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< > BotCompany Repo | #3000524 // Smart Bot's answer to: !fresh vMap(f camelCase, katzeLog_raw())

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[4563 ms] 2(val$f="camelCase", val$l=["good morning", "Huawei today", "how are we today", "we're good thanks", "it's nice to hear", "Huawei today", "how are we today", "hello welcome to some simple cat training", "yeah that was the first interaction", "the cat listens to everything", "it knows when you talk about it", "and when it doesn't understand something", "it says sorry", "kids say sorry", "cat face sorry", "how are we today", "as you can see", "it rains all the time", "as you can see", "it learns all the time", "thanks a lot", "what is 12 x 10", "computer spiele", "computer spell Spellbound", "thanks a lot", "you're welcome", "thanks a lot", "as you can see", "mimecast", "hello welcome", "hello welcome to come", "hello welcome", "announcements", "and one of them", "better time zone", "it looks German now", "can I drink alcohol", "as you can see", "alright", "seems like it works", "spider music", "despite the music", "yes", "recognition excellent", "weather", "here here", "we're here", "have you Urban Dictionary", "Urban Dictionary", "yes", "Bee Gees", "band", "singers", "music", "yeah", "music", "beauty Zara band", "Bee Gees are about", "bg Zara band", "movies are a band", "images of a band", "movies are a band", "the Bee Gees are a band", "yes", "businesses", "still on", "that's pretty good", "that's nice to know", "what's the theory", "what's the theory what's the field", "Furious sound", "Furious sound", "theory is sound", "yes", "Leominster", "it's a go", "the guy", "it's ok", "it's a boy", "the guy", "please listen to me", "thanks", "please listen to me", "I am listening", "4", "please listen to me", "call", "pizza pizza", "what's the word level 65", "82 82%", "194", "one", "two", "free", "4", "5", "sex", "7", "8", "9", "Tim", "one", "one more thing", "nothing", "one more thing", "rainy season Cancun", "are you the visual type", "no I like to hear", "what is the score", "muffin recipe", "muffin recipe", "nobody said muffin recipe", "thanks", "thanks a lot", "thanks a lot", "you're welcome", "mentis", "mantis", "Echo", "nautical", "Echo", "germanwings", "resistivity", "your crew", "remind me to check number", "whatever that is", "knowing", "is there any", "Netflix", "German", "switching to German", "ja", "ja bei wiko Phone an das Handy gehalten ich wollte sehen ob das Programm dich versteht wenn du übers Telefon was sagst", "das geht aber nicht es geht nicht in mich immer zum Telefonnummer speichern", "ich wollte Sie den Computer versteht was ich sag mal hallo", "Hallo", "aber ganz deutlich spricht dann geht es sogar", "melde mich also", "lustiges Experiment", "ich habe neustes Video gemacht irgendwie", "bitte das auf Englisch trainiert und so", "aber nicht mehr hat", "wer hat ist mein ist mein Gras mein Susanne irgendsowas", "nur Stroh", "Evoli geben", "ja", "ja School", "ja ich gut", "nicht cool", "jeder was ich ebenfalls probieren könnte soll ich weiß nicht ob Roboter", "das wäre ich habe das nicht angenommen ist kann man nur nehmen wenn man nicht super viel Alkohol trinkt weil sonst macht das nicht", "bin ich das ausnutzen", "übersetz", "Gerichtshilfe swoodoo", "OLantis", "alles wegen kopieren", "nur wegen Schwarzfahren", "ja noch restblut im Alkohol", "Wespenfalle", "erzählt", "Widerstand", "Widerstand messen Widerstand", "was sind kakis", "was für ein Tag ist das", "ach so natürlich auch", "kontrolliert oder Polizist", "der KVV", "Bulle oder oder", "was ist ein Bulle oder war das denn", "ja das ist er selber schuld", "Interesse 100% selber schuld", "ja weil Dustin korrupt ist so widerlich", "was ist die eklige", "freue mich auf das Video", "oh Mann", "achso okay", "Lilly macht nichts machen", "nee ist gut ne", "nein nicht möglich", "was muss ich heute machen", "SC noch da oder ist das ein Balkon", "ist noch da", "Wissen macht Ah", "was soll ich will was machen hier und dann", "nee, ich habe hier ich habe gesessen", "so gestern eigentlich ein Kilo Lasagne gegessen und ein Kilo zuviel", "am Stück 1", "Nelly ride with me meaning", "seven", "Wurf", "ach quatsch Oma day", "ich weiß nicht was das ist ganz ehrlich mal was ist Alternative zu essen", "verstehe ich nicht", "also ich verstehe verstehen was ich was ich will", "ein und alles", "wo wie ist sie denn was mache ich denn was zu essen müssen", "Fasten in den Mai erkläre eine Woche fasten", "küssen küssen schön", "Hallo", "Hallo Stefan hallo", "hallo hallo sagen wollte ich noch wissen", "Gallus", "ich voll aber lassen wir waschen aber daher im Inneren ein anderes Mal in die heute mitnehmen", "ich habe bisschen genervt da irgendwas von Diana anderes Mal anhören muss unsere Kinder", "aber ich habe", "oder schon vorbei", "ich melde mich auf jeden Fall okay", "Gaspatronen", "gold", "pures Gold", "ganz pures Gold", "gold", "Wasserstoff", "Englisch", "hydrogen", "German", "ich liebe dieses Produkt", "Vatertag", "okay", "Bergamotte", "ja", "moin moin moin moin", "Darknet", "Arnautovic", "oh ja", "flu", "guten Tag", "wie geht's", "ganz toll", "ganz toll", "das ist doch schön", "ganz toll", "das ist doch schön", "Gebäudesicherheit", "von Diepoldsau", "hellgelbe", "ach wir sind an", "das ist ja prima", "alles was man braucht", "haben wir hier", "jajaja", "alles was man braucht", "haben wir hier", "ja ja ja ja ja ja", "jajaja", "jajajajajaja", "was ist dein Name", "Bischof", "Pfaffe", "Pastor", "Affe", "Gehirn", "Dreieck", "Blut", "Aufstand", "Nasenbluten", "ewiges Leben", "Hardstyle", "origins", "smile", "Sachen", "lachen", "denken", "spielen", "bauen", "bumsen", "Duncan", "allen voran", "Hallo", "hallo Stefan hallo", "danke schön", "Katze", "schlaue Katze", "sorry", "macht nichts", "Englisch", "muffin recipe", "German", "Idiot", "totaler Idiot", "nur Spaß", "0 566", "Hex", "AGB", "was war das nicht zu viel ist die Sachen oder was", "Leverkusen du kannst jetzt mal ohne Ende und noch die Hälfte dagelassen", "Nagetier", "bitte meldet ihr", "sowas", "wenn man das Telefon noch mal an und alles Gute von gehalten hast trotzdem nicht", "mein Bruder versteht dich nicht am Telefon", "Limette zu funktionieren Eltern was er schon geschafft über mit durch den Raum Bovenden", "Busse zu kaufen", "ich heute zu Hause nicht mehr an", "ich glaube ich gehe morgen vielleicht nicht das wieder", "wenn ich mal", "wie heiß wird es heute", "mach's gut", "ak-autoteile", "einfach oder bestimmt", "ja so derbe ihn ja bestimmt ein bisschen schneller zumindest", "Dattel Ladekabel das Gerät oder", "Mittelschnauzer außerdem", "hallo bist du gut", "also bei mir geht es sich auf jeden Fall", "ich hoffe ich hoffe nachher für 2,50 € ein oder so", "letzten 50 hoffe ich dass ich nachher noch ein oder so", "vermisse meinen weggeben", "mach mit dem weitersagen", "muss auch in der Türkei", "gynäkologie", "allo allo", "was ist angegangen", "so", "Kamel", "Reiter", "Wüste", "Ort", "Kaminfeuer", "kamelfell", "Camille Fall", "Camille Fall", "kmel FALL", "khmel FALL", "KARL FAL", "kmel FALL", "kanal1ru", "Ark", "ardh", "ARGE", "ARGE H", "ach leck mich", "sorry", "von Herten", "fandest", "Hallo", "magst du mich", "na klar mag ich dich", "das ist ja schön", "magst du mich", "lass uns anfangen", "Vordergrund", "Hintergrund", "Vordergrund", "Hintergrund", "danke", "Englisch", "foreground", "background", "wagwan", "foreground", "background", "foreground", "background", "my photo", "foreground", "background", "foreground", "background", "thanks", "German", "Vordergrund", "Hintergrund", "danke", "Vordergrund", "Hintergrund", "danke", "Hallo Katze", "hallo Stefan", "Hallo Katze", "Stefan danke", "Vordergrund", "Hintergrund", "Vordergrund", "Hintergrund", "danke", "Vordergrund", "Hintergrund", "Vordergrund", "Hintergrund", "Weimar", "dö dö dö dö dö dö dö dö dö dö dö dö", "Dödel Dödel", "Spaß", "viel Spaß", "sehr viel Spaß", "gut", "sehr gut", "sehr sehr gut", "Vordergrund", "Hintergrund", "oh doch", "cooles icon", "danke", "cooles Outfit", "danke", "cooles icon", "cooles Outfit", "bitte", "gerne", "danke", "keine Ursache", "was ist ein steifer Penis", "Götze", "Katze bist du ein Hund", "Katze bist du ein Auto", "Katze bist du ein Hase", "kannst du bist du doof", "Katze bist du doof", "kannst du bist du interessant", "Katze bist du interessant", "okay", "prima", "okay", "Englisch", "foreground", "background", "Nina Simone", "foreground", "Nina Simone", "yes", "customers displaying text", "bringing up to 10", "the hard part was displaying text", "BC partners VII", "easy part was the AI", "kind of", "welt", "well", "background", "foreground", "YouTube", "Frozen videos", "YouTube Frozen videos", "Wychwood surgery videos", "YouTube Frozen videos", "YouTube shows you videos", "yes", "Jesus", "Guardians of the Galaxy", "it's a movie", "background", "helgoland", "helgoland", "fairground", "dog world", "world renowned", "programmed", "background", "fairground", "helgoland", "programmed", "foreground", "foreign", "helgoland", "frog world", "background", "dog world", "hello ground", "forgo", "forgo", "foreground", "background", "foreground", "thank you", "background", "background", "background", "background", "foreground", "very nice", "standard functions", "night", "is a piece", "background", "fahrrad", "foreground", "foreground", "foreground", "background", "foreground", "thanks", "ground", "background", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "thanks", "background", "standard functions", "standard functions", "foreground", "background", "thumbs up", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "steroid function", "standard functions", "standard functions", "book", "I didn't say anything", "what can you do with a book", "you can read it", "what can you do with a car", "who can drive it", "what can you do with a woman", "you can f*** her", "foreground", "what can you do with espresso", "you can drink it", "if you're crazy", "or not", "foreground", "background", "standard functions", "move Mouse away", "thanks", "move Mouse away", "face", "standard functions", "standard functions", "sternutation", "standard functions", "post to sender", "post to sender", "most two Centre", "mouse to Centre", "Mars", "most two Centre", "most two Centre", "post to sender", "post to sender", "most two Centre", "Lord Nelson way", "move Mouse away", "thanks", "background", "stop listening", "computer stop listening", "stop listening", "hello cat", "thanks", "hello cat", "thanks", "pet", "hello