1 | |
2 | "[\"add\", \"blue\", \"blue < is < an < adjective\"]" |
3 | "[\"add\", \"red\", \" red < is < an < adjective \"]" |
4 | "[\"add\", \"is a, has a\", \"\\n if [M is a X]\\n and [a X has a Y]\\n then [M has a Y]\\n\"]" |
5 | "[\"add\", \"is a, has a (NL)\", \"\\n if [M is a X]\\n and [a X has a Y]\\n then [M has a Y]\\n\"]" |
6 | "[\"remove\", \"is a, has a\"]" |
7 | "[\"add\", \"is a, has a\", \"\\n if [M < is < a < X]\\n and [a < X < has < a < Y]\\n then [M < has < a < Y]\\n\"]" |
8 | "[\"add\", \"mark\", \" mark < is < a < guy \"]" |
9 | "[\"add\", \"guns\", \" a < guy < has < a < gun \"]" |
10 | "[\"add\", \"1\", \"1 < is < a > number\"]" |
11 | "[\"add\", \"next\", \" if [X < is < a > number] then [X + 1 < is < a > number] \"]" |
12 | "[\"add\", \"isLeaf\", \" [if < isLeaf(X)] < [then < yes] < else < no \"]" |
13 | "[\"add\", \"eq\", \"X=X\"]" |
14 | "[\"add\", \"eq test\", \"[1=1] should be true in \\\"eq\\\"\"]" |
15 | "[\"add\", \"eq test 2\", \"[1=2] should be false in \\\"eq\\\"\"]" |
16 | "[\"add\", \"ice cream\", \" [ice cream] is tasty \"]" |
17 | "[\"add\", \"lasagna\", \"lasagna is tasty\"]" |
18 | "[\"add\", \"x random test\", \"$x = a random number between 1 and 1000 inc.\"]" |
19 | "[\"add\", \"crap\", \"crap is a synonym of shit\"]" |
20 | "[\"add\", \"dang\", \"dang is a synonym of damn\"]" |
21 | "[\"add\", \"3\", \"[peter, paul and Mary] are 3 names\"]" |
22 | "[\"add\", \"HK\", \"[Horst and klaus] are 2 names\"]" |
23 | "[\"add\", \"computer/human\", \"a computer is not a human\"]" |
24 | "[\"add\", \"human/computer\", \"a human is not a computer\"]" |
25 | "[\"add\", \"FeetToInches\", \"1 foot is 12 inches\"]" |
26 | "[\"add\", \"foot-feet\", \"feet is the plural of foot\"]" |
27 | "[\"add\", \"inch-inches\", \"inches is the plural of inch\"]" |
28 | "[\"add\", \"car\", \"a car is a means of transportation\"]" |
29 | "[\"add\", \"bus\", \"a bus is a means of transportation\"]" |
30 | "[\"add\", \"bit-bits\", \"bits is the plural of bit\"]" |
31 | "[\"add\", \"mrshutco\", \" mrshutco is a human \"]" |
32 | "[\"add\", \"is-is-not\", \"if [$a is a $x] and [a $x is not a $y] then [$a is not a $y]\"]" |
33 | "[\"add\", \"YisX\", \"if [$x is true] and [$y = $x] then [$y is true]\"]" |
34 | "[\"add\", \"yes-yeah\", \"if [yes] then [yeah]\"]" |
35 | "[\"add\", \"yes\", \"yes\"]" |
36 | "[\"add\", \"eq2\", \"$x=$x\"]" |
37 | "[\"add\", \"eq3\", \"[$x=$x]\"]" |
38 | "[\"add\", \"list fillers\", \"\\n[\\\"and\\\" is a fill word]\\n[\\\",\\\" is a fill word]\\n\"]" |
39 | "[\"add\", \"OneToTen\", \"[4,7,0,10] \"]" |
40 | "[\"remove\", \"OneToTen\"]" |
41 | "[\"add\", \"OneToTen\", \"[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]\"]" |
42 | "[\"add\", \"yes no\", \"[yes] [no]\"]" |
43 | "[\"add\", \"iter test 1\", \"\\n [ $head = iter [cons $head $tail] ]\\n [ if [$x = iter $tail ] then [ $x = iter [cons $head $tail] ] ]\\n\"]" |
44 | "[\"add\", \"and\", \"[if [$a] and [$b] then [$a and $b]]\"]" |
45 | "[\"add\", \"or\", \"\\n[if [$a] then [$a or $b]]\\n[if [$b] then [$a or $b]]\\n\"]" |
46 | "[\"add\", \"onetwo\", \"[num(one)] [num(two)]\"]" |
47 | "[\"add\", \"cut test\", \"if [num($x)] and [!] then [yo($x)]\"]" |
48 | "[\"add\", \"not v1\", \"\\n[if [$x] and [!] and [false] then [not(X)]]\\n[not(X)]\\n\"]" |
49 | "[\"add\", \"not v2\", \"\\n[if [$x] and [!] and [false] then [not($x)]]\\n[not($x)]\\n\"]" |
