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< > BotCompany Repo | #1029215 // SuffixTree [another optimized backup]

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (14689L/100K).

// A naive suffix tree implementation
sclass SuffixTree {
  Node root;
  S fullText;
  int nodeCount;
  Comparator<IFirstChar> childComparator = (a, b) -> a.firstCharOrMinus1(this)-b.firstCharOrMinus1(this);
  new DummyNode dummyNode;
  sinterface IFirstChar {
    int firstCharOrMinus1(SuffixTree tree);
  sclass DummyNode implements IFirstChar {
    int firstChar;
    public int firstCharOrMinus1(SuffixTree tree) { ret firstChar; }

  sclass Node implements IFirstChar {
    int from, to; // our range in fullText
    CompactTreeSet<IFirstChar> children; // actually, <Node>
    int position = -1;

    *() {}
    *(int *from, int *to) {}
    *(Substring s) { from = s.startIndex(); to = s.endIndex(); }
    Substring text(SuffixTree tree) { ret Substring(tree.fullText, from, to); }
    int lText() { ret to-from; }
    void addPosition(int i) {
      if (position >= 0) fail("Already have position");
      position = i;
    void addChild(SuffixTree tree, Node n) {
      if (children == null) children = makeEmptyChildrenSet(tree);
    CompactTreeSet<IFirstChar> makeEmptyChildrenSet(SuffixTree tree) { ret new CompactTreeSet<>(tree.childComparator); }
    public int firstCharOrMinus1(SuffixTree tree) {
      ret charToIntOrMinus1(text(tree));
    Node getChild(SuffixTree tree, int c) {
      if (children == null) null;
      tree.dummyNode.firstChar = c;
      ret (Node) children.find(tree.dummyNode);

  *() {}
  *(S *fullText) {
    root = new Node(0, 0);
    for i over fullText: {
      addSuffix(Substring(fullText, i), i);
      if (((i+1) % 1000000) == 0)
        print((i+1) + " suffixes added (" + nNodes(nodeCount) + ")");

  void addSuffix(Substring s, int position) {
    Node node = root;
    while (!empty(s)) {
      int _n = lCommonPrefix_CharSequence(node.text(SuffixTree.this), s);
      s = s.substring(_n);
      if (_n >= node.lText()) { // node text exhausted
        if (empty(s)) { // pattern also exhausted - done
        } else {
          Node n = node.getChild(SuffixTree.this, charToIntOrMinus1(s));
          if (n == null) {
            n = new Node(s);
            node.addChild(SuffixTree.this, n);
          } else
            node = n;
      } else { // node text not exhausted
        // split node. first, move all the node's vitals to a new node nOld
        Node nOld = new Node(node.from+_n,;
        nOld.position = node.position;
        node.position = -1;
        nOld.children = node.children;
        node.children = null; = node.from+_n;
        node.addChild(SuffixTree.this, nOld);

        // now add a new node
        Node nNew = new Node(s);
        node.addChild(SuffixTree.this, nNew);

  public L<Int> indicesOf(S pattern) {
    new IntBuffer out;
    getIndicesOf(out, root, pattern, 0);
    ret out.asVirtualList();
  void getIndicesOf(IntBuffer out, Node node, S pattern, int iPattern) {
    int lPattern = l(pattern);
    while true {
      int n = lCommonPrefix_CharSequence(node.text(this), Substring(pattern, iPattern));
      iPattern += n;
      if (iPattern >= lPattern) break; // pattern exhausted - done
      if (n < node.lText()) ret; // mismatch, exit
      Node child = node.getChild(SuffixTree.this, charAtAsIntOrMinus1(pattern, iPattern));
      if (child != null) continue with node = child;
    collectPositions(out, node);
  L<Int> getPositions(Node node) {
    new IntBuffer out;
    collectPositions(out, node);
    ret out.asVirtualList();
  void collectPositions(IntBuffer out, Node node) {
    if (node == null) ret;
    if (node.position >= 0) out.add(node.position);
    fOr (IFirstChar n : node.children)
      collectPositions(out, (Node) n);
  void printMe() {
    printNode("", "", root);
  void printNode(S indent, S pre, Node node) {
    print(indent + pre + quote(shorten(20, node.text(this))) + (node.position < 0 ? "" : " [" + node.position + "]"));
    fOr (IFirstChar _n : node.children) {
      Node n = cast _n;
      printNode(indent + "  ", "[" + (n.lText() == 0 ? "end" : quote(n.text(this).charAt(0))) + "] ", n);
  ItIt<Node> allNodes() {
    new L<Iterator<Node>> stack;
    ret iteratorFromFunction_if0(() -> {
      while (nempty(stack)) {
        if (!last(stack).hasNext())
        else {
          Node n = last(stack).next();
          stack.add((Iterator) iterator(n.children));
          ret n;

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1029202

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Travelled to 7 computer(s): bhatertpkbcr, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt, xrpafgyirdlv

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Snippet ID: #1029215
Snippet name: SuffixTree [another optimized backup]
Eternal ID of this version: #1029215/1
Text MD5: ceb6bc478b58ff5ea43505d73031fa24
Transpilation MD5: b6b9de0cb0b06c587acbf5284c34efbd
Author: stefan
Category: javax / text searching
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2020-07-25 14:39:56
Source code size: 5077 bytes / 171 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 166 / 230
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