cat", "thanks", "hello cat", "thanks", "hello cat", "thanks", "sleight of hand", "is what magicians do", "plucking", "is what guitarists do", "foreground", "background", "fairground", "foreground", "background", "background", "foreground", "thanks", "foreground", "routine", "Wu-Tang", "thanks", "background", "poop formula tomorrow", "probably know right now", "Ford Road", "foreground", "take things to the next level", "thanks", "background", "good sweetheart", "Eden Hazard", "this is the biggest mall this morning have a good morning sickness", "it doesn't", "princess Mako Mermaids example website", "I couldn't remember that goodnight goodnight anything I love you deeply", "Liverpool museum", "Bonnington Road", "overdue when did because I couldn't come back to me I'll listen to", "OK Google ring Mummy on it", "what", "standard functions", "I need a singer", "my name is Michael", "I need a band", "standard functions", "steroid function", "standard functions", "I need a band", "I need a band", "I need a singer", "sure", "but is dead", "but he's dead", "I didn't know that", "god will use someone else", "god will use someone else", "then we will use someone else", "foreground", "negative times a negative", "is a positive", "standard functions", "stop listening", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "expenditure function", "spent standard function", "standard functions", "hiya", "hiya", "Laura", "hiya", "h i g h e r", "anymore", "hello", "foreground", "background", "vomiting", "tomorrow what you doing", "general", "standard functions", "I am Michael", "liver functions", "standard functions", "oh", "wherever", "standard functions", "steroid function", "standard functions", "steroid function", "standard functions", "how are we today", "I don't know about you but I seem to be running", "standard functions", "sf4 576", "vampire that's the kind of suspected.", "standard functions", "steroid function", "tennis function", "standard functions", "I'm some guy sitting on my couch", "quote Ben Finegold", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "quote", "hiya", "hiya", "yes", "cool", "take the Queen", "checkmate", "how are you today", "how are we today", "hello", "hello", "40%", "38%", "25", "present", "percent", "foreground", "present", "people are annoyed by Everything", "sign of the times", "everything", "sign of the times", "standard fashion", "standard functions", "higher#", "sure", "hello there", "ok", "are you the visual type", "no I like to hear", "standard functions", "standard functions", "foreground", "what are the five senses", "standard functions", "what are the five senses", "what are the five senses", "hearing smelling tasting and feeling", "what are English words", "domains commands of a lowercase and symbol", "true that", "what else can you do", "a lot of stuff", "but what specifically", "I won't tell you", "that's mean", "sorry", "but what else can you do", "sorry", "what else can you do", "a lot of stuff", "specifically", "the cat is getting smarter", "everyday", "Smarter Every Day", "stop listening", "stop listening", "what are my basic States", "I am listening / not listening", "ok", "stop listening", "Magic Mike", "who is Magic Mike", "who is Magic Mike", "who is Magic Mike", "Magic Mike", "who's the most Magic Mike", "I am the most Magic Mike", "has the last Magic Mike", "Magic Mike", "Perrier", "how you guys doing", "pretty good", "twitch", "WhatsApp", "that's what's up", "play areas because why not", "you can me except you joking me", "shining when I get sued", "are you guys dbwatch us championship", "no you took my nights", "yes please", "I want to think about Louis and Wendy this", "lots of food and drinks and stuff.", "probably a.", "why are you suitable very busy very busy", "wsgf have done for me", "tell show them", "Osaka exchange", "I thought I was playing I wonder if it was only just a dream", "G82 friends to G71 that's what you were talking about", "NHS analysis because", "so you want to be a chef", "when is back back again", "blah blah blah", "500% of 6", "shark attack", "WhatsApp", "what's that wondering", "my turn", "what sometimes address perfect blossom would I win", "maybe it was wetter than", "alright was good", "1800s", "2000", "10000", "24/7", "20000", "hey I want", "ok so I'm too good", "hey I want", "hey I want", "directions to", "ok so I will I'm too good", "directions", "ok so I will I'm too good so they should be on that one though", "let's get this straight nazia supports Trump", "disposition", "and I was going to explain them", "friends crazy like a Fox News", "call Uber tell them what to do", "I take you", "I take you up on an E3", "I hear you go there", "obviously", "obviously", "what do", "what compensation", "Barkingside", "how much compensation", "for my queen", "why would we be able to go in there for the universe", "what are the rules", "exactly", "Shanklin because I'm a human being", "no", "why have 2.4 to pieces", "I wanna dancing", "my turn", "I don't like any of them", "you don't need to go in this position", "microphone too loud", "3538", "before ok", "this is something", "it does seem to work", "desktop microphone aux", "ok", "I thought I had the right level here", "earlier don't know I do", "just a recording test", "thanks a lot", "a star coding test", "iconoclast", "hello", "356", "Victoria Roberts two pieces", "status function", "standard functions", "simple CAD training", "steroid function", "Stanley fencing", "standard functions", "are you listening", "hello world", "very nice", "whatever you say", "are you crazy", "no I'm not", "are you crazy", "stop listening", "yeah", "hello", "the program", "good program", "thanks", "I like you", "you are my favourite programme", "stop listening", "hello Kev", "what can he do hello human", "not that much actually", "ok Google", "Olly Murs", "hurry man hurry", "I said it in the movies", "they said it in the movies", "ok", "25 miserable", "35 as agreed value", "35 is a good value", "us", "yes", "curtains at Harrowgate", "German", "Katze sag hallo Welt", "danke", "guten Morgen", "na du Langschläfer", "guten Morgen", "Englisch", "don't do that", "standard functions", "standard functions", "storing food", "foreground", "substance", "ewt", "ewt", "alpha worship Center", "how far worship team", "alpha worship team", "spell function", "beneficence", "standard functions", "123", "thank you", "katze hello", "katze how are you", "katze wie geht es dir", "danke prima", "katze wie geht es dir", "do you want me", "German", "Englisch", "standard fashion", "standard edition", "standard function", "100", "100percent", "standard functions", "standard function rooms", "standard fashion", "barepunting", "standard functions", "German", "Englisch", "state pension", "standard functions", "Bolton", "hello", "first bus Wyvern", "let me finish", "time to finish", "are you still listening", "stanny franssen", "standard fashion", "Stoney Stanton", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "everything", "standard functions", "standard functions", "hello", "relic of Alanya", "standard function", "best Michelin in London", "the restoration", "did the man pack and send", "open the messenger", "modernism", "you have to have an inventory Cecil scooter things on magicseaweed", "and then just letting you know that I'm yet", "you come here for Brighton", "VanossGaming", "what's the weather tomorrow", "customer is going out with", "Akuma", "unified remote", "German", "alles funktioniert", "perfekt", "alles funktioniert", "begeistert", "bereinigter wert nach einer Weile funktioniert", "AllSecur", "Was sind gute Nacht eigentlich dass du dir gefallen", "warte auf mich", "ich bin zurück", "Papa auch nicht", "warte auf mich", "warte auf mich", "warte auf mich", "warte auf mich", "das ist vielleicht ein Abenteuer", "begadang kann ja was werden", "Otto automatisch", "hallo wie geht's", "mir geht's super", "1", "2", "1", "wie geht's dir", "wie geht's toll", "mir geht's toll", "aber jetzt hier", "Wenningstedt", "Wenningstedt", "Magen-Darm-Grippe", "wirklich schlaue Sachen antworte", "sag mal was schlaues", "independent", "Eneasroman Taubstumme", "Taubstumme", "ich habe mehrere sachen gefunden haben kostenlos", "deutsch englisch", "Google dich hin und findet Sachen erstens", "und es ist riesengroß", "also", "Freundin glücklich man hier irgendwie", "Zeichen Download", "verfasse ich nicht mehr was ich meine Toilette gemacht hast also das", "also ich hatte die Idee gehabt", "Fingeralphabet", "Affäre mit dem Buchstaben", "Gebärdensprache", "immer im Dialog", "Vivendi", "Regenanzug freundlich", "ich kann fast nicht mehr", "Dieselpreise", "Renault", "miserabel eine Leiste mit Lottozahlen von heute", "die Erzgebirgsbahn", "Wortschatz kostenlos an der FTS Team", "das gesprochene Wort", "und und die Bären Sprache Deutsch", "uns fehlt die Datenbank", "Stau gemacht werden", "singen und so weiter", "Vordergrund", "Hintergrund", "Vordergrund", "ich würde jetzt was sagen", "hör endlich mal zu", "habe ich auch noch mehr machen ich kann noch nebenbei gucken", "wann fängt das Erkennung hier im Test", "evangelisch", "Hintergründe", "Hintergrund", "guten Tag zusammen", "ich rede über diesen Text", "hallo", "WLAN", "die Alpen", "und hier kann man YouTube-Videos angucken und dann oder Bansin", "mein Kumpel erreicht nicht mehr meine Geschäftspartner", "wie Strom weniger Strom", "tolle Vorführung", "danke schön", "Hallo ich bin Stefan", "Stefan programmiert sehr viel", "Hallo ich bin Stefan", "Stefan Programm", "Leuten gegenüber sitzen", "du hast doch schon fertig", "alle Programme haben", "Headset Recyclinghof Theaterschminke", "Küchen Optik", "Hallo ich bin Stefan", "Stefan ist ein Programmierer", "doch nicht schlecht", "ich bin Klaus", "ich heiße Klaus", "scheiße ich bin manchmal davor, was sagen dann kann ich muss noch irgendwo im Satz vorkommen", "Ludwig", "heute bestimmt", "Englisch", "standard functions", "German", "immer und so", "Herausforderungen", "ich liebe das", "Canelo Inhalt eines Textes ein Fieber erkennen", "Hallo ich bin Michael", "lustige Fehler von den lustigsten", "Hallo ich bin Hoodie", "Hallo ich bin doof", "Englisch", "function", "standard functions", "German", "kostenlose Spiele immer noch nicht davon", "programmatisch", "Brief bestimmt die Cousine", "gemütlich", "Hallo ich bin Ludwig", "Hallo ich bin der lustige August", "ich bin deine Mutter", "hallo deine Mutter", "mein Name ist mein Name ist", "oder hier", "nenne mich den Termin", "ändere mich irgendwelche", "Personifikation", "meine Freunde nennen mich