sclass G22LAScriptIDE<A extends G22LAScript> is Swingable { settable G22Utils g22utils; settable S noScriptSelectedMsg = "Please select or create a script to edit it"; A script; transient SingleComponentPanel scp; transient JLeftArrowScriptIDE[] ides; transient JTabbedPane tabs; transient JButton btnSave, btnDiscardChanges, btnClearForAutoRun; abstract class Mode { G22ScriptMode modeEnum; S name; gettable bool editable; *(G22ScriptMode *modeEnum, S *name, bool *editable) {} simplyCached abstract IVarWithNotify<S> scriptVar(); void addButtons(JPanel panel) {} toString { ret name; } S tabName() { ret scriptVar().has() ? name : "Not " + firstToLower(name); } } class ModeClearedForAutoRun > Mode { *() { super(G22ScriptMode.autoRunnable, "Cleared for auto-run", false); } IVarWithNotify<S> scriptVar_load() { var var = new VirtualVar<S>( -> script.codeForAutoRun(), null /*text -> script.setClearedForAutoRun(text == null ?: new ClearForAutoRun(text))*/); addWeakChangeListener(script.varClearedForAutoRun(), var); ret var; } void addButtons(JPanel panel) { panel.add(jbutton("Forget auto-run code", rThread forgetAutoRunCode)); } } class ModeSaved > Mode { *() { super(G22ScriptMode.saved, "Saved", false); } IVarWithNotify<S> scriptVar_load() { ret getterVarOnly(script.varText()); } void addButtons(JPanel panel) { panel.add(btnClearForAutoRun = jbutton("Clear for auto-run", rThread clearForAutoRun)); panel.add(jbutton("Forget code", rThread forgetSaved)); } } class ModeEdit > Mode { *() { super(G22ScriptMode.edit, "Edit", true); } IVarWithNotify<S> scriptVar_load() { var var = new VirtualVar<S>( -> script.textForEditing(), text -> script.receiveEditingText(text) ); addWeakChangeListener(script, var); ret var; } void addButtons(JPanel panel) { panel.add(btnSave = jbutton("Save", rThread saveEdit)); panel.add(btnDiscardChanges = jbutton("Discard changes", rThread discardEdit)); } } transient new ModeEdit modeEdit; transient new ModeSaved modeSaved; transient new ModeClearedForAutoRun modeClearedForAutoRun; transient L<Mode> modes = ll( modeEdit, modeSaved, modeClearedForAutoRun ); *(G22Utils *g22utils) {} cachedVisualize { ides = new JLeftArrowScriptIDE[l(modes)]; if (scp == null) scp = singleComponentPanel(); loadScript(script); ret scp; } void setScript(A script) { if (this.script != script) if (this.script != null) fail("Can't set script after initialisation"); else loadScript(script); } void loadScript(A script) { this.script = script; if (scp == null) ret; if (script == null) scp.set(jcenteredlabel(noScriptSelectedMsg())); else { tabs = jtabs(); // This places tabs vertically at the right hand side... // (not what we want) //setTabPlacement(JTabbedPane.RIGHT, tabs); for (int i, Mode mode : unpair iterateWithIndex(modes)) { var ide = ides[i] = g22utils.leftArrowIDE(); ide.wrapSection = c -> wrapEditorSection(mode, c); ide.newCompileResult = -> script.newCompileResult(); ide.makeParser = -> script.makeParser(); modifyIDE(ide); var varScript = mode.scriptVar(); ide.lvScript(varWithNotifyToLiveValue(S.class, varScript)); addTab(tabs, str(mode)); mode.addButtons(ide.buttons()); ide.visualize(); ide.setEditable(mode.editable()); varScript.onChangeAndNow(text -> setTab(tabs, i, text == null ? jcenteredlabel("Empty") : wrapIDE(mode, ide)); ide.popDownButton.onFillingMenu(menu -> addMenuItem(menu, "Show History", rThread showHistory)); } script.onChangeAndNow(r { for (int i, Mode mode : unpair iterateWithIndex(modes)) setTabTitle(tabs, i, mode.tabName()); setEnabled(script.isEditing(), btnSave, btnDiscardChanges); setEnabled(btnClearForAutoRun, script.isSavedDistinctFromAutoRunVersion()); }); setMode(script.isEditing() ? modeEdit : modeSaved); scp.set(tabs); } } swappable JComponent wrapEditorSection(Mode mode, JComponent editorSection) { if (mode == modeSaved) ret withTopMargin(northAndCenterWithMargin( withRightMargin(jline(jbutton("Edit script", -> setMode(modeEdit)))), editorSection)); else ret editorSection; } swappable JComponent wrapIDE(Mode mode, JLeftArrowScriptIDE ide) { ret ide.visualize(); } event settingUpIDE(JLeftArrowScriptIDE ide); swappable void modifyIDE(JLeftArrowScriptIDE ide) { ide.showTitle(false); settingUpIDE(ide); } void saveEdit { script.completeEdit(); setMode(modeSaved); } JLeftArrowScriptIDE ide(Mode mode) { if (ides == null) visualize(); ret _get(ides, indexOf(modes, mode)); } void setMode(Mode mode) { selectTab(tabs, indexOf(modes, mode)); } void discardEdit { setMode(modeSaved); script.editingText(null); } void forgetSaved { script.setTextWithHistory(null); } void clearForAutoRun { script.clearForAutoRun(); setMode(modeClearedForAutoRun); } void forgetAutoRunCode { script.forgetAutoRunCode(); } private void selfTest_impl { new G22LAScript script; setScript((A) script); ide(modeEdit).setText("hello"); assertEqualsVerbose(null, script.text()); assertEqualsVerbose("hello", script.editedText()); saveEdit(); assertEqualsVerbose("hello", script.text()); assertEqualsVerbose(null, script.editedText()); } static void selfTest(G22Utils g22utils) { new G22LAScriptIDE(g22utils).selfTest_impl(); } void showHistory { showText("Edit history of " + script, loadTextFile(script.historyFile())); } }
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Snippet ID: | #1034760 |
Snippet name: | G22LAScriptIDE - IDE for a G22LAScript (with the 3 modes, backup with old layout) |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1034760/1 |
Text MD5: | f7d050d5ffaf7e2432b6abcd5c7726a3 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax / gazelle 22 |
Type: | JavaX fragment (include) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2022-03-08 05:34:08 |
Source code size: | 6306 bytes / 213 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 169 / 155 |
Referenced in: | [show references] |