srecord noeq G22DatabasesPanel(G22Utils g22utils) { delegate GazelleDB to G22Utils. delegate masterStuff to g22utils. JObjectTable<GazelleDB> table; FileWatchService dirWatcher; ReliableSingleThread rstUpdate = new(r _updateTable); cachedVisualize { table = swing(-> new JObjectTable); table.defaultAction(runnableToIVF1(rThread openDB)); table.itemToMap = db -> { IG22LoadedDB loaded = db.loadedDB(); ret litorderedmap( "Name" :=, "Directory" := f2s(db.dir), "Loaded" := loaded == null ? "No" : (loaded.hidden() ? "Yes (hidden)" : "Yes"); }; var tbl = table.visualize(); bindToComponent(tbl, -> { dirWatcher = new FileWatchService; dirWatcher.addNonRecursiveListener(g22utils.databasesMotherDir(), file -> { //print("G22DatabasesPanel File change: " + file); rstUpdate!; }); masterStuff().onLoadedDBsChange(rstUpdate); rstUpdate!; }, -> { masterStuff().removeLoadedDBsChangeListener(rstUpdate); dispose dirWatcher; }); ret withTopAndBottomMargin(jCenteredRaisedSection("Gazelle projects on this computer", northAndCenterWithMargins( jline( toolTip("Create a new Gazelle project", jbutton("New project...", rThread newDatabase)) ), centerAndEastWithMargin( tbl, jscroll_vertical_borderless(vstackWithSpacing_fixed( // BUTTONS defined here DefaultButtonBorder(toolTip("Open selected project, keep other projects open too", tableDependentButton(table.table, "Open project", rThread openDB))), toolTip("Open selected project in hidden mode [without a window]", tableDependentButton(table.table, "Open hidden", rThread openDBHidden)), toolTip("Open selected project, close all other projects", tableDependentButton(table.table, "Switch to project", rThread switchToDB)), tableDependentButton(table.table, "Close project", rThread closeDB), tableDependentButton(table.table, "Rename project", rThread renameDB), tableDependentButton(table.table, "Delete project...", rThread deleteDB), tableDependentButton(table.table, "Browse files", rThread browse), tableDependentButton(table.table, "Export project as zip...", rThread exportAsZip), jThreadedButton("Import project from zip...", rThread importZip), jThreadedButton("Download project from Gaz.AI...", rThread downloadProject), ))))); } void newDatabase { temp g22utils.enter(); var tf = jtextfield(); var lblDir = jlabel(" "); var lblStatus = jlabel(" "); var button = jThreadedButton("Create project", -> { temp g22utils.enter(); S name = trim(tf.getText()); File dir = newFile(g22utils.databasesMotherDir(), name); createEmptyConceptsFileInDir(dir); disposeFrame(tf); masterStuff().openDatabase(dir); }); disableButton(button); onEnter(tf, button); onChange(tf, r { S name = trim(tf.getText()); bool ok; S status = " ", path = " "; if (isValidFileName(name)) { File dir = newFile(g22utils.databasesMotherDir(), name); path = f2s(dir); if (dirExists(dir)) status = "A project with that name exists"; else ok = true; } else if (!empty(name)) status = "Project name must be a valid file name"; setEnabled(button, ok); setText(lblStatus, status); setText(lblDir, path); }); showForm_makeFrame("New Gazelle Project", vstackWithSpacing( withLabel("Name for new project", tf), lblDir, lblStatus, button); } void _updateTable { table.setData_force(g22utils.gazelleDBs()); } void browse { desktopOpen(table.selected().dir); } void openDB { masterStuff().openDatabase(table.selected().dir); } void openDBHidden { masterStuff().openDatabase(table.selected().dir, true); } void switchToDB { masterStuff().switchToDatabase(table.selected().dir); } void closeDB { masterStuff().closeDatabase(table.selected().dir); } void deleteDB { var db = table.selected(); if (db == null) ret; var dir = db.dir(); if (g22utils.isConceptsDir(dir)) ret with messageBox("Can't delete current project"); // First, close the databse masterStuff().closeDatabase(dir); new DeleteFilesDialog("Delete Gazelle project " + .wholeDirectory(dir).show(); } void exportAsZip { // Get project directory to export File projectDir = table.selected().dir; // Make up a zip name + place and let user decide where to actually put it new JFileChooser fileChooser; fileChooser.setDialogTitle("Export project as zip"); fileChooser.setSelectedFile(javaxBackupDir(projectDir.getName() + "-" + ymdMinusHMS() + ".zip")); var cbSubdirs = jcheckbox("Include subdirectories", true); fileChooser.setAccessory(withLeftMargin(cbSubdirs)); // Show dialog if (fileChooser.showSaveDialog(visualize()) != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) ret; // User has confirmed, proceed with export File zip = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); S prefix = projectDir.getName() + "/"; if (isChecked(cbSubdirs)) dir2zip_recurse(projectDir, zip, prefix); else dir2zip(projectDir, zip, prefix); // Show note fileSavedInfoBox(zip); // Try to open in file manager desktopOpen(dirOfFile(zip)); } void importZip { pcall-messagebox { new JFileChooser fc; fc.setDialogTitle("Import project from zip"); fc.setCurrentDirectory(javaxBackupDir()); if (fc.showOpenDialog(visualize()) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File zip = fc.getSelectedFile(); g22utils.importProjectFromZip(zip); } }} void downloadProject { if (gazAICredentialsFromJavaXSecret() == null) ret with messageBox("Please enter Gaz.AI credentials first"); inputText("Project to download", projectName -> { pcall-messagebox { var zip = g22utils.downloadProjectFromGazAI(gazAICredentialsFromJavaXSecret(), projectName); if (swingConfirm("Install downloaded project?")) g22utils.importProjectFromZip(zip); }}); } void renameDB { File dir = table.selected().dir; inputText("New name", fileName(dir), newName -> { assertValidFileName(newName); if (!eq(newName, fileName(dir))) { bool open = masterStuff().isConceptDirLoaded(dir); if (open) masterStuff().closeDatabase(dir); renameFileVerbose(dir, newName); if (open) masterStuff().openDatabase(dir); } }); } }
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Snippet ID: | #4000002 |
Snippet name: | ubaTaeCJ |
Eternal ID of this version: | #4000002/1 |
Text MD5: | 0401533e34f18c86f38648b737aaba11 |
Author: | ubataecj |
Category: | 1 |
Type: | User-supplied dialog |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2024-04-06 17:29:20 |
Source code size: | 7049 bytes / 193 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 70 / 28 |
Referenced in: | [show references] |