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< > BotCompany Repo | #1030313 // Multi-Bot [backup before adding Jython]

JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: Stefan's OS

Uses 3098K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (21318L/122K).


set flag DynModule. // for transpilation

//set flag dm_evalJava_withModule_debug.
//set flag veryQuickJava3_debug.

// store bot data per conversation
concept Conversation {
  S cookie;
  S dataStruct;

cmodule2 GazelleMultiBot > DynGazelleBot {
  switchable int maxEvalResultLength = oneMegabyte_int();
  switchable double evalTimeout = 30.0;
  switchable long botProcessed; // timestamp of last post processed by bots
  switchable int maxBotAnswerLength = 100000;
  switchable bool runAutoBots = true;
  switchable int maxRuntimeMinutes = 60;
  transient new L<Bot> bots;
  Map<Long, GazellePost> allPosts = syncTreeMap();
  transient Map<Long, O> loadedCodePosts = syncTreeMap();
  transient new O couldntLoadCode;

  transient Lock codeLoadLock = lock();

  set flag NoNanoHTTPD.
  !include #1029545 // API for Eleu

  class Bot {
    S name;
    *() {}
    *(S *name) {}
    *(S *name, IVF1<GazellePost> *handlePost) {}
    swappable void handlePost(GazellePost post) {}
    GazelleBotCred cred() { ret GazelleBotCred(_user, _botToken, name); }
    void postReply(GazellePost post, S text, S type, S title default null) {
      if (empty(text) && empty(title))
        text = "<no output>";
      gazelle_createPost(cred(), text, type, refs :=, +title);
    void createPostFromBotResult(GazellePost post, IF0 f, IF1<S> modifyBotInfo default null) {
      S text, type = "Code Result", title = "", botInfo = "";
      try {
        O result = f!;
        if (result cast CreatePost) {
          O[] params = toObjectArray(result.params);
          text = (S) optPar text(params);
          type = (S) optPar type(params, type);
          title = (S) optPar title(params);
          botInfo = (S) optPar botInfo(params); 
        } else
          text = str_shortenSyntheticAndStandardToString(result);
      } catch print e {
        text = getStackTrace(e);
      if (empty(text) && empty(title))
        text = "<no output>";
      botInfo = callFOrKeep(modifyBotInfo, botInfo);
      GazelleBotCred cred = cred();
      if (nempty(botInfo))
        cred.botInfo = botInfo;
      gazelle_createPost(cred, text, type, +title, refs :=;

  srecord CreatePost(L params) {}
  start {
    dbIndexing(Conversation, "cookie");
    grabLoop.handlePosts = posts -> {
      for (GazellePost post : posts)
        setField(botProcessed := max(botProcessed, post.modified));
    // legacy conversion to sort allPosts
    setField_noCheck(allPosts := asSyncTreeMap(allPosts));

    bots.add(new Bot("Math Bot", post -> {
      if (post.creating) ret;
      gazelle_mathBot1_handlePost_2(_user, _botToken, post);
    bots.add(new Bot("Code Safety Checker") {
      void handlePost(GazellePost post) {
        if (post.creating) ret;
        if (post.isJavaXCode())
          gazelle_createPost(cred(), codeSafetyCheckResult(post.text), "Code Safety", refs :=;
    bots.add(new Bot("Safe Code Runner") {
      void handlePost(GazellePost post) {
        if (post.creating) ret;
        if (post.isJavaXCode()) {
          int runtime = min(maxRuntimeMinutes, parseFirstInt(jextractIC("runtime <int> minutes", post.type)));
          S code = post.text;
          if (isCodeSafe(code)) {
            S _code = prepareCode(code, post);
            //S out = shorten(maxEvalResultLength, runCode(code));
            createPostFromBotResult(post, () -> evalCode(runtime*60.0, _code, post));
    bots.add(new Bot("Run Code On All Posts") {
      void handlePost(GazellePost post) {
        if (post.creating) ret;
        if (eqic(post.type, "Instruction") && match("Please run this code on all posts", post.text)) {
          long ref = gazelle_firstPostRef(;
          if (ref == 0) ret;
          S code = gazelle_text(ref);
          if (!isCodeSafe(code)) ret;
          S code2 = "ret func(S post) { " + code + " };";
          O function = evalCode(code2);
          new LS lines;
          S out = shorten(maxEvalResultLength, runCode(code));
          for (GazellePost post2 : cloneValues(allPosts)) {
            lines.add("Post " + + " (" + quote(shorten(20, post2.text)) + "): " + shorten(80, runFunc(() -> callF(function, post2.text))));

