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< > BotCompany Repo | #3000344 // Answer for stefanreich (>> rewrite "what is the time?" with "drop question mark from user input")

New Tinybrain snippet

[user says [what is the time]]
Starting on goal: user says _2
Goal arity 3: user says _2
Got clause: user says [what is the time ?]
  Clause unifies to: user says [what is the time ?]
  gdash: _1 = drop question mark ([what is the time ?])
Goal arity 6: _1 = drop question mark ([what is the time ?])
 Got clause: _33 = drop question mark (_34)
   Clause unifies to: _1 = drop question mark ([what is the time ?])
   gdash: _35 = tocons ([what is the time ?])
 Goal arity 4: _35 = tocons ([what is the time ?])
  Got clause: _52 = tocons (_53)
    Clause unifies to: _35 = tocons ([what is the time ?])
   Clause is native.
    gdash: endswithword_c [cons what [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]]] ?
  Goal arity 3: endswithword_c [cons what [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]]] ?
   Got clause: endswithword_c [cons _57 _58] _59
     Clause unifies to: endswithword_c [cons what [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]]] ?
     gdash: endswithword_c [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]] ?
   Goal arity 3: endswithword_c [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]] ?
    Got clause: endswithword_c [cons _63 _64] _65
      Clause unifies to: endswithword_c [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]] ?
      gdash: endswithword_c [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]] ?
    Goal arity 3: endswithword_c [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]] ?
     Got clause: endswithword_c [cons _69 _70] _71
       Clause unifies to: endswithword_c [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]] ?
       gdash: endswithword_c [cons time [cons ? end]] ?
     Goal arity 3: endswithword_c [cons time [cons ? end]] ?
      Got clause: endswithword_c [cons _75 _76] _77
        Clause unifies to: endswithword_c [cons time [cons ? end]] ?
        gdash: endswithword_c [cons ? end] ?
      Goal arity 3: endswithword_c [cons ? end] ?
       Got clause: endswithword_c [cons _80 end] _80
         Clause unifies to: endswithword_c [cons ? end] ?
         gdash: _36 = droplast_c [cons what [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]]]
       Goal arity 4: _36 = droplast_c [cons what [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]]]
        Got clause: [cons _113 _114] = droplast_c [cons _113 _115]
          Clause unifies to: [cons what _114] = droplast_c [cons what [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]]]
          gdash: _114 = droplast_c [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]]
        Goal arity 4: _114 = droplast_c [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]]
         Got clause: [cons _148 _149] = droplast_c [cons _148 _150]
           Clause unifies to: [cons is _149] = droplast_c [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]]
           gdash: _149 = droplast_c [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]
         Goal arity 4: _149 = droplast_c [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]
          Got clause: [cons _183 _184] = droplast_c [cons _183 _185]
            Clause unifies to: [cons the _184] = droplast_c [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]
            gdash: _184 = droplast_c [cons time [cons ? end]]
          Goal arity 4: _184 = droplast_c [cons time [cons ? end]]
           Got clause: [cons _218 _219] = droplast_c [cons _218 _220]
             Clause unifies to: [cons time _219] = droplast_c [cons time [cons ? end]]
             gdash: _219 = droplast_c [cons ? end]
           Goal arity 4: _219 = droplast_c [cons ? end]
            Got clause: end = droplast_c [cons _252 end]
              Clause unifies to: end = droplast_c [cons ? end]
              gdash: _1 = fromcons ([cons what [cons is [cons the [cons time end]]]])
            Goal arity 4: _1 = fromcons ([cons what [cons is [cons the [cons time end]]]])
             Got clause: _270 = fromcons (_271)
               Clause unifies to: _1 = fromcons ([cons what [cons is [cons the [cons time end]]]])
              Clause is native.
               gdash: -
Found new statement: "[]"(user, says, "[]"(what, is, the, time))
            Got clause: [cons _345 _346] = droplast_c [cons _345 _347]
              Clause unifies to: [cons ? _346] = droplast_c [cons ? end]
              gdash: _346 = droplast_c end
            Goal arity 4: _346 = droplast_c end
             Got clause: end = droplast_c end
               Clause unifies to: end = droplast_c end
               gdash: _1 = fromcons ([cons what [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]]])
             Goal arity 4: _1 = fromcons ([cons what [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]]])
              Got clause: _396 = fromcons (_397)
                Clause unifies to: _1 = fromcons ([cons what [cons is [cons the [cons time [cons ? end]]]]])
               Clause is native.
                gdash: -
Statement exists, skipping: "[]"(user, says, "[]"(what, is, the, time, "?"))
       Got clause: endswithword_c [cons _817 _818] _819
         Clause unifies to: endswithword_c [cons ? end] ?
         gdash: endswithword_c end ?
       Goal arity 3: endswithword_c end ?

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Snippet ID: #3000344
Snippet name: Answer for stefanreich (>> rewrite "what is the time?" with "drop question mark from user input")
Eternal ID of this version: #3000344/1
Text MD5: bdab466e0cba70182615bdd5d5cfd35e
Author: someone
Type: New Tinybrain snippet
Gummipassword: eleutheria-for-user
Uploaded from IP:
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2016-03-14 01:56:23
Source code size: 4980 bytes / 83 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 461 / 118
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