50 | "[\"add\", \"not test 1\", \"[[not(false)] should be true]\"]" |
51 | "[\"add\", \"not test 2\", \"[[not(true)] should be false]\"]" |
52 | "[\"add\", \"not\", \"\\n[if [$x] and [!] and [false] then [not($x)]]\\n[not($x)]\\n\"]" |
53 | "[\"remove\", \"not v2\"]" |
54 | "[\"add\", \"brackets\", \"if [$x] then [($x)]\"]" |
55 | "[\"remove\", \"eq\"]" |
56 | "[\"add\", \"eq\", \"$x=$x\"]" |
57 | "[\"remove\", \"eq\"]" |
58 | "[\"remove\", \"YisX\"]" |
59 | "[\"add\", \"eq\", \"[$x=$x]\"]" |
60 | "[\"add\", \"YisX\", \"[if [$x = $a] and [$y = $x] then [$y = $a] ]\"]" |
61 | "[\"add\", \"AisBisC\", \"[if [$a = $b] and [$b = $c] then [$c = $a] ]\"]" |
62 | "[\"add\", \"verify 1\", \"if $x then [verify [$x should be true]]\"]" |
63 | "[\"add\", \"verify 2\", \"if [not($x)] then [verify [$x should be false]]\"]" |
64 | "[\"add\", \"PennyNickel\", \"[5 pennies are 1 nickel]\"]" |
65 | "[\"remove\", \"FeetToInches\"]" |
66 | "[\"add\", \"FeetToInches\", \"[if[$x]]\"]" |
67 | "[\"remove\", \"FeetToInches\"]" |
68 | "[\"add\", \"smartmul\", \"\\n[if [$a = intmul($b, $c)] then [$a = smartmul ($b, $c)}]\\n[if [$b = intdiv($a, $c)] then [$a = smartmul ($b, $c)}]\\n\\n[if [$c = intdiv($a, $b)] then [$a = smartmul ($b, $c)}]\\n\"]" |
69 | "[\"remove\", \"smartmul\"]" |
70 | "[\"add\", \"smartmul\", \"\\n[if [$a = intmul($b, $c)] then [$a = smartmul ($b, $c))]\\n[if [$b = intdiv($a, $c)] then [$a = smartmul ($b, $c))]\\n\\n[if [$c = intdiv($a, $b)] then [$a = smartmul ($b, $c))]\\n\"]" |
71 | "[\"add\", \"bgrgndzmul\", \"\\n\\n[if [$a = intmul($b, $c)] then [$a = smartmul ($b, $c))]\\n[if [$b = intdiv($a, $c)] then [$a = smartmul ($b, $c))]\\n\\n[if [$c = intdiv($a, $b)] then [$a = smartmul ($b, $c))]\\n\"]" |
72 | "[\"add\", \"in list\", \"[=[\\nthen [$e in $x]\\n[ $head = iter [cons $head $tail] ]\\n[ if [$x = iter $tail ] then [ $x = iter [cons $head $tail] ] ]\"]" |
73 | "[\"remove\", \"in list\"]" |
74 | "[\"add\", \"in list\", \"\\nif [$c = tocons($list)]\\nand [$e = iter $c]\\nthen [$e in $c]\\n\"]" |
75 | "[\"add\", \"is in list\", \"\\nif [$c = tocons($list)]\\nand [$e = iter $c]\\nthen [$e is in list $c]\\n\"]" |
76 | "[\"add\", \"is in list\", \"\\nif [$c = tocons($list)]\\nand [$e = iter $c]\\nthen [$e is in list $list]\\n\"]" |
77 | "[\"add\", \"iter\", \"\\n [ $head = iter [cons $head $tail] ]\\n [ if [$x = iter $tail ] then [ $x = iter [cons $head $tail] ] ]\\n\"]" |
78 | "[\"remove\", \"iter test 1\"]" |
79 | "[\"add\", \"what is tasty\", \"if [user says [what is tasty]] and [$x is tasty] say [$x is tasty!]\"]" |
80 | "[\"add\", \"xor\", \"=[if [true and true] then [$x = false] ]==[if [true and false] then [$x = true]]==[if [false and true] then [$x = true] ]== [ if [false and false] then [$x = false] ]=\"]" |
81 | "[\"remove\", \"xor\"]" |
82 | "[\"add\", \"xor\", \"[=[if [$x and $y] then [$x xor $y] ]==[if [not($x) and not($y)] then [$x xor $y] ]==[if [not($x) and not($y)] then [$x xor $y] ]=]\"]" |
83 | "[\"add\", \"xor2\", \"[=[\\n if [$x and not($y)] then [$x xor $y]\\n if [not($x) and $y] then [$x xor $y]\\n]=\"]" |
84 | "[\"add\", \"xor2\", \"\\n if [$x and not($y)] then [$x xor $y]\\n if [not($x) and $y] then [$x xor $y]\\n\"]" |
85 | "[\"add\", \"xor2\", \"\\n if [$x and [not($y)]] then [$x xor $y]\\n if [[not($x)] and $y] then [$x xor $y]\\n\"]" |
86 | "[\"add\", \"xor2\", \"\\n[if [$x and [not($y)]] then [$x xor $y]]\\n[if [[not($x)] and $y] then [$x xor $y]]\\n\"]" |
