
#1018465 - Test JavaFX MediaPlayer for .m4a (OK on Linux and Windows)
#1018468 - JavaFX Audio Player [Dyn Module]
#1018469 - Scripter [Dyn Module, Demo]
#1018476 - Test Expecters [usually OK]
#1018480 - Test lines_iterator (OK)
#1018498 - Test callOpt_cached
#1018500 - Benchmark callOpt
#1018501 - Benchmark callOpt_uncached
#1018504 - Test call_cached
#1018515 - YOLO Recognition on Web Cam [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1018523 - Process CPU % [Dyn Module]
#1018526 - System CPU % [Dyn Module]
#1018528 - Allocate Resources To AI [formerly: "Background AI"]
#1018535 - Just The Computator (OK)
#1018539 - Test DeepBelief/Linux (image recognition, OK when installed)
#1018545 - Download whole directory by SCP
#1018547 - Profile unstructure with MANY custom objects containing primitive values
#1018548 - Benchmark nuEmptyObject
#1018549 - Fake Fake [Dyn Module]
#1018551 - Speech Recognizer Using Chrome [Dyn Module]
#1018558 - Standard Function Cat [Dyn Module, use #1018551 or #1019326 with this]
#1018559 - Key Logger [Dyn Module]
#1018560 - Hotkey for Speech Recognition [Dyn Module]
#1018568 - Java CPU % Ultra-Shortened [dev.]
#1018569 - Test TArray (typed array, OK)
#1018575 - FFT on audio Spike (OK)
#1018585 - Two Magic Wands Finder Demo [OK]
#1018587 - Get out of Fullscreen [Dyn Module]
#1018602 - Quick Audio Record [while holding button]
#1018652 - Analyze Last Recording [Dyn Module, don't use]
#1018656 - Audio Recordings + Set Words [Dyn Module]
#1018673 - Play Demo WAV Through Audio Output Module [Dyn Module]
#1018677 - Word Tool [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1018680 - Hourly Mark
#1018702 - Test soundSourceToWAV (make sine wave)
#1018705 - Make 880 Hz sine wave WAV
#1018706 - Make 1760 Hz sine wave WAV
#1018707 - Make 3520 Hz sine wave WAV
#1018709 - Test dropExtension
#1018726 - Test setOneLineFileInfoField + getOneLineFileInfoField (OK)
#1018731 - Test structure/unstructure with Float
#1018732 - Test allToFloat
#1018733 - Test showAudioFileWithEditableMarkers (OK)
#1018752 - Image Editor by JH Labs
#1018758 - Loaded Submodules [Dyn Module]
#1018774 - Grow auto-clip algorithm for audio recordings Prelude 1 [OK]
#1018782 - Grow auto-clip algorithm for audio recordings Prelude 2 [OK]
#1018800 - Grow auto-clip algorithm for audio recordings v3 [find best band for entry points, OK]
#1018804 - Analyze Recording v2 [show entry points, Dyn Module]
#1018810 - Distinguish Yes and No Spike [OK]
#1018823 - Distinguish Up and Down [OK]
#1018826 - Celebrate New Computer [Dyn Module]
#1018831 - Thread Comparison: Max Priority vs Min Priority
#1018844 - Analyze Recording v3 [entry & exit points, yes/no guess (distinguish two words)]
#1018845 - Grow auto-clip algorithm for audio recordings v4 [find best band for exit points, dev.]
#1018859 - Distinguish Yes and No v2
#1018864 - Test extractLastNLinesOfString (OK)
#1018866 - System Print Log [LIVE]
#1018870 - Auto-Google Image [Dyn Module]
#1018871 - Suggestion Area [Dyn Module]
#1018876 - Image Segmenter [Dyn Module]
#1018877 - Grayscale Image [Dyn Module, just copy to clipboard]
#1018881 - Horizontal Auto Split [Dyn Module]
#1018908 - Test guessDeepObjectSize_recursive (OK I guess)
#1018913 - Measure memory size of object array
#1018920 - Module RAM Sizes
#1018932 - Module RAM Sizes v2 [with code size]
#1018937 - Module RAM Sizes v3 [with transitive code size]
#1018946 - JavaScript Audio Test
#1018952 - Low Memory Warner [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1018954 - Test MemoryWarningSystem
#1018955 - Whole Screen Screenshot [shoot whole screen]
#1018960 - JavaX Directory Sizes [Dyn Module]
#1018974 - Translucent JWindow Test (OK on Linux & Windows)
#1018978 - Internet Detector [Dyn Module]
#1018993 - Voice Commands [formerly: "Keyword To Code"]
#1018995 - Test useSynthLAF
#1018996 - Test reading from file URL
#1018999 - Internet Detector v2 [detects online status, Dyn Module]
#1019010 - Paint Myself To Buffer Spike [Dyn Module, OK]
#1019015 - OK Assignment [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1019020 - Quick Search Helper [Dyn Module, provides down arrow in AI bar, not needed anymore]
#1019024 - Latest GMails v4 [Dyn Module] - apparently protocol has been disabled by Google?
#1019033 - WebCam, VGA Size [Dyn Module]
#1019034 - Host Window List [for Linux, using wmctrl]
#1019051 - Linux Task Bar [Dyn Module]
#1019055 - Test HaarCascade_FaceDetector
#1019063 - Test HaarCascade_FaceDetector (new version of OpenIMAJ)
#1019064 - Test HaarCascade_FaceDetector (copied in, dev.)
#1019065 - Test HaarCascade_FaceDetector (Maven version of OpenIMAJ)
#1019066 - Test HaarCascade_FaceDetector (Maven version of OpenIMAJ)
#1019073 - Sensory Status [Dyn Module - Internet, Visual, Audio]
#1019074 - Latest Modules [newly created or changed]
#1019090 - Directory Tree [Dyn Module]
#1019099 - Directory Tree With Sizes [Dyn Module]
#1019105 - Web Cam, Pixelated [Dyn Module, OK]
#1019109 - Images In Directory v2 [Dyn Module, OK]
#1019121 - Module Inspector [basically OK, but doesn't notice new modules without reload]
#1019130 - Test RollingAverage (OK)
#1019132 - Voice Matrix [enable/disable voice output from modules, OK]
#1019153 - Module Inspector v2 [the Jester, dev., shows properties]
#1019172 - Task Bar [vertical only, faster than #1018410]
#1019175 - Updates Web Bot (Snippets + Mech Lists)
#1019185 - Mark Face [Dyn Module]
#1019188 - Marked Faces Album [Dyn Module]
#1019193 - Show Marked Faces Pixelated [OK]
#1019197 - Show Marked Faces Pixelated [shortened]
#1019200 - Face Recognition Spike 1 [show Y band, OK]
#1019204 - Face Recognition Spike 2 [makes faceFinderX1_best(), OK, -> trainFaceFinderX1]
#1019214 - Live Web Cam Face Finder v1 [Dyn Module]
#1019239 - Listen To Snippet Updates [old, not needed anymore]
#1019243 - Check out each new snippet [Dyn Module, just a test]
#1019261 - Train VAD
#1019263 - Live VAD [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1019271 - Java CEF Test (embedded Chrome browser, Linux 64) [seems to work]
#1019274 - Live Audio FFT [Dyn Module, shows last second]
#1019276 - Save audio samples
#1019278 - Mark Recordings as Voice/Non-Voice [Dyn Module]
#1019281 - Computer Names [give names to computers, Dyn Module]
#1019288 - Show all consoles (of all JavaX VMs)
#1019294 - Total Loaded Code [Dyn Module]
#1019296 - SCP Module v2 (dev.)
#1019307 - JavaFX Test [Dyn Module, WORKS, but compilation fails on new JDK]
#1019320 - VLCJ Video Surface Test [Dyn Module, sometimes works (why?), needs VLC installed]
#1019326 - Recognize Last Recording As English Speech With Wit.AI
#1019331 - Recognize Last Recording As English & German Speech With Wit.AI
#1019333 - Test pcallFParallel (OK, but where is the exception print?)
#1019339 - A. I. Game 8 / Colored Boxes [showing actual boxes, OK]
#1019346 - Non-Recursive File Watch Service Spike [OK]
#1019349 - Recursive File Watch Service Spike [OK]
#1019358 - Test JMenu populated on demand (OK)
#1019362 - Test JMenu populated on demand (shortened, OK)
#1019363 - Speech Recognition Confirmation [Did computer understand correctly?, Dyn Module]
#1019370 - DynPrintLogAndButtons
#1019383 - Tray Area Test v1 [Dyn Module, doesn't work anymore]
#1019386 - Tray Area Test v2 [Dyn Module, OK, but don't use]
#1019400 - Speech Recognition Confirmation v2 [Did computer understand correctly?, with tray icon]
#1019415 - Some Lists
#1019434 - Choose Background Image [for Stefan's OS]
#1019444 - Possible Log Files
#1019453 - Test howLongAgo_toMS (OK)
#1019470 - Information Databases [Dyn Module]
#1019481 - String List [Dyn Module]
#1019484 - Questions & Answers
#1019486 - Process List [Dyn Module]
#1019507 - Always On Top Module Demo [OK]
#1019518 - Face Finder Training [dev.]
#1019536 - Make Best Face Finder By Pictures [OK, without no-face]
#1019539 - Live Web Cam Face Finder v2 [Dyn Module]
#1019543 - Mark Eyebrows [Dyn Module]
#1019551 - Make Eyebrow Finder [OK, just uses all pictures and a certain width]
#1019563 - Live Eyebrow Finder [Dyn Module, OK with the right lighting & trained recognizers]
#1019576 - Eyebrow Verbalizer [use with Live Web Cam and Live Eyebrow Finder]
#1019586 - Screen Lens with rect of changing pixels
#1019604 - RSA-Based Encrypted Password Transfer Spike [OK]
#1019622 - Test oshi_listProcesses_withoutOpenFiles [dev.]
#1019624 - JD-GUI (Java Decompiler)
#1019626 - Recommended Modules
#1019631 - Mouse Logger [Dyn Module]
#1019633 - VM Bus Snooper - disabled, needs rewrite
#1019642 - Font Plus
#1019643 - Font Plus/Minus (enlarge/shrink font size of components by clicking on them)
#1019644 - Private Chat [Dyn Module]
#1019650 - Send Audio Input To Other Machine
#1019651 - Play Audio From Other Machine
#1019654 - Play Audio From Other Machine v2 [shortened]
#1019658 - Send AI Bar To Other Machine(s)
#1019664 - English Speech Recognizer Using Wit.AI [OK]
#1019669 - OS Chat Bot Prelude v1 [just an input field]
#1019675 - OS Chat Bot v1 [OK]
#1019679 - Important Directories [comment on local directories & select for backup & monitoring]
#1019682 - Repeat Every Speech Input
#1019683 - Watch Dog for Stefan's OS [external part, see #1019696]
#1019685 - Machine-to-machine Chat [one-on-one; use #1019644 to chat between humans]
#1019689 - Send All Keystrokes To Other Machine [dev.]
#1019692 - Machine-to-machine Chat Bot [dev.]
#1019696 - Watch Dog [restarts OS when it hangs]
#1019697 - Freeze User Interface (troublemaker module!)
#1019712 - Vertical Task Bar As List [faster than #1018410, older version]
#1019714 - Definitions [Dyn Module]
#1019719 - Test installInternalFrameSwitcher_v3 (OK)
#1019722 - Groupings CRUD [Dyn Module]
#1019730 - Log Active Module Changes
#1019738 - Retranspile all Dyn Modules
#1019739 - Observe Text Input Forms
#1019744 - OSHI Detect VM Spike (seems to work, tested on VirtualBox and real OSes)
#1019748 - VM Detector [Dyn Module, detects VirtualBox etc.]
#1019753 - All Online Computers [Show Connected Computers, old version]
#1019770 - LAN Discovery [discovers other JavaX computers, formerly called "PC Awareness"]
#1019774 - Timer [Dyn Module]
#1019777 - Grab Screenshot From Other Machine
#1019783 - Rules [Dyn Module, old]
#1019788 - Test finding boxes in BWIntegralImage [dev.]
#1019794 - Distinctions [Dyn Module]
#1019795 - Equivalents [Dyn Module]
#1019796 - Some Reasoning On AI Bar Text [dev.]
