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< > BotCompany Repo | #1035752 // CutListToBudget

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Transpiled version (9583L) is out of date.

// Cut a list off at a certain point in order to stay within a
// defined "budget" (according to a user-defined function giving
// a price for each element)

sclass CutListToBudget<A> {
  settable double maxPrice;
  settable Iterable<A> inputList;
  gettable L<A> outputList;
  gettable double finalPrice;
  // cut up last element to fill remaining budget?
  settable bool allowPartial;
  // last element of outputList before reduction
  // (if there was a reduction)
  gettable A fullLastElement;
  swappable double getPrice(A element) { throw unimplemented(); }
  // reduce an element to fit a budget
  // can return null if no reduced element is possible
  swappable A reduceElement(A element, double budget) { null; }
  *(IF1<A, Double> *getPrice) {}
  *(IF1<A, Double> *getPrice, double *maxPrice, Iterable<A> *inputList) {}
  run {
    outputList = new L;
    finalPrice = 0;
    fOr (element : inputList) {
      double price = getPrice(element);
      if (finalPrice + price > maxPrice) {
        if (allowPartial) {
          A partial = reduceElement(element, maxPrice-finalPrice);
          if (partial != null) {
            fullLastElement = element;
            finalPrice += getPrice(partial);
            if (finalPrice > maxPrice)
              fail("reduceElement failure (over budget)");
      finalPrice += price;
  L<A> get() {
    if (outputList == null) run();
    ret outputList;
  selfType allowPartial(IF2<A, Double, A> reduceElement) {
    this.reduceElement = reduceElement;
    ret allowPartial(true);
  A lastElement() {
    ret last(get());
  Percent lastElementKeptPercentage() {
    ret fullLastElement == null ?: Percent(getPrice(lastElement())/getPrice(fullLastElement)*100);

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1035616

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Travelled to 2 computer(s): elmgxqgtpvxh, mqqgnosmbjvj

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Snippet ID: #1035752
Snippet name: CutListToBudget
Eternal ID of this version: #1035752/13
Text MD5: 43306758b808510072f160cc870b6740
Author: stefan
Category: javax / gazelle 22
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2022-07-25 15:51:28
Source code size: 1947 bytes / 67 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 137 / 229
Version history: 12 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]