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< > BotCompany Repo | #3000262 // Answer for stefanreich (>> log theory "find yes")

New Tinybrain snippet

$x = "yes" , "yes no"
Starting on goal: $x = [$t | [[$t is a theory] and [head yes exists in theory $t]]]
Goal arity 3: $x = [$t | [[$t is a theory] and [head yes exists in theory $t]]]
  Push $x ("[]"(ice, cream))
  Resetting variable $x ("[]"(ice, cream))
  Push $a (_1)
  Push $b (_2)
  Resetting variable $b (_2)
  Resetting variable $a (_1)
  Push _1 ($x)
  Resetting variable _1 ($x)
  Push $x (_3)
  Push $y (_4)
  Resetting variable $y (_4)
  Resetting variable $x (_3)
  Push _3 ($x)
  Resetting variable _3 ($x)
  Push $x (_5)
  Push $y (_6)
  Resetting variable $y (_6)
  Resetting variable $x (_5)
  Push _5 ($x)
  Resetting variable _5 ($x)
  Push $list (_7)
  Push $x (_8)
  Push $cond (_9)
  Push $c (_10)
  Resetting variable $c (_10)
  Resetting variable $cond (_9)
  Resetting variable $x (_8)
  Resetting variable $list (_7)
  Push _7 ($x)
  Push $t (_8)
  Push _9 ("[]"("[]"(_8, is, a, theory), and, "[]"(head, yes, exists, in, theory, _8)))
Got clause: _7 = [_8 | _9]
  Clause unifies to: $x = [_8 | [[_8 is a theory] and [head yes exists in theory _8]]]
  gdash: _10 = new collector
Goal arity 4: _10 = new collector
   Push $x (_11)
   Resetting variable $x (_11)
   Push _11 (_10)
 Got clause: _11 = new collector
   Clause unifies to: _10 = new collector
  Clause is native.
   Push _10 (<collector>)
   gdash: [forall_impl ([_8 , [[_8 is a theory] and [head yes exists in theory _8]] , <collector>])] or true
 Goal arity 3: [forall_impl ([_8 , [[_8 is a theory] and [head yes exists in theory _8]] , <collector>])] or true
    Push $a (_12)
    Push $b (_13)
    Resetting variable $b (_13)
    Resetting variable $a (_12)
    Push _12 ("[]"(forall_impl, "()"("[]"(_8, ",", "[]"("[]"(_8, is, a, theory), and, "[]"(head, yes, exists, in, theory, _8)), ",", <collector>))))
    Resetting variable _12 ("[]"(forall_impl, "()"("[]"(_8, ",", "[]"("[]"(_8, is, a, theory), and, "[]"(head, yes, exists, in, theory, _8)), ",", <collector>))))
    Push $x (_14)
    Push $y (_15)
    Resetting variable $y (_15)
    Resetting variable $x (_14)
    Push _14 ("[]"(forall_impl, "()"("[]"(_8, ",", "[]"("[]"(_8, is, a, theory), and, "[]"(head, yes, exists, in, theory, _8)), ",", <collector>))))
    Resetting variable _14 ("[]"(forall_impl, "()"("[]"(_8, ",", "[]"("[]"(_8, is, a, theory), and, "[]"(head, yes, exists, in, theory, _8)), ",", <collector>))))
    Push $x (_16)
    Push $y (_17)
    Resetting variable $y (_17)
    Resetting variable $x (_16)
    Push _16 ("[]"(forall_impl, "()"("[]"(_8, ",", "[]"("[]"(_8, is, a, theory), and, "[]"(head, yes, exists, in, theory, _8)), ",", <collector>))))
    Resetting variable _16 ("[]"(forall_impl, "()"("[]"(_8, ",", "[]"("[]"(_8, is, a, theory), and, "[]"(head, yes, exists, in, theory, _8)), ",", <collector>))))
    Push $list (_18)
    Push $x (_19)
    Push $cond (_20)
    Push $c (_21)
    Resetting variable $c (_21)
    Resetting variable $cond (_20)
    Resetting variable $x (_19)
    Resetting variable $list (_18)
    Push _18 ("[]"(forall_impl, "()"("[]"(_8, ",", "[]"("[]"(_8, is, a, theory), and, "[]"(head, yes, exists, in, theory, _8)), ",", <collector>))))
    Resetting variable _18 ("[]"(forall_impl, "()"("[]"(_8, ",", "[]"("[]"(_8, is, a, theory), and, "[]"(head, yes, exists, in, theory, _8)), ",", <collector>))))
    Push $e (_22)
    Push $c (_23)
    Push $list (_24)
    Resetting variable $list (_24)
    Resetting variable $c (_23)
    Resetting variable $e (_22)
    Push _22 ("[]"(forall_impl, "()"("[]"(_8, ",", "[]"("[]"(_8, is, a, theory), and, "[]"(head, yes, exists, in, theory, _8)), ",", <collector>))))
    Resetting variable _22 ("[]"(forall_impl, "()"("[]"(_8, ",", "[]"("[]"(_8, is, a, theory), and, "[]"(head, yes, exists, in, theory, _8)), ",", <collector>))))
    Push $a (_25)
    Push $b (_26)
    Resetting variable $b (_26)
    Resetting variable $a (_25)
    Push _25 ("[]"(forall_impl, "()"("[]"(_8, ",", "[]"("[]"(_8, is, a, theory), and, "[]"(head, yes, exists, in, theory, _8)), ",", <collector>))))
    Push _26 (true)
  Got clause: _25 or _26
    Clause unifies to: [forall_impl ([_8 , [[_8 is a theory] and [head yes exists in theory _8]] , <collector>])] or true
    gdash: forall_impl ([_8 , [[_8 is a theory] and [head yes exists in theory _8]] , <collector>])
  Goal arity 2: forall_impl ([_8 , [[_8 is a theory] and [head yes exists in theory _8]] , <collector>])
     Push $x (_27)
     Push $collector (_28)
     Resetting variable $collector (_28)
     Resetting variable $x (_27)
     Push $x (_29)
     Resetting variable $x (_29)
     Push $x (_30)
     Resetting variable $x (_30)
     Push $x (_31)
     Resetting variable $x (_31)
     Push $x (_32)
     Resetting variable $x (_32)
     Push $x (_33)
     Push $cond (_34)
     Push $c (_35)
     Resetting variable $c (_35)
     Resetting variable $cond (_34)
     Resetting variable $x (_33)
     Push _33 (_8)
     Push _34 ("[]"("[]"(_8, is, a, theory), and, "[]"(head, yes, exists, in, theory, _8)))
     Push _35 (<collector>)
   Got clause: forall_impl ([_33 , _34 , _35])
     Clause unifies to: forall_impl ([_8 , [[_8 is a theory] and [head yes exists in theory _8]] , <collector>])
     gdash: [_8 is a theory] and [head yes exists in theory _8]
   Goal arity 3: [_8 is a theory] and [head yes exists in theory _8]
      Push $a (_36)
      Push $b (_37)
      Resetting variable $b (_37)
      Resetting variable $a (_36)
      Push _36 ("[]"(_8, is, a, theory))
      Push _37 ("[]"(head, yes, exists, in, theory, _8))
    Got clause: _36 and _37
      Clause unifies to: [_8 is a theory] and [head yes exists in theory _8]
      gdash: _8 is a theory
    Goal arity 4: _8 is a theory
       Push $x (_38)
       Resetting variable $x (_38)
