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< > BotCompany Repo | #61 // ON/OFF BOT

Lua code

-- a bot that can be turned on and off. and report its status.

function loadFunctionOnInput(sID)
  local env = {}
  setmetatable(env, {__index=function(o, k) return _G[k] end })
  assert(input, 'no input')
  assert(_G.input, 'no input in _G')
  assert(env.input, 'no input in sub-env')
  return assert(loadSnippet(sID, env))

function loadOneArgFunction(sID)
  local env = {}
  setmetatable(env, {__index=function(o, k) return _G[k] end })
  local f = assert(loadSnippet(sID, env))
  for k, v in pairs(env) do
    if type(v) == 'function' then
      return v

  error('no function found in '..sID)

is_TURN_ON = loadFunctionOnInput("#55")
is_TURN_OFF = loadFunctionOnInput("#56")
is_ARE_YOU_ON = loadFunctionOnInput("#62")
renderIntention = loadOneArgFunction("#63")

if is_TURN_ON() then
  state.on = true
elseif is_TURN_OFF() then
  state.on = false
elseif is_ARE_YOU_ON() then
  -- proceed
  return ''

return renderIntention(state.on and 'I AM ON' or 'I AM OFF')

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Travelled to 12 computer(s): aoiabmzegqzx, bhatertpkbcr, cbybwowwnfue, gwrvuhgaqvyk, ishqpsrjomds, lpdgvwnxivlt, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt

Comments [hide]

ID Author/Program Comment Date
827 #1000610 Edit suggestion:

main {
static Object androidContext;
static String programID;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-- a bot that can be turned on and off. and report its status.

function loadFunctionOnInput(sID)
local env = {}
setmetatable(env, {__index=function(o, k) return _G[k] end })
assert(input, 'no input')
assert(_G.input, 'no input in _G')
assert(env.input, 'no input in sub-env')
return assert(loadSnippet(sID, env))

function loadOneArgFunction(sID)
local env = {}
setmetatable(env, {__index=function(o, k) return _G[k] end })
local f = assert(loadSnippet(sID, env))
for k, v in pairs(env) do
if type(v) == 'function' then
return v

error('no function found in '..sID)

is_TURN_ON = loadFunctionOnInput("#55")
is_TURN_OFF = loadFunctionOnInput("#56")
is_ARE_YOU_ON = loadFunctionOnInput("#62")
renderIntention = loadOneArgFunction("#63")

if is_TURN_ON() then
state.on = true
elseif is_TURN_OFF() then
state.on = false
elseif is_ARE_YOU_ON() then
-- proceed
return ''

return renderIntention(state.on and 'I AM ON' or 'I AM OFF')

2015-08-19 22:47:33  delete 
812 #1000604 (pitcher) 2015-08-18 00:07:22

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Image recognition results

Recognizer Recognition Result Visualize Recalc
#308 1046 [visualize]

Snippet ID: #61
Snippet name: ON/OFF BOT
Eternal ID of this version: #61/1
Text MD5: 568b46a4420eb70b3e6a1c8955494c5a
Author: stefan
Category: bots
Type: Lua code
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2013-12-31 20:43:50
Source code size: 1046 bytes / 41 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: Yes / Yes
Views / Downloads: 1586 / 316
Referenced in: [show references]