          gazelle_createPost(cred(), lines(lines), "Code Result", refs :=;
    bots.add(new Bot("Mark identifiers safe") {
      void handlePost(GazellePost post) {
        if (post.creating) ret;
        if (/*eqic(post.type, "Instruction")
          &&*/ post.creator.isMaster
          && match("Mark safe", post.text)) {
          S text = getPost(first(post.postRefs)).text;
          LS ids = tok_identifiersInOrder(regexpFirstGroupIC("Unknown identifiers: (.+)", text));
          print("Marking safe: " + ids);
          postReply(post, markSafe(ids), "Marked safe");
    bots.add(new Bot("Post Deleter") {
      void handlePost(GazellePost post) {
        if (post.creating) ret;
        if (/*eqic(post.type, "Instruction")
          &&*/ post.creator.isMaster
          && match("Delete posts", post.text)) {
            long ref = gazelle_firstPostRef(;
            if (ref == 0) ret;
            S text = gazelle_text(ref);
            L<Long> postIDs = allToLong(regexpAllFirstGroups(gazelle_deletePostRegexp(), text));
            print("Deleting posts: " + postIDs);
            if (nempty(postIDs)) {
              Map result = gazelle_deletePosts(cred(), postIDs);
              postReply(post, str(result), "Deletion result");
            } else
              postReply(post, "No mentioned posts found", "Deletion result");
    bots.add(new Bot("Detector Runner") {
      void handlePost(GazellePost post) {
        if (post.creating) ret;
        ret unless eqic(post.type, "Instruction")
          && match("Please run detector", post.text);
        try {
          long detectorID = post.refWithTagOrFail("detector");
          long posExamplesID = post.refWithTagOrFail("positive examples");
          long negExamplesID = post.refWithTagOrFail("negative examples");
          S code = getPost(detectorID).text;
          LS posExamples = tlft(getPost(posExamplesID).text);
          LS negExamples = tlft(getPost(negExamplesID).text);
          LPair<S, Bool> examples = trueFalseBPairs(posExamples, negExamples);
          if (!isCodeSafe(code)) fail("Detector code not safe");
          IF1<S, O> detector = proxy IF1(evalCode(code));
          new LS good;
          new LS bad;
          new Scorer scorer;
          long time = sysNow();
          evalWithTimeoutOrFail(evalTimeout, r {
            for (Pair<S, Bool> example : examples) {
              S result = runFunc(() -> detector.get(example.a));
              bool ok = eq(result, str(example.b));
              S line = (ok ? "OK" : example.b ? "False negative" : "False positive")
                  + " (" + shorten(10, result) + "): " + example.a;
              (ok ? good : bad).add(line);
          time = sysNow()-time;

          S text = "Detector code:\n\n" + indentx(code) + "\n\n"
            + n2(good, "correct answer") + ", " + n2(bad, "bad answer") + ". Runtime: " + n2(time) + " ms\n\n"
            + or2(trim(lines(concatLists(bad, ll(""), good))), "No errors");
          S title = "Score for detector " + detectorID + ": " + scorer;
          gazelle_createPost(cred(), text, "Detector Score", +title,
            refs := joinWithSpace(ll(, detectorID, posExamplesID, negExamplesID)),
            refTags := linesLL_rtrim("", "detector", "positive examples", "negative examples"));
        } catch e {
          postReply(post, getStackTrace(e), "Error");
    bots.add(new Bot("Auto Bot Runner") {
      void handlePost(GazellePost post) {
        if (!runAutoBots) ret;
        if (post.creating) ret;
        if (post.isAutoBotMade()) ret;

        print("Auto Bot Runner: " +;
        for (GazellePost botPost : values(allPosts)) {
          continue unless eqic(botPost.type, "JavaX Code (Bot run on every post)")
            && botPost.creator.isMaster;

          print("Processing auto-bot " + + " on " +;
          O code = codeForPost(botPost);
          if (code == couldntLoadCode)
            continue with print("Couldn't load code for auto-bot " +;
          print("Code type: " + className(code));
          O botInstance = evalWithTimeoutOrFail(evalTimeout, () -> callFOrNewInstance(code));
          print("Bot instance type: " + className(botInstance));

          setOpt(botInstance, post := post.text);
          createPostFromBotResult(post, () -> call(botInstance, "calc"),
            botInfo -> joinNemptiesWithColon("Auto-Bot " +, botInfo));

    dm_doEvery(60.0, 3600.0, r removeDeletedPosts);
  void handlePost(GazellePost post) {
    allPosts.put(, post);
    if (post.modified > botProcessed) {
      print("modified: " + post.modified + "/" + botProcessed);
      for (Bot bot : bots) pcall {