       Push _38 (_8)
       Resetting variable _38 (_8)
       Push $x (_39)
       Push $collector (_40)
       Resetting variable $collector (_40)
       Resetting variable $x (_39)
       Push _39 (_8)
       Resetting variable _39 (_8)
       Push $a (_41)
       Push $x (_42)
       Push $y (_43)
       Resetting variable $y (_43)
       Resetting variable $x (_42)
       Resetting variable $a (_41)
       Push _41 (_8)
       Resetting variable _41 (_8)
       Push $a (_44)
       Push $x (_45)
       Push $y (_46)
       Resetting variable $y (_46)
       Resetting variable $x (_45)
       Resetting variable $a (_44)
       Push _44 (_8)
       Resetting variable _44 (_8)
       Push $a (_47)
       Push $x (_48)
       Push $y (_49)
       Resetting variable $y (_49)
       Resetting variable $x (_48)
       Resetting variable $a (_47)
       Push _47 (_8)
       Resetting variable _47 (_8)
       Push $a (_50)
       Push $x (_51)
       Push $y (_52)
       Resetting variable $y (_52)
       Resetting variable $x (_51)
       Resetting variable $a (_50)
       Push _50 (_8)
       Resetting variable _50 (_8)
       Push $x (_53)
       Push $y (_54)
       Resetting variable $y (_54)
       Resetting variable $x (_53)
       Push _53 (_8)
       Resetting variable _53 (_8)
       Push $x (_55)
       Push $y (_56)
       Resetting variable $y (_56)
       Resetting variable $x (_55)
       Push _55 (_8)
       Resetting variable _55 (_8)
       Push _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(true)))
       Resetting variable _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(true)))
       Push _8 (mrshutco)
       Resetting variable _8 (mrshutco)
       Push _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(false)))
       Resetting variable _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(false)))
       Push $head (_57)
       Push $tail (_58)
       Resetting variable $tail (_58)
       Resetting variable $head (_57)
       Push _57 (_8)
       Resetting variable _57 (_8)
       Push $x (_59)
       Push $head (_60)
       Push $tail (_61)
       Resetting variable $tail (_61)
       Resetting variable $head (_60)
       Resetting variable $x (_59)
       Push _59 (_8)
       Resetting variable _59 (_8)
       Push $a (_62)
       Push $b (_63)
       Push $c (_64)
       Resetting variable $c (_64)
       Resetting variable $b (_63)
       Resetting variable $a (_62)
       Push _62 (_8)
       Resetting variable _62 (_8)
       Push $a (_65)
       Push $b (_66)
       Push $c (_67)
       Resetting variable $c (_67)
       Resetting variable $b (_66)
       Resetting variable $a (_65)
       Push _65 (_8)
       Resetting variable _65 (_8)
       Push $a (_68)
       Push $b (_69)
       Push $c (_70)
       Resetting variable $c (_70)
       Resetting variable $b (_69)
       Resetting variable $a (_68)
       Push _68 (_8)
       Resetting variable _68 (_8)
       Push $x (_71)
       Resetting variable $x (_71)
       Push _71 (_8)
       Resetting variable _71 (_8)
       Push $t (_72)
       Push $e1 (_73)
       Resetting variable $e1 (_73)
       Resetting variable $t (_72)
       Push _72 (_8)
     Got clause: _72 is a theory
       Clause unifies to: _8 is a theory
       gdash: _73 = all theory names
     Goal arity 5: _73 = all theory names
        Push $x (_74)
        Push $y (_75)
        Resetting variable $y (_75)
        Resetting variable $x (_74)
        Push _74 (_73)
        Resetting variable _74 (_73)
        Push $x (_76)
        Resetting variable $x (_76)
        Push _76 (_73)
      Got clause: _76 = all theory names
        Clause unifies to: _73 = all theory names
       Clause is native.
        Push _73 ("[]"("\"1\"", "\"3\"", "\":-\"", "\":- test\"", "\"AisBisC\"", "\"DadJoke001\"", "\"DadJoke002\"", "\"DadJoke003\"", "\"HK\"", "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "\"OneToTen\"", "\"PennyNickel\"", "\"YisX\"", "\"addition\"", "\"and\"", "\"and 3\"", "\"and 4\"", "\"asdf\"", "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "\"bit-bits\"", "\"blue\"", "\"brackets\"", "\"bus\"", "\"calc\"", "\"car\"", "\"computer/human\"", "\"crap\"", "\"cut test\"", "\"dad\"", "\"dang\"", "\"division\"", "\"double tasty test\"", "\"eq\"", "\"eq test\"", "\"eq test 2\"", "\"eval test squaring\"", "\"find yes\"", "\"first sentence\"", "\"foot-feet\"", "\"forall_impl\"", "\"forceEval\"", "\"good morning\"", "\"greatest\"", "\"guns\"", "\"human/computer\"", "\"ice cream\"", "\"if-user-says\"", "\"in list\"", "\"inch-inches\"", "\"is a theory\"", "\"is a, has a\"", "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "\"is in list\"", "\"is-is-not\"", "\"isLeaf\"", "\"iter\"", "\"lasagna\"", "\"lenny\"", "\"list comp\"", "\"list fillers\"", "\"lolol\"", "\"mark\"", "\"mrshutco\"", "\"multiplication\"", "\"next\"", "\"not\"", "\"not test 1\"", "\"not test 2\"", "\"not v1\"", "\"number of theories\"", "\"number of theories 2\"", "\"onetwo\"", "\"or\"", "\"red\"", "\"simpler syntax test\"", "\"smartmul\"", "\"subtraction\"", "\"tasty list\"", "\"temp\"", "\"temp2\"", "\"temp3\"", "\"unified\"", "\"user says what is tasty\"", "\"usermul\"", "\"verify 1\"", "\"verify 2\"", "\"what is tasty\"", "\"x random test\"", "\"xor\"", "\"yes\"", "\"yes no\"", "\"yes-yeah\""))
        gdash: _8 is in list ["1" "3" ":-" ":- test" "AisBisC" "DadJoke001" "DadJoke002" "DadJoke003" "HK" "IndexOfSentence" "Lasagna AI 1" "OneToTen" "PennyNickel" "YisX" "addition" "and" "and 3" "and 4" "asdf" "bgrgndzmul" "bit-bits" "blue" "brackets" "bus" "calc" "car" "computer/human" "crap" "cut test" "dad" "dang" "division" "double tasty test" "eq" "eq test" "eq test 2" "eval test squaring" "find yes" "first sentence" "foot-feet" "forall_impl" "forceEval" "good morning" "greatest" "guns" "human/computer" "ice cream" "if-user-says" "in list" "inch-inches" "is a theory" "is a, has a" "is a, has a (NL)" "is in list" "is-is-not" "isLeaf" "iter" "lasagna" "lenny" "list comp" "list fillers" "lolol" "mark" "mrshutco" "multiplication" "next" "not" "not test 1" "not test 2" "not v1" "number of theories" "number of theories 2" "onetwo" "or" "red" "simpler syntax test" "smartmul" "subtraction" "tasty list" "temp" "temp2" "temp3" "unified" "user says what is tasty" "usermul" "verify 1" "verify 2" "what is tasty" "x random test" "xor" "yes" "yes no" "yes-yeah"]