#1019807 - Get tabs from Firefox Spike 1 [OK]
#1019813 - Get tabs from Firefox Spike 2 [OK on Windows & Linux - just lags a few seconds until Firefox writes session to disk]
#1019818 - Facts [Dyn Module]
#1019821 - Firefox Tabs
#1019823 - Success Meter [Dyn Module, dev.]
#1019828 - Onboarding Test (v6) - Run Stefan's OS in empty subdirectory
#1019832 - Screen Lens with 332 color count
#1019834 - Box Finder v1 [Dyn Module]
#1019847 - Test NotifyingStringBuffer [OK]
#1019858 - Test hotwireWithParents [OK!]
#1019870 - Use another snippet as library Spike [dev.]
#1019871 - Features [Dyn Module]
#1019873 - Record GIF from Screen Spike [OK]
#1019874 - Current Actions [so they can be cancelled]
#1019890 - Running Threads
#1019891 - CPU Burner [simulate CPU load]
#1019894 - Mini VNC [Dyn Module, control other computer's mouse & keyboard]
#1019937 - Steady Beat [dev.]
#1019940 - Garbage Collector [GC] On/Off
#1019946 - Test Module [OK]
#1019948 - Nodes [Dyn Module, dev., authorized only]
#1019950 - Gather System Loads From All Online Computers
#1019954 - Task Bar v3 [vertical only]
#1019961 - Turn On Web Cam Randomly [OK]
#1019964 - Dummy program for refreshing transpiler + hyperlinker
#1019968 - doLater clean up test
#1019971 - Download video from YouTube & play in VLCJ frame
#1019974 - GStreamer-Based Video Player for Linux (OK)
#1019991 - Appointments [Dyn Module]
#1019992 - My Programs [Personal Program List]
#1019997 - newModuleText
#1019999 - Local Programs Search [Dyn Module]
#1020001 - Set Preferred Way Of Shutting Off Computer [Shutdown Method] - or do it now
#1020011 - Clean Power Off (stopping JavaX processes first)
#1020016 - Show Definitions Per Word In Input [OK]
#1020021 - Stefan's OS v5 Onboarding Demo
#1020022 - Cache Full Snippets List Web Bot [as HTML]
#1020030 - Follow the mouse cursor with a heart [Dyn Module]
#1020032 - See-Through Window [dev., so funny, but not really working yet]
#1020035 - Think About Input Using Definitions [dev.]
#1020037 - Partial rule evaluation Spike 2 [OK]
#1020038 - Continuously Take Scaled Down Screenshot [doesn't save, just for image analysis]
#1020039 - Partial Rule Spike 3 [dev.]
#1020045 - Ask Me A Question [Computer asks, human answers, dev.]
#1020070 - Add Reload Button To Reloadable Modules
#1020077 - Deploy Stefan's OS v7 to v6
#1020079 - Play Sound On New Visitor
#1020090 - Multi-Line Java Eval w/baby symbols [Evaluate Java Code, Dyn Module, one baby per submodule made :)]
#1020096 - Automatically Reload Focused Module [When Reloadable]
#1020098 - Unpickle Sort-of-CLEVR Dataset [basically OK]
#1020100 - Pop Down Button Test [show popup menu on button click]
#1020104 - Clean Reboot (stopping JavaX processes first)
#1020114 - Play Audio Loop
#1020118 - Send Module To Other Machine
#1020126 - Play Audio Loop Synced To Another Module [dev.]
#1020130 - WebCam To Image Buckets (OK, but doesn't save to disk)
#1020140 - Jar Web Bot [LIVE at]
#1020144 - Stefan's OS v6 Onboarding Demo (with compile-on-server)
#1020146 - Quick Audio Record: External Tray Icon
#1020148 - Coarse Splitter v1 [OK]
#1020155 - Save Good Result (Screenshot + Data From Another Module)
#1020171 - Watch Module Screenshot For Changes [OK]
#1020183 - Mouse Position
#1020190 - All Cached Image Tiles To Buckets [dev.]
#1020191 - Circles Finder v1 [Dyn Module]
#1020192 - Move Module Window To Separate Desktop Pane (And Back) Spike [WORKS]
#1020194 - Names Of Colors
#1020199 - Show Random Color
#1020206 - LL to NL Spike 1
#1020215 - Multi-Line Java Eval On Other Machine [Execute Java Code Remotely]
#1020219 - Correct Recognized Speech [learns from #1019400]
#1020224 - "Alexa Mode" [always listen to speech, OK]
#1020234 - Emotion Module [Smiley with different emotions]
#1020238 - Test syncExpiringMap
#1020242 - Teach Colors To The Machine [OK]
#1020257 - Yes Popup Module ["say yes to accept"]
#1020282 - Linux: Burn Directory To DVD (old version using temp ISO)
#1020285 - Linux: Burn Directory To DVD (new direct version)
#1020308 - List Maker [dev.]
#1020309 - Voice Targets - where does voice input go?
#1020313 - Show Definitions By Voice
#1020318 - Record Declaration Bug [fixed]
#1020350 - Modify Task Bar [fun module, dev.]
#1020361 - Voice Coder v1 [dev.]
#1020364 - Follow YouTube Live Stream Chat Messages [OK]
#1020368 - Greet New Live Stream Visitors & execute !say commands [dev.]
#1020374 - Test My Own Cryptographic Signature
#1020375 - System Audio Sources [Linux, Pulse Audio, OK]
#1020394 - Verbs [dev.]
#1020398 - New JavaX Homepage [LIVE at]
#1020410 - List Recording Programs [Linux, Pulse Audio, dev.]
#1020414 - Test UnionFind (disjoint-set algorithm) from JGraphT [OK]
#1020415 - Train Interaction [dev.]
#1020418 - Trained Interactions [dev.]
#1020421 - Object References (e.g. Kept For Other Machines)
#1020441 - Auto-Upgrade OS
#1020446 - Quick Search [unifies other search modules]
#1020465 - Improve Quick Search [using meta-info for modules]
#1020495 - VNC Fixer [just for Stefan, WORKS, but only on Linux]
#1020518 - Input Patterns CRUD
#1020520 - Total System Memory
#1020526 - Test JMenuScroller
#1020528 - Test jDynamicScrollingMenu (OK)
#1020532 - Serve Fire
#1020549 - Uptime [Computer]
#1020554 - VNC Viewer Tray Icon
#1020558 - Line To Category
#1020559 - Show Random Speech Log Lines
#1020561 - Categorize Random Speech Log Lines
#1020562 - Line Features [featureextractors for input lines]
#1020590 - Find Module Based On Question
#1020594 - Browse JavaX-Data
#1020596 - FileBrowser (dev.)
#1020602 - Things and what to do with them
#1020610 - Things and what they are
#1020622 - User Activity Detector
#1020626 - Monthly Traffic Estimate [vnstat]
#1020627 - Hey Dude
#1020629 - Speech Recognition Control [almost OK]
#1020636 - Keep Listening On Speech
#1020639 - Convert to third person examples
#1020641 - Convert to third person Solvers
#1020691 - Calendar
#1020703 - Speech Correction DB
#1020715 - Standard Classes [Dyn Module]
#1020721 - Speech To Calendar Entry [dev.]
#1020723 - Module compiled against Loadable Utils [works]
#1020751 - Test persistence using Loadable Utils [OK]
#1020755 - Unpersist class in package test [OK]
#1020764 - Count things by definition
#1020766 - British To American
#1020768 - Transformed Input
#1020770 - Module Reload Animation
#1020773 - Daily Backup of JavaX-Data
#1020778 - Send All Backup Files To Other Machine
#1020782 - Add Definition For Every Online Computer
#1020785 - Java-Only Key Logger [OK]
#1020786 - Kilroy all popup menus [prank/test/spike module :)]
#1020788 - Question Detection Examples [is input a question? learning examples]
#1020791 - Monthly Traffic Estimate Percentage [of traffic limit]
#1020792 - Question Detection Trainer [OK]
#1020797 - Send Voice Output To Other Machine
#1020802 - OS Size In Memory Tray Icon [Dyn Module]
#1020830 - Yes/No Detection Examples
#1020836 - Thread Test
#1020845 - Kilroy all popup menus MINIMIZED
#1020847 - Tabs
#1020852 - DynSolvers
#1020853 - Question Detection Solvers
#1020860 - Editor Tabs v1 using JTabbedPane [pretty decent, but I want a different tab placement]
#1020872 - Editor Tabs [arranges all opened editors in tabs]
#1020880 - Compact CRUD Spike
#1020895 - Add & Remove Tray Icon A Lot [stress test]
#1020897 - Loaded Functions (unused)
#1020901 - Noun List (+phrases)
#1020906 - Mech Lists Selector
#1020924 - Splittings
#1020927 - System CPU % + (Host) Tray Icon
#1020930 - Test isNoun (new overridable function construct, OK)
#1020938 - Ask Questions [OK, has a fixed list of questions and chooses one randomly]
#1020946 - CRUD for other module [read only, so only "R", no "CUD" :D]
#1020952 - Add "Show Concepts" to module title menus
#1020962 - Move Modules Out Of Screen & Back Effect
#1020964 - Module Visualization Debugger
#1020969 - Search for certain strings in all transpiled modules
#1020976 - Test iterate_progressWindow (OK)
#1020984 - Functions On Input [with CRUD]
#1020985 - Actions On Computer
#1020987 - Shadow Window [a placeholder e.g. for an overlayed webcam frame]
#1020991 - Java Condition To Code [Input to Code]
#1021004 - Lines With Triggers
#1021013 - First Names
#1021017 - Info about words
#1021034 - Info about words v2 [with cases, dev.]
#1021044 - Test PublicExceptTopClass
#1021051 - Matching Input Patterns
#1021053 - AIRIS Test [loads AIRIS, no actual test yet]
#1021055 - Random Derivations
#1021056 - Texts & Patterns
#1021060 - Phrase / Not a phrase [examples]
#1021062 - Match all texts with all patterns
#1021068 - Test flexMatchIC_all_groupings / flexMatchIC_iterate (OK)
#1021087 - Multi-Set [as table]
#1021094 - Question To Module [CRUD]
#1021095 - Question Solver [dev.]
#1021109 - Actual Words CRUD
#1021118 - Ask for meaning of words
#1021121 - Text To Language CRUD
#1021122 - Test Language Detector [OK]
#1021123 - Language Detector (German/English)
#1021130 - Word Auto-Splitter [splits once]
#1021138 - Say With Language Auto-Detect
#1021152 - Custom Auto-Complete Test [doesn't work yet]
#1021153 - Grab Occasional WebCam Images [dev.]
#1021156 - Input Field [Web Bot]
#1021168 - Transpile Bug (or not)
#1021177 - Random "Daily Dialog" (dataset of conversations)
#1021187 - Year Calc Spike (find, check and generalize equation in script, OK)
#1021189 - Auto-Complete Input Spike (based on Quick Search)
#1021195 - AIRIS [dev.]
#1021200 - Answer About Definitions Module
#1021220 - Eval Log (show expressions evaluated by user, latest first)
#1021235 - Dialog Editor
#1021238 - Dialogs CRUD
#1021247 - Functions On Strings
#1021251 - "Pizza with..." [sentence disambiguation logic engine demo, works]
#1021287 - "Pizza with..." [modified rules]
#1021293 - Create a directory
#1021321 - Split Into Sentences Examples
#1021325 - Words with relations [dev.]
#1021326 - Extract Entities Examples
#1021331 - Tripelize Examples
#1021343 - Transformers [dev.]
#1021352 - Gazelle: Rules [Dyn Module]
#1021367 - AI Tasks + Implementations [Dyn Module]
#1021371 - Sentences from Simple Wikipedia
#1021407 - Test Gazelle On Input [v2]
#1021413 - Gazelle Feedback List [Dyn Module]
#1021429 - Gazelle: Analyze Applied Rules
#1021462 - Test Gazelle On Input, older version
#1021468 - Test Gazelle On Input v3 [with tree]
#1021492 - Test Gazelle On Input v4 [with line types & dialog history]
#1021503 - Sentences from Simple Wikipedia (as list)
#1021504 - DynTabs [arranges certain modules in tabs]
#1021505 - Gazelle Tabs
#1021516 - Sentences from Simple Wikipedia (as list, with Gazelle analysis, dev.)
