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< > BotCompany Repo | #1030553 // OCRCompass - detects orientation of a line at a point in integral image

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Transpiled version (6927L) is out of date.

// call clearCache when changing parameters
sclass OCRCompass implements Renderable {
  // compass can look for dark or bright lines, set this flag accordingly:
  bool brightForeground;
  IBWIntegralImage image;
  Pt center; // point we're looking at
  double radius = 16; // radius of circle
  int sensorFootprint = 0; // size of each "pixel" (rectangle) to grab - defaults to radius
  int steps = 12; // how many segments of circle (=steps/2 line orientations). should be even
  int blur; // blur width
  double[] values; // brightnesses at each point (low=foreground)
  L<Rect> sensors;
  L<Rect> sensors() {
    if (sensors == null)
      sensors = squaresAroundCircle(center, steps, radius, sensorFootprint());
    ret sensors;
  int angles() { ret steps/2; }
  int sensorFootprint() {
    ret sensorFootprint == 0 ? iceil(radius*12/max(steps, 12)) : sensorFootprint;
  void compute {
    L<Rect> sensors = sensors();
    if (l(values) != angles()) values = new double[angles()];
    for i over values: values[i] = avg(
  void ensureComputed { if (values == null) compute(); }
  double mostLikelyAngle() { ensureComputed();
    ret indexOfMinOrMaxEntryInDoubleArray(brightForeground, values)*twoPi()/steps;
  public void renderOn(Graphics2D g, int w, int h) { ensureComputed();
    renderRenderables(g, w, h, zipAndMap(sensors(), repeatList(2, asList(values)),
      (r, value) -> BoxWithColor(r, 0, 0, iround(value))));
    drawRotatedRoundEdgeLine(g, center, mostLikelyAngle(), radius*1.5,, radius/3f);
  void clearCache {
    sensors = null;

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Snippet ID: #1030553
Snippet name: OCRCompass - detects orientation of a line at a point in integral image
Eternal ID of this version: #1030553/20
Text MD5: 250f97dbdca549e9492cc97ab533bc35
Author: stefan
Category: javax / ocr
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2021-01-10 14:45:01
Source code size: 1763 bytes / 50 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 277 / 559
Version history: 19 change(s)
Referenced in: #1034167 - Standard Classes + Interfaces (LIVE, continuation of #1003674)