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< > BotCompany Repo | #1029541 // Web Chat Bot as module Spike [OK, shows the bot]

JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: Stefan's OS

Uses 911K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (17099L/100K).


sbool newDesign = true; // use new chat bot design
sbool ariaLiveTrick = false;
sbool ariaLiveTrick2 = true;

sS dbBotID = "";
sS templateID = #1028952/*#1028282*/;
sS cssID = #1028951;

sS thoughtBotID = null; // thought bot is this program
sS botName = "Demo Bot";
sS heading = "Demo Bot";
sS adminName = "Demo Chat Bot Admin";
sS botImageID = #1102935;
sS userImageID = #1102803;
sS chatHeaderImageID = #1102802;
sS timeZone = ukTimeZone_string(); 

sS baseLink = "";
sbool botOnRight = true;

!include once #1028434 // WorkerChat 
static new WorkerChat workerChat;

cmodule WebChatBotDemo > DynPrintLogAndEnabled {
  start {
    standardTimeZone_name = timeZone;
    thoughtBot = mc();
    baseLink = "";
    realPW(); // make password

  O html(virtual Request request) {
    ret main html(request);
  !include #1029545 // API for Eleu

svoid processParams(SS map) {}

static new ThreadLocal<Out> out;
static new ThreadLocal<Conversation> conv;

static transient long lastConversationChange = now();

sbool testFunctions = false;

sclass FormStep {
  S key;
  S displayText, desc;
  S defaultValue;
  S placeholder; // null for same as displayText, "" for none
  LS buttons;
  bool allowFreeText; // only matters when there are buttons
  S value;
  // called before data entry
  void update(Runnable onChange) {}

  // called after data entry
  // return error message or null
  // call conv->cancelForm(); to cancel the form (and make sure to return a text)
  S verifyData(S s) { null; }

sclass FormInFlight {
  Conversation conversation;
  S hashTag;
  new L<FormStep> steps;
  int stepIndex; // in steps list
  S handleInput(S s) { null; }
  FormStep currentStep() {
    ret get(steps, stepIndex);
  void update(Runnable onChange) {
    if (currentStep() != null) currentStep().update(onChange);
  S complete() { ret "Form complete"; }
  S cancel() { ret "Request cancelled"; }

  FormStep byKey(S key) {
    ret objectWhere(steps, +key);
  S getValue(S key) {
    FormStep step = byKey(key);
    ret step?.value;
  SS allValues() {
    SS map = litorderedmap();
    for (FormStep step : steps)
      map.put(step.key, step.value);
    ret map;
  bool allowGeneralOverride() { false; }

  Conversation cancelMe() {
    Conversation conv = conversation;
    ret conv;
  void change {
    if (conversation != null) conversation.change();

sbool debug;

sS answer(S s) {
  out.set(new Out);
  if (creator() == null) if "debug" set debug;
  S a = rawAnswer(s);
  // handle hashtags
  LS tokHashtags = regexpICMatchesAsCNC(regexpNegativeLookbehind("\\w") + "#\\w+\\b", a);
  for (int i = 1; i < l(tokHashtags); i += 2) {
    print("Found hashtag " + tokHashtags.get(i));
    /*S a2 = Handover.handleHashtag(conv!, tokHashtags.get(i));
    if (a2 != null) {
      print("Replaced with " + quote(a2));
      tokHashtags.set(i, a2);
  a = join(tokHashtags);
  ret deliverAnswerAndFormStep(a);

sS rawAnswer(S s) {
  FormInFlight form = conv->form;
  S a = null;
  // enter propose mode, get general answer
  O bot = dbBot();
  out->proposeMode = true;
  S generalAnswer;
    // call without #default
    temp tempSetTL((ThreadLocal) getOpt(bot, 'opt_noDefault), true);
    generalAnswer = (S) call(bot, 'answer, s, conv->language());
  out->proposeMode = false;

  if (form != null && generalAnswer != null && form.allowGeneralOverride())
  else if (form != null) {
    if ((a = form.handleInput(s)) != null) ret a;

    if (eqicOneOf(s, "cancel", "Abbrechen", unicode_crossProduct())) {
      S answer = form.cancel();
      ret answer;
    } else if (eqicOneOf(s, "back", "zurück", unicode_undoArrow()) && form.stepIndex > 0) {
      ret "";
    } else if (form.currentStep() != null) {
      FormStep step = form.currentStep();
      if (!step.allowFreeText && nempty(step.buttons) && !cic(step.buttons, s))
        ret de() ? "Bitte wählen Sie eine Option!" : "Please choose an option.";
      print("Verifying data " + quote(s) + " in step " + step);
      S error = step.verifyData(s);
      if (error != null)
        ret error;

      step.value = s;
      if (form.currentStep() == null) {
        S answer = form.complete();
        if (conv->form == form)
          conv->cancelForm(); // if complete() hasn't put us on a new form
        ret answer;
      ret "";

