#1002072 - Conversion Bot (v2, LIVE) #1002049 - Conversion Bot (v1) #1002677 - IRC Log Bot (WORKS, with auto-reconnect) #1002676 - IRC Log Bot (dev., abandoned) #1002675 - Test PircBot (list channels - may return a HUGE list!) #1002674 - Test PircBot with responding to messages #1002673 - Test PircBot (just connect) #1002669 - Dialog Network Action Bot (dev.) #1002660 - Join Slack Bot (dev.) #1002651 - Android: Try to start the JavaX service and add a web chat bot to it #1002647 - Slack Bot Include (dynamic channels, dev.) #1002643 - Get Bot Homepage Bot #1002638 - Web Log Bot (Web) #1002626 - Sister Bot #1002624 - returnImage - return an image from bot #1002614 - Slack RTM Bot #1002609 - splash page + talk to bot #1002606 - IPs Bot #1002600 - List Other Bots Bot #1002593 - callBot - reflectively call function of a bot - synonym of callOtherBot #1002590 - Web Auth Bot (LIVE) #1002581 - getInvolvedBots #1002577 - getSnippetTitle_overBot #1002573 - Distinct Users Bot (dev.) #1002524 - Wildcard Thesaurus Bot (LIVE) #1002505 - Greet Bot (developing) #1002503 - Our Last Dialog / Dialog ID / Dialog IDs / Dialog Size Bot #1002498 - Combiner Bot (developing) - combines answers from different bots #1002487 - Fump Bot - say anything just to answer when addressed #1002483 - amAddressed - is bot addressed directly? - for Eleutheria sub-bots #1002480 - Simple Thesaurus Bot (without wildcards, LIVE) #1002479 - getDialogID - for Eleutheria sub-bots #1002475 - Very New Parser Bot #1002468 - Last Dialogs Bot #1002462 - Dynamic Turing Questions Bot #1002456 - isTrustedUser - for Eleutheria sub-bots #1002442 - Bot with feedback (not implemented) - Finding the answer() function in bots (implemented) #1002437 - Show Bots' Source Code Bot #1002435 - Addressed Bot - am I addressed? #1002432 - getChannelName - for Eleutheria sub-bots #1002424 - 759 Bot (for PHP) #1002408 - Turing Test Bot #1002406 - run_overBot (hotwire_overBot and callMain) #1002405 - Bigger Word Bot #1002404 - Store messages bot (optimized) #1002402 - Timing Bot #1002401 - getDispatcher - get sub-bot dispatcher #1002387 - splash page + talk to bot #1002378 - Full History Bot (Web) #1002376 - askSelf - ask main bot #1002375 - What Is An Adjective Bot #1002374 - loadSnippetThroughBot #1002372 - New Parser Bot (parse/jparse) #1002367 - news bot #1002360 - Variables HTML Bot #1002359 - getSlackTS - for Eleutheria sub-bots #1002356 - Store messages bot #1002355 - User Name Bot (LIVE) #1002340 - Turing Test Solver Bot (FUN/CRAP/HAHA) #1002331 - Unit converter bot #1002327 - Easy reload bot #1002323 - Definition bot #1002322 - compileBot_clearCache - forget this :D #1002321 - Snippet info bot #1002317 - Sub-Bot Dispatcher (LIVE) #1002308 - Parser Bot #1002301 - Tokenizer Bot #1002276 - callOtherBot - call a function of another running bot #1002275 - getBot - get reference to another running bot #1002274 - getFromOtherBot - read a variable of another running bot #1002273 - getActualURI - for sub-bots #1002270 - getMainBot - for Eleutheria sub-bots #1002269 - getUserName - for Eleutheria sub-bots #1002268 - Slack Bot Include #1002247 - Test hotwire_overBot #1002246 - hotwire_overBot (uses compiler bot, experimental) #1002245 - Test New Compiler Bot #1002243 - Transpilation MD5 Bot (developing) #1002242 - Interest Points Bot (developing) #1002241 - Show Output Bot #1002240 - These Are Bot 2 (with deleted items) #1002238 - splash page + talk to bot #1002236 - Strings Bot #1002228 - Chess Bot (developing) #1002216 - splash page + talk to bot #1002213 - Eleutheria Homepage (with template & talk to bot) #1002203 - Compiler Bot with dedicated .jar cache (LIVE at bots.tinybrain.de) #1002174 - avg processing time bot #1002168 - User Level Bot (translated to JavaX) #1002166 - User Level Bot (C#) #1002157 - Cookie + IP-Based Double Visitor Counter Bot #1002155 - Cookie-Based Session Test Bot #1002153 - TinyBrain.de Homepage Bot (old) #1002143 - These Are Bot #1002142 - HTML Image Bot (with slogan & bottom link) #1002140 - Make bot link #1002139 - HTML Image Bot (with bottom link) #3000143 - WTF Bot (translated from dictation) #1002134 - Translate WTF Bot #1002131 - What the fuck bot Translations # 2 #1002129 - Replacements for What the fuck bot #1002105 - Cheesebase Bot (knows stuff about the "cheesebase" project) #1002093 - List All Commands Bot #1002084 - Snippet Text Bot (seems to work) #1002083 - Test Snippet MD5 Bot #1002079 - Snippet MD5 Bot (seems to work) #1002076 - Answer Through Web Bot #1002067 - Hello Robot #1002045 - LBot (developing) #1002043 - Scrape Bot - loads a web page and stores it as a snippet #1002039 - Which bot is the biggest? (buggy-ish) #1002018 - Slack Auto-Invite Bot (LIVE) #1002017 - Eleutheria Main, including Slack Bot (LIVE) #1001994 - Look Up Standard Function Bot #1001991 - HTML Bot: All injections #1001977 - How to write a bot that stores information derived from user postings #1001976 - I Have Bot (developing) #1001966 - Start Snippet Title Bot #1001965 - sendToLocalBot_cached #1001964 - newFindBot #1001961 - findBot with caching of sub-bots (developing) #1001951 - Get disk space Bot, Uptime, Memory, VM Args, System Properties #1001945 - Add/Minus/Mul/Div/Pot Bot (with wrong precedence ^^) #1001943 - Add Bot #1001937 - Echo Bot ("please say ...") #1001934 - Test channels.history on Slack (reading chat contents of nlbots/#talkingbots) #1001925 - Slack Bot! (nlbots.slack.com, #talkingbots) #1001923 - JavaX Understanding Bot #1001915 - Slack Bot! (not used anymore. relp.slack.com, #talkingbots, can be redirected to other channel) #1001912 - Bot loop test for #talkingbots #1001910 - Find unanswered questions in #talkingbots #1001908 - Test slackReadTalkingBots #1001907 - slackReadTalkingBots #1001904 - Try finding bot responses in Slack channel #1001903 - Simpler chat bot algorithm (one question at a time), developing #1001893 - Generic chat bot algorithm using timestamped responses (developing) #1001890 - Is In Bot - can solve logic puzzles #1001889 - Try posting in Slack chat as "botstuff" #1001888 - Test channels.history on Slack 2 (reading chat contents of #talkingbots), with parsing #1001884 - Simple NL Bot Example #1001867 - Test channels.history on Slack (reading chat contents of #talkingbots) #1001861 - HTML Bot: Port scan #1001849 - Web server for all HTML bots (port 80, with white list, LIVE) #1001826 - List remote bots (Swing) #1001819 - Quick Talk + Bots Table (together in a single frame) #1001792 - makeBot - synonym of makeAndroid #1001786 - htmlBot function (make an HTML bot) #1001785 - HTML Time Bot #1001784 - Connect an http() bot as web server #1001781 - sendToBotQuietly #1001772 - console-top - print list of running bots #1001771 - fullBotScan #1001768 - Who Is Online Bot #1001767 - getBotAddress #1001766 - My favorite bots #1001765 - defineBot - assign a snippet ID to a bot name #1001764 - Test getBotNameFromSnippet #1001762 - getBotNameFromSnippet #1001760 - Quick Talk Window (talk to bot selected in swing-top 2, no actual functionality yet) #1001759 - Test findBot #1001758 - Get Selected Table Line Bot (searches all VMs