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< > BotCompany Repo | #1035213 // WeightlessShuffledIterator (working backup with external LSFR) - iterate over list in random order using an LSFR (=iterator is OSPACE(1))

JavaX fragment (include)

// Deterministic shuffled list iterator using an XORSHIFT RNG
// Each step is O(1), iterator is OSPACE(1)

// This iterator doesn't have a seed parameter and is completely
// deterministic with respect to a given list size.
// If you want to pass a seed, use WeightlessShuffledIteratorWithSeed.

sclass WeightlessShuffledIterator<A> extends ItIt<A> {
  final L<A> list;
  final int n;
  int i;
  final TripletLSFR lsfr;

  // initialize only with a length (and a pseudo-list)
  // if you are going to be calling nextIndex() instead of next()
  *(int n) {
    this((L) virtualNullList(n));
  // initialize with a list to shuffle
  *(L<A> *list) {
    n = l(list);
    if (n == 0) ret with lsfr = null;
    int bits = numberOfBitsNeededToRepresentNOptions(n+1);
    lsfr = new TripletLSFR(bits);
  public bool hasNext() { ret i < n; }
  public A next() {
    ret list.get(nextIndex());
  // you can call nextIndex() without having checked hasNext(),
  // then it will just return -1 when the iteration is complete.
  public int nextIndex() {
    if (i++ >= n) ret -1;
    int raw;
    do {
      ifdef WeightlessShuffledIterator_SafetyChecks
        if (lsfr.cycleComplete())
          fail("Internal error");
      raw = postProcessLSFRValue(;
      printVars ifdef WeightlessShuffledIterator_debug(+i, +raw, step := lsfr.step);
    } while (raw >= n);
    ret raw;
  int bits() { ret lsfr == null ? 0 : lsfr.n; }
  // overridable in subclasses
  int postProcessLSFRValue(int i) { ret i; }

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Began life as a copy of #1035206

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Snippet ID: #1035213
Snippet name: WeightlessShuffledIterator (working backup with external LSFR) - iterate over list in random order using an LSFR (=iterator is OSPACE(1))
Eternal ID of this version: #1035213/1
Text MD5: e7f34dd56f29b29fc7d56798ca38c2ad
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2022-04-15 17:18:30
Source code size: 1635 bytes / 58 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 74 / 77
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