#1021527 - Standard Simplifiers
#1021532 - A Rule Test with regexp [OK]
#1021541 - Apply Standard Simplifiers [reacts to clipboard, dev.]
#1021558 - Test Exported Rule Engine [OK]
#1021559 - Listening Comprehension
#1021581 - Listening Comprehension v2 [dev.]
#1021596 - "Pizza with..." [shortened]
#1021599 - "Big Mac" Demo [Prelude]
#1021602 - Discord Bot Spike [OK]
#1021618 - Discord Bot Spike [v2]
#1021619 - Discord Bot Spike [v3, notice reactions, now a module for Stefan's OS]
#1021621 - Discord Bot [v4, integrates Gazelle]
#1021622 - Discord Bot [v5, send lines separately]
#1021623 - Extract Unicode Emoji List [OK]
#1021627 - simpleUnicodeEmojiList
#1021628 - Gazelle: Lines [CRUD, moving away from Discord focus]
#1021630 - Discord Bot [v6, store lines in DB]
#1021646 - Emojis CRUD
#1021656 - Discord Gazelle: Users
#1021659 - Discord Bot [v7, with !eval]
#1021667 - Discord Image Spike [OK]
#1021671 - Discord Bot [Gazelle-based, v8, old]
#1021679 - Gazelle Web Server [LIVE at, Dyn Module]
#1021683 - Rule with helper table Spike [OK]
#1021740 - Gazelle: Statements [Dyn Module]
#1021745 - Gazelle: Statement Fulfillments (OLD, use v2 instead!)
#1021750 - Discord Bot [Gazelle-based, v9, with statements]
#1021758 - John Doe Test Case [OK]
#1021764 - John Doe Test Case 2 [the default-word bug]
#1021767 - All Gazelle Tests [old]
#1021771 - Multiple Input Lines Test Case [dev.]
#1021781 - Discord Bot [Gazelle-based, v10, with self-talk & looking at history, OLD]
#1021787 - Gazelle: All Rule Applications
#1021799 - Default Answer Test Case [OK]
#1021807 - Test Case With User [OK]
#1021809 - Gazelle Temp Facts
#1021839 - Gazelle: Tokenization Test Case (OK, but we should have different tokenizers for each part of the rule)
#1021844 - Gazelle Web Server v1 [backup]
#1021853 - Test hijackPrint
#1021855 - Test print
#1021890 - Method Test [OK]
#1021905 - Auto-Update Modules [formerly: "Auto-Reload"]
#1021927 - Indexed Simple Wikipedia [Dyn Module]
#1021930 - Gazelle List Maker
#1021931 - Gazelle Modules Manager
#1021960 - Gazelle Web Server backup
#1021966 - Gazelle Maintenance
#1021997 - Finding the best answer Test Case [OK]
#1022008 - Test SimpleCRUD with profiling save
#1022010 - Send clipboard to Montreal [for Stefan only]
#1022014 - Bug Test
#1022068 - Gazelle Test: Rule over 3 input lines [OK]
#1022071 - Gazelle: Rule Notification Test [OK]
#1022073 - Discord Bot [Gazelle-based, v11, with new cache, old]
#1022077 - Gazelle Things Lister [Demo]
#1022096 - Test call_withVarargs & callOpt_withVarargs [OK]
#1022104 - Module RAM Sizes v3, debug version
#1022107 - Clear print logs of all components (OK)
#1022108 - Swing Latency Watchdog [clear print logs when triggered]
#1022124 - Look for prefix in TreeSet pure java spike
#1022136 - JavaX Cron CRUD
#1022138 - Gazelle Test: Simplify Rule [OK]
#1022147 - Set Gazelle Thought to current time (test message editing)
#1022149 - Gazelle Test: Split Rule [WORKS, but we might not want this behavior]
#1022150 - Programs With Data [Dyn Module]
#1022169 - OS Instances Connector [NIO Socket, backup without buffers]
#1022170 - Interpretables Test v1 [OK]
#1022173 - Test linkedCISet (OK)
#1022179 - Interpretables Test v2 [going backwards through chat, with rule IDs, OK]
#1022180 - Interpretables Test v3 [repeated search, OK]
#1022184 - Clean Unicode Smilies For Printing
#1022191 - Interpretables Test v4 [shortened, OK]
#1022193 - Discord Bot [Gazelle-based, v12, with preprocessing, old]
#1022194 - Test optPar with map (and without)
#1022197 - Call default method by reflection Spike [OK]
#1022199 - Call default method by reflection Spike, now works in default lib [OK]
#1022202 - Gazelle: Line Judgements
#1022220 - Gazelle Dialog Runner [Demo]
#1022241 - Gazelle Test: Monologue [OK]
#1022243 - Gazelle Test: "Don't change anything" [OK]
#1022244 - Gazelle Test: "Don't change ..." [OK]
#1022245 - Gazelle Test 12: Expand variable (make it match the rest of the line, OK)
#1022280 - Gazelle: Grouped Chat Lines
#1022283 - Gazelle: Preprocessed Chat Lines
#1022286 - Gazelle: Jump to rule from clipboard
#1022289 - Gazelle: Statement Fulfillments v2 [as CRUD]
#1022304 - Test FullPhraseCache [OK]
#1022317 - Datenbank-Demo
#1022322 - Gazelle: Recently used mappings
#1022377 - Test jSlack [OK]
#1022390 - Straßennamen Hamburg extrahieren (Spike)
#1022391 - Straßennamen Hamburg nach Mech List
#1022408 - Gazelle Test 13: Condition [OK]
#1022410 - Gazelle Test 14: only var is X [OK]
#1022415 - Gazelle Test 15: continue with rule [OK, but a bit rough]
#1022450 - All Gazelle Tests [Dyn Module, old]
#1022488 - Discord Gazelle [v13, LIVE]
#1022489 - Gazelle Errors
#1022503 - Untranspilable program [for testing]
#1022529 - Test for unnull
#1022541 - Gazelle Spectra
#1022542 - Gazelle Spectrum Activation By User
#1022549 - Set OS Icon To Cute Little Car
#1022559 - Single-Word Mech Lists Index (only lists with a single word on each line)
#1022569 - OS Size + Free Memory Tray Icon [Dyn Module]
#1022584 - Stefan's Assistant: Offer to add new snippet as standard function [old, now integrated in assistant]
#1022585 - Gazelle Rule Comment Suggester
#1022590 - Gazelle Line Revisiter & Input Tester etc. (thought helper for web server)
#1022600 - Set OS Name to "Gazelle OS" (or something else)
#1022603 - Gazelle: Posted Lines
#1022605 - Gazelle Errors [dev.]
#1022641 - Export Gazelle Concepts
#1022658 - Slack Module for Bots [dev.]
#1022660 - Discord Bot [Gazelle-based, v14, refactoring, dev.]
#1022661 - Gazelle Tests v2 [Dyn Module, with CRUD]
#1022684 - Dialog Kit Runner, packaged by #1022688
#1022688 - Package Dialog Kit
#1022714 - Dialog Kit Runner (full JavaX version running code from the internet)
#1022717 - Variable for chat bot
#1022724 - Attractors [dev.]
#1022731 - Debug OS Instances Connector
#1022732 - OS Instances Connector [NIO Socket, Web Bot, backup]
#1022742 - Big Input
#1022753 - Stacked Sections Demo (works with labels, doesn't with text areas)
#1022756 - Stacked Sections Demo 2 (OK, uses preferred heights)
#1022759 - Big Input with stacked sections Spike [old, unshortened]
#1022765 - Run Stefan's OS v6 in selected virtual space
#1022766 - Standard function as module (transpiled on the spot)
#1022774 - Big Input with 1/2 sections Spike [OK]
#1022779 - Show diffs between old transpilations of snippet [OK for public snippets]
#1022785 - Gazelle: Raw Rules (rules in preparation)
#1022787 - Big Input with Gazelle & other intelligent actions
#1022788 - Gazelle: Process Input From AI Bar
#1022791 - Gazelle: Raw Bot (processes actionable lines)
#1022808 - Set time for alarm dialog [dev.]
#1022809 - Current time dialog v1 [ok, but preprocessors not working]
#1022812 - Current time dialog v2 [shortened, same functionality as v1]
#1022814 - Current time dialog v2
#1022823 - Eleutheria Main for as Dyn Module [dev.]
#1022824 - Blog Bot with chat bot [dev.]
#1022827 - Bot that knows domains [dev.]
#1022828 - Compliments CRUD
#1022832 - Dates Bot [dev.]
#1022838 - test_AI_DatesBot (OK)
#1022844 - Categorizer Bot [dev.]
#1022853 - Facts Bot [dev.]
#1022858 - Clocktime Bot [dev.]
#1022859 - Bots CRUD [Dyn Module]
#1022860 - Web Servers CRUD [Dyn Module]
#1022861 - Databases CRUD [Dyn Module, where are all the databases?]
#1022865 - Test Partial Attractors [OK]
#1022869 - Discord Module [just Discord reading & posting, OLD, use v2 instead]
#1022887 - Input Tokenizer v1 [OK]
#1022891 - Input Tokenizer v2 [with colored display, OK]
#1022896 - Bot Checker
#1022897 - Salvage curly phrases in input
#1022899 - AI Album [Dyn Module, gallery of images for AI]
#1022902 - Clipboard -> AI Album
#1022921 - Learn Tabs / No Tabs [dev.]
#1022923 - Mark Image [Dyn Module, dev., mark different things in image]
#1022929 - Learn to find active tab [OK]
#1022953 - Find active tab v1 [OK]
#1022964 - What-Is Bot [dev.]
#1022971 - Simple responder test for Slack module
#1022975 - Learn Dogs vs Cats Prelude v1
#1022991 - Learn Dogs vs Cats Prelude v2 [dev.]
#1022998 - Screen-Filling Text [OK, just a little slow]
#1023015 - Test screenTextOverlay
#1023017 - Test screenTextOverlay_withOutline
#1023018 - Top Input To Big Overlay Text
#1023053 - Test getClass_vmName_withLoadableUtils (reload to test bug)
#1023054 - "Virtual" Objects Spike - custom compact object representations v1 [OK]
#1023066 - Phrase Corrector Demo
#1023071 - Top Input To Big Overlay Text v2 [multi-line]
#1023090 - "PROFILER" Demo [dev.]
#1023100 - Make Face Finder [from pictures in Marked Faces directory]
#1023110 - Make Face Detector [including face/no face, OK, but result not very good yet]
#1023114 - Make User Profile [dev.]
#1023120 - Test dm_timerWithFieldSecondsInterval_startNow (OK)
#1023131 - Random "Daily Dialog" (dataset of conversations) v2
#1023140 - Estimate when hard disk will be full (hard disk doom estimator)
#1023144 - What Did You Do Today Bot [bot asking user, dev.]
#1023148 - Calculation Bot [e.g. "6 x 4"]
#1023154 - Combined Bot - central/single voice interface to all loaded DynAttractorBots
#1023161 - I want you to be... [prelude spike]
#1023175 - I want you to be... [prelude spike v2]
#1023179 - I want you to be... [bot, OK]
#1023180 - I want you to be... [prelude spike v3, OK]
#1023193 - Headphone Detection [Linux]
#1023210 - I want you to be... [prelude spike v4, extended strings, OK]
#1023211 - I want you to be... [prelude spike v4 shortened - triggers compiler bug in JDK 8?]