      Goal arity 5: _8 is in list ["1" "3" ":-" ":- test" "AisBisC" "DadJoke001" "DadJoke002" "DadJoke003" "HK" "IndexOfSentence" "Lasagna AI 1" "OneToTen" "PennyNickel" "YisX" "addition" "and" "and 3" "and 4" "asdf" "bgrgndzmul" "bit-bits" "blue" "brackets" "bus" "calc" "car" "computer/human" "crap" "cut test" "dad" "dang" "division" "double tasty test" "eq" "eq test" "eq test 2" "eval test squaring" "find yes" "first sentence" "foot-feet" "forall_impl" "forceEval" "good morning" "greatest" "guns" "human/computer" "ice cream" "if-user-says" "in list" "inch-inches" "is a theory" "is a, has a" "is a, has a (NL)" "is in list" "is-is-not" "isLeaf" "iter" "lasagna" "lenny" "list comp" "list fillers" "lolol" "mark" "mrshutco" "multiplication" "next" "not" "not test 1" "not test 2" "not v1" "number of theories" "number of theories 2" "onetwo" "or" "red" "simpler syntax test" "smartmul" "subtraction" "tasty list" "temp" "temp2" "temp3" "unified" "user says what is tasty" "usermul" "verify 1" "verify 2" "what is tasty" "x random test" "xor" "yes" "yes no" "yes-yeah"]
         Push $x (_77)
         Push $y (_78)
         Resetting variable $y (_78)
         Resetting variable $x (_77)
         Push _77 (_8)
         Resetting variable _77 (_8)
         Push $x (_79)
         Resetting variable $x (_79)
         Push _79 (_8)
         Resetting variable _79 (_8)
         Push $x (_80)
         Push $y (_81)
         Resetting variable $y (_81)
         Resetting variable $x (_80)
         Push _80 (_8)
         Resetting variable _80 (_8)
         Push $x (_82)
         Push $y (_83)
         Resetting variable $y (_83)
         Resetting variable $x (_82)
         Push _82 (_8)
         Resetting variable _82 (_8)
         Push $e2 (_84)
         Push $e1 (_85)
         Resetting variable $e1 (_85)
         Resetting variable $e2 (_84)
         Push _84 (_8)
         Resetting variable _84 (_8)
         Push $e (_86)
         Push $list (_87)
         Push $c (_88)
         Resetting variable $c (_88)
         Resetting variable $list (_87)
         Resetting variable $e (_86)
         Push _86 (_8)
         Push _87 ("[]"("\"1\"", "\"3\"", "\":-\"", "\":- test\"", "\"AisBisC\"", "\"DadJoke001\"", "\"DadJoke002\"", "\"DadJoke003\"", "\"HK\"", "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "\"OneToTen\"", "\"PennyNickel\"", "\"YisX\"", "\"addition\"", "\"and\"", "\"and 3\"", "\"and 4\"", "\"asdf\"", "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "\"bit-bits\"", "\"blue\"", "\"brackets\"", "\"bus\"", "\"calc\"", "\"car\"", "\"computer/human\"", "\"crap\"", "\"cut test\"", "\"dad\"", "\"dang\"", "\"division\"", "\"double tasty test\"", "\"eq\"", "\"eq test\"", "\"eq test 2\"", "\"eval test squaring\"", "\"find yes\"", "\"first sentence\"", "\"foot-feet\"", "\"forall_impl\"", "\"forceEval\"", "\"good morning\"", "\"greatest\"", "\"guns\"", "\"human/computer\"", "\"ice cream\"", "\"if-user-says\"", "\"in list\"", "\"inch-inches\"", "\"is a theory\"", "\"is a, has a\"", "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "\"is in list\"", "\"is-is-not\"", "\"isLeaf\"", "\"iter\"", "\"lasagna\"", "\"lenny\"", "\"list comp\"", "\"list fillers\"", "\"lolol\"", "\"mark\"", "\"mrshutco\"", "\"multiplication\"", "\"next\"", "\"not\"", "\"not test 1\"", "\"not test 2\"", "\"not v1\"", "\"number of theories\"", "\"number of theories 2\"", "\"onetwo\"", "\"or\"", "\"red\"", "\"simpler syntax test\"", "\"smartmul\"", "\"subtraction\"", "\"tasty list\"", "\"temp\"", "\"temp2\"", "\"temp3\"", "\"unified\"", "\"user says what is tasty\"", "\"usermul\"", "\"verify 1\"", "\"verify 2\"", "\"what is tasty\"", "\"x random test\"", "\"xor\"", "\"yes\"", "\"yes no\"", "\"yes-yeah\""))
       Got clause: _86 is in list _87
         Clause unifies to: _8 is in list ["1" "3" ":-" ":- test" "AisBisC" "DadJoke001" "DadJoke002" "DadJoke003" "HK" "IndexOfSentence" "Lasagna AI 1" "OneToTen" "PennyNickel" "YisX" "addition" "and" "and 3" "and 4" "asdf" "bgrgndzmul" "bit-bits" "blue" "brackets" "bus" "calc" "car" "computer/human" "crap" "cut test" "dad" "dang" "division" "double tasty test" "eq" "eq test" "eq test 2" "eval test squaring" "find yes" "first sentence" "foot-feet" "forall_impl" "forceEval" "good morning" "greatest" "guns" "human/computer" "ice cream" "if-user-says" "in list" "inch-inches" "is a theory" "is a, has a" "is a, has a (NL)" "is in list" "is-is-not" "isLeaf" "iter" "lasagna" "lenny" "list comp" "list fillers" "lolol" "mark" "mrshutco" "multiplication" "next" "not" "not test 1" "not test 2" "not v1" "number of theories" "number of theories 2" "onetwo" "or" "red" "simpler syntax test" "smartmul" "subtraction" "tasty list" "temp" "temp2" "temp3" "unified" "user says what is tasty" "usermul" "verify 1" "verify 2" "what is tasty" "x random test" "xor" "yes" "yes no" "yes-yeah"]