Neandertaler", "jedermann nennt mich Obelix", "nennt mich auch erstmal mündlich haben in die Hose", "Michael Lutz", "eben auch nicht ne", "nenn mich Trottel", "spiel mit mir", "wenn du mich noch mal", "ich möchte mich zum", "ich nenne mich genau", "ich nenne mich der Freundliche Onkel", "Hallo genau gesagt", "gibt es nur noch wenn der andere Typ auch sagen kannst du es auch", "Antworten mit du auch", "Paulmann kann doch eigentlich", "das Namen ist mein Lebensinhalt", "ja genau", "Rubigen Kirche", "ich nenne mich Stefan", "Programmierer sind doof", "stimmt gar nicht", "was redest du da", "deine Mutter ist doof", "sei mal lieb zu mir", "das ist Michael Euler", "ich bin Rudi", "ich bin Rudi", "Hallo ich bin Rudi", "ja", "Vordergrund", "Wer wird deutscher Meister", "Bayern wie immer", "Summer Summer drückt", "Bayern gewinnt nicht immer", "stimmt", "Hagenbeck", "Micha", "bist du jetzt im Haus", "gGmbH", "jetzt im Haus", "Dialog", "digimember eBay", "Igel GmbH", "Gemeinde zu das Eisstadion die werden aber auch nicht so pensionierter", "Big Brother", "hunzigenallee 16", "ich wohne in der hunzigenallee", "Regelschule", "gibt es in der Nähe", "doch doch in Münsingen", "münsingen", "münsingen", "Katze was ist münsingen", "gemeinde Marienheide", "Stadt im Landkreis Reutlingen Baden-Württemberg Gutsbezirk", "Kreis Reutlingen", "Oberamt münsingen", "Verwaltungsbezirk in", "Rubbellos oder fürs Handy", "in der Musik alle eventuell vielleicht mit dem das Versprechen", "keine Ahnung", "Immunsystem aufbauen", "Lukas von Juventus", "jameda", "gib einfach darum sein Spiel nicht mit zu spielen will ich will das Spiel nicht mehr", "die Bausatz", "Bausatz für t", "die ist ja lecker", "die ist sehr lecker", "sie ist sehr lecker", "Früchtetee", "ja gut ich meine Bandit", "335", "Hallo ich bin Lukas", "Anwalt Haas", "einkaufen", "was läuft gerade alles an", "Internetanbieter", "sie mich bitte an", "was hast du gesagt", "ich möchte", "die seite dann mit den anrufen", "modcompany", "Bad Company", "Wetterbericht", "Bad Company", "Roboter company", "Roboter Filme", "Roboter Firma", "tolle Sache", "bist du noch da", "ja", "deswegen", "Hallo ich bin Ute", "Hallo sagen", "Hallo ich bin Batman", "Hallo ich bin Klaus", "japanische", "ich bin Klaus", "wie geht es dir", "Hallo ich bin Matthias", "Steffi geschrieben", "Spracherkennung", "Flug nach Hawaii", "Hallo ich bin Peter", "achso", "fertige oder", "website design an", "Navi", "dann", "Lena deutschendorf", "Torgelow", "danke schön für das Internet bestellen oder irgendwas wer also", "Bermudadreieck", "aber es ist mal dein Auto", "niederbergisches zu meiner Person mit Reifen", "bitte die Fahrgestellnummer", "ein Video machen", "ich bin davon", "Walsum", "Nächsten russisch nehme ich mit ihm", "okay dann bis nächste Runde", "Vordergrund", "Hallo", "Feuerwehr", "hallo Süße", "menemen", "Hallo", "Hallo ich bin Mason", "werde automatisch das scheiden lassen", "Wer wird", "Standort Mitarbeiter kann man mit dem Zoo", "Veranstaltung Ikea Hamburg gehabt in der Pfeffer", "Herzenzyme Österreich", "ABBA", "aber der ist schon", "Elektro", "Hallo", "kannst du mich verstehen", "bist du online", "was kannst du alles machen", "Ruhe du kannst ja mich verstehen", "Hallo ich bin Julian", "anna-theresa", "Route sehnsuchtskalender vierenkamp reagieren sie nachher", "was ist 3 x 5", "appartamenti Wiki heute wieder nicht mehr da", "Seitenanzahl Zwergwidder", "wo die Antwort ist eben je nach Keyword", "ladelösung beenden", "machst du das eine Maus", "Ringtennis", "ich will", "rufe Geschäft", "34 Wiederhören", "Canon Treiber", "McDonald's", "Mercedes Reifen", "Englisch", "hi brow wax", "hyperlapse", "YouTube", "optical illusions", "visual cat", "hello", "cat hello", "sorry", "icetronix", "how is means", "100cm black cooker you can actually plastic", "I've lost music review", "I really want to sack someone", "load and 12 as a sacrifice", "what am I doing", "loads and 12 hours the sacrifice", "load and 12 as a sacrifice", "M12 as a sacrifice", "what am I doing", "I can't wake people up with some too", "what am I doing", "people have some tunes", "track shack", "checkmate", "hi buddy", "and we have made", "David", "hello Anna hello I'm 12", "I'm from Canada", "auto Adam then cruise everyone on yesterday challenge", "send off", "get your weekly meeting", "jackdaw Wikipedia", "I'll take credit for all wins", "Stevenage", "stabilise", "adroitly", "exactly", "Frankenstein", "what's up man", "35 + 10%", "body", "buddy", "hey buddy", "Barney", "I've been doing now", "Minecraft", "body", "I've been doing that like every single day", "just giving some tactics", "tactics", "sports cream", "full screen Mac", "combination work domination", "does look up to the sky you know what came over", "skylark", "actor partner James", "anymore", "text Alfie", "on tap", "giving me the two Bishops are radio one another", "harmony", "how long discussion yesterday", "airport City news", "our conversation is this", "sacrifice the winner please", "and then I protect myself", "halfway through", "this one as well", "I want my potty", "Argos", "tantalise the Queen attacking The Rock", "having off", "anti-magic obagi vitamin C", "maximum points on me", "Argos on over Halloween night I really understand where you're coming from", "I've been stood up on an update to my life", "I've heard worse excuses", "I've heard worse excuses", "hangover is fine I know you're good for next time", "anise", "Max from Rohan", "I want to talk", "Gaston", "rangetsu", "tiles Dundonald", "underdog", "I'm getting lots of space here", "locksmith", "X Factor", "I didn't take ok", "hurricane Texas", "has the threshold is always low", "for the eyes", "camping in a chance I watch Eric on YouTube I want to play it by ear", "call with someone", "volatile", "anyone anyone anyone", "going to do commentary", "walking to cover Norway chests with the asura super tournament", "more4members the commissary", "London Ashridge doing", "I don't know Lady Nicola", "van Trader", "make sure he doesn't want to pass that", "95 Queen", "my nose is very severe", "I can't tonight", "when I come visit new places", "what's the factor Rockingham", "I have a question my contract is in", "change that I didn't do this", "I'm just bait Twitter", "banana banoffee pie", "sr54dq to ME10", "what does the trick", "x x", "I have to Bishops I'm next upon and I'm going to target this", "Nicolas Sarkozy entire window", "I can report just now", "Genesis follow me", "Timothy", "yes I do", "I got 7 kills in my first win yesterday", "7 kills", "Adam Scott naked", "Dan Cross", "can I stream for 9 I have been swimming for now", "brave soul", "combiner Scandinavian", "always regretted hello Pakistan", "how do you challenge", "call my phone as username is cancer", "so you know where to find me", "NYC", "New York City", "oh yes I'm ok", "pawnbrokers", "I want to demonstrate is Grandmaster privilege", "I just programmers", "pond grabber", "grandson poems", "I don't want to grab some poems", "as I heard your voice", "R32", "pawnbroker", "Bourne Grammar", "Poland weather", "110 Runcorn", "anyone anyone anyone", "premium number premium member", "probably going to do commentary again on the chessboard channel", "the next month", "looking to cover Norway chess with the Astra super tournament", "Arsenal top players", "5 weeks", "Paramore more than does the commentary", "hello Yolanda Nash are you doing", "Buncrana", "how far are the Crazy Gang", "my name is very safe here", "I can't do this one I'll be doing online but", "how come the new places that usually begins again", "rackaracka number", "I have a question mark on chat is in dark mode how do I change that I didn't do this", "something like this", "I'm just tweaking it because I can't really read the chat", "sign of a healthy pond", "half of 1/4 acute imaging", "Charles II", "5 minutes", "I have to Bishop's an extra part and I'm going to target", "Nicholas close to tile window", "I press ctrl w h", "ifixit hello Kelly no I don't", "I can report chat now and win a chess game", "Mitsubishi Bath", "London Has Fallen", "Artemis", "Seven Kings High School Winchester", "7 kills", "Adam Scott", "crampon and ice cream for men", "brave soul", "always regretted hello Pakistan", "how do you challenge", "call my phone as username is Arkansas", "you know where to find me", "odacite", "I still want that man", "when is the next Euromillions North America hopefully this month", "I'm 53", "findatrade", "Roger Federer", "Hans Jensen", "is an actor at working in the United States of America", "I've been searching for him", "interaction I have had with an actor in", "where is my jacket", "dizziness", "yes I am", "what time is it in", "and here in Germany we have Catholic and also Daft Punk", "sorry", "Daft Punk Oblivion", "fantastic", "last time within yourself", "the end of journey", "connotation", "NG5 9AT", "UKIP votes", "you kick balls", "standard functions", "standard functions", "come with me", "eat my shorts", "bite my shiny metal ass", "magazine and cosmopolitan and identity", "changes", "short to long do you wear wigs", "no I have not wear wigs", "no", "sex with a German woman", "famous German actors venue", "finish", "flipper", "I must tell you", "what do I like guys I am a feisty we have a brand new video for you ok this video inside help", "phone microphone micro microphone for whatever", "12345", "Walker", "very good", "99", "on which network", "problems", "how exactly", "in what areas is Whelan", "Manchester tcc", "contact", "is basically giving up the exchange", "actually playing game 5 is similar while we were", "3 hour time control", "hellcat", "fence", "sorry", "the greatest square number 95", "16 squared", "show me the six month now", "efficiently", "IC 7491", "just extreme", "exchange", "find files to work with", "aquarium frogs", "magazines", "I'm here", "heading for something", "why doesn't do anything", "naturally coordinator Queen at 9", "report M74 smothered mean", "everything together for stockfish 9", "when you have to stop", "each one in mind", "check that was an email", "we have sex at some stage", "just a few miles out", "the next three games are in on the sea are", "at the races", "opening choice", "variation of the French", "games as well", "to see how", "Sheffield", "creatures of wine where", "the opening", "might have to find a way to recruit", "you getting these developing moves in England", "Speedway", "are we not working with all minor pieces", "sneaking always drop in there", "online", "as well", "Queen as well", "sex", "5 square", "179", "just a