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< > BotCompany Repo | #1030949 // Transpiler output of #1031393


Transpiling #1031393.
please translate snippet 1031393

Fallback to old mode.
/usr/jdk-13/bin/java -jar /usr/.javax/x30.jar -v translate 1031393 to /var/www/JavaX-Caches/Temp/transpiling_8cDE22  2>&1 ...
Redirecting System.out
Redirecting System.err
Redirects done. Starting readers
Cleaning JavaX Cache (48 hours retention time; cutoff time: 1633137900057)
JavaX TRANSLATE 1031393 / 5002
transpileMain: src=1031393, libraries=[], libraries2=[]
03:25:00: Loading:<hidden>&md5=2d7ccaf89cba3db4492950a9370bd0ee
hasTranspiledSet: []
autoTranslate: Translators=[array S{"7", null}]
Using translator 7 on sources in /var/www/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1633310700235
Checking if 7 is translator. marked as src lib: false. has lib: false
Library file for 7: null
03:25:00: Loading:<hidden>&md5=d3cc568eb2556ca0c2255bc2cd2db465
7: length = 25
Trying pretranspiled translator: #7
03:25:00: Loading:<hidden>
  100000 chars read
  200000 chars read
  300000 chars read
  400000 chars read
  500000 chars read
  600000 chars read
  700000 chars read
  800000 chars read
Virtualizing translator
03:25:00: Loading:<hidden>
Copying /var/www/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1633310700990 to /var/www/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1633310700809/src
Copying /var/www/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1633310700990/ to /var/www/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1633310700809/src/
Copying /var/www/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1633310700235 to /var/www/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1633310700809/input
Copying /var/www/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1633310700235/ to /var/www/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1633310700809/input/
Scanning for sources in /var/www/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1633310700809/src
Compiling 1 source(s) to /var/www/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1633310701293
Libraries: [/var/www/JavaX-Caches/Binary Snippets/data_1400308.jar]

Java compile [2874 ms]
Running program (/var/www/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1633310700809/src) on io dir /var/www/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1633310700809[in-process]

[00:003] 759 STARTING 998062648
[00:042] 03:25:04: Loading:<hidden>
[01:756] 03:25:06: Loading:<hidden>
[00:128] 03:25:06: Loading:<hidden>
[00:484]   100000 chars read
[00:318] 03:25:07: Loading:<hidden>
[00:366]   100000 chars read
[00:167] 03:25:07: Loading:<hidden>
[00:171] 03:25:08: Loading:<hidden>
[00:131] 03:25:08: Loading:<hidden>
[00:087] iEndOfType=67, iClosing=67, iClosing=), start=69, start=ret, end=80, lTok=251
[00:027] iEndOfType=67, iClosing=67, iClosing=), start=69, start=ret, end=80, lTok=251
[00:008] 03:25:08: Loading:<hidden>
[00:128] 03:25:08: Loading:<hidden>
[00:130] 03:25:08: Loading:<hidden>
[00:125] 03:25:08: Loading:<hidden>
[00:158] 03:25:08: Loading:<hidden>
[00:316] iEndOfType=10291, iClosing=10291, iClosing=), start=10293, start={, end=10346, lTok=16191
[00:001] iEndOfType=10369, iClosing=10369, iClosing=), start=10371, start={, end=10408, lTok=16201
[00:131] prev=(, t=pattern
[00:005] prev=(, t=o
[00:000] prev=(, t=o
[00:002] tok_defaultArguments, expr=null, _args1=[, Algorithm,  , algo, , ,,  , BEA,  , input, , ,,  , String,  , text, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[Algorithm algo, BEA input, String text], args2=[], type=[

  , void,  ], isVoid=true, rewrittenHead=void appendPossibleRewrite(Algorithm algo, BEA input, String text)
[00:002] tok_defaultArguments, expr=null, _args1=[, BEAObject,  , obj, , ,,  , String,  , text, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[BEAObject obj, String text], args2=[], type=[