  // if post != null, store transpilation
  O evalCode(S code, GazellePost post default null) {
    ret evalCode(evalTimeout, code, post);
  O evalCode(double timeout, S code, GazellePost post default null) {
    printWithIndent("CODE> ", code);
    veryQuickJava_transpiled.set(post != null ? "" : null); // request transpilation
    try {
      ret dm_javaEvalWithTimeout(timeout, code);
    } finally {
      if (post != null) {
        S java = veryQuickJava_transpiled!;
        print("Transpilation for " + + ": " + shorten(java));
        saveTextFile(transpilationFile(, nullOnEmpty(java));

  // assumes code is safety-checked
  S runCode(S code) {
    printWithIndent("CODE> ", code);
    ret runFunc(() -> str_shortenSyntheticAndStandardToString(dm_javaEval(code)));

  // run IF0 with timeout, exception to string, convert result to string
  S runFunc(IF0 f) {
    ret str_shortenSyntheticAndStandardToString(evalWithTimeoutOrException(evalTimeout, func {
      try {
        ret str_shortenSyntheticAndStandardToString(f!);
      } catch e {
        ret getStackTrace(e);
  L<GazellePost> repliesTo(GazellePost post) {
    ret filter(values(allPosts), p -> contains(p.postRefs,;
  L<GazellePost> repliesWithTag(GazellePost post, S tag) {
    Pair<Long, S> pair = pair(, upper(tag));
    ret filter(repliesTo(post), p -> contains(mapPairsB toUpper(p.taggedRefs()), pair));
  GazellePost getPost(long id) {
    ret allPosts.get(id);
  S getPostText(long id) {
    ret getPost(id).text;
  Cl<GazellePost> getAllPosts() {
    ret values(allPosts);

  CreatePost createPost(O... _) {
    ret new CreatePost(asList(_));
  CodeSafetyChecker codeSafetyChecker() {
    new CodeSafetyChecker checker;
    ret checker;
  S codeSafetyCheckResult(S code) {
    CodeSafetyChecker checker = codeSafetyChecker();
    ret checker.verbalCheckResult();
  bool isCodeSafe(S code) {
    CodeSafetyChecker checker = codeSafetyChecker();
    ret checker.isSafe();

  S prepareCode(S code, GazellePost post) {
    if (tok_isStaticLevelCode(code)) ret code;
    code = tok_addReturn(code);
    // define implicit vars and functions

    // post = text of parent post
    if (containsJavaToken(code, "post")) {
      long ref = gazelle_firstPostRef(;
      if (ref != 0)
        code = "S post = " + quote(gazelle_text(ref)) + ";\n" + code;
    // post = text of grandparent post
    if (containsJavaToken(code, "post2")) {
      long ref = gazelle_firstPostRef(gazelle_firstPostRef(;
      if (ref != 0)
        code = "S post2 = " + quote(gazelle_text(ref)) + ";\n" + code;
    if (containsJavaToken(code, "getAllPosts"))
      code = [[
        embedded Cl<GazellePost> getAllPosts() {
          ret lazyMap_bitSet quickImport(asList((Cl) dm_call(dm_current_generic(), "getAllPosts")));
      ]] + code;

    if (containsJavaToken(code, "createPost"))
      code = [[
        embedded O createPost(O... _) {
          ret dm_call(dm_current_generic(), "createPost", _);
      ]] + code;

    // optimize gazelle_text
    if (containsJavaToken(code, "gazelle_text")) {
      code = [[
        embedded S gazelle_text(long id) {
          ret (S) dm_call(dm_current_generic(), "getPostText", id);
      ]] + code;
    ret code;

  O html(IWebRequest req) {
    new Matches m;
    if (eqic(req.uri(), "/favicon.ico"))
      ret serveFile(loadLibrary(#1400439), faviconMimeType());

    if (startsWith(req.uri(), "/htmlBot/", m) && isInteger( {
      long postID = parseLong(;
      GazellePost post = getPost(postID);
      if (post == null) ret serve404("Post " + postID + " not found");
      O code = codeForPost(post);
      IF0 calc;

      // Case 1: Static page (code just returns a string)
      if (code instanceof S)
        calc = () -> code;
      // Case 2: Code is an argumentless function
      else if (implementsInterfaceShortNamed IF0(code))
        calc = toIF0(code);

      else {
        // Case 3: Code is IF1<IWebRequest, S>
        // Sadly, for a lambda like (IF1<IWebRequest, S>) req -> ..., we can't find the
        // IWebRequest type by reflection. So we find the IWebRequest interface by name.
        Class reqType = getClassInRealm("main$IWebRequest", code);
        if (reqType == null) fail("IWebRequest not found in bot");
        O wrappedReq = proxy(reqType, req);
        calc = () -> callF(code, wrappedReq);
      O result = evalWithTimeoutOrFail(evalTimeout, () -> calc!);
      ret (S) result;
    if (startsWith(req.uri(), "/chatBotReply/", m) && isInteger( {
      long postID = parseLong(;
      GazellePost post = getPost(postID);
      if (post == null) ret serve404("Post " + postID + " not found");
      O code = codeForPost(post);
      if (code == couldntLoadCode) ret withHeader(serve500("Couldn't load code for post"));
      S q = req.params().get("q"); // user input
      bool initial = eq(req.params().get("initial"), "1");
      S cookie = req.params().get("cookie");
      if (!initial && empty(q)) ret withHeader(serveText(""));