  // process general answer, switch language
  a = generalAnswer;
  if (a == null)
    a = (S) call(bot, 'answer, "#default", conv->language());
  if (out->proposedForm != null)
  ret a;

sS deliverAnswerAndFormStep(S answer) {
  FormInFlight form = conv->form; // form may have cancelled itself in update
  if (form == null || form.currentStep() == null)  ret answer;
  FormStep step = form.currentStep();
  printVars_str(+answer, displayText := step.displayText);
  answer = joinNemptiesWithSpace(answer, step.displayText);
  out->placeholder = or(step.placeholder, step.displayText);
  print("Step " + form.stepIndex + ": " + sfu(step));
  out->defaultInput = or2(step.value, step.defaultValue);
  out->buttons = cloneList(step.buttons);
  if (form.stepIndex > 0) out->buttons.add(de() ? "Zurück" : "Back");
  out->buttons.add(de() ? "Abbrechen" : "Cancel");
  ret answer;

sS initialMessage() {
  ret template("#greeting");

sO dbBot() {
  null; // TODO ret getBot(dbBotID);

sbool de() {
  ret eqic(conv->language(), "de");

// Web Chat Bot Include

sO thoughtBot;

static int longPollTick = 200;
static int longPollMaxWait = 1000*30; // lowered to 30 seconds
static int activeConversationSafetyMargin = 15000; // allow client 15 seconds to reload

static Set<S> specialButtons = litciset("Cancel", "Back", "Abbrechen", "Zurück");

sclass Out extends DynamicObject {
  LS buttons;
  bool multipleChoice;
  S multipleChoiceSeparator;
  S placeholder;
  S defaultInput;
  Int progressBarValue;
  bool glow;
  transient bool proposeMode;
  transient FormInFlight proposedForm;

sclass Msg extends DynamicObject {
  long time;
  bool fromUser;
  Worker fromWorker;
  S text;
  Out out;
  *() {}
  *(bool *fromUser, S *text) { time = now(); }
  *(S *text, bool *fromUser) { time = now(); }

concept AuthedDialogID {
  S dialogID;
  Worker loggedIn; // who is logged in with this cookie

//concept Session {} // LEGACY

// our base concept - a conversation between a user and a bot or sales representative
concept Conversation {
  S cookie, ip, country;
  new LL<Msg> oldDialogs;
  new L<Msg> msgs;
  long lastPing;
  bool botOn = true;
  Worker worker; // who are we talking to?
  transient long userTyping, botTyping; // sysNow timestamps
  bool testMode;
  transient bool dryRun;
  transient FormInFlight proposedForm;
  FormInFlight form;
  S language;
  Long lastProposedDate;

  void add(Msg m) {
    m.text = trim(m.text);
    if (!m.fromUser && empty(m.text)) ret; // don't store empty msgs from bot
    syncAdd(msgs, m);
    vmBus_send chatBot_messageAdded(mc(), this, m);
  int allCount() { ret lengthLevel2(oldDialogs) + l(msgs); }
  int archiveSize() { ret lengthLevel2(oldDialogs); }
  long lastMsgTime() { Msg m = last(msgs); ret m == null ? 0 : m.time; }
  void cancelForm {
    if (form != null) {
      print("Cancelling form " + form);
      form.conversation = null;
      cset(this, form := null);
  <A extends FormInFlight> A setForm(A form) {
    form.conversation = this;
    cset(this, +form);
    ret form;
  S language() { ret or2(language, 'en); }
  void updateForm {
    if (form != null) form.update(r change);
  void turnBotOff {
    cset(this, botOn := false);

  void turnBotOn {  
    cset(this, botOn := true, worker := null);
    S backMsg = getCannedAnswer("#botBack", this);
    if (empty(msgs) || lastMessageIsFromUser() || !eq(last(msgs).text, backMsg))
      add(new Msg(backMsg, false));
  bool lastMessageIsFromUser() {
    ret nempty(msgs) && last(msgs).fromUser;
  void newDialog {
    lastProposedDate = null;
    cset(this, msgs := new L);
    vmBus_send chatBot_clearedSession(mc(), this);

