Uses 1951K of libraries. Compilation Failed (8718L/65K).
1 | !7 |
2 | |
3 | // TODO: prevent non-master users from setting createdBy field manually |
4 | |
5 | !include early #1031277 // BEA general includes |
6 | |
7 | !include once #1030833 // BEACalculations |
8 | |
9 | set flag DynModule. |
10 | set flag NoNanoHTTPD. |
11 | rewrite BEA with BEAObject. |
12 | |
13 | module GazelleBEA > DynGazelleRocks { |
14 | switchable bool mirrorBEAObjects; // don't do it for now |
15 | switchable bool enableAutoRuns = true; |
16 | switchable bool enableNewBEAObjectNotis = true; |
17 | switchable bool printAllConceptChanges; |
18 | switchable bool useShadowLogger = true; |
19 | switchable bool autoActivateDynamicObjects = true; |
20 | |
21 | transient ReliableSingleThread_Multi<BEAObject> rstAutoRuns = new(1000, lambda1 performAutoRuns); |
22 | transient Q notificationQ; |
23 | transient ReliableSingleThread_Multi<BEAObject> rstDistributeNewObject = new(1000, lambda1 distributeNewObject_impl); |
24 | transient Set<BEAObject> newObjectsDistributed = weakSet(); |
25 | |
26 | transient ReliableSingleThread_Multi<BEAObject> rstUpdateBEAMirrors = new(100, c -> enter { c.updateMirrorPost(); }); |
27 | |
28 | transient ReliableSingleThread_Multi<BEAObject> rstAutoActivateDynamicObjects = new(100, c -> enter { autoActivateDynamicObject(c); }); |
29 | |
30 | transient BEACalculations calculations = new(this); |
31 | transient BEACalculations calc = calculations; |
32 | transient int newFieldsToShow = 3; |
33 | transient bool allowAnonymousInputUpload = true; // TODO |
34 | switchable int maxInputLength = 50000; |
35 | |
36 | transient ConceptClassesDependentValue<Int> inputsWithoutRewrites; |
37 | transient ConceptClassesDependentValue<Int> inputsWithoutMatches; |
38 | transient ConceptClassesDependentValue<Int> syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites; |
39 | |
40 | // add more fields here |
41 | |
42 | !include #1030883 // DB quickImport mix-in |
43 | |
44 | void init { |
45 | super.init(); |
46 | //set quickDBReloadEnabled; |
47 | botName = heading = adminName = "Gazelle BEA"; |
48 | set enableVars; |
49 | unset showTalkToBotLink; |
50 | unset phoneNumberSpecialInputField; |
51 | unset showMetaBotOnEveryPage; |
52 | } |
53 | |
54 | void startDB { |
55 | db(); |
56 | db_mainConcepts().useBackRefsForSearches = true; |
57 | inputsWithoutRewrites = ConceptClassesDependentValue(litset(BEA), () -> countPred(beaList("Input"), c -> empty(beaBackRefs(c, "Rewrite")))); |
58 | inputsWithoutMatches = ConceptClassesDependentValue(litset(BEA), () -> countPred(beaList("Input"), c -> empty(beaBackRefs(c, "Match")))); |
59 | syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites = ConceptClassesDependentValue(litset(BEA), () -> countPred(beaList("Syntactic Pattern"), c -> empty(beaBackRefs(c, "Rewrite")))); |
60 | |
61 | if (useShadowLogger) { |
62 | ConceptsShadowLogger shadowLogger = new(db_mainConcepts()); |
63 | shadowLogger.install(); |
64 | //shadowLogger.writer = printWriter(deflaterOutputStream_syncFlush_append(programFile("shadow.log.deflated"))); |
65 | shadowLogger.writer = filePrintWriter_append(programFile("shadow.log")); |
66 | dm_doEvery(10.0, r { shadowLogger.flush(); }); |
67 | ownResource(shadowLogger); |
68 | } |
69 | |
70 | if (printAllConceptChanges) printAllConceptChanges(); |
71 | } |
72 | |
73 | void start { |
74 | assertEquals(BEAObject, callF(defaultDefaultClassFinder(), "main$BEAObject")); |
75 | assertEquals(ConceptWithGlobalID, callF(defaultDefaultClassFinder(), "main$ConceptWithGlobalID")); |
76 | seedDBFrom(#1030602); |
77 | set botDisabled; |
78 | set storeBaseClassesInStructure; |
79 | super.start(); |
80 | print("main concepts: " + db_mainConcepts() + ", count: " + db_mainConcepts().countConcepts()); |
81 | print(renderConceptClassesWithCount(db_mainConcepts())); |
82 | print("Inputs: " + n2(beaCount("Input"))); |
83 | set showCRUDToEveryone; |
84 | //set showOnlySelectedObject; |
85 | |
86 | // reload module when lib changes |
87 | dm_onSnippetTranspiled(voidfunc(S snippetID) { |
88 | if (sameSnippetID(snippetID, #1030952)) |
89 | dm_reloadModule(); |
90 | }); |
91 | |
92 | if (!enabled) ret; |
93 | |
94 | // mirror all objects to be sure |
95 | rstUpdateBEAMirrors.addAll(list(BEAObject)); |
96 | |
97 | newObjectsDistributed.addAll(list(BEAObject)); |
98 | |
99 | /*onIndividualConceptChange_notOnAllChanged(BEAObject, |
100 | p -> { calculations.makeSyntacticPattern(p); });*/ |
101 | |
102 | onIndividualConceptChange_notOnAllChanged(BEAObject, |
103 | o -> { |
104 | if (enableAutoRuns) rstAutoRuns.add(o); |
105 | if (enableNewBEAObjectNotis && newObjectsDistributed.add(o)) |
106 | rstDistributeNewObject.add(o); |
107 | }); |
108 | |
109 | notificationQ = dm_startQ(); |
110 | |
111 | // fix refs occasionally |
112 | |
113 | dm_doEvery(5*60.0, r-enter { |
114 | print(ConceptsRefChecker(db_mainConcepts()).runAndFixAll()); |
115 | }); |
116 | } |
117 | |
118 | void makeIndices :: after { |
119 | indexConceptFieldDesc(BEAObject, "_modified"); |
120 | indexConceptFieldIC(BEAObject, "type"); |
121 | indexConceptFieldIC(BEAObject, "text"); |
122 | } |
123 | |
124 | L<Class> crudClasses(Req req) { |
125 | ret listPlus(super.crudClasses(req), BEAObject, /*BEAPatternList*/); |
126 | } |
127 | |
128 | Set<Class> hiddenCrudClasses() { |
129 | Set<Class> set = super.hiddenCrudClasses(); |
130 | addAll(set, Conversation, ExecutedStep, InputHandled); |
131 | ret set; |
132 | } |
133 | |
134 | S authFormHeading() { |
135 | ret h3("Gazelle BEA"); |
136 | } |
137 | |
138 | void makeFramer(Req req) { |
139 | super.makeFramer(req); |
140 | |
141 | req.framer.addInHead(hjs_autoExpandingTextAreas()); |
142 | } |
143 | |
144 | <A extends Concept> HCRUD_Concepts<A> crudData(Class<A> c, Req req) { |
145 | HCRUD_Concepts<A> cc = super.crudData(c, req); |
146 | |
147 | if (c == BEAObject) { |
148 | cc.humanizeFieldNames = false; |
149 | cc.convertConceptValuesToRefs = true; |
150 | cc.itemName = () -> "BEA Object"; |
151 | |
152 | cc.onCreate.add(o -> |
153 | cset(o, createdBy := currentUser())); |
154 | |
155 | cc.getObjectForDuplication = id -> { |
156 | MapSO item = cc.getObjectForDuplication_base(id); |
157 | item.put(createdBy := req.auth.user!); // set default creator to current user |
158 | item.put(createdFrom := getConcept(toLong(id))); |
159 | ret item; |
160 | }; |
161 | |
162 | cc.emptyObject = () -> { |
163 | MapSO item = cc.emptyObject_base(); |
164 | item.put(type := ""); |
165 | ret item; |
166 | }; |
167 | |
168 | Set<S> deletableRefs = litciset("Match"); |
169 | |
170 | cc.objectCanBeDeleted = id -> { |
171 | BEA o = cast cc.conceptForID(id); |
172 | ret userCanEditObject(user(req), o) |
173 | && all(findBackRefs(BEAObject, o), x -> contains(deletableRefs, x.type())); |
174 | }; |
175 | |
176 | cc.actuallyDeleteConcept = o -> { |
177 | deleteConcepts(filter(findBackRefs(BEAObject, o), |
178 | o2 -> contains(deletableRefs, o2.type()))); |
179 | cdelete(o); |
180 | }; |
181 | } |
182 | |
183 | ret cc; |
184 | } |
185 | |
186 | <A extends Concept> HCRUD makeCRUD(Class<A> c, Req req, HTMLFramer1 framer) { |
187 | HCRUD crud = super.makeCRUD(c, req, framer); |
188 | HCRUD_Concepts data = cast; |
189 | crud.showOnlySelected = true; |
190 | crud.showSearchField = true; |
191 | if (data.customFilter == null) |
192 | crud.descending = true; // show latest objects first by default except when searching |
193 | crud.cleanItemIDs = true; |
194 | |
195 | if (c == BEAObject) { |
196 | crud.cellColumnToolTips = true; |
197 | crud.unshownFields = litset("mirrorPost", "globalID"); |
198 | crud.showTextFieldsAsAutoExpandingTextAreas = true; |
199 | HCRUD_Concepts cc = cast; |
200 | |
