1 | == Processing freetts.jar |
2 | File found: META-INF/ |
3 | File found: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF |
4 | File found: com/ |
5 | File found: com/sun/ |
6 | File found: com/sun/speech/ |
7 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/ |
8 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/audio/ |
9 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/cart/ |
10 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/clunits/ |
11 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/diphone/ |
12 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/lexicon/ |
13 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/relp/ |
14 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/util/ |
15 | File found: de/ |
16 | File found: de/dfki/ |
17 | File found: de/dfki/lt/ |
18 | File found: de/dfki/lt/freetts/ |
19 | File found: de/dfki/lt/freetts/mbrola/ |
20 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Age.class |
21 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Dumpable.class |
22 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/DynamicClassLoader.class |
23 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/FeatureProcessor.class |
24 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/FeatureSet.class |
25 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/FeatureSetImpl.class |
26 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/FreeTTS.class |
27 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/FreeTTSSpeakable.class |
28 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/FreeTTSSpeakableImpl.class |
29 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/FreeTTSTime.class |
30 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Gender.class |
31 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/InputMode.class |
32 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Item.class |
33 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/ItemContents.class |
34 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/OpEnum.class |
35 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/OutputQueue.class |
36 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/PartOfSpeech.class |
37 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/PartOfSpeechImpl.class |
38 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/PathExtractor.class |
39 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/PathExtractorImpl.class |
40 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/PhoneDuration.class |
41 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/PhoneDurations.class |
42 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/PhoneDurationsImpl.class |
43 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/PhoneSet.class |
44 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/PhoneSetImpl.class |
45 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/ProcessException.class |
46 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Relation.class |
47 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Segmenter.class |
48 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Token.class |
49 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Tokenizer.class |
50 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/UniqueVector.class |
51 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Unit.class |
52 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Utterance.class |
53 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/UtteranceProcessor.class |
54 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/ValidationException.class |
55 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Validator.class |
56 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Voice$1.class |
57 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Voice$2.class |
58 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Voice$FreeTTSSpeakableTokenizer$1.class |
59 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Voice$FreeTTSSpeakableTokenizer.class |
60 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/Voice.class |
61 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/VoiceDirectory.class |
62 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/VoiceManager.class |
63 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/audio/AudioPlayer.class |
64 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/audio/JavaClipAudioPlayer$1.class |
65 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/audio/JavaClipAudioPlayer$JavaClipLineListener.class |
66 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/audio/JavaClipAudioPlayer.class |
67 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/audio/JavaStreamingAudioPlayer$1.class |
68 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/audio/JavaStreamingAudioPlayer$JavaStreamLineListener.class |
69 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/audio/JavaStreamingAudioPlayer.class |
70 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/audio/MultiFile8BitAudioPlayer.class |
71 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/audio/MultiFileAudioPlayer.class |
72 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/audio/NullAudioPlayer.class |
73 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/audio/RawFileAudioPlayer.class |
74 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/audio/SingleFileAudioPlayer.class |
75 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/cart/CART.class |
76 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/cart/CARTImpl$ComparisonNode.class |
77 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/cart/CARTImpl$DecisionNode.class |
78 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/cart/CARTImpl$LeafNode.class |
79 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/cart/CARTImpl$MatchingNode.class |
80 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/cart/CARTImpl$Node.class |
81 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/cart/CARTImpl.class |
82 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/cart/Durator.class |
83 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/cart/Intonator.class |
84 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/cart/Phraser.class |
85 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/clunits/ClusterUnit.class |
86 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/clunits/ClusterUnitDatabase$DatabaseClusterUnit.class |
87 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/clunits/ClusterUnitDatabase$UnitOriginInfo.class |
88 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/clunits/ClusterUnitDatabase.class |
