!7 need latest indexOf. // Note: It's ok again to use db_mainConcepts() !include early #1033884 // Compact Module Include Gazelle V [dev version] module GazelleScreenCam { !include early #1025212 // +Enabled without visualization int pixelRows = 128, colors = 8; S script = "64p 8c gradientImage"; S testScreenScript; S newScript; S screenCamScript; S selectedTab; S javaCode; bool animate = true; bool horizontalLayout; // flat layout int fpsTarget = 20; S webCamName; bool webCamAccessEnabled = true; WatchTarget watchTarget; transient ImageSurface isPosterized, isTestScreen; transient new ScreenCamStream imageStream; transient Gazelle22_ImageToRegions imageToRegions_finished; transient new DoubleFPSCounter fpsCounter; transient int fps; transient WatchTargetSelector watchTargetSelector; transient new RollingAverage remainingMSPerFrame; transient int remainingMS; transient new FunctionTimings<S> functionTimings; transient ReliableSingleThread rstRunScript = dm_rst(me(), r _runScript); transient JGazelleVScriptRunner scriptRunner; transient JGazelleVScriptRunner testScreenScriptRunner; transient Animation animation; transient UIURLSystem uiURLs; //transient L<Webcam> availableWebCams; transient JComboBox<Webcam> cbWebCam; transient SingleComponentPanel scpWebCamImage; transient WebcamPanel webCamPanel; transient JLeftArrowScriptIDE screenCamScriptIDE; transient GazelleV_LeftArrowScript.Script runningScreenCamScript; // set by host transient Concepts concepts; S uiURL = "Main Tabs"; transient FileWatchService fileWatcher; transient SimpleCRUD_v2<Label> labelCRUD; transient SimpleCRUD_v2<GalleryImage> imageCRUD; transient JGallery gallery; transient JComponent galleryComponent; transient FlexibleRateTimer screenCamTimer; transient SingleComponentPanel scpMain; transient JTabbedPane mainTabs; transient bool showRegionsAsOutline = true; transient JComponent watchScreenPane; transient S screenCamRecognitionOutput; transient BackgroundProcessesUI backgroundProcessesUI; // add fields here start { dm_onFieldChange horizontalLayout( //r dm_revisualize // deh buggy r dm_reload ); if (concepts == null) { // non-standalone mode (doesn't work yet) printWithMS("Starting DB"); db(); concepts = db_mainConcepts(); } else assertSame(concepts, db_mainConcepts()); concepts.quietSave = true; // make indexes indexConceptField(concepts, GalleryImage, "path"); indexConceptField(concepts, Example, "item"); // update count in tab when tab isn't selected onConceptChanges(concepts, -> { labelCRUD?.updateEnclosingTabTitle(); //imageCRUD?.updateEnclosingTabTitle(); updateEnclosingTabTitleWithCount(galleryComponent, countConcepts(GalleryImage)); }); uiURLs = new UIURLSystem(me(), dm_fieldLiveValue uiURL()); backgroundProcessesUI = new BackgroundProcessesUI; dm_watchFieldAndNow enabled(-> backgroundProcessesUI.addOrRemove(enabled, "Screen Cam")); scriptRunner = new JGazelleVScriptRunner(dm_fieldLiveValue script(me())); testScreenScriptRunner = new JGazelleVScriptRunner(dm_fieldLiveValue testScreenScript(me())); printWithMS("Making image stream"); imageStream.onNewElement(img -> { fpsCounter.inc(); setField(fps := iround(fpsCounter!)); // perform analysis on screen cam image // new G22_ImageAnalysis screenCamImageAnalysis; assertTrue("meta", getMetaSrc(img) instanceof ScreenShotMeta); Gazelle22_ImageToRegions itr = new(functionTimings, img, new SnPSettings(pixelRows, colors)); itr.run(); imageToRegions_finished = itr; // run "linear" script on image if any if (shouldRunScript()) rstRunScript.go(); // run left-arrow script if (screenCamScriptIDE != null && screenCamScriptIDE.visible()) try { g22_runPostAnalysisLeftArrowScript(itr, runningScreenCamScript); } catch e { printStackTrace(e); screenCamScriptIDE.showRuntimeError(e); } // make textual result of analysis S text = nRegions(itr.regions.regionCount()); setField(screenCamRecognitionOutput := text); // display image after analysis so we can highlight a region g22_renderPosterizedHighlightedImage(isPosterized, itr, showRegionsAsOutline); }); watchTargetSelector = new WatchTargetSelector; /*if (webCamAccessEnabled) { printWithMS("Detecting web cams"); watchTargetSelector.updateCamCount(); printWithMS("Found " + n2(availableWebCams, "web cam")); }*/ printWithMS("Starting screen cam"); ownResource(screenCamTimer = new FlexibleRateTimer(fpsTarget, rEnter { if (!enabled) ret; watchTargetSelector?.updateScreenCount(); Timestamp deadline = tsNowPlusMS(1000/fpsTarget); if (watchTarget cast WatchScreen) imageStream.useScreen(watchTarget.screenNr-1); else if (watchTarget cast WatchMouse) imageStream.area(mouseArea(watchTarget.width, watchTarget.height)); imageStream.step(); long remaining = deadline.minus(tsNow()); remainingMSPerFrame.add(remaining); setField(remainingMS := iround(remainingMSPerFrame!)); })); screenCamTimer.start(); dm_onFieldChange fpsTarget(-> screenCamTimer.setFrequencyImmediately(fpsTarget)); printWithMS("Starting dir watcher"); startDirWatcher(); printWithMS("Gathering images from disk"); for (f : allImageFiles(galleryDir())) addToGallery(f); printWithMS("Got dem images"); transpileRaw_makeTranslator = -> hotwire(#7); // OSHI adds 4.5 MB to the jar... //doAfter(5.0, r { print("Process size: ", toM_str(oshi_currentProcessResidentSize_noZGCFix())) }); } void startDirWatcher { fileWatcher = new FileWatchService; fileWatcher.addRecursiveListener(picturesDir(), file -> { if (!isImageFile(file)) ret; addToGallery(file); }); } ImageSurface stdImageSurface() { var is = pixelatedImageSurface().setAutoZoomToDisplay(true).repaintInThread(false); new ImageSurface_PositionToolTip(is); ret is; } ImageSurface stdImageSurface(BufferedImage etc img) { var is = stdImageSurface(); is.setImage(img); ret is; } visualize { gallery = new JGallery; galleryComponent = gallery.visualize(); new AWTOnConceptChanges(concepts, galleryComponent, -> { gallery.setImageFiles(map(list(GalleryImage), i -> i.path)); }).install(); isPosterized = stdImageSurface(); //isRegions = stdImageSurface(); isTestScreen = stdImageSurface(); // when test screen is visible, do the animation awtEvery(isTestScreen, 1000/20, r stepAnimation); //print("Labels: " + list(concepts, Label)); labelCRUD = new SimpleCRUD_v2(concepts, Label); labelCRUD.hideFields("globalID"); labelCRUD.addCountToEnclosingTab(true); labelCRUD.itemToMap_inner2 = l -> litorderedmap( "Name" := l.name, "# Examples" := n2(countConcepts(concepts, Example, label := l))); imageCRUD = new SimpleCRUD_v2(concepts, GalleryImage); imageCRUD.addCountToEnclosingTab(true); imageCRUD.itemToMap_inner2 = img -> litorderedmap( "File" := fileName(img.path), "Folder" := dirPath(img.path)); var imageCRUDVis = imageCRUD.visualize(); imageCRUD.addButton(jPopDownButton_noText( "Forget missing images" := rThreadEnter forgetMissingImages )); // main visual var studyPanel = new StudyPanel; watchScreenPane = borderlessScrollPane(jHigherScrollPane( jfullcenter(vstack( withLeftAndRightMargin(hstack( dm_rcheckBox enabled("Watch"), watchTargetSelector.visualize(), jlabel(" in "), withLabelToTheRight("colors @ ", dm_spinner colors(2, 256)), withLabelToTheRight("p", dm_powersOfTwoSpinner