         gdash: _88 = tocons (["1" "3" ":-" ":- test" "AisBisC" "DadJoke001" "DadJoke002" "DadJoke003" "HK" "IndexOfSentence" "Lasagna AI 1" "OneToTen" "PennyNickel" "YisX" "addition" "and" "and 3" "and 4" "asdf" "bgrgndzmul" "bit-bits" "blue" "brackets" "bus" "calc" "car" "computer/human" "crap" "cut test" "dad" "dang" "division" "double tasty test" "eq" "eq test" "eq test 2" "eval test squaring" "find yes" "first sentence" "foot-feet" "forall_impl" "forceEval" "good morning" "greatest" "guns" "human/computer" "ice cream" "if-user-says" "in list" "inch-inches" "is a theory" "is a, has a" "is a, has a (NL)" "is in list" "is-is-not" "isLeaf" "iter" "lasagna" "lenny" "list comp" "list fillers" "lolol" "mark" "mrshutco" "multiplication" "next" "not" "not test 1" "not test 2" "not v1" "number of theories" "number of theories 2" "onetwo" "or" "red" "simpler syntax test" "smartmul" "subtraction" "tasty list" "temp" "temp2" "temp3" "unified" "user says what is tasty" "usermul" "verify 1" "verify 2" "what is tasty" "x random test" "xor" "yes" "yes no" "yes-yeah"])
       Goal arity 4: _88 = tocons (["1" "3" ":-" ":- test" "AisBisC" "DadJoke001" "DadJoke002" "DadJoke003" "HK" "IndexOfSentence" "Lasagna AI 1" "OneToTen" "PennyNickel" "YisX" "addition" "and" "and 3" "and 4" "asdf" "bgrgndzmul" "bit-bits" "blue" "brackets" "bus" "calc" "car" "computer/human" "crap" "cut test" "dad" "dang" "division" "double tasty test" "eq" "eq test" "eq test 2" "eval test squaring" "find yes" "first sentence" "foot-feet" "forall_impl" "forceEval" "good morning" "greatest" "guns" "human/computer" "ice cream" "if-user-says" "in list" "inch-inches" "is a theory" "is a, has a" "is a, has a (NL)" "is in list" "is-is-not" "isLeaf" "iter" "lasagna" "lenny" "list comp" "list fillers" "lolol" "mark" "mrshutco" "multiplication" "next" "not" "not test 1" "not test 2" "not v1" "number of theories" "number of theories 2" "onetwo" "or" "red" "simpler syntax test" "smartmul" "subtraction" "tasty list" "temp" "temp2" "temp3" "unified" "user says what is tasty" "usermul" "verify 1" "verify 2" "what is tasty" "x random test" "xor" "yes" "yes no" "yes-yeah"])
          Push $x (_89)
          Resetting variable $x (_89)
          Push _89 (_88)
          Resetting variable _89 (_88)
          Push $x (_90)
          Push $collector (_91)
          Resetting variable $collector (_91)
          Resetting variable $x (_90)
          Push _90 (_88)
          Resetting variable _90 (_88)
          Push $a (_92)
          Push $x (_93)
          Push $y (_94)
          Resetting variable $y (_94)
          Resetting variable $x (_93)
          Resetting variable $a (_92)
          Push _92 (_88)
          Resetting variable _92 (_88)
          Push $a (_95)
          Push $x (_96)
          Push $y (_97)
          Resetting variable $y (_97)
          Resetting variable $x (_96)
          Resetting variable $a (_95)
          Push _95 (_88)
          Resetting variable _95 (_88)
          Push $a (_98)
          Push $x (_99)
          Push $y (_100)
          Resetting variable $y (_100)
          Resetting variable $x (_99)
          Resetting variable $a (_98)
          Push _98 (_88)
          Resetting variable _98 (_88)
          Push $a (_101)
          Push $x (_102)
          Push $y (_103)
          Resetting variable $y (_103)
          Resetting variable $x (_102)
          Resetting variable $a (_101)
          Push _101 (_88)
          Resetting variable _101 (_88)
          Push $x (_104)
          Push $y (_105)
          Resetting variable $y (_105)
          Resetting variable $x (_104)
          Push _104 (_88)
          Push _105 ("[]"("\"1\"", "\"3\"", "\":-\"", "\":- test\"", "\"AisBisC\"", "\"DadJoke001\"", "\"DadJoke002\"", "\"DadJoke003\"", "\"HK\"", "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "\"OneToTen\"", "\"PennyNickel\"", "\"YisX\"", "\"addition\"", "\"and\"", "\"and 3\"", "\"and 4\"", "\"asdf\"", "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "\"bit-bits\"", "\"blue\"", "\"brackets\"", "\"bus\"", "\"calc\"", "\"car\"", "\"computer/human\"", "\"crap\"", "\"cut test\"", "\"dad\"", "\"dang\"", "\"division\"", "\"double tasty test\"", "\"eq\"", "\"eq test\"", "\"eq test 2\"", "\"eval test squaring\"", "\"find yes\"", "\"first sentence\"", "\"foot-feet\"", "\"forall_impl\"", "\"forceEval\"", "\"good morning\"", "\"greatest\"", "\"guns\"", "\"human/computer\"", "\"ice cream\"", "\"if-user-says\"", "\"in list\"", "\"inch-inches\"", "\"is a theory\"", "\"is a, has a\"", "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "\"is in list\"", "\"is-is-not\"", "\"isLeaf\"", "\"iter\"", "\"lasagna\"", "\"lenny\"", "\"list comp\"", "\"list fillers\"", "\"lolol\"", "\"mark\"", "\"mrshutco\"", "\"multiplication\"", "\"next\"", "\"not\"", "\"not test 1\"", "\"not test 2\"", "\"not v1\"", "\"number of theories\"", "\"number of theories 2\"", "\"onetwo\"", "\"or\"", "\"red\"", "\"simpler syntax test\"", "\"smartmul\"", "\"subtraction\"", "\"tasty list\"", "\"temp\"", "\"temp2\"", "\"temp3\"", "\"unified\"", "\"user says what is tasty\"", "\"usermul\"", "\"verify 1\"", "\"verify 2\"", "\"what is tasty\"", "\"x random test\"", "\"xor\"", "\"yes\"", "\"yes no\"", "\"yes-yeah\""))
        Got clause: _104 = tocons (_105)
          Clause unifies to: _88 = tocons (["1" "3" ":-" ":- test" "AisBisC" "DadJoke001" "DadJoke002" "DadJoke003" "HK" "IndexOfSentence" "Lasagna AI 1" "OneToTen" "PennyNickel" "YisX" "addition" "and" "and 3" "and 4" "asdf" "bgrgndzmul" "bit-bits" "blue" "brackets" "bus" "calc" "car" "computer/human" "crap" "cut test" "dad" "dang" "division" "double tasty test" "eq" "eq test" "eq test 2" "eval test squaring" "find yes" "first sentence" "foot-feet" "forall_impl" "forceEval" "good morning" "greatest" "guns" "human/computer" "ice cream" "if-user-says" "in list" "inch-inches" "is a theory" "is a, has a" "is a, has a (NL)" "is in list" "is-is-not" "isLeaf" "iter" "lasagna" "lenny" "list comp" "list fillers" "lolol" "mark" "mrshutco" "multiplication" "next" "not" "not test 1" "not test 2" "not v1" "number of theories" "number of theories 2" "onetwo" "or" "red" "simpler syntax test" "smartmul" "subtraction" "tasty list" "temp" "temp2" "temp3" "unified" "user says what is tasty" "usermul" "verify 1" "verify 2" "what is tasty" "x random test" "xor" "yes" "yes no" "yes-yeah"])
         Clause is native.
