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< > BotCompany Repo | #1036168 // AbstractTickerPainter

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (30928L/197K).

asclass AbstractTickerPainter extends ScaledDiagram is G2Drawable, MakesBufferedImage {
  settable TickerSequence ticker;
  // the following two are old, use priceCells instead
  settable double percentLineDistance;
  settable bool drawPercentLines;
  settable PriceCells priceCells;
  settable Color percentStripesColor = Color.darkGray;
  new L<TradingPosition> positions;
  new L<G2Drawable> additionalObjects;
  public BufferedImage render aka getBufferedImage() {
    // Make black image
    var img = blackImage(w, h);
    var g = img.createGraphics();
    ret img;
  void drawPercentLines(Graphics2D g) {
    if (priceCells != null) {
      int cellNumber = ifloor(priceCells.toCellNumber(verticalRange.end));
      int safety = 250;
      while (safety-- > 0) {
        double y2 = priceCells.fromCellNumber(cellNumber-1);
        if (y2 < verticalRange.start) break;
        double y = priceCells.fromCellNumber(cellNumber);
        var yy = iround(yToScreen(y));
        var yy2 = iround(yToScreen(y2));
        //drawLine(g, 0, yy, w-1, yy, Color.gray);
        fillRect(g, 0, yy, w-1, yy2-yy, percentStripesColor);
        cellNumber -= 2;
  void drawPositions(Graphics2D g) {
    for (position : positions) {
      var time = position.openingTime();
      var price = position.openingPrice();
      var x = xToScreen(time);
      var y = yToScreen(price);
      var color = colorForPosition(position);
      // Mark opening point
      fillRect(g, rectAroundPt(iround(x), iround(y), 10), color);
      if (not(position.isOpen())) {
        time = position.closingTime();
        price = position.closingPrice();
        var x2 = xToScreen(time);
        var y2 = yToScreen(price);
        drawArrowBetweenPoints(g, toPt_round(doublePt(x, y)), toPt_round(doublePt(x2, y2)), color);
  void drawAdditionalObjects(Graphics2D g) {
    for (o : additionalObjects) pcall {
  void addVerticalLine(double x, Color color default Color.gray) {
    additionalObjects.add(g -> drawVerticalLine(g, x, color));
  void add(G2Drawable object) {
    addIfNotNull(additionalObjects, object);
  void drawVerticalLine(Graphics2D g, double x, Color color default Color.gray) {
    int xScreen = iround(xToScreen(x));
    drawLine(g, xScreen, 0, xScreen, h-1, color);
  void addHorizontalLine(double y, Color color default Color.gray) {
    additionalObjects.add(g -> drawHorizontalLine(g, y, color));
  void drawHorizontalLine(Graphics2D g, double y, Color color default Color.gray) {
    int yScreen = iround(yToScreen(y));
    drawLine(g, 0, yScreen, w-1, yScreen, color);
  DoubleRange horizontalRangeForTicker(TickerSequence ticker) {
    var timeRange = ticker.timeRange();
    if (timeRange == null) null;
    ret doubleRange(timeRange.startTime().unixDate(), timeRange.endTime().unixDate());
  DoubleRange verticalRangeForTicker(TickerSequence ticker) {
    ret doubleRange(ticker.minPrice(), ticker.maxPrice());
  void addTimeGrid(double minutes) {
    additionalObjects.add(g -> drawTimeGrid(g, minutes));
  void drawTimeGrid(Graphics2D g, double minutes) {
    double ms = minutesToMS(minutes);
    assertTrue(ms >= 100);
    double time = roundUpTo(ms, horizontalRange().start);
    while (time < horizontalRange().end) {
      drawVerticalLine(g, time);
      time += ms;
  class LineIndicator is G2Drawable {
    settable TickerSequence values;
    settable Color color = Color.yellow;
    *() {}
    *(TickerSequence *values) {}
    *(TickerSequence *values, Color *color) {}
    public void drawOn(Graphics2D g) {
      var xRange = roundToIntRange(xRange());
      var sub = values.subSequenceByTimestamps(
      int lastx = 0, lasty = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < sub.size(); i++) {
        double price = sub.getPrice(i);
        long time = sub.getTimestamp(i);
        int x = iround(xToScreen(time));
        int y = iround(yToScreen(price));
        if (i != 0)
          g.drawLine(lastx, lasty, x, y);
        lastx = x;
        lasty = y;
  selfType priceCells aka cellSize(double cellSize) {
    ret priceCells(new GeometricPriceCells(cellSize));
  swappable Color colorForPosition(TradingPosition position) {
    bool winner = position.isWinner();
    //bool green = position.isLong();
    //var color = colorFromHex(green ? "1da2b4" : "f1493f");
    ret winner
      ? directionToCandleColor(position.direction())
      : position.isLong() ? Color.yellow :;

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1036145

download  show line numbers  debug dex  old transpilations   

Travelled to 2 computer(s): elmgxqgtpvxh, mqqgnosmbjvj

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Snippet ID: #1036168
Snippet name: AbstractTickerPainter
Eternal ID of this version: #1036168/50
Text MD5: b75d655f5ea426a3b4dcdc3a1be8d9fe
Transpilation MD5: 88ff371cdde460ddc76d03dcc7021b41
Author: stefan
Category: javax / gazelle 22
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2023-03-12 23:27:44
Source code size: 4899 bytes / 154 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 279 / 540
Version history: 49 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]