1 | !636
2 | !quickmain
3 | !auto-import
4 | !standard functions
5 |
6 | interface Learner {
7 | void processInOut(String in, String out);
8 | String processIn(String in);
9 | void toJava(Code code);
10 | }
11 |
12 | class Code {
13 | StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
14 |
15 | void line(String line) {
16 | buf.append(line).append('\n');
17 | }
18 | }
19 |
20 | main {
21 | static List<String[]> fullExamples = new ArrayList<String[]>();
22 | static List<String> halfExamples = new ArrayList<String>();
23 | static List<String[]> examples1, examples2;
24 |
25 | psvm {
26 | parse(args.length != 0 ? args[0] : null);
27 | calculate();
28 | }
29 |
30 | static void parse(String arg) tex {
31 | String text;
32 | if (arg != null)
33 | text = loadSnippet(arg);
34 | else {
35 | text = loadTextFile("input/input.txt", null);
36 | if (text == null) text = loadSnippet("#2000454"); // example input
37 | }
38 |
39 | System.out.println(text);
40 | String in = null, out = null;
41 |
42 | for (String line : toLines(text)) {
43 | if (line.startsWith("I")) { // "In: " or "I: "
44 | if (in != null)
45 | halfExamples.add(in);
46 | in = unquote(line.substring(line.indexOf(':')+1).trim());
47 | out = null;
48 | } else if (line.startsWith("O")) { // "Out: " or "O: "
49 | out = unquote(line.substring(line.indexOf(':')+1).trim());
50 | System.out.println(quote(in) + " => " + quote(out));
51 | fullExamples.add(new String[] {in, out});
52 | in = out = null;
53 | }
54 | }
55 |
56 | if (in != null)
57 | halfExamples.add(in);
58 | }
59 |
60 | static void calculate() tex {
61 | if (fullExamples.size() < 2)
62 | throw new RuntimeException("Too few examples (" + fullExamples.size() + ")");
63 | int splitPoint = fullExamples.size()-1;
64 | System.out.println("Full examples: " + fullExamples.size() + ", splitPoint: " + splitPoint);
65 | examples1 = fullExamples.subList(0, splitPoint);
66 | examples2 = fullExamples.subList(splitPoint, fullExamples.size());
67 |
68 | Learner learner = findOKLearner();
69 | if (learner == null)
70 | print "\nProblem not solved"
71 | else {
72 | print "\nSolved!\n"
73 | Code code = new Code();
74 | learner.toJava(code);
75 | System.out.println(code.buf);
76 | for (String in : halfExamples) {
77 | String out = learner.processIn(in);
78 | System.out.println(quote(in) + " =>! " + quote(out));
79 | }
80 | }
81 | }
82 |
83 | static Learner findOKLearner() {
84 | for (Learner learner : makeLearners()) try {
85 | if (learnerOK(learner))
86 | return learner;
87 | } catch (Throwable e) {
88 | e.printStackTrace();
89 | }
90 | return null;
91 | }
92 |
93 | static boolean learnerOK(Learner learner) {
94 | for (String[] e : examples1) {
95 | learner.processInOut(e[0], e[1]);
96 | }
97 | for (String[] e : fullExamples) {
98 | String out = learner.processIn(e[0]);
99 | if (!e[1].equals(out)) {
100 | System.out.println("[fail] " + learner + " on " + quote(e[0]) + " - " + quote(out) + " vs " + quote(e[1]));
101 | return false;
102 | }
103 | }
104 | return true; // all test examples passed
105 | }
106 |
107 | static Iterable<Learner> makeLearners() {
108 | List<Learner> list = new ArrayList<Learner>();
109 | //list.add(new LId()); // subsumed by trivial case of PrefixSuffix
110 | list.add(new LPrefixSuffix());
111 | list.add(new LSplitInput(new LOutPattern()));
112 | return list;
113 | }
114 |
115 | public static String unquote(String s) {
116 | if (s.startsWith("\"") && s.endsWith("\"") && s.length() > 1)
117 | return s.substring(1, s.length()-1).replace("\\\"", "\"").replace("\\\\", "\\"); // SHOULD work...
118 | else
119 | return s; // Return SOMETHING
120 | }
121 |
122 | public static String quote(String s) {
123 | if (s == null) return "null";
124 | return "\"" + s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"";
125 | }
126 |
127 | // splits the input at some point, takes only one part
128 | static class LSplitInput implements Learner {
129 | int splitIdx = 1; // split after first character
130 | Learner baseLearner;
131 |
132 | LSplitInput(Learner baseLearner) {
133 | this.baseLearner = baseLearner;
134 | }
135 |
136 | public void processInOut(String in, String out) {
137 | in = in.substring(splitIdx);
138 | baseLearner.processInOut(in, out);
139 | }
140 |
141 | public String processIn(String in) {
142 | in = in.substring(splitIdx);
143 | return baseLearner.processIn(in);
144 | }
145 |
146 | public void toJava(Code code) {
147 | code.line("in = in.substring(" + splitIdx + ");");
148 | baseLearner.toJava(code);
149 | }
150 | }
151 |
152 | // if input appears in output in fixed pattern
153 | static class LOutPattern implements Learner {
154 | String pattern = "%!%";
155 |
156 | public void processInOut(String in, String out) {
157 | pattern = out.replace(in, "%!%");
158 | }
159 |
160 | public String processIn(String in) {
161 | return pattern.replace("%!%", in);
162 | }
163 |
164 | public void toJava(Code code) {
165 | code.line("in = " + quote(pattern) + ".replace(" + quote("%!%") + ", in);");
166 | }
167 | }
168 |
169 | // learns to exchange common prefixes and suffixes
170 | static class LPrefixSuffix implements Learner {
171 | String prefixIn, suffixIn, prefixOut, suffixOut;
172 |
173 | public void processInOut(String in, String out) {
174 | updateIn(in);
175 | prefixOut = prefixOut == null ? out : commonPrefix(prefixOut, out);
176 | suffixOut = suffixOut == null ? out : commonSuffix(suffixOut, out);
177 | }
178 |
179 | void updateIn(String in) {
180 | prefixIn = prefixIn == null ? in : commonPrefix(prefixIn, in);
181 | suffixIn = suffixIn == null ? in : commonSuffix(suffixIn, in);
182 | }
183 |
184 | public String processIn(String in) {
185 | //System.out.println("[before last info] " + quote(prefixIn) + " " + quote(suffixIn) + " " + quote(prefixOut) + " " + quote(suffixOut));
186 | //System.out.println("[last info] " + quote(in));
187 |
188 | // use latest information
189 | String p = prefixIn, s = suffixIn;
190 | updateIn(in);
191 | prefixOut = prefixOut.substring(0, prefixOut.length()-(p.length()-prefixIn.length()));
192 | suffixOut = suffixOut.substring(s.length()-suffixIn.length());
193 |
194 | //System.out.println("[after last info] " + quote(prefixIn) + " " + quote(suffixIn) + " " + quote(prefixOut) + " " + quote(suffixOut));
195 | String core = in.substring(prefixIn.length(), in.length()-suffixIn.length());
196 | return prefixOut + core + suffixOut;
197 | }
198 |
199 | public void toJava(Code code) {
200 | throw new RuntimeException("TODO");
201 | }
202 | }
203 |
204 | } |