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< > BotCompany Repo | #1033048 // FrequencyImageFromURL

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Uses 521K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (18864L/120K).

srecord FrequencyImageFromURL(S url) {
  // all broken?!
  //S url = "";
  //S url = "";
  //S url = "";
  *() { url = ""; }
  BWImage image;
  run {
    temp var opus = new DecodeOpusStream(url);
    opus.minBytesPreloaded = 65536*2;
    temp var samples = opus!;
    opus.machine.opusDecoder.printResets = true;
    var querySound = SampleIteratorToQuerySound(1, samples);
    new PianoSampler2 sampler;
    //sampler.debug = true;
    sampler.frequencies = intersperseHalfTones(sampler.frequencies);
    sampler.loadSound(querySound, 1);
    sampler.fixedFactor = 5e-4;
    var windowSeconds = .05;
    var windowSamples = windowSeconds*sampler.sampleRate;
    printVars(+windowSeconds, +windowSamples);
    var relativeWindowSpeed = .5;
    int peekSize = iceil(max(windowSamples, sampler.minWindowSizeForBase())*2);
    var totalSeconds = 5;
    var startAtSeconds = 0;
    var endAtSample = (startAtSeconds+totalSeconds)*sampler.sampleRate;
    var seconds = doubleRangeWithLength(startAtSeconds, windowSeconds);
    DoubleRange sampleRange = scaleDoubleRange(seconds, sampler.sampleRate);
    // make initial window
    sampler.makeWindowAround(sampleRange.start, peekSize);
    printVars(+seconds, +sampleRange, bounds := sampler.bounds());
    new L<MakesBufferedImage> images;
    int safety = 0;
    while ping (sampleRange.end <= endAtSample && safety++ <= 1000) {
      sampleRange = shiftDoubleRange(sampleRange, windowSamples*relativeWindowSpeed);
    image = mergeBWImagesHorizontally(map toBWImage(images), spacing := 0);
    print(nSamples := opus.samplesSeen());
  void showImage { 

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Snippet ID: #1033048
Snippet name: FrequencyImageFromURL
Eternal ID of this version: #1033048/8
Text MD5: 4b7be0a4ca19d4fbcb69b3e06c4c1546
Transpilation MD5: 28cf7516c67e6fb6ba75a2ca39b07392
Author: stefan
Category: javax / audio analysis
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2021-10-11 19:15:15
Source code size: 2162 bytes / 63 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 175 / 291
Version history: 7 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]