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< > BotCompany Repo | #403 // Magic Wand + Hashes (one column)

Lua code - Image recognition

get("#349") -- table functions
get("#380") -- hashImage
get("#121") -- compareTables
get("#348") -- bright and rgb

maxSize = {width=100, height=50}
minSize = {width=4, height=4}
threshold = 0.5
wandSize = 3 -- magic wand size

col = col or 38 -- default column - may be set by caller

local rectangles, _img

function cloneRectangle(r)
  return newRectangle(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height)

function newRectangle(x, y, w, h)
  return {x=x, y=y, width=w, height=h}

function contains(r, x, y)
  return x >= r.x and y >= r.y and x < r.x+r.width and y < r.y+r.width

function nextX(x, y)
  for r, _ in pairs(rectangles) do
    pTests = pTests+1
    if contains(r, x, y) then
      return r.x+r.width
  return nil

pDuplicate, pNew, pSeen, pNotSeen, pTests = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

-- returns rectangle
function magicWand(image, x, y)
  if image ~= _img then
    _img, rectangles = image, {}
  local nx = nextX(x, y)
  if nx ~= nil then
    pSeen = pSeen+1
    return nil, nx
  pNotSeen = pNotSeen+1
  local r = newRectangle(x, y, 1, 1)
  while true do
    local last = cloneRectangle(r)
    expandLeft(image, r)
    if tooLarge(r) then return nil end
    expandTop(image, r)
    if tooLarge(r) then return nil end
    expandRight(image, r)
    if tooLarge(r) then return nil end
    expandBottom(image, r)
    if tooLarge(r) then return nil end    
    if compareTables(last, r) then
      if r.width >= minSize.width and r.height >= minSize.width then
        if rectangles[r] then
          pDuplicate = pDuplicate+1
          pNew = pNew+1
          rectangles[r] = true
        return r
        return nil

function tooLarge(r)
  return maxSize ~= nil and (r.width > maxSize.width or r.height > maxSize.height)

function expandLeft(image, r)
  local newX = math.max(r.x - wandSize, 0)
  if newX == r.x then return end
  newX = searchFromLeft(image, newRectangle(newX, r.y, r.x-newX, r.height))
  r.width = r.width+r.x-newX
  r.x = newX

function searchFromLeft(image, r)
  for x = r.x, r.x+r.width-1 do
    if regionNotEmpty(image, newRectangle(x, r.y, 1, r.height)) then
      return x
  return r.x+r.width

function expandRight(image, r)
  local newX = math.min(r.x + r.width + wandSize, image.width)
  if newX == r.x+r.width then return end
  newX = searchFromRight(image, newRectangle(r.x+r.width, r.y, newX-(r.x+r.width), r.height))
  r.width = newX-r.x

function searchFromRight(image, r)
  for x = r.x+r.width-1, r.x, -1 do
    if regionNotEmpty(image, newRectangle(x, r.y, 1, r.height)) then
      return x+1
  return r.x

function expandTop(image, r)
  local newY = math.max(r.y - wandSize, 0)
  if newY == r.y then return end
  newY = searchFromTop(image, newRectangle(r.x, newY, r.width, r.y-newY))
  r.height = r.height+r.y-newY
  r.y = newY

function searchFromTop(image, r)
  for y = r.y, r.y+r.height-1 do
    if regionNotEmpty(image, newRectangle(r.x, y, r.width, 1)) then
      return y
  return r.y+r.height

function expandBottom(image, r)
  local newY = math.min(r.y + r.height + wandSize, image.height)
  if newY == r.y+r.height then return end
  newY = searchFromBottom(image, newRectangle(r.x, r.y + r.height, r.width, newY-(r.y+r.height)))
  r.height = newY-r.y

function searchFromBottom(image, r)
  for y = r.y+r.height-1, r.y, -1 do
    if regionNotEmpty(image, newRectangle(r.x, y, r.width, 1)) then
      return y+1
  return r.y

