-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Small table utilities -- @module lua-nucleo.table-utils -- This file is a part of lua-nucleo library -- @copyright lua-nucleo authors (see file `COPYRIGHT` for the license) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local setmetatable, error, pairs, ipairs, tostring, select, type, assert = setmetatable, error, pairs, ipairs, tostring, select, type, assert local rawget = rawget local table_insert, table_remove = table.insert, table.remove local math_min, math_max = math.min, math.max -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local arguments, optional_arguments, method_arguments = import 'lua-nucleo/args.lua' { 'arguments', 'optional_arguments', 'method_arguments' } local is_number, is_table = import 'lua-nucleo/type.lua' { 'is_number', 'is_table' } local assert_is_table = import 'lua-nucleo/typeassert.lua' { 'assert_is_table' } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Warning: it is possible to corrupt this with rawset and debug.setmetatable. local empty_table = setmetatable( { }, { __newindex = function(t, k, v) error("attempted to change the empty table", 2) end; __metatable = "empty_table"; } ) local function toverride_many(t, s, ...) if s then for k, v in pairs(s) do t[k] = v end -- Recursion is usually faster than calling select() return toverride_many(t, ...) end return t end local function tappend_many(t, s, ...) if s then for k, v in pairs(s) do if t[k] == nil then t[k] = v else error("attempted to override table key `" .. tostring(k) .. "'", 2) end end -- Recursion is usually faster than calling select() return tappend_many(t, ...) end return t end local function tijoin_many(t, s, ...) if s then -- Note: can't use ipairs() since we want to support tijoin_many(t, t) for i = 1, #s do t[#t + 1] = s[i] end -- Recursion is usually faster than calling select() return tijoin_many(t, ...) end return t end -- Keys are ordered in undetermined order local tkeys = function(t) local r = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do r[#r + 1] = k end return r end -- Values are ordered in undetermined order local tvalues = function(t) local r = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do r[#r + 1] = v end return r end -- Keys and values are ordered in undetermined order local tkeysvalues = function(t) local keys, values = { }, { } for k, v in pairs(t) do keys[#keys + 1] = k values[#values + 1] = v end return keys, values end -- If table contains multiple keys with the same value, -- only one key is stored in the result, picked in undetermined way. local tflip = function(t) local r = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do r[v] = k end return r end -- If table contains multiple keys with the same value, -- only one key is stored in the result, picked in undetermined way. local tflip_inplace = function(t) for k, v in pairs(t) do t[v] = k end return t end -- If table contains multiple keys with the same value, -- only the last such key (highest one) is stored in the result. local tiflip = function(t) local r = { } for i = 1, #t do r[t[i]] = i end return r end local tset = function(t) local r = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do r[v] = true end return r end local tiset = function(t) local r = { } for i = 1, #t do r[t[i]] = true end return r end local function tiinsert_args(t, a, ...) if a ~= nil then t[#t + 1] = a -- Recursion is usually faster than calling select() in a loop. return tiinsert_args(t, ...) end return t end local timap_inplace = function(fn, t, ...) for i = 1, #t do t[i] = fn(t[i], ...) end return t end local timap = function(fn, t, ...) local r = { } for i = 1, #t do r[i] = fn(t[i], ...) end return r end local timap_sliding = function(fn, t, ...) local r = {} for i = 1, #t do tiinsert_args(r, fn(t[i], ...)) end return r end local tiwalk = function(fn, t, ...) for i = 1, #t do fn(t[i], ...) end end local tiwalker = function(fn) return function(t) for i = 1, #t do fn(t[i]) end end end local twalk_pairs = function(fn, t) for k, v in pairs(t) do fn(k, v) end end local tequals = function(lhs, rhs) for k, v in pairs(lhs) do if v ~= rhs[k] then return false end end for k, v in pairs(rhs) do if lhs[k] == nil then return false end end return true end local tiunique = function(t) return tkeys(tiflip(t)) end -- Deprecated, use tgenerate_1d_linear instead local tgenerate_n = function(n, generator, ...) local r = { } for i = 1, n do r[i] = generator(...) end return r end local tgenerate_1d_linear = function(n, fn, ...) local r = { } for i = 1, n do r[#r + 1] = fn(i, ...) end return r end local tgenerate_2d_linear = function(w, h, fn, ...) local r = { } for y = 1, h do for x = 1, w do r[#r + 1] = fn(x, y, ...) end end return r end local taccumulate = function(t, init) local sum = init or 0 for k, v in pairs(t) do sum = sum + v end return sum end local tnormalize, tnormalize_inplace do local impl = function(t, r, sum) sum = sum or taccumulate(t) for k, v in pairs(t) do r[k] = v / sum end return r end tnormalize = function(t, sum) return impl(t, { }, sum) end tnormalize_inplace = function(t, sum) return impl(t, t, sum) end end local tclone do local function impl(t, visited) local t_type = type(t) if t_type ~= "table" then return t end assert(not visited[t], "recursion detected") visited[t] = true local r = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do r[impl(k, visited)] = impl(v, visited) end visited[t] = nil return r end tclone = function(t) return impl(t, { }) end end -- Slow local tcount_elements = function(t) local n = 0 for _ in pairs(t) do n = n + 1 end return n end local tremap_to_array = function(fn, t) local r = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do r[#r + 1] = fn(k, v) end return r end local tmap_values = function(fn, t, ...) local r = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do r[k] = fn(v, ...) end return r end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local torderedset = function(t) local r = { } for i = 1, #t do local v = t[i] -- Have to add this limitation to avoid size ambiquity. -- If you need ordered set of numbers, use separate storage -- for set and array parts (write make_ordered_set then). assert(type(v) ~= "number", "can't insert number into ordered set") r[v] = i r[i] = v end return r end -- Returns false if item already exists -- Returns true otherwise local torderedset_insert = function(t, v) -- See torderedset() for motivation assert(type(v) ~= "number", "can't insert number into ordered set") if not t[v] then local i = #t + 1 t[v] = i t[i] = v return true end return false end -- Returns false if item didn't existed -- Returns true otherwise -- Note this operation is really slow local torderedset_remove = function(t, v) -- See torderedset() for motivation assert(type(v) ~= "number", "can't remove number from ordered set") local pos = t[v] if pos then t[v] = nil -- TODO: Do table.remove manually then to do all in a single loop. table_remove(t, pos) for i = pos, #t do t[t[i]] = i -- Update changed numbers end end return false end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handles subtables (is "deep"). -- Does not support recursive defaults tables -- WARNING: Uses tclone()! Do not use on tables with metatables! local twithdefaults do twithdefaults = function(t, defaults) for k, d in pairs(defaults) do local v = t[k] if v == nil then if type(d) == "table" then d = tclone(d) end t[k] = d elseif type(v) == "table" and type(d) == "table" then twithdefaults(v, d) end end return t end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local tifilter = function(pred, t, ...) local r = { } for i = 1, #t do local v = t[i] if pred(v, ...) then r[#r + 1] = v end end return r end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local tsetof = function(value, t) local r = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do r[v] = value end return r end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local tset_many = function(...) local r = { } for i = 1, select("#", ...) do for k, v in pairs((select(i, ...))) do r[v] = true end end return r end -- TODO: Pick a better name? local tidentityset = function(t) local r = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do r[v] = v end return r end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local timapofrecords = function(t, key) local r = { } for i = 1, #t do local v = t[i] r[assert(v[key], "missing record key field")] = v end return r end local tivalues = function(t) local r = { } for i = 1, #t do r[#r + 1] = t[i] end return r