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< > BotCompany Repo | #1035179 // ConvertLASToJava - not an exact conversion, but returns a template for porting a left-arrow script to Java

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Transpiled version (32399L) is out of date.

sclass ConvertLASToJava > Meta {
  replace Tk with GazelleV_LeftArrowScript.
  delegate Evaluable to Tk.
  S typeToJava(Type type) {
    ret type == null ?: shortenClassNames(type.getTypeName());
  S typeToJava(LASValueDescriptor desc) {
    ret typeToJava(or(desc == null ?: desc.javaClass(), O));
  O convert(LASClassDef.FieldDef field) {
    ret "settable " + typeToJava(field.type()) + " " + + 
      (field.initializer == null ? "" : " = " + convert(field.initializer)) + ";";
  S convert(Tk.FunctionDef f) {
    if (f.synthetic()) ret "";
    ret typeToJava(f.returnType) + " "
      + + "(" + joinWithComma(
        countIterator(l(f.args), i
          -> typeToJava(f.argTypes[i]) + " " + f.args[i])
        ) + ") {\n"
      + indentx(convert(f.body, true))
      + "}\n\n";
  O convertWithLeadingSpace(Evaluable o) {
    ret leadingSpace(o, "") + convert(o);
  O convertWithLeadingSpace2(Evaluable o) {
    ret replaceIfEqual(leadingSpace(o, ""), " ", "") + convert(o);
  S leadingSpace(Evaluable o, S defaultSpace) {
    S space = null;
    var src = o.tokenRangeWithSrc();
    if (src != null)
      space = src.startPtr().mapIdx(idx -> idx & ~1)!;
    ret or2(space, defaultSpace);
  S trailingSpace(Evaluable o, S defaultSpace) {
    S space = null;
    var src = o.tokenRangeWithSrc();
    if (src != null) {
      S rawSpace = src.endPtr().mapIdx(idx -> idx & ~1)!;
      space = replaceRegexp(rawSpace, "\n[ \t]+$", "\n");
      if (scaffoldingEnabled()) printVars trailingSpace(rawSpace := quote(rawSpace), space := quote(space));
    ret or2(space, defaultSpace);
  O getInstruction(Evaluable o) {
    O inner = convert(o);
    bool needSemicolon = !o instanceof Tk.ClassDef
      && !o instanceof Tk.ForEachBase;
    S space = trailingSpace(o, "\n");
    if (scaffoldingEnabled()) printVars(+space, o := className(o), srcText := quote(o.srcText()), +inner);
    ret inner + (needSemicolon ? ";" : "") + space;

  O convert(Tk.Script script, bool returnLastResult) {
    var steps = asList(script.steps);
    if (returnLastResult) {
      if (empty(steps)) ret "return null;";
      var last = last(steps);
      if (!last instanceof Tk.ReturnFromScript
        && !last instanceof Tk.ClassDef)
        setLast(steps, new Tk.ReturnFromScript(script, last));
    ret concatMapStrings(i -> str(getInstruction(i)), steps);
  O convert(Evaluable o, bool returnLastResult) {
    if (o cast Tk.Script)
      ret convert(o, returnLastResult);
    ret convert(o);
  O convert(Evaluable o) {
    if (o == null) null;
    // These are the properly implemented cases
    if (o cast Tk.GetVar)
      ret o.var;
    if (o cast Tk.Script)
      ret convert(o, false);
    if (o cast Tk.ClassDef) {
      LASClassDef c = o.lasClass.classDef;
      ret spaceCombine(
        eqOneOf(c.superClass, null, O) ? null : "extends " + typeToJava(c.superClass),
        empty(c.interfaces) ? null : "is " + joinWithComma(map typeToJava(c.interfaces)),
        curly("\n" + appendNewLineIfNempty(indentx(
          lines_rtrim(map convert(c.fields)),
          paragraphs(nempties(map convert(c.methods))))
    if (o cast Tk.Assignment)
      ret o.var + " = " + convert(o.expression);
    if (o cast Tk.VarDeclaration)
      ret "var " + o.var + " = " + convert(o.expression);
    if (o cast Tk.CallMethod) {
      S targetStr = null;
      var targetType =;
      if (targetType != null && targetType.knownValue()) {
        O target = targetType.value();
        if (target cast Class && eqOneOf(shortClassName(target), "main", "utils"))
          targetStr = "";
      if (targetStr == null)
        targetStr = str(convert(;
      ret (empty(targetStr) ? "" : targetStr + ".")
        + FunctionCall(o.methodName, map convertWithLeadingSpace2(o.args));
    if (o cast Tk.SetField)
      ret convert( + "." + + " = " + convert(o.expr);
    if (o cast Tk.CallMethodOrGetField)
      ret convert( + "." + + "()";
    if (o cast Tk.DirectMethodCallOnKnownTarget)
      ret + "." + FunctionCall(o.method.getName(), map convert(o.args));