-- we're looking for dark pixels this time
function regionNotEmpty(image, r)
  --return image.clip(rectangle).anyPixelBrighterThan(threshold)
  for y=r.y, r.y+r.height-1 do
    for x=r.x, r.x+r.width-1 do
      if bright(rgb(image.getInt(x, y))) < threshold then
        return true
  return false

function recttostring(r)
  return r.x..", "..r.y..", "..r.x+r.width..", "..r.y+r.height

function magicWandOneColumn(image, col)
  local allrects = {}

  local x = col
  for y = 0, image.height-1, 2 do
    local r = magicWand(image, x, y)
    if r then
      allrects[recttostring(r)] = true
  return allrects

allrects = magicWandOneColumn(img, col)

function stringtorect(s)
  local _, _, x1, y1, x2, y2 = string.find(s, "(%d+),%s*(%d+),%s*(%d+),%s*(%d+)")
  x1, y1, x2, y2 = tonumber(x1), tonumber(y1), tonumber(x2), tonumber(y2)
  return newRectangle(x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1)

result = {}
for s, _ in pairs(allrects) do
  r = stringtorect(s)
  cropped = {width=r.width, height=r.height,
    getInt = function(x, y) return img.getInt(x+r.x, y+r.y) end}
  hash = hashImage(cropped)
  table.insert(result, s.." -> "..hash)
result = table.concat(result, "|")
if result ~= '' then
  return "Magic Wand + hashes (wand size="..wandSize..", column="..col.."): "..result

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #402

download  show line numbers   

Travelled to 12 computer(s): aoiabmzegqzx, bhatertpkbcr, cbybwowwnfue, gwrvuhgaqvyk, ishqpsrjomds, lpdgvwnxivlt, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt

Comments [hide]

ID Author/Program Comment Date
311 #1000604 (pitcher) 2015-08-18 00:55:19
270 #1000610 (pitcher) Edit suggestion:

main {
static Object androidContext;
static String programID;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
get("#349") -- table functions
get("#380") -- hashImage
get("#121") -- compareTables
get("#348") -- bright and rgb

maxSize = {width=100, height=50}
minSize = {width=4, height=4}
threshold = 0.5
wandSize = 3 -- magic wand size

col = col or 38 -- default column - may be set by caller

local rectangles, _img

function cloneRectangle(r)
return newRectangle(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height)

function newRectangle(x, y, w, h)
return {x=x, y=y, width=w, height=h}

function contains(r, x, y)
return x >= r.x and y >= r.y and x < r.x+r.width and y < r.y+r.width

function nextX(x, y)
for r, _ in pairs(rectangles) do
pTests = pTests+1
if contains(r, x, y) then
return r.x+r.width
return nil

pDuplicate, pNew, pSeen, pNotSeen, pTests = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

-- returns rectangle
function magicWand(image, x, y)
if image ~= _img then
_img, rectangles = image, {}
local nx = nextX(x, y)
if nx ~= nil then
pSeen = pSeen+1
return nil, nx
pNotSeen = pNotSeen+1
local r = newRectangle(x, y, 1, 1)

while true do
local last = cloneRectangle(r)
expandLeft(image, r)
if tooLarge(r) then return nil end
expandTop(image, r)
if tooLarge(r) then return nil end
expandRight(image, r)
if tooLarge(r) then return nil end
expandBottom(image, r)
if tooLarge(r) then return nil end
if compareTables(last, r) then
if r.width >= minSize.width and r.height >= minSize.width then
if rectangles[r] then
pDuplicate = pDuplicate+1
pNew = pNew+1
rectangles[r] = true
return r
return nil

function tooLarge(r)
return maxSize ~= nil and (r.width > maxSize.width or r.height > maxSize.height)

function expandLeft(image, r)
local newX = math.max(r.x - wandSize, 0)
if newX == r.x then return end
newX = searchFromLeft(image, newRectangle(newX, r.y, r.x-newX, r.height))
r.width = r.width+r.x-newX
r.x = newX

function searchFromLeft(image, r)
for x = r.x, r.x+r.width-1 do
if regionNotEmpty(image, newRectangle(x, r.y, 1, r.height)) then
return x
return r.x+r.width

function expandRight(image, r)
local newX = math.min(r.x + r.width + wandSize, image.width)
if newX == r.x+r.width then return end
newX = searchFromRight(image, newRectangle(r.x+r.width, r.y, newX-(r.x+r.width), r.height))
r.width = newX-r.x