  // Link to or allow to save syntactic pattern
  , String,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=String syntacticPatternLinkHTML(BEAObject obj, String text)
[00:000] tok_defaultArguments, expr="Input", _args1=[, BEAObject,  , input, , ,,  ], _args2=[ , String,  , q, , ),  ], args1=[BEAObject input], args2=[String q], type=[

  // Link to or allow to save input object
  , String,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=String inputHTML(BEAObject input, String q)
[00:001] tok_defaultArguments, expr="Input", _args1=[, Algorithm,  , algo, , ,,  , String,  , q, , ,,  ], _args2=[ , boolean,  , showProcessLink, , ),  ], args1=[Algorithm algo, String q], args2=[boolean showProcessLink], type=[
  , BEAObject,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=BEAObject handleInput(Algorithm algo, String q, boolean showProcessLink)
[00:000] tok_defaultArguments, expr=this.out, _args1=[], _args2=[ , String,  , text, , ),  ], args1=[], args2=[String text], type=[
    , void,  ], isVoid=true, rewrittenHead=void appendTextBold(String text)
[00:001] tok_defaultArguments, expr=this.out, _args1=[], _args2=[ , String,  , text, , ),  ], args1=[], args2=[String text], type=[
    , void,  ], isVoid=true, rewrittenHead=void appendText(String text)
[00:000] tok_defaultArguments, expr=this.out, _args1=[], _args2=[ , String,  , html, , ),  ], args1=[], args2=[String html], type=[
    , void,  ], isVoid=true, rewrittenHead=void appendHTML(String html)
[00:001] tok_defaultArguments, expr=false, _args1=[, GazelleBEA, , ., , Req,  , req, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[GazelleBEA.Req req], args2=[], type=[
  , Object,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=Object serveQueryPage(GazelleBEA.Req req)
[00:000] tok_defaultArguments, expr=db_mainConcepts(), _args1=[, BEAObject,  , input, , ,,  , BEAObject,  , pattern, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[BEAObject input, BEAObject pattern], args2=[], type=[
  , BEAObject,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=BEAObject reactInputWithPattern(BEAObject input, BEAObject pattern)
[00:001] tok_defaultArguments, expr=false, _args1=[, String,  , text, , ,,  , String,  , pat, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[String text, String pat], args2=[], type=[
  , Map, , <, , String, , ,,  , String, , >,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=Map<String, String> matchInputWithPattern(String text, String pat)
[00:000] tok_defaultArguments, expr=false, _args1=[, String,  , text, , ,,  , String,  , pat, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[String text, String pat], args2=[], type=[

  , Map, , <, , String, , ,,  , String, , >,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=Map<String, String> matchInputWithSyntacticPattern(String text, String pat)
[00:800] iEndOfType=99159, iClosing=99159, iClosing=), start=99161, start=response, end=99178, lTok=113975
[00:000] iEndOfType=102077, iClosing=102077, iClosing=), start=102079, start=ret, end=102090, lTok=113985
[00:001] iEndOfType=104679, iClosing=104679, iClosing=), start=104681, start=ret, end=104692, lTok=113991
[00:000] iEndOfType=106547, iClosing=106547, iClosing=), start=106549, start={, end=106598, lTok=113997
[00:000] iEndOfType=106975, iClosing=106975, iClosing=), start=106977, start=ret, end=106992, lTok=114009
[00:490] prev=(, t=input
[00:000] prev==, t=o
[00:000] prev=,, t=r
[00:001] prev=(, t=r
[00:000] prev=(, t=o
[00:000] prev=+, t=o
[00:000] prev==, t=o
[00:001] prev==, t=o
[00:006] tok_defaultArguments, expr=null, _args1=[, String,  , data, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[String data], args2=[], type=[
  , void,  ], isVoid=true, rewrittenHead=void broadcast(String data)
[00:000] tok_defaultArguments, expr="", _args1=[], _args2=[ , Object,  , o, , ),  ], args1=[], args2=[Object o], type=[
  // if you change this, gotta recompile many objects
  // <A> A beaPrint(S s default "", A o) enter {
  , void,  ], isVoid=true, rewrittenHead=void beaPrint(Object o)
[00:000] tok_defaultArguments, expr="", _args1=[], _args2=[ , A,  , a, , ),  ], args1=[], args2=[A a], type=[
  , <, , A, , >,  , A,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=<A> A beaPrintAndReturn(A a)
[00:001] tok_defaultArguments, expr=false, _args1=[, Object,  , o, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[Object o], args2=[], type=[
  , String,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=String optBeaHTML(Object o)
[00:000] tok_defaultArguments, expr=false, _args1=[, BEA,  , o, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[BEA o], args2=[], type=[
  , String,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=String beaHTML(BEA o)
[00:001] tok_defaultArguments, expr=false, _args1=[, Object,  , o, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[Object o], args2=[], type=[
  , String,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=String optBeaHTML(Object o)
[00:000] tok_defaultArguments, expr=Integer.MAX_VALUE, _args1=[], _args2=[ ], args1=[], args2=[], type=[

