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< > BotCompany Repo | #3000307 // Answer for stefanreich (>> log [ask $x] in ["care tennis", care, signed])

New Tinybrain snippet

$x = [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?]
Used theories: care, care tennis, is a theory, is a, has a, is in list, iter, mrshutco, nat, theory, theory 1, theory 2
Starting on goal: ask $x
Goal arity 2: ask $x
Got clause: ask [what is the _7 of _8 ?]
  Clause unifies to: ask [what is the _7 of _8 ?]
  gdash: _8 has a _7
Goal arity 4: _8 has a _7
 Got clause: _42 has a _43
   Clause unifies to: _8 has a _7
   gdash: _8 is a _44
 Goal arity 4: _8 is a _44
  Got clause: _76 is a theory
    Clause unifies to: _8 is a theory
    gdash: _77 = all theory names
  Goal arity 5: _77 = all theory names
   Got clause: _80 = all theory names
     Clause unifies to: _77 = all theory names
    Clause is native.
     gdash: _8 is in list ["1" "3" ":-" ":- test" "AisBisC" "DadJoke001" "DadJoke002" "DadJoke003" "GetSentences (C#)" "HK" "IndexOfSentence" "Lasagna AI 1" "OneToTen" "PennyNickel" "YisX" "addition" "and" "and 3" "and 4" "asdf" "bgrgndzmul" "bit-bits" "blue" "brackets" "bus" "c# example" "calc" "car" "care" "care tennis" "computer/human" "crap" "cut test" "dad" "dadbot+1" "dang" "division" "double tasty test" "drop 'the' test" "drop 'the' test.out" "eq" "eq test" "eq test 2" "eval test squaring" "find yes" "first sentence" "foot-feet" "forall_impl" "forceEval" "good morning" "greatest" "guns" "human/computer" "ice cream" "if-user-says" "ifthenelse" "in list" "inch-inches" "inctest.1" "inctest.2" "inctest.count" "is a theory" "is a, has a" "is a, has a (NL)" "is in list" "is-is-not" "isLeaf" "iter" "lasagna" "lenny" "list comp" "list fillers" "lolol" "map" "map cons" "mark" "maus" "memorize dummy" "memorize new" "memorize new 2" "memorize transient" "mrshutco" "multiplication" "next" "no the" "not" "not test 1" "not test 2" "not v1" "number of theories" "number of theories 2" "onetwo" "or" "or3" "really funny" "red" "simpler syntax test" "smartmul" "subtraction" "superior lasagna" "tasty list" "temp" "temp2" "temp3" "tennis" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "test5" "theory" "theory 1" "theory 2" "unified" "user says what is tasty" "usermul" "verify 1" "verify 2" "very funny" "what is tasty" "x random test" "xor" "yes" "yes no" "yes-yeah" "yo" "yo cons" "yo2" "yo2 cons"]
   Goal arity 5: _8 is in list ["1" "3" ":-" ":- test" "AisBisC" "DadJoke001" "DadJoke002" "DadJoke003" "GetSentences (C#)" "HK" "IndexOfSentence" "Lasagna AI 1" "OneToTen" "PennyNickel" "YisX" "addition" "and" "and 3" "and 4" "asdf" "bgrgndzmul" "bit-bits" "blue" "brackets" "bus" "c# example" "calc" "car" "care" "care tennis" "computer/human" "crap" "cut test" "dad" "dadbot+1" "dang" "division" "double tasty test" "drop 'the' test" "drop 'the' test.out" "eq" "eq test" "eq test 2" "eval test squaring" "find yes" "first sentence" "foot-feet" "forall_impl" "forceEval" "good morning" "greatest" "guns" "human/computer" "ice cream" "if-user-says" "ifthenelse" "in list" "inch-inches" "inctest.1" "inctest.2" "inctest.count" "is a theory" "is a, has a" "is a, has a (NL)" "is in list" "is-is-not" "isLeaf" "iter" "lasagna" "lenny" "list comp" "list fillers" "lolol" "map" "map cons" "mark" "maus" "memorize dummy" "memorize new" "memorize new 2" "memorize