function searchFromRight(image, r)
for x = r.x+r.width-1, r.x, -1 do
if regionNotEmpty(image, newRectangle(x, r.y, 1, r.height)) then
return x+1
return r.x

function expandTop(image, r)
local newY = math.max(r.y - wandSize, 0)
if newY == r.y then return end
newY = searchFromTop(image, newRectangle(r.x, newY, r.width, r.y-newY))
r.height = r.height+r.y-newY
r.y = newY

function searchFromTop(image, r)
for y = r.y, r.y+r.height-1 do
if regionNotEmpty(image, newRectangle(r.x, y, r.width, 1)) then
return y
return r.y+r.height

function expandBottom(image, r)
local newY = math.min(r.y + r.height + wandSize, image.height)
if newY == r.y+r.height then return end
newY = searchFromBottom(image, newRectangle(r.x, r.y + r.height, r.width, newY-(r.y+r.height)))
r.height = newY-r.y

function searchFromBottom(image, r)
for y = r.y+r.height-1, r.y, -1 do
if regionNotEmpty(image, newRectangle(r.x, y, r.width, 1)) then
return y+1
return r.y

-- we're looking for dark pixels this time
function regionNotEmpty(image, r)
--return image.clip(rectangle).anyPixelBrighterThan(threshold)
for y=r.y, r.y+r.height-1 do
for x=r.x, r.x+r.width-1 do
if bright(rgb(image.getInt(x, y))) < threshold then
return true
return false

function recttostring(r)
return r.x..", "..r.y..", "..r.x+r.width..", "..r.y+r.height

function magicWandOneColumn(image, col)
local allrects = {}

local x = col
for y = 0, image.height-1, 2 do
local r = magicWand(image, x, y)
if r then
allrects[recttostring(r)] = true

return allrects

allrects = magicWandOneColumn(img, col)

function stringtorect(s)
local _, _, x1, y1, x2, y2 = string.find(s, "(%d+),%s*(%d+),%s*(%d+),%s*(%d+)")
x1, y1, x2, y2 = tonumber(x1), tonumber(y1), tonumber(x2), tonumber(y2)
return newRectangle(x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1)

result = {}
for s, _ in pairs(allrects) do
r = stringtorect(s)
cropped = {width=r.width, height=r.height,
getInt = function(x, y) return img.getInt(x+r.x, y+r.y) end}
hash = hashImage(cropped)
table.insert(result, s.." -> "..hash)
result = table.concat(result, "|")
if result ~= '' then
return "Magic Wand + hashes (wand size="..wandSize..", column="..col.."): "..result

2015-08-18 00:53:41

add comment

Image recognition results

show nils
Image Result Result calculated
#1004153 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 10, 8, 51, 17 -> 00ed1c04 2016-08-08 16:40:05
Lua instructions: 139k

[raw result]
#1004135 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 38, 108, 42, 113 -> 0007e0e1|10, 222, 44, 229 -> 003b0... 2016-08-08 00:16:13
Lua instructions: 1339k

[raw result]
#1000119 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 34, 324, 43, 336 -> 00260155|34, 326, 43, 337 -> 002b5... 2016-08-07 13:48:15
Lua instructions: 1028k (122 ms)

[raw result]
#1004090 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-08-07 13:34:13

[raw result]
#1000121 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 34, 324, 43, 336 -> 00260155|34, 326, 43, 337 -> 002b4... 2016-08-06 18:32:25
Lua instructions: 835k (183 ms)

[raw result]
#1004070 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 38, 296, 48, 306 -> 00200eaf|37, 313, 44, 325 -> 00026... 2016-08-05 15:10:13
Lua instructions: 9944k

[raw result]
#1004061 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 6, 45, 40, 53 -> 00203b43|38, 8, 42, 14 -> 00002e4e|7,... 2016-08-05 13:31:14
Lua instructions: 686k

[raw result]
#1004060 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-08-05 13:07:21

[raw result]
#1000146 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 37, 24, 58, 37 -> 00661f78|11, 712, 40, 725 -> 001a05c... 2016-08-04 02:46:05
Lua instructions: 4299k (452 ms)

[raw result]
#1000015 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 6, 4, 46, 17 -> 00a055a8 2016-08-03 20:12:01
Lua instructions: 145k (22 ms)