201 | S typeFilter = req.get("type"); |
202 | if (nempty(typeFilter)) |
203 | cc.addCIFilter(type := typeFilter); |
204 | |
205 | crud.renderCmds = map -> { |
206 | BEAObject o = getConcept BEAObject(crud.itemIDAsLong(map)); |
207 | |
208 | new LS cmds; |
209 | |
210 | // special commands for BEA types or objects with certain fields |
211 | |
212 | if (nempty(o.text())) |
213 | cmds.add( |
214 | targetBlank(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/query", |
215 | q := o.text(), algorithm := "process input"), |
216 | "Use text as query")); |
217 | |
218 | if (o.typeIs("Input")) { |
219 | cmds.add(ahref(addParamsToURL(crudLink(BEAObject), |
220 | cmd := "new", |
221 | title := "Add Pattern For Input", |
222 | f_type := "Pattern", |
223 | f_text := getStringOpt text(o), |
224 | f_shouldMatch :=, metaInfo_shouldMatch := "concept", |
225 | ), "Add pattern")); |
226 | |
227 | cmds.add(ahref(appendParamsToURL(baseLink + "/query", q := o.text(), algorithm := "Apply all text functions"), |
228 | "Apply all text functions")); |
229 | } |
230 | |
231 | if (o.typeIs("Pattern")) |
232 | cmds.add(ahref(appendParamsToURL(baseLink + "/query", q :=, algorithm := "Run pattern"), |
233 | "Try-run pattern against all inputs")); |
234 | |
235 | if (o.typeIsOneOf("Pattern", "Syntactic Pattern")) { |
236 | cmds.add(ahref(appendParamsToURL(baseLink + "/reactAllInputsWithPattern", patternID :=, |
237 | "React pattern with all inputs")); |
238 | |
239 | cmds.add(ahref(appendParamsToURL(baseLink + "/convertSyntacticToSemanticMatchesForWholePattern", patternID :=, |
240 | "Convert all syntactic matches to semantic matches")); |
241 | } |
242 | |
243 | if (o.typeIs("Match")) { |
244 | cmds.add(ahref(appendParamsToURL(baseLink + "/query", q :=, algorithm := "Find rewrites for match"), |
245 | "Find rewrites")); |
246 | if (beaTypeIs(beaGet pattern(o), "Syntactic Pattern")) |
247 | cmds.add(ahref(appendParamsToURL(baseLink + "/convertSyntacticToSemanticMatches", matchID :=, |
248 | "Convert to semantic matches")); |
249 | } |
250 | |
251 | cmds.add( |
252 | ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/markUseful", |
253 | redirect := beaShortURL(o), |
254 | objectID :=, |
255 | "Mark useful")); |
256 | |
257 | cmds.add( |
258 | ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/markBad", |
259 | redirect := beaShortURL(o), |
260 | objectID :=, |
261 | "Mark bad")); |
262 | |
263 | cmds.add(addCommentHTML(o)); |
264 | |
265 | if (o.typeIsOneOf("Script", "Step in script") || eqic(beforeVerticalBar(o.type()), "Instruction")) |
266 | cmds.add( |
267 | ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/runInstruction", |
268 | instruction :=, |
269 | "Run")); |
270 | |
271 | if (o.typeIs("Function Result")) { |
272 | if (eqic(cget resultType(o), "string")) |
273 | cmds.add( |
274 | ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/convertResultToInput", |
275 | result :=, |
276 | "Convert to input")); |
277 | } |
278 | |
279 | if (o.typeIs("Auto Run")) |
280 | cmds.add( |
281 | ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/performAutoRunOnAllObjects", autoRun :=, "Run on all objects")); |
282 | |
283 | if (o.getClass() != BEA) |
284 | cmds.add( |
285 | ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/migrateToBase", id :=, "Migrate to BEAObject")); |
286 | |
287 | cmds.add( |
288 | ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/performAutoRuns", |
289 | onObject :=, |
290 | "Perform auto runs on this object")); |
291 | |
292 | framer.addInHead(hjs_copyToClipboard()); |
293 | |
294 | cmds.add(ahref_onClick(formatFunctionCall copyToClipboard(jsQuote(o.globalIDStr())), "Copy global ID [" + o.globalIDStr() + "]")); |
295 | |
296 | LS items = llNempties( |
297 | crud.renderCmds_base(map), |
298 | !o.typeIsOneOf("Input", "Pattern", "Syntactic Pattern") |
299 | ? null : addRewriteHTML(o), |
300 | !canAutoMigrate(o) ? null |
301 | : ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/autoMigrate", id :=, "Auto-migrate to " + shortClassName(defaultCustomClass(o)))); |
302 | |
303 | if (isObjectWithCode(o) && isMasterAuthed(req)) |
304 | items.add(ahref(baseLink + "/activateDynamicObject?id=" +, "Activate custom code")); |
305 | |
306 | if (fileNotEmpty(javaSourceFileForObject(o))) |
307 | cmds.add(ahref(baseLink + "/javaSource?id=" +, "Show Java source")); |
308 | |
309 | // add more commands here |
310 | |
311 | addAll(items, o.directCmds()); |
312 | items.add(hPopDownButton(cmds)); |
313 | |
314 | ret joinNemptiesWithVBar(items); |
315 | }; |
316 | |
317 | cc.massageItemMapForList = (item, map) -> { |
318 | BEAObject o = cast item; |
319 | |
320 | if (o.typeIs("Input")) { |
321 | Cl<BEAObject> matches = objectsWhereNotIC(objectsWhereCI(findBackRefs(o, BEAObject), type := "match"), |
322 | label := "bad"); |
323 | map/Map.put("Best Matches", HTML(hparagraphs( |
324 | lmap matchDescHTML(takeFirst(3, matches))))); |
325 | } |
326 | S idField = crud.idField(); |
327 | O id = map/Map.get(idField); |
328 | if (id instanceof S) |
329 | map/Map.put(idField, HTML(ahref(beaShortURL(o), id))); |
330 | if (o.typeIs("Function Result")) { |
331 | O value = o~.result; |
332 | map/Map.put("result", HTML(javaValueToHTML(value))); |
333 | } |
334 | |
335 | if (o.typeIs("Match")) { |
336 | SS mapping = o.mapping(); |
337 | if (mapping != null) |
338 | map/Map.put("mapping", HTML( |
339 | joinWithBR(map(mapping, (k, v) -> |
340 | htmlEncode2(k) + "=" + calculations.bestInputHTML(v))))); |
341 | } |
342 | |
343 | if (o.getClass() != BEA) |
344 | map/Map.put("Java Class", shortClassName(o)); |
345 | |
346 | if (eq(req.get("showSimpleObjectScore"), "1")) |
347 | map/Map.put("Simple object score" := calculations.simpleObjectScore(o)); |
348 | }; // end of massageItemMapForList |
349 | |
350 | crud.massageFormMatrix = (map, matrix) -> { |
351 | for (int i = 1; i <= newFieldsToShow; i++) { |
352 | S nf = "newField" + i; |
353 | |
354 | S refSelector = |
355 | crud.renderInput("\*nf*/_conceptValue", |
356 | cc.makeConceptsComboBox("\*nf*/_conceptValue", BEAObject), null) |
357 | + hjs([[$("[name=]] + nf + [[_conceptValue]").hide()]]); |
358 | |
359 | S userSelector = |
360 | crud.renderInput("\*nf*/_userValue", |
361 | cc.makeConceptsComboBox("\*nf*/_userValue", User), null) |
362 | + hjs([[$("[name=]] + nf + [[_userValue]").hide()]]); |
363 | |
364 | LS types = ll("String", "BEAObject", "Bool", "User"); |
365 | |
366 | S typeSelector = hselect_list(types, name := "\*nf*/_type", |
367 | onchange := [[ |
368 | var value = this.value; |
369 | $("[name=]] + nf + [[_value]").toggle(value == "String" || value == "Bool"); |
370 | $("#]] + nf + [[_refBox").toggle(value == "BEAObject"); |
371 | $("#]] + nf + [[_userSel").toggle(value == "User"); |
372 | ]]); |
373 | |
374 | matrix.add(ll("Add field:<br>" + htextfield("\*nf*/_name", title := "New field name"), |
375 | htmlTable2_noHtmlEncode(ll(ll( |
376 | // string input |
377 | //htextfield("\*nf*/_value"), |
378 | htextarea("", |
379 | name := "\*nf*/_value", |
380 | class := "auto-expand", |
381 | style := "max-height: 10em; width: 300px; vertical-align: top", |
382 | ) + |
383 | span(refSelector, id := "\*nf*/_refBox", style := "display: none"), |
384 | span(userSelector, id := "\*nf*/_userSel", style := "display: none"), |
385 | "Type", typeSelector |
386 | )), |
387 | noHeader := true, |
388 | tableParams := litobjectarray(style := "width: 100%")))); |
389 | } |
390 | }; |
391 | |
392 | crud.preprocessUpdateParams = params -> { |
393 | params = cloneMap(params); |
394 | |
395 | // drop empty strings |
396 | //removeFromMapWhereValue(params, v -> eq(v, "")); |
397 | params = mapValues(params, v -> eq(v, "") ? null : v); |
398 | |
399 | for (int i = 1; i <= max(newFieldsToShow, 10); i++) { |