    if (o cast Tk.NewObject) {
      S className;
      var o2 = o;
      if (o2 cast Tk.NewObject_LASClass) {
        className = o2.lasClass.userGivenName();
      } else
        className = typeToJava(o.c);
      ret "new " + FunctionCall(className, map convert(o.args));
    if (o cast Tk.IfThen)
      ret "if (" + convert(o.condition) + ") "
        + curlyIfScript(o.body)
        + (o.elseBranch == null ? "" : " else "
          + curlyIfScript(o.elseBranch));
    if (o cast Tk.Const) {
      O val = o.value;
      if (val cast Tk.FunctionDef)
        ret convert(val);
      var c = o;
      try object c?.srcText();
      pcall {
        ret toJava(val);

    if (o cast Tk.ForEach)
      ret "fOr (" + o.var + " : " + convert(o.collection) + ") {\n"
        + indentx(convert(o.body, false)) + "\n}";
    if (o cast Tk.ForIntTo)
      ret "for " + o.var + " to " + convert(o.endValue) + ": {\n"
        + indentx(convert(o.body, false)) + "\n}";
    if (o cast Tk.CurriedScriptFunctionLambda) {
      int nArgs = o.implementedMethod.getParameterCount();
      LS args = countIteratorToList_incl(1, nArgs, i ->"_" + i);
      L fullArgs = concatLists(allToString(map convert(o.curriedArgs)), args);
      ret roundBracketed(typeToJava(o.intrface))
        + " " + lambdaArgsToString_pureJava(args) + " -> "
        + FunctionCall(, fullArgs);
    if (o cast Tk.LambdaDef)
      ret roundBracketed(typeToJava(o.intrface))
        + " " 
        + joinNemptiesWithSpace(lambdaArgsToString_pureJava(o.args), "-> "
          + curlyIfScript(o.body));
    if (o cast Tk.ReturnFromScript)
      ret "ret " + convert(o.value);
    if (o cast Tk.GetStaticField)
      ret typeToJava(o.field.getDeclaringClass()) + "." + o.field.getName();
    if (o cast Tk.BoolAnd)
      ret roundBracketed(str(convert(o.a))) + " && " + roundBracketed(str(convert(o.b)));
    if (o cast Tk.BoolOr)
      ret roundBracketed(str(convert(o.a))) + " || " + roundBracketed(str(convert(o.b)));
    if (o cast Tk.GetField)
      ret convert( + "." +;
    if (o cast Tk.CallFunction)
      ret FunctionCall(, map convert(o.args));
    if (o cast Tk.While)
      ret "while (" + convert(o.condition) + ") {\n"
        + indentx(convert(o.body, false)) + "\n}";
    if (o cast Tk.TryCatch)
      ret "try {\n"
        + indentx(convert(o.body, false)) + "\n"
        + "} catch " + o.var + " {\n"
        + indentx(convert(o.catchBlock, false)) + "\n}";
    if (o cast Tk.TryFinally)
      ret "try {\n"
        + indentx(convert(o.body, false)) + "\n"
        + "} finally {\n"
        + indentx(convert(o.finallyBlock, false)) + "\n}";
    // add more explicitly handled cases here
    warn("Can't convert to Java: " + className(o));
    // Retain original script text as a default
    if (o cast Tk.Base) {
      var b = o;
      try object b?.srcText();
    // If that fails (it shouldn't), just return the toString
    warn("No source reference in script object: " + className(o));
    ret str(o);
  O curlyIfScript(Evaluable o) {
    if (o cast Tk.Script)
      ret "{\n" + indentx(convert(o)) + "\n}";
    ret convert(o);
  // get is convert + postProcess
  S get(Evaluable o, bool returnLastResult) {
    S src = strOrEmpty(convert(o, returnLastResult));
    LS tok = javaTok(src);
    jreplace(tok, "this.", "");
    JavaXPeepholeShortener shortener = new(tok);;
    ret join(shortener.tok);
  S convertInitializers(LASClassDef c) {
    ret lines_rtrim(nempties(mapWithIndex(c.initializers, (idx, i) -> {
      if (c.isFieldInitializer.get(idx))
      ret "{ " + addSuffix(rtrim(str(convert(i))), ";") + " }";

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Snippet ID: #1035179
Snippet name: ConvertLASToJava - not an exact conversion, but returns a template for porting a left-arrow script to Java
Eternal ID of this version: #1035179/118
Text MD5: 07719fcaaeace2012df9f4f1e9097a1b
Author: stefan
Category: javax / gazelle 22
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2023-04-02 18:37:25
Source code size: 8613 bytes / 269 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 394 / 883
Version history: 117 change(s)
Referenced in: #1003674 - Standard Classes + Interfaces (LIVE continued in #1034167)