87 | "[\"remove\", \"xor\"]" |
88 | "[\"add\", \"xor\", \"\\n[if [$x and [not($y)]] then [$x xor $y]]\\n[if [[not($x)] and $y] then [$x xor $y]]\\n\"]" |
89 | "[\"remove\", \"xor2\"]" |
90 | "[\"add\", \"user says what is tasty\", \"user says [what is tasty]\"]" |
91 | "[\"add\", \"Lasagna AI 1\", \" [\\\"what is tasty\\\", lasagna, \\\"ice cream\\\"] \"]" |
92 | "[\"add\", \"lolol\", \" if [user says [so funny eleu]] say [hahaha lol]\"]" |
93 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \"if [user say [] say [spam] \"]" |
94 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \"if [user say [bla] say [spam] \"]" |
95 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \"if [user says [bla] say [spam] \"]" |
96 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \"if [user says [bla] say [spam] ]\"]" |
97 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \" if [user says [bla]] say [spam]\"]" |
98 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \" if [user says []] say [spam]\"]" |
99 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \" if [user says [ ]] say [spam]\"]" |
100 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \" if [user says [bla]] say [useful]\"]" |
101 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \" if [user says [$x]] say [useful]\"]" |
102 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \" if [user says [placeholder]] say [useful]\"]" |
103 | "[\"add\", \"usermul\", \"if [user says [$a * $b]] and [$c = intmul($a, $b)] say [it's $c!]\"]" |
104 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \" if [user says [$a]] say [$a]\"]" |
105 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \" if [user says [placeholder]] say [useful]\"]" |
106 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \"if [user says [$a * $b]] say [intmul($a, $b)!]\"]" |
107 | "[\"add\", \"DadJoke001\", \"[=[if user says [$a her] say [$a her? I hardly know her!]]]=\"]" |
108 | "[\"add\", \"DadJoke001\", \"[if user says [$a her]] say [$a her? I hardly know her!]]\"]" |
109 | "[\"add\", \"DadJoke001\", \"if [user says [$a her]] say [$a her? I hardly know her!]]\"]" |
110 | "[\"add\", \"DadJoke002 dadjoke\", \"if [user says [i am $a]] say [hello $a!]]\"]" |
111 | "[\"remove\", \"DadJoke002 dadjoke\"]" |
112 | "[\"add\", \"DadJoke002\", \"if [user says [i am $a]] say [hello $a!]]\"]" |
113 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \"if [user says [$a / $b]] and [$c = intdiv($a, $b)] say [$c]\"]" |
114 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \"if [user says [$a + $b]] and [$c = intadd($a, $b)] say [$c]\"]" |
115 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \"if [user says [$a * $b * $c]] and [$d = intmul($a, $b, $c)] say [$d]\"]" |
116 | "[\"add\", \"asdf\", \"if [user says [$a * $b * $c]] and [$d = intmul($a, $b)] and [$e = intmul($d, $c)] say [$e]\"]" |
117 | "[\"add\", \"multiplication\", \"if [user says [$a * $b]] say [_intmul($a, $b)]\"]" |
118 | "[\"add\", \"multiplication\", \"if [user says [$a * $b]] say [intmul($a, $b)]\"]" |
119 | "[\"add\", \"division\", \"if [user says [$a * $b]] say [intdiv($a, $b)]\"]" |
120 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [$a - $b]] say [intminus($a, $b)]\"]" |
121 | "[\"add\", \"addition\", \"if [user says [$a + $b]] say [intadd($a, $b)]\"]" |
122 | "[\"add\", \"division\", \"if [user says [$a / $b]] say [intdiv($a, $b)]\"]" |
