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< > BotCompany Repo | #1028166 // ProbabilisticMachine2 [states without logic rule] - use ProbabilisticScheduler instead

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (6404L/37K).

sclass ProbabilisticMachine2<A extends ProbabilisticMachine2.State> implements Steppable {
  transient TreeSetWithDuplicates<A> states = new(byProbability());
  transient TreeSetWithDuplicates<A> steppableStates = new(byProbability());
  transient TreeSetWithDuplicates<A> droppedStates = new(byProbability());
  transient int stateCount;

  bool verbose;
  double cutoffPercentage = 50;
  new L<IVF1<A>> onStateAdded;
  new ThreadLocal<A> currentState;
  new ThreadLocal<Double> currentProbability;
  Comparator<A> byProbability() { ret (a, b) -> cmp(b.probability, a.probability); }
  abstract sclass State {
    ProbabilisticMachine2 probabilisticMachine;
    int stateNumber;
    State previousState;
    double probability = 100;
    abstract State makeDescendant();

    // override me unless it's a terminal state
    run {}
    toString {
      ret toStringWithFields(this, "stateNumber", "probability");
    State prepareDescendant(State s) {
      copyFields(this, s, 'probabilisticMachine, 'probability);
      s.previousState = this;
      ret s;
    ProbabilisticMachine2 probabilisticMachine() {
      ret probabilisticMachine;
    void switchTo(State state) {
    void addState(State state) {
  // This only works when A = ProbabilisticMachine2.State
  /*A addState(Runnable r) {
    if (r != null)
      ret addState((A) new State {
        void step {; }
  A addState(A s) {
    if (verbose) print("Adding state to machine " + this + ": " + s);
    s.probabilisticMachine = this;
    if (s.stateNumber == 0) s.stateNumber = ++stateCount;
    if (s.probability < cutoffPercentage) ret s with droppedStates.add(s);
    addToCollections(s, states, steppableStates);
    pcallFAll(onStateAdded, s);
    if (verbose) printStats();
    ret s;
  public bool step() {
    ret stepFirstUnstepped();
  // returns false when done stepping
  bool stepFirstUnstepped() {
    A s = popFirst(steppableStates), ret false if null;
    temp tempSetTL(currentState, s);
    temp tempSetTL(currentProbability, s.probability);
    try {;
    } finally {
  swappable void onRunningState(A s) {}
  swappable void onRanState(A s) {}

  void reset {
    clearAll(states, steppableStates, droppedStates);
    stateCount = 0;

  void think {
    while ping (stepFirstUnstepped()) {}

  void printStats() {
    print("States: " + stats(states) + ", steppable: " + stats(steppableStates) + ", dropped: " + stats(droppedStates));
  S stats(TreeSetWithDuplicates<A> ts) {
    ret l(ts) + (empty(ts) ? "" : " (best: " + iround(first(ts).probability) + ")");

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1027939

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Snippet ID: #1028166
Snippet name: ProbabilisticMachine2 [states without logic rule] - use ProbabilisticScheduler instead
Eternal ID of this version: #1028166/34
Text MD5: 13be2846446633ef1a0a56371baa0c6a
Transpilation MD5: e74760a97b6b07a09caca83aea78db79
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2022-01-15 00:19:17
Source code size: 2973 bytes / 107 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 334 / 746
Version history: 33 change(s)
Referenced in: #1031949 - ProbabilisticScheduler
#1034167 - Standard Classes + Interfaces (LIVE, continuation of #1003674)