singer", "still with the space of Darkness", "interesting about this problem is that it was actually soft but mine", "so I first encountered 106", "stunning wallpaper", "number 10", "innocuous", "a number of", "exactly that", "Lana Parker prime numbers", "up to the watering", "Act 2 and 3 about prime numbers", "can be written in exactly one way as a product of primes", "that is going to be 2", "what is a prime number", "I'm trying to identify all of the traffic", "satisfy this equation", "the five rings", "the most common example", "have a natural question", "how do we find an exhaustive list of all examples of", "Telegraph notices that well if we take the idea factorization of ordinary whole numbers", "we can make some progress", "all the whole numbers that sorted", "as I said this consists of all of the numbers", "is that", "factorise this expression", "just had", "anyway The Cabin in the ordinary number system", "a squared plus b squared", "difference of squares", "if we allow ourselves to use", "and what's more the special properties in each number can be factorise into", "carries over to the", "I have to expand an astronaut what time it is because you", "so they may not be Prime in it could be that were used to be Prime", "we also discovered", "this is just", "are the normal numbers except as We Know ourselves", "that's why I'm", "number 6", "as a private tutor", "at the same time they can be written as", "have a problem because", "decompose into a product of primes", "appointment using completely different", "didn't work for the square root of - 5 where we going so well", "a list of numbers", "unique factorization", "one of the following number is this", "Season of the Witch", "removed from the previous one", "what does conjecture", "that's true but it could never actually proven", "tried to", "exhausted", "in order to get activation", "I was about to crash", "this problem is actually song", "how to remember the name of", "actually found a fruit", "anyway", "M60", "pound other proof", "then after a couple of years that one of those mathematician", "I am not a hater but I was with Jethro", "seriously", "another", "consequences", "the wedding present", "can't close", "Beaumont Leys", "number", "who knows how is managed to the calendar", "before close", "another joke", "in one of his cars.", "Bannatyne's conjecture", "expected", "163", "anyone able to fool people because it's so close to a whole number that with the techniques that most people would have had available then they said they would have been able to", "massive whole number that is very difficult to detect exactly what it is", "ever so slightly", "e ^ 16 35 is very close to whole number", "Oliver", "directly related", "and obviously", "exactly", "and why was the dark injections different", "I might offer expected if you have to stick down between 67", "adamant someone", "mysterious", "nobody", "interesting design", "it's not", "one point", "nothing happened in the same hole", "changes", "shut the cover a little bit more", "when I move into the new pussy", "the right position", "numbers of Level 42", "how old is Musselburgh humidor inbox insight", "all the way over here to the right", "accurate polar wander so", "all the way to the side", "can someone with a very nice", "coffee for weddings", "how did it work", "this is what the single part", "our apartment", "and displayed here which is some kind of locking plate for compact", "heart condition", "unable to move", "looking for to unlock the puzzle", "what we did with our movement Republic", "out of the game", "drop down and drop up here in this whole which is covered by the blood cannot come out", "already realised something", "Andrea", "haha is phenol more than before", "second-hand I need to shift and then I can drop it to you on the other side", "locking plate eyeliner all the way over here", "it is possible to move it", "Hollister", "how is wonderful", "parents gone for the detail", "individual", "Sydney the Skipper", "hi welcome to love episode of Mr parcel today", "nearly finished already", "a padlock", "tax office parcel is to open prosecco Let It Be", "hi security", "one by one", "this puzzle from my point of view", "Tottenham Madrid", "sliding puzzle to you I already showed it", "the more you are able to think", "what kind of wood are we need to do", "ballerina trainers", "someone like me who's interested or profesora de critical thinking skills", "support Mr puzzle", "what to do with the puzzle", "are usually approach this kind of", "we have to look at the Town what happened with you", "locking shackle", "out of the way", "south of the circle", "one of the pieces in creative and", "so far so good", "environmental conditions", "I start switching sides switching", "I will be able to", "Ludgershall", "text you would like", "how I can cycle the Partick", "Campbell Park", "how to get up here", "Amazon", "reference separate now these three parts on the other parts of the ear", "schedule app", "and unfortunately discovers again too small to get this party but", "just park behind the circle", "able to open the shop", "I'm like to see a metal", "sausages made out of", "anyway it's a very nice idea", "set reminder for today's episode", "1896 Leo Tolstoy ask", "agmatine powder", "German", "switching to German", "indisch", "Englisch", "it's not about you", "around the track", "stop listening", "stomach function", "standard functions", "so what were you doing", "are you still listening", "sure I am", "foreground", "are you still listening", "find the Brasserie", "I mean", "tyre Queen", "5 minutes 51 seconds", "15 over on the 14th of", "Cinderella dream Hedge End Sunday", "is neutral water territory", "what am I looking at", "immediately", "manager", "anytime we just witnessed there", "just thinking about this guy is crushing me", "I can count on one hand and all of them appreciate visionary", "otb", "appreciate", "just tried fotb", "Carlisle railway", "one hand and all them appreciate Vision", "just tried fotb", "I found someone", "streetstrider otb", "OTV", "MTB", "over the board", "across the board", "god I'm bored", "smart programme", "awesome connection as well", "I can do it anyone", "why did Catherine leave", "sorry", "surprised", "yes Alex 14", "remind me on the corner", "I haven't had a", "call Mum", "I'm going to be", "can I run the runway", "ok", "the pain", "consent", "can you call out already", "hope", "National", "ryan homes in Charlotte NC", "hello", "ok", "for the win", "microphones", "microphone service solution to everything", "microphones", "call Baba", "microphones are really cool", "little ou to talk a lot", "sweating", "whatever the f*** that means", "good luck", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard class", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "I need multiple monitors", "ASAP", "yes sir", "hi hello how are you", "European woodpecker", "ohayo cases", "ok", "yeah sounds like it", "I guess you're ok", "yeah I was just asking", "prosecco ca posturite", "when is the third smallest", "ok Google", "bogan", "I can listen to", "yeah 7:20 I can come or actually 6:50", "leave earlier", "Wikipedia", "August", "Google", "AA meeting yesterday was very good goodnight because that happened", "yeah", "chess games", "are always fun", "let's go to Berlin", "how many night", "or maybe not", "going to St Louis", "cool", "Roman messer", "I'm not going to reply", "hey 247", "bt71", "you know where I'm headed", "Horrid Henry", "song on my way", "edeka", "still working", "good", "I have a slightly new idea for a playlist for birthdays of the week", "so that's why", "games", "Ibiza which weekends those lines grand solicitor", "I really quite like bites", "attacking point view", "c3c tanks", "PL27", "Capricorn with a rock", "very clever idea how much I get a kick out of myself before getting an important Centre", "also helps my control and see sex after a C8 guess what what has now it looks as though this was on this silly competently", "that is 35", "white clay hair", "what is 45 km in miles", "you can see the whole picture here", "Clacton-on-Sea free", "24", "and this is very bad news black", "it is pretty hopeless this position that's getting torn to shreds", "airkings been totally compromised", "just take care check and then tell me as an example", "yep", "or anything else something just Bishop V6 and then it'll be checkmate example", "ok", "stupid software", "how to change", "how to change", "how to change", "I have to change", "about time too", "thanks", "through the room test", "thanks", "burning down the house", "stop listening", "solicitor", "suggester", "yes", "you", "yo", "yes", "non symbolical", "legalisation", "legalisation", "who will be your location", "sorry", "location", "sorry", "problem", "no problem", "Stoke-on-Trent", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "200 functions", "standard functions", "nutrition", "standard functions", "standard functions", "2015 Lexi annoying", "yeah", "kebab", "standard functions", "standard functions", "hope all well", "ok", "I like that you are listening", "standard functions", "freedom", "freedom 90", "freedom 21", "freedom 99", "freedom 999", "freedom 9999", "thanks", "hello", "immonet", "hello can you hear me", "say something nice", "I can repeat repeat", "learnt Association", "what is 20 x 30", "600", "economical type of voice", "potato salad recipe for distributed word", "because I need a good speaker", "so I wonder what happens when you die", "reproductive people speaking", "text voice speaking", "and technology", "everything there's a lot of stuff", "weekend in Benidorm", "things too expensive", "Norway", "that somebody", "dictionary", "agency", "I have asthma", "you will be a task when we're together energy", "Evie", "Billy at some point", "calling the name", "Justin's the Works", "weather Wadebridge", "Ulster University parking", "logic jelly standing", "the thing and it produces more text actually", "Philips ambilight on the site of production of speech production in the human body", "which is the understanding and the learning system", "everything is communication used to extract information", "engineer speaking and listening to have a conversation", "if you can pick up something in his lunch", "to Barmouth", "in every language", "what did you do today", "mobile", "I visited my sister", "information weather", "Monday of the boxes for the UK education system consistent", "just repeats and phrases with no deposit", "increase my chances", "that's not it's nothing thinking", "how to