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643 | But in the meantime, have a great one... |
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744 | Although he will continue to serve the board |
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784 | Uses 'air spacer' system around bit lines to decrease parasitic capacitance |
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828 | |
829 | <h5> <a title="Best health tech 2018" href="/inquirer/feature/3022945/best-health-tech-the-best-gadgets-to-help-keep-fit-in-2018">Best health tech 2018</a> |
830 | </h5> |
831 | <p> |
832 | The top gadgets to keep you fit and healthy next year |
833 | |
834 | </p> |
835 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
836 | <li> |
837 | <time datetime="2017-12-28" itemprop="datePublished"> |
838 | 28 Dec |
839 | </time> |
840 | </li> |
841 | </ul> |
842 | |
843 | </div> |
844 | </article> |
845 | </div> |
846 | <div id="rdm-home-ad2" class="ad-slot"></div> |
847 | <div class="section group"> |
848 | <article class="col-lrg col-divider-news2 span-lrg_1_of_3"> |
849 | <div class="col-inner"> |
850 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
851 | <li> |
852 | <a href="/category/hardware/">Hardware</a> |
853 | </li> |
854 | </ul> |
855 | |
856 | <h5> <a title="Top 10 most read stories of 2017: Brazzers phone, NES Classic hack, iPhone X and more" href="/inquirer/news/3021931/top-10-most-read-stories-of-2017-brazzers-phone-nes-classic-hack-iphone-x-and-more">Top 10 most read stories of 2017: Brazzers phone, NES Classic hack, iPhone X and more</a> |
857 | </h5> |
858 | <p> |
859 | We've rounded up INQ's most popular articles from the past 12 months |
860 | |
861 | </p> |
862 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
863 | <li> |
864 | <time datetime="2017-12-27" itemprop="datePublished"> |
865 | 27 Dec |
866 | </time> |
867 | </li> |
868 | </ul> |
869 | |
870 | </div> |
871 | </article> |
872 | <article class="col-lrg col-divider-news2 span-lrg_1_of_3"> |
873 | <div class="col-inner"> |
874 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
875 | <li> |
876 | <a href="/category/hardware/">Hardware</a> |
877 | </li> |
878 | </ul> |
879 | |
880 | <h5> <a title="INQ's best and worst of tech in 2017" href="/inquirer/feature/3023122/inqs-best-and-worst-of-tech-in-2017">INQ's best and worst of tech in 2017</a> |
881 | </h5> |
882 | <p> |
883 | Find out what made our hit-lists and shit-lists this year |
884 | |
885 | </p> |
886 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
887 | <li> |
888 | <time datetime="2017-12-26" itemprop="datePublished"> |
889 | 26 Dec |
890 | </time> |
891 | </li> |
892 | </ul> |
893 | |
894 | </div> |
895 | </article> |
896 | <article class="col-lrg col-divider-news2 span-lrg_1_of_3"> |
897 | <div class="col-inner"> |
898 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
899 | <li> |
900 | <a href="/category/communications/">Communications</a> |
901 | </li> |
902 | </ul> |
903 | |
904 | <h5> <a title="Twitter will now warn you if its blocking your content for offensiveness" href="/inquirer/news/3023519/twitter-will-now-warn-you-if-its-blocking-your-content-for-offensiveness">Twitter will now warn you if its blocking your content for offensiveness</a> |
905 | </h5> |
906 | <p> |
907 | To comply with local laws or court orders |
908 | |
909 | </p> |
910 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
911 | <li> |
912 | <time datetime="2017-12-21" itemprop="datePublished"> |
913 | 21 Dec |
914 | </time> |
915 | </li> |
916 | </ul> |
917 | |
918 | </div> |
919 | </article> |
920 | </div> |
921 | <div class="section group"> |
922 | <article class="col-lrg col-divider-news2 span-lrg_1_of_3"> |
923 | <div class="col-inner"> |
924 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
925 | <li> |
926 | <a href="/category/software/security/">Security</a> |
927 | </li> |
928 | </ul> |
929 | |
930 | <h5> <a title="Why notebooks for your passwords are not a great present idea" href="/inquirer/news/3023517/why-notebooks-for-your-passwords-are-not-a-great-present-idea">Why notebooks for your passwords are not a great present idea</a> |
931 | </h5> |
932 | <p> |
933 | But why writing stuff down might still be safer |
934 | |
935 | </p> |
936 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
937 | <li> |
938 | <time datetime="2017-12-21" itemprop="datePublished"> |
939 | 21 Dec |
940 | </time> |
941 | </li> |