pixelRows(512)), )), verticalStrut(2), withSideMargins(centerAndEastWithMargin( dm_fieldLabel screenCamRecognitionOutput(), dm_transientCalculatedToolTip speedInfo_long(rightAlignLabel(dm_transientCalculatedLabel speedInfo())) )), )))); mainTabs = scrollingTabs(jTopOrLeftTabs(horizontalLayout, "Screen Cam" := jOnDemand screenCamPanel(), "Screen Cam + Script" := jOnDemand screenCamPlusScriptPanel(), WithToolTip("Study", "Here you can analyze gallery images") := withTopAndBottomMargin(studyPanel.visualize()), WithToolTip("Java", "Write & run actual Java code") := withBottomMargin(jOnDemand javaPanel()), WithToolTip("Gallery", "Gallery view with preview images") := withBottomMargin(galleryComponent), WithToolTip("Gallery 2", "Gallery view with more functions (delete etc)") := wrapCRUD(imageCRUD, imageCRUDVis), )); persistSelectedTabAsLiveValue(mainTabs, dm_fieldLiveValue selectedTab()); var cbEnabled = toolTip("Switch screen cam on or off", dm_checkBox enabled("")); var lblScreenCam = setToolTip("Show scaled down and color-reduced screen image", jlabel("Screen Cam")); tabComponentClickFixer(lblScreenCam); var screenCamTab = hstackWithSpacing(cbEnabled, lblScreenCam); replaceTabTitleComponent(mainTabs, "Screen Cam", screenCamTab); // for tab titles labelCRUD.update(); imageCRUD.update(); initUIURLs(); var urlBar = uiURLs.urlBar(); setToolTip(uiURLs.comboBox, "UI navigation system (partially populated)"); scpMain = singleComponentPanel(); uiURLs.scp(scpMain); uiURLs.showUIURL(uiURL); var vis = northAndCenter( withSideAndTopMargin(centerAndEastWithMargin(urlBar, backgroundProcessesUI.shortLabel())), //centerAndSouthOrEast(horizontalLayout, /*withBottomMargin*/(scpMain), /* watchScreenPane )*/ ); setHorizontalMarginForAllButtons(vis, 4); ret vis; } JComponent screenCamPanel() { ret centerAndSouthOrEast(horizontalLayout, withTools(isPosterized), watchScreenPane); } JComponent screenCamPlusScriptPanel() enter { print("screenCamPlusScriptPanel"); //ret watchScreenPane; try { var ide = screenCamScriptIDE = leftArrowScriptIDE(); ide.runButtonShouldBeEnabled = -> eq(getText(ide.btnRun), "Stop") || ide.runButtonShouldBeEnabled_base(); ide.runButtonAction = -> { if (eq(getText(ide.btnRun), "Stop")) runningScreenCamScript = null; else { runningScreenCamScript = screenCamScriptIDE.parsedScript(); ide.showStatus("Running"); } setText(ide.btnRun, runningScreenCamScript == null ? "Run" : "Stop"); }; ret centerAndSouthOrEast(horizontalLayout, //withTools( jhsplit( jscroll_centered_borderless(isPosterized), screenCamScriptIDE .lvScript(dm_fieldLiveValue screenCamScript()) .visualize()) //, isPosterized) , watchScreenPane); } on fail e { print(e); } } S speedInfo() { ret "FPS " + fps + " idle " + remainingMS + " ms"; } S speedInfo_long() { ret "Screen cam running at " + nFrames(fps) + "/second. " + n2(remainingMS) + " ms remaining per frame in first core" + " (of targeted " + fpsTarget + " FPS)"; } bool useErrorHandling() { false; } S renderFunctionTimings() { ret lines(ciSorted(map(functionTimings!, (f, avg) -> firstToUpper(f) + ": " + n2(iround(nsToMicroseconds(avg!))) + " " + microSymbol() + "s (" + n2(iround(avg.n())) + ")"))); } transient long _runScript_idx; void _runScript() { scriptRunner.parseAndRunOn(imageToRegions_finished.ii); } bool shouldRunScript() { ret isShowing(scriptRunner.scpScriptResult); } void stepAnimation { if (!animate) ret; if (animation == null) { animation = new AnimatedLine; animation.start(); } animation.nextFrame(); var img = whiteImage(animation.w, animation.h); animation.setGraphics(createGraphics(img)); animation.paint(); isTestScreen?.setImage(img); var