// a message a bot module proposes to send
concept ProposedMsg {
  O authoringObject;
  S text;
  Conversation conversation; // can be set early
  Msg said; // only set if msg was actually posted

svoid pWebChatBot {
  dbIndexing(Conversation, 'cookie, Conversation, 'worker,
    Conversation, 'lastPing,
    Worker, 'loginName, AuthedDialogID, 'dialogID);
  Class envType = fieldType(thoughtBot, "env");
  if (envType != null)
    setOpt(thoughtBot, "env", proxy(envType, (O) mc()));

sO html(virtual WebRequest request) {
  temp tempRegisterThread();
  S uri = cast get(request, 'uri);
  SS params = cast get(request, 'params);
  S cookie = params.get('cookie);
  if (empty(cookie)) cookie = (S) call(request, 'cookie);

  bool workerMode = nempty(params.get("workerMode")) || startsWith(uri, "/worker");
  Conversation conv = nempty(cookie) ? getConv(cookie) : null;
  if (conv != null && !workerMode)
    cset(conv, ip := (S) call(request, 'clientIP));
  print("URI: " + uri + ", cookie: " + cookie + ", msgs: " + l(conv.msgs));
  S dialogID = getDialogID(); // for authing
  S pw = trim(params.get('pw));
  if (nempty(pw)) {
    if (neq(pw, realPW()))
      ret errorMsg("Bad password, please try again");
    uniq AuthedDialogID(+dialogID);
    if (nempty(params.get('redirect)))
      ret hrefresh(params.get('redirect));
  new Matches m;
  if (startsWith(uri, "/worker-image/", m)) {
    long id = parseLong(;
    ret subBot_serveFile(workerImageFile(id), "image/jpeg");
  AuthedDialogID auth = authObject();
  bool requestAuthed = auth != null;
  if (eq(uri, "/stats")) {
    if (!requestAuthed) ret serveAuthForm(rawLink(uri));
    ret "Threads: " + ul_htmlEncode(getThreadNames(registeredThreads()));
  if (eq(uri, "/logs")) {
    if (!requestAuthed) ret serveAuthForm(rawLink(uri));
    ret webChatBotLogsHTML2(rawLink(uri), params);
  if (eq(uri, "/auth-only")) {
    if (eq(params.get('logout), "1"))
      cdelete(AuthedDialogID, dialogID := getDialogID());
    if (!requestAuthed) ret serveAuthForm(params.get('uri));
    ret "";
  if (workerChat != null)
    try object workerChat.html(uri, params, conv, auth);

    lock dbLock();
    S message = trim(params.get("btn"));
    if (empty(message)) message = trim(params.get("message"));
    if (match("new dialog", message)) {
      message = null;
    if (!workerMode && empty(conv.msgs))
      addReplyToConvo(conv, () -> deliverAnswerAndFormStep(initialMessage()));

    if (nempty(message) && !lastUserMessageWas(conv, message)) {
      print("Adding message: " + message);
      if (workerMode) {
        Msg msg = new(false, message);
        msg.fromWorker = auth.loggedIn;
      } else
        conv.add(new Msg(true, message));
    S testMode = params.get("testMode");
    if (nempty(testMode)) {
      print("Setting testMode", testMode);
      cset(conv, testMode := eq("1", testMode));
    if (!workerMode && conv.botOn && nempty(conv.msgs) && last(conv.msgs).fromUser)
      addReplyToConvo(conv, () -> makeReply(last(conv.msgs).text));
  } // locked
  if (eq(uri, "/msg")) ret withHeader("OK");
  if (eq(uri, "/typing")) {
    if (workerMode) {
      conv.botTyping = sysNow();
      print(conv.botTyping + " Bot typing in: " + conv.cookie);
    } else {
      conv.userTyping = sysNow();
      print(conv.userTyping + " User typing in: " + conv.cookie);
    ret withHeader("OK");
  if (eq(uri, "/incremental")) {
    vmBus_send chatBot_userPolling(mc(), conv);
    cset(conv, lastPing := now());
    int a = parseInt(params.get("a"));

