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< > BotCompany Repo | #1034724 // G22AutoStartPanel

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Transpiled version (38563L) is out of date.

srecord noeq G22AutoStartPanel(G22Utils g22utils) is Swingable {
  G22AutoStarter autoStarter;
  JButton btnCancel, btnResume;
  JLabel lblStatus1, lblStatus2, lblCurrentScript, lblCtrl;
  JPanel stack;
  cachedVisualize {
    autoStarter = g22utils.autoStarter();
    btnResume = jbutton("Resume", r resume);
    var vis = jCenteredSection("Auto Start",
      stack = vstack2(
          btnCancel = jThreadedButton("CANCEL", r { autoStarter.cancel() }),
          jimageButtonScaledToWidth(16, editImageID(), "Edit auto-run scripts",
            rThread { g22utils.projectActions().editScripts() })
        lblCtrl = jCenteredLabel(autoStarter.cancelOnCtrl() ? "(Hammer Ctrl to cancel)" : ""),
        lblStatus1 = jCenteredLabel(),
        lblCurrentScript = jCenteredLabel(),
        lblStatus2 = jCenteredLabel(),

    bindListenerToComponent(lblStatus1, autoStarter, r update);
      "Resume", rThread resume);*/
    ret vis;
  void update {
    bool done = autoStarter.waitedAndDone();
    if (done)
      setText(btnCancel, "Auto-start done");
    setEnabled(lblCtrl, autoStarter.ctrlEnabled());
    setEnabled(btnCancel, autoStarter.enabled() && !done);
    setText(lblStatus1, autoStarter.scriptsRunStats());
    setText(lblStatus2, done ? "" : autoStarter.status());
    setText(lblCurrentScript, autoStarter.currentScriptStats());
    addOrRemoveComponent(autoStarter.canResume(), stack, btnResume);
  void resume { autoStarter.resume(); }

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1034688

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Snippet ID: #1034724
Snippet name: G22AutoStartPanel
Eternal ID of this version: #1034724/35
Text MD5: 60095073d0a7f80c6523a461b5afbc4b
Author: stefan
Category: javax / gazelle 22
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2022-10-26 16:48:02
Source code size: 1652 bytes / 46 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 250 / 437
Version history: 34 change(s)
Referenced in: #1003674 - Standard Classes + Interfaces (LIVE continued in #1034167)