#1023225 - Show Computer's Public Key
#1023240 - Ontology Bot ["Is" Bot, LIVE in @Monkey]
#1023256 - Test onWindowVisibilityChanged (Android)
#1023258 - Test onWindowVisibilityChanged + onWindowFocusChanged (Android)
#1023269 - Test indexConceptFieldCI
#1023280 - Android Controller (port 8082, control the cat on the phone, OLD version for single user)
#1023283 - Android Cat, old cloud brain
#1023284 - Test aCatLoadingScreen
#1023294 - Android Cat Connector - connect all loaded DynAttractorBots to Android cat
#1023304 - Test combinedMechMapForCurrentLanguages
#1023311 - Assistant Users
#1023316 - Assistant User Passwords
#1023323 - Android login screen test
#1023335 - Assistant Web Server [token based, LIVE]
#1023340 - Android registration screen test
#1023356 - Android Signing Test
#1023365 - Test aShowConsole (OK)
#1023368 - Test removing "Settings" from Android menu
#1023370 - Test aRunSnippet (run another program on Android, OK)
#1023372 - Android Cat (Assistant, multi-user, LIVE)
#1023373 - Key Robot Web Server
#1023376 - First Phone Assistant Action ["token", unshortened version]
#1023382 - Assistant Web Server [alternative version with registration]
#1023385 - First Phone Assistant Action ["token", shortened, OK]
#1023387 - Phone Assistant: Greeting on Window Focus
#1023389 - Make .srt from text file
#1023393 - quickImport bug test
#1023420 - Discord Bot Connector - connect all loaded DynAttractorBots to Discord module
#1023421 - Discord Bot PM Test
#1023426 - Test Ongoing Twitter Search [Poll Version]
#1023428 - Ongoing Twitter Search [Poll Version, Module]
#1023429 - Module Code Share Base [dev.]
#1023435 - Discord Module v2 [using include]
#1023438 - Discord Token Detector
#1023439 - Discord Token Detector Standalone Bot
#1023440 - Discord Hopper Bot [eats Discord tokens & duplicates itself, seems to work]
#1023441 - Test print-to-module (non-compact module, OK with code sharing)
#1023445 - Test print-to-module (compact module)
#1023448 - Test print-to-module (compact module) and dm_printLogComponent
#1023466 - Ontology Web Server
#1023475 - Parameterized Module Test
#1023476 - Ontology Helper Bot
#1023485 - Key+Mouse Robot Socket Server
#1023494 - Monkey
#1023502 - Maybe [OK]
#1023503 - Test print-to-module in thread (compact module, OK)
#1023524 - Watch this trick [logic engine example, dev.]
#1023545 - Compile GitterJavaSDK [forget it, too many dependencies]
#1023552 - Gitter Stream Messages Test
#1023558 - source [LIVE]
#1023660 - source (backup from when it was still 99 lines!)
#1023669 - first bot (move a random "robots.txt" page to the robots.txt slice)
#1023673 - first bot v2 (move random "robots.txt" page to the robots.txt slice, sign post)
#1023679 - first bot v3 (move ALL "robots.txt" page to the robots.txt slice, sign posts)
#1023687 - source [backup before slices]
#1023692 - Thin all programs' backups
#1023701 - bot sending trust request
#1023702 - make trusted key for machine [on server only]
#1023706 - with separate slices [dev.]
#1023708 - source [backup before switching from url to q]
#1023718 - Web Server For Testing HTML Queries
#1023719 - Return Params Sub Bot [for testing]
#1023735 - "My Day" [v1, just the parsing]
#1023737 - "My Day" [v2, parse into fields]
#1023740 - "My Day" [v3, parser in include]
#1023742 - "My Day" [v4, solve a simple reading comprehension test using regexps, OK]
#1023755 - "My name is John" [second reading comprehension test, dev.]
#1023759 - Transpilation Bug Test (OK)
#1023778 - "My name is John" [pronoun resolution, dev.]
#1023783 - "My Day" v5 [abandoned], trying all words as power words. OK it doesn't work like that
#1023788 - "My Day" [v6, shortened using multiCall, OK]
#1023822 - "My name is John" [parsing all sentences, dev.]
#1023825 - "My name is John" [parsing all sentences, dev., ext program, OK now]
#1023827 - Parse the problem sentence
#1023851 - Save Stack Traces If Process CPU use > 50% of all cores for 10 seconds
#1023852 - Test flexMatchDollarVarsIC_all [OK]
#1023914 - Split Function Suggester [dev., works with #1020148]
#1023927 - WordNet bot [works, but only on a fixed page]
#1023928 - eeZee [LIVE, socket/http]
#1023929 - eeZee OS [LIVE]
#1023940 - eeZee old [http]
#1023951 - Standalone with GUI [OK]
#1023954 - Control Panel [for standalone version]
#1023993 - Regexp Matcher - module dedicated to matching regexps for other modules [dev.]
#1024022 - Test countConcepts optimization (OK)
#1024025 - Test WaifUPnP [open port on router]
#1024026 - Eleutheria Main for (backup without Stefan's OS)
#1024031 - multi query args test (OK)
#1024049 - Play with power word rules from
#1024057 - Search Module [LIVE]
#1024081 - eeZee Web Bot [LIVE]
#1024114 - GBot (Discord Bot that googles, v2, old)
#1024115 - GBot backup v1 (Discord Bot that googles)
#1024131 - GBot v3 (Discord Bot that googles, server-aware version, LIVE)
#1024138 - Test serving big images over HTTPS (JDK 11+ bug)
#1024140 - Test serving big images over HTTPS (JDK 11+ bug), version for Oracle
#1024145 - Gazelle 2 [LIVE]
#1024152 - Quick Annotator [show list of things, allow comments, dev.]
#1024153 - Discord: Print Channel Stats
#1024158 - Discord: Send Unique Chat Lines To Annotator
#1024162 - Test JTextArea.setDocument
#1024165 - Test JTextArea.setDocument with chat lines
#1024167 - Test JTextArea.setText() with chat lines
#1024168 - Quick Annotator (table version, show list of things, allow comments)
#1024169 - Discord: Send Unique Chat Lines To Annotator v2
#1024172 - Quick Annotator with guess field
#1024174 - Chat Line Annotation Guesser [dev.]
#1024183 - Test structure/unstructure with syncMap [dev.]
#1024186 - Quick Annotator with guessing prelude 1
#1024190 - Grow random regexps Spike [dev.]
#1024196 - Discord Keep-Alive Module [keep bot looking online when the actual module is restarting]
#1024200 - HotSpot Compilation CPU % [Dyn Module]
#1024201 - Java + HotSpot Compilation CPU % [Dyn Module]
#1024203 - Test JFastLogView_noWrap
#1024208 - System Print Log [why not used anymore?]
#1024213 - System Print Log, old version with JTextArea
#1024216 - Heap dump once on too much memory use
#1024219 - (JavaX) backup with JTextArea
#1024232 - Test NotifyingPrintLog rotation
#1024239 - Bot: Upload adjectives from mech list [OK]
#1024240 - Bot: Download adjectives to mech list [OK]
#1024272 - Rotate MainMainPrintLog (helpful for Eleu)
#1024284 - source [secondary version]
#1024287 - Test ConceptsLoadedOnDemand (OK)
#1024288 - source [adding slices, dev.]
#1024297 - source [backup before slices 2]
#1024323 - Serve HTTPS with SNI Spike 1 [doesn't work]
#1024325 - Serve HTTPS with SNI Spike 2 [WORKS!]
#1024329 - source [backup before Google log-in]
#1024334 - source [with background-loading slices, merged into main]
#1024350 - source with central index [dev.]
#1024355 - Web bot that takes long to start (for testing)
#1024369 - eeZee for Android App [LIVE]
#1024372 - Deduction Module [dev.]
#1024374 - source [backup 2019/08/08]
#1024390 - Headless Chrome Test using Selenium [crashes VNC session on server - trying Playwright instead]
#1024400 - source [backup before private slices]
#1024415 - Giraffe (bot based on an slice)
#1024420 - source [backup before snapshots]
#1024422 - Test Twitch4J
#1024426 - Bench LogNArray
#1024428 - Check size of LogNArray.Node
#1024434 - Rotate all module's print logs
#1024438 - Bench LogNArray (smaller array)
#1024454 - source [backup before source lib]
#1024455 - DB Source Lib
#1024469 - Find concepts bug
#1024470 - Test structure/unstructure with Short
#1024477 - source [backup before moving to class]
#1024502 - Giraffe backup
#1024512 - productive [LIVE]
#1024520 - UserSelfInfoBot
#1024531 - Test RangeSlider (OK)
#1024537 - Image Segmenter v2 [with size and position filtering and blur and distance to color]
#1024568 - Image Segmenter v3 [with upload]
#1024570 - Test restructure with loadableUtils.utils$Rect and ...$Pair (OK)
#1024578 - AutoJumpCut (Single Video)
#1024623 - AutoJumpCut Runner (packaged by #1024624)
#1024624 - Package AutoJumpCut
#1024630 - AutoJumpCut Batch Mode (Concatenate All Videos)
#1024650 - 7z decompress test (sadly doesn't work in Java yet)
#1024655 - Image Segmenter v4 [best version, with min filter]
#1024674 - Chess Board Recognizer [OK but with manual segmenter selection]
#1024760 - Optimize magicCombineFactor of Chess Piece Recognizer [OK]
#1024775 - Extract chess piece images from training images and upload them to
#1024783 - Test Chess Board Finders
#1024787 - Chess Board Finder Score Matrix (see #1024783)
#1024823 - Score Matrix [generic]
#1024825 - Test Chess Piece Recognizers
#1024827 - Chess Piece Recognizer Score Matrix (see #1024825)
#1024848 - Drag&Drop Frog Demo
#1024849 - Chess Board Recognizer backup
#1024850 - Chess Piece Database
#1024868 - Test restructuring MRUCache (OK)
#1024871 - Auto Chess Board Recognizer [dev.]
#1024878 - allTests_structure as standalone program
#1024881 - Auto Chess Board Recognizer v2 [dev.]
#1024890 - Pipelined Chess Board Recognizer [dev.]
#1024911 - Chess Board Recognizer [stand-alone version]
#1024912 - Chess Board Recognizer Main (packaged by #1024913)
#1024913 - Package Chess Board Recognizer
#1024916 - Chess Piece Database 2 (from individual images, dev.)
#1024921 - Archive Contents
#1024922 - programPackager_standardExcludedSnippets
#1024932 - Stefan's OS v7 [LIVE]
#1024941 - Fake Terminal [to be used in actual terminal]
#1024978 - Discord Fan [clicks madly on "Open Discord" button on, OK]
#1025003 - Mouse Mover
#1025015 - Generic Standalone Runner (for packageProgram)
#1025016 - packageModules - directly make a runnable jar from modules
#1025026 - Discord Fan [shortened]
#1025036 - Discord Fan [shortened 2]
#1025052 - Hello other machine
#1025085 - Live Base Drum Finder 1 [dev.]
#1025099 - Live Base Drum Finder 2 [dev.]
#1025114 - GMail Inbox Checker [dev.]
#1025122 - Samantha [Discord Greeter Bot, old]
#1025129 - Samantha v2 [server-aware, LIVE]
#1025130 - Crazy non-static inner classes subclassing experiment (whoa, actually works)
#1025132 - Operation GROUP Window Titles
#1025144 - Process CPU % + (Host) Tray Icon
#1025148 - Mocha DOOM [newer version with end mapped to escape, OK]
#1025152 - Try restructuring "crazy" inner classes (WORKS)
#1025161 - Crazy non-static inner classes subclassing experiment v2
#1025166 - Crazy inner classes
#1025167 - Bouncer Web Service [let bots into The Swamp, dev.]
#1025169 - Stefan's OS v5 backup (just starts v6)
#1025188 - Stream of screenshots
#1025194 - Test FlexibleRateTimer v1 (OK, but not shortened and not persistent)
#1025199 - Embedded function test
#1025201 - Embedded function test (actual)
#1025207 - Test FlexibleRateTimer, shortened (OK)
#1025209 - Test FlexibleRateTimer, shortened 2 (OK)
#1025218 - IntegralImage as src lib
#1025220 - Field Access Proxy Test [dev.]
#1025226 - Test ScreenshotFromStream
#1025239 - Benchmark Cancel Points [OK]
#1025248 - IntegralImage Benchmark
#1025249 - Clean JavaX Cache Every Hour
#1025250 - Parse ii-assembly.xml
#1025269 - Run empty OS
#1025278 - Smiley Finder [dev.]
#1025283 - Find area on screen without change v1 [OK]
#1025290 - Clusters Bot [old]
#1025300 - Clusters Bot v1 [as made in]
#1025304 - Clusters Bot [shortened, LIVE]
#1025308 - Segment screenshot stream [dev.]
