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< > BotCompany Repo | #1032428 // AudioFrequencyDetectorSpike1

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (6761L/39K).

// Just a spike (first try). Should use binary search / Newton's method!
sclass AudioFrequencyDetectorSpike1 {
  AudioRecognizer recognizer;
  int vibrations = 24; // how many periods to look at 
  double centerFreq = 440, step = 1;
  int freqs = 25; // how many frequencies to look at

  IF1<Double> f = freq2 -> abs(recognizer.complexSumOfVibrations_raw(recognizer.mainSample, 0, 0, freq2, vibrations))/32768;

  // returns most likely frequency
  double get() {
    new Best<Double> bestFreq;
    for (int iF : countIterator(-freqs/2, freqs/2)) {
      double freq2 = centerFreq+step*iF;
      double value = f.get(freq2);
      //print(freq2 + ": " + value);
      bestFreq.put(freq2, value);
    ret bestFreq!;
  static Scorer scoreMe(int n default 2000) {
    new Scorer scorer;
    repeat n {
      double freq = random(430, 450);
      AudioRecognizer recognizer = new(0.2, new SineSoundSource(freq), 1);

      new AudioFrequencyDetectorSpike1 detector;
      detector.recognizer = recognizer;
      double detected = detector!;
      print("Frequency detected: " + detected + ", was: " + freq);
      scorer.add(distanceToProbability(detected, freq));
    ret scorer;

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Snippet ID: #1032428
Snippet name: AudioFrequencyDetectorSpike1
Eternal ID of this version: #1032428/5
Text MD5: 6ca5da5d2883a744c427cd2b64b85adc
Transpilation MD5: 9374a95a29066169e3382369a2daa8b1
Author: stefan
Category: javax / audio recognition
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2021-09-03 07:22:19
Source code size: 1247 bytes / 38 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 207 / 335
Version history: 4 change(s)
Referenced in: #1034167 - Standard Classes + Interfaces (LIVE, continuation of #1003674)