[raw result]
#1004009 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 33, 19, 46, 33 -> 004af56b|33, 16, 46, 33 -> 000f4b29|... 2016-08-03 17:19:02
Lua instructions: 342k

[raw result]
#1000113 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 23, 49, 46, 63 -> 00314240|21, 22, 39, 40 -> 0022ad5a|... 2016-08-03 10:53:06
Lua instructions: 4396k (443 ms)

[raw result]
#1000554 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 38, 96, 68, 100 -> 00154918|24, 358, 44, 364 -> 0013e7... 2016-08-01 19:33:13
Lua instructions: 3436k (377 ms)

[raw result]
#1000553 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 36, 246, 40, 253 -> 000476c0|36, 249, 40, 253 -> 00001... 2016-08-01 19:25:24
Lua instructions: 4547k (498 ms)

[raw result]
#1000549 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 34, 11, 43, 20 -> 000937b0|34, 8, 43, 20 -> 0023b6b2|3... 2016-08-01 19:24:22
Lua instructions: 2055k (217 ms)

[raw result]
#1000544 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 37, 746, 47, 750 -> 000427b2|0, 877, 39, 899 -> 013f17... 2016-08-01 18:58:45
Lua instructions: 5164k (525 ms)

[raw result]
#1000519 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 15, 370, 56, 379 -> 00c56e36|38, 34, 46, 44 -> 0015404... 2016-08-01 18:36:48
Lua instructions: 4502k (459 ms)

[raw result]
#1000428 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 17, 302, 62, 310 -> 007e404a 2016-08-01 18:29:01
Lua instructions: 2884k (294 ms)

[raw result]
#1000418 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 38, 214, 42, 219 -> 00065514|8, 375, 60, 385 -> 003662... 2016-08-01 18:04:52
Lua instructions: 6956k (713 ms)

[raw result]
#1000359 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 33, 64, 39, 68 -> 0002b717|34, 89, 39, 93 -> 00046d4d|... 2016-08-01 17:55:30
Lua instructions: 3565k (365 ms)

[raw result]
#1000339 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 38, 88, 52, 95 -> 002d493a 2016-08-01 17:55:05
Lua instructions: 1412k (149 ms)

[raw result]
#1000338 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 26, 101, 58, 111 -> 002e588f 2016-08-01 17:55:05
Lua instructions: 1452k (149 ms)

[raw result]
#1000336 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-08-01 17:48:38

[raw result]
#1000330 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-08-01 17:36:42

[raw result]
#1000327 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-08-01 16:53:53

[raw result]
#1000326 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-08-01 16:53:32

[raw result]
#1000321 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 27, 297, 39, 310 -> 00383f35 2016-08-01 15:58:06
Lua instructions: 2832k (286 ms)

[raw result]
#1000320 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-08-01 15:26:02

[raw result]
#1000316 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 35, 30, 41, 39 -> 00079257|36, 10, 57, 24 -> 002a4028|... 2016-08-01 14:57:34
Lua instructions: 6626k (689 ms)

[raw result]
#1000314 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-08-01 14:53:01

[raw result]
#1000315 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 29, 568, 54, 583 -> 00019c71 2016-08-01 14:53:00
Lua instructions: 3739k (400 ms)

[raw result]
#1000312 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-08-01 14:21:33

[raw result]
#1000310 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-08-01 14:21:21

[raw result]
#1000309 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-08-01 14:20:52

[raw result]
#1000301 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-08-01 14:20:50

[raw result]
#1000294 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 3, 25, 48, 37 -> 0050c635 2016-08-01 14:20:46
Lua instructions: 190k (23 ms)

[raw result]
#1000284 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 0, 570, 56, 589 -> 0006d552 2016-08-01 14:09:14
Lua instructions: 2467k (359 ms)

[raw result]
#1000285 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 0, 282, 97, 303 -> 03535ca7 2016-08-01 14:09:13
Lua instructions: 1604k (183 ms)

[raw result]
#1000283 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 37, 48, 41, 55 -> 0001bdcc 2016-08-01 13:50:27
Lua instructions: 135k (30 ms)

[raw result]
#1000259 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 13, 38, 39, 52 -> 0007dbd8|9, 67, 83, 79 -> 011e4d38 2016-08-01 11:45:23
Lua instructions: 2457k (270 ms)