400 | S nf = "newField" + i; |
401 | S name = params.get("\*nf*/_name"), |
402 | type = params.get("\*nf*/_type"), |
403 | refValue = params.get("\*nf*/_conceptValue"), |
404 | userValue = params.get("\*nf*/_userValue"), |
405 | value = params.get("\*nf*/_value"); |
406 | |
407 | if (eqic(type, "BEAObject")) { |
408 | value = refValue; |
409 | params.put("metaInfo_" + name, "concept"); |
410 | } else if (eqic(type, "User")) { |
411 | value = userValue; |
412 | params.put("metaInfo_" + name, "concept"); |
413 | } else if (eqic(type, "Bool")) |
414 | params.put("metaInfo_" + name, "bool"); |
415 | |
416 | if (eq(value, "")) value = null; |
417 | |
418 | if (nempty(name) /*&& neqOneOf(value, null, "")*/) |
419 | params.put(crud.fieldPrefix + name, value); |
420 | } |
421 | |
422 | ret params; |
423 | }; |
424 | |
425 | // regular users can only edit their own objects |
426 | if (!isMasterAuthed(req)) |
427 | cc.objectCanBeEdited = id -> userCanEditObject(user(req), (BEA) cc.conceptForID(id)); |
428 | } // end of CRUD customization for BEAObject |
429 | |
430 | ret crud; |
431 | } |
432 | |
433 | bool userCanEditObject(User user, BEA o) { |
434 | ret cget createdBy(o) == user; |
435 | } |
436 | |
437 | O serveBotFunction(Req req, S function, Map data, User user) { |
438 | if (eq(function, "beaList")) { |
439 | long changedAfter = toLong(data.get("changedAfter")); |
440 | double pollFor = min(bot_maxPollSeconds, toLong(data.get("pollFor"))); // how long to poll (seconds) |
441 | long startTime = sysNow(); |
442 | |
443 | // We're super-anal about catching all changes. This will probably never trigger |
444 | if (changedAfter > 0 && changedAfter == now()) sleep(1); |
445 | |
446 | Cl<BEAObject> objects; |
447 | while true { |
448 | objects = changedAfter == 0 ? list(BEAObject) |
449 | : conceptsWithFieldGreaterThan_sorted(BEAObject, _modified := changedAfter); |
450 | |
451 | // return when there are results, no polling or poll expired |
452 | if (nempty(objects) || pollFor == 0 || elapsedSeconds_sysNow(startTime) >= pollFor) |
453 | ret serveJSON_breakAtLevels(2, result := map(objects, obj -> |
454 | litorderedmap(gid := str(obj.globalID()), struct := obj.structureString()) |
455 | )); |
456 | |
457 | // sleep and try again |
458 | sleep(bot_pollInterval); |
459 | } |
460 | } |
461 | |
462 | ret super.serveBotFunction(req, function, data, user); |
463 | } |
464 | |
465 | O serveOtherPage2(Req req) null { |
466 | printVars_str serveOtherPage2(uri := req.uri); |
467 | try object super.serveOtherPage2(req); |
468 | |
469 | S uri = dropTrailingSlashIfNemptyAfterwards(req.uri); |
470 | new Matches m; |
471 | |
472 | if (swic_notSame(uri, "/beaCRUD/", m)) |
473 | ret renderBEAObjectTable(req, urldecode(; |
474 | |
475 | if (eq(uri, "/inputs")) |
476 | ret renderBEAObjectTable(req, "input"); |
477 | |
478 | if (eq(uri, "/syntacticMatchesTable")) |
479 | ret hrefresh(baseLink + "/matchesTable?syntacticOnly=1"); |
480 | |
481 | if (eq(uri, "/matchesTable")) { |
482 | bool syntacticOnly = eq("1", req.get("syntacticOnly")); |
483 | |
484 | new L<BEA> list; |
485 | for (BEA match : beaList("Match")) { |
486 | BEA input = cgetOpt BEA(match, "input"); |
487 | BEA pat = cgetOpt BEA(match, "pattern"); |
488 | if (syntacticOnly && !calculations.isSyntacticPattern(pat)) continue; |
489 | continue if calculations.patternAlwaysMatches(pat); |
490 | |
491 | SS mapping = match.mapping(); |
492 | if (input == null || pat == null || mapping == null) continue; |
493 | list.add(match); |
494 | } |
495 | list = sortedByCalculatedFieldDesc(list, |
496 | match -> conceptID(cgetBEA input(match))); |
497 | |
498 | new HTMLPaginator paginator; |
499 | paginator.processParams(req.params()); |
500 | paginator.baseLink = addParamsToURL(baseLink, |
501 | filterKeys(req.params(), p -> eq(p, "syntacticOnly"))); |
502 | paginator.max = l(list); |
503 | req.framer.add(divUnlessEmpty(paginator.renderNav())); |
504 | list = subList(list, paginator.visibleRange()); |
505 | |
506 | new L<Map> data; |
507 | for (BEA match : list) { |
508 | BEA input = cgetOpt BEA(match, "input"); |
509 | BEA pat = cgetOpt BEA(match, "pattern"); |
510 | SS mapping = match.mapping(); |
511 | S patText = calculations.patternTextWithAngleBracketVars(pat); |
512 | LS tok = javaTokWithAngleBrackets(patText); |
513 | new BitSet bs; |
514 | tok = replaceAngleBracketVars(tok, mapping, bs); |
515 | for (IntRange r, bool b : unpair bitSetStreaksAndNonStreaks(bs, l(tok))) { |
516 | S t = joinSubList(tok, r); |
517 | replaceTokens(tok, r, b |
518 | ? formatSubInput(input, t, "obj" + |
519 | : htmlEncode2(t)); |
520 | } |
521 | S boldenedInput = join(tok); |
522 | |
523 | data.add(litorderedmap( |
524 | "Input" := aname("obj" +, joinWithBR( |
525 | ahref(beaURL(input), htmlEncode2_str(input~.text())), |
526 | boldenedInput)), |
527 | "Pattern" := ahref(beaURL(pat), htmlEncode2(pat.text())), // beaHTML(pat), |
528 | //"Sub-Inputs" := htmlEncode2_str(mapping), |
529 | "DB object" := beaHTML_justID(match), |
530 | "Feedback" := joinNemptiesWithSpace(calculations.feedbackHTML(match), |
531 | addCommentHTML(match, defaultComment := "good match", redirectAfterSave := req.uriWithParams(), |
532 | text := "+")), |
533 | )); |
534 | } |
535 | |
536 | req.framer.title = syntacticOnly ? "Syntactic matches table" : "Matches table"; |
537 | req.framer.add(p()); |
538 | req.framer.add(htmlTable2_noHtmlEncode(data)); |
539 | ret completeFrame(req); |
540 | } |
541 | |
542 | if (eq(uri, "/rewritesTable")) { |
543 | new L<Map> data; |
544 | for (BEA input : beaList("Input")) |
545 | for (BEA r : beaBackRefs(input, "Rewrite")) |
546 | data.add(litorderedmap( |
547 | "Input" := input.text(), |
548 | "Rewrite" := tok_dropCurlyBrackets(r.text()), |
549 | "Rewrite Type" := r~.rewriteType)); |
550 | |
551 | req.framer.title = "Rewrites table"; |
552 | req.framer.add(p()); |
553 | req.framer.add(htmlTable2(data)); |
554 | ret completeFrame(req); |
555 | } |
556 | |
557 | if (eq(uri, "/patternRewritesTable")) { |
558 | new L<Map> data; |
559 | for (BEA pat : beaListAny("Pattern", "Syntactic Pattern")) |
560 | for (BEA r : beaBackRefs(pat, "Rewrite")) |
561 | if (cget isRewriteOf(r) == pat) { |
562 | PairS example = calculations.exampleForPatternRewrite(pat, r); |
563 | data.add(litorderedmap( |
564 | "Pattern" := ahref(beaURL(pat), htmlEncode2(pat.text())), |
565 | "Rewrite" := ahref(beaURL(r), htmlEncode2(tok_dropCurlyBrackets(r.text()))), |
566 | "Example" := joinWithBR(htmlEncode2(example.a), htmlEncode2("=> " + example.b)), |
567 | "Rewrite Type" := htmlEncode2_str(r~.rewriteType), |
568 | "Cmds" := hPopDownButton( |
569 | targetBlank(conceptEditLink(r), "Edit"), |
570 | ))); |
571 | } |
572 | |
573 | req.framer.title = "Pattern rewrites table"; |
574 | req.framer.add(p()); |
575 | req.framer.add(htmlTable2_noHtmlEncode(data)); |
576 | ret completeFrame(req); |
577 | } |
578 | |
579 | if (eq(uri, "/syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites")) { |
580 | HCRUD crud = makeBEAObjectCRUD(req, "Syntactic Pattern"); |
581 | HCRUD_Concepts<BEAObject> data = cast; |
582 | |
583 | IF1 prev = data.customFilter; |
584 | data.customFilter = list -> { |
585 | list = filter(list, c -> empty(beaBackRefs(c, "Rewrite"))); |
586 | ret postProcess(prev, list); |
587 | }; |
588 | crud.customTitle = "Syntactic patterns without rewrites"; |
589 | ret serveCRUD(req, BEAObject, crud); |
590 | } |
591 | |
592 | if (eq(uri, "/inputsWithoutRewrites")) { |
593 | HCRUD crud = makeBEAObjectCRUD(req, "input"); |
594 | HCRUD_Concepts<BEAObject> data = cast; |
595 | |
596 | IF1 prev = data.customFilter; |
597 | data.customFilter = list -> { |
598 | list = filter(list, c -> empty(beaBackRefs(c, "Rewrite"))); |