transient" "mrshutco" "multiplication" "next" "no the" "not" "not test 1" "not test 2" "not v1" "number of theories" "number of theories 2" "onetwo" "or" "or3" "really funny" "red" "simpler syntax test" "smartmul" "subtraction" "superior lasagna" "tasty list" "temp" "temp2" "temp3" "tennis" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "test5" "theory" "theory 1" "theory 2" "unified" "user says what is tasty" "usermul" "verify 1" "verify 2" "very funny" "what is tasty" "x random test" "xor" "yes" "yes no" "yes-yeah" "yo" "yo cons" "yo2" "yo2 cons"]
    Got clause: _92 is in list _93
      Clause unifies to: _8 is in list ["1" "3" ":-" ":- test" "AisBisC" "DadJoke001" "DadJoke002" "DadJoke003" "GetSentences (C#)" "HK" "IndexOfSentence" "Lasagna AI 1" "OneToTen" "PennyNickel" "YisX" "addition" "and" "and 3" "and 4" "asdf" "bgrgndzmul" "bit-bits" "blue" "brackets" "bus" "c# example" "calc" "car" "care" "care tennis" "computer/human" "crap" "cut test" "dad" "dadbot+1" "dang" "division" "double tasty test" "drop 'the' test" "drop 'the' test.out" "eq" "eq test" "eq test 2" "eval test squaring" "find yes" "first sentence" "foot-feet" "forall_impl" "forceEval" "good morning" "greatest" "guns" "human/computer" "ice cream" "if-user-says" "ifthenelse" "in list" "inch-inches" "inctest.1" "inctest.2" "inctest.count" "is a theory" "is a, has a" "is a, has a (NL)" "is in list" "is-is-not" "isLeaf" "iter" "lasagna" "lenny" "list comp" "list fillers" "lolol" "map" "map cons" "mark" "maus" "memorize dummy" "memorize new" "memorize new 2" "memorize transient" "mrshutco" "multiplication" "next" "no the" "not" "not test 1" "not test 2" "not v1" "number of theories" "number of theories 2" "onetwo" "or" "or3" "really funny" "red" "simpler syntax test" "smartmul" "subtraction" "superior lasagna" "tasty list" "temp" "temp2" "temp3" "tennis" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "test5" "theory" "theory 1" "theory 2" "unified" "user says what is tasty" "usermul" "verify 1" "verify 2" "very funny" "what is tasty" "x random test" "xor" "yes" "yes no" "yes-yeah" "yo" "yo cons" "yo2" "yo2 cons"]
      gdash: _94 = tocons (["1" "3" ":-" ":- test" "AisBisC" "DadJoke001" "DadJoke002" "DadJoke003" "GetSentences (C#)" "HK" "IndexOfSentence" "Lasagna AI 1" "OneToTen" "PennyNickel" "YisX" "addition" "and" "and 3" "and 4" "asdf" "bgrgndzmul" "bit-bits" "blue" "brackets" "bus" "c# example" "calc" "car" "care" "care tennis" "computer/human" "crap" "cut test" "dad" "dadbot+1" "dang" "division" "double tasty test" "drop 'the' test" "drop 'the' test.out" "eq" "eq test" "eq test 2" "eval test squaring" "find yes" "first sentence" "foot-feet" "forall_impl" "forceEval" "good morning" "greatest" "guns" "human/computer" "ice cream" "if-user-says" "ifthenelse" "in list" "inch-inches" "inctest.1" "inctest.2" "inctest.count" "is a theory" "is a, has a" "is a, has a (NL)" "is in list" "is-is-not" "isLeaf" "iter" "lasagna" "lenny" "list comp" "list fillers" "lolol" "map" "map cons" "mark" "maus" "memorize dummy" "memorize new" "memorize new 2" "memorize transient" "mrshutco" "multiplication" "next" "no the" "not" "not test 1" "not test 2" "not v1" "number of theories" "number of theories 2" "onetwo" "or" "or3" "really funny" "red" "simpler syntax test" "smartmul" "subtraction" "superior lasagna" "tasty list" "temp" "temp2" "temp3" "tennis" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "test5" "theory" "theory 1" "theory 2" "unified" "user says what is tasty" "usermul" "verify 1" "verify 2" "very funny" "what is tasty" "x random test" "xor" "yes" "yes no" "yes-yeah" "yo" "yo cons" "yo2" "yo2 cons"])