at every request!) #1001756 - Get Selected Table Line Helper Bot (searches current VM) #1001751 - containsBot #1001750 - startBotSeparateVM #1001749 - Start Bot VM #1001748 - startBotVM #1001747 - Snippet Title Bot #1001745 - Version Count Bot (has current total version count from server) #1001736 - addToMultiPortSilent (add a silent bot; currently the same as addToMultiPort) #1001734 - Get Active Swing Component Bot (uses multiport) #1001719 - injectToBotVM #1001718 - Run a script in bot VM (takes arguments) #1001714 - Inject Public Comm Bot to local Bot VM #1001713 - hasBot #1001712 - javaxBot #1001710 - Bot VM (Receiver) - where the bots go #1001709 - Execute "talk to bot" commands from User Request List Bot #1001708 - Telnet to local bot (needs arguments) #1001706 - User Request List Bot #1001704 - Simple List Bot #1001700 - Quick Botifier #1001699 - Botifier (developing) #1001680 - swing-top 2: Bots table (with sub-bots) #1001679 - Test sendToLocalBot with sub-bot #1001678 - talkToSubBot #1001675 - Add bot to multi-port test #1001662 - Efficient Input Storer Bot (Compressing Data) #1001658 - sendToCentralBotWithTimeout #1001654 - sendToCentralBot #1001653 - remoteBotsUp #1001652 - Remote Bots Up? #1001603 - Multi Assoc Bot Clone #1001602 - Multi Assoc Bot (works) #1001594 - Test tunnelToRemoteBot #1001593 - tunnelToRemoteBot #1001589 - Tunnel signed command to remote bot #1001581 - Simplest Assoc Bot (pure map, works) #1001578 - Leo Bot Web Chat Gateway #1001546 - Echo Bot (web chat) #1001542 - Indent Java Test Case Bot - developing #1001541 - Bot web chat test #1001517 - Object Counter Bot (developing) #1001494 - Answer Questions Bot (developing) #1001493 - Bot Ref Bot #1001485 - Get coordinates of image Bot #1001437 - swing-top: Bots table (developing) #1001430 - Swing: Bots List #1001423 - Bot Starter (all in one VM) #1001422 - getBotPort #1001417 - Text Bot (md5 -> text) #1001405 - Java CPU Monitor Bot (+ System Load) #1001393 - getSnippetFromBossBot #1001385 - Accept incoming bots bot (with white list) #1001384 - Master Bot (developing) #1001383 - Boss Bot v2 (with continuous update, developing) #1001382 - Joke Bot :-) #1001378 - countBotsNamed #1001369 - Boss Bot (has up-to-date snippet contents) #1001366 - waitForBotStartUp #1001365 - startBot #1001357 - Accept all incoming bots (seems a little brave ^^) #1001351 - Kill, zip, upload & MOVE a bot #1001349 - List incoming bots #1001345 - Channel Bridge Bot (developing) #1001341 - Kill, zip & upload a bot #1001340 - zipBot #1001337 - Bot Receiving Bot #1001329 - sendToLocalBot #1001328 - What programs are running Bot (returns program IDs) #1001327 - Kill & zip a bot #1001322 - sendToLocalBotOpt #1001321 - Test Result Collector Bot #1001307 - Conversations Logger Bot #1001303 - findBot with caching (CURRENT) #1001294 - Leo Bot #1001258 - OK Sender Bot (does nothing but send OKs to server if you type "ok") #1001251 - sendToRemoteBot #1001248 - Public Comm Bot with forwarding (LIVE) #1001245 - OK Collector Bot (LIVE) #1001244 - Digit Understander Bot #1001237 - Snippet Cache Bot v2 #1001228 - Bridge Bot (bridges two machines!, developing) #1001224 - Boot Bot #1001222 - Public Comm Bot #1001218 - Reboot Bot (Linux/Windows) #1001217 - findMandatoryBot #1001216 - Snippet Cache Bot #1001215 - Update Snippet Cache Bot with latest changed snippets #1001212 - Conversation improvement bot #1001207 - Misc Bot #1001206 - Translator Runner Bot #1001203 - findBot #1001202 - Helper Bot (helps other bots with answering questions, developing) #1001201 - Program