599 | ret postProcess(prev, list); |
600 | }; |
601 | crud.customTitle = "Inputs without rewrites"; |
602 | ret serveCRUD(req, BEAObject, crud); |
603 | } |
604 | |
605 | if (eq(uri, "/inputsWithRewrites")) { |
606 | HCRUD crud = makeBEAObjectCRUD(req, "input"); |
607 | HCRUD_Concepts<BEAObject> data = cast; |
608 | |
609 | IF1 prev = data.customFilter; |
610 | data.customFilter = list -> { |
611 | list = filter(list, c -> nempty(beaBackRefs(c, "Rewrite"))); |
612 | ret postProcess(prev, list); |
613 | }; |
614 | crud.customTitle = "Inputs with rewrites"; |
615 | ret serveCRUD(req, BEAObject, crud); |
616 | } |
617 | |
618 | if (eq(uri, "/inputsWithoutMatches")) { |
619 | HCRUD crud = makeBEAObjectCRUD(req, "input"); |
620 | HCRUD_Concepts<BEAObject> data = cast; |
621 | |
622 | IF1 prev = data.customFilter; |
623 | data.customFilter = list -> { |
624 | list = filter(list, c -> empty(beaBackRefs(c, "Match"))); |
625 | ret postProcess(prev, list); |
626 | }; |
627 | crud.customTitle = "Inputs without matches"; |
628 | ret serveCRUD(req, BEAObject, crud); |
629 | } |
630 | |
631 | if (eq(uri, "/patterns")) |
632 | ret renderBEAObjectTable(req, "pattern"); |
633 | |
634 | if (eq(uri, "/syntacticPatterns")) |
635 | ret renderBEAObjectTable(req, "Syntactic Pattern"); |
636 | |
637 | if (eq(uri, "/matches")) |
638 | ret renderBEAObjectTable(req, "match"); |
639 | |
640 | if (eq(uri, "/rewrites")) |
641 | ret renderBEAObjectTable(req, "rewrite"); |
642 | |
643 | if (eq(uri, "/aiTasks")) |
644 | ret renderBEAObjectTable(req, "AI Task"); |
645 | |
646 | if (eq(uri, "/query")) |
647 | ret calculations.serveQueryPage(req); |
648 | |
649 | if (eq(uri, "/saveInput")) { |
650 | S text = trim(req.get("text")); |
651 | S info = trim(req.get("info")); |
652 | if (empty(text)) ret subBot_serve500("Input empty"); |
653 | if (l(text) > maxInputLength) ret subBot_serve500("Input too long"); |
654 | BEAObject input = uniqCI BEAObject(type := "Input", +text, createdBy := user(req)); |
655 | saveUserAgent(input); |
656 | if (nempty(info)) |
657 | uniqCI BEAObject(type := "Input Source", +input, source := info); |
658 | ret hrefresh(or2(req.get("redirect"), baseLink + "/")); |
659 | } |
660 | |
661 | if (eq(uri, "/markUseful")) { |
662 | BEA o = beaGet objectID(req); |
663 | if (o == null) ret subBot_serve500("Object not found"); |
664 | uniqCI BEA(type := "Useful", object := o, createdBy := user(req)); |
665 | ret hrefresh(or2(req.get("redirect"), baseLink + "/")); |
666 | } |
667 | |
668 | if (eq(uri, "/markBad")) { |
669 | BEA o = beaGet objectID(req); |
670 | if (o == null) ret subBot_serve500("Object not found"); |
671 | uniqCI BEA(type := "Bad", object := o, createdBy := user(req)); |
672 | ret hrefresh(or2(req.get("redirect"), baseLink + "/")); |
673 | } |
674 | |
675 | if (eq(uri, "/saveAnswer")) { |
676 | S text = trim(req.get("text")); |
677 | S rewriteType = or2(trim(req.get("rewriteType")), "Suggested Answer"); |
678 | long inputID = toLong(req.get("inputID")); |
679 | BEAObject input = beaGet(inputID); |
680 | if (input == null) ret subBot_serve500("Input not found"); |
681 | if (empty(text)) ret subBot_serve500("Text empty"); |
682 | if (l(text) > maxInputLength) ret subBot_serve500("Text too long"); |
683 | uniqCI BEAObject(type := "Rewrite", +text, isRewriteOf := input, +rewriteType, createdBy := user(req)); |
684 | ret hrefresh(or2(req.get("redirect"), baseLink + "/")); |
685 | } |
686 | |
687 | if (eq(uri, "/javaSource")) { |
688 | BEA o = beaGet id(req); |
689 | ret serveText(loadTextFile(javaSourceFileForObject(o))); |
690 | } |
691 | |
692 | // add more public URLs here |
693 | |
694 | if (!inMasterMode(req)) null; |
695 | |
696 | if (eq(uri, "/uploadInputs")) |
697 | ret serveUploadTexts(req, "Input"); |
698 | |
699 | if (eq(uri, "/uploadPatterns")) |
700 | ret serveUploadTexts(req, "Pattern"); |
701 | |
702 | if (eq(uri, "/analyzeInput")) |
703 | ret calculations.serveAnalyzeInput(req); |
704 | |
705 | if (eq(uri, "/allBEATypes")) { |
706 | ret h2_title("All object types") |
707 | + ul(renderObjectTypes()); |
708 | } |
709 | |
710 | if (eq(uri, "/storeMatch")) { |
711 | BEAObject pattern = beaGet(req.get("pattern")); |
712 | BEAObject input = beaGet(req.get("input")); |
713 | S label = req.get("label"); |
714 | BEAObject match = calculations.reactInputWithPattern(input, pattern); |
715 | if (match == null) ret "Couldn't match"; |
716 | cset(match, +label); |
717 | ret hrefresh(or2(req.get("redirect"), beaObjectURL(match))); |
718 | } |
719 | |
720 | if (eq(uri, "/saveSyntacticPattern") || eq(uri, "/savePattern")) { |
721 | S type = cic(uri, "syntactic") ? "Syntactic Pattern" : "Pattern"; |
722 | S text = req.get("text"); |
723 | BEAObject fromInput = beaGet(req.get("fromInput")); |
724 | BEAObject pat = uniqCI BEAObject(+type, +text, createdBy := user(req)); |
725 | csetIfUnset(pat, +fromInput); |
726 | if (fromInput != null) |
727 | calculations.reactInputWithPattern(fromInput, pat); |
728 | ret hrefresh(or2(req.get("redirect"), baseLink + "/")); |
729 | } |
730 | |
731 | if (eq(uri, "/runInstruction")) { |
732 | BEAObject o = beaGet(req.get("instruction")); |
733 | runInstruction(o); |
734 | ret hrefresh(beaObjectURL(o)); |
735 | } |
736 | |
737 | if (eq(uri, "/convertResultToInput")) { |
738 | BEAObject result = beaGet(req.get("result")); |
739 | if (result == null) ret subBot_serve500("Object not found"); |
740 | S text = unquote(getString result(result)); |
741 | if (l(text) > maxInputLength) ret subBot_serve500("Input too long"); |
742 | BEAObject input = uniqCI BEAObject(type := "Input", +text); |
743 | uniqCI BEAObject(type := "Input Source", +input, source := result); |
744 | ret hrefresh(beaShortURL(input)); |
745 | } |
746 | |
747 | /*if (eq(uri, "/pipeStringListIntoPattern")) { |
748 | BEA r = beaGet(req.get("resultID")); |
749 | BEa pat = beaGet(req.get("patternID")); |
750 | if (r == null || pat == null) ret "Object not found"; |
751 | LS result = assertStringList(cget result(r)); |
752 | for (S s : result) |
753 | uniq BEA(type := "Statement", ); |
754 | }*/ |
755 | |
756 | if (eq(uri, "/setWordType")) { |
757 | BEA r = beaGet(req.get("resultID")); |
758 | S wordType = assertNempty(req.get("wordType")); |
759 | LS result = assertStringList(cget result(r)); |
760 | for (S s : result) |
761 | uniqCI BEA(type := "Word type", word := s, +wordType); |
762 | ret "OK"; |
763 | } |
764 | |
765 | if (eq(uri, "/reload")) { |
766 | dm_reloadModuleIn(3); |
767 | ret "Reloading module in 3"; |
768 | } |
769 | |
770 | if (eq(uri, "/performAutoRuns")) { |
771 | BEA o = beaGet(req.get("onObject")); |
772 | if (o == null) ret "Object not found"; |
773 | rstAutoRuns.add(o); |
774 | ret hrefresh(beaURL(o)); |
775 | } |
776 | |
777 | if (eq(uri, "/reactAllInputsWithAllSyntacticPatterns")) { |
778 | ret str(returnTimed(r { calculations.reactAllInputsWithAllSyntacticPatterns(); })); |
779 | } |
780 | |
781 | if (eq(uri, "/reactAllInputsWithPattern")) { |
782 | BEA pat = beaGet(req.get("patternID")); |
783 | if (pat == null) ret "Pattern not found"; |
784 | ret str(returnTimed(r { calculations.reactAllInputsWithPattern(pat); })); |
785 | } |
786 | |
787 | if (eq(uri, "/storeSubInput")) { |
788 | BEA input = beaGet(req.get("input")); |
789 | if (input == null) ret "Input not found"; |
790 | S text = req.get("text"); |
791 | S type = eqic(req.get("label"), "good") ? "Sub-Input" : "Bad Sub-Input"; |
792 | BEA o = uniqCI BEA( |
793 | +type, |
794 | +input, |
795 | +text, |
796 | createdBy := currentUser()); |
797 | ret hrefresh(or2(req.get("redirect"), beaURL(o))); |
798 | } |
799 | |
800 | if (eq(uri, "/performAutoRunOnAllObjects")) { |
801 | BEA autoRun = beaGet autoRun(req); |
802 | performAutoRunOnAllObjects(autoRun); |
