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< > BotCompany Repo | #1029354 // LineCompReader [backup before compacting]

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (5969L/38K).

sclass LineCompReader {
  new LS literals;
  int[] literalOffsets; // where they start in file
  new L<IntPair> pairs;
  new LinkedHashMap<S, L<Int>> versions;
  bool byteMode;
  *() {}
  // takes text or gzipped input file
  *(File f) {
    temp BufferedReader reader = rawByteReader_possiblyGZipped(f);
  *(InputStream in) { load(rawBytesReader(in)); }
  *(BufferedReader reader) { load(reader); }
  void load(BufferedReader reader) ctex {
    S s = readLineIgnoreCR(reader);
    int ofs = l(s)+1;
    new Matches m;
    if (startsWith(s, "BYTECOMP ", m)) set byteMode;
    else if (!startsWith(s, "LINECOMP ", m))
      fail("Not a LINECOMP file");
    int nLiterals = parseInt(;
    new IntBuffer offsets;
    for i to nLiterals: {
      S line = readLineIgnoreCR(reader);
      literals.add(byteMode ? str(charFromHex(line)) : line);
      ofs += l(line)+1;
    literalOffsets = offsets.toArray();
    while licensed {
      s = readLineIgnoreCR(reader);
      if (s == null || contains(s, "=")) break;
      try {
      } on fail {
        print("On line " + (nLiterals + l(pairs)));
    while (contains(s, "=")) {
      int i = indexOf(s, '=');
      versions.put(takeFirst(s, i), compactIntList(parseInts(splitAtSpace(substring(s, i+1)))));
      s = readLineIgnoreCR(reader);
  Set<S> versions() { ret keys(versions); }
  S getText(S version) { ret textForVersion(version); }
  S textForVersion(S version) {
    L<Int> encoded = versions.get(version);
    if (encoded == null) null;
    new LS buf;
    for (int idx : encoded)
      decode(idx, buf);
    ret myFromLines(buf);
  // name of first (or only) file
  S firstFile() { ret first(versions()); }
  // text for first (or only) file
  S text() { ret getText(firstFile()); }
  L<Int> encoding() { ret versions.get(firstFile()); }
  S myFromLines(LS l) {
    ret byteMode
      ? join(l)
      : fromLines_rtrim(l);
  void decode(int idx, LS buf) {
    if (idx < l(literals))
    else {
      IntPair p = pairs.get(idx-l(literals));
      decode(p.a, buf);
      decode(p.b, buf);
  // That was it! The rest of this file is just for calculating some stats.
  new Map<Int> lineCountsForPairs;
  new Map<Int, Long> byteCountsForPairs;

  int lineCountForPointer(int idx) {
    ret idx < l(literals) ? 1 : lineCountForPair(idx);
  long byteCountForPointer(int idx) {
    ret idx < l(literals) ? l(literals.get(idx))+1 : byteCountForPair(idx);
  int lineCountForPair(int idx) {
    Int c = lineCountsForPairs.get(idx);
    if (c == null) {
      IntPair p = pairs.get(idx-l(literals));
      c = lineCountForPointer(p.a) + lineCountForPointer(p.b);
      lineCountsForPairs.put(idx, c);
    ret c;
  long byteCountForPair(int idx) {
    Long c = byteCountsForPairs.get(idx);
    if (c == null) {
      IntPair p = pairs.get(idx-l(literals));
      c = byteCountForPointer(p.a) + byteCountForPointer(p.b);
      byteCountsForPairs.put(idx, c);
    ret c;
  int lineCountForVersion(S version) {
    L<Int> encoded = versions.get(version);
    if (encoded == null) ret 0;
    int n = 0;
    for (int i : encoded) n += lineCountForPointer(i);
    ret n;
  long byteCountForVersion(S version) {
    L<Int> encoded = versions.get(version);
    if (encoded == null) ret 0;
    long n = 0;
    for (int i : encoded) n += byteCountForPointer(i);
    ret max(0, n-1);
  long totalByteCount() {
    ret longSum(lambdaMap byteCountForVersion(versions()));
  // now we can also save again
  void save(PrintWriter out) {
    out.println((byteMode ? "BYTECOMP " : "LINECOMP ") + l(literals));
    for (S s : literals)
      out.println(byteMode ? charToHex(first(s)) : s);
    for (IntPair p : pairs)
      out.println(p.a + " " + p.b);
    for (S id, L<Int> l : versions)
      out.println(id + "=" + joinWithSpace(l));

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1028182

download  show line numbers  debug dex  old transpilations   

Travelled to 7 computer(s): bhatertpkbcr, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt, xrpafgyirdlv

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Snippet ID: #1029354
Snippet name: LineCompReader [backup before compacting]
Eternal ID of this version: #1029354/1
Text MD5: 9bf870dc389236145eb0868f68ef97d2
Transpilation MD5: c455448d7a166c60d49b33e320bdfe21
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2020-08-02 00:48:32
Source code size: 4290 bytes / 153 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 159 / 236
Referenced in: [show references]