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< > BotCompany Repo | #1033575 // Welford [running average & standard deviation]

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (10210L/57K).

// from's_online_algorithm
srecord Welford(long count, dbl mean, dbl m2) {
  // For a new value newValue, compute the new count, new mean, the new M2.
  // mean accumulates the mean of the entire dataset
  // M2 aggregates the squared distance from the mean
  // count aggregates the number of samples seen so far
  void add(double newValue) {
    dbl delta = newValue - mean;
    mean += delta / count;
    dbl delta2 = newValue - mean;
    m2 += delta * delta2;
  void remove(double valueToRemove) {
    guarantee(count > 0);
      Let's reverse the formulas from add():
        delta = newValue - mean1
        mean2 = mean1 + delta / count2
        => mean2 = mean1+(newValue-mean1)/count2
                 = mean1 + newValue/count2 - mean1/count2
        => mean2 = mean1*(1-1/count2) + newValue/count2
      Solve for mean1. (| -newValue/count2)
        => mean2-newValue/count2 = mean1*(1-1/count2)  | :(1-1/count2)
        => (mean2-newValue/count2)/(1-1/count2) = mean1.
      "Count" is easy to reverse: count1 = count2-1, obviously.
      Now, about restoring m2.
        delta2 = newValue - mean2
        m2_2 = m2_1 + delta * delta2

        => m2_2 - delta * delta2 = m2_1
      Well, that was easy!

    double newValue = valueToRemove;
    double delta2 = newValue-mean;
    mean = (mean-newValue/count)/(1-1.0/count);
    double delta = newValue-mean;
    m2 -= delta*delta2;
  bool isEmpty() { ret count == 0; }

  dbl average aka avg aka mean() { ret count == 0 ? Double.NaN : mean; }
  dbl variance() { ret count == 0 ? Double.NaN : m2/count; }
  dbl sampleVariance() { ret count < 2 ? Double.NaN : m2/(count-1); }
  dbl standardDeviation() { ret sqrt(variance()); }
  toString {
    S s = nValues(count);
    if (!isEmpty())
      s += ", avg: " + avg() + ", std dev: " + standardDeviation();
    ret s;
  AverageAndStandardDeviation get() {
    ret new AverageAndStandardDeviation(avg(), standardDeviation());

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Snippet ID: #1033575
Snippet name: Welford [running average & standard deviation]
Eternal ID of this version: #1033575/9
Text MD5: a025a00f9c6bf3d5a5b07e090a5abe7b
Transpilation MD5: ab321ab3958147f54e6dc44c3445a673
Author: stefan
Category: javax / maths
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2022-12-12 02:22:42
Source code size: 2244 bytes / 72 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 243 / 392
Version history: 8 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]