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< > BotCompany Repo | #1036267 // TunableParameters - a set of auto-tunable parameters

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Transpiled version (11147L) is out of date.

// Sc = type of scores (e.g. Double)
// Sc can also be the actual instance created (e.g. a strategy)
// If Sc is not Comparable, you can supply an additional
// comparisonFunction.
sclass TunableParameters<Sc> {
  //replace Scrd with GenericallyScored<MapSO, Sc>.
  class Scrd extends Var<MapSO> {
    gettable Sc score;
    *() {}
    *(MapSO a, Sc score) { super(a); this.score = score; }
    toString {
      ret actualScoreFunction.get(score) + ": " + str(get());
    bool isBest() { ret this == best; }
    bool tiesBest() { ret compareScrd(this, best) == 0; }
    O actualScore() { ret actualScoreFunction.get(score); }
  settable IF1<MapSO, Sc> scoreFunction;
  settable IF2_OOInt<O> comparisonFunction;
  settable IF1<Sc, O> actualScoreFunction = l1 id;
  gettable Scrd best;
  new LinkedHashMap<S, Parameter> parameters;
  new L<Parameter> parameterList;
  gettable volatile long instancesTested;
  event testingInstance(MapSO instance);
  event fireInstanceScored(Scrd scored);
  event newBest(Scrd instance);
  abstract class Parameter<A> {
    settable S name;
    settable A defaultValue;
    abstract A randomValue();
    A get(MapSO instance) {
      ret (A) instance.get(name);
    TunableParameters<Sc> tuner() { ret TunableParameters.this; }
  class IntRangeParameter extends Parameter<Int> {
    settable IntRange range;
    settable int step = 1;
    Int randomValue() { ret random(range); }
    selfType fixedValue(int value) {
      range(intRange(value, value));
  class DoubleRangeParameter extends Parameter<Double> {
    settable DoubleRange range;
    settable double step = .1;
    Double randomValue() { ret random(range); }
    selfType fixedValue(double value) {
      range(doubleRange(value, value));
  <A extends Parameter> A add(A p) {
    parameters.put(, p);
    ret p;
  IntRangeParameter intParam(S name, int defaultValue, int min, int max) {
    new IntRangeParameter p;
    p.range(intRange(min, max)).+defaultValue.+name;
    ret add(p);
  DoubleRangeParameter doubleParam(S name, double defaultValue, double min, double max, double step default .1) {
    new DoubleRangeParameter p;
    p.range(doubleRange(min, max)).+step.+defaultValue.+name;
    ret add(p);
  MapSO randomInstance() {
    MapSO map = new LinkedHashMap;
    for (param : parameterList)
      map.put(, param.randomValue());
    ret map;
  MapSO defaultInstance() {
    MapSO map = new LinkedHashMap;
    for (param : parameterList)
      map.put(, param.defaultValue());
    ret map;
  Scrd tryARandomCombination() {
    ret tryInstance(randomInstance());
  Scrd tryDefaultValues() {
    ret tryInstance(defaultInstance());
  // replaces the parameter with a random value
  L<Scrd> varyEachParameterOnce(MapSO instance) {
    if (instance == null) null;
    new L<Scrd> out;
    for (param : parameterList) {
      O value = param.randomValue();
      if (eq(param.get(instance), value))
      MapSO instance2 = cloneMap(instance);
      instance2.put(, value);
    ret out;
  Sc score(MapSO instance) {
    ret scoreFunction.get(instance);
  Scrd scored(MapSO instance) {
    Scrd scored = new(instance, score(instance));
    ret scored;
  Scrd tryInstance(MapSO instance) {
    if (instance == null) null;
    Scrd scored = scored(instance);
    ret scored;
  void tryInstance(Scrd scored) {
    if (scored == null) ret;
    if (best == null || compareScrd(scored, best) > 0) {
      best = scored;
  int compareScrd(Scrd a, Scrd b) {
    Sc scoreA = a.score();
    Sc scoreB = b.score();
    ret comparisonFunction == null ? cmp(scoreA, scoreB) : comparisonFunction.get(actualScoreFunction.get(scoreA), actualScoreFunction.get(scoreB));
  toString {
    ret "Best: " + best + " (parameters: " + keys(parameters) + ")";
  MapSO bestOrDefaultInstance() {
    if (best == null)
    ret best!;

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Snippet ID: #1036267
Snippet name: TunableParameters - a set of auto-tunable parameters
Eternal ID of this version: #1036267/40
Text MD5: b1a0fd497a451041a6a69012e41ec703
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2023-03-22 20:18:47
Source code size: 4576 bytes / 173 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 240 / 515
Version history: 39 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]