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< > BotCompany Repo | #3000233 // Answer for stefanreich (>> log)

New Tinybrain snippet

clause(Lisp): "[]"("[]"(not, "()"(true)), should, be, false) => null
clause(Lisp): "[]"(mrshutco, is, a, human) => [l("mrshutco *", "is"), l("a *", "human")]
clause(Lisp): "[]"("[]"(not, "()"(false)), should, be, true) => null
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, $x, and, "!", and, false, then, "[]"(not, "()"($x))) => [l("if *", "$x"), l("and *", "!"), l("and *", "false"), l("then *", l("[]", "not", l("()", "$x")))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(not, "()"($x)) => [l("not *", l("()", "$x"))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, $a, and, $b, then, "[]"($a, and, $b)) => [l("if *", "$a"), l("and *", "$b"), l("then *", l("[]", "$a", "and", "$b"))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, "[]"($c, "=", tocons, "()"($list)), and, "[]"($e, "=", iter, $c), then, "[]"($e, is, in, list, $list)) => [l("if *", l("[]", "$c", "=", "tocons", l("()", "$list"))), l("and *", l("[]", "$e", "=", "iter", "$c")), l("then *", l("[]", "$e", "is", "in", "list", "$list"))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, "[]"($x, and, "[]"(not, "()"($y))), then, "[]"($x, xor, $y)) => [l("if *", l("[]", "$x", "and", l("[]", "not", l("()", "$y")))), l("then *", l("[]", "$x", "xor", "$y"))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, "[]"("[]"(not, "()"($x)), and, $y), then, "[]"($x, xor, $y)) => [l("if *", l("[]", l("[]", "not", l("()", "$x")), "and", "$y")), l("then *", l("[]", "$x", "xor", "$y"))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(lasagna, is, tasty) => null
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, "[]"($c, "=", tocons, "()"($list)), and, "[]"($e, "=", iter, $c), then, "[]"($e, in, $c)) => [l("if *", l("[]", "$c", "=", "tocons", l("()", "$list"))), l("and *", l("[]", "$e", "=", "iter", "$c")), l("then *", l("[]", "$e", "in", "$c"))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, $a, then, "[]"($a, or, $b)) => [l("if *", "$a"), l("then *", l("[]", "$a", "or", "$b"))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, $b, then, "[]"($a, or, $b)) => [l("if *", "$b"), l("then *", l("[]", "$a", "or", "$b"))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"($head, "=", iter, "[]"(cons, $head, $tail)) => null
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, "[]"($x, "=", iter, $tail), then, "[]"($x, "=", iter, "[]"(cons, $head, $tail))) => [l("if *", l("[]", "$x", "=", "iter", "$tail")), l("then *", l("[]", "$x", "=", "iter", l("[]", "cons", "$head", "$tail")))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, $x, then, "[]"(verify, "[]"($x, should, be, true))) => [l("if *", "$x"), l("then *", l("[]", "verify", l("[]", "$x", "should", "be", "true")))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, "[]"($a, "=", intmul, "()"("[]"($b, ",", $c))), then, "[]"($a, "=", smartmul, "()"("[]"($b, ",", $c)))) => [l("if *", l("[]", "$a", "=", "intmul", l("()", l("[]", "$b", ",", "$c")))), l("then *", l("[]", "$a", "=", "smartmul", l("()", l("[]", "$b", ",", "$c"))))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, "[]"($b, "=", intdiv, "()"("[]"($a, ",", $c))), then, "[]"($a, "=", smartmul, "()"("[]"($b, ",", $c)))) => [l("if *", l("[]", "$b", "=", "intdiv", l("()", l("[]", "$a", ",", "$c")))), l("then *", l("[]", "$a", "=", "smartmul", l("()", l("[]", "$b", ",", "$c"))))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, "[]"($c, "=", intdiv, "()"("[]"($a, ",", $b))), then, "[]"($a, "=", smartmul, "()"("[]"($b, ",", $c)))) => [l("if *", l("[]", "$c", "=", "intdiv", l("()", l("[]", "$a", ",", "$b")))), l("then *", l("[]", "$a", "=", "smartmul", l("()", l("[]", "$b", ",", "$c"))))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, "[]"(not, "()"($x)), then, "[]"(verify, "[]"($x, should, be, false))) => [l("if *", l("[]", "not", l("()", "$x"))), l("then *", l("[]", "verify", l("[]", "$x", "should", "be", "false")))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(if, $x, then, "()"($x)) => [l("if *", "$x"), l("then *", l("()", "$x"))]
clause(Lisp): "[]"("\"and\"", is, a, fill, word) => null
clause(Lisp): "[]"("\",\"", is, a, fill, word) => null
clause(Lisp): "[]"(feet, is, the, plural, of, foot) => [l("feet *", "is"), l("the *", "plural"), l("of *", "foot")]
clause(Lisp): "[]"(bits, is, the, plural, of, bit) => [l("bits *", "is"), l("the *", "plural"), l("of *", "bit")]
Starting on goal: Prolog$Goal(car=l("[]", Prolog$Var(id=0L, instance=r3), "=", "tocons", l("()", "yes")))
Goal arity 4: "[]"($x, "=", tocons, "()"(yes))
No match for clause.
No match for clause.
No match for clause.
No match for clause.
  Goal: "[]"($x, "=", tocons, "()"(yes)). Trying clause: "[]"(_13, "=", tocons, "()"(_14)) :- native
  Clause unifies to: "[]"($x, "=", tocons, "()"(yes)) :- native
 Clause is native.
  gdash: null
No match for clause.
No match for clause.
No match for clause.
No match for clause.
No match for clause.
No match for clause.
No match for clause.
No match for clause.
Done with goal!
Done with goal!

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Travelled to 12 computer(s): aoiabmzegqzx, bhatertpkbcr, cbybwowwnfue, gwrvuhgaqvyk, ishqpsrjomds, lpdgvwnxivlt, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt

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Snippet ID: #3000233
Snippet name: Answer for stefanreich (>> log)
Eternal ID of this version: #3000233/1
Text MD5: ed4b607cbb1c1eaf1aba3a0519154bb8
Author: someone
Type: New Tinybrain snippet
Gummipassword: eleutheria-for-user
Uploaded from IP:
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2016-03-06 03:11:10
Source code size: 4451 bytes / 48 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 560 / 139
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