    Goal arity 4: _94 = tocons (["1" "3" ":-" ":- test" "AisBisC" "DadJoke001" "DadJoke002" "DadJoke003" "GetSentences (C#)" "HK" "IndexOfSentence" "Lasagna AI 1" "OneToTen" "PennyNickel" "YisX" "addition" "and" "and 3" "and 4" "asdf" "bgrgndzmul" "bit-bits" "blue" "brackets" "bus" "c# example" "calc" "car" "care" "care tennis" "computer/human" "crap" "cut test" "dad" "dadbot+1" "dang" "division" "double tasty test" "drop 'the' test" "drop 'the' test.out" "eq" "eq test" "eq test 2" "eval test squaring" "find yes" "first sentence" "foot-feet" "forall_impl" "forceEval" "good morning" "greatest" "guns" "human/computer" "ice cream" "if-user-says" "ifthenelse" "in list" "inch-inches" "inctest.1" "inctest.2" "inctest.count" "is a theory" "is a, has a" "is a, has a (NL)" "is in list" "is-is-not" "isLeaf" "iter" "lasagna" "lenny" "list comp" "list fillers" "lolol" "map" "map cons" "mark" "maus" "memorize dummy" "memorize new" "memorize new 2" "memorize transient" "mrshutco" "multiplication" "next" "no the" "not" "not test 1" "not test 2" "not v1" "number of theories" "number of theories 2" "onetwo" "or" "or3" "really funny" "red" "simpler syntax test" "smartmul" "subtraction" "superior lasagna" "tasty list" "temp" "temp2" "temp3" "tennis" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "test5" "theory" "theory 1" "theory 2" "unified" "user says what is tasty" "usermul" "verify 1" "verify 2" "very funny" "what is tasty" "x random test" "xor" "yes" "yes no" "yes-yeah" "yo" "yo cons" "yo2" "yo2 cons"])
     Got clause: _110 = tocons (_111)
       Clause unifies to: _94 = tocons (["1" "3" ":-" ":- test" "AisBisC" "DadJoke001" "DadJoke002" "DadJoke003" "GetSentences (C#)" "HK" "IndexOfSentence" "Lasagna AI 1" "OneToTen" "PennyNickel" "YisX" "addition" "and" "and 3" "and 4" "asdf" "bgrgndzmul" "bit-bits" "blue" "brackets" "bus" "c# example" "calc" "car" "care" "care tennis" "computer/human" "crap" "cut test" "dad" "dadbot+1" "dang" "division" "double tasty test" "drop 'the' test" "drop 'the' test.out" "eq" "eq test" "eq test 2" "eval test squaring" "find yes" "first sentence" "foot-feet" "forall_impl" "forceEval" "good morning" "greatest" "guns" "human/computer" "ice cream" "if-user-says" "ifthenelse" "in list" "inch-inches" "inctest.1" "inctest.2" "inctest.count" "is a theory" "is a, has a" "is a, has a (NL)" "is in list" "is-is-not" "isLeaf" "iter" "lasagna" "lenny" "list comp" "list fillers" "lolol" "map" "map cons" "mark" "maus" "memorize dummy" "memorize new" "memorize new 2" "memorize transient" "mrshutco" "multiplication" "next" "no the" "not" "not test 1" "not test 2" "not v1" "number of theories" "number of theories 2" "onetwo" "or" "or3" "really funny" "red" "simpler syntax test" "smartmul" "subtraction" "superior lasagna" "tasty list" "temp" "temp2" "temp3" "tennis" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "test5" "theory" "theory 1" "theory 2" "unified" "user says what is tasty" "usermul" "verify 1" "verify 2" "very funny" "what is tasty" "x random test" "xor" "yes" "yes no" "yes-yeah" "yo" "yo cons" "yo2" "yo2 cons"])
      Clause is native.