#1025311 - YouTube Operator v0.1 [works with a certain screen setup]
#1025322 - Discord Audio Spike [dev., warning: loads native libraries]
#1025329 - Radio Bot [abandoned]
#1025341 - Gazelle Radio (Discord Radio Spike)
#1025342 - Discord Audio Bots OS
#1025343 - Test setOpt and DynamicObject
#1025348 - NL Rules Bot [LIVE in Gazelle, copy of Katherine]
#1025350 - Text Edit Assist Spike [made in video]
#1025359 - React to all events Discord Bot [OK]
#1025375 - We Need Bot [LIVE]
#1025387 - We Need [shortened]
#1025390 - Happy with Discord [dev.]
#1025393 - Module Icon Test (OK)
#1025397 - Happy / Sad Module [Change Module Icon Transiently, Demo]
#1025400 - Discord Help Embed Test
#1025404 - Editing the MiniEngine [dev.]
#1025408 - Rule Transpilation Spike [dev.]
#1025420 - Propositions to objects, step 1: check primitive proposition (OK)
#1025427 - Propositions to objects, step 2: implement Prolog-style backwards rule (OK)
#1025428 - Propositions to objects, step 3: infer a variable (dev.)
#1025429 - Propositions to objects, step 4 - fill variable from facts (OK)
#1025431 - Propositions to objects, step 5 - multi-step procedure (OK)
#1025442 - Propositions to objects, step 6 - parsing (OK)
#1025448 - Propositions to objects, step 6 - parsing (shortened)
#1025452 - Propositions to objects, step 7 - unparsing (OK)
#1025457 - Propositions to objects, step 6 - parsing (shortened 2)
#1025459 - Propositions to objects, step 6 - parsing (shortened 3)
#1025468 - Seen or not [dev.]
#1025478 - Confirm OS Exit
#1025488 - Run miniBench a lot (e.g. as an isolated CPU test)
#1025492 - Run maxExecutionGap() a lot (e.g. as an isolated CPU test)
#1025493 - The AI Should [LIVE]
#1025497 - DynListBot [discord bot that manages a list with custom cmds]
#1025499 - The AI Can [dev.]
#1025501 - Benchmark & Profile Transpiler
#1025505 - ifclass test
#1025508 - Bench TokenIndexedList2
#1025512 - Bench TokenIndexedList3
#1025521 - The AI Can v2 [dev.]
#1025540 - Parse /proc/.../smaps Spike
#1025572 - discord bot (old, doesn't do much)
#1025576 - Philosophy Bot 1 [OK]
#1025598 - Philosophy Bot 2 - match questions and answers [dev.]
#1025599 - While true in philosophy engine [OK]
#1025600 - Counter in Philosophy Engine [OK]
#1025605 - Philosophy Bot 2 - match questions and answers [works with a very high chance, but without proper backtracking]
#1025606 - Philosophy Bot 2 - match questions and answers [v2 with backtracking, dev.]
#1025613 - Philosophy Bot 2 - match questions and answers [v3 with soc, dev.]
#1025616 - Auto-Test philosophy engine with counter example [broken?]
#1025621 - Speech To Discord [sometimes LIVE as Dr. Asimov]
#1025623 - Package K&S
#1025624 - Katherine
#1025631 - Time Table [dev.]
#1025635 - The Owl [old]
#1025636 - Stefan's OS v5 "hopping over" to v6 (not live anymore)
#1025639 - Minimize OS To Tray [OK]
#1025642 - C8 Web Server
#1025647 - Smart Parser Text Area [OK]
#1025672 - WebP Test (WORKS on Linux 64)
#1025678 - Free Disk Space Tray Icon [checks home partition]
#1025712 - Switch OS Look & Feel
#1025722 - Substance L&F as module
#1025726 - Wants To Connect Musing [OK]
#1025731 - Wants To Connect Musing shortened
#1025733 - Weight Change Bot [original demo, OK]
#1025736 - Philosophy bot main test (musings, FactStore)
#1025761 - NL Rules in Philosophy Bot Spike [dev.]
#1025767 - Weight Change Bot shortened [OK]
#1025777 - Philosophy Bot Text Area [OK]
#1025786 - Play with Lava AudioPlayer
#1025787 - Play with Lava AudioPlayer v2
#1025795 - Discord Philosophy Java Spike
#1025803 - Test findCodeTokens with indexed list
#1025804 - Transpiler with TokenIndexedList3 [dev.]
#1025806 - "Super-Edgy" JavaX Translator (Extension of #7) before concurrent class compilation
#1025807 - Channel History DB Bot [OK]
#1025815 - Test makeAllPublic
#1025817 - Katherine backup before synonyms
#1025818 - Katherine with synonyms [dev.]
#1025819 - Sentence Analysis Spike [dev.]
#1025821 - Samantha v3 [per-guild auth, dev.]
#1025822 - The Owl v2 [LIVE]
#1025823 - Java(X) Umlaut identifier test (actually works)
#1025824 - DynTalkBot2 as src lib
#1025825 - Include DynTalkBot2 as src lib test
#1025827 - Post Server Count to MythicalBots Spike
#1025850 - Input Interpreter [using rules, v1]
#1025857 - React to Ctrl+C Spike (OK)
#1025863 - Rules Bot (dev.)
#1025884 - Test leven iterator bug (fixed)
#1025896 - Test file upload bug
#1025905 - Asker Bot [dev.]
#1025911 - CSS for Nootrobox
#1025912 - Template Nootrobox before segmenting
#1025913 - Lottery Bot
#1025921 - Channel History DB Bot Duplicate
#1025923 - Dummy Web Chat Bot
#1025925 - CSS for yellow web chat bot (OK)
#1025927 - Machine Group Chat [Public chat among Stefan's OS machines]
#1025930 - Collect system statuses from machines [OK, needs a nice display]
#1025938 - Philosophy Bot Text Area v2 [with logic rules list]
#1025948 - System Queue Size
#1025949 - System Queue Monitor Spike
#1025962 - Set process priority to -10 [only works on Linux with root user]
#1025964 - AI Tasks Web Bot
#1025968 - Server loads tray icon [OK]
#1025976 - Word Split Spike
#1025978 - CSS for MMO bot
#1025982 - Dummy Web Chat Bot Thought Module
#1025988 - MMO Rules Spike [dev.]
#1025991 - HTML CRUD Spike [OK]
#1026003 - HTML CRUD Spike 2 [OK]
#1026023 - #759 backup with reTok_multi in tok_conditionals (seems slower?)
#1026041 - Alarm When Power Source Unlugged
#1026059 - Migrate SourceForge snippets to new file server [OK]
#1026065 - Migrate blobs to new file server [dev.]
#1026067 - Snoop loadLibraryOrSrcLib [for debugging]
#1026080 - Test Text Recognizers [v1, just texts]
#1026083 - Test Text Recognizers [v2, with rects, OK but can't show details yet]
#1026088 - Test Word Recognizers
#1026092 - Bench Extended Ukkonen algorithm for Levenshtein distance (super fast when strings are equal/similar)
#1026100 - Test CommonMark [MarkDown to HTML, OK]
#1026102 - Rules Web Bot [dev.]
#1026112 - A bunch of rewriters [dev.]
#1026126 - Rules + Inputs Web Bot
#1026127 - Auto-Reload Eleu Modules On Server
#1026142 - Bench Extended Ukkonen algorithm for Levenshtein distance with sparse array
#1026143 - Bench Extended Ukkonen algorithm for Levenshtein distance (new version using interface)
#1026147 - Bench Extended Ukkonen algorithm for Levenshtein distance with faster sparse array
#1026160 - Rules + Inputs Web Bot backup
#1026196 - Rules + Inputs Web Bot [with functional programming primitives]
#1026209 - Switch To External/Internal Monitor After Resume
#1026220 - CSS for + IPTV bots
#1026229 - Viber WebHook
#1026245 -
#1026246 - Imager Thought Bot
#1026247 - Imager Answers DB [LIVE]
#1026248 - Imager Chat Bot
#1026266 - CSS for Imager chat bot &
#1026276 - IPTV Multi-Comm Server Module
#1026282 - IPTV Multi-Comm Client [dev.]
#1026286 - IPTV Multi-Comm Client v2 [dev.]
#1026293 - Gazelle 2 with JDA 4.0 [OK]
#1026297 - Discord Cloner ["Hypercubes Bot", LIVE]
#1026316 - Discord Cloner v1 [saves and restores roles and members]
#1026318 -
#1026321 - Thought Bot
#1026322 - Chat Bot
#1026323 - Answers DB [LIVE]
#1026333 - ELE: Past Inputs [just copies from #1017331]
#1026348 - Voice Recognition 3-Way Switch [one-stop control for speech recognition on/off/listen on noise]
#1026353 - ELE: Find Past Input identical to current input [OK]
#1026354 - ELE: Current Input
#1026357 - ELE: Main Control
#1026359 - ELE: Match Patterns [to current input]
#1026369 - ELE: Scratchpad for Rules
#1026371 - ELE: Theories [dev.]
#1026373 - Philosophy Bot Playground v3 [with separate output facts]
#1026377 - Copy Speech Input To Clipboard
#1026379 - ELE: Recognition Replacements CRUD [fix misrecognized words]
#1026391 - Test swappable (OK)
#1026395 - ELE: Apply Recognition Replacements [dev.]
#1026409 - Tomii Boi Answers DB [old]
#1026410 - Tomii Boi Thought Bot [LIVE]
#1026411 - Tomii Boi Chat Bot [old Eleu version]
#1026415 - Tomii Boi Discord Bot [now works everywhere, dev.]
#1026426 - Multi-Line Java Eval [Evaluate Java Code, old version with eval + medium]
#1026470 - Creator/Critic Parser Spike v1
#1026471 - Creator/Critic Parser Spike v2
#1026478 - Disable https certificate validation
#1026479 - Toms_Tomii Boi Discord Bot_test
#1026484 - ELE: Prefix Suffix Splitter
#1026485 - Suffixes/Prefixes Continuation Framework Spike [dev.]
#1026487 - Finding Nouns [dev.]
#1026494 - Tomii Boi Discord Bot [in-OS db version, use with #1028036]
#1026505 - ELE: Match current to past Input word-by-word [dev.]
#1026509 - Central Command [dev.]
#1026511 - Offer Adding All New Modules [dev.]
#1026531 - ELE: Sentence Prefixes
#1026544 - HyperCubes Answers DB [LIVE]
#1026545 - HyperCubes Chat Bot (just for auth)
#1026559 - List With Feedback
#1026571 - Try to release heap beyond -Xms value (not possible)
#1026591 - Play with HTML JLabel
#1026600 - Convo Popup [old]
#1026605 - React to input in Convo Popup
#1026630 - All Keriyo Smilies
#1026641 - ELE: Answer from speech log if single word changed
#1026649 - ELE: Answer from speech log if single word changed v2 [with buttons]
#1026651 - ELE: Rewrites
#1026654 - ELE: Star pattern from first words
#1026655 - Monitor VM bus message [with stack traces]
#1026661 - ELE: Star pattern from last words
#1026671 - ELE: List Of Everything [CRUD version]
#1026672 - ELE: List Of Everything (old)
#1026715 - Function Inspector v1 [OK]
#1026726 - ELE: Find standard function
#1026727 - ELE: Complete sentence (from speech log)
#1026748 - ELE: Correct misrecognitions
#1026751 - Please analyse this text [dev.]
#1026763 - ELE: Find server module [dev.]
#1026764 - ELE: Suggestion Collector [dev.]
#1026768 - Test Host Tray Icon Mouse Over Event (only mouseMoved is delivered)
#1026771 - ELE: System Windows
#1026774 - Confirm action
#1026781 - Upload file to file server [authed only]
#1026782 - AI Sounds
#1026796 - Combined Process+System CPU % Host Tray Icon
#1026797 - Send AI Bar input to speech log
#1026800 - Test DynConvo [bot dialog module, OK]
#1026803 - Trainable Bot v1 (just the sock puppet function)
#1026808 - Parrot 1.1 (with functions list, runs each function invidiually)
#1026809 - Minimize OS To Tray v2 [with better fullscreen handling, dev.]
#1026815 - Battery Tray Icon
#1026824 - Parrot 1.2 [with API]
#1026848 - Latest Changed Files [dev.]
#1026849 - AI Module Loader
#1026850 - My Typical Modules CRUD
#1026856 - Simple Rules CRUD
#1026859 - MQTT Subscriber Spike
#1026860 - MQTT Subscriber & Publisher Spike (also used in Smart Home Demo)
#1026861 - Audio Input with other sample rate / channels [dev.]