    long start = sysNow();
    L msgs;
    bool first = true;
    while (licensed() && sysNow() < start+longPollMaxWait) {
      int as = conv.archiveSize();
      msgs = cloneSubList(conv.msgs, a-as);
      bool newDialog = a <= as;
      long typing = workerMode ? conv.userTyping : conv.botTyping;
      bool otherPartyTyping = typing > start;
      if (empty(msgs) && !otherPartyTyping) {
        if (first) {
          print("Long poll starting on " + cookie + ", " + a + "/" + a);
          first = false;
      } else {
        if (first) print("Long poll ended.");
        new StringBuilder buf;
        if (otherPartyTyping) {
          print("Noticed " + (workerMode ? "user" : "bot") + " typing in " + conv.cookie);
        renderMessages(buf, msgs);
        if (ariaLiveTrick2 && !workerMode) {
          Msg msg = lastBotMsg(msgs);
          if (msg != null) {
            S author = msg.fromWorker != null ? htmlEncode2(msg.fromWorker.displayName) : botName;
            buf.append(hscript([[$("#screenreadertrick").html(]] + jsQuote(author + " says: " + msg.text) + ");"));
        if (a != 0 && anyInterestingMessages(msgs, workerMode))
            "window.playChatNotification();\n" +
            "window.setTitleStatus(" + jsQuote((workerMode ? "User" : botName) + " says…") + ");"
        ret withHeader("<!-- " + conv.allCount() + " " + (newDialog ? "NEW DIALOG " : "") + "-->\n"  + buf);
    ret withHeader("");
    lock dbLock();
    S html = loadSnippet(templateID); // TODO: cache

    S workerModeParam = workerMode ? "workerMode=1&" : "";
    S langlinks = "<!-- langlinks here -->";
    if (html.contains(langlinks))
      html = html.replace(langlinks,
        ahref(rawLink("eng"), "English") + " | " + ahref(rawLink("deu"), "German"));
    html = html.replace("#BOTIMG#", imageSnippetURLOrEmptyGIF(chatHeaderImageID));
    html = html.replace("#N#", "0");
    html = html.replace("#INCREMENTALURL#", baseLink + "/incremental?" + workerModeParam + "a=");
    html = html.replace("#MSGURL#", baseLink + "/msg?" + workerModeParam + "message=");
    html = html.replace("#TYPINGURL#", baseLink + "/typing?" + workerModeParam);
    html = html.replace("#CSS_ID#", psI_str(cssID));
    if (ariaLiveTrick || ariaLiveTrick2)
      html = html.replace([[aria-live="polite">]], ">");
    html = html.replace("#OTHERSIDE#", workerMode ? "User" : "Representative");
    if (nempty(params.get("debug")))
      html = html.replace("var showActions = false;", "var showActions = true;");
    html = html.replace("#AUTOOPEN#", jsBool(workerMode || botAutoOpen()));
    html = html.replace("#BOT_ON#", jsBool(botOn()));
    html = html.replace("$HEADING", heading);
    html = html.replace("#WORKERMODE", jsBool(workerMode));
    html = html.replace("<!-- MSGS HERE -->", "");
    html = hreplaceTitle(html, heading);
    if (eqGet(params, "_botDemo", "1"))
      ret hhtml(hhead(
        + loadJQuery()
      ) + hbody(hjavascript(html)));
      ret withHeader(subBot_serveJavaScript(html));

svoid addReplyToConvo(Conversation conv, IF0<S> think) {
  out.set(new Out);
  S reply = "";
  pcall {
    reply = think!;
  Msg msg = new Msg(false, reply);
  msg.out = out!;

sO withHeader(S html) {
  ret withHeader(subBot_noCacheHeaders(subBot_serveHTML(html)));

sO withHeader(O response) {
  call(response, 'addHeader, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
  ret response;

sS renderMessageText(S text, bool htmlEncode) {
  text = trim(text);
  if (htmlEncode) text = htmlEncode2(text);
  text = nlToBr(text);
  ret replace(text, ":wave:", html_wavingHand());

svoid renderMessages(StringBuilder buf, L<Msg> msgs) {
  if (empty(msgs)) ret;
  new Set<S> buttonsToSkip;
  new LS buttonsHtml;
  for (Msg m : msgs) {
    if (!m.fromUser && eq(m.text, "-")) continue;
    S html = renderMessageText(m.text, shouldHtmlEncodeMsg(m));
    // pull back & cancel buttons to beginning of msg
    if (m == last(msgs) && m.out != null) {
      fOr (S btn : m.out.buttons)
        if (specialButtons.contains(btn)) {
    if (nempty(buttonsHtml) && l(m.out.buttons) == l(buttonsToSkip))
      html += " " + hspan("&nbsp;&nbsp;", class := "chat-button-span") + lines(buttonsHtml);
    appendMsg(buf, m.fromUser ? defaultUserName() : botName, formatTime(m.time), html, !m.fromUser, m.fromWorker);
  appendButtons(buf, last(msgs).out, buttonsToSkip);