store because people talk to it", "people died recently", "what is the highest look like", "UWE printing", "when does logic part-time work if you combine this it is normal profit", "Wednesday images", "I want to know", "my name is Jane", "I want to know but my name is Jayne Mansfield", "me and Dre Leftfield will be a happy couple", "is it the all knowing tutors", "will there be a happy couple", "good luck with that if you knew everything about James Madison", "capital city results", "because I'm always always", "harburg hamburg", "impossible", "what's the probability of", "Oxford", "customers and consumers use you to do something and they tried and they like it", "how to measure something", "documentation", "hours of damaged intervention", "example now", "collect doctor's on Monday", "insomnia", "now I can look up directions", "50 add 60", "in one second", "did you had a figure out which one you're on your own", "I need to get the basic stuff done like explaining basic things to machine and machine understanding", "make a little bit simple", "list about everything", "but actually it's been filled right now as we speak", "everything comes to do the database", "$30 if you're paranoid", "isn't important", "Leicester accommodation near", "yeah", "information in the database UK", "Liz has a name and has contents in the contents of March when it's the whole concert", "text to read 2000 words", "computer bild Sauvignon vs human", "operating maintain business", "happened in if that thing you", "rhino pandatv", "my pickup stuff TV", "YouTube", "how to sometimes it is positive", "simple past tense", "going to bed", "but basically because not many things later if you need to", "I have simple Wikipedia Alice", "simple English into English", "stop almost", "what is an almost ready to integrate them what will happen", "I recorded something from the distance", "doesn't mean", "time in Oslo the wave all the way down", "60 beats per minute so it's going I want it one day I'm just", "is Wikipedia everything in this internet text", "Process Projects", "it's not your pic I can never enter any", "tommee Tippee in the Polar Express", "I didn't hear it so I get to talk", "that's what I'm working on", "reply definition", "it's right now it's more like", "it's going that way", "you want you want you", "what B2B and b2c", "nobile talking about any money of commercial things", "I just talked about will making software", "I want to make money", "haven't let me do anything if I don't have money", "Mexican of me I need money anyway yeah", "evil business model", "can be done", "I did want to be the best person I had was from Berlin", "little kids bed", "I bring back home everyday", "€500 a month", "she will stay with me", "gamer 500D Mark", "100 Deutsche mark", "500 hour timer", "don't forget that I know you want to meet me", "sell your music and I know you want to", "every year that's what I get for me", "tell you I'm 68 years I realise he was doing a part-time job", "in the Red Cross Spain", "what do you have to do my opinion", "help me I know the hell I make a product that everybody understands this is the future", "it's not crashing randomly but it understands", "because when you want something", "and I know it's good it's good", "you don't have to sell it they come to you", "ready concrete I want to have to be no right now they're not coming so I have to do something so that they come and no this and you want this and do that you don't", "now but working on it", "do I have a group of", "and they will", "a conglomerate", "€500,000", "it's a good idea", "and I was taking improvising music doesn't exist it all", "it is definitely if you don't", "does not look like that", "and so", "how could you", "planet play everclear facilities to myself now", "people as many as possible give them each", "numbers for names", "and then", "underwear codec revolutionary Council", "we are selecting a virus to be induced", "conglomeration", "that means that", "if there were no matter where you are you could be in", "and if they're playing on the same night are playing under the same name and each of them were doing whatever whatever they want to do but they doing it under the name", "otters cuddling", "what have I do because she will have", "access to so many people mainly", "yummy", "so what would I do we are what's the maximum what's next for that company", "the next episode", "just meet people who want to have a visible ideas", "and then put it out of my neighbour", "fsk find more musicians", "organise", "what would you what would the conditions be", "is that the one to the earnings that you can we have a concert", "percent goes to a charitable organisation", "Leatherhead", "Close other people me close but you're not supposed to take them all again you have to go to the Red Cross", "does anybody", "should be charity match", "compensation to the end", "that's all the more reason for another one", "the musician skin and I noticed something else", "they never do anything", "shish kebab", "I thought", "get on the homepage you can put in something but", "also", "Arsenal", "video call with that is that when people buy concert tickets", "that that ticket becomes", "iStock", "nbr then investing in something there", "la cafetiere", "a ticket to a concert", "because", "I'm just saying out how I speak because I know this", "reply to work very hard whatever they're doing it", "girls in a joiner put somebody else's a really care about it makes it", "makes it easy I want to do it Saturday don't like or", "this morning", "digital I mean some Labour of Love", "prepared of these metaphysical things because it takes forever when I know all of this", "due to be done but this one is for this one", "I think we're basically the steps were important that I created in it infrastructure", "by going on my publishing", "bring up the proper speicherstadt being able to release the governor", "great life over 40 something thousand radio stations in internet that I can use have access to", "dress up to protect my sister the the the the song nzb", "talking the banks in system hard to find and Howard how to create subtitle financial Ventura going to bed so many banks and financial experts to get their cleaning how to do it", "yes", "4 years boy for 5 years", "so basically", "that's it for now so now it's just the time of creating more comma", "concrete what can we do in concrete terms the next six days or weeks or months or something because I think my years going to be very busy yeah", "you are really doing something you I know but I want to do much more", "concrete kerbs", "different next appointment", "whatever", "he ran off the top of my head", "when was to say we will be alright yeah", "Leicester weather", "let's get started", "that's it we are we", "", "not happy with the situation yet I cannot produce better for some weird reason my neighbour is not sold anymore video Triton when he is Amelia kind of guy I like your neighbours really tries to annoy me by phone", "I can tell he's like how to fill in whatever", "candy cane watch TV loud and not there", "how to annoy me another kind of stop doing it which helps me really I have to have one testicle", "I really want to be a bit more", "wedding meme", "small rooms in mockito", "money also but I'm in Benidorm it's very important with", "my next episode finder", "dragon music the music actually", "ABBA I've already", "by the way I'll get some news about the one in for the beer + 35 minutes", "we are never ever met you at the one", "he also said innocent people in the mecklenburg-vorpommern belt", "I'm going to keep us apart", "Deptford incident today", "they could stay to a few days and I can recall anything that's fine", "but have to go generate income and political equality", "yeah I did", "air Africa", "I don't think about that I just think about the reality", "France rugby realistic cinema", "if I just save the money so what does it do nothing", "I get more more time what you want to close it so don't have another", "but I cannot", "have the flu", "and generate", "overcoming every recording", "creating", "a partnering with", "prevent", "I didn't know that he's actually leaving", "Dagenham", "make no the 2 o'clock and starting out you know", "a better place where everyone feels like totally crazy", "and that's why I've been looking for", "and but I have my league I spend so much money on time or there", "I did I had a listen journalist", "4000", "I do with this thing", "economic activity", "there are two other channels so that because they want to", "selectspecs famous 1st November", "this is all so it renders running up and running is perfect PR vehicle", "did people use it", "crazy Darcy and you also have prospects", "Christmas actually what just happened", "", "success than they can help other people have been successful", "we do it because", "opening times police and harasses and also we have to pay taxed and also we have no land and also", "second names", "birthday about my own", "I live at my Hideaway", "short of a monkey nut", "London again waiting for your doctor to see Photoshop passport", "Facebook", "he's not officially on Facebook", "Christmas countdown", "delete Facebook", "15 years", "new book go wherever", "decentralised instagrams are risk taking over", "the factory the prettiest Japanese", "it says let you is like my inspiration", "are my motivation comes from", "philosophical approach", "bekfast polybius picked up in separately", "yeah this for me", "I wouldn't go up again soon I wasn't in an iPhone is my college through come Sport", "that's how we did it", "how much is a mindset", "glad to be up to me in this way", "but I won't buy won't let us meet", "yeah I'm just sick of it", "I was trying to kill people", "Alton Towers happy body I learn everything I could about killing people with weapons and all that stuff and had it", "Steel Bars in Manhattan", "mass destruction", "mnml", "and I did it when I was 12", "16 did you get over it", "3352, bn41 2DE wallpaper", "anino they brainwash me", "like like all the others and it's can still in in me so", "about", "yell reading at about that and how to", "you have a look", "we came from the air We Can Rule air source and we came from there we came from two helicopters Woodside and death", "bottle was killed them all and son", "Kano", "yeah but all I wanted I don't I didn't want to do that", "but you're 19 years old", "I got out when I was 23 and see them for 7 years", "which state is a lot of money", "said no I don't", "I don't like to say anegada general