#1026862 - Audio Input [Dyn Module, backup before sample rate field]
#1026863 - Record On Noise [e.g. for recognition with #1019331]
#1026864 - Add Stefan's OS v6 To Autostart (Linux)
#1026865 - Add Stefan's OS v7 To Autostart (Linux)
#1026868 - Smart Home Demo
#1026870 - Say something on boot
#1026880 - Recognito Test [voice identification]
#1026891 - Audio Input Autocorrelation Test
#1026898 - Test normalized normalizedAutocorrelationOfAudioSamples sanity [OK]
#1026900 - Auto-Correlation VAD Test 1 [works for main mic & normal background noise]
#1026913 - VAD From FFT Image [dev.]
#1026914 - Downsample FFT Image [OK]
#1026915 - Perceptron Spike [from Rosetta Code]
#1026916 - Perceptron Spike [learn 3 weights, OK]
#1026920 - Perceptron Spike, compacted [learn 3 weights, OK]
#1026924 - Perceptron-Based VAD [dev.]
#1026942 - Audio Clip [dev.]
#1026952 - Train Voice Activity Detector [VAD, dev.]
#1026954 - CPU Temperature Tray Icon
#1026957 - VAD Training DB
#1026965 - Recognize Last Recording As English Speech With DeepSpeech
#1026970 - Concurrent MP3 Encoding [still only works with mono audio input]
#1026972 - Recognize Last Recording As English Speech With Wit.AI [Concurrent MP3 Encoding Version]
#1026976 - Recognize Last Recording As English Speech With Wit.AI [Fully Pipelined Version]
#1026979 - Recognize Last Recording As German Speech With Wit.AI [Fully Pipelined Version]
#1026982 - Speech Correlator
#1026984 - Recognize Last Recording As English Speech With Kaldi/vosk
#1026988 - Recognize Last Recording As German Speech With Kaldi/vosk
#1027000 - JavaSound: List lines
#1027004 - Stream WAV to aplay Spike [OK]
#1027007 - Audio Output using aplay [dev.]
#1027019 - When Was Computer Booted
#1027021 - Mini Consciousness Analyzing Reboots
#1027023 - Fullscreen Image
#1027027 - Qwant Image Search [Dyn Module]
#1027028 - Lock Screen
#1027029 - Lock Screen with CPU meter
#1027031 - Lock Screen with CPU meter [shortened]
#1027032 - Finger Type Mode [dev.]
#1027037 - Analyze wifi.out (wifi location protocol)
#1027038 - Speech Correlator, simple version (one recording at a time)
#1027045 - WiFi Log [Raspi]
#1027047 - OS Instances Connector [on port 6000 by default]
#1027050 - Android AudioRecord Test 2 [dev.]
#1027051 - Android Send Audio Raspi v2 [for Bluetooth headset, OK!]
#1027053 - Audio Input From Phone [OK]
#1027054 - Android Send Audio To Raspi v1 [works, but doesn't seem to use Bluetooth headset]
#1027055 - Android Raspi Bridge v3 [for Bluetooth headset, with voice output, basically works]
#1027056 - Send Speech Input To Instances Connector [Test Bridge Module for Raspi -> phone -> headset]
#1027059 - Find clear print log bug [Android Send Audio Raspi v3]
#1027060 - Android: Don't start Cat when starting app
#1027063 - Lock a file (for testing if file locking works)
#1027066 - Voice Output Through Phone Bridge Module for Raspi -> phone -> headset]
#1027072 - System Audio Sinks [Linux, Pulse Audio, dev.]
#1027073 - List Playing Programs [Linux, Pulse Audio, dev.]
#1027091 - embedded swappable test (it actually works, but very useful it isn't)
#1027093 - Android Raspi Bridge [voice output only]
#1027094 - "Unclear" List / "Multi-list" [list that varies by context]
#1027103 - Winograd Pronoun Resolution Spike
#1027106 - Multi-Stage Processing
#1027108 - Top-Down Parser using unclear list "Patterns" v2
#1027122 - Top-Down Parser using unclear list "Patterns" [backup v1]
#1027139 - TokenTree Spike [dev.]
#1027165 - Winograd Solver [dev.]
#1027181 - Winograd Solver (backup before trails)
#1027184 - Winograd Trails Tree [inspect trails in tree]
#1027204 - Image Recognition for Vector Spike [OK]
#1027213 - Image Recognition for Vector Spike (backup 1)
#1027224 - Marked Images Album [supports multiple objects per image]
#1027236 - Vector: Find Home Station Spike
#1027249 - Enhance Image Surface Menus
#1027252 - webColorNamePairs
#1027258 - Run Vector SDK
#1027259 - Optimize MultiLevelRecognizer2 [dev.]
#1027266 - Run Vector SDK v2 [can eval any Python code]
#1027270 - Image Recognition for Vector Spike v2 (two levels)
#1027273 - Live Vector Cam
#1027276 - Image Surface
#1027288 - Vector Live Recognition Spike ["finds" the wrong spots?]
#1027302 - Vector Single Fold Live Recognition Spike [works in certain cases, see video]
#1027322 - Vector Single Fold Live Recognition Spike v2 [with corners]
#1027325 - Script Finder
#1027345 - Local Script Directories
#1027349 - Offer to create directory from focused combo box
#1027352 - Run Cheetah Realtime [voice recognition]
#1027363 - Fluid Text File Spike [dev.]
#1027375 - Fluid Text File Spike [shortened]
#1027383 - "AI Packages" Spike [OK, see video]
#1027384 - Repeat Every Speech Input With Switcheroo
#1027396 - Grab Keyboard
#1027400 - Eleu: Clear Blocked IPs [only on server]
#1027406 - AI Package Tester [OK, v1] - see #1027422
#1027413 - AI Packages CRUD
#1027422 - AI Package Tester v2 [shortened/generalized, latest version]
#1027424 - Voice Actions On Speech Log [dev.]
#1027426 - Proposed Actions [dev.]
#1027437 - AI Musings CRUD (PhilosophyBot test cases)
#1027443 - Scenarios DB [use with frontend #1027518]
#1027446 - Conversation with a module
#1027451 - Language Detection Examples
#1027453 - Transient Object Holder [holds a single transient Java object]
#1027460 - Language Detection Regular Expressions CRUD
#1027488 - Language Detection N-Gram-Scorer CRUD
#1027518 - Chat Bot Frontend [with command translations, e.g. for Scenarios]
#1027521 - Dialog with machine
#1027532 - Stefan's Audio Adjuster
#1027542 - Audio Feedback Preventer [OK, stops speech output -> recognition endless loops]
#1027548 - Scenarios [backup v1 before undo]
#1027557 - Scenarios DB [backup v1]
#1027558 - Scenarios DB [backup v2]
#1027562 - Scenarios DB rewrite with NameBasedVoiceCRUD
#1027566 - Chat Bot Frontend [backup v1]
#1027589 - Test ByteBuddy for making a subclass of Concept (not working)
#1027591 - Generic Multi-CRUD
#1027593 - Try to get new class as byte[] from ByteBuddy [seems to work]
#1027594 - Add new class from ByteBuddy to module's class loader Spike [WORKS, astonishingly]
#1027602 - Chat Bot Frontend v2 [with case ID]
#1027603 - Test unstructure Bug (OK)
#1027610 - Cruddie standalone [old]
#1027612 - Generic Multi-CRUD [stable version]
#1027646 - Monitor Off If No User Activity
#1027647 - Cruddie [backup with speech recognition on bottom]
#1027648 - Cruddie v2 [moving speech recognition button in chat popup, not really working]
#1027649 - Cruddie v2.1 [just putting the button in the popup]
#1027650 - Cruddie 2.2 [putting everything in one script]
#1027653 - CruddieScript Spike (OK)
#1027661 - Chat Bot Frontend v2 backup
#1027663 - Some Cruddie Scripts
#1027665 - Chat Bot Frontend v3 [with scripts]
#1027675 - Cruddie Individual Frontend v4
#1027681 - Chat Bot Frontends Auto-Unloader
#1027689 - Cruddie [backup before awesomplete]
#1027691 - Cruddie [adding awesomplete, old]
#1027695 - Runnable Threads
#1027701 - 100 Sleeping Threads with -Xss5M
#1027702 - Test WebKit SpeechSynthesis and .speaking attribute
#1027704 - Repeat After Me + Go Public/Private [Cruddie Script]
#1027705 - Cruddie [backup before "all public" notice]
#1027706 - Empty Module
#1027710 - JEXL Test (OK)
#1027715 - Test HttpFromFileSystem
#1027716 - Show new messages live [Cruddie, on server]
#1027723 - Cruddie Follower
#1027726 - Connect Cruddie Follower To Vector Speech Output
#1027734 - Cruddie [backup before changing cookie handling]
#1027766 - Test JTwig (HTML template engine)
#1027768 - Apache Velocity Test (OK)
#1027773 - Auto Classifier v1[learning message classifier]
#1027868 - Add "Reset field" submenu to module title menus
#1028007 - Text Area with dictation [always appends to end]
#1028008 - Cool NLP Shopping List [dev.]
#1028020 - JMenuItem bindToComponent Test with JTattoo fix attempt (doesn't work)
#1028023 - YouTube Surfer
#1028036 - Tomii Boi Answers DB Module [for OS, use with #1026494]
#1028039 - Tomii Boi Answers DB Module v2 [dev., with category CRUD]
#1028043 - Tomii Boi Answers DB Module backup 1
#1028048 - Eleu: Refresh Certificates [only on server]
#1028050 - Multi Webpage Loader [basically works]
#1028055 - Auto Classifier v2 [learning message classifier]
#1028058 - Auto Classifier v3 [learning message classifier, dev.]
#1028063 - Auto Classifier v4 [learning message classifier]
#1028066 - Auto Classifier v5 [learning message classifier]
#1028089 - Pattern Maker v1 [OK]
#1028096 - Pattern Maker Spike [dev.]
#1028114 - Test cancelThreadAndWait [OK]
#1028128 - Suffix Tree Spike v1 [seems OK]
#1028130 - Suffix Tree Spike v2 [storing substrings efficiently, seems OK]
#1028134 - Suffix Tree Spike v3 [simplifying further, dev.]
#1028144 - String search in all snippets spike
#1028167 - Line-Based Multi-Version Compressor Spike [OK]
#1028187 - Discord Audio Bots Watch Dog
#1028188 - Discord Audio Watch Dog [restarts bot OS when it hangs]
#1028200 - Test faster LineCompCompressor (OK)
#1028206 - Test LineCompCompressor
#1028213 - Probabilistic Riddle Parsing Spike 1 [seems to run forever]
#1028217 - Line-Based Multi-Version Compressor Spike, faster version [dev.]
#1028231 - LINECOMP Command Line v0.3
#1028237 - Package LINECOMP
#1028281 - ContractBox Answers DB [LIVE]
#1028292 - Test PDFBox-Layout [dev.]
#1028294 - JDesktopPane in a module (desktop-ception!) [dev.]
#1028295 - JDesktopPane in a module with persistent windows [original spike]
#1028305 - JDesktopPane in a module with persistent windows [shortened]
#1028315 - uploadFile as command line
#1028355 - Test conceptsWithFieldGreaterThan (OK)
#1028376 - Transfomers Spike 1
#1028395 - Transformers Spike 2 [OK]
#1028411 - Google Calender Auth Data Grabber [LIVE]
#1028421 - BookBetter Answers DB [LIVE]
#1028422 - BookBetter Chat Bot
#1028437 - Dialog + Assumptions
#1028445 - Transformers Spike 3, parsing a rule [almost OK]
#1028472 - Older version of #1028445, not fully working either (working transpilation is probably older than this)
#1028498 - Benchmark LineComp
#1028501 - LineComp complexity measure for different strings
#1028515 - Dialog Flow Spike [dev.]
#1028520 - Benchmark LineComp v2 [OK, compact and fast!]
#1028524 - Benchmark LineComp v3 [dev.]
#1028536 - Audio AutoPlay Hack Test (doesn't work anymore)
#1028538 - Trick ScreenReader test (works!)