89 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/clunits/ClusterUnitPitchmarkGenerator.class |
90 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/clunits/ClusterUnitSelector$Viterbi.class |
91 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/clunits/ClusterUnitSelector$ViterbiCandidate.class |
92 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/clunits/ClusterUnitSelector$ViterbiPath.class |
93 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/clunits/ClusterUnitSelector$ViterbiPoint.class |
94 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/clunits/ClusterUnitSelector.class |
95 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/clunits/Cost.class |
96 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/clunits/UnitType.class |
97 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/diphone/AliasDiphone.class |
98 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/diphone/Diphone.class |
99 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/diphone/DiphonePitchmarkGenerator.class |
100 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/diphone/DiphoneUnit.class |
101 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/diphone/DiphoneUnitDatabase.class |
102 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/diphone/DiphoneUnitSelector.class |
103 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/diphone/IntLinkedList.class |
104 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/diphone/IntListNode.class |
105 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/lexicon/LetterToSound.class |
106 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/lexicon/LetterToSoundImpl$DecisionState.class |
107 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/lexicon/LetterToSoundImpl$FinalState.class |
108 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/lexicon/LetterToSoundImpl$State.class |
109 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/lexicon/LetterToSoundImpl.class |
110 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/lexicon/Lexicon.class |
111 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/lexicon/LexiconImpl.class |
112 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/relp/AudioOutput.class |
113 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/relp/FloatList.class |
114 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/relp/LPCResult$Wave.class |
115 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/relp/LPCResult.class |
116 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/relp/Sample.class |
117 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/relp/SampleInfo.class |
118 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/relp/SampleSet.class |
119 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/relp/UnitConcatenator.class |
120 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/util/BulkTimer.class |
121 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/util/SegmentRelationUtils.class |
122 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/util/Timer.class |
123 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/util/Utilities.class |
124 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/util/WaveUtils.class |
125 | File found: de/dfki/lt/freetts/ClusterUnitNamer.class |
126 | File found: de/dfki/lt/freetts/ClusterUnitVoice.class |
127 | File found: de/dfki/lt/freetts/ConcatenativeVoice.class |
128 | File found: de/dfki/lt/freetts/DiphoneVoice.class |
129 | File found: de/dfki/lt/freetts/UniphoneClusterUnitNamer.class |
130 | File found: de/dfki/lt/freetts/mbrola/MbrolaAudioOutput.class |
131 | File found: de/dfki/lt/freetts/mbrola/MbrolaCaller.class |
132 | File found: de/dfki/lt/freetts/mbrola/ParametersToMbrolaConverter.class |
133 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/internal_voices.txt |
134 | == Processing freetts-jsapi10.jar |
135 | File found: META-INF/ |
136 | File found: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF |
137 | File found: com/ |
138 | File found: com/sun/ |
139 | File found: com/sun/speech/ |
140 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/ |
141 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/ |
142 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/text/ |
143 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/ |
144 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/jsapi/ |
145 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/BaseAudioManager.class |
146 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/BaseEngine.class |
147 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/BaseEngineProperties.class |
148 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/EngineEventPanel$1.class |
149 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/EngineEventPanel.class |
150 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/EngineMonitor$EngineMonitorEngineListener.class |
151 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/EngineMonitor.class |
152 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/SpeechEventDispatcher.class |
153 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/SpeechEventUtilities$SpeechAWTEvent.class |
154 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/SpeechEventUtilities$SpeechAWTEventTarget.class |
155 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/SpeechEventUtilities.class |
156 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/SpeechEventWrapper.class |
157 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/BaseSynthesizer.class |
158 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/BaseSynthesizerProperties.class |
159 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/BaseSynthesizerQueueItem.class |
160 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/BaseVoice.class |
161 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/JSMLParser.class |
162 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/SynthesizerMonitor$SynthesizerMonitorEngineListener.class |
163 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/SynthesizerMonitor.class |
164 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/SynthesizerSelector.class |
165 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/VoiceList.class |
166 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/text/TextEngineCentral.class |
167 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/text/TextSynthesizer$OutputHandler.class |
168 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/text/TextSynthesizer.class |
169 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/text/TextSynthesizerModeDesc.class |
170 | File found: com/sun/speech/engine/synthesis/text/TextSynthesizerQueueItem.class |