          Push _88 ("[]"(cons, "\"1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"3\"", "[]"(cons, "\":-\"", "[]"(cons, "\":- test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"AisBisC\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
          gdash: _8 = iter [cons "1" [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
        Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "1" [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
           Push $x (_106)
           Resetting variable $x (_106)
           Push _106 (_8)
           Resetting variable _106 (_8)
           Push $x (_107)
           Push $collector (_108)
           Resetting variable $collector (_108)
           Resetting variable $x (_107)
           Push _107 (_8)
           Resetting variable _107 (_8)
           Push $a (_109)
           Push $x (_110)
           Push $y (_111)
           Resetting variable $y (_111)
           Resetting variable $x (_110)
           Resetting variable $a (_109)
           Push _109 (_8)
           Resetting variable _109 (_8)
           Push $a (_112)
           Push $x (_113)
           Push $y (_114)
           Resetting variable $y (_114)
           Resetting variable $x (_113)
           Resetting variable $a (_112)
           Push _112 (_8)
           Resetting variable _112 (_8)
           Push $a (_115)
           Push $x (_116)
           Push $y (_117)
           Resetting variable $y (_117)
           Resetting variable $x (_116)
           Resetting variable $a (_115)
           Push _115 (_8)
           Resetting variable _115 (_8)
           Push $a (_118)
           Push $x (_119)
           Push $y (_120)
           Resetting variable $y (_120)
           Resetting variable $x (_119)
           Resetting variable $a (_118)
           Push _118 (_8)
           Resetting variable _118 (_8)
           Push $x (_121)
           Push $y (_122)
           Resetting variable $y (_122)
           Resetting variable $x (_121)
           Push _121 (_8)
           Resetting variable _121 (_8)
           Push $x (_123)
           Push $y (_124)
           Resetting variable $y (_124)
           Resetting variable $x (_123)
           Push _123 (_8)
           Resetting variable _123 (_8)
           Push _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(true)))
           Resetting variable _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(true)))
           Push _8 (mrshutco)
           Resetting variable _8 (mrshutco)
           Push _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(false)))
           Resetting variable _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(false)))
           Push $head (_125)
           Push $tail (_126)
           Resetting variable $tail (_126)
           Resetting variable $head (_125)
           Push _125 (_8)
           Push _8 ("\"1\"")
           Push _126 ("[]"(cons, "\"3\"", "[]"(cons, "\":-\"", "[]"(cons, "\":- test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"AisBisC\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
         Got clause: _125 = iter [cons _125 _126]
           Clause unifies to: "1" = iter [cons "1" [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
           gdash: head yes exists in theory "1"
         Goal arity 6: head yes exists in theory "1"
            Push $h (_127)
            Push $t (_128)
            Resetting variable $t (_128)
            Resetting variable $h (_127)
            Push _127 (yes)
            Push _128 ("\"1\"")
          Got clause: head _127 exists in theory _128
            Clause unifies to: head yes exists in theory "1"
           Clause is native.
          Native clause fails
            Resetting variable _128 ("\"1\"")
            Resetting variable _127 (yes)
            Push $x (_129)
            Push $i (_130)
            Push $y (_131)
            Resetting variable $y (_131)
            Resetting variable $i (_130)
            Resetting variable $x (_129)
            Push _129 (head)
            Resetting variable _129 (head)
           Resetting variable _126 ("[]"(cons, "\"3\"", "[]"(cons, "\":-\"", "[]"(cons, "\":- test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"AisBisC\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
           Resetting variable _8 ("\"1\"")
           Resetting variable _125 (_8)
           Push $x (_132)
           Push $head (_133)
           Push $tail (_134)
           Resetting variable $tail (_134)
           Resetting variable $head (_133)
           Resetting variable $x (_132)
           Push _132 (_8)
           Push _133 ("\"1\"")
           Push _134 ("[]"(cons, "\"3\"", "[]"(cons, "\":-\"", "[]"(cons, "\":- test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"AisBisC\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
         Got clause: _132 = iter [cons _133 _134]
           Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "1" [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
           gdash: _8 = iter [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
         Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
            Push $x (_135)
            Resetting variable $x (_135)
            Push _135 (_8)
            Resetting variable _135 (_8)
            Push $x (_136)
            Push $collector (_137)
            Resetting variable $collector (_137)
            Resetting variable $x (_136)
            Push _136 (_8)
            Resetting variable _136 (_8)
            Push $a (_138)
            Push $x (_139)
            Push $y (_140)
            Resetting variable $y (_140)
            Resetting variable $x (_139)
            Resetting variable $a (_138)
            Push _138 (_8)
            Resetting variable _138 (_8)
            Push $a (_141)
            Push $x (_142)
            Push $y (_143)
            Resetting variable $y (_143)
            Resetting variable $x (_142)
            Resetting variable $a (_141)
            Push _141 (_8)
            Resetting variable _141 (_8)
            Push $a (_144)
            Push $x (_145)
            Push $y (_146)
            Resetting variable $y (_146)
            Resetting variable $x (_145)
            Resetting variable $a (_144)
            Push _144 (_8)
            Resetting variable _144 (_8)
            Push $a (_147)
            Push $x (_148)
            Push $y (_149)
            Resetting variable $y (_149)
            Resetting variable $x (_148)
            Resetting variable $a (_147)
            Push _147 (_8)
            Resetting variable _147 (_8)
            Push $x (_150)
            Push $y (_151)
            Resetting variable $y (_151)
            Resetting variable $x (_150)
            Push _150 (_8)
            Resetting variable _150 (_8)
            Push $x (_152)
            Push $y (_153)
            Resetting variable $y (_153)
            Resetting variable $x (_152)
            Push _152 (_8)
            Resetting variable _152 (_8)
            Push _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(true)))
            Resetting variable _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(true)))
            Push _8 (mrshutco)
            Resetting variable _8 (mrshutco)
            Push _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(false)))
            Resetting variable _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(false)))
            Push $head (_154)
            Push $tail (_155)
            Resetting variable $tail (_155)
            Resetting variable $head (_154)
            Push _154 (_8)
            Push _8 ("\"3\"")
            Push _155 ("[]"(cons, "\":-\"", "[]"(cons, "\":- test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"AisBisC\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
          Got clause: _154 = iter [cons _154 _155]
            Clause unifies to: "3" = iter [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
            gdash: head yes exists in theory "3"
          Goal arity 6: head yes exists in theory "3"
             Push $h (_156)
             Push $t (_157)
             Resetting variable $t (_157)
             Resetting variable $h (_156)
             Push _156 (yes)
             Push _157 ("\"3\"")
           Got clause: head _156 exists in theory _157
             Clause unifies to: head yes exists in theory "3"
            Clause is native.