123 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [$a+$b]] or [user says[$a-$b]] say [im working]\"]" |
124 | "[\"add\", \"calc\", \"if [user says [$a / $b]] say [intdiv($a, $b)] if [user says [$a + $b]] say [intadd($a, $b)] if [user says [$a - $b]] say [intminus($a, $b)] if [user says [$a * $b]] say [intmul($a, $b)]\"]" |
125 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [$a]] say [im working]\"]" |
126 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [$a ***]] say [im working]\"]" |
127 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [$a ***]] or [user says[$a ///]] say [im working]\"]" |
128 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [$a ***]] and [$b = hello] say [im working $b]\"]" |
129 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [blabla]] say [im working]\"]" |
130 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [blabla]] and [$c = 1] say [im working]\"]" |
131 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [$a * $b]] and [$c = intmul($a, $b)] say [$c]\"]" |
132 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [$a * $b]] and [$c = value] say [$c]\"]" |
133 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [$a - $b]] and [$c = 5] say [$c]\"]" |
134 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [$a - $b]] say [$c]\"]" |
135 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [$a - $b]] say [$a]\"]" |
136 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [$a - $b]] and [$c = 5] say [$a]\"]" |
137 | "[\"add\", \"unified\", \"[addition, division, subtraction, multiplication]\"]" |
138 | "[\"add\", \"unified\", \"[addition, division, subtraction, multiplication, eq]\"]" |
139 | "[\"add\", \"subtraction\", \"if [user says [$a - $b]] say [intminus($a, $b)]\"]" |
140 | "[\"add\", \"forceEval\", \"[intadd($a, $b)=intadd($a, $b)]\"]" |
141 | "[\"add\", \"unified\", \"[addition, division, subtraction, multiplication, eq, forceEval]\"]" |
142 | "[\"add\", \"temp\", \"[intmul($a, $b)]\"]" |
143 | "[\"add\", \"temp\", \"[man(stef)]\"]" |
144 | "[\"add\", \"temp\", \"[man(stef):- blue(stef)]\"]" |
145 | "[\"add\", \"temp2\", \"[blue(stef)]\"]" |
146 | "[\"add\", \"temp3\", \"[temp, temp2]\"]" |
147 | "[\"add\", \"temp\", \"[blue(stef)]\"]" |
148 | "[\"add\", \"temp\", \"[ [blue(stef)] [man(stef):- blue(stef)] ]\"]" |
149 | "[\"add\", \":-\", \"if [$b :- $a] then [if $a then $b]\"]" |
150 | "[\"add\", \"dad\", \"DadJoke001, DadJoke002\"]" |
151 | "[\"add\", \":- test\", \" hello :- true \"]" |
152 | "[\"add\", \"if-user-says\", \"if [if user says $x, say $y] then [if [user says $x] say $y]\"]" |
153 | "[\"add\", \"simpler syntax test\", \"if user says [good morning], say [good morning to you too]\"]" |
154 | "[\"add\", \"good morning\", \"\"]" |
155 | "[\"add\", \"good morning\", \"[if [user says [good morning]] say [good morning to you too]]\\n\"]" |
156 | "[\"add\", \"lenny\", \"lenny is the greatest\"]" |
157 | "[\"add\", \"greatest\", \"if [$x is the greatest] then [$x is greater than $y]\"]" |
158 | "[\"add\", \"DadJoke003\", \"[if [user says [Why didn't the terminator upgrade to windows 10?]] then [say[I asked him and he said: 'I still love Vista, baby']]]\"]" |
159 | "[\"add\", \"dad\", \"DadJoke001, DadJoke002, DadJoke003\"]" |
160 | "[\"add\", \"eval test squaring\", \"if [user says $x] then [say [eval(intmul($x, $x))]]\"]" |
