1 | [6249 ms] DiskSnippetCache_dir |
2 | DynamicObject_loading |
3 | MyHTTPD_headers |
4 | NanoHTTPD_debug |
5 | __javax |
6 | _computerID |
7 | _handleError_lastHardError |
8 | _handleError_lastOutOfMemoryError |
9 | _handleError_nonVMErrors |
10 | _handleError_outOfMemoryErrors |
11 | _handleError_vmErrors |
12 | _registerDangerousWeakMap_preList |
13 | _registerThread_threads |
14 | _registerWeakMap_preList |
15 | _userHome |
16 | addToMultiPort_responder |
17 | afterDelegatingToThread_operations |
18 | aiLock |
19 | ai_activeSpecLock |
20 | ai_cacheChecker |
21 | ai_cache_hasTriple_debug |
22 | ai_callSpeculationFunction_functionsCalled |
23 | ai_currentSubSpace |
24 | ai_defaultISpec_value |
25 | ai_dropLeadingAdditions_list |
26 | ai_fillTripleIndex_useThese |
27 | ai_gc_distanceFunction_backwardValues |
28 | ai_gc_scan_maxDistance_reached |
29 | ai_getSubSpace_map |
30 | ai_hasTriple_vary_worstCase |
31 | ai_html_shortenTextForDisplay_length |
32 | ai_html_triangle |
33 | ai_html_wordThoughts_nodesMax |
34 | ai_html_wordThoughts_nodesMax_default |
35 | ai_html_wordThoughts_searchMax |
36 | ai_html_wordThoughts_showMem |
37 | ai_invalidateWeb_postAntiTriple |
38 | ai_invalidateWeb_removeFromMemory |
39 | ai_invalidatedWebs_cache |
40 | ai_is_myYourEtc |
41 | ai_is_myYourEtc_maybe |
42 | ai_maxNodeTextLength |
43 | ai_negateVerbPhrase_map |
44 | ai_onNewIndexedText_list |
45 | ai_parseTriple_cache |
46 | ai_postHandler |
47 | ai_postTriple_recursion |
48 | ai_postTriple_verified |
49 | ai_questionWord_1_list |
50 | ai_search_indexedWebs_verified |
51 | ai_shortenForIndex_maxLength |
52 | ai_smallerCategoryComparator_cache |
53 | ai_solveQuestionInSubSpace_defautTimeOut |
54 | ai_solveQuestionInSubSpace_limit |
55 | ai_solveQuestionInSubSpace_saveIfSuccessful |
56 | ai_specReturn_answerToExternalQuestion_defaultTimeout |
57 | ai_spec_parseAnd_words |
58 | ai_speculateOnWeb_functions |
59 | ai_speculate_functions |
60 | ai_tok_combinePhrases_maxPhraseLength |
61 | ai_triggerSpeculationOn_set |
62 | ai_tripleToTripleRef_debug |
63 | ai_triplesToTripleRefs_lazyList_debug |
64 | ai_trueWebs_cache |
65 | ai_useThoughtSpaces_value |
66 | ai_yesNoQuestionWord_1_list |
67 | allWebsByID_cache |
68 | allWebs_transientOnly |
69 | alternativeCIComparator_instance |
70 | appendToFile_keepOpen |
71 | appendToFile_lock |
72 | appendToFile_writers |
73 | autoComplete_timeOut |
74 | autoRestart_debug |
75 | autoRestart_interval |
76 | autoRestart_localMD5 |
77 | autoRestart_on |
78 | autoRestart_simulate |
79 | autoRestart_timer |
80 | backtick_exitValue |
81 | backtick_scriptFile |
82 | backtick_uninterruptable |
83 | backtick_verbose |
84 | backtick_win_cmd |
85 | bareDBMode_on |
86 | base64decode_base64toint |
87 | baseFormVerbs_cache |
88 | beforeDelegatingToThread_operations |
89 | beginCriticalAction_inFlight |
90 | bootTime |
91 | cachedNodeIndex2_cache |
92 | cachedNodeIndex2_first |
93 | cachedNodeIndex2_monitorCircleEditor |
94 | cachedNodeIndex2_status |
95 | cachedNodeIndex_autoMake |
96 | callF_cache |
97 | callMC_cache |
98 | callMC_key |
99 | callMC_value |
100 | callOpt_noArgs_cache |
101 | caseID_caseID |