       gdash: _8 = iter [cons "1" [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
     Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "1" [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
      Got clause: _148 = iter [cons _148 _149]
        Clause unifies to: "1" = iter [cons "1" [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
        gdash: a theory has a _7
      Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
       Got clause: a theory has a text
         Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
         gdash: I care about "1"
       Goal arity 4: I care about "1"
       Got clause: a theory has a name
         Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
         gdash: I care about "1"
       Goal arity 4: I care about "1"
      Got clause: _333 = iter [cons _334 _335]
        Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "1" [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
        gdash: _8 = iter [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
      Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
       Got clause: _372 = iter [cons _372 _373]
         Clause unifies to: "3" = iter [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
         gdash: a theory has a _7
       Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
        Got clause: a theory has a text
          Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
          gdash: I care about "3"
        Goal arity 4: I care about "3"
        Got clause: a theory has a name
          Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
          gdash: I care about "3"
        Goal arity 4: I care about "3"
       Got clause: _557 = iter [cons _558 _559]
         Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
         gdash: _8 = iter [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
       Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
        Got clause: _596 = iter [cons _596 _597]
          Clause unifies to: ":-" = iter [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
          gdash: a theory has a _7
        Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
         Got clause: a theory has a text
           Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
           gdash: I care about ":-"
         Goal arity 4: I care about ":-"
         Got clause: a theory has a name
           Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
           gdash: I care about ":-"
         Goal arity 4: I care about ":-"
        Got clause: _781 = iter [cons _782 _783]
          Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
          gdash: _8 = iter [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
        Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
         Got clause: _820 = iter [cons _820 _821]
           Clause unifies to: ":- test" = iter [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
           gdash: a theory has a _7
         Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
          Got clause: a theory has a text
            Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
            gdash: I care about ":- test"
          Goal arity 4: I care about ":- test"
          Got clause: a theory has a name
            Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
            gdash: I care about ":- test"
          Goal arity 4: I care about ":- test"
         Got clause: _1005 = iter [cons _1006 _1007]
           Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
           gdash: _8 = iter [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
         Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
          Got clause: _1044 = iter [cons _1044 _1045]
            Clause unifies to: "AisBisC" = iter [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
            gdash: a theory has a _7
          Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
           Got clause: a theory has a text
             Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
             gdash: I care about "AisBisC"
           Goal arity 4: I care about "AisBisC"
           Got clause: a theory has a name
             Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
             gdash: I care about "AisBisC"
           Goal arity 4: I care about "AisBisC"
          Got clause: _1229 = iter [cons _1230 _1231]
            Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
            gdash: _8 = iter [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
          Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
           Got clause: _1268 = iter [cons _1268 _1269]
             Clause unifies to: "DadJoke001" = iter [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
             gdash: a theory has a _7
           Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
            Got clause: a theory has a text
              Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
              gdash: I care about "DadJoke001"
            Goal arity 4: I care about "DadJoke001"
            Got clause: a theory has a name
              Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
              gdash: I care about "DadJoke001"
            Goal arity 4: I care about "DadJoke001"
           Got clause: _1453 = iter [cons _1454 _1455]
             Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
             gdash: _8 = iter [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
           Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
            Got clause: _1492 = iter [cons _1492 _1493]
              Clause unifies to: "DadJoke002" = iter [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
              gdash: a theory has a _7
            Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
             Got clause: a theory has a text
               Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
               gdash: I care about "DadJoke002"
             Goal arity 4: I care about "DadJoke002"
             Got clause: a theory has a name
               Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
               gdash: I care about "DadJoke002"
             Goal arity 4: I care about "DadJoke002"
            Got clause: _1677 = iter [cons _1678 _1679]
              Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
              gdash: _8 = iter [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
            Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
             Got clause: _1716 = iter [cons _1716 _1717]
               Clause unifies to: "DadJoke003" = iter [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
