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< > BotCompany Repo | #1029912 // Form wrapper for DynNewBot2 [dev.]

JavaX fragment (include)

sclass FormInFlight {
  Conversation conversation;
  S hashTag;
  new L<FormStep> steps;
  int stepIndex; // in steps list
  S handleInput(S s) { null; }
  FormStep currentStep() {
    ret get(steps, stepIndex);
  void update(Runnable onChange) {
    if (currentStep() != null) currentStep().update(onChange);
  S complete() { ret "Form complete"; }
  S cancel() { ret "Request cancelled"; }

  FormStep byKey(S key) {
    ret objectWhere(steps, +key);
  S getValue(S key) {
    FormStep step = byKey(key);
    ret step?.value;
  SS allValues() {
    SS map = litorderedmap();
    for (FormStep step : steps)
      map.put(step.key, step.value);
    ret map;
  bool allowGeneralOverride() { false; }

  Conversation cancelMe() {
    Conversation conv = conversation;
    print("cancelMe called");
    // TODO: conversation.cancelForm();
    ret conv;
  void change {
    if (conversation != null) conversation.change();

abstract concept BotShowForm > BotStep {
  abstract FormInFlight makeForm();
  bool run(Conversation conv) {
    Form form = makeForm();

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Snippet ID: #1029912
Snippet name: Form wrapper for DynNewBot2 [dev.]
Eternal ID of this version: #1029912/1
Text MD5: da88932ce16ebfea96822918f454083f
Author: stefan
Category: javax / html
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2020-10-03 12:24:50
Source code size: 1183 bytes / 56 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 96 / 126
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