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< > BotCompany Repo | #1028656 // Test Scripting for web bots [Include]

JavaX fragment (include)

concept TestScript {
  S scriptName, comments;
  bool active;
  long lastRun;
  bool testedOK;
  S botLinePattern1, userLine1;
  S botLinePattern2, userLine2;
  S botLinePattern3, userLine3;
  S botLinePattern4, userLine4;
  S botLinePattern5, userLine5;
  S botLinePattern6, userLine6;
  S botLinePattern7, userLine7;
  S botLinePattern8, userLine8;

  int highestIndex() { ret 8; }
  S botLinePattern(int i) {
    ret trim(getString(this, "botLinePattern" + i));
  S userLine(int i) {
    ret trim(getString(this, "userLine" + i));

sclass TestScripting { 
  sO html(S uri, SS params, AuthedDialogID auth) null {
    S uri2 = appendSlash(uri);
    bool requestAuthed = auth != null;
    if (startsWith(uri2, "/testscripts/")) {
      if (!requestAuthed) ret serveAuthForm(params.get('uri));
      ret serveTestScriptingAdmin(uri, params);

  sO serveTestScriptingAdmin(S uri, SS params) {
    S nav = p(ahref(rawBotLink(dbBotID), "Main admin") + " | " + ahref(baseLink + "/testscripts", "Test scripts admin"));
    if (ewic(uri, "/run-test")) {
      long id = parseLong(params.get("id"));
      TestScript script = getConcept TestScript(id);
      if (script == null) ret "Script " + id + " not found";
      S output = hijackPrint_tee_pcall(() -> runTestScript(script));
      S title = "Test results for script: " + script.scriptName;
      ret hhtml(hhead_title(title) + hbody(
          + nav + h1(title)
          + hsourcecode(output)));
    HCRUD_Concepts<TestScript> data = new HCRUD_Concepts<>(TestScript);

    HCRUD crud = new(rawLink("testscripts"), data) {
      S frame(S title, S contents) {
        ret hhtml(hhead_title_htmldecode(title) + hbody(
          hsansserif() + hcss_responstable()
          /*+ loadJQuery()
          + hscript_reloadOnHistoryNav()*/
          + nav + h1(title)
          + contents));
      S renderValue(S field, O value) {
        if (eq(field, "lastRun"))
          ret renderHowLongAgo(toLong(value));
        ret super.renderValue(field, value);
    crud.renderCmds = item -> crud.renderCmds_base(item)
      + " | " + ahref(rawLink("testscripts/run-test" + hquery(id := item.get("id"))), "run test");
    crud.cmdsLeft = true;
    crud.tableClass = "responstable";
    crud.uneditableFields = litset("lastRun", "testedOK");
    ret subBot_serveHTMLNoCache(crud.renderPage(params));
  svoid runTestScript(TestScript script) { 
    try {
      temp WebBotTester tester = new(programID());
      tester.params.put("testMode", "1");
      int i = 0;
      for (int idx = 1; idx <= script.highestIndex(); idx++) {
        S pat = script.botLinePattern(idx);
        if (nempty(pat)) {
          print("Bot line pattern: " + pat);
          WebChatBotMsg msg = get(tester.msgs, i);
          try {
            assertTrueVerbose(i + ": " + pat + "/" + msg.msgText, mmo2_match(pat, msg.msgText));
            assertTrue("fromBot", !msg.fromUser);
          } on fail {
            print(msgs := tester.msgs);
        S userLine = script.userLine(idx);
        if (nempty(userLine)) {
          print("Sending line: " + userLine);
      print("Script OK: " + script.scriptName);
      cset(script, testedOK := true);
    } catch print e {
      cset(script, testedOK := false);
    cset(script, lastRun := now());

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Snippet ID: #1028656
Snippet name: Test Scripting for web bots [Include]
Eternal ID of this version: #1028656/30
Text MD5: 03531171ae66732ab17691cf7ac9b4fd
Author: stefan
Category: javax / web chat bots
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2020-07-02 18:23:51
Source code size: 3687 bytes / 116 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 208 / 494
Version history: 29 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]