      S answer = "";
      if (implementsInterfaceShortNamed IF1(code)) { // stateless bot
        if (!initial)
          answer = evalWithTimeoutOrFail(evalTimeout, () -> strOrEmpty(callF(code, q)));
      } else {
        print("Stateful bot. cookie: " + cookie);
        if (empty(cookie)) ret withHeader(serve500("Need cookie for stateful bot"));
        Conversation conv = uniq(Conversation, +cookie);
        O instance = code;
        if (instance == null) ret withHeader(serve500("No bot instance"));
        print("Stateful bot instance: " + instance);
        if (nempty(conv.dataStruct)) {
          O data = unstructureInRealm(conv.dataStruct, instance); // hopefully this is safe
          print("Unstructured: " + data);
          copyAllThisDollarFields(instance, data); // probably not needed anymore
          instance = data;
        O _instance = instance;
        answer = evalWithTimeoutOrFail(evalTimeout, () -> strOrEmpty(
          initial ? callOpt(_instance, "initialMessage") : call(_instance, "answer", q)));
        cset(conv, dataStruct := structure(instance));
        print("Structured: " + conv.dataStruct);

      if (initial && empty(answer))
        answer = "Bot " + + " ready";

      ret withHeader(serveJSON(litorderedmap(answer := shorten(maxBotAnswerLength, answer))));
    if (startsWith(req.uri(), "/transpilation/", m) && isInteger( {
      long postID = parseLong(;
      GazellePost post = getPost(postID);
      if (post == null) ret serve404("Post " + postID + " not found");
      S src = loadTextFile(transpilationFile(;
      if (empty(src))
        src = "No transpilation found for post " + postID + "." + 
          (!post.isJavaXCode() ? " Code is not a code post." : " Please try \"Touch post\" and wait a few seconds");
      else pcall {
        src = javaPrettyPrint(src);
      ret serveText(src);

    if (eq(req.uri(), "/")) {
      ret "Loaded code posts:"
        + ul(keys(loadedCodePosts));
    ret serve404();

  O codeForPost(GazellePost post) {
    lock codeLoadLock;
    O code = loadedCodePosts.get(;
    if (code == null) {
      try {
        S codeText = post.text;
        if (!isCodeSafe(codeText)) fail("Code is not safe: " + codeSafetyCheckResult(codeText));
        codeText = prepareCode(codeText, null);
        code = evalCode(codeText, post);
      } catch print e {
        code = couldntLoadCode;
      loadedCodePosts.put(, code);
    ret code;

  File transpilationFile(long postID) {
    ret programFile("Post-Transpilations/" + postID + ".java");

  O withHeader(O response) {
    call(response, 'addHeader, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    ret response;

  O _getReloadData() {
    ret loadedCodePosts;
  void _setReloadData(Map<Long, O> data) {
    if (data != null)
      loadedCodePosts = data;

  void forgetLoadedCodePosts { clear(loadedCodePosts); }

  void enhanceFrame(Container f) {
      "Forget loaded code", rEnter forgetLoadedCodePosts,
      "Remove deleted posts", rThreadEnter removeDeletedPosts);

  void removeDeletedPosts {
    Cl<Long> posts = asSet(grabLoop.allPostIDs());
    print("Keeping " + nPosts(posts));
    if (syncRemoveAllExcept(allPosts, posts)) change();
    print("New count: " + nPosts(allPosts));
    removeAllExcept(loadedCodePosts, posts);

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1029997

download  show line numbers  debug dex  old transpilations   

Travelled to 4 computer(s): bhatertpkbcr, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, vouqrxazstgt

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Snippet ID: #1030313
Snippet name: Multi-Bot [backup before adding Jython]
Eternal ID of this version: #1030313/1
Text MD5: 1f843b79b4666eda2b9e5739d32f24a3
Transpilation MD5: 3061bfc6bace1d6f2fb64f3e7f279510
Author: stefan
Category: javax /
Type: JavaX source code (Dynamic Module)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2020-11-30 15:09:38
Source code size: 19116 bytes / 547 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 189 / 251
Referenced in: [show references]