102 | classForName_cache |
103 | classesToShare |
104 | cleanUp_interruptThreads |
105 | componentPopupMenu_map |
106 | componentPopupMenu_mouseEvent |
107 | conceptFields_drop |
108 | conceptsAndBot_running |
109 | concepts_internStringsLongerThan |
110 | concepts_unlisted |
111 | createGraphics_modulators |
112 | creator_class |
113 | currentThoughtSpace_value |
114 | dbBot_instance |
115 | defaultNewFrameBounds_r |
116 | defaultThreadName_name |
117 | dialogServer_clients |
118 | dialogServer_knownClients |
119 | dialogServer_printConnects |
120 | dir2zip_recurse_verbose |
121 | done2_minPrint |
122 | done_minPrint |
123 | drawArrowHead_length |
124 | drawOutlineTextAlongLine_flip |
125 | drawThoughtArrow_size |
126 | drawThoughtCirclePlus_img |
127 | drawThoughtCirclePlus_size |
128 | drawThoughtCircleText_color |
129 | drawThoughtCircleText_margin |
130 | drawThoughtCircle_defaultColor |
131 | drawThoughtLineText_shift |
132 | drawThoughtLine_width |
133 | dropLeadingPunctuation_keep |
134 | dropPunctuationAtEnd_keep |
135 | dropPunctuation_keep |
136 | emptyIterableIterator_instance |
137 | emptySymbol_value |
138 | english1000VerbQuintuples_cache |
139 | evalWithTimeout_allThreads |
140 | evalWithTimeout_inTime |
141 | evalWithTimeout_threadName |
142 | exposeMethods2_debug |
143 | exposedDBMethods |
144 | fastIntern_method |
145 | findBot_cache |
146 | findBot_timeout |
147 | findClass_cache |
148 | findCodeTokens_bails |
149 | findCodeTokens_debug |
150 | findCodeTokens_indexed |
151 | findCodeTokens_nonbails |
152 | findCodeTokens_specials |
153 | findCodeTokens_unindexed |
154 | flexMatchIC2_debug |
155 | gac36k_cache |
156 | gac3k_verbose |
157 | getBracketMap_closing |
158 | getBracketMap_opening |
159 | getDBProgramID_id |
160 | getDeclaredFields_cache |
161 | getHtmlTagParameters_debug |
162 | getJavaModifiers_list |
163 | getOpt_cache |
164 | getOpt_special |
165 | getPlural_specials |
166 | getProgramName_cache |
167 | greetCookies |
168 | hotwireCached_cache |
169 | hotwireCached_lock |
170 | hotwire_classes |
171 | html_pretendAuthed |
172 | htmldecode_ESCAPES |
173 | htmldecode_lookupMap |
174 | httpAuthed |
175 | imageGraphics_antiAlias |
176 | indent_default |
177 | indexMakingTime |
178 | infoMessage_alwaysOnTop |
179 | infoMessage_defaultTime |
180 | inputNr |
181 | isAndroid_flag |
182 | isGZ_magic |
183 | isHeadless_cache |
184 | isPortOpen_timeout |
185 | ispec |
186 | iteratorFromFunction_endMarker |
187 | javaCompileToJar_useRAMDisk |
188 | javaTok_cached_l |
189 | javaTok_cached_s |
190 | javaTok_elements |
191 | javaTok_n |
192 | javaTok_opt |
193 | javaxCachesDir_dir |
194 | javaxCodeDir_dir |
195 | javaxDataDir_dir |
196 | javaxSecretDir_dir |
197 | jsonDecode_useOrderedMaps |
198 | knownAdjectives_cache |
199 | knownAdverbs_cache |
200 | knownNouns_cache |
201 | knownPhrases_cache |
202 | knownPluralNouns_cache |
203 | knownPrepositions_cache |
204 | knownVerbs_cache |
205 | lastException_lastException |
206 | lastUserLines |
207 | licensed_yes |
208 | lineCount |
209 | loadBinaryPage_extraHeaders |
210 | loadBinaryPage_responseHeaders |
211 | loadBufferedImage_useImageCache |