               gdash: a theory has a _7
             Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
              Got clause: a theory has a text
                Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
                gdash: I care about "DadJoke003"
              Goal arity 4: I care about "DadJoke003"
              Got clause: a theory has a name
                Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
                gdash: I care about "DadJoke003"
              Goal arity 4: I care about "DadJoke003"
             Got clause: _1901 = iter [cons _1902 _1903]
               Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
               gdash: _8 = iter [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
             Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
              Got clause: _1940 = iter [cons _1940 _1941]
                Clause unifies to: "GetSentences (C#)" = iter [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                gdash: a theory has a _7
              Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
               Got clause: a theory has a text
                 Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
                 gdash: I care about "GetSentences (C#)"
               Goal arity 4: I care about "GetSentences (C#)"
               Got clause: a theory has a name
                 Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
                 gdash: I care about "GetSentences (C#)"
               Goal arity 4: I care about "GetSentences (C#)"
              Got clause: _2125 = iter [cons _2126 _2127]
                Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "GetSentences (C#)" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                gdash: _8 = iter [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
              Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
               Got clause: _2164 = iter [cons _2164 _2165]
                 Clause unifies to: "HK" = iter [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                 gdash: a theory has a _7
               Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
                Got clause: a theory has a text
                  Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
                  gdash: I care about "HK"
                Goal arity 4: I care about "HK"
                Got clause: a theory has a name
                  Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
                  gdash: I care about "HK"
                Goal arity 4: I care about "HK"
               Got clause: _2349 = iter [cons _2350 _2351]
                 Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                 gdash: _8 = iter [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
               Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                Got clause: _2388 = iter [cons _2388 _2389]
                  Clause unifies to: "IndexOfSentence" = iter [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                  gdash: a theory has a _7
                Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
                 Got clause: a theory has a text
                   Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
                   gdash: I care about "IndexOfSentence"
                 Goal arity 4: I care about "IndexOfSentence"
                 Got clause: a theory has a name
                   Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
                   gdash: I care about "IndexOfSentence"
                 Goal arity 4: I care about "IndexOfSentence"
                Got clause: _2573 = iter [cons _2574 _2575]
                  Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                  gdash: _8 = iter [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                 Got clause: _2612 = iter [cons _2612 _2613]
                   Clause unifies to: "Lasagna AI 1" = iter [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                   gdash: a theory has a _7
                 Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
                  Got clause: a theory has a text
                    Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
                    gdash: I care about "Lasagna AI 1"
                  Goal arity 4: I care about "Lasagna AI 1"
                  Got clause: a theory has a name
                    Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
                    gdash: I care about "Lasagna AI 1"
                  Goal arity 4: I care about "Lasagna AI 1"
                 Got clause: _2797 = iter [cons _2798 _2799]
                   Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                   gdash: _8 = iter [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                 Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                  Got clause: _2836 = iter [cons _2836 _2837]
                    Clause unifies to: "OneToTen" = iter [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                    gdash: a theory has a _7
                  Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
                   Got clause: a theory has a text
                     Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
                     gdash: I care about "OneToTen"
                   Goal arity 4: I care about "OneToTen"
                   Got clause: a theory has a name
                     Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
                     gdash: I care about "OneToTen"
                   Goal arity 4: I care about "OneToTen"
                  Got clause: _3021 = iter [cons _3022 _3023]
                    Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                    gdash: _8 = iter [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                  Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                   Got clause: _3060 = iter [cons _3060 _3061]
                     Clause unifies to: "PennyNickel" = iter [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                     gdash: a theory has a _7
                   Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
                    Got clause: a theory has a text
                      Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
                      gdash: I care about "PennyNickel"
                    Goal arity 4: I care about "PennyNickel"
                    Got clause: a theory has a name
                      Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
                      gdash: I care about "PennyNickel"
