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< > BotCompany Repo | #1035024 // G22RegionThinner_LookupTable

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (12716L/74K).

// Lookup table to speed up the last phase of G22RegionThinner_v2.
// There are 256 possible neighborhood images for a 3x3 neighborhood
// excluding the central pixel.
// For each of these, we store whether the central pixel should be
// deleted (bit is 1 = deletable)
sclass G22RegionThinner_LookupTable {
  byte[] table;
  settable int lastPhaseThreshold1 = 2;
  settable int lastPhaseThreshold = 5;
  static byte[] defaultTable = null/*bytesFromHex(
  // for debugging
  L<IImageRegion<BWImage>> regions;
  int sides;
  byte[] get aka table aka getTable() {
    if (table == null) {
      if (defaultTable != null && lastPhaseThreshold1 == 2 && lastPhaseThreshold == 5)
        table = defaultTable;
      else {
        table = new byte[256/8];
        for imgPattern to 256:
          setBit(table, imgPattern, calculatePattern(imgPattern));
    ret table;
  S toHex() { ret bytesToHex(table()); }

  // imgPattern bit set = black  
  bool calculatePattern(int imgPattern) {
    // special case "cross" (don't delete center point)
    if (imgPattern == 0b01011010) false;
    Image2B img = new(3, 3);
    imgPattern = ~imgPattern;
    img.setPixel(0, 0, testBit(imgPattern, 0));
    img.setPixel(1, 0, testBit(imgPattern, 1));
    img.setPixel(2, 0, testBit(imgPattern, 2));
    img.setPixel(0, 1, testBit(imgPattern, 3));
    img.setPixel(1, 1, true);
    img.setPixel(2, 1, testBit(imgPattern, 4));
    img.setPixel(0, 2, testBit(imgPattern, 5));
    img.setPixel(1, 2, testBit(imgPattern, 6));
    img.setPixel(2, 2, testBit(imgPattern, 7));
    var bwImage = img.toBW();
    FastRegions_BWImage regionMaker = new(bwImage);
    // get all the black regions out of the 3x3 image
    regions = regionMaker.regions();
    regions = filter(regions, r -> r.brightness() == 0);
    bool delete = false;
    int pixels = 0;
    // no regions? it's a lonely pixel - keep it
    if (empty(regions)) {}
    else if (l(regions) == 1) {
      // one region
      pixels = first(regions).numberOfPixels();
      // if it's only one or two pixels, we are at the end of a line - keep
      if (pixels <= lastPhaseThreshold1)
        delete = false;
      else {
        // delete pixel if the region is small, but not too small
        // (lastPhaseThreshold is 5 by default)
        if (pixels < lastPhaseThreshold)
          delete = true;
        else if (pixels == lastPhaseThreshold) {
          // if it's exactly 5 pixels, check out how far
          // the region "surrounds" the pixel (does it touch 2 or 3 sides?)
          // delete pixel if it is not surrounded
          sides = 4-(int)
            (bwImage.getFloatPixel(1, 0)
            + bwImage.getFloatPixel(0, 1)
            + bwImage.getFloatPixel(2, 1)
            + bwImage.getFloatPixel(1, 2));
          delete = sides <= 3; // XXX - formerly: < 3
    } else
      // we have more than one region - pixel was
      // structurally important, keep it

    ret delete;

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Snippet ID: #1035024
Snippet name: G22RegionThinner_LookupTable
Eternal ID of this version: #1035024/10
Text MD5: 45dad372e875042423b137e64c61616b
Transpilation MD5: 2e760e7e3704f1b53fe806baf1d6c4ca
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2022-05-03 19:25:09
Source code size: 3276 bytes / 98 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 150 / 252
Version history: 9 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]