212 | loadFunctions_cache |
213 | loadFunctions_cached_lock |
214 | loadFunctions_debug |
215 | loadPageThroughProxy_enabled |
216 | loadPage_allowGzip |
217 | loadPage_anonymous |
218 | loadPage_charset |
219 | loadPage_debug |
220 | loadPage_extraHeaders |
221 | loadPage_forcedTimeout |
222 | loadPage_forcedTimeout_byThread |
223 | loadPage_responseHeaders |
224 | loadPage_retries |
225 | loadPage_silent |
226 | loadPage_verboseness |
227 | loadSnippet_debug |
228 | loadSnippet_silent |
229 | loadSnippet_timeout |
230 | loading_value |
231 | localSoftwareMadeWebs_programsToRead_list |
232 | local_log |
233 | local_log_max |
234 | mainBot |
235 | mainConcepts |
236 | makeAndroid3_disable |
237 | makeAndroid3_io |
238 | makeFrame_myFrames |
239 | md5_md |
240 | memoryBot |
241 | moveToTopRightCorner_inset |
242 | myJavaSource_code |
243 | myPort |
244 | newFindBot2_cache |
245 | newFindBot2_verbose |
246 | noUnixTricks_allowedCharacters |
247 | nohup_debug |
248 | nohup_exitValue |
249 | nohup_noSlashB |
250 | nounPhraseContinuers_cache |
251 | now_virtualTime |
252 | nuEmptyObject_cache |
253 | nuObjectWithoutArguments_cache |
254 | numberOfCores_value |
255 | onTransientWebAdded_list |
256 | onTransientWebRemoved_list |
257 | onWebsChanged_listeners |
258 | packFrame_minh |
259 | packFrame_minw |
260 | parse3_cached_l |
261 | parse3_cached_s |
262 | ping_actions |
263 | ping_anyActions |
264 | ping_pauseAll |
265 | ping_sleep |
266 | poorMansProfiling_defaultInterval |
267 | poorMansProfiling_lock |
268 | poorMansProfiling_renderFullResults_backwards |
269 | poorMansProfiling_results |
270 | poorMansProfiling_samples |
271 | poorMansProfiling_timer |
272 | postSoftwareMadeWeb_disabled |
273 | postSoftwareMadeWeb_maker |
274 | postSoftwareMadeWeb_onDisabledPost |
275 | postSoftwareMadeWeb_onNewWeb |
276 | postSoftwareMadeWeb_programID |
277 | postSoftwareMadeWeb_websMadeInThread |
278 | postToSmartBotsChat_lastPost |
279 | postToSmartBotsChat_printStackTrace |
280 | postToStefansChat_lastPost |
281 | postToStefansChat_printStackTrace |
282 | preciseCall_debug |
283 | preferCached |
284 | print_byThread |
285 | print_byThread_lock |
286 | print_log |
287 | print_log_max |
288 | print_silent |
289 | processID_cached |
290 | programDir_mine |
291 | programID |
292 | quickVisualize_lock |
293 | quickVisualize_progID |
294 | randomID_defaultLength |
295 | random_random |
296 | readLine_noReadLine |
297 | readLocally2_allDynamic |
298 | readLocally_stringLength |
299 | record_list |
300 | releaseDBLockOnTimeoutEval_hadLock |
301 | saveLock_lock |
302 | saveTiming_last |
303 | selectedWord |
304 | serveHttp_cookieHandling_defaultCookieName |
305 | serveHttp_cookieHandling_defaultDays |
306 | serveHttp_cookieHandling_verbose |
307 | serveHttp_multiplePorts_servers |
308 | serveHttp_peers |
309 | serveHttp_port |
310 | serveHttp_server |
311 | setOptAllDyn_debug |
312 | setText_opt |
313 | shorten_default |
314 | showAnimationInTopRightCorner_alwaysOnTop |
315 | showForm_defaultGap |
316 | singular_specials |
317 | singular_specials2 |
318 | sleepQuietly_monitor |
319 | sleep_noSleep |
320 | smartBotEval_timeout |
