Starting on goal: Prolog$Goal(car=l("[]", "say", Prolog$Var(id=0L, instance=r3))) Goal arity 2: "[]"(say, $x) nextSolution Goal: "[]"(say, $x). Got clause: "[]"(say, _1) :- "[]"(user, says, "[]"(_2, "*", _3, "*", _4)); "[]"(_1, "=", intmul, "()"("[]"(_2, ",", _3, ",", _4))) Clause unifies to: "[]"(say, $x) :- "[]"(user, says, "[]"(_2, "*", _3, "*", _4)); "[]"($x, "=", intmul, "()"("[]"(_2, ",", _3, ",", _4))) gdash: "[]"(user, says, "[]"(_2, "*", _3, "*", _4)); "[]"($x, "=", intmul, "()"("[]"(_2, ",", _3, ",", _4))) Goal arity 3: "[]"(user, says, "[]"(_2, "*", _3, "*", _4)) New goal: "[]"(user, says, "[]"(_2, "*", _3, "*", _4)); "[]"($x, "=", intmul, "()"("[]"(_2, ",", _3, ",", _4))) Goal: "[]"(user, says, "[]"(_2, "*", _3, "*", _4)); "[]"($x, "=", intmul, "()"("[]"(_2, ",", _3, ",", _4))). Got clause: "[]"(user, says, "[]"("2", "*", "3", "*", "4")) Clause unifies to: "[]"(user, says, "[]"("2", "*", "3", "*", "4")) gdash: "[]"($x, "=", intmul, "()"("[]"("2", ",", "3", ",", "4"))) Goal arity 4: "[]"($x, "=", intmul, "()"("[]"("2", ",", "3", ",", "4"))) New goal: "[]"($x, "=", intmul, "()"("[]"("2", ",", "3", ",", "4"))) Done with goal! No solution
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Travelled to 12 computer(s): aoiabmzegqzx, bhatertpkbcr, cbybwowwnfue, gwrvuhgaqvyk, ishqpsrjomds, lpdgvwnxivlt, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt
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Snippet ID: | #3000237 |
Snippet name: | Answer for god4saken (>> log) |
Eternal ID of this version: | #3000237/1 |
Text MD5: | 261e374f21f9952f583a7dfcb218a8fc |
Author: | someone |
Category: | |
Type: | New Tinybrain snippet |
Gummipassword: | eleutheria-for-user |
Uploaded from IP: | |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2016-03-06 18:17:26 |
Source code size: | 1181 bytes / 16 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 470 / 130 |
Referenced in: | #3000382 - Answer for ferdie (>> t = 1, f = 0) #3000383 - Answer for funkoverflow (>> t=1, f=0 okay) |