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< > BotCompany Repo | #1035702 // CompressToInterpolatedDoubleArray

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Transpiled version (13569L) is out of date.

sclass CompressToInterpolatedDoubleArray {
  // raw data to compress (integers)
  int[] data;
  // output
  InterpolatedDoubleArray result;
  // options
  settable double slopeTolerance = 0.01;
  // internal
  new IntBuffer indices;
  new DoubleBuffer values;
  *(int[] *data) {}
  InterpolatedDoubleArray get() {
    int iData = 0;
    while (iData < data.length) {
      int startValue = data[iData];
      // possible range of actual floating point starting value
      DoubleRange startValueRange = doubleRange(startValue-0.5, startValue+0.5);
      // see how far the straight line goes from iData
      DoubleRange totalSlopeRange = null;
      int jData; // our straight line ends at jData-1
      for (jData = iData+1; jData < data.length; jData++) {
        double x = data[jData], h = jData-iData;
        // possible range of actual floating point value
        DoubleRange xRange = doubleRange(x-0.5, x+0.5);
        // most generous range for possible slope depending
        // on possible floating point values at start and end
        DoubleRange slopeRange = doubleRange(
        // grow range a little to avoid size 0 ranges
        slopeRange = growRange(slopeTolerance, slopeRange);
        //printVars(+iData, +jData, +slopeRange, +totalSlopeRange);
        if (totalSlopeRange == null)
          totalSlopeRange = slopeRange;
        else {
          slopeRange = intersectRanges(slopeRange, totalSlopeRange);
          if (empty(slopeRange))
            totalSlopeRange = slopeRange;
      iData = max(iData+1, jData-1);
    ret result = new InterpolatedDoubleArray(indices.toArrayNonNull(), values.toArrayNonNull());

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Snippet ID: #1035702
Snippet name: CompressToInterpolatedDoubleArray
Eternal ID of this version: #1035702/12
Text MD5: f3d50df57f486f8da9f9d281831aa712
Author: stefan
Category: javax / geometric compression
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2022-07-11 23:01:01
Source code size: 1970 bytes / 59 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 151 / 243
Version history: 11 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]