  , List, , <, , String, , >,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=List<String> renderObjectTypes()
[00:000] tok_defaultArguments, expr=true, _args1=[], _args2=[ ], args1=[], args2=[], type=[
  , String,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=String html_loggedIn()
[00:001] tok_defaultArguments, expr=false, _args1=[, BEA,  , o, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[BEA o], args2=[], type=[
  , String,  , beaLinkHTML,  , aka,  , beaToHTML,  , aka,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=String beaLinkHTML aka beaToHTML aka beaHTML(BEA o)
[00:001] tok_defaultArguments, expr=beaCount(type), _args1=[, String,  , type, , ,,  , HCRUD,  , crud, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[String type, HCRUD crud], args2=[], type=[
  // crud is just the cached BEAObject crud to check for creation rights
  , String,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=String beaNavLink(String type, HCRUD crud)
[01:024] Setting flag PublicExceptTopClass
[00:001] Setting flag OurSubLists
[00:002] Setting flag NoIllegalAccesses
[00:000] Setting flag needToKnowMainLib
[00:000] Setting flag CleanImports
[00:000] Setting flag DynModule
[00:001] Setting flag NoNanoHTTPD
[00:000] Setting flag AllPublic
[00:000] Setting flag hotwire_here
[00:231] tok_replaceWith: Found GazelleBEA.WebSocketInfo
[00:000] Replacing WebSocketInfo with GazelleBEA.WebSocketInfo.
[00:001] tok_replaceWith: Found GazelleBEA.WebSocketInfo
[00:000] Replacing WebSocketInfo with GazelleBEA.WebSocketInfo.
[00:001] tok_replaceWith: Found GazelleBEA.WebSocketInfo
[00:000] Replacing WebSocketInfo with GazelleBEA.WebSocketInfo.
[00:001] tok_replaceWith: Found GazelleBEA.Req
[00:000] Replacing Req with GazelleBEA.Req.
[00:005] Have rewrite: BEA => BEAObject
[00:001] Have rewrite: BEA => BEAObject
[00:064] expandMainRef, fname=need, isClass=false
[00:000] expandMainRef, fname=db, isClass=false
[00:000] expandMainRef, pkg=null
[00:001] expandMainRef, fname=beaMod, isClass=false
[00:000] expandMainRef, pkg=null
[00:001] expandMainRef, fname=beaMod, isClass=false
[00:000] expandMainRef, pkg=null
[00:000] expandMainRef, fname=makeAbsoluteURL, isClass=false
[00:000] expandMainRef, pkg=null
[00:000] expandMainRef, fname=beaMod, isClass=false
[00:000] expandMainRef, pkg=null
[00:004] 03:25:12: Loading:<hidden>
[00:087] 03:25:12: Loading:<hidden>
[00:452]   100000 chars read
[00:228]   200000 chars read
[00:209]   300000 chars read
[00:267]   400000 chars read
[00:235]   500000 chars read
[00:191]   600000 chars read
[00:191]   700000 chars read
[00:466] Looking for required functions