ii = bwIntegralImage_withMeta(img); testScreenScriptRunner.parseAndRunOn(ii); } JComponent testScreenPanel() { ret centerAndSouthWithMargin( hsplit( northAndCenterWithMargin(centerAndEastWithMargin( jlabel("Input"), dm_fieldCheckBox animate()), jscroll_centered_borderless(isTestScreen)), northAndCenterWithMargin(centerAndEastWithMargin( jlabel("Output"), testScreenScriptRunner.lblScore), testScreenScriptRunner.scpScriptResult) ), testScreenScriptRunner.scriptInputField() ); } L popDownItems() { ret ll(jCheckBoxMenuItem_dyn("Horizontal Layout", -> horizontalLayout, b -> setField(horizontalLayout := b))); } void unvisualize {} // don't zero transient component fields void resetTimings { functionTimings.reset(); } // add tool side bar to image surface JComponent withTools( JComponent component default jscroll_centered_borderless(is), ImageSurface is) { ret centerAndEastWithMargin(component, vstack( verticalStrut(5), jimageButtonScaledToWidth(16, #1103054, "Save screenshot in gallery", rThread saveScreenshotToGallery), /*jPopDownButton_noText( jCheckBoxMenuItem_dyn("Live scripting", -> liveScripting, b -> setLiveScripting(b) ),*/ ) ); } class WatchTargetSelector { JComboBox<WatchTarget> cb = jComboBox(); int screenCount, camCount; visualize { updateList(); //print("Selecting watchTarget: " + watchTarget); selectItem(cb, watchTarget); main onChange(cb, watchTarget -> { setField(+watchTarget); //print("Chose watchTarget: " + GazelleScreenCam.this.watchTarget); }); ret cb; } void updateScreenCount() { if (screenCount != screenCount()) updateList(); } /*void updateCamCount() pcall { availableWebCams = listWebCams(); updateList(); }*/ void updateList() swing { setComboBoxItems(cb, makeWatchTargets()); } L<WatchTarget> makeWatchTargets() { ret flattenToList( countIteratorAsList_incl(1, screenCount = screenCount(), i -> WatchScreen(i)), new WatchMouse, /*countIteratorAsList_incl(1, l(availableWebCams), i -> new WatchWebCam(i))*/ ); } } class SnPSelector { settable new SnPSettings settings; event change; visualize { var colors = jspinner(settings.colors, 2, 256); main onChange(colors, -> { settings.colors = intFromSpinner(colors); change(); }); var pixelRows = jPowersOfTwoSpinner(512, settings.pixelRows); main onChange(pixelRows, -> { settings.pixelRows = intFromSpinner(pixelRows); change(); }); ret hstack( colors, jlabel(" colors @ "), pixelRows, jlabel(" p")); } } JComponent wrapCRUD(SimpleCRUD_v2 crud, JComponent vis default crud.visualize()) { ret crud == null ?: withTopAndBottomMargin(jRaisedSection(withMargin(vis))); } File galleryDir() { ret picturesDir(gazelle22_imagesSubDirName()); } void saveScreenshotToGallery enter { var img = imageStream!; saveImageWithCounter(galleryDir(), "Screenshot", img); } GalleryImage addToGallery(File imgFile) { if (!isImageFile(imgFile)) null; var img = uniq(concepts, GalleryImage, path := imgFile); //printVars("addToGallery", +imgFile, +img); ret img; } class StudyPanel { new SnPSelector snpSelector; GalleryImage image; BufferedImage originalImage; //ImageSurface isOriginal = stdImageSurface(); ImageSurface isOriginalWithRegions = stdImageSurface(); ImageSurface isPosterized = stdImageSurface(); SingleComponentPanel scp = singleComponentPanel(); SingleComponentPanel analysisPanel = singleComponentPanel(); SingleComponentPanel scpExampleCRUD = singleComponentPanel(); ConceptsComboBox<GalleryImage> cbImage = new(concepts, GalleryImage); Gazelle22_ImageToRegions itr; int iSelectedRegion; SimpleCRUD_v2<SavedRegion> regionCRUD; SimpleCRUD_v2<Example> exampleCRUD; *() { //cbImage.sortTheList = l -> sortConceptsByIDDesc(l); cbImage.sortTheList = l -> sortedByComparator(l, (a, b) -> cmpAlphanumIC(fileName(a.path), fileName(b.path))); main onChangeAndNow(cbImage, img -> dm_q(me(), r { image = img; scp.setComponent(studyImagePanel()); })); isPosterized.removeAllTools(); isPosterized.onMousePositionChanged(r_dm_q(me(), l0 regionUpdate)); imageSurfaceOnLeftMouseDown(isPosterized, pt -> dm_q(me(), r { chooseRegionAt(pt) })); snpSelector.onChange(r_dm_q(me(), l0 runSnP)); } void chooseRegionAt(Pt p) { if (itr == null) ret; iSelectedRegion = itr.regions.regionAt(p); if (iSelectedRegion > 0) { var savedRegion = uniq_returnIfNew(concepts, SavedRegion, +image, snpSettings := snpSelector.settings.cloneMe(), regionIndex := iSelectedRegion); // it's new, add values if (savedRegion != null) { print("Saved new region!"); var bitMatrix = toScanlineBitMatrix(itr.regions.regionBitMatrix(iSelectedRegion)); cset(savedRegion, +bitMatrix); } } regionUpdate(); } // load new image JComponent studyImagePanel() { if (image == null) null; originalImage = loadImage2(image.path); if (originalImage == null) ret jcenteredlabel("Image not found"); //isOriginal.setImage(originalImage); isOriginalWithRegions.setImage(originalImage); iSelectedRegion = 0; itr = new Gazelle22_ImageToRegions(functionTimings, originalImage, snpSelector.settings); runSnP(); regionCRUD = new SimpleCRUD_v2<SavedRegion>(concepts, SavedRegion); regionCRUD.addFilter(+image); regionCRUD .showSearchBar(false) .showAddButton(false) .showEditButton(false) .iconButtons(true); regionCRUD.itemToMap_inner2 = region -> { var examples = conceptsWhere(concepts, Example, item := region); ret litorderedmap( "Pixels" := region.bitMatrix == null ? "-" : n2(region.bitMatrix.pixelCount()), //"Shape" := "TODO", "Labels" := joinWithComma(map(examples, e -> e.label)), // TODO: scale using snpsettings "Position" := region.bitMatrix == null ? "-" : region.bitMatrix.boundingBoxOfTrueBits()); }; var regionCRUDComponent = regionCRUD.visualize(); regionCRUD.onSelectionChanged(l0 updateExampleCRUD); ret hsplit( jtabs( //"Image" := jscroll_centered_borderless(isOriginal), "Image + regions" := jscroll_centered_borderless(isOriginalWithRegions), "Posterized" := jscroll_centered_borderless(isPosterized), ), northAndCenterWithMargin( analysisPanel, hsplit( jCenteredSection("Saved regions", regionCRUDComponent), scpExampleCRUD) )); } void runSnP { if (itr == null) ret; itr.run(); regionUpdate(); } void regionUpdate { if (itr == null) ret; var pixels = itr.posterized.getRGBPixels(); // hovering region marked green g22_highlightRegion(pixels, isPosterized, itr, showRegionsAsOutline); // selected region marked blue itr.regions.markRegionInPixelArray(pixels, iSelectedRegion, 0xFFADD8E6); var highlighted = bufferedImage(pixels, itr.posterized.getWidth(), itr.posterized.getHeight()); isPosterized.setImage(highlighted); isPosterized.performAutoZoom(); // seems to be necessary for some reason updateAnalysis(); } void updateAnalysis { /*new LS lines; lines.add(nRegions(itr.regions.regionCount())); lines.add("Selected region: " + iSelectedRegion); S text = lines_rtrim(lines); analysisPanel.setComponent(jLabel(text)));*/ } void updateExampleCRUD { var region = regionCRUD.selected(); if (region == null) ret with scpExampleCRUD.set(null); exampleCRUD = new SimpleCRUD_v2<Example>(concepts, Example); exampleCRUD.entityName = -> "label for region"; exampleCRUD.addFilter(item := region); exampleCRUD.showSearchBar(false); exampleCRUD.iconButtons(true); scpExampleCRUD.set(jCenteredSection("Labels