803 | ret "OK"; |
804 | } |
805 | |
806 | if (eq(uri, "/autoMigrate")) { |
807 | BEA o = beaGet id(req); |
808 | if (o == null) ret "Object not found"; |
809 | S url = beaURL(o); |
810 | ret hsansserif() + "Migrated " + beaHTML(o) + " to " + className(autoMigrateToCustomClass(o)) |
811 | + hrefresh(1.0, url); |
812 | } |
813 | |
814 | if (eq(uri, "/migrateToBase")) { |
815 | BEA o = beaGet id(req); |
816 | if (o == null) ret "Object not found"; |
817 | S url = beaURL(o); |
818 | ret hsansserif() + "Migrated " + beaHTML(o) + " to " + className(autoMigrateToBase(o)) |
819 | + hrefresh(1.0, url); |
820 | } |
821 | |
822 | if (eq(uri, "/convertSyntacticToSemanticMatches")) { |
823 | BEA match = beaGet matchID(req); |
824 | if (match == null) ret "Match not found"; |
825 | ret ul_htmlEncode2(calculations.convertSyntacticToSemanticMatches(match)); |
826 | } |
827 | |
828 | if (eq(uri, "/convertSyntacticToSemanticMatchesForWholePattern")) { |
829 | BEA pat = beaGet patternID(req); |
830 | if (pat == null) ret "Pattern not found"; |
831 | ret ul_htmlEncode2(calculations.convertSyntacticToSemanticMatchesForWholePattern(pat)); |
832 | } |
833 | |
834 | if (eq(uri, "/createPatternListFromUsefulSyntacticPatterns")) |
835 | ret hrefresh(beaURL(calc.createPatternListFromUsefulSyntacticPatterns())); |
836 | |
837 | if (eq(uri, "/createConceptShadows")) |
838 | ret createConceptShadows(); |
839 | |
840 | if (eq(uri, "/compareConceptShadows")) { |
841 | if (conceptShadows == null) ret createConceptShadows(); |
842 | L<ConceptShadow> newShadows = allConceptShadows(); |
843 | L<CreatedDeletedChanged<ConceptShadow>> diff |
844 | = diffConceptShadows(conceptShadows, newShadows); |
845 | ret subBot_serveText(nDiffs(diff) + ":\n\n" |
846 | + pnlToString(diff)); |
847 | } |
848 | |
849 | if (eq(uri, "/includeScript")) { |
850 | S snippetID = req.get("id"); |
851 | O wired = hotwire(snippetID); |
852 | ret "Wired: " + wired; |
853 | } |
854 | |
855 | if (eq(uri, "/activateDynamicObject")) { |
856 | BEA o = beaGet id(req); |
857 | if (o == null) ret "Object not found"; |
858 | activateDynamicObject(o); |
859 | o = beaGet id(req); |
860 | S url = beaURL(o); |
861 | ret hsansserif() + "Migrated " + beaHTML(o) + " to " + className(o) |
862 | + hrefresh(3.0, url); |
863 | } |
864 | |
865 | if (eq(uri, "/callAnyMethod")) { |
866 | BEA o = beaGet id(req); |
867 | if (o == null) ret "Object not found"; |
868 | S name = req.get("name"); |
869 | |
870 | new L args; |
871 | for (S key, val : req.params()) { |
872 | int idx = parseIntOpt(regexpExtractGroup("^conceptArg(\\d+)$", key)); |
873 | if (idx > 0) |
874 | listSet(args, idx-1, getConcept(parseLong(val))); |
875 | } |
876 | |
877 | O result = call(o, name, toObjectArray(args)); |
878 | ret serveText("Result of " + + "." + name + "(" + joinWithComma(args) + "):\n" + result); |
879 | } |
880 | |
881 | // add more master-mode URLs here |
882 | } // end of serveOtherPage2 |
883 | |
884 | transient L<ConceptShadow> conceptShadows; |
885 | |
886 | O createConceptShadows() { |
887 | time "Make shadows" { |
888 | S profile = profileThisThreadToString(r { |
889 | conceptShadows = allConceptShadows(); |
890 | }); |
891 | } |
892 | ret subBot_serveText(n2(conceptShadows, "shadow") + " made in " + lastTiming_formatted() + "\n\n" + profile); |
893 | } |
894 | |
895 | HCRUD makeBEAObjectCRUD(Req req, S type) { |
896 | HCRUD crud = makeCRUD(BEAObject, req); |
897 | crud.baseLink = req.uri(); |
898 | HCRUD_Concepts data = cast; |
899 | data.itemName = () -> firstToUpper(type); |
900 | data.addCIFilter(type := eqic(type, "(no type)") ? null : type); |
901 | |
902 | if (eqicOneOf(type, "Input", "Pattern", "AI Task")) { |
903 | IF0<MapSO> prev = data.emptyObject; |
904 | data.emptyObject = () -> { |
905 | MapSO item = data.emptyObject_fallback(prev); |
906 | item.put(text := ""); // show text field when creating new objects |
907 | ret item; |
908 | }; |
909 | } |
910 | ret crud; |
911 | } |
912 | |
913 | O renderBEAObjectTable(Req req, S type) { |
914 | HCRUD crud = makeBEAObjectCRUD(req, type); |
915 | ret serveCRUD(req, BEAObject, crud); |
916 | } |
917 | |
918 | O serveUploadTexts(Req req, S type) { |
919 | S inputs = req.get("text"); |
920 | |
921 | new LS output; |
922 | |
923 | if (nempty(inputs)) { |
924 | for (S text : tlft(inputs)) { |
925 | Pair<BEAObject, Bool> p = uniqCI2_sync BEAObject(+type, +text); |
926 | if (cget uploadedBy(p.a) == null) |
927 | cset(p.a, uploadedBy := req.auth.user); |
928 | output.add(type + " " + (p.b ? "added" : "exists") |
929 | + " (ID " + + "): " + text); |
930 | } |
931 | } |
932 | |
933 | ret h2("Upload " + plural(type)) |
934 | + hpostform( |
935 | p(plural(type) + " (one per line):") |
936 | + p(htextarea(inputs, name := "text")) |
937 | + pIfNempty(htmlEncode_nlToBR(lines(output))) |
938 | + hsubmit("Upload " + plural(type))); |
939 | } |
940 | |
941 | Cl<BEAObject> beaObjectsOfType(S type) { |
942 | ret conceptsWhereCI BEAObject(+type); |
943 | } |
944 | |
945 | void reactAllInputsWithSomePatterns { |
946 | calculations.reactAllInputsWithSomePatterns(); |
947 | } |
948 | |
949 | S navDiv() { |
950 | HCRUD crud = makeCRUD(BEAObject, currentReq!); |
951 | |
952 | long time = sysNow(); |
953 | int inputsWithoutRewrites = this.inputsWithoutRewrites!; |
954 | int inputsWithoutMatches = this.inputsWithoutMatches!; |
955 | int syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites = this.syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites!; |
956 | /*int inputsWithoutRewrites = 0; |
957 | int inputsWithoutMatches = 0; |
958 | int syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites = 0;*/ |
959 | done2_always("Count Things", time); |
960 | |
961 | ret joinNemptiesWithVBar( |
962 | ahref(baseLink + "/query", "Query"), |
963 | beaNavLink("Input", crud), |
964 | beaNavLink("Pattern", crud), |
965 | beaNavLink("Syntactic Pattern", crud), |
966 | ahref(baseLink + "/syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites", n2(syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites) + " Syntactic patterns w/o rewrites"), |
967 | beaNavLink("Match", crud), |
968 | beaNavLink("Rewrite", crud), |
969 | beaNavLink("AI Task", crud), |
970 | ahref(baseLink + "/inputsWithoutMatches", n2(inputsWithoutMatches) + " Inputs w/o matches"), |
971 | ahref(baseLink + "/inputsWithoutRewrites", n2(inputsWithoutRewrites) + " Inputs w/o rewrites"), |
972 | hPopDownButtonWithText("Bot Forum", navLinks(flat := true, withStats := false)), |
973 | HTMLPopDownButton( |
974 | ahref(baseLink + "/allBEATypes", "All object types") |
975 | + " " + hPopDownButton(renderObjectTypes()), |
976 | ahref(baseLink + "/stats", "Stats"), |
977 | !inMasterMode(currentReq!) ? null : ahref(baseLink + "/refchecker", "Reference checker"), |
978 | ahref(baseLink + "/inputsWithRewrites", "Inputs with rewrites"), |
979 | ahref(baseLink + "/rewritesTable", "Rewrites table"), |
980 | ahref(baseLink + "/patternRewritesTable", "Pattern rewrites table"), |
981 | ahref(baseLink + "/matchesTable", "Matches table"), |
982 | ahref(baseLink + "/matchesTable?syntacticOnly=1", "Syntactic matches table"), |
983 | ahref("", "Classic Gazelle"), |
984 | ).width(350).height(500).html()); |
985 | } |
986 | |
987 | // crud is just the cached BEAObject crud to check for creation rights |
988 | S beaNavLink(S type, HCRUD crud, int count default beaCount(type)) { |
989 | S plural = firstToLower(plural(type)); |
990 | S link = baseLink + "/" + camelCase(plural); |
991 | |
992 | ret ahref(link, n2(count) + " " + firstToUpper(plural)) + (!crud.actuallyAllowCreate() ? "" : " " + ahref(addParamToURL(link, cmd := "new"), "+")); |
993 | } |
994 | |
995 | S beaObjectURL(BEAObject o) { |