[raw result]
#1000250 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 13, 35, 39, 49 -> 0007dbd8 2016-08-01 11:23:22
Lua instructions: 1796k (284 ms)

[raw result]
#1000248 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 31, 193, 115, 208 -> 02599201|33, 58, 44, 68 -> 0009e8... 2016-08-01 11:10:54
Lua instructions: 3807k (500 ms)

[raw result]
#1000247 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 19, 228, 42, 237 -> 00545f63|36, 41, 43, 57 -> 0015759... 2016-08-01 11:05:06
Lua instructions: 2314k (366 ms)

[raw result]
#1000245 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 37, 24, 58, 37 -> 00661f78|11, 712, 40, 725 -> 001a05c... 2016-08-01 10:42:29
Lua instructions: 4299k (442 ms)

[raw result]
#1000246 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 37, 24, 58, 37 -> 00661f78|11, 712, 40, 725 -> 001a05c... 2016-08-01 10:35:43
Lua instructions: 4299k (548 ms)

[raw result]
#1000241 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-08-01 09:35:20

[raw result]
#1000240 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 37, 46, 42, 54 -> 00016fe1|37, 46, 42, 55 -> 00101d87 2016-08-01 09:33:53
Lua instructions: 337k (156 ms)

[raw result]
#1000238 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 25, 258, 59, 271 -> 00a241cc|24, 524, 56, 538 -> 00e44... 2016-08-01 09:32:10
Lua instructions: 50106k (4936 ms)

[raw result]
#1000235 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 5, 60, 91, 75 -> 0084af9b 2016-08-01 09:03:21
Lua instructions: 3113k (326 ms)

[raw result]
#1000233 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 5, 60, 91, 75 -> 0084af9b|0, 748, 54, 768 -> 0195fc58 2016-08-01 08:53:37
Lua instructions: 2531k (394 ms)

[raw result]
#509 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-08-01 08:39:43

[raw result]
#499 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-08-01 08:34:29

[raw result]
#500 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-08-01 08:34:29

[raw result]
#1000227 LuaError: #403:153 vm error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3852 2016-08-01 08:34:11

[raw result]
#1000224 LuaError: #403:153 vm error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 211 2016-08-01 08:23:12

[raw result]
#1000223 LuaError: #403:153 vm error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 223 2016-08-01 08:23:11

[raw result]
#488 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-08-01 08:12:20

[raw result]
#1000212 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-08-01 08:12:14

[raw result]
#1000218 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-08-01 08:12:13

[raw result]
#1000189 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 23, 0, 39, 15 -> 0078ec5a 2016-08-01 03:35:32
Lua instructions: 1637k (168 ms)

[raw result]
#1000187 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 13, 32, 68, 44 -> 00ec801d|0, 748, 54, 768 -> 0195fc58 2016-08-01 03:27:50
Lua instructions: 861k (209 ms)

[raw result]
#1000186 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 0, 1, 50, 13 -> 000aceda 2016-08-01 03:04:16
Lua instructions: 103k (114 ms)

[raw result]
#1000185 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 0, 0, 48, 10 -> 00c0f049 2016-08-01 03:04:14
Lua instructions: 46k (84 ms)

[raw result]
#1000184 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 0, 0, 48, 13 -> 00030a6d 2016-08-01 02:54:47
Lua instructions: 68k (108 ms)

[raw result]
#1000183 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 0, 0, 45, 12 -> 004aea5a 2016-08-01 02:54:46
Lua instructions: 77k (16 ms)

[raw result]
#1000182 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 0, 0, 63, 12 -> 00d3e46d 2016-08-01 02:54:43
Lua instructions: 87k (20 ms)

[raw result]
#1000181 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 0, 0, 50, 10 -> 00adb081 2016-08-01 02:54:26
Lua instructions: 53k (22 ms)

[raw result]
#1000180 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 27, 33, 46, 43 -> 000f8fc4|20, 78, 47, 88 -> 00055d76|... 2016-08-01 02:53:13
Lua instructions: 1889k (209 ms)

[raw result]
#1000178 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 28, 612, 42, 626 -> 0034e74f|27, 638, 42, 655 -> 0062b... 2016-08-01 02:27:20
Lua instructions: 2983k (514 ms)