942 | </ul> |
943 | |
944 | </div> |
945 | </article> |
946 | <article class="col-lrg col-divider-news2 span-lrg_1_of_3"> |
947 | <div class="col-inner"> |
948 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
949 | <li> |
950 | <a href="/category/communications/security/">Security</a> |
951 | </li> |
952 | </ul> |
953 | |
954 | <h5> <a title="Windows 10 face recognition login can be bypassed using a photo" href="/inquirer/news/3023509/windows-10-face-recognition-login-can-be-bypassed-using-a-photo">Windows 10 face recognition login can be bypassed using a photo</a> |
955 | </h5> |
956 | <p> |
957 | You'll need to set up Windows Hello again on your device to dodge the exploit |
958 | |
959 | </p> |
960 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
961 | <li> |
962 | <time datetime="2017-12-21" itemprop="datePublished"> |
963 | 21 Dec |
964 | </time> |
965 | </li> |
966 | </ul> |
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968 | </div> |
969 | </article> |
970 | <article class="col-lrg col-divider-news2 span-lrg_1_of_3"> |
971 | <div class="col-inner"> |
972 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
973 | <li> |
974 | <a href="/category/communications/security/">Security</a> |
975 | </li> |
976 | </ul> |
977 | |
978 | <h5> <a title="Facebook declares changes to combat fake news " href="/inquirer/news/3023505/facebook-declares-changes-to-combat-fake-news">Facebook declares changes to combat fake news </a> |
979 | </h5> |
980 | <p> |
981 | Will demote articles that are factually incorrect |
982 | |
983 | </p> |
984 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
985 | <li> |
986 | <time datetime="2017-12-21" itemprop="datePublished"> |
987 | 21 Dec |
988 | </time> |
989 | </li> |
990 | </ul> |
991 | |
992 | </div> |
993 | </article> |
994 | </div> |
995 | <div id="rdm-home-ad3" class="ad-slot"></div> |
996 | <div class="section group"> |
997 | <article class="col-lrg col-divider-news2 span-lrg_1_of_3"> |
998 | <div class="col-inner"> |
999 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
1000 | <li> |
1001 | <a href="/category/hardware/components/">Components</a> |
1002 | </li> |
1003 | </ul> |
1004 | |
1005 | <h5> <a title="Apple responds to iPhone throttling accusations" href="/inquirer/news/3023504/apple-responds-to-iphone-throttling-accusations">Apple responds to iPhone throttling accusations</a> |
1006 | </h5> |
1007 | <p> |
1008 | Turns out that it...um...is doing |
1009 | |
1010 | </p> |
1011 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
1012 | <li> |
1013 | <time datetime="2017-12-21" itemprop="datePublished"> |
1014 | 21 Dec |
1015 | </time> |
1016 | </li> |
1017 | </ul> |
1018 | |
1019 | </div> |
1020 | </article> |
1021 | <article class="col-lrg col-divider-news2 span-lrg_1_of_3"> |
1022 | <div class="col-inner"> |
1023 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
1024 | <li> |
1025 | <a href="/category/communications/cellular/">Cellular</a> |
1026 | </li> |
1027 | </ul> |
1028 | |
1029 | <h5> <a title="3GPP has finally agreed on the specification for 5G" href="/inquirer/news/3023491/3gpp-has-finally-agreed-on-the-specification-for-5g">3GPP has finally agreed on the specification for 5G</a> |
1030 | </h5> |
1031 | <p> |
1032 | Means 5G plans can finally be put in place. |
1033 | |
1034 | </p> |
1035 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
1036 | <li> |
1037 | <time datetime="2017-12-21" itemprop="datePublished"> |
1038 | 21 Dec |
1039 | </time> |
1040 | </li> |
1041 | </ul> |
1042 | |
1043 | </div> |
1044 | </article> |
1045 | <article class="col-lrg col-divider-news2 span-lrg_1_of_3"> |
1046 | <div class="col-inner"> |
1047 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
1048 | <li> |
1049 | <a href="/category/communications/security/">Security</a> |
1050 | </li> |
1051 | </ul> |
1052 | |
1053 | <h5> <a title="List of most used passwords online include '123456', 'Password' and 'qwerty'" href="/inquirer/news/3023426/list-of-most-used-passwords-online-include-123456-password-and-qwerty">List of most used passwords online include '123456', 'Password' and 'qwerty'</a> |
1054 | </h5> |
1055 | <p> |
1056 | People are still idiots |
1057 | |
1058 | </p> |
1059 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
1060 | <li> |
1061 | <time datetime="2017-12-20" itemprop="datePublished"> |
1062 | 20 Dec |
1063 | </time> |
1064 | </li> |
1065 | </ul> |
1066 | |
1067 | </div> |
