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< > BotCompany Repo | #3000504 // Smart Bot's answer to: !fresh wikipedia("Test")

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[5887 ms] {{Selfref|To make test edits on Wikipedia, please use the [[Wikipedia:Sandbox|sandbox]].}}{{Wiktionary|TEST|Test|Tests|testing|tests}}

'''Test''', '''TEST''' or '''Tester''' may refer to:
* [[Test (assessment)]], an assessment intended to measure the respondents' knowledge or other abilities
* [[Medical test]], to detect, diagnose, or monitor diseases

{{TOC right}}

== Science and technology ==
* [[test (Unix)]], a Unix command for evaluating conditional expressions
* [[TEST (x86 instruction)]], an x86 assembly language instruction
* [[Experiment]], a part of the scientific method
* [[Test (biology)]], the shell of sea urchins and certain microorganisms
* [[Test method]], a definitive procedure that produces a test result
* [[Chemical test]], a procedure designed to prove the existence of, or to quantify, a particular substance
* [[Medical test]], to detect, diagnose, or monitor diseases
* [[Physical test]], a method for determining characteristics of a product
* [[Psychological testing]], the use of behavioral samples to make inferences about an individual
* [[Software testing]], the process of verifying that a software program works as expected
* [[Statistical hypothesis testing]], a method of making statistical decisions using experimental data, particular case of the former
* [[Toxicology testing]], to determine the degree to which a substance can damage organisms

== Arts and media ==
* [[Test (film)|''Test'' (film)]], a 2013 American film
* [[Test (group)]], a jazz collective
* [[Tests (album)|''Tests'' (album)]], a 1998 album by The Microphones
* ''[[Johnny Test]]'', an American/Canadian animated television series
* "Tester" a song by Anthrax on the album ''[[Stomp 442]]''
* ''[[The Tester]]'', a reality show produced by Sony about videogame testing

== People ==
* [[Test (wrestler)]], ring name for Andrew Martin (1975–2009), Canadian professional wrestler
* [[John Test]] (1771–1849), American politician
* [[Zack Test]] (born 1989), American rugby union player 
* [[Tester (surname)]], shared by several notable people

== Other uses==
* [[River Test]], a river in England
* Tester, the upper part of a [[four-poster bed]]
* Tester, a [[sounding board]], a canopy over a tomb or pulpit 
* [[Test match (disambiguation)]], an international contest in various sports
** [[Test (cricket)]], the longest form of the sport of cricket
* [[Legal tests]], methods of evaluation used to resolve matters of jurisprudence
* [[Usability testing]], a technique to evaluate a product by testing it on users

== See also ==
{{canned search|Test}}
* [[List of tests]]
* [[The Test (disambiguation)]]
* {{lookfrom|Test}}
* {{intitle|Test}}



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Snippet ID: #3000504
Snippet name: Smart Bot's answer to: !fresh wikipedia("Test")
Eternal ID of this version: #3000504/1
Text MD5: a6811663e11db408cf77a9ac7971c407
Author: someone
Type: New Tinybrain snippet
Gummipassword: smart-bot-for-user
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Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2018-01-07 12:34:17
Source code size: 2758 bytes / 56 lines
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Views / Downloads: 306 / 78
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