996 | ret conceptLink(o, currentReq!); |
997 | /*ret o == null ?: |
998 | addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/crud/BEAObject", |
999 | selectObj := + "#" +;*/ |
1000 | } |
1001 | |
1002 | S matchDescHTML(BEAObject m) { |
1003 | pcall { |
1004 | BEAObject pat = cget pattern(m); |
1005 | SS mapping = cast cget mapping(m); |
1006 | ret ahref_undecorated(crudLink(m), htmlEncode2(quote(getString text(pat))) |
1007 | + "<br> with " + renderEqualsCommaProperties(mapping)); |
1008 | } |
1009 | ret htmlEncode2(str(m)); |
1010 | } |
1011 | |
1012 | int beaCount(S type) { |
1013 | ret countConceptsWhereCI BEAObject(+type); |
1014 | } |
1015 | |
1016 | Cl<BEAObject> beaList(S type, O... params) { |
1017 | ret conceptsWhereCI BEAObject(paramsPlus_inFront(params, +type)); |
1018 | } |
1019 | |
1020 | Cl<BEAObject> beaListAny(S... types) { |
1021 | ret concatLists(lmap beaList(litciset(types))); |
1022 | } |
1023 | |
1024 | BEA beaGet(long id) { |
1025 | ret getConceptOpt BEAObject(id); |
1026 | } |
1027 | |
1028 | BEA beaGet(S id) { |
1029 | ret beaGet(parseFirstLong(id)); |
1030 | } |
1031 | |
1032 | // first param can be type |
1033 | BEA beaNew(O... _) { |
1034 | _ = prependParamIfOddCount("type", _); |
1035 | ret cnew BEA(_); |
1036 | } |
1037 | |
1038 | bool beaTypeIs(BEA o, S type) { |
1039 | ret o != null && o.typeIs(type); |
1040 | } |
1041 | |
1042 | BEA mapMethodLike beaGet(S key, Req req) { |
1043 | ret beaGet(req.get(key)); |
1044 | } |
1045 | |
1046 | BEA mapMethodLike cgetBEA aka beaGet(S field, BEA o) { |
1047 | ret (BEA) cget(field, o); |
1048 | } |
1049 | |
1050 | BEAObject cgetBEA aka beaGet(BEAObject o, S field) { |
1051 | ret cgetBEA(field, o); |
1052 | } |
1053 | |
1054 | S beaLinkHTML aka beaToHTML aka beaHTML(BEAObject o) { |
1055 | ret o == null ?: ahref(conceptLink(o), htmlEncode2_nlToBr(str(o))); |
1056 | } |
1057 | |
1058 | S beaHTML_justID(BEA o) { ret o == null ?: ahref(beaShortURL(o),; } |
1059 | |
1060 | S beaShortURL aka beaURL(BEAObject o) { |
1061 | ret o == null ?: baseLink + "/" +; |
1062 | } |
1063 | |
1064 | Cl<BEAObject> beaBackRefs(BEAObject o, S type) { |
1065 | ret objectsWhereCI(findBackRefs BEAObject(o), +type); |
1066 | } |
1067 | |
1068 | Cl<BEAObject> beaBackRefs(BEAObject o) { |
1069 | ret findBackRefs BEAObject(o); |
1070 | } |
1071 | |
1072 | O serveDefaultPage(Req req) { |
1073 | HTMLFramer1 framer = req.framer; |
1074 | framer.add(hcenter3(hsnippetimg_scaleToWidth(200, #1102967, 200, 110, title := "Gazelle"), style := "margin-top: 100px")); |
1075 | ret completeFrame(req); |
1076 | } |
1077 | |
1078 | S html_loggedIn() { |
1079 | User user = user(currentReq!); |
1080 | ret user == null |
1081 | ? /*"Not logged in"*/ ahref(baseLink + "/", "Log in") |
1082 | : "Logged in as " + htmlEncode2(; |
1083 | } |
1084 | |
1085 | void distributeNewObject_impl(BEAObject o) { |
1086 | if (o.typeIs("Match")) ret; |
1087 | distributeNotification("New object: " + o); |
1088 | } |
1089 | |
1090 | void performAutoRuns(BEAObject o) enter { |
1091 | print("performAutoRuns", o); |
1092 | |
1093 | for (BEAObject autoRun : beaList("Auto Run")) { |
1094 | if (!isTrue(getOpt enabled(autoRun))) |
1095 | continue with print("Not enabled: " + autoRun); |
1096 | performAutoRunOnObject(autoRun, o); |
1097 | } |
1098 | } |
1099 | |
1100 | void performAutoRunOnAllObjects(BEA autoRun) { |
1101 | for (BEA o : list(BEA)) |
1102 | performAutoRunOnObject(autoRun, o); |
1103 | } |
1104 | |
1105 | void performAutoRunOnObject(BEA autoRun, BEA o) { |
1106 | ping(); |
1107 | S type = getString onChangedObjectOfType(autoRun); |
1108 | if (!o.typeIs(type)) ret with print("Wrong type: " + type); |
1109 | |
1110 | print("Running " + autoRun); |
1111 | BEAObject procedure = cast cget procedure(autoRun); |
1112 | |
1113 | S internalCode = getString internalCode(procedure); |
1114 | printVars_str(+internalCode, +o); |
1115 | |
1116 | if (eqic(internalCode, "convertInputToPattern")) { |
1117 | S text = o.text(); |
1118 | if (!containsAngleBracketVars(text)) ret with print("No angle bracket vars"); |
1119 | BEAObject p = uniqCI_returnIfNew BEAObject(type := "Pattern", +text); |
1120 | cset(p, fromInput := o, byProcedure := procedure, byAutoRun := autoRun); |
1121 | print(+p); |
1122 | } else if (eqic(internalCode, "convertInputToSyntacticPattern")) { |
1123 | S text = o.text(); |
1124 | if (!containsStars(text)) ret with print("No stars"); |
1125 | BEAObject p = uniqCI_returnIfNew BEAObject(type := "Syntactic Pattern", +text); |
1126 | cset(p, fromInput := o, byProcedure := procedure, byAutoRun := autoRun); |
1127 | print(+p); |
1128 | } else if (eqic(internalCode, "dropPunctuationFromPattern")) { |
1129 | S text = o.text(); |
1130 | S text2 = dropPunctuation(text); |
1131 | if (eq(text, text2)) ret; |
1132 | |
1133 | BEAObject p = uniqCI BEA( |
1134 | type := o.type(), |
1135 | text := text2); |
1136 | cset(o, withoutPunctuation := p); |
1137 | } else if (eqic(internalCode, "makeSyntacticPattern")) { |
1138 | print(sp := calculations.makeSyntacticPattern(o)); |
1139 | } else if (eqic(internalCode, "runFunctionOnInput")) { |
1140 | print("runFunctionOnInput"); |
1141 | BEA function = beaGet(o, "function"); |
1142 | BEA input = beaGet(o, "input"); |
1143 | if (function == null || input == null) ret with print("Missing parameters"); |
1144 | if (cget result(o) != null) ret with print("Has result"); |
1145 | |
1146 | BEA result = calculations.reactFunctionWithInput( BackEndAlgorithm, function, input); |
1147 | print(+result); |
1148 | if (result != null) { |
1149 | cset(result, request := o); |
1150 | cset(o, +result); |
1151 | } |
1152 | } else |
1153 | print("Unknown internal code"); |
1154 | } |
1155 | |
1156 | BEAObject findInput(S text) { |
1157 | ret conceptWhereIC(BEAObject, type := "Input", +text); |
1158 | } |
1159 | |
1160 | S addRewriteHTML(BEAObject o) { |
1161 | ret ahref(addParamsToURL(crudLink(BEAObject), |
1162 | cmd := "new", |
1163 | title := "Add Rewrite", |
1164 | f_type := "Rewrite", |
1165 | f_text := getStringOpt text(o), |
1166 | f_isRewriteOf :=, metaInfo_isRewriteOf := "concept", |
1167 | ), "Add Rewrite"); |
1168 | } |
1169 | |
1170 | O serveIntegerLink(Req req, long id) { |
1171 | BEAObject o = getConceptOpt BEAObject(id); |
1172 | if (o != null) |
1173 | ret htitle(str(o)) + hrefresh(conceptLink(o)); |
1174 | ret super.serveIntegerLink(req, id); |
1175 | } |
1176 | |
1177 | void distributeTestNotification() { |
1178 | distributeNotification("It is " + localTimeWithSeconds()); |
1179 | } |
1180 | |
1181 | void distributeNotification(S text) { |
1182 | notificationQ.add(r { |
1183 | /*for (User user) |
1184 | if (nemptyAfterTrim(user.notificationSetting)) |
1185 | sendNotification(text);*/ |
1186 | |
1187 | for (Pair<virtual WebSocket, WebSocketInfo> p : syncMapToPairs(webSockets)) { |
1188 | // TODO: check user |
1189 | S jsCode = |
1190 | "window.createNotification({ theme: 'success', showDuration: 3000 })(" |
1191 | + jsonEncodeMap(message := text) + ");"; |
1192 | call(p.a, "send", jsonEncodeMap(eval := jsCode)); |
1193 | } |
1194 | }); |
1195 | } |
1196 | |
1197 | void runInstruction(BEAObject o) { |
1198 | if (o == null) ret; |
1199 | try { |
1200 | BEAObject instruction = o; |
1201 | if (o.typeIs("Step in script")) |
1202 | instruction = (BEAObject) cget(o, "instruction"); |
1203 | |
1204 | if (instruction.typeIs("Instruction | List objects by type")) { |
1205 | saveInstructionResult(o, beaList(getString typeToList(instruction))); |
1206 | ret; |
1207 | } |
1208 | |
1209 | if (instruction.typeIs("Instruction | List object types")) |
1210 | ret with saveInstructionResult(o, distinctCIFieldValuesOfConcepts(BEAObject, "type")); |
1211 | |