1068 | </article> |
1069 | </div> |
1070 | |
1071 | </section> |
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1074 | <div id="rdm-top-stories" class="ad-slot"></div> |
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1076 | </div> |
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1079 | <!--TOP Stories Comp End--> |
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1082 | |
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1092 | <div class="col span_3_of_5"> |
1093 | <picture class="interview"> |
1094 | |
1095 | <a href="/inquirer/review/3023337/google-pixelbook-review-the-best-chromebook-money-can-buy"><img title="Google Pixelbook review" alt="Google Pixelbook review" src="/w-images/505eb946-43c1-499d-b455-6a89f4ceaa3c/2/PixelbookChromeOS-580x358.jpg" /></a> |
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1100 | <figcaption> |
1101 | <div class="caption-text"> |
1102 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
1103 | <li> |
1104 | <a href="/category/hardware/laptops/">Laptops</a> |
1105 | </li> |
1106 | </ul> |
1107 | |
1108 | <h5> |
1109 | <a title="Google Pixelbook review" href="/inquirer/review/3023337/google-pixelbook-review-the-best-chromebook-money-can-buy">Google Pixelbook review</a> |
1110 | |
1111 | </h5> |
1112 | <p> |
1113 | The best Chromebook money can buy |
1114 | |
1115 | </p> |
1116 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
1117 | <li> |
1118 | <time datetime="2017-12-19" itemprop="datePublished"> |
1119 | 19 Dec |
1120 | </time> |
1121 | </li> |
1122 | </ul> |
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1130 | <div class="col span_2_of_5"> |
1131 | <article class="review-articles group"> |
1132 | <div class="image-text-group-a"> |
1133 | |
1134 | <a href="/inquirer/review/3023190/oneplus-5t-review"><img title="OnePlus 5T review" alt="OnePlus 5T review" src="/w-images/45413952-ae2d-4325-a6ec-e36f49f42de0/2/IMG20171215201419-150x93.jpg" /></a> |
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1139 | </div> |
1140 | <div class="image-text-group-b"> |
1141 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
1142 | <li> |
1143 | <a href="/category/hardware/phones/">Phones</a> |
1144 | </li> |
1145 | </ul> |
1146 | |
1147 | <h6 class="review-article-title"> <a title="OnePlus 5T review" href="/inquirer/review/3023190/oneplus-5t-review">OnePlus 5T review</a> |
1148 | </h6> |
1149 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
1150 | <li> |
1151 | <time datetime="2017-12-18" itemprop="datePublished"> |
1152 | 18 Dec |
1153 | </time> |
1154 | </li> |
1155 | </ul> |
1156 | |
1157 | </div> |
1158 | </article> |
1159 | <article class="review-articles group"> |
1160 | <div class="image-text-group-a"> |
1161 | |
1162 | <a href="/inquirer/review/3022542/linx-12-x64-review"><img title="Linx 12x64 review" alt="Linx 12x64 review" src="/w-images/592ae202-f758-4ef3-b52e-38f489b7dd8d/2/IMG0355-150x93.jpg" /></a> |
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1167 | </div> |
1168 | <div class="image-text-group-b"> |
1169 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
1170 | <li> |
1171 | <a href="/category/hardware/laptops/">Laptops</a> |
1172 | </li> |
1173 | </ul> |
1174 | |
1175 | <h6 class="review-article-title"> <a title="Linx 12x64 review" href="/inquirer/review/3022542/linx-12-x64-review">Linx 12x64 review</a> |
1176 | </h6> |
1177 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
1178 | <li> |
1179 | <time datetime="2017-12-06" itemprop="datePublished"> |
1180 | 06 Dec |
1181 | </time> |
1182 | </li> |
1183 | </ul> |
1184 | |
1185 | </div> |
1186 | </article> |
1187 | <article class="review-articles group"> |
1188 | <div class="image-text-group-a"> |
1189 | |
1190 | <a href="/inquirer/review/3021519/nvidia-titan-xp-star-wars-collectors-edition-hands-on-review"><img title="Nvidia Titan Xp Star Wars Collectors Edition hands-on review" alt="Nvidia Titan Xp Star Wars Collectors Edition hands-on review" src="/w-images/1cdcc530-5182-4e1c-a159-f7f5d9efacaf/2/StarWarsNvidiaTitanXp3-150x93.png" /></a> |
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1195 | </div> |
1196 | <div class="image-text-group-b"> |
1197 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
1198 | <li> |
1199 | <a href="/category/hardware/graphics/">Graphics</a> |
1200 | </li> |
1201 | </ul> |
1202 | |