svoid appendMsg(StringBuilder buf, S name, S time, S text, bool bot, Worker fromWorker) {
  bool useTrick = ariaLiveTrick;
  S tag = useTrick ? "div" : "span";
  if (bot) {
    S id = randomID();
    S author = fromWorker != null ? htmlEncode2(fromWorker.displayName ): botName;
    if (fromWorker != null) buf.append([[<div class="chat_botname"><p>]] + author + [[</p>]]);
    buf.append("<" + tag + [[ class="chat_msg_item chat_msg_item_admin"]] + (useTrick ? [[ id="]] + id + [[" aria-live="polite" tabindex="-1"]] : "") + ">");
    S imgURL = snippetImgLink(botImageID);
    if (fromWorker != null && fileExists(workerImageFile(
      imgURL = fullRawLink("worker-image/" +;
    if (nempty(imgURL))
        <div class="chat_avatar">
          <img src="$IMG"/>
        .replace("$IMG", imgURL));
    buf.append([[<span class="sr-only">]] + (fromWorker != null ? "" : botName + " ") + [[says</span>]]);
    buf.append([[</]] + tag + [[>]]);
    if (fromWorker != null) buf.append("</div>");
    if (useTrick) buf.append(hscript("$('#" + id + "').focus();"));
  } else
      <span class="sr-only">You say</span>
      <]] + tag + [[ class="chat_msg_item chat_msg_item_user"]] + (useTrick ? [[ aria-live="polite"]] : "") + [[>$TEXT</]] + tag + [[>
    ]]).replace("$TEXT", text));

sS replaceButtonText(S s) {
  if (eqicOneOf(s, "back", "zurück")) ret unicode_undoArrow();
  if (eqicOneOf(s, "cancel", "Abbrechen")) ret unicode_crossProduct();
  ret s;

sS renderMultipleChoice(LS buttons, Cl<S> selections, S multipleChoiceSeparator) {
  Set<S> selectionSet = asCISet(selections);
  S rand = randomID();
  S className = "chat_multiplechoice_" + rand;
  S allCheckboxes = [[$(".]] + className + [[")]];
  ret joinWithBR(map(buttons, name ->
    hcheckbox("", contains(selectionSet, name),
      value := name,
      class := className) + " " + name))
    + "<br>" + hbuttonOnClick_returnFalse("OK", "submitMsg()", style := "float: right")
    + hscript(allCheckboxes
      + ".change(function() {"
      //+ "  console.log('multiple choice change');"
      + " var theList = $('." + className + ":checkbox:checked').map(function() { return this.value; }).get();"
      + "  console.log('theList: ' + theList);"
      + "  $('#chat_message').val(theList.join(" + jsQuote(multipleChoiceSeparator) + "));"
      + "});");

sS renderButtons(LS buttons) {
  new LS out;
  for i over buttons: {
    S code = buttons.get(i);
    S text = replaceButtonText(code);
    out.add(hbuttonOnClick_returnFalse(text, "submitAMsg(" + jsQuote(text) + ")", class := "chatbot-choice-button", title := eq(code, text) ? null : code));
    if (!specialButtons.contains(code)
      && i+1 < l(buttons) && specialButtons.contains(buttons.get(i+1)))
  ret lines(out);

svoid appendButtons(StringBuilder buf, Out out, Set<S> buttonsToSkip) {
  S placeholder = out == null ? "" : unnull(out.placeholder);
  S defaultInput = out == null ? "" : unnull(out.defaultInput);
  buf.append(hscript("chatBot_setInput(" + jsQuote(defaultInput) + ", " + jsQuote(placeholder) + ");"));
  if (out == null) ret;
  LS buttons = listMinusSet(out.buttons, buttonsToSkip);
  if (empty(buttons)) ret;
  printVars_str(+buttons, +buttonsToSkip);
  S buttonsHtml;
  if (out.multipleChoice)
    buttonsHtml = renderMultipleChoice(buttons,
      mcSplit(out.defaultInput, out.multipleChoiceSeparator), out.multipleChoiceSeparator);
    buttonsHtml = renderButtons(buttons);
  buf.append([[<span class="chat_msg_item chat_msg_item_admin chat_buttons">]]);

svoid appendDate(StringBuilder buf, S date) {
  <div class="chat-box-single-line">
    <abbr class="timestamp">DATE</abbr>
  </div>]].replace("DATE", date));