for region", exampleCRUD.visualize())); } void importImage { new JFileChooser fc; if (fc.showOpenDialog(cbImage) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File file = fc.getSelectedFile().getAbsoluteFile(); if (!isImageFile(file)) ret with infoMessage("Not an image file"); var img = addToGallery(file); waitUntil(250, 5.0, -> comboBoxContainsItem(cbImage, img)); setSelectedItem(cbImage, img); } } visual jRaisedSection(northAndCenterWithMargins( centerAndEast(withLabel("Study", cbImage), hstack( jlabel(" in "), snpSelector.visualize(), horizontalStrut(10), jPopDownButton_noText( "Import image...", rThreadEnter importImage, ), )), scp)); } // end of StudyPanel void initUIURLs { uiURLs.put("Main Tabs", -> horizontalLayout ? withMargin(mainTabs) : withSideMargin(mainTabs)); // add main tabs to UI URLs for (S tab : tabNames(mainTabs)) { reMutable tab = dropTrailingBracketedCount(tab); uiURLs.put(tab, -> { int i = indexOfTabNameWithoutTrailingCount(mainTabs, tab); if (i < 0) ret jcenteredlabel("Hmm. Tab not found"); selectTab(mainTabs, i); ret mainTabs; }); } uiURLs.put("Screen Cam FPS", -> jFullCenter( vstackWithSpacing( jCenteredLabel("FPS target (frames per second) for screen cam:"), jFullCenter(dm_spinner fpsTarget(1, 60)), jCenteredLabel("(You can lower this value if you have a slower computer)")))); uiURLs.put("Timings", -> { JTextArea taTimings = jTextArea_noUndo(); awtEveryAndNow(taTimings, .5, r { setText(taTimings, renderFunctionTimings()) }); ret withRightAlignedButtons(taTimings, Reset := r resetTimings); }); uiURLs.put("Test Screen" := -> testScreenPanel()); //uiURLs.put("Operators" := -> operatorsPanel()); uiURLs.put("Left Arrow Script" := -> leftArrowScriptPanel()); uiURLs.put("Settings" := -> settingsPanel()); uiURLs.put("System Info" := -> systemInfoPanel()); uiURLs.put("Web Cam" := -> webCamPanel()); uiURLs.put("Labels" := -> wrapCRUD(labelCRUD)); uiURLs.put(WithToolTip("Screen Cam + Linear Script", "Run a simple (linear) Gazelle V script") := -> withBottomMargin(scriptRunner.scriptAndResultPanel())); uiURLs.put(WithToolTip("Left Arrow Script", "Run a \"left-arrow script\"") := -> withBottomMargin(leftArrowScriptPanel())); // add ui urls above this line } JComponent settingsPanel() { var cbMinimizeToTray = jCheckBox(isTrue(getOpt(dm_stem(), "minimizeToTray"))); onUpdate(cbMinimizeToTray, -> dm_callStem(me(), "setMinimizeToTray", isChecked(cbMinimizeToTray))); ret jscroll(makeForm3( "Minimize to tray", toolTip("Remove Gazelle from task bar when minimized (click Gazelle icon in system tray to reactivate)", cbMinimizeToTray), "Access web cams", dm_checkBox webCamAccessEnabled(), )); } JComponent systemInfoPanel() { var cbMinimizeToTray = jCheckBox(isTrue(getOpt(dm_stem(), "minimizeToTray"))); onUpdate(cbMinimizeToTray, -> dm_callStem(me(), "setMinimizeToTray", isChecked(cbMinimizeToTray))); ret jscrollVertical(makeForm3( "Java Version", jlabel(javaVersion()), "Gazelle Jar", jlabel(renderFileInfo(getBytecodePathForClass(this))), "Compilation Date", jlabel(or2(loadTextFileResource(classLoader(this), "compilation-date.txt"), "unknown")), "Gazelle Count" := toolTip("How many Gazelles are running in the world", jLiveValueLabel((LiveValue) dm_callOSOpt lvComputerCount())), )); } JComponent operatorsPanel() { ret jcenteredlabel("TODO"); } JLeftArrowScriptIDE leftArrowScriptIDE() { new JLeftArrowScriptIDE ide; ide.modifyParser = parser -> parser.allowTheWorld(mc(), utils.class); ret ide; } JComponent leftArrowScriptPanel() { var ide = leftArrowScriptIDE(); ide.lvScript(dm_fieldLiveValue