[raw result]
#1000177 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 0, 96, 39, 120 -> 003df68f 2016-08-01 02:18:02
Lua instructions: 2281k (352 ms)

[raw result]
#1000176 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 13, 32, 68, 44 -> 00ec801d|0, 748, 54, 768 -> 0195fc58 2016-08-01 02:07:48
Lua instructions: 861k (215 ms)

[raw result]
#1000175 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 31, 2, 59, 6 -> 0033b1df|31, 55, 79, 99 -> 0251e5e5 2016-08-01 02:00:45
Lua instructions: 439k (57 ms)

[raw result]
#1000171 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 1, 0, 39, 34 -> 012542ee 2016-08-01 01:48:38
Lua instructions: 198k (27 ms)

[raw result]
#1000170 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 37, 445, 130, 462 -> 00aac742|37, 561, 75, 575 -> 008d... 2016-08-01 01:47:49
Lua instructions: 3167k (443 ms)

[raw result]
#1000169 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 38, 30, 62, 42 -> 003a6401 2016-08-01 01:27:25
Lua instructions: 102k (113 ms)

[raw result]
#1000167 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 23, 31, 41, 41 -> 00344557 2016-08-01 01:13:19
Lua instructions: 2353k (354 ms)

[raw result]
#1000166 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 23, 31, 58, 41 -> 005f391c 2016-08-01 01:13:19
Lua instructions: 2388k (244 ms)

[raw result]
#1000163 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-08-01 00:53:21

[raw result]
#1000162 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 23:21:13

[raw result]
#1000161 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 0, 325, 66, 346 -> 0220129d|0, 575, 66, 579 -> 0004c51... 2016-07-31 23:19:14
Lua instructions: 3460k (348 ms)

[raw result]
#1000160 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 0, 418, 54, 422 -> 001d58c5|36, 578, 42, 583 -> 000320... 2016-07-31 23:17:06
Lua instructions: 10186k (977 ms)

[raw result]
#1000159 LuaError: #403:153 vm error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 9743 2016-07-31 23:12:19

[raw result]
#1000158 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 38, 31, 53, 42 -> 0026198c|29, 52, 39, 60 -> 00103aef 2016-07-31 23:11:59
Lua instructions: 92k (23 ms)

[raw result]
#1000157 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 29, 560, 41, 564 -> 000ee78e|28, 612, 42, 625 -> 002c1... 2016-07-31 23:00:12
Lua instructions: 1144k (155 ms)

[raw result]
#1000156 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 9, 378, 39, 385 -> 00216087 2016-07-31 22:38:08
Lua instructions: 3770k (369 ms)

[raw result]
#1000154 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 30, 22, 41, 33 -> 00035570 2016-07-31 22:30:04
Lua instructions: 150k (24 ms)

[raw result]
#1000155 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 38, 0, 44, 6 -> 0004e2f0|38, 3, 72, 14 -> 00ccac26|31,... 2016-07-31 22:29:56
Lua instructions: 370k (47 ms)

[raw result]
#1000149 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 25, 23, 70, 36 -> 00d68cde 2016-07-31 22:25:10
Lua instructions: 228k (137 ms)

[raw result]
#1000150 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 27, 25, 39, 36 -> 002aab5e 2016-07-31 22:25:01
Lua instructions: 151k (151 ms)

[raw result]
#1000152 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 27, 25, 39, 36 -> 002aab5e 2016-07-31 22:24:46
Lua instructions: 151k (24 ms)

[raw result]
#1000153 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 38, 32, 56, 45 -> 0072620e 2016-07-31 22:24:39
Lua instructions: 177k (24 ms)

[raw result]
#1000148 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 29, 2, 77, 15 -> 00f8a328 2016-07-31 22:16:01
Lua instructions: 396k (147 ms)

[raw result]
#1000144 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 34, 205, 87, 214 -> 00c088a2|35, 172, 59, 182 -> 00030... 2016-07-31 21:42:44
Lua instructions: 1831k (299 ms)

[raw result]
#1000145 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 35, 172, 59, 182 -> 00030ee8|34, 205, 87, 214 -> 00c08... 2016-07-31 21:38:31
Lua instructions: 11653k (1202 ms)