just looked it", "that was given a bit of time because I was number one in the clan", "I said no because something", "S I did it because", "was Korea soldier", "3 words", "any", "so I do I do about the motorway", "but and I did it because I want to see if I could become", "nana commission commission", "I'd like something that was it in the pan", "alster sleeping in the snow", "Ian from just standing", "what does the Killing the killing in", "because I want to work with people who are not into another one", "I have disappointment", "not just saying I know how to remote use physical Force", "I want a real wood", "you know yourself from that's my question", "myself mother brainwashing", "annoy someone", "if someone says to me I'm going to destroy you and your family", "on your door children's sorting something", "revert back to", "what the IQ goes to zero probably 3 anyway but", "how to protect myself that's when it comes to someone attacking me but I've never", "attack th10 Grill and dessert spoon theory no person to say I hit them first the person centre stole something from the person", "you can touch it but I'm proud of it", "no not how I did it but I did it because", "at the pub but but what I'm saying is that", "I know I realise history and I feel I think it's only talk about the government agencies", "I want to be as far away from the guilty as possible", "I don't want to be I don't want to be around people vs", "4% weeks now even hear me", "uriah Rennie", "I don't know", "no kissing is natural", "what is the running joke from", "opening of the virtual communities", "how many offices does the word knowledge", "I broke up a broker", "because she was using that word too much to get angry in French", "about Alice the Elephant", "they are physical pain", "you know and the rissen", "song", "Nottingham weather", "really hurts More Than Words", "the Bangles awake that begin hit", "but I said um", "if you go if you want", "I won't say anything about", "there are animals", "SMS app like that", "how to construct", "yes that is not good", "angular velocity", "you like you like", "you know Apocalypse Now", "which is good I like that I like doing something else", "how to make you 10 years later somebody took 10 years for me", "basic stories 10 years ago I was ready to take the Royal Tenenbaums", "whatever and then radio something was ready and 17 years later", "urgent", "really want to go", "get me to level now that I don't have to", "lovemoney", "stuff", "sports jobs", "Aberdeen Holy Night at the devil", "answer", "understand", "I know I acted I collect", "preventing sweating", "I can hope", "but I can", "handle", "hello", "nice to meet you", "I ate so much today", "no I'm very full", "now I'm very full", "lotic", "longtec", "low-tech", "Hi-Tec", "yes", "chromated neutrons", "monochromators neutrons", "monochromators neutrons", "hard of hearing", "heart of understanding", "what day is today", "Faraday", "Faraday", "Saturday", "yes", "steroid functions", "standard functions", "static function", "Download Festival", "standard functions", "directions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard fashion", "ich bin deine Mutter", "B&M stores", "spelling of litre", "German", "immer für dich da", "Ich bin immer für dich da", "good mythical morning", "Englisch", "do you know what your name is", "my name is cat C", "the hammock", "yes", "the three big mistakes people often make", "YouTube is now fullscreen", "foreground", "background", "sister Sister", "reminder shield agent is giving it new", "giving it due", "reminder shield agent is giving his due", "giving his new", "reminder shield agent is giving his due", "different", "he's giving his team", "February", "your brother", "alcoholic", "Harry Watson", "buell", "consequent", "pictures", "is there", "Deezer", "yes", "German", "wegen dir", "Indra afia", "sehr gut", "Englisch", "hooligan", "BBC", "religion", "real issue", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "a decent attack", "Laura, PL6 anyway", "ajw", "20th while against", "rewe", "Hurt So Good", "hey everybody", "how you're doing", "so weird", "so good", "think that", "already", "Barbour", "hello", "should we do", "standard functions", "Pontypridd", "limited edition", "solicitor", "The Visitors movie", "I don't think so", "other sister doesn't login", "Adidas Olympics it that stupid", "the most popular country", "Romania", "snipping tool", "confirm", "whose definition", "take me to PayPal", "your local cinema", "nursery Houghton-le-Spring", "Happy Birthday garden mint 400 autoflowers return", "Shotton parmesan", "flamingo", "sunbeds Shenfield Gardens", "friends Monica", "Givenchy advert", "30 feet under", "London mama strip start listening to deutsch englisch", "logo designers", "where's Macklemore", "Greenfield Avenue surgery number", "substance designer", "this one's for you Nigerian Song", "Monaghan music gigs Arena poison BookFinder", "British Academy", "because when I'm at home", "Alaskan Malamute", "your appointment", "popular songs", "filament coming out maybe", "I don't know 7 o'clock", "the funny hot movie Gangnam station", "cinema for toddlers Swansea", "Cartagena Murcia", "", "weather London", "as long as you know", "it's muffin time", "does minimalism", "emigrantas", "relief International", "Sunderland Inverness against funeral numbers", "can a Muslim", "remember remember", "diamond sword", "just woman Officer by contact", "can you find me when you're back", "CCG offices", "Bupa significant", "just get off guitar", "the glasses", "40 subscribers", "kimberwoodward Whitstable", "Robert rissen architects in Richmond Housing West Midlands fasteners", "not nice hoodie evening and tomorrow", "Domino's telephone number", "sociable", "hakuna Matata", "amendments", "consultant East London", "I didn't do nothing", "what difference between", "personalised", "uetersen", "I'm fine", "I know no donation here", "different music", "lasula", "hello", "nice to meet you", "standard fashion", "oh my god", "Virgo", "there we go", "again", "I don't want to sound", "royal family before 2:35", "Yoda", "numerical number / password reset Vodafone", "racism", "couples massage", "dollar", "Europa", "weather today", "Argos", "you know it", "definitely", "ergonomic definition", "Alison dancer", "is that in Leicester", "ASDA Plymouth", "does muscle", "Larnaca", "door", "standard functions", "Heard It Through The Grapevine", "I love Adam", "nullify", "standard functions", "standard functions", "cool", "don't give up", "everything will be alright", "yo", "reciprocation", "meet", "jaywalking", "invading Mexico", "is not a good idea", "hello", "still working", "very good", "what", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "websocket", "websockets are really useful", "just", "David Luiz", "how do we do this", "yep", "yep", "yup", "September", "September", "October", "November", "December", "January", "February", "merge", "March", "April", "May", "June", "do you know", "July", "August", "September", "yes", "you are a good cat", "you make a good pet", "yes", "scalar function", "standard functions", "function", "standard functions", "ok", "yes", "Stevie Wonder mirror", "Stevie Wonder", "do do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do", "do do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do", "do do do", "do do do-do-do-do", "do do do do do do do do", "frozen", "hello", "Kent", "hello cabs", "hello cat", "are you a dog", "another dog", "you are a man man", "you are a madman", "I might need a better mic", "the Stuff Works", "this stuff works", "thanks a lot", "what are you doing", "what the F are you doing", "thanks", "that's pretty good", "mine was pretty good", "that was pretty good", "still is", "and will be", "la la la la la la la la", "that's pretty good though", "thanks a lot", "good guy", "fair enough", "better now", "Loughborough now", "a lot better now", "5000", "10000000", "getting better every day", "getting Smarter Every Day", "yep", "y u p", "Stevie Wonder", "Stevie Wonder original art", "Stevie Wonder's a lot", "can you hear me", "okie dokie", "good levels", "Stevie Wonder's the lot", "Stevie Wonder's a lot", "Peter wanders a lot", "Peter wanders a lot", "Peter remembers a lot", "Peter wonders why it is true", "Peter wanders around", "Peter wonders why", "Peter wonders", "I wonder", "I am the wanderer", "we should have groovy", "this s*** is groovy", "yep yep yep", "ok", "standard functions", "standard functions", "call testing", "call testing", "call testing", "call testing", "vehicle testing", "very cool testing", "read volume level", "rate of volume level", "great volume level", "yes", "Stevie Wonder is happy", "is Stevie Wonder still alive", "why", "why do they Auto clear the maps", "why did I order clear the maps", "why do they Auto clear the maps", "why did I order clear the maps", "why did I order clear the maps", "why did I Auto clear the maps", "yes", "test", "still working", "yes", "sir Duke is the best", "yes", "I wonder why", "please tell me", "do you play any chests", "uplay NHS", "do you play any chess", "yes", "hoover", "good music", "play the keyboard", "what else do we do", "la la la", "ok", "blood test", "good test", "ok", "promod", "timeout", "time in", "ok", "yep", "yes yes", "computer science", "what", "donkey", "haha", "time time", "TomTom", "music is a world within itself", "with a language we all understand", "music", "music is a world within itself with a language we all understand", "speak is a verb", "yes", "spam", "no spam", "respond", "free spam", "and spam", "and spam", "Android", "Matalan", "not a blog", "not a drug", "yes", "some things are really good", "insane magic trick", "chestbrah", "chestbrah", "c h e s s b r a h", "yeah", "stop listening baby", "stop listening", "the reflex", "revision", "Paul Yarwood", "I love to love you", "I love to love you", "I love to love you", "son of a Preacher Man", "son of a Preacher Man", "T-Mobile German", "son of a Preacher Man", "son of a Preacher Man", "this program understand singing", "chilling", "stop listening", "check check", "stop listening", "Google home", "what is the stupidest programme in the world", "ok cat", "good", "you're back on", "will we do next", "what do we do next", "you could store some phone numbers", "0157", "525", "no", "5125", "yes", "31 42", "yes", "repeat", "morning PT", "strict floating point", "YOLO", "yes", "good", "great quality", "superbuild", "countries", "midlist", "make a list", "yes", "waifu", "just", "sort my stuff", "sort by stuff", "calibre