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< > BotCompany Repo | #1027579 // DynVoiceMultiCRUD

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (21947L/159K).

!include once #1027578 // Named

asclass DynVoiceMultiCRUD extends DynModule {
  srecord Table(S tabName, S name, Class<? extends Concept> conceptClass, O[] scope) {
    Table(S tabName, S name, Class<? extends Concept> conceptClass) {
      this(tabName, name, conceptClass, null);

  transient Concepts cc;
  transient L<Table> tables;
  transient LPair<S, CRUD> swingCRUDs; // pair(tab name, crud)
  transient L<NameBasedVoiceCRUD> voiceCRUDs;
  // current selections for persistence. concept name to concept id
  Map<S, Long> selections = syncCIMap();

  start {
    tables = makeTables();
  void startDB { db(); cc = db_mainConcepts(); }
  // override me
  L<Table> makeTables() { ret ll(); }
  void startCRUDs {
  // idempotent
  void makeVoiceCRUDs {
    voiceCRUDs = map(tables, t -> {
      NameBasedVoiceCRUD crud = new(cc, t.conceptClass,, t.scope);
      crud.onSelect(value -> saveSelection(crud));
      ret crud;
  void remakeVoiceCRUDs {
    tables = makeTables();
  void startSwingCRUDs {
    swingCRUDs = map(tables, t -> pair(t.tabName, CRUD(cc, t.conceptClass)));
  int idx(Class<? extends Concept> c) { ret indexOfPred(tables, t -> t.conceptClass == c); }
  !include #1027563 // Undo Manager
  S answer(S s) {
    ret dm_q(() -> {
      print("answering: " + s);
      try answer undoActions(s);
      try answer moreActions(s);
      for (NameBasedVoiceCRUD crud : nonNulls(voiceCRUDs)) {
        crud.addUndo = (IVF1<UndoableWithAnswer>) lambda1 addUndo;
        try answer crud.answer(s);
  // override me
  S moreActions(S s) { null; }

  visual {
    JComponent c = jtabs(pairsToParams(mapPairsB(swingCRUDs, crud -> crud.visualize())));
    if (nempty(swingCRUDs))
      addComponent(firstSwingCRUDButtons(), jbutton("Talk to raw backend", rThread talkToMe));
    ret c;

  void talkToMe enter { dm_showConversationPopupForModule(); }
  // e.g. for concept ScenarioCondition > Named { Scenario scenario; }
  // c2 is the dependent concept (ScenarioCondition)
  void addDependency(Class<? extends Concept> c2, S field) {
    Class<? extends Concept> c1 = fieldType(c2, field);
    int i1 = idx(c1), i2 = idx(c2);
    NameBasedVoiceCRUD originalCRUD2 = voiceCRUDs.get(i2);
    S conceptName = originalCRUD2.concept;
    NameBasedVoiceCRUD crud = voiceCRUDs.get(i1);
    //printVars("addDependency", +c1, +c2, +conceptName, +field, +i1, +i2);
    IVF1<Concept> r = value -> {
      printVars("addDependency", +i2, +field, +value);
      voiceCRUDs.set(i2, value == null ? null : NameBasedVoiceCRUD(c2, conceptName, field, value));
  void restoreSelection(NameBasedVoiceCRUD crud) {
    Long id = selections.get(crud.concept);
    Concept c = getConcept_allowNull(cc, id);
    //printStackTrace("restoreSelection " + crud.concept + " " + id + " " + c);;
  void saveSelection(NameBasedVoiceCRUD crud) {
    Long id = conceptIDOrNull(crud.selected);
    //printStackTrace("saveSelection: " + crud.concept + " " + id);
    if (mapPutOrRemove_trueIfChanged(selections, crud.concept, id)) change();
  JPanel firstSwingCRUDButtons() {
    if (empty(swingCRUDs)) null;
    ret first(swingCRUDs).b.crud.buttons;

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1027565

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Snippet ID: #1027579
Snippet name: DynVoiceMultiCRUD
Eternal ID of this version: #1027579/47
Text MD5: 2a8aadae63077cb8895c497ec8352e26
Transpilation MD5: f1301994847abc0490aab5b93632fe6e
Author: stefan
Category: javax / scenarios
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2020-03-27 15:19:05
Source code size: 3610 bytes / 119 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 363 / 883
Version history: 46 change(s)
Referenced in: #1027587 - DynVoiceMultiCRUD [backup v1 before dynamic concept classes]
#1034167 - Standard Classes + Interfaces (LIVE, continuation of #1003674)