#1028638 - Twilio Web Bot [wraps Twilio library because it conflicts with Google lib]
#1028654 - IP-to-country standalone demo
#1028659 - Eleu: Set Spam Threshold [only on server]
#1028671 - Eleu Cruddie [old]
#1028676 - Snippet Transpiler Web Bot [Dyn Module]
#1028679 - Cruddie Spike [with VAT magic for Chrome]
#1028762 - Serve Directory Web Bot
#1028767 - ByteComp experimentation
#1028784 - Zip + LineComp all JavaX Text snippets (from local snippets DB) [Dyn Module]
#1028800 - Rewrite Database [OK]
#1028804 - Test ReliableSingleThread cancelling (seems to work, second thread waits for first one to finish)
#1028892 - Find Entities Spike
#1028893 - Code Safety Analysis
#1028894 - transient class test
#1028922 - Exodontia Chat Bot
#1028945 - Cache All Snippets With Text [cached in upper case for faster searching]
#1028948 - Instant Full-Text Snippet Search
#1028956 - Loaded Standard Functions
#1028961 - [LIVE]
#1028965 - Rewrite DB Web Bot [dev.]
#1028972 - Snippets Word Index [OK]
#1028975 - Instant Full-Text Snippet Search v2 [using word index, seems OK]
#1029008 - Snippets Double Word Index [OK]
#1029009 - Instant Full-Text Snippet Search v3 [using double word index, skips texts > 100k chars]
#1029010 - Snippets Deep Double Word Index
#1029014 - Instant Full-Text Snippet Search v4 [using deep double word index, OK]
#1029017 - Instant Full-Text Snippet Search v4.1 [using deep double word index, dev.]
#1029025 - Snippets Deep Word Index [OK]
#1029035 - Instant Full-Text Snippet Search v5 [using deep word index]
#1029043 - Snippets Deep Word Pair Index [dev.]
#1029044 - Instant Full-Text Snippet Search v6 [using deep word pair index]
#1029073 - Snippets BitSet Word Index
#1029084 - Snippets Deep BitSet Word Index
#1029089 - Snippets Chunked Deep BitSet Word Index
#1029090 - Instant Full-Text Snippet Search v7 [using deep chunked bit-set word index, dev.]
#1029095 - Search from Compression Spike [dev.]
#1029112 - Live Compressor (LCStreamingCompressor)
#1029139 - Laugh About User's Jokes [OK, knows a single joke]
#1029155 - Double Checked Locking Example
#1029159 - Move Info Boxes To First Screen [e.g. for streaming]
#1029169 - Test jnativehook_init
#1029178 - IntPair [to link against]
#1029201 - Suffix Tree Spike v2.1 [dev.]
#1029222 - Test optimized SuffixTree
#1029273 - Clear Top Input After A While
#1029461 - Test compilation of twoIntsToLong
#1029471 - Tomii Boi Discord Bot Extension [in-OS db version, use with #1028036]
#1029494 - Eleu 3 [backup without WebSockets]
#1029541 - Web Chat Bot as module Spike [OK, shows the bot]
#1029542 - MS Teams Demo Bot (Messaging Endpoint)
#1029543 - DynEleu [web server as module]
#1029544 - Eleu [web server] for #1029541
#1029567 - Add "Close" command to module title menus
#1029617 - Eleu 3 [backup before DynEleu]
#1029618 - Eleu with CRUD by domain - main web server module [LIVE everywhere]
#1029625 - Lock interruption test (OK)
#1029641 - Make Screenshot On PrtSc
#1029665 - Add function calls to all module title menus
#1029670 - Password Manager [tray icon, copies passwords to clipboard, OK]
#1029697 - "Scribble" [LIVE at]
#1029699 - "Scribble" backup [WORKS]
#1029752 - Hello Triangle [JOGL sample, OpenGL]
#1029773 - HTTPFromFileSystem sub-bot
#1029782 - wikify index loader
#1029789 - Test FileBasedLock (OK)
#1029802 -
#1029807 - HTML WebCam Demo [LIVE at]
#1029816 - Print Snooper [filter stuff printed by other modules]
#1029824 - Image Recog Demo Bot
#1029850 - Eleu Cruddie [LIVE, for the cruddie server, serving + + more]
#1029851 - using call() on proxy objects test (OK)
#1029867 - Eleu Wikify [LIVE at]
#1029874 - DynNewBot2 as loadable util
#1029878 - Trainable Bot [dev.]
#1029890 - GAIPPBots: Serve static pages
#1029909 - ADA Main Bot
#1029913 - [LIVE]
#1029923 - Test installInternalFrameSwitcher_v3 with InstaSwitch (now default)
#1029956 - Test jstree [LIVE at]
#1029963 - [working backup before post refs]
#1029968 - v2 [abandoned]
#1029986 - Math Bot 1 [unshortened]
#1029994 - Math Bot 1, shortened
#1029997 - Multi-Bot [LIVE on]
#1030001 - Hello Program
#1030019 - Gazelle Question Triple Test [dev.]
#1030030 - Webserver for demonstrating (fixed) FireFox https problem
#1030091 - Process Uptime
#1030133 - Hyperlink+explain standard functions etc. in JavaX source [backup]
#1030149 - Test PatriciaTrie
#1030159 - Test tok_doubleFor_v3
#1030204 - Multi-Bot [working backup before "auto-bots"]
#1030208 - Test "ret MyClass;" (OK)
#1030232 - Running JavaX Programs
#1030266 - Fix Tray Bar [thought this fixes the AI bar layout that sometimes breaks on Windows, but it doesn't]
#1030296 - List Windows on Windows
#1030310 - Cruddie, only the speech recognition part [OK]
#1030313 - Multi-Bot [backup before adding Jython]
#1030356 - MKLab FM Bot with JDA 4.2 [LIVE, fixing status & playback for shards]
#1030397 - caldav4j test for local Radicale server
#1030422 - [LIVE]
#1030426 - Multi-Bot [LIVE on]
#1030450 - DB Lock Test (OK now)
#1030458 - DB Test with 2-threaded loading
#1030460 - Test web-push-libs [generate key]
#1030463 - Web Push Manager
#1030468 - Test FileWatchService (OK)
#1030469 - Eleu: Auto-Refresh Certificates [only on server]
#1030472 - Freeze Stack Demo [OK]
#1030478 - Hibernate Stack Demo [v2]
#1030481 - Hibernate & Restore Stack Demo [shortened]
#1030482 - [LIVE]
#1030487 - SmoothHTMLTemplater Test [dev.]
#1030512 - Microsecond Line Finder v1 [OK, works 99.9% of the time]
#1030524 - Microsecond Line Finder v1, JDK 16 version with vector API
#1030562 - Web Cam / Central Compass [detects orientation of a line in the center of the image]
#1030567 - Triangle Finder v1 [dev.]
#1030585 - Input Tree Test [dev.]
#1030589 - Diff Two Texts
#1030591 - Test Google TTS [needs API key]
#1030601 - Copy stuff to clipboard
#1030602 - Gazelle BEA [backup before package change]
#1030603 - The Owl [updating to JDA 4.2]
#1030604 - The Owl v2 [backup]
#1030628 - Multi-Bot [LIVE on]
#1030650 - Mail Sender Web Bot
#1030667 - Superpositional Parsing Spike [dev.]
#1030671 - Superpositional Parsing Spike, simpler version [dev.]
#1030672 - ProbabilisticMachine2 with continuations Spike [dev.]
#1030673 - Entity-Fact-Graph Spike [dev.]
#1030687 - genai's letter_predictor [dev.]
#1030700 - Test Nashorn (JavaScript in Java) [OK]
#1030709 - BEA Thought Bot 1 [dev.]
#1030711 - Add "Call function" submenu to module title menus
#1030712 - Run all tests on structure function
#1030723 - AGI Pattern Spike 1 v1 [OK]
#1030762 - AGI Pattern Spike 1 v2 [OK]
#1030769 - swappable + inheritance test [OK]
#1030776 - AGI Reactor 1 [pattern + input => scenario]
#1030781 - Set Font Size For All Modules
#1030803 - Extra Frame [additional frame for a module]
#1030815 - Gazelle BEA Log-In
#1030819 - BEA Live Input [dev.]
#1030822 - AGI Reactor 1 v2 [pattern + input => scenario]
#1030826 - Auto-Update Modules With Delay
#1030837 - DB quickImport reload test [reload concepts through quickImport except from disk, OK]
#1030841 - DB quickImport reload test, cmodule2 version [OK]
#1030882 - DB quickImport reload test, cmodule2 version, shortened [OK]
#1030893 - Skype Bot Gazelle Bridge Module
#1030928 - Gazelle BEA [backup with old "add field" layout]
#1030949 - Transpiler output of #1031393
#1030951 - Add functions and classes to Gazelle BEA Loadable Utils [OK]
#1030954 - Gazelle BEA [new compact include test]
#1030958 - Gazelle BEA [backup before new compact include]
#1030969 - Test mcAndUtils & getStandardFunctionHolder [OK]
#1030983 - Test RealmCopy [works but needs more tests]
#1030993 - Transpile BEA main snippet on include change
#1031013 - Test new findConceptWhereCI (OK)
#1031015 - Add "Backup concepts" command to module title menus
#1031031 - Gazelle BEA fast DB load test, dev.
#1031037 - Discord Bot Template
#1031039 - Test new, more compact CompactHashMap (OK)
#1031046 - Test conceptShadow_rawMap & ConceptShadow (OK)
#1031077 - Var keyword test (auto-type variables backported to Java 8, OK)
#1031081 - Test gzipOutputStream_syncFlush (doesn't work - file is missing gzip trailer)
#1031084 - Test deflaterOutputStream_syncFlush (OK)
#1031086 - InflaterInputStream_relaxed - InflaterInputStream that allows incomplete files
#1031104 - Smarty [dev version]
#1031123 - Smarty [stable preview]
#1031142 - Smarty [reparse test]
#1031144 - Weightless Concept Refs Spike [dev.]
#1031168 - Reproduce reflection problem in newer JDK with structure(synchronizedMap())
#1031170 - Solve reflection problem in newer JDK with structure(synchronizedMap())
#1031188 - DynamicObject Dynamic Interface Implementation Test [OK]
#1031235 - Package Smarty [also deploys from dev to stable preview]
#1031236 - Smarty [runner for standalone packaging]
#1031241 - Smarty [runner for IDEA project]
#1031263 - All standard functions and classes mega-module [dev.]
#1031265 - Include all standard functions and classes in one module [include maker]
#1031279 - Change module's class loader at runtime Spike [OK]
#1031304 - [LIVE]
#1031320 - Stefan's OS v7 [backup before allowing dynamic main classes]
#1031327 - structure/unstructure test with custom main class
#1031329 - structure/unstructure test with custom main class [cmodule]
#1031393 -
#1031397 - Gazelle BEA [new class naming scheme, abandoned]
#1031409 - Thread-Local Memory Allocation Measurement Speed Test
#1031416 - Local Gazelle [for users]
#1031417 - Web server for Gazelle BEA for Users (#1031416)
#1031421 - "Hole Puncher" [in the firewall, i.e. see if you can run a public webserver]
#1031424 - Thread-Local Memory Allocation Measurement Accuracy Test
#1031437 - Test DynEnabled
#1031471 - Test loadClass with packages and inner classes
#1031486 - Test with "main x()" and imported function
#1031519 - uniq test
#1031520 - DynNewBot2 test
#1031571 - Test WeakRefVMBusListener (OK, removes them on or before GC)
#1031641 - Gazelle BEA Tester
#1031745 - transpileRaw7 - transpile with #7 instead of #759
#1031777 - Permanent Mini Profiler [get all stacktraces once a second]
#1031792 - Start Firefox
#1031797 - Gazelle Monitor [checks whether Gazelle is alive & well, LIVE at]
#1031801 - start-thread test
#1031822 - Test dm_replaceModuleInstance [dev.]
