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< > BotCompany Repo | #1028247 // LineComp_PairIndex - helper for LineComp compressor [LIVE]

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Transpiled version (4708L) is out of date.

!include once #1027304 // Eclipse Collections
import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.primitive.*;

set flag NoModCount. // save some space. Make sure that this flag doesn't screw other collections/map you compile with this.

final sclass LineComp_PairIndex {
  bool verbose;
  // true = use LinkedHashSet for nodes - uses more space but ensures
  // nodes are compacted in order instead of pseudo-randomly
  // (CompactHashSet).
  // When setting this to false, compression is still
  // deterministic since the introduction of the Node.counter
  // field.
  // inOrder = false saves hugely on memory (e.g. 38M instead
  // of 78M for the nodes field for 1M symbols)
  bool inOrder = false;
  //MultiSetMap<IntPair, Node> nodes;
  new LongObjectHashMap<Set<Node>> nodes; // key: pair, value: set of nodes in order (LinkedHashSet)
  MultiSetMap<Int, IntPair> byCount // values are pairs
    = null; // init later
    //= multiSetMap_innerHashSet_outerRevTreeMap(); // makes a difference in selecting a pair if there are multiple with the same count
    // = multiSetMap_innerCompactHashSet_outerRevTreeMap(); // same but more compact
    //= multiSetMap_innerTreeSet_outerRevTreeMap(); // initial version that kind of pointlessly sorts the same-count nodes lexicographically
  new LinkedHashMap<S, Ch> chains;
  Ch firstChain;
  int totalPairCount;
  int initialNodesSetCapacity = 1;
  L<IVF1<Node>> onAddingPair, onRemovingPair;
  LongIntHashMap existingPairsIndex;
  int nodeCounter;
  // This queue checks all newly made pairs to see if they already
  // have a symbol.
  new LinkedList<Node> compressionQueue;
  // TODO: use LongComparator
  Comparator<IntPair> pairComparatorForBalancing;