1212 | if (instruction.typeIs("Instruction | Filter list by text starting with")) { |
1213 | // find list made before |
1214 | BEAObject scriptRun = cgetBEA scriptRun(o); |
1215 | if (scriptRun == null) fail("Need to be run as part of script"); |
1216 | L<BEAObject> steps = scriptRunSteps(scriptRun); |
1217 | int idx = indexOf(steps, o); |
1218 | if (idx < 0) fail("Step not found in script run"); |
1219 | |
1220 | L<BEAObject> list = firstNotNull(map(reversed(takeFirst(steps, idx)), |
1221 | step -> optCast L(cget data(cgetBEA result(step))))); |
1222 | |
1223 | S prefix = getString prefix(instruction); |
1224 | L<BEAObject> filtered = filter(list, obj -> swic(obj.text(), prefix)); |
1225 | saveInstructionResult(o, filtered); |
1226 | ret; |
1227 | } |
1228 | |
1229 | if (instruction.typeIs("Script")) { |
1230 | BEAObject script = instruction; |
1231 | BEAObject scriptRun = cnew BEAObject(type := "Script Run", +script); |
1232 | |
1233 | // Make an instance of all the instructions |
1234 | |
1235 | int i = 0; |
1236 | new L<BEAObject> steps; |
1237 | while not null (instruction = (BEAObject) cget(instruction, "step" + (++i))) { |
1238 | BEAObject step = cnew(BEAObject, type := "Step in script", step := i, +scriptRun, +instruction); |
1239 | steps.add(step); |
1240 | } |
1241 | |
1242 | cset(scriptRun, +steps); |
1243 | |
1244 | // TODO: run steps? |
1245 | |
1246 | ret; |
1247 | } |
1248 | |
1249 | cnew BEAObject(type := "Instruction Error", instruction := o, error := "Unknown instruction type"); |
1250 | } catch e { |
1251 | cnew BEAObject(type := "Instruction Error", instruction := o, error := getStackTrace(e)); |
1252 | } |
1253 | } |
1254 | |
1255 | BEAObject saveInstructionResult(BEAObject instruction, O data) { |
1256 | BEAObject result = cnew BEAObject(type := "Instruction Result", |
1257 | +instruction, +data); |
1258 | cset(instruction, +result); |
1259 | ret result; |
1260 | } |
1261 | |
1262 | L<BEAObject> scriptRunSteps(BEAObject scriptRun) { |
1263 | ret (L) cget steps(scriptRun); |
1264 | } |
1265 | |
1266 | S addCommentHTML(BEA o, O... _) { |
1267 | optPar S redirectAfterSave; |
1268 | optPar S defaultComment; |
1269 | optPar S text = "Add comment"; |
1270 | |
1271 | ret ahref(addParamsToURL(crudLink(BEAObject), |
1272 | cmd := "new", |
1273 | title := "Add Comment", |
1274 | f_type := "Comment", |
1275 | f_on :=, |
1276 | f_text := unnull(defaultComment), |
1277 | +redirectAfterSave, |
1278 | autofocus := "f_text", |
1279 | metaInfo_on := "concept"), text); |
1280 | } |
1281 | |
1282 | S formatSubInput(BEA input, S text, S anchor) { |
1283 | S redirect = addAnchorToURL(currentReq->uriWithParams(), anchor); |
1284 | int goodCount = countConceptsCI BEA(type := "Sub-Input", +input, +text); |
1285 | int badCount = countConceptsCI BEA(type := "Bad Sub-Input", +input, +text); |
1286 | ret calculations.bestInputHTML(text) |
1287 | + " " + small(joinNemptiesWithSpace( |
1288 | ahref(addParamsToURL( |
1289 | baseLink + "/storeSubInput", |
1290 | label := "good", |
1291 | +text, |
1292 | input :=, |
1293 | +redirect), |
1294 | unicode_thumbsUp()), |
1295 | goodCount == 0 ? "" : n2(goodCount), |
1296 | ahref(addParamsToURL( |
1297 | baseLink + "/storeSubInput", |
1298 | label := "bad", |
1299 | +text, |
1300 | input :=, |
1301 | +redirect), |
1302 | unicode_thumbsDown()), |
1303 | badCount == 0 ? "" : n2(badCount) |
1304 | )); |
1305 | } |
1306 | |
1307 | LS renderObjectTypes() { |
1308 | MultiSet<S> ms = distinctCIFieldValuesOfConcepts_multiSet(BEAObject, "type"); |
1309 | ret mapPairs(multiSetToPairsByPopularity(ms), |
1310 | (type, count) -> { |
1311 | S _type = or2(type, "(no type)"); |
1312 | ret n2(count) + " " + ahref(baseLink + "/beaCRUD/" + urlencode(_type), htmlEncode2(_type)); |
1313 | }); |
1314 | } |
1315 | |
1316 | BEA autoMigrateToBase(BEA o) { |
1317 | ret autoMigrateToClass(o, BEA); |
1318 | } |
1319 | |
1320 | BEA autoMigrateToCustomClass(BEA o) { |
1321 | ret autoMigrateToClass(o, defaultCustomClass(o)); |
1322 | } |
1323 | |
1324 | BEA autoMigrateToClass(BEA o, Class<? extends BEAObject> targetClass) { |
1325 | pcall { |
1326 | if (o == null || o._concepts != db_mainConcepts()) null; |
1327 | if (targetClass != null && targetClass != _getClass(o)) |
1328 | ret replaceConceptAndUpdateRefs(o, unlistedCopyToClass(targetClass, o)); |
1329 | } |
1330 | ret o; |
1331 | } |
1332 | |
1333 | void setCodeState(BEA o, long timestamp, S codeHash, O state) { |
1334 | if (empty(state)) state = null; else |
1335 | state = "[" + formatGMTWithMilliseconds_24(timestamp) + "] " |
1336 | + (empty(codeHash) ? "" : "Code hash: " + codeHash + ". ") |
1337 | + state; |
1338 | cset(o, meta_codeState := state); |
1339 | } |
1340 | |
1341 | S codeForObject(BEA o) { |
1342 | S code = getString meta_code(o); |
1343 | BEA prototype = beaGet meta_prototype(o); |
1344 | if (prototype != null) |
1345 | code = getString meta_code(o); |
1346 | ret code; |
1347 | } |
1348 | |
1349 | void activateDynamicObject(BEA o) ctex { |
1350 | ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader(module()); |
1351 | print(+cl); |
1352 | |
1353 | long timestamp = now(); |
1354 | setCodeState(o, timestamp, null, "Compiling"); |
1355 | |
1356 | S codeHash = null; |
1357 | transpileAndCompileForHotwiring_src.set(null); |
1358 | |
1359 | // TODO: there is still a slight possibility that erroneous code will be compiled again and again |
1360 | |
1361 | try { |
1362 | // Check meta_code and meta_prototype (latter overwrites the former) |
1363 | S code = codeForObject(o); |
1364 | codeHash = empty(code) ? null : md5(code); |
1365 | cset(o, meta_codeHash := codeHash); |
1366 | |
1367 | if (empty(code)) { // Nothing to activate - migrate back to base |
1368 | o = autoMigrateToBase(o); |
1369 | setCodeState(o, timestamp, null, null); |
1370 | ret; |
1371 | } |
1372 | |
1373 | // safety check for reference |
1374 | cset(o, meta_codeSafety := codeSafetyCheckResult(code)); |
1375 | |
1376 | S id = aGlobalID(); |
1377 | S mcName = "main_" + id; |
1378 | |
1379 | S prelude = "!include early #1031282\n\n"; |
1380 | S src = prelude |
1381 | + "mainClassName " + mcName + "\n" |
1382 | + "concept " + id + " extends main.BEAObject {\n" + code + "\n}"; |
1383 | |
1384 | print("SRC> ", src); |
1385 | javaCompileToJar_localLibraries.set(filesFromClassLoader(cl)); |
1386 | dm_mediumRefreshTranspiler(); |
1387 | File bytecode = transpileAndCompileForHotwiring(src); |
1388 | copyFile(bytecode, byteCodeFileForObject(o)); |
1389 | dm_addByteCodePathToModuleClassLoader(bytecode); |
1390 | S fullName = mcName + "$" + id; |
1391 | |
1392 | //Class targetClass = _getClass(fullName); |
1393 | Class targetClass = cl.loadClass(fullName); |
1394 | print(+targetClass); |
1395 | assertNotNull("Class not found: " + fullName, targetClass); |
1396 | o = autoMigrateToClass(o, targetClass); |
1397 | |
1398 | setCodeState(o, timestamp, codeHash, "Custom code loaded"); |
1399 | } catch print e { |
1400 | setCodeState(o, timestamp, codeHash, exceptionToStringShort(e)); |
1401 | } |
1402 | saveTextFile(javaSourceFileForObject(o), transpileAndCompileForHotwiring_src!); |
1403 | } |
1404 | |
1405 | File javaSourceFileForObject(BEA o) { |
1406 | ret programFile("BEA Java Sources/" + + ".java"); |
1407 | } |
1408 | |
1409 | File byteCodeFileForObject(BEA o) { |
1410 | ret programFile("Object ByteCode/" + + ".jar"); |
1411 | } |
1412 | |
1413 | BEA autoMigrateUnlistedOrKeep(BEA o) { |
1414 | ret canAutoMigrate(o) ? unlistedCopyToClass(defaultCustomClass(o), o) : o; |
1415 | } |
1416 | |
1417 | bool canAutoMigrate(BEA o) { |
1418 | ret o != null && !eqOneOf(defaultCustomClass(o), _getClass(o), null); |
1419 | } |
1420 | |
1421 | Class<? extends BEA> defaultCustomClass(BEA o) { |
1422 | if (o == null) null; |