static bool lastUserMessageWas(Conversation conv, S message) {
  Msg m = last(conv.msgs);
  ret m != null && m.fromUser && eq(m.text, message);

sS makeReply(S message) {
  try {
    ret answer(message);
  } catch print e {
    ret "Internal error";

sS formatTime(long time) {
  ret timeInTimeZoneWithOptionalDate_24(timeZone, time);

sS formatDialog(S id, L<Msg> msgs) {
  new L<S> lc;
  for (Msg m : msgs)
    lc.add(htmlencode((m.fromUser ? "> " : "< ") + m.text));
  ret id + ul(lc);

static Conversation getConv(fS cookie) {
  ret withDBLock(func -> Conversation {
    uniq(Conversation, +cookie)

sS serveAuthForm(S redirect) {
  ret hhtml(hhead(htitle("Authorization required")) + hbody(hfullcenter(
    + hpostform(
    + "Password: " + hpassword('pw) + "<br><br>" + hsubmit()))));

sS errorMsg(S msg) {
  ret hhtml(hhead_title("Error") + hbody(hfullcenter(msg + "<br><br>" + ahref(jsBackLink(), "Back"))));

sS defaultUserName() {
  ret de() ? "Sie" : "You";

sbool botOn() {
  ret isTrue(call(dbBot(), "botOn"));

sbool botAutoOpen() {
  ret isTrue(call(dbBot(), "botAutoOpen"));

static File workerImageFile(long id) {
  ret id == 0 ? null : javaxDataDir("adaptive-bot/images/" + id + ".jpg");

static long activeConversationTimeout() {
  ret longPollMaxWait+activeConversationSafetyMargin;

static AuthedDialogID authObject() {
  ret conceptWhere AuthedDialogID(dialogID := getDialogID());

sbool anyInterestingMessages(L<Msg> msgs, bool workerMode) {
  ret any(msgs, m -> m.fromUser == workerMode);

sbool shouldHtmlEncodeMsg(Msg msg) {
  ret msg.fromUser;

sS getCountry(Conversation c) {
  if (empty( && nempty(c.ip))
    cset(c, country := ipToCountry2020_safe(c.ip));
  ret or2(, "?");

svoid noteConversationChange {
  lastConversationChange = now();

// TODO: check that action is persistable & persist
svoid addTimeout(double seconds, Runnable action) {
  doAfter(seconds, action);
  print("Timeout added: " + seconds + " => " + action);

sS template(S hashtag, O... params) {
  ret replaceSquareBracketVars(getCannedAnswer(hashtag), params);

sS getCannedAnswer(S hashtag, Conversation conv default null) {
  if (!startsWith(hashtag, "#")) ret hashtag;
  S lang = conv == null ? "en" : conv.language();
  temp tempSetTL((ThreadLocal) getOpt(dbBot(), 'opt_noDefault), true);
  ret or2((S) call(dbBot(), 'answer, hashtag, lang), hashtag); // keep hashtag if no answer found

static LS mcSplit(S input, S multipleChoiceSeparator) {
  ret trimAll(splitAt(input, dropSpaces(multipleChoiceSeparator)));

static Msg lastBotMsg(L<Msg> l) {
  ret lastThat(l, msg -> !msg.fromUser);

sS dbStats() {
  Cl<Conversation> all = list(Conversation);
  int nRealConvos = countPred(all, c -> l(c.msgs) > 1);
  //int nTestConvos = countPred(all, c -> startsWith(c.cookie, "test_"));
  //ret n2(l(all)-nTestConvos, "real conversation") + ", " + n2(nTestConvos, "test conversation");
  ret nConversations(nRealConvos);

svoid proposeForm(Conversation conversation default conv!, FormInFlight form) {
  if (out! != null && out->proposeMode)
    out->proposedForm = form;
  else if (conversation != null)

sS realPW() {
  ret loadSecretTextFileOrCreateWithRandomID("password.txt");

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1028922

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Snippet ID: #1029541
Snippet name: Web Chat Bot as module Spike [OK, shows the bot]
Eternal ID of this version: #1029541/18
Text MD5: 7b9888c36aea3f85bdfa6763a3f2f26e
Transpilation MD5: 3d8788ff514e766e5aaa69adc3fd75c9
Author: stefan
Category: javax / web chat bots
Type: JavaX source code (Dynamic Module)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2020-08-24 10:11:38
Source code size: 25237 bytes / 837 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 239 / 1055
Version history: 17 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]