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< > BotCompany Repo | #1035640 // G22_RegionToSSIs_v2 - full conversion with cohesion and fewest SSIs (backup)

JavaX fragment (include)

srecord noeq G22_RegionToSSIs_v2(IImageRegion region) extends Meta {
  RGB color;
  L<SSI> ssis;
  new L<GrowingSSI> growingSSIs;
  settable bool withDiagonals;
  settable bool checkCoherence = true;
  settable bool checkStreaks = true;
  private int x1, y;
  class GrowingSSI {
    settable int y1;
    new ShortBuffer data;
    int y2() { ret y1+l(data)/2; }
    SSI finish() {
      ret addAndReturn(ssis, new SSI(y1, y2()).data(data.toArray())
    bool isEmpty() { ret data.isEmpty(); }
    int lastx1() { ret data.get(l(data)-2); }
    int lastx2() { ret data.get(l(data)-1); }
    IntRange lastRange() { ret isEmpty() ? null : intRange(lastx1(), lastx2()); }
    void add(int x1, int x2) {
      if (checkCoherence() && !isEmpty()
        && !intRangesOverlap(x1, x2, lastx1()-diag(), lastx2()+diag()))
        fail("Coherence fail", +lastx1(), +lastx2(), +x1, +x2);
  void finishSSI(int iSSI) {
  private GrowingSSI startSSI(int iSSI default l(growingSSIs), IntRange range) {
    if (scaffoldingEnabled()) printVars("startSSI", +iSSI, +range);
    var ssi = new GrowingSSI().y1(y);
    ssi.add(range.start, range.end);
    ret addAndReturn(growingSSIs, iSSI, ssi);
  L<IntRange> lastStreaks() {
    ret reallyLazyMap(growingSSIs, -> .lastRange());
  int diag() { ret withDiagonals ? 1 : 0; }
  L<SSI> get() {
    if (region == null) null;
    color = region.color();
    ssis = new L;
    Rect r = region.bounds();
    int x1 = this.x1 = r.x1(), y1 = r.y1(), y2 = r.y2(), h = y2-y1, w = r.w;
    bool scaff = scaffoldingEnabled();
    for (y = y1; y < y2; y++) {
      reMutable y;
      L<IntRange> streaks = shiftIntRanges(x1, genericStreaks(w, x -> region.contains(x1+x, y)));
      var lastStreaks = lastStreaks();
      if (checkStreaks())
      // advance iSSI & iStreak simultaneously
      int iStreak = 0, iSSI = 0;
      int nStreaks = l(streaks);
      if (scaff) printVars(+y, +lastStreaks, +streaks);

      while ping (iStreak < nStreaks) {
        var range = streaks.get(iStreak);
        var ssi = _get(growingSSIs, iSSI);
        if (scaff) printVars(+y, +iStreak, +iSSI, +range, ssi := ssi?.lastRange());
        // case 1:
        //           ------
        // -------
        // case 2:
        // -------
        // (left of current SSI or to the right of everything)
        if (ssi == null || range.end <= ssi.lastx1()-diag()) {
          startSSI(iSSI++, range);
        // Now we know that we have another SSI.
        // case 3:
        // -------
        //          ------
        // (Just end current SSI and do streak again.)
        if (range.start >= ssi.lastx2()+diag()) {
        // Find the rightmost streak still under the current SSI
        int jStreak = iStreak+1;
        while (jStreak < nStreaks && streaks.get(jStreak).start < ssi.lastx2()+diag())
        range = streaks.get(jStreak-1);

        // Check if we have to merge with right neighbor(s)
        int jSSI = iSSI+1;
        while (jSSI < l(growingSSIs)
          && range.end > growingSSIs.get(jSSI).lastx1()-diag())
        int nSSI = jSSI-iSSI, nStreak = jStreak-iStreak;
        if (scaff) printVars(+jStreak, +jSSI, +nSSI, +nStreak, +nStreaks, nSSIs := l(growingSSIs));

        if (scaff) printVars(+nSSI, +nStreak);
        // Now we go from [iSSI;jSSI) to [iStreak;jStreak)
        // The only case without structural changes is when
        // nSSI = nStreak = 1. Then we just add the line.
        if (nSSI == 1 && nStreak == 1) {
          ssi.add(range.start, range.end);
          iSSI = jSSI; iStreak = jStreak; continue;
        // If 2 -> 2, we can just assign them one-to-one I think
        if (nSSI == 2 && nStreak == 2) {
          if (scaff) printVars("2->2", ssis := subList(lastStreaks(), iSSI, jSSI),
            streaks := subList(streaks, iStreak, jStreak));
          while (iSSI < jSSI) {
            range = streaks.get(iStreak++);
            growingSSIs.get(iSSI++).add(range.start, range.end);
        if (nSSI > 1 && nStreak > 1)
          printVars("ANOMALY", +nSSI, +nStreak,
            ssis := subList(lastStreaks(), iSSI, jSSI),
            streaks := subList(streaks, iStreak, jStreak));
        // Any kind of structural change means end all involved
        // SSIs and start new ones.
        while (jSSI-- > iSSI)
        while (iStreak < jStreak)
          startSSI(iSSI++, streaks.get(iStreak++));
      // end SSIs to the right of all streaks
      while (iSSI < l(growingSSIs))
    for (ssi : cloneAndClear(growingSSIs)) ssi.finish();
    ret ssis;

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Began life as a copy of #1035627

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Snippet ID: #1035640
Snippet name: G22_RegionToSSIs_v2 - full conversion with cohesion and fewest SSIs (backup)
Eternal ID of this version: #1035640/1
Text MD5: 0cc358c08e2c15a5366370b5fddb3c6c
Author: stefan
Category: javax / gazelle 22
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2022-06-27 08:53:17
Source code size: 5375 bytes / 167 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 117 / 123
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