Runner Bot (for analysing the results of program runs) #1001187 - Console Bot (developing) #1001186 - Talk Bot 2 #1001182 - Talk Bot #1001155 - Compiler Bot with outdated caching (still used for building x*.jar) #1001150 - Compiler Bot (loves to compile) #1001146 - Tel bot (list running bots on console, allow to connect to one) #1001140 - List running bots on console #1001139 - quickBotScan #1001117 - Online bot! #1000985 - swing-top - List running programs & bots (old) #1000835 - topToBottomPanel #61 - ON/OFF BOT #28 - Writing chat-bots in Lua #1002672 - pircbot-1.5.0.jar #1002671 - Speech Bot #1002648 - Android: Check if our PermanentService (bots & such) is running #1002631 - Receive Negative Feedback Bot #1002629 - Receive Positive Feedback Bot #1002627 - Regular Self-Ask Bot (developing) #1002623 - Image Cache Bot #1002620 - chart function - simple charting for Eleu bot #1002616 - status function - per-user status for Eleutheria bots #1002596 - Master Name Bot #1002589 - Call Number Maker Bot (ego4u.com) with cache #1002588 - List Analysis Bot (dev.) #1002587 - History Bot #3000200 - Answer for stefanreich (>> program data sizes) #3000199 - Answer for stefanreich (>> program data sizes) #3000198 - Answer for stefanreich (>> program data sizes) #3000197 - Answer for stefanreich (>> program data sizes) #1002579 - Is Field <Modifier> Bot #3000190 - Answer for stefanreich(>> t 20 questions) #3000188 - Answer for stefanreich(>> t search) #1002570 - Advanced TinyBrain Search Bot #1002567 - Advanced Again Bot (LIVE) #1002561 - Again Bot (works) #1002558 - Process Manager Bot (LIVE) #1002555 - Eleu Get Transpilation Bot #1002552 - Java Split Bot (split a Java(X) source into reasonable pieces, like statements or declarations) #1002543 - Is Method Empty Bot #1002534 - Has Default Constructor Bot #1002532 - Has Constructor Bot #1002513 - Weekdays Bot (dev.) #1002511 - Scraping Google Image Search Bot (LIVE) #1002509 - Direct Image Search Bot (broken) #1002508 - Direct Google Search Bot #1002506 - News Bot (developing) #1002501 - Snippet ID Identifier Bot #1002496 - Simple Charts Bot (LIVE) #1002490 - How Are You Bot #1002476 - Simple TinyBrain Search Bot #1002471 - Charts Bot (test) #1002431 - Is A Bot (developing) #1002430 - Trusted User Bot #1002418 - A Simple Command Finding Bot #1002414 - List Processing Bot #1002394 - Compare Numbers Bot #1002389 - selfLink - make a HTML self-link with modified parameters (for sub-bots) #1002364 - Understander Bot (xth attempt, with theories) #1002362 - Understander Bot (xth attempt) #1002361 - Multi Grab Bot (get answers from all bots, developing) #1002342 - List Of 1500 Nouns Bot #1002314 - List Of Adjectives Bot #1002298 - Noah's Chat bot #1002267 - Deliver Log Files Bot (developing) #1002235 - Walking Robot #1002232 - List IM Users Bot #1002227 - Microtheory Bot (aliases) #1002221 - Idle Bot - compress some text #1002182 - ASCII art bot, stuff fixed #1002181 - ASCII art bot #1002167 - C# to JavaX Translator v2 (User Level Bot) #1002138 - HTML Image Bot - serve an image in the center of the screen #1002128 - What the fuck bot #1002119 - Spambot.exe for stefanreich #1002078 - Code Analysis Bot (developing) #1002065 - Function Watcher Bot #1002061 - Unix Time Bot #1002059 - Google Me & Bing Me Bot #1002057 - googleMe function - JavaX auto-conversion from C# #1002036 - English Dictionary Bot #1002023 - Translate Bot #1002007 - Blog Headlines Bot #1002002 - Auto-ported bot.py #1002001 - Port bot.py to JavaX #1002000 - Test pythonToJavaTok on bot.py #1001999 - bot.py - bot example in Python #1001989 - List User Feedback Bot #1001947 - Read Slack bot's feedback from disk (works) #1001942 - JavaX Information Bot #1001829 - List Remote Bots #1001782 - HTML making bot (test) #1001761 - stack function (layout components top to bottom) #1001722 - Thing Knower Bot (developing) #1001575 - Remote Controlled Bot (developing) #1001528 - addToWindow (adds stuff at the bottom of window) #1001311 - Desktop: Unterhaltung mit Leopold 5 (with central bot) #1001297 - Unterhaltung mit Leopold 5 (with central bot, live) #1001223 - Talk to Remote Public Comm Bot #1001211 - Process execution bot #1001149 - Rename bot #1001119 - JavaX on Windows (with online bot) #1001118 - Online bot! #1000359 - Image: http://coolmaterial.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Romo-Smart-Phone-Robot.jpg #1000322 - YouTube source code for bug fixing DownloadHelper #501 - Triangle detector (standing on bottom, include, optimized) #496 - Triangle detector (standing on bottom, include) #493 - Triangle detector (standing on bottom) #1000160 - Scrollbar at the bottom (Firefox) #239 - "What is the time" bot (for chat brain system) #167 - Snippet types (current list) #27 - Test chat-bot personality. Asks for user name and then says Hi with name. #1002679 - IRC Tagger (dev.) #1002666 - The Dialog Network (dev.) #1002665 - Default boot-up code for JavaX/Android 26 (testing, with x27) BACKUP #1002655 - Android Service Program #3000201 - Answer for stefanreich (>> list all files) #1002625 - systemURL - return URL of system if set #1002608 - webServerPort - get port of our web server or 0 if none #1002603 - talk-stylesheet sister (black background) #1002602 - Sister Homepage #1002597 - system - return name of system (e.g. "Eleutheria") #1002595 - webAuthed #1002592 - Graphical CPU Meter (LIVE) #1002591 - Eleu Sister Main for tinybrain.de #1002586 - getHistory #1002584 - Program Data Sizes (on disk) #1002578 - Eleu Core (Include) #1002576 - Eleu Web Serving (Include) #3000191 - Answer for stefanreich(>> which users have you had) #3000189 - Answer for stefanreich(>> t bla) #1002562 - getDialog #1002556 - jclasses - check which classes a Java(X) source parses as #1002531 - jparse1 - uses new parser #1002477 - Nasty Eleu #761 - New #629 - Standard functions - untranspiled, just for lookup #1002472 - NL Parser, implementing names & new eval order (LIVE, should work) #1002470 - static image classes #3000178 - Answer for stefanreich #1002463 - Turing Tests: Dynamic Questions (added by #1002462) #3000177 - Answer for stefanreich #3000169 - Answer for stefanreich #1002450 - mobile home page (modified) #3000159 - Answer for stefanreich #3000158 - Answer for therightman #1002434 - miniChat - post message about current input to mini-chat #1002427 - Accellerating 629 #1002419 - newParser #1002412 - Turing Include #1002407 - OLD getTuringScore - retrieve Eleu's current "Turing score" #3000156 - Answer for stefanreich #1002399 - jparse - don't use anymore (old parser) #1002391 - Slack Analyzer (parses slack lines) #1002369 - NL Parser, reworking the interface (CURRENT) #1002350 - speech enabled mobile #1002349 - General Eleutheria Dialogs #1002347 - speech enabled homepage #1002343 - Homepage + speech recognition #3000154 - Contents of http://www.talkenglish.com/vocabulary/top-1500-nouns.aspx #1002330 - Snippet Functions #1002329 - Java(X) Parsing Rules using empty classes (current) #1002328 - NL Parser, implementing "empty" classes & ground class optimisation #3000152 - Contents of http://www.listofadjectives.org/b.html #1002307 - NL Parser, hotwirable #1002304 - @bgrgndz's language parser, stuff moved to p { } #3000149 - Answer for stefanreich #1002299 - Some dialog #1002296 - @bgrgndz's language parser #1002278 - Eleutheria Main 2 (developing) #1002277 - Tagging Compo Test #1002264 - web version #1002254 - mobile stylesheet #1002253 - mobile home page #1002252 - homepage test stylesheet #1002251 - homepage test snippet #1002234 - Code generator (LIVE) #1002233 - Code generator #1002217 - splash-stylesheet #3000146 - Contents of http://google.com #1002212 - alternate splash page #1002211 - 1st Level Dialog Engine, multi-user, multi-script (LIVE) #1002210 - 1st Level Dialog Engine with example script, multi-user, WORKS #1002205 - 1st Level Dialog Engine with example script (WORKS) #1002192 - Slack Tagger #1002191 - alternate homepage, added link to image #1002190 - Slack Answerer #1002187 - Everything to present tense ("topresent"/"pt") #1002185 - Slack Slurper #1002184 - Test multiSlurp #1002173 - Test slackSlurp #1002172 - loadRelpToken #1002169 - slackSlurp #1002165 - Switch first/second person #1002160 - talk-stylesheet #1002156 - #1002150 - Eleutheria Splash Page (with last interactions, OLD) #1002124 - PN Calc #1002123 - alternate homepage, with fixes #1002122 - alternate homepage #1002121 - Get member counts of all channels (relp.slack.com) #1002077 - Code analysis tester (developing) #1002068 - Stylesheet #3000142 - Contents of http://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/man.html #3000141 - Contents of http://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/child.html #3000140 - Contents of http://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/sheep.html #3000139 - Contents of http://dict.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/brain.html #1002016 - Slack Auto-Invite (works) #1002009 - Language detector - find shortest code (developing) #1002006 - Examples JavaX/Python (output of #1002005) #1002005 - Language detector frame work #757 - Standing Challenge for relp.slack.com #1001997 - Test loadVariableDefinition #1001980 - Print all slurped messages #1001979 - Old Slack Slurper (sucks Slack channels & stores them) #1001969 - Dynamic span loading test #1001968 - Dynamic div loading test #1001938 - Test querying Slack reactions #1001931 - cleanUp - try to clean up a program #1001930 - feedbackScore - parse NL feedback #1001926 - slackReadChannel #3000138 - Sentences from http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2015/12/03/san-bernardino-massacre-perception-and-propaganda/ #1001916 - Try getting Slack user names #1001905 - Another Slack posting test #754 - New homepage #2000584 - Test input for function finding #1001814 - Hit Log #3000133 - Contents of http://tinybrain.blog.de #1001800 - callStaticAnswerMethod #1001794 - Command processor experiment #1001787 - Quick Talk Window 2 #1001780 - getOutputOfInjections #1001769 - Ping 10 - ping server every 10 seconds to show we're online #1001752 - Get selected table line (search all VMs) #1001740 - talkToAllOtherVMs #1001738 - Get active Swing component (search all VMs) #1001732 - Swing: List VMs (v2, with table, developing) #1001731 - Show console for other process (simple version) #1001729 - Show console for other process (developing) #1001711 - injectTo - inject code to one VM #1001701 - makeResponder #1001681 - sendTestResult #1001676 - addToMultiPort #1001672 - Multi-Port (works, LIVE) #1001668 - Notes #1001640 - Try to make a source compilable (developing) #3000130 - Temp program by #1001628 #3000129 - Temp program by 1001628 #3000128 - Temp program by 1001628 #1001639 - x30.jar maker module - deploys into {userhome}/.javax #1001638 - x30.java (JavaX) #3000127 - An untitled snippet #1001633 - waitUntilInjectionsDone #1001628 - Find frame with two lists (works, but is slow) #1001601 - x29.jar maker module - deploys into {userhome}/.javax #1001600 - x29.java (JavaX) #1001599 - Inject per-thread CPU monitor into Shared VM (chasing the 100% CPU bug!) #1001597 - Test: Inject new android into Shared VM and connect to it #1001591 - Test badly signed message #1001577 - suckHumans #1001576 - suckWebChat #1001568 - getPublicKeyOfComputer #1001545 - Test sayInWebChat #1001544 - sayInWebChat #1001490 - Print identity of script (from Identity Manager) #1001480 - programsRunningInVM #1001479 - canHyperMove #1001470 - programIsRunning #1001466 - hyperMoveAnother (move another program between two machines) #1001465 - Program refs #1001447 - Image classes #1001429 - getNumberOfJavaXVMs #1001400 - sendToAll #1001399 - talkToAll #1001394 - boss function #1001392 - Even more minimal injection test #1001390 - Minimal injection test #1001388 - Injection test (count threads in VM) #1001380 - countPreSpunVMs #1001372 - Fast nohupJavax (searching for pre-spun VMs) #1001371 - x28.jar maker module (from #1001370) #1001370 - x28.java (JavaX) #1001368 - hyperMove (jump between two machines) #1001364 - Periodic rebooter (once every 24h) #3000050 - Contents of http://tinybrain.blog.de #1001348 - Identity Manager (LIVE) #1001347 - shootScreen #1001331 - killProgramID #1001330 - getListOfRunningProgramIDs #1001318 - Test case (start dependent VM and check if it reports its PID and program ID) #1001310 - Leo logic #1001256 - makeAndroid3 #1001249 - Get # of OKs on server #1001247 - OK Sender Test #1001209 - Default boot-up code for JavaX/Android 26 (backup) #1001163 - x27.jar maker module (from #1001148) #1001148 - x27.java (JavaX) #1001110 - x26.java (JavaX) #1001101 - "getOpt" function (get field by reflection, return null if not there) #1001081 - Android: Talk to the android #1001078 - Pretty boxes test (HTML) #1001018 - Swing: Snippet editor with predictor (v2, with github support) #1001004 - Swing: Snippet editor with predictor (v1) #1000997 - loadSnippet and dependencies (with (hopefully) better caching, current) #750 - x25.java (JavaX) #2000557 - Image classes #1000897 - Swing: Single-line text entry #1000894 - Swing: Edit text snippet #1000882 - class Diff #1000880 - Menu for JavaX GUI #3000033 - Contents of http://tinybrain.blog.de #3000032 - Contents of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String #3000031 - Contents of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer #3000030 - Contents of http://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_object_classes.htm #3000025 - Contents of http://www.pouet.net/parties.php?pattern=u #1000836 - Run dialog with javax nohup action #1000834 - Run dialog (UI test) #1000818 - Console #1000804 - ProgramScan (include) #1000795 - swing-top - List running programs (works) #1000771 - Smart iterator (developing) #3000024 - Contents of http://tinybrain.blog.de #2000552 - Marked form tags in #3000021 #3000021 - Contents of http://blog.de/login.php?url=%2Fmy%2F #2000526 - Marked titles (beginning), contents of http://tinybrain.blog.de #3000009 - Contents of http://tinybrain.blog.de #3000006 - Contents of https://www.tape.tv/eurythmics/videos/its-alright #1000572 - _javax.java (JavaX 19) #3000005 - Contents of http://tinybrain.blog.de #1000557 - Create one second of