1203 | <h6 class="review-article-title"> <a title="Nvidia Titan Xp Star Wars Collector's Edition hands-on review" href="/inquirer/review/3021519/nvidia-titan-xp-star-wars-collectors-edition-hands-on-review">Nvidia Titan Xp Star Wars Collector's Edition hands-on review</a> |
1204 | </h6> |
1205 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
1206 | <li> |
1207 | <time datetime="2017-11-21" itemprop="datePublished"> |
1208 | 21 Nov |
1209 | </time> |
1210 | </li> |
1211 | </ul> |
1212 | |
1213 | </div> |
1214 | </article> |
1215 | <article class="review-articles group"> |
1216 | <div class="image-text-group-a"> |
1217 | |
1218 | <a href="/inquirer/review/3021516/honor-7x-first-impressions-of-the-latest-sub-gbp300-android-midranger"><img title="" alt="" src="/w-images/717d0916-d96c-46b9-ba62-02eee459d56e/3/IMG20171120095839-150x93.jpg" /></a> |
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1224 | <div class="image-text-group-b"> |
1225 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
1226 | <li> |
1227 | <a href="/category/hardware/">Hardware</a> |
1228 | </li> |
1229 | </ul> |
1230 | |
1231 | <h6 class="review-article-title"> <a title="Honor 7X: First impressions of the sub-£300 Android mid-ranger" href="/inquirer/review/3021516/honor-7x-first-impressions-of-the-latest-sub-gbp300-android-midranger">Honor 7X: First impressions of the sub-£300 Android mid-ranger</a> |
1232 | </h6> |
1233 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
1234 | <li> |
1235 | <time datetime="2017-11-20" itemprop="datePublished"> |
1236 | 20 Nov |
1237 | </time> |
1238 | </li> |
1239 | </ul> |
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1241 | </div> |
1242 | </article> |
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1266 | <div class="ol"> |
1267 | <ol> |
1268 | <li><a href="/inquirer/news/3021931/top-10-most-read-stories-of-2017-brazzers-phone-nes-classic-hack-iphone-x-and-more">Top 10 most read stories of 2017: Brazzers phone, NES Classic hack, iPhone X and more</a></li> |
1269 | <li><a href="/inquirer/feature/3023365/inqs-tech-heroes-of-2017">INQ's tech heroes of 2017</a></li> |
1270 | <li><a href="/inquirer/feature/3022945/best-health-tech-the-best-gadgets-to-help-keep-fit-in-2018">Best health tech 2018</a></li> |
1271 | <li><a href="/inquirer/feature/3023122/inqs-best-and-worst-of-tech-in-2017">INQ's best and worst of tech in 2017</a></li> |
1272 | </ol> |
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1301 | <div class="image-text-group-a"> |
1302 | <picture class="interview"> |
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1304 | <a href="/inquirer/feature/3023365/inqs-tech-heroes-of-2017"><img title="INQ's tech heroes of 2017" alt="INQ's tech heroes of 2017" src="/w-images/06d16a4b-5573-4880-b708-f588cb5dd763/1/superhero-580x358.png" /></a> |
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1309 | <figcaption> |
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1312 | <li> |
1313 | <a href="/category/communications/">Communications</a> |
1314 | </li> |
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1316 | |
1317 | <h5> <a title="INQ's tech heroes of 2017" href="/inquirer/feature/3023365/inqs-tech-heroes-of-2017">INQ's tech heroes of 2017</a> |
1318 | </h5> |
1319 | <p> |
1320 | Recognising the people who have pushed technology forwards this year |
1321 | |
1322 | </p> |
1323 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
1324 | <li> |
1325 | <time datetime="2017-12-29" itemprop="datePublished"> |
1326 | 29 Dec |
1327 | </time> |
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1336 | <ul class="article-meta-above-title"> |
1337 | <li> |
1338 | <a href="/category/communications/">Communications</a> |
1339 | </li> |
1340 | </ul> |
1341 | |
1342 | <h5> <a title="INQ's tech heroes of 2017" href="/inquirer/feature/3023365/inqs-tech-heroes-of-2017">INQ's tech heroes of 2017</a> |
1343 | |
1344 | </h5> |
1345 | <p> |
1346 | Recognising the people who have pushed technology forwards this year |
1347 | |
1348 | </p> |
1349 | <ul class="article-meta-details"> |
1350 | <li> |
1351 | <time datetime="2017-12-29" itemprop="datePublished"> |
1352 | 29 Dec |
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1355 | </ul> |
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1371 | <a href="/category/hardware/gadgets/">Gadgets</a> |
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Snippet ID: | #3000498 |
Snippet name: | Contents of https://www.theinquirer.net/ |
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