[00:133] Adding functions: tempInterceptPrintIfNotIntercepted db_mainConcepts userAgentIsBot targetBlank_noFollow shortClassName_dropNumberPrefix db _defaultClassFinder mcName fixConceptIDs actualMCDollar defaultDefaultClassFinder mcDollar assertSameVerbose dm_vmBus_answerToMessage nemptyLinesLL pre_htmlEncode renderStackTrace hjs_selectizeClickable targetBlank ahref_noFollow methodsSortedByNameIC allLiveMethodsBelowClass tok_integersAsLongs startsWith snippetURL addSlashSuffix startsWith_addingSlash getProgramURL inlineSwappable ahref_targetBlankIf unlistedCopyToClass_withConverter_pcall getMigration isIntegerOrIdentifier trailingLong_regexp getInnerClass nCodeTokens parseFirstLong_regexp findClassThroughDefaultClassFinder realMC mc routeThroughAll isTrueOpt eqOrEqic splitAtSpace_trim addLibrariesToClassLoader afterSlash nonInstancesOf repS html_gazelle_madeByIcon shortenStr deleteConceptsWhereIC syncCompactSet withoutInstancesOf hlinkButton dateWithSecondsUTC addFilenameHeader hcenter linesLL makeAbsoluteURL dynShortClassName structure_convertTokenMarkersToExplicit waitForQToEmpty inQ syncWeakSet getList jsonEvalMsg hjs_escapedDollarVars js_nodeScriptReplace2 hnoscript html js_replaceHTML
[00:000] Preloading: [#1021854, #1020879, #1012614, #1031933, #1032064, #1006542, #1020883, #1031322, #1031731, #1031328, #1023103, #1031323, #1013635, #1020796, #1031689, #1023754, #1031730, #1031862, #1003505, #1032514, #1031518, #1031516, #1031802, #1003340, #1011995, #1032527, #1029777, #1003537, #1031791, #1032686, #1031814, #1032517, #1032507, #1032506, #1028259, #1031700, #1031729, #1030977, #1022290, #1002692, #1031699, #1017062, #1032331, #1029792, #1031835, #1019779, #1032696, #1031087, #1032618, #1032014, #1031741, #1032011, #1021925, #1032398, #1032395, #1032397, #1003214, #1014822, #1017995, #1030733, #1030716, #1031687, #1031688, #1032278, #1018901, #1032281, #1032133, #1032647, #1032643, #1025178, #1032603]
[00:007] Sending POST request: (740 bytes)
[00:362] Compiling function: tempInterceptPrintIfNotIntercepted
[00:000] Compiling function: db_mainConcepts
[00:002] Compiling function: userAgentIsBot
[00:002] Compiling function: targetBlank_noFollow
[00:003] Compiling function: shortClassName_dropNumberPrefix
[00:001] Compiling function: db
[00:002] Compiling function: _defaultClassFinder
[00:006] Compiling function: mcName
[00:001] Compiling function: fixConceptIDs
[00:000] Compiling function: actualMCDollar
[00:001] Compiling function: defaultDefaultClassFinder
[00:000] Compiling function: mcDollar
[00:008] Compiling function: assertSameVerbose
[00:001] Compiling function: dm_vmBus_answerToMessage
[00:001] Compiling function: nemptyLinesLL
[00:000] Compiling function: pre_htmlEncode
[00:000] Compiling function: renderStackTrace
[00:000] Compiling function: hjs_selectizeClickable
[00:001] Compiling function: targetBlank
[00:000] Compiling function: ahref_noFollow
[00:000] Compiling function: methodsSortedByNameIC
[00:000] Compiling function: allLiveMethodsBelowClass
[00:000] Compiling function: tok_integersAsLongs
tok_defaultArguments, expr=db_mainConcepts(), _args1=[], _args2=[ ], args1=[], args2=[], type=[, static,  , void,  ], isVoid=true, rewrittenHead=static void fixConceptIDs()