1423 | BEA entry = conceptWhereCI BEA(type := "Auto Custom Class", forType := o.type()); |
1424 | //printVars_str defaultCustomClass(+o, +entry); |
1425 | if (entry == null) null; |
1426 | S className = getString toClassName(entry); |
1427 | //printVars_str defaultCustomClass(+className); |
1428 | Class c = findClassThroughDefaultClassFinder(className); |
1429 | //printVars_str defaultCustomClass(+c); |
1430 | ret c; |
1431 | } |
1432 | |
1433 | S queryLink(S algorithm, S q) { |
1434 | ret addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/query", +algorithm, +q); |
1435 | } |
1436 | |
1437 | S currentUserAgent() { |
1438 | Req req = currentReq!; |
1439 | if (req == null) null; |
1440 | ret mapGet(req.webRequest.headers(), "user-agent"); |
1441 | } |
1442 | |
1443 | void saveUserAgent(BEA input) { |
1444 | S userAgent = currentUserAgent(); |
1445 | if (nempty(userAgent)) |
1446 | uniqCI2 BEA(type := "Input Source", +input, +userAgent); |
1447 | } |
1448 | |
1449 | bool isObjectWithCode(BEA o) { |
1450 | ret o != null && (cget meta_code(o) != null || cget meta_prototype(o) != null); |
1451 | } |
1452 | |
1453 | bool createdByMasterUser(BEA o) { |
1454 | User user = optCast User(cget createdBy(o)); |
1455 | ret user != null && user.isMaster; |
1456 | } |
1457 | |
1458 | void autoActivateDynamicObject(BEA o) { |
1459 | if (!autoActivateDynamicObjects) ret; |
1460 | if (!createdByMasterUser(o)) ret; |
1461 | S codeState = getString meta_codeState(o); |
1462 | S time = leadingAngleBracketStuff(codeState); |
1463 | long timestamp = empty(time) ? 0 : parseDateWithMillisecondsGMT(time); |
1464 | if (o._modified <= timestamp) ret; |
1465 | //S hash = regexpExtractIC("code hash: (\\w+)?", codeState); |
1466 | S hash = getString meta_codeHash(o); |
1467 | if (eq(hash, md5(codeForObject(o)))) |
1468 | ret; // Code unchanged |
1469 | print("Auto-activating dynamic object: " + o); |
1470 | activateDynamicObject(o); |
1471 | sleepSeconds(1); // safety sleep |
1472 | } |
1473 | } // end of module |
1474 | |
1475 | extend User { |
1476 | S notificationSetting; |
1477 | } |
1478 | |
1479 | concept BEAObject > ConceptWithGlobalID { |
1480 | // optional new Ref<UserPost> mirrorPost; |
1481 | UserPost mirrorPost() { ret (UserPost) cget mirrorPost(this); } |
1482 | |
1483 | void change :: after { |
1484 | var mod = beaMod(); |
1485 | mod.rstUpdateBEAMirrors.add(this); |
1486 | if (mod.autoActivateDynamicObjects) |
1487 | mod.rstAutoActivateDynamicObjects.add(this); |
1488 | } |
1489 | |
1490 | void delete :: before { |
1491 | cdelete(mirrorPost()); |
1492 | } |
1493 | |
1494 | void updateMirrorPost { |
1495 | GazelleBEA mod = beaMod(); |
1496 | if (isDeleted() || !mod.mirrorBEAObjects) ret; |
1497 | |
1498 | if (mirrorPost() == null) |
1499 | cset(this, mirrorPost := cnew UserPost( |
1500 | type := "BEA Object", |
1501 | creator := mod.internalUser(), |
1502 | botInfo := "BEA Mirror Bot")); |
1503 | |
1504 | S text = structureString(); |
1505 | |
1506 | cset(mirrorPost(), |
1507 | title := str(this), |
1508 | +text); |
1509 | } |
1510 | |
1511 | S structureString() { |
1512 | S text = "Error"; |
1513 | pcall { |
1514 | structure_Data data = new { |
1515 | structure_ClassInfo newClass(Class c) { |
1516 | structure_ClassInfo info = super.newClass(c); |
1517 | if (c == Concept.Ref.class) { |
1518 | info.special = true; |
1519 | info.serializeObject = o -> { |
1520 | Concept cc = cast deref((Concept.Ref) o); |
1521 | //append("cu CRef " + (cc != null ? str( : "null"), 3); |
1522 | if (cc cast BEAObject) |
1523 | append("CRef(gid=" + quote(cc.globalID()) + ")", 6); |
1524 | else if (cc != null) |
1525 | append("CRef(id=" + + ")", 6); |
1526 | else |
1527 | append("CRef", 1); |
1528 | }; |
1529 | } |
1530 | ret info; |
1531 | } |
1532 | |
1533 | void setFields(structure_ClassInfo info, L<Field> fields) { |
1534 | if (isSubclassOf(info.c, BEAObject)) { |
1535 | // Don't serialize "refs" and "backRefs" fields |
1536 | removeAll(fields, |
1537 | getField(BEAObject, "refs"), |
1538 | getField(BEAObject, "backRefs")); |
1539 | } |
1540 | super.setFields(info, fields); |
1541 | } |
1542 | }; |
1543 | |
1544 | S struct = structure(this, data); |
1545 | struct = dropLoadableUtilsPackageFromStruct(struct); |
1546 | text = indentStructureString_firstLevels(1, struct); |
1547 | } |
1548 | |
1549 | ret text; |
1550 | } |
1551 | |
1552 | toString { |
1553 | ret shorten(toString_long()); |
1554 | } |
1555 | |
1556 | S toString_long() { |
1557 | S type = strOrNull(cget type(this)); |
1558 | S s = super.toString(); |
1559 | |
1560 | if (nempty(type)) { |
1561 | s = type + " " + id; |
1562 | |
1563 | s += appendBracketed(strOrNull(this~.label)); |
1564 | |
1565 | if (eqic(type, "Match")) |
1566 | s += " " + this.~mapping |
1567 | /*+ appendBracketed(this.~input + " + " + this~.pattern)*/; |
1568 | } |
1569 | |
1570 | bool enabled = eq(true, getOpt enabled(this)); |
1571 | if (enabled) s += " [enabled]"; |
1572 | |
1573 | S text = or2(text(), |
1574 | getStringOpt name(this), |
1575 | getStringOpt internalCode(this)); |
1576 | if (text != null) |
1577 | s += " " + quote(text); |
1578 | |
1579 | O fc = this~.functionCalled; |
1580 | if (fc != null) s += " " + fc; |
1581 | |
1582 | O result = this~.result; |
1583 | if (result != null) s += " = " + shorten_str(result); |
1584 | |
1585 | ret s; |
1586 | } |
1587 | |
1588 | !include #1031300 // BEAObject methods |
1589 | |
1590 | } // end of BEAObject |
1591 | |
1592 | beaConcept BEARegExp { |
1593 | S text; |
1594 | bool caseInsensitive = true; |
1595 | |
1596 | bool valid() { ret nempty(text); } |
1597 | |
1598 | java.util.regex.Pattern compile() { |
1599 | ret compileRegexpPossiblyIC_unicodeCase(text, caseInsensitive); |
1600 | } |
1601 | } |
1602 | |
1603 | beaConcept BEARegExpReplacement > BEARegExp { |
1604 | S replacement; |
1605 | |
1606 | S apply(S text) { |
1607 | try { |
1608 | ret regexpReplace_directWithRefs(compile().matcher(text), unnull(replacement)); |
1609 | } catch e { |
1610 | fail(format_quoted("Was searching * in * ", this.text, text)); |
1611 | } |
1612 | } |
1613 | |
1614 | LS directCmds() { |
1615 | ret listPlus(super.directCmds(), |
1616 | !valid() ? "Note: not valid" |
1617 | : targetBlank(beaMod().queryLink("Apply regular expression replacement to all inputs", str(id)), "Apply to all inputs")); |
1618 | } |
1619 | } |
1620 | |
1621 | beaConcept BEAPatternList { |
1622 | new RefL<BEA> patterns; |
1623 | |
1624 | toString { |
1625 | ret super.toString() + ": " + nPatterns(patterns); |
1626 | } |
1627 | } |
1628 | |
1629 | static GazelleBEA beaMod() { |
1630 | ret (GazelleBEA) botMod(); |
1631 | } |
1632 | |
1633 | set flag hotwire_here. |
1634 | |
1635 | // share ISpec interface with sub-modules |
1636 | static JavaXClassLoader hotwire_makeClassLoader(L<File> files) { |
1637 | ClassLoader cl = myClassLoader(); |
1638 | ret new JavaXClassLoaderWithParent2(null, files, cl, ll(/*TODO*/)); |
1639 | } |
Began life as a copy of #1030422
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Travelled to 5 computer(s): bhatertpkbcr, mqqgnosmbjvj, onxytkatvevr, pyentgdyhuwx, vouqrxazstgt
No comments. add comment
Snippet ID: | #1030602 |
Snippet name: | Gazelle BEA [backup before package change] |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1030602/644 |
Text MD5: | e284f6e01cc1ed51cda07d921c4dcb6f |
Transpilation MD5: | e006f069d3e0587910c4cb4e18c0ad1a |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax |
Type: | JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2021-06-05 03:37:12 |
Source code size: | 58237 bytes / 1639 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 1902 / 9946 |
Version history: | 643 change(s) |
Referenced in: | [show references] |