end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NOTE: Optimized to be fast at simple value indexing. -- Slower on initialization and on table value fetching. -- WARNING: This does not protect userdata. local treadonly, treadonly_ex do local newindex = function() error("attempted to change read-only table") end treadonly = function(value, callbacks, tostring_fn, disable_nil) callbacks = callbacks or empty_table if disable_nil == nil then disable_nil = true end arguments( "table", value, "table", callbacks ) optional_arguments( "function", tostring_fn, "boolean", disable_nil -- TODO: ?! Not exactly optional ) local mt = { __metatable = "treadonly"; -- protect metatable __index = function(t, k) local v = rawget(value, k) if is_table(v) then -- TODO: Optimize v = treadonly(v, callbacks, tostring_fn, disable_nil) end if v == nil then -- TODO: Try to use metatables -- Note: __index does not support multiple return values in 5.1, -- so we can not do call right here. local fn = callbacks[k] if fn then return function(...) return fn(value, ...) end end if disable_nil then error( "attempted to read inexistant value at key " .. tostring(k), 2 ) end end return v end; __newindex = newindex; } if tostring_fn then mt.__tostring = function() return tostring_fn(value) end end return setmetatable({ }, mt) end -- Changes to second return value are guaranteed to affect first one treadonly_ex = function(value, ...) local protected = treadonly(value, ...) return protected, value end end local tmap_kv = function(fn, t) local r = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do k, v = fn(k, v) r[k] = v end return r end local tmapofrecordgroups = function(t, key_name) local r = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do local v = t[k] local key = assert(v[key_name], "missing required key") local g = r[key] if not g then g = { } r[key] = g end g[#g + 1] = v end return r end local timapofrecordgroups = function(t, key_name) local r = { } for i = 1, #t do local v = t[i] local key = assert(v[key_name], "missing required key") local g = r[key] if not g then g = { } r[key] = g end g[#g + 1] = v end return r end local tilistofrecordfields = function(t, k) local r = { } for i = 1, #t do local v = t[i][k] assert(v ~= nil, "missing required key") r[#r + 1] = v end return r end local tipermute_inplace = function(t, n, count, random) n = n or #t count = count or n random = random or math.random for i = 1, count do local j = random(i, n) t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i] end return t end local tkvtorecordlist = function(t, key_name, value_name) local result = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do result[#result + 1] = { [key_name] = k, [value_name] = v } end return result end local function tgetpath(t, k, nextk, ...) if k == nil then return nil end local v = t[k] if not is_table(v) or nextk == nil then return v end return tgetpath(v, nextk, ...) end -- tsetpath(tabl, "a", "b", "c", d) -- tabl.a.b.c[d] = val local tsetpath do local function impl(nargs, dest, key, ...) if nargs == 0 then return dest end if key == nil then error("tsetpath: nil can't be a table key") end dest[key] = assert_is_table( dest[key] or { }, "key `" .. tostring(key) .. "' already exists and its value is not a table" ) return impl(nargs - 1, dest[key], ...) end tsetpath = function(dest, ...) local nargs = select("#", ...) if nargs == 0 then return dest end return impl(nargs, dest, ...) end end local tsetpathvalue do local function impl(nargs, value, dest, key, ...) assert(nargs > 0) if key == nil then error("tsetpathvalue: nil can't be a table key") end if nargs == 1 then dest[key] = value return dest end dest[key] = assert_is_table( dest[key] or { }, "key `" .. tostring(key) .. "' already exists and its value is not a table" ) return impl(nargs - 1, value, dest[key], ...) end tsetpathvalue = function(value, dest, ...) local nargs = select("#", ...) if nargs == 0 then return dest end return impl(nargs, value, dest, ...) end end -- TODO: rename to tislice local tslice = function(t, start_i, end_i) local r = { } start_i = math_max(start_i, 1) end_i = math_min(end_i, #t) for i = start_i, end_i do r[i - start_i + 1] = t[i] end return r end local tarraylisttohashlist = function(t, ...) local r = { } local nargs = select("#", ...) for i = 1, #t do local item = { } for j = 1, nargs do local hash = select(j, ...) if hash ~= nil then -- ignore nil from arguments item[hash] = t[i][j] end end r[#r + 1] = item end return r end local tarraytohash = function(t, ...) local r = { } local nargs = select("#", ...) for i = 1, nargs do local hash = select(i, ...) if hash ~= nil then -- ignore nil from arguments r[hash] = t[i] end end return r end local tisempty = function(t) return next(t) == nil end local tifindvalue_nonrecursive = function(t, v) for i = 1, #t do if t[i] == v then return true end end return false end local tkvlist2kvpairs = function(t) local r = { } for i = 1, #t, 2 do local k, v = t[i], t[i+1] if k ~= nil then r[k] = v end end return r end local tfilterkeylist = function(t, f, strict) strict = strict or false local r = { } for i = 1, #f do local k = f[i] if t[k] ~= nil then r[k] = t[k] elseif strict then return nil, "Field `" .. tostring(k) .. "' is absent" end end return r end local tkvmap_unpack = function(fn, t, ...) local r = { } for k, v in pairs(t) do k, v = fn(k, ...), fn(v, ...) if k ~= nil and v ~= nil then r[#r + 1] = k r[#r + 1] = v end end return unpack(r) end local tkvlist_to_hash = function(t) local r = { } for i = 1, #t, 2 do r[t[i]] = t[i + 1] end return r end local tmerge_many = function(...) return toverride_many({ }, ...) end -- Returns true is a table is an array -- Returns false otherwise -- Note the empty table is treated as an array local tisarray = function(t) for k, _ in pairs(t) do if -- Array keys should be numbers... not is_number(k) -- ...greater than 1... or k < 1 -- ...in a continuous sequence... or (k > 1 and t[k - 1] == nil) -- ...of integers... or k % 1 ~= 0 -- ...avoiding floating point overflow or k == k - 1 then return false end end return true end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return { empty_table = empty_table; toverride_many = toverride_many; tappend_many = tappend_many; tijoin_many = tijoin_many; tkeys = tkeys; tvalues = tvalues; tkeysvalues = tkeysvalues; tflip = tflip; tflip_inplace = tflip_inplace; tiflip = tiflip; tset = tset; tiset = tiset; tisarray = tisarray; tiinsert_args = tiinsert_args; timap_inplace = timap_inplace; timap = timap; timap_sliding = timap_sliding; tiwalk = tiwalk; tiwalker = tiwalker; tequals = tequals; tiunique = tiunique; tgenerate_n = tgenerate_n; -- deprecated tgenerate_1d_linear = tgenerate_1d_linear; tgenerate_2d_linear = tgenerate_2d_linear; taccumulate = taccumulate; tnormalize = tnormalize; tnormalize_inplace = tnormalize_inplace; tclone = tclone; tcount_elements = tcount_elements; tremap_to_array = tremap_to_array; twalk_pairs = twalk_pairs; tmap_values = tmap_values; torderedset = torderedset; torderedset_insert = torderedset_insert; torderedset_remove = torderedset_remove; twithdefaults = twithdefaults; tifilter = tifilter; tsetof = tsetof; tset_many = tset_many; tidentityset = tidentityset; timapofrecords = timapofrecords; tivalues = tivalues; treadonly = treadonly; treadonly_ex = treadonly_ex; tmap_kv = tmap_kv; tmapofrecordgroups = tmapofrecordgroups; timapofrecordgroups = timapofrecordgroups; tilistofrecordfields = tilistofrecordfields; tipermute_inplace = tipermute_inplace; tkvtorecordlist = tkvtorecordlist; tgetpath = tgetpath; tsetpath = tsetpath; tsetpathvalue = tsetpathvalue; tslice = tslice; tarraylisttohashlist = tarraylisttohashlist; tarraytohash = tarraytohash; tkvlist2kvpairs = tkvlist2kvpairs; tfilterkeylist = tfilterkeylist; tisempty = tisempty; tifindvalue_nonrecursive = tifindvalue_nonrecursive; tkvmap_unpack = tkvmap_unpack; tkvlist_to_hash = tkvlist_to_hash; tmerge_many = tmerge_many; }
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Recognizer | Recognition Result | Visualize | Recalc |
#308 | 19795 | [visualize] |
Snippet ID: | #157 |
Snippet name: | table-utils.lua (luanucleo) |
Eternal ID of this version: | #157/1 |
Text MD5: | 886ad3506df943b2b2a59e5315f48d1a |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | |
Type: | Lua code |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2014-01-13 03:45:08 |
Source code size: | 19795 bytes / 946 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | Yes / Yes |
Views / Downloads: | 1089 / 310 |
Referenced in: | [show references] |