[raw result]
#1000142 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 31, 708, 42, 721 -> 00026376|27, 558, 42, 575 -> 005be... 2016-07-31 21:17:15
Lua instructions: 2027k (220 ms)

[raw result]
#1000140 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 37, 24, 58, 37 -> 00661f78|11, 712, 40, 725 -> 001a05c... 2016-07-31 21:08:30
Lua instructions: 4299k (452 ms)

[raw result]
#1000139 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 35, 13, 39, 21 -> 0007c214|35, 13, 39, 20 -> 000222f4|... 2016-07-31 21:08:30
Lua instructions: 1298k (137 ms)

[raw result]
#1000137 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 35, 13, 39, 21 -> 0007c214|35, 13, 39, 20 -> 000222f4|... 2016-07-31 21:08:29
Lua instructions: 1298k (267 ms)

[raw result]
#1000138 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 35, 13, 39, 21 -> 0007c214|35, 13, 39, 20 -> 000222f4|... 2016-07-31 21:08:29
Lua instructions: 1298k (153 ms)

[raw result]
#1000132 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 38, 60, 123, 75 -> 015578ae|38, 454, 51, 463 -> 003f6a... 2016-07-31 20:46:17
Lua instructions: 1192k (126 ms)

[raw result]
#1000131 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 29, 54, 114, 67 -> 00848287|27, 558, 42, 575 -> 005be2... 2016-07-31 20:38:42
Lua instructions: 1849k (314 ms)

[raw result]
#1000130 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 27, 436, 46, 444 -> 00011baa|28, 460, 40, 475 -> 007ab... 2016-07-31 20:27:58
Lua instructions: 1986k (206 ms)

[raw result]
#1000129 LuaError: #403:153 vm error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 128 2016-07-31 20:21:26

[raw result]
#1000128 LuaError: #403:153 vm error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 128 2016-07-31 20:21:26

[raw result]
#1000127 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 25, 42, 48, 59 -> 00013cd2|23, 16, 39, 36 -> 0028cdde|... 2016-07-31 20:19:25
Lua instructions: 4088k (403 ms)

[raw result]
#1000125 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 38, 272, 49, 282 -> 002a39ac|19, 43, 42, 55 -> 0019f35... 2016-07-31 20:10:07
Lua instructions: 1022k (125 ms)

[raw result]
#1000124 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 35, 669, 65, 682 -> 00a87d92|25, 37, 39, 49 -> 003df96... 2016-07-31 20:06:15
Lua instructions: 16556k (1601 ms)

[raw result]
#1000123 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 29, 112, 81, 122 -> 00572719|29, 250, 97, 264 -> 01742... 2016-07-31 20:03:34
Lua instructions: 1942k (203 ms)

[raw result]
#1000122 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 19, 346, 69, 356 -> 00883892|22, 259, 49, 268 -> 00637... 2016-07-31 20:02:35
Lua instructions: 1342k (141 ms)

[raw result]
#419 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 20:02:18

[raw result]
#1000120 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 0, 0, 47, 11 -> 00cfc842 2016-07-31 20:01:24
Lua instructions: 67k (14 ms)

[raw result]
#1000118 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 34, 324, 43, 336 -> 00260155|34, 326, 43, 337 -> 002b4... 2016-07-31 20:00:48
Lua instructions: 932k (111 ms)

[raw result]
#1000114 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 23, 49, 46, 63 -> 00314240|21, 22, 39, 40 -> 0022ad5a|... 2016-07-31 19:54:55
Lua instructions: 4396k (540 ms)

[raw result]
#1000117 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-07-31 19:54:35

[raw result]
#1000116 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-07-31 19:54:32

[raw result]
#1000112 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:12

[raw result]
#1000018 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:03

[raw result]
#1000038 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:03

[raw result]
#1000020 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:03

[raw result]
#1000035 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:50:03

[raw result]
#1000019 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:03

[raw result]
#1000034 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:50:02

[raw result]
#1000024 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:02

[raw result]
#100 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:50:02

[raw result]
#1000013 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:50:02

[raw result]
#309 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:50:02

[raw result]
#112 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:50:02

[raw result]
#1000003 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:50:02