newScript()); ret ide.visualize(); } JComponent javaPanel() enter { var scpResult = singleComponentPanel(); new JMiniJavaIDE ide; ide.extraClassMembers = script -> { LS tok = javaTok(script); if (contains(tok, "draw")) ret [[ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; interface SimpleRenderable { void renderOn(Graphics2D g); } static BufferedImage draw(int w, int h, SimpleRenderable r) { BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g = img.createGraphics(); g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); g.setColor(Color.black); r.renderOn(g); return img; } ]]; ret ""; }; ide.callCompiledObject = o -> { O result = ide.callCompiledObject_base(o); if (result cast BufferedImage) scpResult.set(jscroll_centered_borderless(stdImageSurface(result))); ret result; }; ide.lvScript(dm_fieldLiveValue javaCode()); ret jhsplit( jCenteredSection("Image will show here", scpResult), ide.visualize()); } JComponent webCamPanel() { if (cbWebCam == null) { var cams = listWebCams(); cbWebCam = jTypedComboBox(cams, findWebCamByName(cams, webCamName)); } if (scpWebCamImage == null) scpWebCamImage = singleComponentPanel(); ret northAndCenterWithMargins( centerAndEastWithMargin( withLabel("Cam", cbWebCam), jline( jbutton("Start", rThreadEnter startWebCam), jbutton("Stop", rThreadEnter stopWebCam) )), scpWebCamImage); } void stopWebCam { if (webCamPanel != null) { webCamPanel.stop(); webCamPanel = null; scpWebCamImage?.clear(); backgroundProcessesUI.remove("Web Cam"); } } void startWebCam { temp tempInfoBox("Starting Web Cam"); stopWebCam(); var cam = getSelectedItem_typed(cbWebCam); setField(webCamName := cam?.getName()); if (cam != null) { scpWebCamImage.set(webCamPanel = new WebcamPanel(cam, true)); backgroundProcessesUI.add("Web Cam"); } } void forgetMissingImages { int n = l(deleteConcepts(GalleryImage, img -> !img.imageExists())); infoBox(n == 0 ? "Nothing to forget" : "Forgot " + nImages(n)); } } // end of module concept Label > ConceptWithGlobalID { S name; //new RefL examples; toString { ret /*"Label " +*/ name; } } concept GalleryImage { File path; toString { ret /*"[" + id + "] " +*/ fileName(path); } bool imageExists() { ret fileExists(path); } } concept SavedRegion { new Ref image; // e.g. a GalleryImage SnPSettings snpSettings; int regionIndex; // region number relative to snpSettings //Rect bounds; // get it from bitMatrix instead ScanlineBitMatrix bitMatrix; //new RefL<Label> labels; } concept Example { new Ref<Label> label; new Ref item; // e.g. a SavedRegion double confidence = 1; } concept IfThenTheory { new Ref if_; new Ref then; } sclass WatchTarget {} // screenNr: 1 = screen 1 etc srecord WatchScreen(int screenNr) > WatchTarget { toString { ret "Screen " + screenNr; } } srecord WatchMouse(int width, int height) > WatchTarget { WatchMouse() { height = 256; width = iround(height*16.0/9); } toString { ret "Mouse"; } } srecord WatchWebCam(int camNr) > WatchTarget { toString { ret "Webcam " + camNr; } } !include once #1034034 // Gazelle 22 Function Include for Scripts
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Snippet ID: | #1034151 |
Snippet name: | Gazelle Screen Cam / Gazelle 22 Module [backup] |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1034151/1 |
Text MD5: | 1babdf853e6fc6e4bc50dd29748e8cd9 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax / gazelle v |
Type: | JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2022-01-24 17:16:48 |
Source code size: | 29721 bytes / 934 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 110 / 128 |
Referenced in: | -