321 | smartBotOfficialURL_url |
322 | smartBotURL_default |
323 | smartBotsChat_n_lock |
324 | smartBotsChat_n_onChange |
325 | smartBotsChat_n_value |
326 | smartBotsChat_onLine_errorDelay |
327 | smartBotsChat_onLine_firstRead |
328 | smartBotsChat_onLine_lookback |
329 | smartBotsChat_onLine_onHistoryRead |
330 | smartBotsChat_onLine_safetyDelay |
331 | smartBotsChat_onLine_shortSafetyDelay |
332 | speculationQueue |
333 | speculationTimeoutForHttp |
334 | speculationTimeoutForNewChatLine |
335 | sshLogin_client |
336 | sshLogin_keepOpen |
337 | sshLogin_lock |
338 | sshLogin_openHost |
339 | sshLogin_openUser |
340 | standaloneWebAuth_authorizedCookies |
341 | standaloneWebAuth_lock |
342 | startDialogServer_quiet |
343 | startDialogServer_serverSocket |
344 | startTiming_startTime |
345 | started |
346 | stefansChat_n_lock |
347 | stefansChat_n_onChange |
348 | stefansChat_n_value |
349 | stefansChat_onLine_errorDelay |
350 | stefansChat_onLine_firstRead |
351 | stefansChat_onLine_fullParams |
352 | stefansChat_onLine_lookback |
353 | stefansChat_onLine_onHistoryRead |
354 | stefansChat_onLine_safe_delay |
355 | stefansChat_onLine_safetyDelay |
356 | stefansChat_onLine_shortSafetyDelay |
357 | stopTiming_defaultMin |
358 | structure_allowShortening |
359 | structure_checkTokenCount |
360 | structure_internStringsLongerThan |
361 | structure_showTiming |
362 | switcheroo_themap |
363 | symbol_dollarX_value |
364 | talkTo_byThread |
365 | talkTo_defaultTimeout |
366 | talkTo_timeoutForReads |
367 | tb_mainServer_default |
368 | tb_mainServer_override |
369 | theoryLock |
370 | theoryModule |
371 | theoryOn |
372 | thirdPersonVerbs_cache |
373 | thoughtBots |
374 | traits_multiLine |
375 | transientWebs_list |
376 | transpileRaw_lock |
377 | transpileRaw_silent |
378 | transpileRaw_trans |
379 | transpileRaw_useDiskCache |
380 | tripleAnswerFunctions |
381 | tripleIndex_instance |
382 | ultimateAnswerLimit |
383 | unstructure_debug |
384 | unstructure_tokrefs |
385 | updateCanvas_retryInterval |
386 | verbToPastMap_cache |
387 | verbToThirdPersonMap_cache |
388 | veryQuickJava_silent |
389 | veryQuickJava_transpiled |
390 | veryQuickJava_useCompilerBot |
391 | virtualNodeIndices_list |
392 | waitForBotStartUp_timeoutSeconds |
393 | warn_on |
394 | webToCAL_visMap |
395 | web_defaultRelationName |
396 | web_matchNodeLists_debug |
397 | web_matchNodeLists_x_debug |
398 | withMargin_defaultWidth |
Snippet is not live.
Travelled to 12 computer(s): aoiabmzegqzx, bhatertpkbcr, cbybwowwnfue, gwrvuhgaqvyk, ishqpsrjomds, lpdgvwnxivlt, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt
No comments. add comment
Snippet ID: | #3000488 |
Snippet name: | Smart Bot's answer to: !eval lines(allFields(creator())) |
Eternal ID of this version: | #3000488/1 |
Text MD5: | 2af3c4a0c1c267a6e8ac0f5eb6667a95 |
Author: | someone |
Category: | |
Type: | New Tinybrain snippet |
Gummipassword: | smart-bot-for-user |
Uploaded from IP: | |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2017-12-25 03:44:16 |
Source code size: | 8862 bytes / 398 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 397 / 103 |
Referenced in: | [show references] |