161 | "[\"add\", \"division\", \"if [user says [$a / $b]] say [eval(intdiv($a, $b))]\"]" |
162 | "[\"add\", \"forall_impl\", \" if [$cond] and [saveTo($x, $c)] and [false] then [forall_impl($x, $cond, $c)] \"]" |
163 | "[\"add\", \"list comp\", \" if [$c = new collector] and [[forall_impl($x, $cond, $c)] or true] and [$list = retrieve($c)] then [$list = [$x | $condition]] \"]" |
164 | "[\"add\", \"and 3\", \" if [$a] and [$b] and [$c] then [$a and $b and $c] \"]" |
165 | "[\"add\", \"and 4\", \" if [$a] and [$b] and [$c] and [$d] then [$a and $b and $c and $d] \"]" |
166 | "[\"add\", \"first sentence\", \" \\nif [$x = everything left of \\\".\\\" in $y] then [$x = first sentence in $y] \"]" |
167 | "[\"add\", \"IndexOfSentence\", \"if number of periods in sentence is less than $x and $x is > 0 then return all characters before it until another period is reached\"]" |
168 | "[\"add\", \"IndexOfSentence\", \"if a period is at a certain index, then return all words before until another period has been found\"]" |
169 | "[\"add\", \"list comp\", \" if [$c = new collector] and [[forall_impl($x, $cond, $c)] or true] and [$list = retrieve($c)] then [$list = [$x | $cond]] \"]" |
170 | "[\"add\", \"tasty list\", \"$list = [$x | [$x is tasty]]\"]" |
171 | "[\"add\", \"double tasty test\", \" [$l = [$x | [$x is tasty]]] and [$y = [[try $z] | [$z is tasty]]] \"]" |
172 | "[\"add\", \"eq\", \"\\\"$x==$x\\\"\"]" |
173 | "[\"remove\", \"eq2\"]" |
174 | "[\"remove\", \"eq3\"]" |
175 | "[\"add\", \"eq\", \"$x==$x\"]" |
176 | "[\"add\", \"number of theories\", \"if [$x = eval(arity of [eval(all theory names)])] then [$x = number of theories]\"]" |
177 | "[\"add\", \"number of theories 2\", \"[eval(arity of [eval(all theory names)])] = number of theories\"]" |
178 | "[\"add\", \"blabla\", \"\\\"test\\\"\"]" |
179 | "[\"remove\", \"blabla\"]" |
180 | "[\"add\", \"blabla\", \"test\"]" |
181 | "[\"remove\", \"blabla\"]" |
182 | "[\"add\", \"is a theory\", \" $t is in list [eval(all theory names)] \"]" |
183 | "[\"add\", \"is a theory\", \" if [$t is in list [eval(all theory names)]] then [$t is a theory] \"]" |
184 | "[\"add\", \"find yes\", \" $x = [ $t | [[$t is a theory] and [head yes exists in theory $t]] ] \"]" |
185 | "[\"add\", \"superior lasagna\", \"lasagna is more tasty than [ice cream]\"]" |
186 | "[\"add\", \"test theory\", \"if [user says [hello world] then [say [Wow, how original]]\"]" |
187 | "[\"remove\", \"test theory\"]" |
188 | "[\"add\", \"dadbot+1\", \"the dadbot is really funny\"]" |
189 | "[\"add\", \"very funny\", \"if [$x is very funny] then [$x is funny]\"]" |
190 | "[\"add\", \"really funny\", \"if [$x is really funny] then [$x is funny]\"]" |
191 | "[\"add\", \"no the\", \"s/the//\"]" |
192 | "[\"add\", \"temp\", \"if [user says $a] say [eval($a)]\"]" |
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Snippet ID: | #3000270 |
Snippet name: | Answer for stefanreich (>> show file "1002762/theories") |
Eternal ID of this version: | #3000270/1 |
Text MD5: | 8f473ae55b8c8ae34402d40cc0e28d73 |
Author: | someone |
Category: | |
Type: | New Tinybrain snippet |
Gummipassword: | eleutheria-for-user |
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Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2016-03-10 20:01:55 |
Source code size: | 14407 bytes / 192 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 596 / 124 |
Referenced in: | [show references] |