171 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/jsapi/DomainLocale.class |
172 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/jsapi/FreeTTSEngineCentral.class |
173 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/jsapi/FreeTTSSynthesizer$FreeTTSSynthesizerProperties.class |
174 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/jsapi/FreeTTSSynthesizer$OutputHandler.class |
175 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/jsapi/FreeTTSSynthesizer.class |
176 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/jsapi/FreeTTSSynthesizerModeDesc.class |
177 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/jsapi/FreeTTSSynthesizerQueueItem.class |
178 | File found: com/sun/speech/freetts/jsapi/FreeTTSVoice.class |
179 | == Processing jsapi.jar |
180 | File found: META-INF/ |
181 | File found: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF |
182 | File found: javax/speech/synthesis/Speakable.class |
183 | File found: javax/speech/synthesis/SpeakableEvent.class |
184 | File found: javax/speech/synthesis/SpeakableListener.class |
185 | File found: javax/speech/synthesis/Synthesizer.class |
186 | File found: javax/speech/synthesis/JSMLException.class |
187 | File found: javax/speech/synthesis/SynthesizerListener.class |
188 | File found: javax/speech/synthesis/SpeakableAdapter.class |
189 | File found: javax/speech/synthesis/SynthesizerAdapter.class |
190 | File found: javax/speech/synthesis/Voice.class |
191 | File found: javax/speech/synthesis/SynthesizerModeDesc.class |
192 | File found: javax/speech/synthesis/SynthesizerEvent.class |
193 | File found: javax/speech/synthesis/SynthesizerProperties.class |
194 | File found: javax/speech/synthesis/SynthesizerQueueItem.class |
195 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/DictationGrammar.class |
196 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/Grammar.class |
197 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/GrammarEvent.class |
198 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/GrammarListener.class |
199 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/Recognizer.class |
200 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/GrammarException.class |
201 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/ResultStateError.class |
202 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RecognizerListener.class |
203 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RuleGrammar.class |
204 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/SpeakerManager.class |
205 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/GrammarAdapter.class |
206 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RecognizerAdapter.class |
207 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/Result.class |
208 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/ResultListener.class |
209 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/ResultAdapter.class |
210 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/ResultEvent.class |
211 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/Rule.class |
212 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RuleName.class |
213 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RuleSequence.class |
214 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RuleAlternatives.class |
215 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RuleToken.class |
216 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RecognizerModeDesc.class |
217 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RuleParse.class |
218 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RuleTag.class |
219 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RuleCount.class |
220 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/FinalResult.class |
221 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/FinalRuleResult.class |
222 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/FinalDictationResult.class |
223 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/ResultToken.class |
224 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RecognizerEvent.class |
225 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RecognizerAudioListener.class |
226 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RecognizerAudioAdapter.class |
227 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/GrammarSyntaxDetail.class |
228 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RecognizerProperties.class |
229 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/SpeakerProfile.class |
230 | File found: javax/speech/recognition/RecognizerAudioEvent.class |
231 | File found: javax/speech/Central.class |
232 | File found: javax/speech/EngineException.class |
233 | File found: javax/speech/EngineModeDesc.class |
234 | File found: javax/speech/VocabManager.class |
235 | File found: javax/speech/Word.class |
236 | File found: javax/speech/SpeechException.class |
237 | File found: javax/speech/EngineCentral.class |
238 | File found: javax/speech/AudioManager.class |
239 | File found: javax/speech/AudioException.class |
240 | File found: javax/speech/EngineEvent.class |
241 | File found: javax/speech/SpeechEvent.class |
242 | File found: javax/speech/Engine.class |
243 | File found: javax/speech/EngineStateError.class |
244 | File found: javax/speech/EngineListener.class |
245 | File found: javax/speech/EngineAdapter.class |
246 | File found: javax/speech/EngineProperties.class |
247 | File found: javax/speech/VendorDataException.class |
248 | File found: javax/speech/AudioListener.class |
249 | File found: javax/speech/AudioAdapter.class |
250 | File found: javax/speech/SpeechError.class |
251 | File found: javax/speech/AudioEvent.class |
252 | File found: javax/speech/EngineList.class |
253 | File found: javax/speech/EngineCreate.class |
254 | File found: javax/speech/EngineErrorEvent.class |
255 | File found: javax/speech/SpeechPermission.class |
Snippet is not live.
Travelled to 12 computer(s): aoiabmzegqzx, bhatertpkbcr, cbybwowwnfue, gwrvuhgaqvyk, ishqpsrjomds, lpdgvwnxivlt, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt
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Snippet ID: | #3000019 |
Snippet name: | Contents of /home/stefan/dev/speech/jars.txt on teubizvjbppd |
Eternal ID of this version: | #3000019/1 |
Text MD5: | f141606afa4590c5b6fea84b7bd7076a |
Author: | someone |
Category: | |
Type: | New Tinybrain snippet |
Gummipassword: | textfile-loader |
Uploaded from IP: | |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2015-08-23 22:25:01 |
Source code size: | 14295 bytes / 255 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / Yes |
Views / Downloads: | 539 / 141 |
Referenced in: | [show references] |