black (movie) #1000508 - Transpilation of #722 #716 - IOIOI Processor (v12, "descent of choices") #3000002 - Contents of http://tinybrain.blog.de #3000001 - Contents of http://tinybrain.blog.de #3000000 - Contents of http://tinybrain.blog.de #1000438 - Default boot-up code for JavaX/Android 19 (backup) #1000408 - Original source of NanoHTTPD.java #704 - IOIOI Processor (v11) #703 - Problematic People (And Projects) #695 - IOIOI Processor (v10) #1000382 - Box learners #694 - IOIOI Processor (v9) #693 - IOIOI Processor (v8, developing) #691 - IOIOI Processor (v7) #690 - IOIOI Processor (v6, with char shift) #689 - IOIOI Processor (v5, with GLearners) #685 - IOIOI Processor (v4, multi-case) #676 - Default boot-up code for JavaX/Android 26 (testing, with x27) #2000447 - Image classes #2000434 - #635 converted to Java #2000433 - #636 - Resolve symbolic translator invocations #629 - !standard functions #626 - Screenshot maker (JavaX) #620 - JCodec test (generate out.mov) #2000356 - class LetterLayout #2000338 - class LetterLayout #2000337 - LetterLayout and CenteredLine #1000270 - JavaX IDE v1 (non-functional, just shows the window) #580 - JavaX Homepage (javax.tinybrain.de) #2000305 - Contents of http://tinybrain.blog.de for #2000303 #2000304 - Contents of http://tinybrain.blog.de for #2000303 #480 - Horizontal split with crop 2 (include) #479 - Embeddable border finder (getcrop2) #478 - Horizontal split with crop (include) #476 - Haiku font recognizer (collecting data) #475 - Tolerant horizontal split with crop #472 - Vertical split with crop #462 - Scrollbar finder 1 #428 - LXTerminal Contents Finder (include) #410 - shrinkRectangle #406 - Magic Wand + Hashes (special case recognizer) #405 - Magic Wand + Hashes for Internet menu #404 - Magic Wand + Hashes (column range, improving) #403 - Magic Wand + Hashes (one column) #402 - Magic Wand + Hashes (optimized III) #401 - Magic Wand All, optimizing III (faster x movement) #400 - Magic Wand All, optimizing II (profiling) #399 - Magic Wand All, optimizing #398 - Magic Wand Algorithm (optimizing) #369 - Magic Wand Algorithm (optimized & including magicWandAll) #363 - Magic Wand Algorithm #353 - Phone number recognizer (digits plus slash) #346 - Embeddable border finder (getcrop) #345 - Horizontal split with crop #336 - Horizontal split #324 - Better border finder #315 - Border finder #282 - Window Painter 98.5% #278 - Creating A.I. - Lesson 1: Principles and Databases #250 - How to extend TinyBrain's chat capabilities #237 - Brain protocol, JSON version, v2 #235 - Brain protocol, JSON version #209 - TB chat #189 - go, want, get, grab #176 - Java event codes (for GUIs) #101 - Rectangle finder #76 - Batch dump of snippet database #33 - TinyBrain FAQ #10 - Upload source file to TinyBrain
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Travelled to 12 computer(s): aoiabmzegqzx, bhatertpkbcr, cbybwowwnfue, gwrvuhgaqvyk, ishqpsrjomds, lpdgvwnxivlt, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt
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Snippet ID: | #3000202 |
Snippet name: | Answer for stefanreich (>> T conversion bot) |
Eternal ID of this version: | #3000202/1 |
Text MD5: | 0ec617ec51f4a689fb3bdaf48e5982ae |
Author: | someone |
Category: | |
Type: | New Tinybrain snippet |
Gummipassword: | eleutheria-for-user |
Uploaded from IP: | |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2016-02-13 01:15:23 |
Source code size: | 27563 bytes / 653 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 796 / 105 |
Referenced in: | [show references] |