  void init {}
  class BalancedByCountMultiSetMap extends MultiSetMap<Int, IntPair> {
    Set<IntPair> _makeEmptySet() { ret new BalancedIntPairSet;
    *() {
      data = revTreeMap();
  class BalancedIntPairSet extends IntPairTreeSet {
    public int compare(long a, long b) {
      ret, longToIntPair(b);
  // indicate end of chain-making phase.
  // we still accept more chains after this though, I think (for late input)
  void haveChains {
    if (byCount == null) {
      //time "Making byCount" {
        if (pairComparatorForBalancing != null) {
          //byCount = multiSetMap_innerCustomIntPairTreeSet_outerRevTreeMap(pairComparatorForBalancing);
          byCount = new BalancedByCountMultiSetMap;
        } else
          byCount = multiSetMap_innerCompactHashSet_outerRevTreeMap();
        for (Set<Node> set : nodes.values()) {
          IntPair p = first(set).pair();
          int n = set.size();
          if (verbose) print("Adding node " + p + " (" + n + ")");
          byCount.put(n, p);
      ifdef LineComp_PairIndex_printSize
        print("byCount size: " + n2(guessObjectSizeWithout(ll(this), byCount)) + " for " + nNodes(nodes.size()));
        print("nodes size: " + n2(guessObjectSize(nodes)));
        print("PairIndex size: " + n2(guessObjectSize(this)));
  // a "chain" of nodes (one input file)
  sclass Ch {
    Node tail;
    *(LineComp_PairIndex pi, L<Int> l) {
      int count = 0;
      fOr (int i : l) {
        add(pi, i);
        if (((++count) % oneMillion()) == 0)
          print("Added " + n2(count) + " entries to chain");
    L<Int> toList() {
      new L<Int> l;
      Node node = tail;
      while (node != null) {
        node = node.prev;
      ret reverseInPlace(l);
    void add(LineComp_PairIndex pi, int i) {
      new Node n;
      n.counter = pi.nodeCounter++;
      ifndef LineComp_SingleChain = this;
      n.value = i;
      n.prev = tail;
      if (tail != null) = n;
      tail = n;
  sclass Node {
    ifndef LineComp_SingleChain
      Ch ch;
    int counter; // for deterministic ordering in hash set
    int value;
    Node prev, next;
    int a() { ret value; }
    int b() { ret next == null ? -1 : next.value; }
    IntPair pair() { ret next == null ? null : IntPair(a(), b()); }
    toString {
      ret stringIf(prev != null, "<") + value +
        (next == null ? "" : next.value
         + stringIf( != null, ">")); 
    public int hashCode() { ret counter; }
  IntPair nodeToPair(Node n) {
    ret n?.pair();
  // add node to pair index
  void addToIndex(Node n) {
    IntPair p = nodeToPair(n);
    if (p == null) ret;
    callFAll(onAddingPair, n);
    int count = nodes_getSize(p);
    nodes_add(p, n);
    if (byCount != null) { // not in init phase
      if (count != 0) byCount.remove(count, p);
      byCount.put(count+1, p);
    if (existingPairsIndex != null)
  // remove node from pair index
  void removeFromIndex(Node n) {
    IntPair p = nodeToPair(n);
    if (p == null) ret;
    callFAll(onRemovingPair, n);
    int count = nodes_getSize(p);
    if (count == 0) fail("Can't remove pair " + p);
    nodes_remove(p, n);
    byCount.remove(count, p);
    if (--count > 0) byCount.put(count, p);
  // return all pairs in "most popular" bucket
  Cl<IntPair> mostPopularDuplicates() {
    Int key = firstKey(byCount);
    ret toInt(key) < 2 ? null : byCount.get(key);
  IntPair mostPopularDuplicate() {
    ret toInt(firstKey(byCount)) < 2 ? null : firstValue(byCount);
  IntPair mostPopularPair() {
    ret firstValue(byCount);
  int highestBucketNr() {
    ret or0(firstKey(byCount));
  // counts buckets actually (lower value than totalPairCount)
  int numberOfDuplicates() {
    ret byCount.size()-l(byCount.get(1));
  int getCount(IntPair p) {
    ret nodes_getSize(p);
  void replacePair(int pa, int pb, int replaceWith) {
    IntPair p = IntPair(pa, pb);
    Set<Node> set = nodes.get(intPairToLong(p));
    if (set != null)
      for (Node n : cloneList(set)) {
        continue if n.a() != pa || n.b() != pb; // nodes might have been deleted or changed
        replacePair(n, replaceWith);
  void replacePair(Node node, int replaceWith) {
    node.value = replaceWith;
  void processQueue {
    if (existingPairsIndex != null) {
      Node n;
      while not null (n = popFirst(compressionQueue))
  void checkIfPairExists(Node node) {
    if (existingPairsIndex == null) ret;
    if (node.value < 0) ret;
    IntPair pair = nodeToPair(node);
    if (pair == null) ret;
    //print("Checking pair " + pair);
    int i = existingPairsIndex.getIfAbsent(intPairToLong(pair), -1);
    if (i >= 0) {
      //print("  Replacing with: " + i);
      replacePair(node, i);
  void deleteNode(Node node) {
    if ( != null) = node.prev; else getChain(node).tail = node.prev;
    if (node.prev != null) =;
    node.value = -1; // mark invalid
  Ch newChain(S version, L<Int> encoding) {
    Ch ch = new(this, encoding);
    chains.put(version, ch);
    ifdef LineComp_SingleChain
    if (firstChain == null) firstChain = ch;
    ret ch;
  int nodes_getSize(IntPair p) {
    ret l(nodes.get(intPairToLong(p)));
  void nodes_add(IntPair p, Node n) {
    long l = intPairToLong(p);
    Set<Node> set = nodes.get(l);
    if (set == null)
      nodes.put(l, set = newNodesSet());
  Set<Node> newNodesSet() {
    ret inOrder
      ? new LinkedHashSet(initialNodesSetCapacity)
      : new CompactHashSet(initialNodesSetCapacity);
  void nodes_remove(IntPair p, Node n) {
    long l = intPairToLong(p);
    Set<Node> set = nodes.get(l);
    if (set == null || !set.remove(n)) fail("Consistency error");
    if (set.isEmpty())
  // also shrinks sets...
  void printStats {
    print("Different pairs: " + l(nodes));
    print("Different counts: " + byCount.keysSize() + " (highest count: " + firstKey(byCount) + ")");
    long count = 0, waste = 0, newWaste = 0;
    long count1 = 0, waste1 = 0;
    for (Set set : nodes.values())
      if (set cast HashSet) {
        count1 += set.size();
        int capacity = hashSetCapacity(set);
        waste1 += capacity-set.size();
        //if (capacity > set.size()*3) set.shrink(); // TODO
    if (pairComparatorForBalancing == null) for (CompactHashSet set : (Cl<CompactHashSet>) (Cl) values( {
      count += set.size();
      waste += set.capacity()-set.size();
      newWaste += set.capacity()-set.size();
    print("Nodes set count: " + count1 + ". Waste: " + waste1);
    //print("Set count: " + count + ". Waste: " + waste + (waste == newWaste ? "" : " => " + newWaste));
    print("Duplicates: " + n2(totalPairCount-byCount.count(1)));
  Ch getChain(Node node) {
    ifdef LineComp_SingleChain
      ret firstChain;
    ifndef LineComp_SingleChain
  /*public LineComp_PairIndex clone() {

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1028215

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Snippet ID: #1028247
Snippet name: LineComp_PairIndex - helper for LineComp compressor [LIVE]
Eternal ID of this version: #1028247/101
Text MD5: c7456c6094db716f77cd3b448e1c34ca
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2020-12-13 19:19:54
Source code size: 9983 bytes / 328 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 577 / 1252
Version history: 100 change(s)
Referenced in: #1028249 - LineComp_PairIndex_v2 with bucket list [OK]
#1028508 - LineComp_PairIndex [backup before eclipse collections]
#1028519 - LineComp_PairIndex [byCount pointing to sets, dev.]
#1028521 - LineComp_PairIndex [v2, finally replacing all LinkedHashSets in the critical path]
#1030401 - LineComp_PairIndex - helper for LineComp compressor [backup before IntPairTreeSet]
#1034167 - Standard Classes + Interfaces (LIVE, continuation of #1003674)