           Native clause fails
             Resetting variable _157 ("\"3\"")
             Resetting variable _156 (yes)
             Push $x (_158)
             Push $i (_159)
             Push $y (_160)
             Resetting variable $y (_160)
             Resetting variable $i (_159)
             Resetting variable $x (_158)
             Push _158 (head)
             Resetting variable _158 (head)
            Resetting variable _155 ("[]"(cons, "\":-\"", "[]"(cons, "\":- test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"AisBisC\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
            Resetting variable _8 ("\"3\"")
            Resetting variable _154 (_8)
            Push $x (_161)
            Push $head (_162)
            Push $tail (_163)
            Resetting variable $tail (_163)
            Resetting variable $head (_162)
            Resetting variable $x (_161)
            Push _161 (_8)
            Push _162 ("\"3\"")
            Push _163 ("[]"(cons, "\":-\"", "[]"(cons, "\":- test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"AisBisC\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
          Got clause: _161 = iter [cons _162 _163]
            Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "3" [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
            gdash: _8 = iter [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
          Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
             Push $x (_164)
             Resetting variable $x (_164)
             Push _164 (_8)
             Resetting variable _164 (_8)
             Push $x (_165)
             Push $collector (_166)
             Resetting variable $collector (_166)
             Resetting variable $x (_165)
             Push _165 (_8)
             Resetting variable _165 (_8)
             Push $a (_167)
             Push $x (_168)
             Push $y (_169)
             Resetting variable $y (_169)
             Resetting variable $x (_168)
             Resetting variable $a (_167)
             Push _167 (_8)
             Resetting variable _167 (_8)
             Push $a (_170)
             Push $x (_171)
             Push $y (_172)
             Resetting variable $y (_172)
             Resetting variable $x (_171)
             Resetting variable $a (_170)
             Push _170 (_8)
             Resetting variable _170 (_8)
             Push $a (_173)
             Push $x (_174)
             Push $y (_175)
             Resetting variable $y (_175)
             Resetting variable $x (_174)
             Resetting variable $a (_173)
             Push _173 (_8)
             Resetting variable _173 (_8)
             Push $a (_176)
             Push $x (_177)
             Push $y (_178)
             Resetting variable $y (_178)
             Resetting variable $x (_177)
             Resetting variable $a (_176)
             Push _176 (_8)
             Resetting variable _176 (_8)
             Push $x (_179)
             Push $y (_180)
             Resetting variable $y (_180)
             Resetting variable $x (_179)
             Push _179 (_8)
             Resetting variable _179 (_8)
             Push $x (_181)
             Push $y (_182)
             Resetting variable $y (_182)
             Resetting variable $x (_181)
             Push _181 (_8)
             Resetting variable _181 (_8)
             Push _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(true)))
             Resetting variable _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(true)))
             Push _8 (mrshutco)
             Resetting variable _8 (mrshutco)
             Push _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(false)))
             Resetting variable _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(false)))
             Push $head (_183)
             Push $tail (_184)
             Resetting variable $tail (_184)
             Resetting variable $head (_183)
             Push _183 (_8)
             Push _8 ("\":-\"")
             Push _184 ("[]"(cons, "\":- test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"AisBisC\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
           Got clause: _183 = iter [cons _183 _184]
             Clause unifies to: ":-" = iter [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
             gdash: head yes exists in theory ":-"
           Goal arity 6: head yes exists in theory ":-"
              Push $h (_185)
              Push $t (_186)
              Resetting variable $t (_186)
              Resetting variable $h (_185)
              Push _185 (yes)
              Push _186 ("\":-\"")
            Got clause: head _185 exists in theory _186
              Clause unifies to: head yes exists in theory ":-"
             Clause is native.
            Native clause fails
              Resetting variable _186 ("\":-\"")
              Resetting variable _185 (yes)
              Push $x (_187)
              Push $i (_188)
              Push $y (_189)
              Resetting variable $y (_189)
              Resetting variable $i (_188)
              Resetting variable $x (_187)
              Push _187 (head)
              Resetting variable _187 (head)
             Resetting variable _184 ("[]"(cons, "\":- test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"AisBisC\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
             Resetting variable _8 ("\":-\"")
             Resetting variable _183 (_8)
             Push $x (_190)
             Push $head (_191)
             Push $tail (_192)
             Resetting variable $tail (_192)
             Resetting variable $head (_191)
             Resetting variable $x (_190)
             Push _190 (_8)
             Push _191 ("\":-\"")
             Push _192 ("[]"(cons, "\":- test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"AisBisC\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
           Got clause: _190 = iter [cons _191 _192]
             Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons ":-" [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
             gdash: _8 = iter [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
           Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
              Push $x (_193)
              Resetting variable $x (_193)
              Push _193 (_8)
              Resetting variable _193 (_8)
              Push $x (_194)
              Push $collector (_195)
              Resetting variable $collector (_195)
              Resetting variable $x (_194)
              Push _194 (_8)
              Resetting variable _194 (_8)
              Push $a (_196)
              Push $x (_197)
              Push $y (_198)
              Resetting variable $y (_198)
              Resetting variable $x (_197)
              Resetting variable $a (_196)
              Push _196 (_8)
              Resetting variable _196 (_8)
              Push $a (_199)
              Push $x (_200)
              Push $y (_201)
              Resetting variable $y (_201)
              Resetting variable $x (_200)
              Resetting variable $a (_199)
              Push _199 (_8)
              Resetting variable _199 (_8)
              Push $a (_202)
              Push $x (_203)
              Push $y (_204)
              Resetting variable $y (_204)
              Resetting variable $x (_203)
              Resetting variable $a (_202)
              Push _202 (_8)
              Resetting variable _202 (_8)
              Push $a (_205)
              Push $x (_206)
              Push $y (_207)
              Resetting variable $y (_207)
              Resetting variable $x (_206)
              Resetting variable $a (_205)
              Push _205 (_8)
              Resetting variable _205 (_8)
              Push $x (_208)
              Push $y (_209)
              Resetting variable $y (_209)
              Resetting variable $x (_208)
              Push _208 (_8)
              Resetting variable _208 (_8)
              Push $x (_210)
              Push $y (_211)
              Resetting variable $y (_211)
              Resetting variable $x (_210)
              Push _210 (_8)
              Resetting variable _210 (_8)
              Push _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(true)))
              Resetting variable _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(true)))
              Push _8 (mrshutco)
              Resetting variable _8 (mrshutco)
              Push _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(false)))
              Resetting variable _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(false)))
              Push $head (_212)
              Push $tail (_213)
              Resetting variable $tail (_213)
              Resetting variable $head (_212)
              Push _212 (_8)
              Push _8 ("\":- test\"")
              Push _213 ("[]"(cons, "\"AisBisC\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
            Got clause: _212 = iter [cons _212 _213]
              Clause unifies to: ":- test" = iter [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
              gdash: head yes exists in theory ":- test"
            Goal arity 6: head yes exists in theory ":- test"
               Push $h (_214)
               Push $t (_215)
               Resetting variable $t (_215)
               Resetting variable $h (_214)
               Push _214 (yes)
               Push _215 ("\":- test\"")
             Got clause: head _214 exists in theory _215
               Clause unifies to: head yes exists in theory ":- test"
              Clause is native.
