Uses 1482K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (10357L/55K).
!7 !include early #1033506 // Compact Module Include Gazelle V module GazelleV > DynPrintLogAndEnabled { /*switchable int x1; switchable int y1; switchable int w = screenWidth(); switchable int h = screenHeight();*/ switchable double maxFPS = 10; switchable int previewWidth = 200; switchable double statsEvery = 5; switchable volatile bool brokenMethod; int lookAtScreen; S previewMode; int gridRows = 20; PersistableThrowable lastProcessingError; transient WithTimestamp<OKOrError<BufferedImage>> lastScreen; transient new Average screenShotTime; transient new Average iiTime; transient Timestamp loopStarted; transient new RestartableCountdown screenShotCountdown; //transient ImageSurface imageSurface; transient IIImageSurface imageSurface; transient Throwable currentProcessingError; transient BufferedImage previewImage; transient JButton popDownButton; transient JComponent topControls; transient long screenShotsTaken; transient double fps; transient Compression ongoingCompression, completedCompression; transient S longTermCompressionProbability; transient S longTermCompressionScore; transient JComponent topControls2; Rect area() { ret screenBounds(min(lookAtScreen, screenCount()-1)); } class Compression { settable BufferedImage image; settable BWIntegralImage ii; CompressionSearch_AnyType search; int baseLineLength; // length of trivial compression GridCodec1 codec; double compressionPercentage; S score() { var submission = search?.bestSubmission(); Int compressedSize = or(submission.compressedSize(), baseLineLength); compressionPercentage = doubleRatio(compressedSize, baseLineLength)*100; ret formatDouble(compressionPercentage, 3) + "%"; } IProbabilisticScheduler scheduler() { ret search?.scheduler(); } S probability() { var scheduler = scheduler(); if (scheduler == null) ret "-"; var prob = scheduler.lastExecutedProbability(); ret formatDouble(prob, 3); } event compressionDone; run { int lHex = pixelCount(image)*8; baseLineLength = calculateLengthOfFunctionCall imageFromHex(lHex+2); print(+baseLineLength); codec = new GridCodec1(image); codec.rows = gridRows; search = codec.forward(); //showImage(codec.renderCellsLinearly()); thread "Gazelle Visual" { repeat 60 { stepForNSeconds(1, search); //print(stepCount := search.scheduler().stepCount()); setFields( longTermCompressionProbability := probability(), longTermCompressionScore := score()); } try { compressionDone(); L<IJavaExpr> cellCompressions = codec.strat.codeForElements(); //showText("Compression", lines(map shorten_str(cellCompressions))); /*S code = str(codec.winnerCode()); S name = "Screenshot " + ymdMinusHMS(); File f = makeFileNameUnique_beforeExtension( javaxDataDir("Compressed Screenshots/" + name + ".javax")); saveTextFile(f, code); printFileInfo(f); saveGZTextFile(f = replaceExtension(f, ".jgz"), code); printFileInfo(f);*/ /* print("Evaling " + nChars(code)); //LL<Int> lol = cast dm_javaEval(code); BufferedImage restored = cast dm_javaEval(code); assertImagesIdentical(restored, image); print("Image restored!"); dm_showImage("Restored from " + nChars(code), restored); */ } catch e { printStackTrace(e); } } } void drawOverlay(ImageSurface is, Graphics2D g) pcall { codec.drawOverlay(is, g); } } start-thread { dm_registerAs_direct gazelleV(); dm_watchField enabled(r { if (enabled) dm_reload(); }); // TODO: react to event sent by OS dm_doEvery(1.0, r { if (dm_moduleIsPoppedOut()) adjustUIForPoppedOutWindow(); }); print("Screen bounds: " + allScreenBounds()); dm_doEvery(min(statsEvery, 10.0), statsEvery, r { if (enabled) printStats(); }); loopStarted = tsNow(); shoot(); } void shoot enter { if (!enabled) ret; long targetTime = sysNow()+iround(1000/maxFPS); long time = nanoTime(); try { lastScreen = withTimestamp(okOrError(-> screenshot(area()))); ++screenShotsTaken; setField(fps := doubleRatio(screenShotsTaken, elapsedSeconds(loopStarted))); screenShotTime.add(nanosToSeconds(nanoTime()-time)); time = nanoTime(); if (lastScreen->isOK()) { var img = lastScreen!!; var ii = BWIntegralImage(img); //var ii = BWIntegralImage_luminosity(lastScreen!!); iiTime.add(nanosToSeconds(nanoTime()-time)); if (eq(previewMode, "showLatestGrabbed")) imageSurface?.setImage(ii, img); if (ongoingCompression == null) startCompression(ii); } cpuTotal(); currentProcessingError = null; } catch print e { setField(lastProcessingError := currentProcessingError = e); sleepSeconds(60); // errors in processing are no good } screenShotCountdown.setTargetTime(targetTime, r shoot); } void startCompression(BWIntegralImage ii) { if (ongoingCompression == null) { ongoingCompression = new Compression() .image(lastScreen!!) .ii(ii); ongoingCompression.onCompressionDone(-> { completedCompression = ongoingCompression; ongoingCompression = null; imageSurface?.setImage(completedCompression.ii, completedCompression.image); imageSurface.setOverlay(g -> completedCompression.drawOverlay(imageSurface, g)); });; } } void printStats() { print(stats()); } S stats() { var screen = lastScreen?!; ret formatColonProperties_noNulls( "Monitored area", area(), "Error", screen?.getError(), "Last screenshot taken", lastScreen?.timeStamp(), "Average time to take a screenshot", screenShotTime, "Average time to make integral image", iiTime, "Capacity left in first core", percentRatioStrOneDigit(freeInCore()), "Total CPU used", cpuTotal(), ); } S cpuTotal() { ret setFieldAndReturn(cpuTotal := percentRatioStrOneDigit((1-freeInCore())/numberOfCores())); } double freeInCore() { ret ratio(toSeconds(screenShotCountdown.totalSleepTime), elapsedSeconds(loopStarted)); } replace jSection with jCenteredSection. {} visualize { imageSurface = new IIImageSurface; setDoubleBuffered(imageSurface, true); imageSurface.noAlpha = true; var screenSelectors = jRadioButtons( countIteratorAsList(screenCount(), i -> "Screen " + (i+1))); onRadioButtonChange(screenSelectors, i -> { lookAtScreen = i; }); ret hsplit(northAndCenterWithMargin( topControls = hgrid( jSection("FPS", dm_calculatedCenteredLabel(() -> iround(fps))), jSection("Compression", dm_centeredFieldLabel longTermCompressionScore()), jSection("Probability", dm_centeredFieldLabel longTermCompressionProbability()), jSection("CPU (" + numberOfCores() + ")", dm_centeredFieldLabel cpuTotal()) ), super.visualize() /* print log */), northAndCenterWithMargin( topControls2 = jCenteredLine(listPlus(wideningListCast Component(buttonsInGroup(screenSelectors)), dm_spinnerWithLabel gridRows(1, 500))), jscroll_center(imageSurface))); } BufferedImage lastScreenImage() { ret getVar(getVar(lastScreen)); } void adjustUIForPoppedOutWindow swing { if (popDownButton == null) { Window window = cast getWindow(dm_vis()); var popBackInButton = findButton(window, "Pop Back In"); var parent = getParent(popBackInButton); print(+parent); removeFromParent(parent); // hide controls popDownButton = jPopDownButton_noText( "Pop Back In", r { dm_popInModule(me()) }, jCheckBoxMenuItem("Always On Top", isAlwaysOnTop(window), rEnter dm_toggleAlwaysOnTop), ); addControl(popDownButton); } } }
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Snippet ID: | #1033508 |
Snippet name: | Gazelle V, New UI [compacted, HEAD] |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1033508/30 |
Text MD5: | bd7d10c8bdc89e397aa60b3f87a1db17 |
Transpilation MD5: | 004f911c2f86b1d408ea8fce1769d700 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax / screen recognition |
Type: | JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2021-10-30 18:45:21 |
Source code size: | 8561 bytes / 259 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 184 / 327 |
Version history: | 29 change(s) |
Referenced in: | #1033411 - Standalone Gazelle V [HEAD] #1033526 - Gazelle V, November Edition |