iEndOfType=603, iClosing=603, iClosing=), start=605, start={, end=676, lTok=947
[00:015] Compiling function: startsWith
[00:000] Compiling function: snippetURL
[00:000] Compiling function: addSlashSuffix
[00:001] Compiling function: startsWith_addingSlash
[00:000] Compiling function: getProgramURL
[00:000] Compiling function: inlineSwappable
[00:000] Compiling function: ahref_targetBlankIf
[00:000] Compiling function: unlistedCopyToClass_withConverter_pcall
[00:000] Compiling function: getMigration
[00:000] Compiling function: isIntegerOrIdentifier
[00:001] Compiling function: trailingLong_regexp
[00:000] Compiling function: getInnerClass
[00:000] Compiling function: nCodeTokens
[00:000] Compiling function: parseFirstLong_regexp
[00:000] Compiling function: findClassThroughDefaultClassFinder
[00:000] Compiling function: realMC
[00:001] Compiling function: mc
iEndOfType=869, iClosing=869, iClosing=), start=871, start={, end=952, lTok=989
tok_defaultArguments, expr=null, _args1=[, String,  , a, , ,,  , String,  , b, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[String a, String b], args2=[], type=[, static,  , boolean,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=static boolean startsWith_addingSlash(String a, String b)
[00:000] Compiling function: routeThroughAll
[00:011] Compiling function: isTrueOpt
[00:001] Compiling function: eqOrEqic
[00:000] Compiling function: splitAtSpace_trim
[00:000] Compiling function: addLibrariesToClassLoader
[00:000] Compiling function: afterSlash
[00:000] Compiling function: nonInstancesOf
[00:001] Compiling function: repS
[00:000] Compiling function: html_gazelle_madeByIcon
[00:000] Compiling function: shortenStr
[00:000] Compiling function: deleteConceptsWhereIC
[00:000] Compiling function: syncCompactSet
[00:001] Compiling function: withoutInstancesOf
[00:000] Compiling function: hlinkButton
[00:000] Compiling function: dateWithSecondsUTC
[00:000] Compiling function: addFilenameHeader
[00:000] Compiling function: hcenter
[00:001] Compiling function: linesLL
[00:000] Compiling function: makeAbsoluteURL
[00:000] Compiling function: dynShortClassName
[00:000] Compiling function: structure_convertTokenMarkersToExplicit
[00:000] Compiling function: waitForQToEmpty
[00:001] Compiling function: inQ
[00:000] Compiling function: syncWeakSet
[00:000] Compiling function: getList
[00:000] Compiling function: jsonEvalMsg
[00:000] Compiling function: hjs_escapedDollarVars
[00:001] Compiling function: js_nodeScriptReplace2
[00:000] Compiling function: hnoscript
[00:000] Compiling function: html
[00:000] Compiling function: js_replaceHTML
tok_defaultArguments, expr=null, _args1=[, Class,  , c, , ,,  , String,  , name, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[Class c, String name], args2=[], type=[, static,  , Class,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=static Class getInnerClass(Class c, String name)
tok_defaultArguments, expr=now(), _args1=[], _args2=[ ], args1=[], args2=[], type=[

