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< > BotCompany Repo | #3000507 // Smart Bot's answer to: !fresh ellipsisTerms("the ... rule")

New Tinybrain snippet

[5313 ms] ["the \"how many steps\" rule", "the \"interested\" rule", "the angry rule", "the camera rule", "the chemist rule", "the chess engine rule", "the every word test rule", "the french rule", "the funny rule", "the generalized plural rule", "the german rule", "the give-me rule", "the GM rule", "the going to a club rule", "the implication rule", "the initiative rule", "the IP v4 rule", "the job rule", "the loadSnippet rule", "the longer what is rule", "the number of terms rule", "the opposite rule", "the PC rule", "the plural rule", "the possibly rule", "the project rule", "the rule", "the rule text rule", "the scream rule", "the simpler \"interested\" -> rule -> is an active rule", "the simpler \"interested\" rule", "the simpler \"interested\" rule is an active rule", "the text of the \"interested\" rule", "the text of the camera rule", "the text of the chemist rule", "the text of the french rule", "the text of the generalized plural rule", "the text of the german rule", "the text of the give-me rule", "the text of the give-you rule", "the text of the initiative rule", "the text of the IP v4 rule", "the text of the job rule", "the text of the loadSnippet rule", "the text of the longer what is rule", "the text of the opposite rule", "the text of the PC rule", "the text of the plural rule", "the text of the possibly rule", "the text of the project rule", "the text of the rule text rule", "the text of the scream rule", "the text of the simpler \"interested\" rule", "the text of the what is rule", "the text of the who is a person rule", "the typical rule", "the what is rule", "the who is a person rule"]

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Travelled to 12 computer(s): aoiabmzegqzx, bhatertpkbcr, cbybwowwnfue, gwrvuhgaqvyk, ishqpsrjomds, lpdgvwnxivlt, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt

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Snippet ID: #3000507
Snippet name: Smart Bot's answer to: !fresh ellipsisTerms("the ... rule")
Eternal ID of this version: #3000507/1
Text MD5: 0c8ed74fad5e4db9033c9b184018df50
Author: someone
Type: New Tinybrain snippet
Gummipassword: smart-bot-for-user
Uploaded from IP:
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2018-01-07 13:03:44
Source code size: 1632 bytes / 1 line
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 341 / 95
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