hairdresser", "son of a hairdresser", "3D movement", "shakeys moment", "shaky moment", "dude", "level check", "level good well well", "Pattaya", "full movie 1776", "70s group", "70 is good", "yes", "trash talk", "roofers in roofers", "Rufus and dufus", "yeah", "make an illegal move", "ok", "I'm an old man you forgot", "yes", "I mean I'm not", "but you recognised correctly", "yes", "you may struggle", "countries", "make list", "yes", "100 + points", "here", "SIA", "yeah", "double hearing", "go back", "move Harrods", "move Harry", "yes", "please please the crowd", "please greet the crowd", "just", "yes", "sexy exchange", "sac the exchange", "yes", "I love to have two monitors", "yes", "suicidal", "no", "yes I do", "yes I do", "suicidal", "no", "versatile", "yes I do", "whatever", "thanks", "speech recognition is the best ship ever", "you're doing great", "yes", "foreground", "countries", "background", "split", "unsplit", "yes", "Hoegaarden trucker", "Ocado", "for God", "oh god", "yes", "alright", "find me the nearest Starbucks", "book of numbers", "watch", "the dudes", "researching", "standard functions", "obviously all f****** good", "standard functions", "standard functions", "just a matter of chicken tikka", "just a matter of technique", "just park", "yes", "no", "whatever", "Starbucks", "I used to be funny", "haha", "schuhe", "work", "wet", "wet", "word", "word", "wwat", "wwat", "what", "wwat", "what the fudge", "what happened to Trevor", "katsu which Trevor", "cut-throat see which Trevor", "computer say which Trevor", "what", "computers see which Trevor", "computers which Trevor", "computer say which Trevor", "yes", "I'm Every Woman", "ellerbek", "yes", "what the f***", "wow", "Facebook", "steroid function", "standard functions", "cats", "no problem", "cat WhatsApp", "it's alright", "what is 10 x 12", "the solar still Delilah", "the sound is still too loud", "yep", "countries", "foreground", "split", "unsplit", "simply Fresh new voice", "just", "no", "whatever", "foreground", "I'm just a girl", "topless model red", "top left", "bottom right", "are threatened", "r thread", "yes", "hello Jack", "hi dude", "how are you", "that's good", "standard fashion", "set a function", "standard fashion", "you can't", "hello cat", "cool", "countries", "let's do away with the bloop sound", "yes", "stop listening", "talk to me", "where is my volume", "there's no volume", "where is my volume", "where is my volume", "where is my volume", "where is my volume", "Godzilla", "ok", "where is my volume", "what round", "foreground", "thanks", "it is 5 p.m.", "listening", "are you listening", "stone essentials", "standard functions", "sternutation", "standard fashion", "hello again", "what's the name of that voice", "it's a nice one", "reference", "directions", "standard functions", "PayPal", "call Jack", "eBay", "new Jack", "hey Jack", "yes and yes", "foreground", "cool", "move Mouse away", "cool", "most of synonym", "post to sender", "most eccentric", "mouse to Centre", "good", "hey Jack", "split", "inspect", "ansford", "expect", "unsplit", "split", "hey Ya", "80%", "split", "unsplit", "unsplit", "split", "standard functions", "hello", "split", "unsplit", "split screens", "unsplit screen", "split", "unsplit screen", "ok", "split", "aerobics", "garbage", "Justice", "just a test", "yers", "yes", "countries", "show list of countries", "Stanley furnishings", "standard fashion", "show list of countries", "how to Germany", "add Germany", "Germany", "add to list", "show list of countries", "Germany", "add to list", "England", "add to list", "Norway", "PRINCE2 risk", "Norway", "add to list", "very nice", "hello", "hello hello test test hello hello", "Eminem program", "Tanfield Avenue", "botanical combinations langenhorn", "Idris Elba", "tell me one", "iPhone", "different accents", "good morning", "weather evening", "weather in Stevenage", "well it's evening", "yes", "very difficult", "very fast", "very funny", "microstructure", "twins", "maybe there's going to be a sacrifice", "what you for", "on E4", "yes", "I love you more", "first five", "second five", "where's Maidstone", "that makes 10", "nearest beach", "Phillip Mann", "shut up man", "yes", "God making moves", "godlike moves", "but that was a good one too", "let's try 70", "that's good", "excellent", "excellent excellent party time", "excellent", "excellent party time", "amazing", "stop listening", "Canada", "add to list", "Egypt", "add to list", "thanks", "add to list", "funny", "add to list", "stop listening", "hello kit", "hello cat", "thanks", "sounds alarming", "Hanson", "standard functions", "I was away", "standard functions", "Marvel", "Mountain Warehouse", "sparkasse WhatsApp", "but", "sparkasse", "all the words you know", "it's German man", "yes", "Hook", "hello", "Falkirk", "hello cat", "thanks", "you're welcome", "you have a great voice", "show list of countries", "Mila Kunis", "la la la", "Garmin", "Justice", "Let's Dance", "perpetual motion", "poutine", "wouldn't", "Putin", "forgot", "forgot", "Hackett", "suck it", "f*** it", "3D", "3D", "treating", "preeti", "Treaty", "yes", "Will Smith", "is in the house", "Let's Groove", "yes", "Roman Reigns running time", "dance move", "J", "zoom", "why ey", "y a y", "yes", "let's jerk", "it's joke", "let's jerk", "that's a joke", "let us joke", "yes", "morning love", "compass event", "microburst event", "girls", "yes no yes", "mother nature's", "mother nature", "yes", "Central Park", "yes", "Puglia", "earlier", "gloat", "bullet", "float", "boat", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "hello Bill", "how are you", "good", "I'm good", "thanks a lot", "please sign the peace Treaty", "yay", "right", "rake", "rake", "rice", "rice", "rice", "right", "Third Reich", "earthquake", "second reich", "first Reich", "define rake", "define rake", "Bahama race", "Stefan preis", "Stephanie rice", "alright", "Stefan rich", "German", "Stefan reich", "Englisch", "define vice", "Waterworld", "whatever", "yes", "VS15", "robot voice", "do the robot voice", "bookers", "Heydrich", "hi Jack", "are we on German or English", "English of course", "Sylvester Stallone", "who makes a movie", "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "how to share a blanket at the beach", "split", "unspoilt", "unsplit", "script", "Sport", "split", "yes", "show list of humans", "Stefan", "add to list", "Woody", "add to list", "co-op", "I'm not like other people", "what's special about me", "what's special about me", "where is special about me", "thank you", "thank you", "what you want a coffee", "free tattoo", "now for you", "you could say some stuff", "what should I say", "foreground", "stop listening", "standard functions", "download functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "penetration", "nobody said penetration", "menu functions", "grey wood lino", "we are getting there", "steroid function", "positive Glasgow", "this has become really short", "is there a shopping centre", "shopping centre", "whatever", "hello Bill", "stop listening", "what if people find out it's alright", "what if people find out it's a lie", "yes", "stop listening", "strange", "doctor Strange", "yes", "hello microphone", "123", "stop listening", "standard functions", "standard functions", "LEGO functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "almost there", "getting there", "love you more music", " music", "excuse more music", "let's hear more music", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "oceans", "standard functions", "meaning of", "standard functions", "Google Google", "meditation", "standard functions", "G5", "devo", "Dora", "dorena", "close enough", "it's all.", "it's all Theory", "Bernard fashion", "steroid function", "standard functions", "benefaction", "static function", "penetration", "standard functions", "are", "gardener", "steroid function", "standard functions", "android functions", "standard functions", "stomach function", "desert country", "standard fashion", "Stella fashion", "sternutation", "standard functions", "inefficient", "Dailymotion", "standard fashion", "venlafaxine", "standard functions", "Christmas Christmas", "standard functions", "the Rock The Rock", "The Rock", "Brook", "squid", "check", "meet", "meet", "checkmate", "start over", "Colin Lilley", "was Ronnie for Saturday", "who is Ronan", "hamburg altona", "show list of ok programs", "what wrong", "foreground", "standard fashion", "Ronaldo", "steroid function", "pilot fashion", "standard functions", "concrete", "standard functions", "standard functions", "certificate", "show list of ok programs", "thanks", "but the list is empty", "let's go to the slipper database", "let's go to the snippet database", "yes", "Cardiff shows", "prestiging on CoD", "Justin Bieber", "earlier", "idiot", "curriculum", "are not listening", "stop listening", "only person", "standard functions", "taschen", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "Nottingham Forest", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "ok ok", "steroid function", "standard functions", "was lovely", "alright", "alright", "Amazon lol", "who was", "derivation", "standard functions", "steroid function", "standard functions", "sternum function", "standard functions", "state Russian", "standard functions", "Mauritius tax in India", "ma", "nationwide online", "steroid function", "god", "Debenhams", "standard functions", "Donna Thompson", "standard functions", "standard functions", "word", "standard functions", "ok", "websockets", "cat are you there", "cat are you there", "poo", "look again", "KKK logo", "Pontlands Park", "because we writing", "Stevenage", "Tyson Fury", "ok we're alright", "Godzilla Ascot", "precision", "well well", "appendix function", "steroid functional", "standard functions", "standard functions", "so", "free things Birmingham", "free thing is very good", "this free thing is very good", "the spring thing", "freeze", "the phrase thing", "movie movie", "vtct", "school shoes", "steroid function", "stop listening", "good luck", "kumho tyres", "camouflage", "t a m a r t g a g", "k a m a r k a g", "t a m a r t a j", "t a m a r t a z", "almost", "the ancient one", "how did you do that", "I'm a magician", "chakra", "0", "year", "yeah", "dark places", "bright places", "who are you", "in this first place", "the best place", "this vast place", "you gave me the power", "to defeat my enemies", "that's it", "don't shut me out", "Currys", "please", "are you a doctor", "yes I am a doctor", "question", "not a question", "standard functions", "Ford", "apocalypse", "JavaScript", "yes", "Liverpool", "nimble", "game