, static,  , String,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=static String dateWithSecondsUTC()
tok_defaultArguments, expr="", _args1=[, String,  , link, , ,,  ], _args2=[ ], args1=[String link], args2=[], type=[

, static,  , String,  ], isVoid=false, rewrittenHead=static String html_gazelle_madeByIcon(String link)
[00:022] Getting 71 parts
[00:003] Including 71 parts
[00:027] Finding main class
[00:038] Processing definitions
[00:001] Looking for required functions
[00:091] Adding functions: newConceptsWithClassFinder dropNumberPrefix conceptsAndBot actualMC findClass_fullName vmBus_addListener_basic nemptyLines stackTraceToString sortedByCalculatedFieldIC ccopyFields_withConverter_pcall applyUntilEqual_goOneBackOnNull parseLongOr0 regexpExtract countCodeTokens firstLong_regexp addLibraryToClassLoader repeatString repF deleteConceptsWhereCI simpleDateFormat_UTC formatUTCWithSeconds_24 replaceDollarVars_js js_executeScriptElements
[00:000] Preloading: [#1027606, #1032065, #1005952, #1029882, #1020753, #1022182, #1023573, #1009309, #1019179, #1031815, #1032200, #1031396, #1016487, #1025582, #1031395, #1031834, #1002790, #1007438, #1027444, #1032396, #1032394, #1032319, #1032646]
[00:004] Sending POST request: (260 bytes)
[00:131] Compiling function: newConceptsWithClassFinder
[00:001] Compiling function: dropNumberPrefix
[00:000] Compiling function: conceptsAndBot
[00:001] Compiling function: actualMC
[00:000] Compiling function: findClass_fullName
[00:000] Compiling function: vmBus_addListener_basic
[00:000] Compiling function: nemptyLines
[00:000] Compiling function: stackTraceToString
[00:001] Compiling function: sortedByCalculatedFieldIC
[00:000] Compiling function: ccopyFields_withConverter_pcall
[00:001] Compiling function: applyUntilEqual_goOneBackOnNull
[00:000] Compiling function: parseLongOr0
[00:000] Compiling function: regexpExtract
[00:000] Compiling function: countCodeTokens
[00:000] Compiling function: firstLong_regexp
[00:001] Compiling function: addLibraryToClassLoader
[00:000] Compiling function: repeatString
[00:000] Compiling function: repF
[00:000] Compiling function: deleteConceptsWhereCI
[00:000] Compiling function: simpleDateFormat_UTC
[00:000] Compiling function: formatUTCWithSeconds_24
[00:001] Compiling function: replaceDollarVars_js
[00:000] Compiling function: js_executeScriptElements
[00:000] Getting 23 parts
[00:011] Including 23 parts
[00:009] Processing definitions
[00:001] Looking for required functions
[00:072] Adding functions: indexOfNonDigit allToStrOrNull getStackTrace_noRecord sortByCalculatedFieldIC paramsToMap_withNulls jsonEncode_extended
[00:001] Preloading: [#1019460, #1030740, #1000889, #1016503, #1032734, #1032542]
[00:001] Sending POST request: (90 bytes)
[00:087] Compiling function: indexOfNonDigit
[00:000] Compiling function: allToStrOrNull
[00:001] Compiling function: getStackTrace_noRecord
[00:000] Compiling function: sortByCalculatedFieldIC
[00:000] Compiling function: paramsToMap_withNulls
[00:001] Compiling function: jsonEncode_extended
iEndOfType=111, iClosing=111, iClosing=), start=113, start=buf, end=128, lTok=545
iEndOfType=151, iClosing=151, iClosing=), start=153, start=buf, end=172, lTok=555
[00:015] Getting 6 parts
[00:000] Including 6 parts
[00:006] Processing definitions
[00:000] Looking for required functions
[00:080] stdstuff!
[00:000] quickmain
[00:000] includes
[00:000] conceptsDot
[00:000] tok_processDontImports
[00:001] standard classes
[00:001] 03:25:15: Loading:<hidden>
[00:247] Purging import: import static loadableUtils.utils.targetBlank;
[00:011] Purging import: import static loadableUtils.utils.startsWith;
[00:049] No SymbolAsString.
[00:001] Sending POST request: (80 bytes)
[00:235] Adding classes: HInitWebSocket FlexibleRateTimer HPopDownButton F3 CompactHashSet
[00:000] Compiling class: HInitWebSocket
[00:001] Compiling class: FlexibleRateTimer
[00:000] Compiling class: HPopDownButton
[00:002] Compiling class: F3
[00:000] Compiling class: CompactHashSet
[00:146] No SymbolAsString.
[00:000] Adding classes: DoLater
[00:001] 03:25:16: Loading:<hidden>
[00:064] Compiling class: DoLater