                    Goal arity 4: I care about "PennyNickel"
                   Got clause: _3245 = iter [cons _3246 _3247]
                     Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                     gdash: _8 = iter [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                   Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                    Got clause: _3284 = iter [cons _3284 _3285]
                      Clause unifies to: "YisX" = iter [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                      gdash: a theory has a _7
                    Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
                     Got clause: a theory has a text
                       Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
                       gdash: I care about "YisX"
                     Goal arity 4: I care about "YisX"
                     Got clause: a theory has a name
                       Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
                       gdash: I care about "YisX"
                     Goal arity 4: I care about "YisX"
                    Got clause: _3469 = iter [cons _3470 _3471]
                      Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                      gdash: _8 = iter [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                    Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                     Got clause: _3508 = iter [cons _3508 _3509]
                       Clause unifies to: "addition" = iter [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                       gdash: a theory has a _7
                     Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
                      Got clause: a theory has a text
                        Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
                        gdash: I care about "addition"
                      Goal arity 4: I care about "addition"
                      Got clause: a theory has a name
                        Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
                        gdash: I care about "addition"
                      Goal arity 4: I care about "addition"
                     Got clause: _3693 = iter [cons _3694 _3695]
                       Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                       gdash: _8 = iter [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                     Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                      Got clause: _3732 = iter [cons _3732 _3733]
                        Clause unifies to: "and" = iter [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                        gdash: a theory has a _7
                      Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
                       Got clause: a theory has a text
                         Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
                         gdash: I care about "and"
                       Goal arity 4: I care about "and"
                       Got clause: a theory has a name
                         Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
                         gdash: I care about "and"
                       Goal arity 4: I care about "and"
                      Got clause: _3917 = iter [cons _3918 _3919]
                        Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                        gdash: _8 = iter [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                      Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                       Got clause: _3956 = iter [cons _3956 _3957]
                         Clause unifies to: "and 3" = iter [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                         gdash: a theory has a _7
                       Goal arity 5: a theory has a _7
                        Got clause: a theory has a text
                          Clause unifies to: a theory has a text
                          gdash: I care about "and 3"
                        Goal arity 4: I care about "and 3"
                        Got clause: a theory has a name
                          Clause unifies to: a theory has a name
                          gdash: I care about "and 3"
                        Goal arity 4: I care about "and 3"
                       Got clause: _4141 = iter [cons _4142 _4143]
                         Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                         gdash: _8 = iter [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                       Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memorize transient" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "no the" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "or3" [cons "really funny" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "superior lasagna" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "tennis" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "" [cons "test5" [cons "theory" [cons "theory 1" [cons "theory 2" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "very funny" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" [cons "yo" [cons "yo cons" [cons "yo2" [cons "yo2 cons" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                        Got clause: _4180 = iter [cons _4180 _4181]
                          Clause unifies to: "and 4" = iter [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "c# example" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "care" [cons "care tennis" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dadbot+1" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "drop 'the' test" [cons "drop 'the' test.out" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "ifthenelse" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "inctest.1" [cons "inctest.2" [cons "inctest.count" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "map" [cons "map cons" [cons "mark" [cons "maus" [cons "memorize dummy" [cons "memorize new" [cons "memorize new 2" [cons "memori

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Snippet ID: #3000307
Snippet name: Answer for stefanreich (>> log [ask $x] in ["care tennis", care, signed])
Eternal ID of this version: #3000307/1
Text MD5: a26cf70c7407106aca6c2a711b4702a4
Author: someone
Type: New Tinybrain snippet
Gummipassword: eleutheria-for-user
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Created/modified: 2016-03-13 17:30:15
Source code size: 559293 bytes / 1008 lines
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Views / Downloads: 560 / 105
Referenced in: #3000382 - Answer for ferdie (>> t = 1, f = 0)
#3000383 - Answer for funkoverflow (>> t=1, f=0 okay)