of Life", "no", "soap", "standard functions", "non-standard functions", "standard functions", "dog", "good", "penetration", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "cube", "I can hear", "torque", "I can talk", "I can dance", "you cannot stop this Mr doctor", "refinery s05", "School", "cool", "Mykonos topless Mr Dr", "you cannot stop this Mr doctor", "and that whatever", "who are vehicle", "you wasn't household though", "he was an a******", "strange", "you're over inflated ego", "almost", "standard functions", "penetration", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "steroid function", "standard fixings", "standard functions", "doctor Strange", "what year", "115", "chino", "personal notes", "having a bit of fun", "yes", "good recognition", "old freemen's", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "stomach function", "Netflix", "Google", "standard functions", "loved", "Who", "standard functions", "standard function", "hello", "that's good", "we're on", "70% power", "100% power", "12000 percent", "damn straight", "you got that right", "haha", "to breathe", "already", "alright you", "alrighty", "good", "Naruto", "there's something happening here", "what it is ain't exactly clear", "there's a man with a gun over there", "call Amy", "I got to beware", "I think it's time we stop", "children what's that sound", "there's a man with a gun over there", "everything is wrong", "young people speaking their minds", "so much resistance", "from behind", "into your life it will creep", "it starts when you're always afraid.", "stop", "what's that sound", "everybody", "Bob", "stop children", "stop", "stop stop stop", "mountain Dance", "Peterhead bus timer", "Peter help Alzheimer's", "ok", "Peter herbal timer", "yeah", "I meant the musician", "token maker", "yes", "catfish", "no problem", "catfish", "no problem dude", "catfish", "no problem", "standard functions", "haha", "standard functions", "motorcycles number", "Manchester loud and aloud hello", "Florida", "hello", "hello Florida", "hello", "hello", "how do I say hello", "hello", "roko cancer", "zopa", "supertanker", "wall console", "more console", "noisy console", "change of plans", "Empire spam", "Empire Skyrim", "empty scam", "anti scam", "yeah", "anti-spam", "good", "what are you sprint", "at 6:30 I have 5", "looks like it", "Florida time", "can I hear you", "I cannot hear you", "it's so good", "size", "yeah just letting you know", "plumber's mate", "worth", "word", "what", "yes", "what the machine optimise for you", "let the machine optimise for you", "yeah", "if you only have three things you can put for static cling", "some picture", "William Wallace", "disappointed disappointed", "Sittingbourne", "I have two lists in my head", "I only have two lists in my head", "good and bad", "Avondale", "up and down", "Viking ship", "f****** s***", "f*** and s***", "good software", "it's like making poems", "yeah", "you had a story", "I am the black gold of the sun", "microphone", "Mike is on", "it's on here and the mic is on", "yes", "Austin Owen", "Yusuf crawlers", "I used to have crawlers", "yes", "where are they", "no head tattoos", "what", "I didn't say that", "prepare myself", "Bishops pay myself", "I should pay myself", "for some things", "nurse", "yes", "no yes", "Elizabeth Gillies", "this is also not that good", "who made us Mallorca ship", "apparently physical last I'm not that good", "America Bangla physical laws are not that good", "apparently", "physical laws", "are not that good", "movies they changed them all the time", "in movies", "they change them", "all the time", "yes", "yeah I did yeah", "Newsham surgery", "nematodes", "whatever dude", "yes please", "hold on what", "do do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do", "do do do-do-do-do do-do-do-do", "I love this", "recovers better", "my cold is better", "my cold is better", "McCord", "make cold", "my code", "is better", "yes", "oh it's an example", "you're So Vain", "yeah", "yeah", "how many", "it's incredible actually", "the woodman", "I don't want you to", "movie", "it's not a dumb Movie", "seeing you chords", "jobcenter", "jobcenter", "I didn't say that", "eagle", "my name is eagle", "ego", "and I'm your dad", "no you don't", "I hear you", "why did the car talk against", "again", "David Hasselhoff", "and a magic boat", "and the Magic bullet", "no", "and the Magic boat", "Smurfs", "yes", "Pinterest", "book", "welcome to science fiction", "and it's not a book", "vs has Hangouts", "uetersen", "URS people", "URS people", "you hurt people", "oh come on", "you", "whose", "first", "tarot", "yours people", "call from Earth", "finally", "you old people", "no", "apparently she is the daughter of Venice", "iPad", "something like that", "I'd like to believe", "all of this", "believe", "something", "so much that I need to teach you", "Kirsty MacColl", "St begh's School", "say that's cool", "can't say that's cool", "cat say that's cool", "what", "say I like you", "free WhatsApp", "fake WhatsApp", "hey what's up", "hey what's up", "see WhatsApp", "hey how are you", "hey how are you", "see", "please say hello", "Chris a WhatsApp", "please say what's up", "please say what's up", "say I'm cool", "say my name is Jack", "stop listening", "ok", "hello cat", "say hello", "say I'm back", "twice", "so what's up", "hey what's up", "say something", "Analytics", "appoint", "hello cat", "nothing", "hello cat", "nothing", "funny", "see that's funny", "say that's funny", "see you're an idiot", "say you're an idiot", "say sorry", "thanks", "see I'm only half human", "say I'm only half human", "facetious", "say I am fully human", "say I lie a lot", "say but I'm sorry", "say we need to get off this planet", "thanks", "catfish", "thanks", "thanks", "why does he do that", "why did you do that", "so I don't know", "say I don't know", "say I'm a catfish", "thanks", "seashore", "so sure", "Towsure", "please say sure", "please say follow me", "thanks", "say it's funky", "feel like it", "say I like it", "call", "thanks", "standard functions", "catfish", "thanks", "Kirkwood's up", "cat WhatsApp", "do do do do do do do do the Dipper Dipper", "autocomplete", "whatever", "so sorry", "say sorry", "thanks", "various", "see there we go", "say there we go", "how are you doing now", "show list of images showing an apple", "personal that's not right", "thanks", "samcro", "say I'm cool", "see your call", "say you're cool", "say they are cool", "Cedar School", "say it is cool", "say I like it", "see I hate it", "see I hated", "see I hate it", "say I hate it", "remind me to buy", "do you dip the dip dip dip dip dip dip dip", "do do do do do do tutu tutu tutu tutu tutu", "show list of images showing an apple", "drawn to the sinner", "drill into the centre", "Watford Pizza", "ok Google", "Indiana Jones", "Raiders of the Lost Ark", "Raiders of the Lost Ark", "sea Raiders of the Lost Ark", "sea Raiders of the Lost Ark", "say Raiders of the Lost Ark", "Lost Ark", "sea Indiana Jones", "say Indiana Jones", "Sian Brooke", "so I'm drunk", "say I'm drunk", "say I'm Jack", "yes", "thanks", "legend", "says you're a legend", "say you're a legend", "say it again", "say you're a legend", "thanks", "cgroups", "secret", "see group", "say I am groot", "thanks", "thanks", "boots", "thanks", "stop listening", "standard functions", "standard functions", "halal", "1 minutes", "level 9 on the landline", "online online", "good morning", "see accepted isn't morning", "C accept", "it isn't morning", "accepted his morning", "except it isn't morning", "yes", "standard functions", "show loading apple", "test", "ok", "show me", "show me", "builders", "do the Shimmy", "London", "I like in London", "I like London", "in the rain", "on the one of your mum your mum", "hello Andy", "WhatsApp", "Nawaab", "hello", "your name in B&M", "Domino's Elgin Moray", "Hotmail", "I'm not happy to be alone", "900 l o", "what", "hello", "subdued", "what's up dude", "80%", "thank you dude", "standard functions", "gomd", "und", "what", "what", "why", "oh why", "Bulmers", "it's all bogus", "it's always", "it's always", "always", "Robyn killing me", "you're always killing me", "are always killing me", "you're always kidding me", "another rivals battle", "yes", "yes", "winning Chess", "better than losing chest", "comma", "yes", "right up the ginger Sally", "right up the ginger Sally", "right of the gingers", "right up the gingers", "Bali", "Audi", "Aldi", "whatever", "p l l e y", "e l l e y", "e l l e y", "e l l e y", "why", "one rebel girls", "showing this video right now", "show him this video right now", "yes", "Manchester", "Jackie long", "just a few days now", "ok", "stop listening", "homemade olivan work", "I made all of it work", "yes", "how about some olives", "how to hit them", "no", "I used to hate them", "yes", "no I like them", "no I like them", "now I like them", "yes yes", "how's the weather", "cosy", "spell cosy", "cat spell cosy", "thanks", "oh you can speak twice at the same time", "people", "I like art", "show me some art", "I like naked cats", "no problem", "thanks", "thanks", "I am webmaster", "I am a webmaster", "I am good", "I am groot", "yes", "blocked IP", "yes", "poop", "didn't really say that", "perfection", "standard functions", "perfection also", "no need to even reload", "and there we are again", "back online", "competent", "Rochester", "what", "architect", "talkSPORT", "you're going to work hard today", "Just Giving", "just kidding", "Banks", "thanks", "thanks", "I'm not saying you're cheating", "how do you play like a cheetah", "but you play like a cheater", "yes", "weight loss tablets", "table", "cascade table", "ASCII table", "yes", "standard functions", "what's Capital One", "standard functions", "on the west coast of 3 hours ago", "penetration", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "standard functions", "bounded function", "wroetoshaw", "standard functions", "anyway", "standard functions", "standard functions", "misunderstanding", "cleared up", "IKEA", "stop listening", "Trevor", "German", "Hallo Katze", "danke", "danke", "danke", "test", "danke", "Lübeck", "höher weg", "mit mir zuhören", "nicht mehr zuhören", "nicht mehr zuhören", "Mikrofon aus", "Katze Laus", "sorry", "Mikrofon aus", "Mikrofon aus", "Katze hallo", "Hallo", "nicht mehr zuhören", "thanks", "what's up buddy", "thanks", "englisch", "hello", "thanks", "hello", "thanks", "whatever", "misuse of right language", "cat", "thanks", "stop listening", "what's going on"])

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