             Native clause fails
               Resetting variable _215 ("\":- test\"")
               Resetting variable _214 (yes)
               Push $x (_216)
               Push $i (_217)
               Push $y (_218)
               Resetting variable $y (_218)
               Resetting variable $i (_217)
               Resetting variable $x (_216)
               Push _216 (head)
               Resetting variable _216 (head)
              Resetting variable _213 ("[]"(cons, "\"AisBisC\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
              Resetting variable _8 ("\":- test\"")
              Resetting variable _212 (_8)
              Push $x (_219)
              Push $head (_220)
              Push $tail (_221)
              Resetting variable $tail (_221)
              Resetting variable $head (_220)
              Resetting variable $x (_219)
              Push _219 (_8)
              Push _220 ("\":- test\"")
              Push _221 ("[]"(cons, "\"AisBisC\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
            Got clause: _219 = iter [cons _220 _221]
              Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons ":- test" [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
              gdash: _8 = iter [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
            Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
               Push $x (_222)
               Resetting variable $x (_222)
               Push _222 (_8)
               Resetting variable _222 (_8)
               Push $x (_223)
               Push $collector (_224)
               Resetting variable $collector (_224)
               Resetting variable $x (_223)
               Push _223 (_8)
               Resetting variable _223 (_8)
               Push $a (_225)
               Push $x (_226)
               Push $y (_227)
               Resetting variable $y (_227)
               Resetting variable $x (_226)
               Resetting variable $a (_225)
               Push _225 (_8)
               Resetting variable _225 (_8)
               Push $a (_228)
               Push $x (_229)
               Push $y (_230)
               Resetting variable $y (_230)
               Resetting variable $x (_229)
               Resetting variable $a (_228)
               Push _228 (_8)
               Resetting variable _228 (_8)
               Push $a (_231)
               Push $x (_232)
               Push $y (_233)
               Resetting variable $y (_233)
               Resetting variable $x (_232)
               Resetting variable $a (_231)
               Push _231 (_8)
               Resetting variable _231 (_8)
               Push $a (_234)
               Push $x (_235)
               Push $y (_236)
               Resetting variable $y (_236)
               Resetting variable $x (_235)
               Resetting variable $a (_234)
               Push _234 (_8)
               Resetting variable _234 (_8)
               Push $x (_237)
               Push $y (_238)
               Resetting variable $y (_238)
               Resetting variable $x (_237)
               Push _237 (_8)
               Resetting variable _237 (_8)
               Push $x (_239)
               Push $y (_240)
               Resetting variable $y (_240)
               Resetting variable $x (_239)
               Push _239 (_8)
               Resetting variable _239 (_8)
               Push _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(true)))
               Resetting variable _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(true)))
               Push _8 (mrshutco)
               Resetting variable _8 (mrshutco)
               Push _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(false)))
               Resetting variable _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(false)))
               Push $head (_241)
               Push $tail (_242)
               Resetting variable $tail (_242)
               Resetting variable $head (_241)
               Push _241 (_8)
               Push _8 ("\"AisBisC\"")
               Push _242 ("[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
             Got clause: _241 = iter [cons _241 _242]
               Clause unifies to: "AisBisC" = iter [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
               gdash: head yes exists in theory "AisBisC"
             Goal arity 6: head yes exists in theory "AisBisC"
                Push $h (_243)
                Push $t (_244)
                Resetting variable $t (_244)
                Resetting variable $h (_243)
                Push _243 (yes)
                Push _244 ("\"AisBisC\"")
              Got clause: head _243 exists in theory _244
                Clause unifies to: head yes exists in theory "AisBisC"
               Clause is native.
              Native clause fails
                Resetting variable _244 ("\"AisBisC\"")
                Resetting variable _243 (yes)
                Push $x (_245)
                Push $i (_246)
                Push $y (_247)
                Resetting variable $y (_247)
                Resetting variable $i (_246)
                Resetting variable $x (_245)
                Push _245 (head)
                Resetting variable _245 (head)
               Resetting variable _242 ("[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
               Resetting variable _8 ("\"AisBisC\"")
               Resetting variable _241 (_8)
               Push $x (_248)
               Push $head (_249)
               Push $tail (_250)
               Resetting variable $tail (_250)
               Resetting variable $head (_249)
               Resetting variable $x (_248)
               Push _248 (_8)
               Push _249 ("\"AisBisC\"")
               Push _250 ("[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke001\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
             Got clause: _248 = iter [cons _249 _250]
               Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "AisBisC" [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
               gdash: _8 = iter [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
             Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                Push $x (_251)
                Resetting variable $x (_251)
                Push _251 (_8)
                Resetting variable _251 (_8)
                Push $x (_252)
                Push $collector (_253)
                Resetting variable $collector (_253)
                Resetting variable $x (_252)
                Push _252 (_8)
                Resetting variable _252 (_8)
                Push $a (_254)
                Push $x (_255)
                Push $y (_256)
                Resetting variable $y (_256)
                Resetting variable $x (_255)
                Resetting variable $a (_254)
                Push _254 (_8)
                Resetting variable _254 (_8)
                Push $a (_257)
                Push $x (_258)
                Push $y (_259)
                Resetting variable $y (_259)
                Resetting variable $x (_258)
                Resetting variable $a (_257)
                Push _257 (_8)
                Resetting variable _257 (_8)
                Push $a (_260)
                Push $x (_261)
                Push $y (_262)
                Resetting variable $y (_262)
                Resetting variable $x (_261)
                Resetting variable $a (_260)
                Push _260 (_8)
                Resetting variable _260 (_8)
                Push $a (_263)
                Push $x (_264)
                Push $y (_265)
                Resetting variable $y (_265)
                Resetting variable $x (_264)
                Resetting variable $a (_263)
                Push _263 (_8)
                Resetting variable _263 (_8)
                Push $x (_266)
                Push $y (_267)
                Resetting variable $y (_267)
                Resetting variable $x (_266)
                Push _266 (_8)
                Resetting variable _266 (_8)
                Push $x (_268)
                Push $y (_269)
                Resetting variable $y (_269)
                Resetting variable $x (_268)
                Push _268 (_8)
                Resetting variable _268 (_8)
                Push _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(true)))
                Resetting variable _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(true)))
                Push _8 (mrshutco)
                Resetting variable _8 (mrshutco)
                Push _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(false)))
                Resetting variable _8 ("[]"(not, "()"(false)))
                Push $head (_270)
                Push $tail (_271)
                Resetting variable $tail (_271)
                Resetting variable $head (_270)
                Push _270 (_8)
                Push _8 ("\"DadJoke001\"")
                Push _271 ("[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
              Got clause: _270 = iter [cons _270 _271]
                Clause unifies to: "DadJoke001" = iter [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                gdash: head yes exists in theory "DadJoke001"
              Goal arity 6: head yes exists in theory "DadJoke001"
                 Push $h (_272)
                 Push $t (_273)
                 Resetting variable $t (_273)
                 Resetting variable $h (_272)
                 Push _272 (yes)
                 Push _273 ("\"DadJoke001\"")
               Got clause: head _272 exists in theory _273
                 Clause unifies to: head yes exists in theory "DadJoke001"
                Clause is native.