[00:071] No SymbolAsString.
[00:000] Adding classes: ISleeper
[00:001] 03:25:16: Loading:<hidden>
[00:074] Compiling class: ISleeper
[00:095] No SymbolAsString.
[00:000] Not same 0.
[00:144] Looking for required functions
[00:068] Adding functions: hjssnippet hreconnectingWebSockets_snippetID replaceDollarVars2 options lround addOrCreate runAndReturn defaultSleeper runWithExecutor
[00:000] Preloading: [#1013441, #1032266, #1030664, #1005482, #1023132, #1025196, #1018688, #1025191, #1025192]
[00:001] Sending POST request: (120 bytes)
[00:113] Compiling function: hjssnippet
[00:000] Compiling function: hreconnectingWebSockets_snippetID
[00:000] Compiling function: replaceDollarVars2
[00:000] Compiling function: options
[00:000] Compiling function: lround
[00:000] Compiling function: addOrCreate
[00:001] Compiling function: runAndReturn
[00:000] Compiling function: defaultSleeper
[00:000] Compiling function: runWithExecutor
[00:000] Getting 9 parts
[00:009] Including 9 parts
[00:004] Processing definitions
[00:000] Looking for required functions
[00:060] Adding functions: addDyn main
[00:000] Preloading: [#1007606, #1002454]
[00:001] Sending POST request: (50 bytes)
[00:103] Compiling function: addDyn
[00:000] Compiling function: main
[00:003] Getting 2 parts
[00:006] Including 2 parts
[00:002] Processing definitions
[00:000] Looking for required functions
[00:037] stdstuff!
[00:000] quickmain
[00:000] includes
[00:000] conceptsDot
[00:001] tok_processDontImports
[00:000] standard classes
[00:050] No SymbolAsString.
[00:000] Adding classes: Options
[00:002] 03:25:17: Loading:<hidden>
[00:069] Compiling class: Options
[00:042] No SymbolAsString.
[00:000] Adding classes: ConceptL
[00:001] 03:25:17: Loading:<hidden>
[00:058] Compiling class: ConceptL
[00:041] No SymbolAsString.
[00:003] Not same 1.
[00:021] expandMainRef, fname=doLater, isClass=false
[00:000] expandMainRef, pkg=loadableUtils.utils
[00:000] expandMainRef, fname=addAll, isClass=false
[00:000] expandMainRef, pkg=loadableUtils.utils
[00:000] Looking for required functions
[00:031] stdstuff!
[00:000] quickmain
[00:000] includes
[00:000] conceptsDot
[00:000] tok_processDontImports
[00:000] standard classes
[00:041] No SymbolAsString.
[00:009] Not same 2.
[00:020] Looking for required functions
[00:037] stdstuff!
[00:001] quickmain
[00:000] includes
[00:000] conceptsDot
[00:000] tok_processDontImports
[00:000] standard classes
[00:038] No SymbolAsString.
[00:008] Post.
[00:000] moveImportsUp
[00:084] Indexing
[00:001] extendClasses
[00:000] libs
[00:000] lib 1030952
[00:000] libs found: [1030952]
[00:000] sourceCodeLine
[00:014] innerClassesVar
[00:004] ifclass
[00:000] slashCasts
[00:014] newWithoutNew
[00:007] classReferences
[00:137] Error-checking
[00:019] autoImports
[00:178] definitions=ciset["AllPublic", "CleanImports", "DynModule", "hotwire_here", "needToKnowMainLib", "NoIllegalAccesses", "NoNanoHTTPD", "OurSubLists", "PublicExceptTopClass"]
[00:000] Making all public.
[04:112] mainPackage
[00:029] mainClassName
[00:000] Adding libs: [1030952]
[00:002] Saving.
[00:019] Package: "gazelle"
[00:007] File name: gazelle/
java.lang.Exception: Translator 7 did not generate
  at x30.applyTranslator(
  at x30.applyTranslators(
  at x30.autoTranslate(
  at x30.repeatAutoTranslate(
  at x30.defaultTranslate(
  at x30.topLevelTranslate(
  at x30.transpileMain(
  at x30.javaxmain(
  at x30.goMain(
  at x30.main(

Could not transpile.

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Travelled to 5 computer(s): bhatertpkbcr, mowyntqkapby, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, vouqrxazstgt

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Snippet ID: #1030949
Snippet name: Transpiler output of #1031393
Eternal ID of this version: #1030949/9
Text MD5: f4a65707e84baa1440ea9df88c4bd7ff
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: Document
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2021-10-04 03:25:27
Source code size: 27199 bytes / 453 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 221 / 157
Version history: 8 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]