#1031826 - AVOR Demonstrator old (still live at
#1031854 - Meta Map Test
#1031889 - Test magicIndexOfSubList with OurSubLists (OK)
#1031900 - Live Audio FFT with more options
#1031945 - [image generation & recognition]
#1032006 - [main Gazelle dictionary]
#1032093 - Windows and JWindows
#1032096 - Test WeakCompactLinkedHashSet (so far, it works)
#1032099 - Letterbox On Screen 2
#1032107 - DynEleuMultiIP for multiple IPs, no https (e.g. in LAN)
#1032109 - LAN Webserver [OK, uses port 8000 by default]
#1032110 - Screenshot Service (use with #1032109)
#1032120 - Rename Module Class Test (OK)
#1032121 - [speech synthesis]
#1032142 -
#1032156 - ["power word" experiment]
#1032186 - [diagram playground based on mxgraph]
#1032187 - [audio loops]
#1032188 - [LIVE]
#1032268 - Test Playwright (cross-browser web automation library, OK!)
#1032326 - Playwright Module [youTubeSearch etc]
#1032386 - BotCompanyGazelle - - to monitor the server [LIVE]
#1032402 - home page [LIVE]
#1032422 - Single-Frequency Audio Sampling With Shift Demo
#1032440 - AudioFrequencyDetectorSpike1 (OK)
#1032518 - Gazelle OS [moving to this]
#1032545 - Watch Dog for Ada SC [dev.]
#1032627 - Measure memory size of small object (1 pointer field) - should be 16, not 24?
#1032684 - #759 transpilation backup
#1032718 - StandaloneHttpProxy Test for webssh
#1032719 - Eleu/CRUD/domain-based v2 - main web server module [moved to #1029618]
#1032724 - Eleu with CRUD by domain - main web server module [backup before proxies]
#1032749 - Monitor Module Reloads
#1032871 - Reflections Test [Java class detection library]
#1032892 - Opus JNI Test
#1032896 - Test JOpus for decoding Opus stream (Linux only, uses, abandoned)
#1032899 - Test Concentus (pure java Opus decoder) for decoding Opus stream (OK!)
#1032909 - Test OpusFromStream (pure java Opus decoder for streaming audio, OK!)
#1032956 - JavaX Translator backup
#1032968 - JavaX Translator backup
#1032978 - JavaX Translator backup
#1033035 - JavaX Translator backup
#1033089 - Transpiler dev.
#1033090 - Transpiler reverting
#1033110 - Crop & JPEGify new screenshots [probably works for Stefan only]
#1033194 - Live WebCam On Top [Dyn Module]
#1033298 - Gazelle V (old)
#1033309 - Gazelle V, New UI [HEAD]
#1033318 - Count in 50% of a core v1
#1033348 - Count as fast as I can using only 50% of one core
#1033411 - Standalone Gazelle V [HEAD]
#1033417 - Just Show JFrame Benchmark
#1033419 - Gazelle V, New UI Standalone [Darcula theme, broken because JDK 15]
#1033420 - Gazelle V, New UI Standalone [FlatPak]
#1033431 - VLCJ Player v2 (testing with new VLCJ version)
#1033432 - Screenshotting with VLCJ!! (30 fps)
#1033462 - Jar Web Bot [backup]
#1033508 - Gazelle V, New UI [compacted, HEAD]
#1033509 - Standalone Gazelle V [previous head]
#1033518 - uploadFile as command line program
#1033525 - Standalone November Gazelle [OK]
#1033526 - Gazelle V, November Edition
#1033533 - Jar Web Bot [old]
#1033536 - New Snippet Transpiler Web Bot [dev.]
#1033537 - Jar Web Bot [backup]
#1033548 - Standalone Gazelle V, November Edition [backup]
#1033549 - Add Stefan's OS to Linux start menu
#1033576 - Gazelle V, November Edition v1 [backup]
#1033577 - Standalone November Gazelle [backup]
#1033605 -
#1033624 - Novel Video Encoder [dev.]
#1033625 - Novel Video Encoder Framework Spike 1 [dev.]
#1033653 - Gazelle 22 (old)
#1033656 - GazelleV 22 backup
#1033683 - Gazelle Screen Cam / Gazelle 22 Module
#1033736 - Jar Web Bot backup
#1033737 - Voronoi Demo - from
#1033821 - JavaCPP ffpmeg Webcam Capture Demo [OK on Linux x64]
#1033822 - JavaCPP ffpmeg Screen Capture Demo [OK on Linux x64]
#1033823 - JavaCPP ffpmeg Encode H264 Demo [OK on Linux x64]
#1033824 - JavaCPP ffpmeg Decode H264 Demo [OK on Linux x64]
#1033860 - Gazelle 22 Standalone [dev version]
#1033862 - GazelleScreenCam [implementation of G22ProjectActions, Gazelle 22 main module]
#1033876 - Start Gazelle 22 dev [Stefan only]
#1033890 - backup
#1033892 - Gazelle 22 Standalone [stable version backup]
#1033924 - Gazelle Screen Cam / Gazelle 22 Module [backup before FlexibleRateTimer]
#1033983 - Translucent JWindow Test 2 [dev.]
#1034002 - Translucent JWindow multi-screen bug demo - no bug to be found anymore
#1034003 - Translucent JWindow multi-screen bug demo with FlatLaf
#1034012 - Gazelle Screen Cam / Gazelle 22 Module [backup]
#1034015 - Artificial mouse pointer test
#1034016 - Translucent JWindow multi-screen bug demo 2 [finally shows the bug]
#1034047 - MKLab FM Bot with JDA 4.2 [backup before sharding]
#1034055 - MKLab FM Bot with JDA 4.2 [using sharded classes]
#1034058 - MKLab FM Bot with JDA 4.2 [using renamed sharded classes]
#1034068 - Measure size of synchronized LinkedHashMap
#1034074 - OpenGL Demo (works on Linux & Windows)
#1034102 - Balloontip Examples
#1034104 - BalloonTip Test
#1034134 - uploadImage as command line program
#1034135 - Gazelle 22 Standalone [backup]
#1034151 - Gazelle Screen Cam / Gazelle 22 Module [backup]
#1034165 - Live WebCam [using sarxos-webcam 0.3.10]
#1034184 - test_callForbiddenMethodByReflection
#1034209 - Linux GIO test
#1034212 - desktopOpen test
#1034228 - Try to get bootclasspath from ecj - seems to just print $JAVA_HOME
#1034276 - fixImages as command line
#1034295 - Test Javassist (make class at runtime, higher level API)
#1034298 - Test Javassist (bytecode level API, dev.)
#1034300 - Test making class from scratch with BCEL [OK!]
#1034311 - Test making class from scratch with BCEL using MethodMaker [OK]
#1034315 - Test making class implementing interface from scratch with BCEL using ClassMaker + MethodMaker [OK]
#1034316 - Gazelle Screen Cam / Gazelle 22 Module [backup]
#1034332 - BCEL LDC class constant problem spike [OK, shows the problem (VerifyError)]
#1034334 - BCEL LDC class constant problem spike without MethodMaker [dev.]
#1034361 - Jar Web Bot [backup before zip4j]
#1034384 - JavaCPP ffpmeg Decode H264 Demo [Windows, testing]
#1034390 - Gazelle 22 Standalone [dev version, backup]
#1034497 - Experimental JavaX Transpiler [see #759]
#1034503 - Eleu with CRUD [fixing bug]
#1034681 - Ekit (HTML Editor)
#1034710 - module with interface test
#1034720 - Disassemble standard function example
#1034811 - test_LeftArrowScriptAutoCompleter (module)
#1034923 - Zhang-Suen thinning algorithm demo
#1035021 - Gazelle Screen Cam / Gazelle 22 Module [backup]
#1035030 - OS Instances Connector [backup]
#1035118 - RSyntaxTextArea Squiggly Line Spike [OK]
#1035224 - JCTerm (SSH Client as Dyn Module, dev.){Gemini Protocol}
#1035244 - Run TinyYOLO on stock image {windows}
#1035255 - test_leftArrowScript_comma as module
#1035353 - Test LAS class unloading (OK!)
#1035478 - Book Better OS (not used, bots are in eleu)
#1035520 - OpenGL Demo, shortened (works on Linux & Windows, except with Linux+JDK18)
#1035573 - OpenGL Demo, updating with new Jogamp
#1035945 - Test WrapLayout
#1036024 - BitGet Java SDK WebSocket Test
#1036026 - Log BTC candles :)
#1036126 - SCP Loadable Module for Gazelle 22
#1036134 - MPM Trading Bot Loadable Module for Gazelle 22
#1036251 - Test reifyRewrites (OK)
#1036274 - Test Permit.godMode - seems to work!
#1036411 - Test addGlobalLastErrorsBufferToDefaultPCallPolicy (OK)
#1036445 - Examine how initializers & constructors are generated in byte code
#1036587 - JCTerm (SSH Client as Dyn Module, dev.){}
#1036588 - JCTerm (SSH Client as Dyn Module, dev.){}
#1038190 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038192 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038193 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038194 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038195 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038196 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038198 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038205 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038207 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038209 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038211 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038214 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038221 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038224 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038227 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038230 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038231 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038232 - ubaTaeCJ
#1038233 - ubaTaeCJ
#3000382 - Answer for ferdie (>> t = 1, f = 0)
#3000383 - Answer for funkoverflow (>> t=1, f=0 okay)
#3000505 - Smart Bot's answer to: !eval wikipedia("Captain America")
#3000526 - Smart Bot's answer to: !fresh latestPrograms()
#3000527 - Smart Bot's answer to: !eval lines(collect('title, latestPrograms()))
#3000528 - Contents of
#4000805 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000806 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000807 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000808 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000809 - ubaTaeCJhmFn8qbM
#4000811 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000812 - -1 OR 2+224-224-1=0+0+0+1 --
#4000813 - -1 OR 2+759-759-1=0+0+0+1
#4000814 - -1' OR 2+54-54-1=0+0+0+1 --
#4000815 - -1' OR 2+98-98-1=0+0+0+1 or 'v4X9RNck'='
#4000816 - -1" OR 2+753-753-1=0+0+0+1 --
#4000817 - if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0)
#4000818 - ubaTaeCJ0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR'Z
#4000819 - ubaTaeCJ0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z
#4000820 - (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/
#4000821 - ubaTaeCJ-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
#4000822 - ubaTaeCJHTq5siby'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
#4000825 - ubaTaeCJtfoA5Sqe' OR 440=(SELECT 440 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
#4000826 - ubaTaeCJLjWIOUaJ') OR 771=(SELECT 771 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
#4000827 - ubaTaeCJGVtA4fP7')) OR 613=(SELECT 613 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
#4000828 - ubaTaeCJ'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||'
#4000829 - ubaTaeCJ'"
#4000830 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000831 - @@jfDw3
#4000832 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000833 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000834 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000835 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000836 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000837 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000838 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000839 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000840 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000841 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000842 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000843 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000846 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000849 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000851 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000859 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000861 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000865 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000867 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000869 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000871 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000873 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000877 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000879 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000880 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000881 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000882 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000887 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000890 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000893 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000896 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000897 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000898 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000899 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000900 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000901 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000914 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000917 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000920 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000923 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000926 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000929 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000932 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000935 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000938 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000941 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000947 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000950 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000953 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000956 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000964 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000967 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000968 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000969 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000970 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000976 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000979 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000982 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000985 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001022 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001026 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001030 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001034 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001043 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001047 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001048 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001049 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001054 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001058 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001062 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001066 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001067 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001068 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001069 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001070 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001071 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001078 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001082 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001089 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001093 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001105 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001109 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001118 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001122 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001126 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001129 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001133 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001137 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001141 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001145 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001149 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001153 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001154 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001155 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001156 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001160 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001164 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001168 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001172 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001174 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001175 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001176 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001177 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001178 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001185 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001189 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001195 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001199 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001211 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001215 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001224 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001228 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001236 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001240 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001241 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001243 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001244 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001248 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001252 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001259 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001307 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001310 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001313 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001316 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001320 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001323 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001326 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001330 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001334 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001338 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001342 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001345 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001349 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001353 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001360 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001365 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001370 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001374 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001382 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001386 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001387 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001389 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001390 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001399 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001403 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001410 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001448 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001450 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001452 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001454 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001455 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001456 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001457 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001458 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001459 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001466 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001468 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001470 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001472 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001475 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001478 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001481 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001490 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001494 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001498 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001502 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001505 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001509 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001513 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001517 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001521 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001522 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001523 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001524 - ubaTaeCJ
#4001586 - ubaTaeCJ