               Native clause fails
                 Resetting variable _273 ("\"DadJoke001\"")
                 Resetting variable _272 (yes)
                 Push $x (_274)
                 Push $i (_275)
                 Push $y (_276)
                 Resetting variable $y (_276)
                 Resetting variable $i (_275)
                 Resetting variable $x (_274)
                 Push _274 (head)
                 Resetting variable _274 (head)
                Resetting variable _271 ("[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
                Resetting variable _8 ("\"DadJoke001\"")
                Resetting variable _270 (_8)
                Push $x (_277)
                Push $head (_278)
                Push $tail (_279)
                Resetting variable $tail (_279)
                Resetting variable $head (_278)
                Resetting variable $x (_277)
                Push _277 (_8)
                Push _278 ("\"DadJoke001\"")
                Push _279 ("[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke002\"", "[]"(cons, "\"DadJoke003\"", "[]"(cons, "\"HK\"", "[]"(cons, "\"IndexOfSentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"Lasagna AI 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"OneToTen\"", "[]"(cons, "\"PennyNickel\"", "[]"(cons, "\"YisX\"", "[]"(cons, "\"addition\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"and 4\"", "[]"(cons, "\"asdf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bgrgndzmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bit-bits\"", "[]"(cons, "\"blue\"", "[]"(cons, "\"brackets\"", "[]"(cons, "\"bus\"", "[]"(cons, "\"calc\"", "[]"(cons, "\"car\"", "[]"(cons, "\"computer/human\"", "[]"(cons, "\"crap\"", "[]"(cons, "\"cut test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dad\"", "[]"(cons, "\"dang\"", "[]"(cons, "\"division\"", "[]"(cons, "\"double tasty test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eq test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"eval test squaring\"", "[]"(cons, "\"find yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"first sentence\"", "[]"(cons, "\"foot-feet\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forall_impl\"", "[]"(cons, "\"forceEval\"", "[]"(cons, "\"good morning\"", "[]"(cons, "\"greatest\"", "[]"(cons, "\"guns\"", "[]"(cons, "\"human/computer\"", "[]"(cons, "\"ice cream\"", "[]"(cons, "\"if-user-says\"", "[]"(cons, "\"in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"inch-inches\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a theory\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is a, has a (NL)\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is in list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"is-is-not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"isLeaf\"", "[]"(cons, "\"iter\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lasagna\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lenny\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list comp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"list fillers\"", "[]"(cons, "\"lolol\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mark\"", "[]"(cons, "\"mrshutco\"", "[]"(cons, "\"multiplication\"", "[]"(cons, "\"next\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not test 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"not v1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories\"", "[]"(cons, "\"number of theories 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"onetwo\"", "[]"(cons, "\"or\"", "[]"(cons, "\"red\"", "[]"(cons, "\"simpler syntax test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"smartmul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"subtraction\"", "[]"(cons, "\"tasty list\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"temp3\"", "[]"(cons, "\"unified\"", "[]"(cons, "\"user says what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"usermul\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 1\"", "[]"(cons, "\"verify 2\"", "[]"(cons, "\"what is tasty\"", "[]"(cons, "\"x random test\"", "[]"(cons, "\"xor\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes no\"", "[]"(cons, "\"yes-yeah\"", end))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
              Got clause: _277 = iter [cons _278 _279]
                Clause unifies to: _8 = iter [cons "DadJoke001" [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                gdash: _8 = iter [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
              Goal arity 4: _8 = iter [cons "DadJoke002" [cons "DadJoke003" [cons "HK" [cons "IndexOfSentence" [cons "Lasagna AI 1" [cons "OneToTen" [cons "PennyNickel" [cons "YisX" [cons "addition" [cons "and" [cons "and 3" [cons "and 4" [cons "asdf" [cons "bgrgndzmul" [cons "bit-bits" [cons "blue" [cons "brackets" [cons "bus" [cons "calc" [cons "car" [cons "computer/human" [cons "crap" [cons "cut test" [cons "dad" [cons "dang" [cons "division" [cons "double tasty test" [cons "eq" [cons "eq test" [cons "eq test 2" [cons "eval test squaring" [cons "find yes" [cons "first sentence" [cons "foot-feet" [cons "forall_impl" [cons "forceEval" [cons "good morning" [cons "greatest" [cons "guns" [cons "human/computer" [cons "ice cream" [cons "if-user-says" [cons "in list" [cons "inch-inches" [cons "is a theory" [cons "is a, has a" [cons "is a, has a (NL)" [cons "is in list" [cons "is-is-not" [cons "isLeaf" [cons "iter" [cons "lasagna" [cons "lenny" [cons "list comp" [cons "list fillers" [cons "lolol" [cons "mark" [cons "mrshutco" [cons "multiplication" [cons "next" [cons "not" [cons "not test 1" [cons "not test 2" [cons "not v1" [cons "number of theories" [cons "number of theories 2" [cons "onetwo" [cons "or" [cons "red" [cons "simpler syntax test" [cons "smartmul" [cons "subtraction" [cons "tasty list" [cons "temp" [cons "temp2" [cons "temp3" [cons "unified" [cons "user says what is tasty" [cons "usermul" [cons "verify 1" [cons "verify 2" [cons "what is tasty" [cons "x random test" [cons "xor" [cons "yes" [cons "yes no" [cons "yes-yeah" end]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                 Push $x (_280)
                 Resetting variable $x (_280)
                 Push _280 (_8)
                 Resetting variable _280 (_8)
                 Push $x (_281)
                 Push $collector (_282)
                 Resetting variable $collector (_282)
                 Resetting variable $x (_281)
                 Push _281 (_8)
                 Resetting variable _281 (_8)
[Log overflow]```
[done] 602 ms

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Snippet ID: #3000262
Snippet name: Answer for stefanreich (>> log theory "find yes")
Eternal ID of this version: #3000262/1
Text MD5: a6ed7c0c93b271e3996d3ac7d456c9cf
Author: someone
Type: New Tinybrain snippet
Gummipassword: eleutheria-for-user
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Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2016-03-10 02:25:20
Source code size: 139667 bytes / 1007 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 546 / 89
Referenced in: #3000382 - Answer for ferdie (>> t = 1, f = 0)
#3000383 - Answer for funkoverflow (>> t=1, f=0 okay)