[raw result]
#1000021 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:02

[raw result]
#1000041 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:02

[raw result]
#1000040 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:02

[raw result]
#1000039 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:02

[raw result]
#1000036 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:01

[raw result]
#1000055 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:01

[raw result]
#1000073 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:01

[raw result]
#1000076 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:01

[raw result]
#84 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:50:01

[raw result]
#1000084 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:01

[raw result]
#1000079 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:01

[raw result]
#1000083 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:01

[raw result]
#1000086 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:01

[raw result]
#1000097 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:01

[raw result]
#1000054 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:01

[raw result]
#1000010 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:50:01

[raw result]
#1000027 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:01

[raw result]
#1000080 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000043 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000109 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000014 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000056 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000082 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000062 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000092 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000093 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000106 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000087 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000091 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000088 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000072 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000074 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000081 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000078 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000105 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000104 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#183 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:50:00

[raw result]
#1000026 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:59

[raw result]
#1000111 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:59

[raw result]
#1000029 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:59

[raw result]
#1000042 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-07-31 19:49:59

[raw result]
#1000064 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:59

[raw result]
#1000063 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:59

[raw result]
#1000028 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:59

[raw result]
#1000075 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:59

[raw result]
#1000031 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:59

[raw result]
#1000030 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:59

[raw result]
#1000045 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-07-31 19:49:58

[raw result]
#1000085 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:58

[raw result]
#1000089 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:58

[raw result]
#1000102 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:58

[raw result]
#1000033 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-07-31 19:49:58

[raw result]
#1000061 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:58

[raw result]
#1000107 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:58

[raw result]
#1000090 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:58

[raw result]
#178 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#1000052 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#1000096 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#1000100 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#115 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#1000077 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#1000012 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#1000099 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#92 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#1000051 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#93 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#87 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#1000103 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#1000046 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#48 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#1000101 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#1000095 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:57

[raw result]
#1000017 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:49:56

[raw result]
#1000053 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:49:56

[raw result]
#1000025 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:49:56

[raw result]
#1000047 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-07-31 19:49:56

[raw result]
#1000108 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:56

[raw result]
#182 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:49:56

[raw result]
#1000110 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:56

[raw result]
#1000032 LuaError: #403:2 vm error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientCon... 2016-07-31 19:49:56

[raw result]
#113 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 19:49:56

[raw result]
#1000219 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2016-07-31 18:51:34

[raw result]
#489 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 18:51:22

[raw result]
#1003745 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operat... 2016-07-31 18:51:22

[raw result]
#1000141 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 19, 59, 40, 85 -> 00cc2446|19, 59, 40, 84 -> 0062e70c|... 2016-07-31 18:45:27
Lua instructions: 1371k (261 ms)

[raw result]
#1003958 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 15, 0, 68, 4 -> 00478608|30, 75, 64, 88 -> 004287da|29... 2016-07-31 18:34:25
Lua instructions: 843k

[raw result]
#1000022 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 15, 215, 47, 225 -> 0084eeae|14, 242, 67, 255 -> 01865... 2015-08-06 17:26:32
Lua instructions: 1554k (264 ms)

[raw result]
#1000164 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 0, 0, 59, 21 -> 01d477b6 2015-08-01 03:48:15
Lua instructions: 87k (26 ms)

[raw result]
#1000143 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 32, 227, 39, 239 -> 000d801e|25, 37, 39, 49 -> 000434d... 2015-07-29 13:37:27
Lua instructions: 7534k (885 ms)

[raw result]
#1000044 Magic Wand + hashes (wand size=3, column=38): 0, 748, 54, 768 -> 0195fc58 2015-07-18 02:19:39
Lua instructions: 731k (103 ms)

[raw result]
#1000205 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 2015-05-04 07:11:06

[raw result]

Snippet ID: #403
Snippet name: Magic Wand + Hashes (one column)
Eternal ID of this version: #403/1
Text MD5: 6739a8e6f71dfd7d98226d7b3e6aedea
Author: stefan
Category: image recognition
Type: Lua code - Image recognition
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2015-02-05 18:21:27
Source code size: 5078 bytes / 199 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / Yes
Views / Downloads: 2074 / 170
Referenced in: [show references]